Group with names. What to name a group on a social network? Tips and interesting names

To choose a beautiful name for a VKontakte group First, it is important to define the purpose of the community. Are you creating a group for personal or commercial use? What will you write about in it? Who are your subscribers? The answers to these questions will help you navigate when choosing a name. I would like to note that for some communities, excessive creativity and beauty are useless. This primarily applies to groups created for commercial use. If you sell something through a group, the most important amount of profit for you will depend on whether your community is in the TOP.

The name plays an important role here. Because in search engines, when you enter a query, VK communities are also reflected. In this case, open Wordstat and look for suitable medium and high frequency queries on your topic and feel free to type it into the group name. Find out how to sell through it in the future from our previous blog article .

For those who are planning to create a community for personal purposes, we advise placing more emphasis not on the beauty of the name, because this is a subjective concept, but on the target audience. Study carefully who you are going to invite to your group, what these people are interested in. Perhaps in their crowd there is a certain slang or expressions of speech known only to them that are quite suitable for the name. The gender of the group's audience is also important. In communities where we're talking about about science, psychology, historical events, film reviews - the title should reflect the topic. When searching, people look at the headlines; if nothing is clear from the headline, a person is unlikely to join such a group. You can split the title into two parts.

In the first, indicate the name that you think is beautiful, in the second, specifics. For example, “The Big Bang Theory. All about science”, “That’s what Coco Chanel said. Tips on fashion and beauty”, you can choose a bright quote as the title “To burn people’s hearts with a verb. Copywriting and more" If the group is young and you don’t have 50-100K for its development, indicate in the title what it’s about. Otherwise, you can lose up to 80% of subscribers. Also monitor incoming traffic and periodically .

Original names of VKontakte groups

About two or three years ago they appeared VK groups with original names like: “The goal is 1 million rubles.” Surely, you have more than once come across communities in which the creators talk every day about how they are moving towards their goal; now there are more than a thousand such communities and there is nothing creative in such a name. However, in contrast to them, public pages with humorous and parodying names also appeared.

For example, “Goal: 10,000 rubles in 5 years.” If you are going to start a personal blog and talk about your everyday life, you can also come up with a name in the form of a joke. People at all times have been fascinated by names that contain numbers, facts, and secrets. For example, advice from millionaires, 10 laws of happiness, how to become rich and recognizable, real stories about... If you lack imagination, VK group statistics will help. You can find it in the block where advertising is created. Under the menu on your page, go to the “Advertising” item. Open the “Advertising in Groups” tab. In the right area of ​​the site, tap “Available sites”. Here you will find a lot of original and non-standard examples. And to get your first subscribers, you can always use our service here .

Cool names for VKontakte groups

What can be called cool name for a VKontakte group? Just like beauty, everyone's idea of ​​cool is different. To summarize, cool is something that fascinates, surprises and intrigues. What kind of name could this be? Public

Are you creating a new public on VK? Do you want to come up with a sonorous and effective name for your group? At first glance it seems simple, but in fact, the name is one of key indicators, which will further affect the possibility of your public being in the TOP. “As you name your ship, so it will sail” - this proverb best characterizes the importance of choosing the right name for the public.

You will need to choose not only cool name for the VKontakte group, and also effective. Today’s article will tell you how to correctly name a VKontakte group.

Decide on the topic of the blog

First, find out for yourself what is the main idea of ​​the group and what do you want to convey to your subscribers? Because by choosing the name of the public, you undertake to follow this idea throughout the entire period of the group’s existence. If you decide to devote the topic of your public to clothing, then don’t deviate from the course. Visitors can simply leave it if they see it there a large number of information not related to clothing. The name of the public should fully reflect the topic of the VKontakte group.

This will enable any user to find it by typing a topic of interest into a search engine. For example, if a person is looking for a group that is uplifting, he will enter the word “Humor”. If you call your community this way, then having a sufficient number of subscribers, you will be able to adequately occupy the first positions in the search.

The main criterion for you should be the comfort of your subscribers. When your users will read interesting content on the desired topic, the number of the target audience will increase without additional leverage on this process.

What is SEO optimization? And how is it used in choosing a public name?

Do you want your public page to be in the TOP with a high probability? Then you need to be able to carry out SEO optimization: generate keywords and choose the most effective ones. Having identified the main topic, you will need to check several dozen keywords for search frequency. To do this, you can use online resources such as and These services will help you find out which keