Google mail application. Mobile mail, Gmail Android settings

Whether we like it or not, but Email– this is something that simply must be in the smartphones of many people on the planet. However, accessing your inbox doesn't have to be too difficult. With that in mind, we decided to help you take control of your emails with these tips for Gmail (Android).

Before we begin, you should make sure that you have installed newest version Gmail - this can be done by simply opening Play app Store and checking the list for any recent updates. We will also assume that you already have existing email accounts.

It's a quick and easy way to get a better understanding of what's going on in your inbox. This method does not affect the number of letters in any way, but only means that more text will be available to you in the mode preview– that is, you will be able to see the contents of your letters almost instantly. Plus, you will no longer see the on-screen image from the sender.

To do this, click on the “More” icon (in the form of 3 lines) in the upper left corner of the application and then scroll to the bottom of the list to select a settings option. Click on the corresponding icon, and on the next page click on “ General settings", then uncheck the box next to the sender's image.

Create a widget

We don't know if you love them or hate them, but email widgets can save you time. Instead of logging into the Gmail app to view latest messages, you can set up a widget on one of your home screens and thanks to this you will be able to see such messages almost instantly.

To customize the widget, press and hold empty place on the selected home screen - the option to insert a widget should then appear. Scroll through the widgets to find the Gmail widget. Click on it and, while holding, move this widget to an accessible one home screen. After you remove your finger from the display, you will be asked to select an account and mailbox that will be associated with the widget. Once you've done all these steps, you'll have the option to resize the widget by pressing and holding it. On each side where you can move this widget, icons will appear to make it larger or smaller.

Add attachments directly from Drive storage

You don't need to store any file on your smartphone to be able to add it as an attachment to an email. Gmail users can take advantage of the basic cloud storage from Google called Drive, with which you can easily access documents, photos, videos and other types of files.

To do this, first create a message in the Gmail application, and when you click on the “Attach file” icon (shaped like a paper clip), then select “Insert from Drive”. In a second you will be redirected to your Google folder Drive, in which you can choose required file to paste directly into your email. Select a file, click on it, then click on the “Select” icon.

Consolidate your inboxes

Gmail for Android has useful feature– unified viewing of incoming messages. With it you can see messages from several Google accounts simultaneously. If all your email is served by Google, for example, then you will be able to view your personal and work emails in one place on your smartphone.

In order to use this option, you need to add new accounts using the drop-down menu on the left, right under your avatar. After you have entered the required login information, “All Inboxes” will appear in the left panel, thanks to which you will be able to see all your messages. You'll also be able to switch between your different accounts using the drop-down menu above the All Inboxes icon (or by swiping left or right on the banner image).

Use Quick Actions

When dealing with the Gmail app for Android, you can take advantage of quick ways to perform certain tasks that will make your viewing easier unread messages. You should send such messages to the archive (using left or right swipes on them), or, for example, by clicking on the avatar (or on the letter instead) to select several messages at the same time.

If messages are selected in this way (that is, the avatar picture acts as a check mark), a series of inscriptions appear at the top of the screen - “Archive”, “Delete” and “Mark as Read/Unread”. Other options are also available through the More menu, such as changing shortcuts.

Solve synchronization problems

You won't be able to work properly with your inbox if those messages aren't synced correctly. If you open the “Settings” section and click on the “Accounts” icon, you will see which accounts Google posts linked to your device. Click on one such account to check if Gmail sync is enabled.

Being in open application Gmail, you can select Settings from the menu and then tap on your email address to check that your messages are synced. From this same screen, you can also configure the number of days your messages will be cached, plus, select necessary shortcuts. If you still have problems, try disconnecting and reconnecting your Gmail account, or uninstalling and reinstalling the Gmail application itself.

Make your search smarter

Search function Gmail apps It looks simple, but this is somewhat misleading, since it has almost the same capabilities as an Internet search function. For example, try typing "Older than: 1 year" or "Older than: 1 day" into the search field to find messages from a year or a day ago in your Gmail.

Note that Google provides a convenient list of search operators, and almost all of them work with the Gmail application, along with the Gmail web version. “Status: Important” will display all priority messages, and “Status: Starred” will allow you to quickly find any messages that have been starred as particularly valuable.

Communication without sound

When you're on the go, you might want Gmail to show only the most important important messages. Android app like Gmail on the web, has a mute feature - any new apps that have their sounds disabled will be automatically moved to the archive and you won't see them (although they will still be marked as "Unread").

To do this directly in the Gmail app, tap the icon to expand the conversation, then tap the More menu (3 vertical dots). Select "Mute" from the list and activate it. You can also always find any conversation in the archive using a filter or search shortcut if you want to view it again.

Auto-advance function

Automatic transition is a very useful feature if you need to deal with a large number of messages at the same time. This feature will save you from having to return to your inbox again when you've archived or deleted a number of messages, and will automatically direct you to the next email in your messages column.

If you want to activate the above function in the Gmail application for Android, then in this case you will need to click on the “Settings” icon in the application menu and select the “General Settings” subsection. Next, select the “Auto transition” item, after which a dialog box will appear, using which you can select an option from the available ones: go to a new message; to the previous message; return to list of conversations.

Setting up Gmail to sort your mail

Gmail includes several different folders incoming messages: “Important Inbox”, “Inbox”, “Spam”, etc. However, it is possible to make sure that not very important messages are at the end of the list of messages in the “Important Inbox” folder, or so that the above messages are sent immediately to the Spam folder.

For example, if you see unimportant messages in a place where you don't think they should be, just open Settings on the right top corner and select "Mark as Unimportant". If you find similar emails in your Spam folder, simply click on the drop-down menu icon and select “Mark as Important” or “Do not count as spam.” The same goes for moving certain emails to specific folders: The Gmail app will be aware of which email is sent where.

Do you know of any other Gmail tips? Share them with us in the comments.


Official email client from Google

This application is considered one of the highest quality and most popular email clients for gadgets. Many experts recommend downloading Gmail for Android to get a secure and easy access to correspondence. We will talk about other advantages of Google mail below.

Features and features of Gmail for Android

Automatic sorting of incoming messages - to make it convenient for the user to navigate new messages, the application will group them by different folders. Thus, the owner of the e-mail immediately sees letters from social networks, Online stores and similar places. The user can create or edit folders for sorting mail independently.

Large storage capacity is one of the good reasons download Gmail for Android for free. The service allocates 15 GB of space for storing mail. This allows the owner of smartphones and tablets not to delete letters from the server, even if quite large files are attached to them.

Mail collector – the application supports working with multiple user accounts. This mail client will be able to receive letters sent to the account of any service that uses POP/IMAP protocols.

Gmail Usability and Design

The design and interface of the application are practically no different from its desktop version: elements Material Design in design. It is possible to install your own background picture, set up folders for sorting letters. The main work area provides separate windows(categories, all letters and open message), the main menu is side, called up with a left swipe. There are quite a lot of settings, in the opinion of some users even too many.

Paid content

You can download Gmail for Android for free using the link below. The application is available for use immediately, there is no need to purchase a license or activate additional functions. There is no trial period, advertising or extended version.

Last week we prepared for you. But in order not to feel any discomfort when working with email on a smartphone, our editors offer you material about the detailed parameters of the Gmail application. After reading these instructions, you will be able to fully work with correspondence, selecting all the parameters at your discretion. Setting up Gmail on a phone and a computer has significant differences. Soon we will publish an article about customizing an email account from Google on a PC, but today we will talk exclusively about mobile version programs. Stay tuned!

Launch Gmail and tap (click) on the button with three lines placed horizontally.

There are two types of settings in Gmail: general ones that apply to all application accounts and individual ones for each account separately.

Common parameters

What general settings does Gmail offer? Select the “General settings” option in the menu and go to the submenu.

Default action. When you delete a message from a thread, the message may be archived and placed in the trash, or completely deleted from your account. If you mistakenly deleted one of the letters, you can always access it by accessing the “Trash” menu item.

In this case, synchronization occurs with the Google web service hosted on the server, after which by logging into your account from any device (computer, mobile or tablet) you will receive the same set emails In the box.

To delete or archive a letter, swipe the line with the letter left or right, after which a message about the successful operation will appear.

— . When this setting is activated, during a long correspondence with one of the users and composing several replies to the original message, a chain will be formed where you can accurately and most completely track the history of correspondence.

— . Here you can configure the function of archiving/deleting a message by swiping, which was discussed earlier in the “Default action” item. If you disable this option, you can delete a message only by clicking the trash can button on top panel in an open letter.

— . This setting is responsible for whether the avatar of the sender of the letter will be displayed next to the title and addressee of the letter.

Reply All. If you are chatting with several people at once, this setting will allow you to reply to all of them at once. If the checkbox is unchecked, only one of the users you specify will receive the letter.

Autoscaling. When working with large emails, the size of an open form with a message with special formatting will automatically adjust to the size of your phone screen.

— . Here you can choose what will appear when archiving/deleting a message: the body of the next, previous letter or a list with all correspondence.

The last 3 options allow you to activate confirmation of the following operations: delete, archive and send. If you are afraid that by mistake you may irretrievably lose an important message, enable these options by checking the appropriate boxes. It is worth noting that on the test smartphone, activating these parameters did not bring any results. This may depend on the firmware version and operating system build.

Individual mailbox settings

Now let's talk about how it's done Gmail setup for each individual account. IN home menu settings, select the account you want to tune.

— . Here you can specify which of the message lists will open by default when you start the program and when you go to the main form of the application - with incoming or priority messages. Priority letters are marked in a special way, namely with yellow markers different types, depending on whether you are indicated as the primary recipient, a group, or the sender indicated you as the recipient in the “Cc” field.

— . If in the previous option you selected the “Inbox” value, then just below you can adapt the composition of this category to suit yourself, namely which letters will be displayed in the inbox list. These could be messages from social networks, promotions ( advertising mailings and other marketing materials), notifications (registration confirmations, invoices, receipts, etc.), as well as messages from forums.

— . This parameter is responsible for whether incoming messages will be displayed at the top of the phone display. This setting will be effective if you have set up synchronization for emails (this can be done when adding an account to the mobile version of Gmail, or by using the menu option to activate synchronization, which will be discussed below).

Vibrate and ring for incoming calls. There are options for customizing the sound or melody, which will be played every time you receive a new letter, as well as using vibration.

— . Here you can indicate the offer, in automatic mode attached to the body of the sent letter. It's important to note that this signature will only apply to messages sent from the mobile version of the Gmail app. The web version for PC has its own signature settings.

— . In this field you can configure the settings automatic sending reply letter to the specified addressees. You can conveniently filter the work of the answering machine during a given period, compose the header and body of the message.

- what follows synchronization parameters. When you activate this feature, push notifications will be sent to your mobile phone when you receive new emails. Gmail synchronization works very accurately and smoothly. Letters can come from the server either by mobile internet(if it’s convenient for you and you use the Unlim network), and via Wi-Fi.

If this option is disabled, you can synchronize manually by simply scrolling the Gmail work form from top to bottom.

Just below you can specify the period for which correspondence will be received during synchronization.

— . In this menu field, you can tailor the synchronization settings for each shortcut individually to suit your requirements. By selecting a shortcut and making one tap on it, you will be taken to the shortcut synchronization settings form.

Here you can select a melody or sound signal, which will be played when correspondence arrives, as well as activation of a vibration signal.

Downloading files. When exchanging emails with large attachments, it is often necessary to download attachments automatically if you are connected to a reliable and fast network. This option is just responsible for this possibility. If this box is not checked, attachments can be downloaded when opening a separate letter.

— . In Gmail, all images in emails are displayed automatically. Using this option, you can set a manual confirmation for displaying graphics in a message.

To configure third party electronic mailboxes(,,, the parameters will be similar, but in this case several new options will be available.

Options for third-party email services

Go to the settings menu and select the desired account.

Now let's take a closer look at the settings themselves:

— . To avoid confusion when working with a large number of connected accounts when setting up Gmail and its subsequent use, here you can specify the account name by which you will access mail.

— . This name will be visible to all your recipients. You can specify a nickname or choose any desired name.

— . Here you can set the period how often you want to receive new mail. It is worth thinking about not too frequent periods in order to avoid filling up the smartphone memory and fast consumption batteries.

Incoming/outgoing mail server. We have already introduced these settings when creating a new box in the previous material (link at the very top of the article). If the administrator of one of the services changed something to remote server and the mail stopped coming, here you can enter the necessary parameters, having learned about them in advance on the page technical support web service.


Google quite often releases updates for Gmail, after which new options and advanced features appear in the program. We will monitor the emergence of new versions, and if something worthwhile and interesting appears, we will immediately inform you in new articles. We hope that the instructions presented to your attention will be really useful, and the Gmail setup described here will allow you to save a lot of time and nerve cells spent on self-study software product.


Official email client from Google

This application is considered one of the highest quality and most popular email clients for gadgets. Many experts recommend downloading Gmail for Android to get secure and convenient access to correspondence. We will talk about other advantages of Google mail below.

Features and features of Gmail for Android

Automatic inbox sorting – to make it easier for the user to navigate new messages, the application will group them into different folders. Thus, the owner of the e-mail immediately sees letters from social networks, online stores and similar places. The user can create or edit folders for sorting mail independently.

Large storage capacity is one of the good reasons to download Gmail for Android for free. The service allocates 15 GB of space for storing mail. This allows the owner of smartphones and tablets not to delete letters from the server, even if quite large files are attached to them.

Mail collector – the application supports working with multiple user accounts. This email client will be able to receive letters sent to the account of any service that uses POP/IMAP protocols.

Gmail Usability and Design

The design and interface of the application are practically no different from its desktop version: Material elements Design in decoration. It is possible to set your own background image and configure folders for sorting letters. The main work area has separate windows (categories, all letters and an open message are displayed there), the main menu is a side menu, called up by a left swipe. There are quite a lot of settings, in the opinion of some users even too many.

Paid content

You can download Gmail for Android for free using the link below. The application is available for use immediately, there is no need to purchase a license or activate additional features. There is no trial period, advertising or extended version.

Hello! Today I would like to talk about Post service Gmail(email from Google). Surely, you are already familiar with him; I personally met him relatively recently, about 4 months ago. Before that, I used, but after switching to Gmail, I realized that the latter is truly the best in the world. Why? I'll tell you more about this below.

What made me switch to another email service? This is beautiful, that is, now my mail looks like this: petr@site. Not bad, right? Yes, of course, this can be done in Yandex, but for some reason I settled on Gmail and I don’t regret it at all. Registering on is not difficult, but I still recommend that instead of regular registration, you immediately create a beautiful mail with your own domain name(I told you how to do this).

How I use Gmail email

1. I empty my inbox.

In the “Inbox” folder I have only relevant letters that require some action: reply, follow up on some actions, etc. When a certain letter becomes irrelevant, I just I'm sending it to the archives. What is an archive? These are emails that are not visible in your inbox but are searchable. Here is the “Archive” button:

Also, letters that are sent to the “Archive” are available through the “All Mail” folder. This way, my inbox is always clean. If you are sure that you will definitely never need a particular letter, then instead of “Archive” you can safely click on the “Delete” button.

2. I mark important emails.

Some letters require an urgent response or are extremely important to me. And while I’m sorting through mail, the first thing I do is go to the “Tagged” folder:

Marking a letter is very simple: just click on the “star” in the upper right corner:

If one star is not enough for you, you can use a bunch of marks. To enable them, you need to go to Settings -> General -> Stars:

3. I use “Shortcuts”.

For example, in this moment passes and it is very convenient for me to collect letters from each participant in separate folder. What did I do for this?

This way you can filter letters by mailbox, subject, etc.

Assign a specific color to each label, thereby increasing visibility significantly:

4. I mark automated emails as read.

Letters often come from exchanges such as Rotapost and others. I need them, but I don't like them to be “unread emails.” For such letters from exchanges, I also create filters, just in step 4 of the previous paragraph (see above), I check the box next to “Mark as read” (I do not create labels for these letters):

You can also “skip” some letters past the “Inbox” folder or delete them altogether.

Advice: Necessarily learn to use filters, thereby you will greatly simplify your life when parsing mailbox.

5. In the “Inbox” folder, I first display unread letters.

By default, Gmail sorts all emails by date. It's much more convenient for me when unread letters located at the very top. To do this, you just need to click on the arrow to the right of the “Inbox” folder and check the box next to “Unread first”:

6. I actively use search.

Do you need to collect all correspondence with a specific recipient? No problem! This is very easy to do in Gmail. Just enter the mailbox address of the person you need and voila! , all the letters from him are before your eyes:

It really helps when the person you are corresponding with does not use the message history in their email. Then they wonder why I don’t answer their letters? And sometimes I don’t even remember what I talked about with this person. Honestly, the search is very useful. I'm also looking for all sorts of keywords and I actually find the letters I need.

Also, what’s great about Gmail is that all emails that are replies are collected in email chains(saving space in the list of letters and making it easier to track history).

7. It is very convenient to use Gmail email through your mobile phone.

You can easily find an application for almost any phone here Or you can use the browser version of the Gmail website, which is still very convenient (mail is “narrowed” to fit the screen size). There are also a lot of applications released third party developers. For example, on your favorite iPhone I use the Sparrow app, which is really very convenient. On the iPad, I use mail in the browser, everything works great.

8. I open all attached files directly in Gmail.

Attached to the letter Word document? What I usually did: downloaded the file to my computer, opened it, and after reviewing it, most often deleted it. In Gmail, everything is very simple: you open the document directly in the browser, saving yourself from unnecessary movements:

9. I use ready-made answers.

It often happens that letters of the same type arrive and you have to respond in the same way. “Ready replies” were invented for such letters. That is, having received a letter, you simply select the desired response from the templates:

This is an experimental feature to enable this opportunity you need to go to mail settings -> Laboratory -> Response templates -> Enable:

In general, in this “Laboratory” you can include a lot different functions. Look through them, perhaps you will find something suitable and interesting for yourself.

10. Hot keys.

It is very convenient, as in any program, to use “hot keys”. To enable them, go to mail settings -> General -> Shortcuts–> Enable:

  • C – New message.
  • O – Open message.
  • E – Archive.
  • R – Reply.
  • F – Forward.
  • Tab+Enter – Send.
  • ? – Calling help using “hot keys”.

I think these 10 tips are enough to understand that electronic Gmail really the best, and these tips, I hope, will make your life easier.


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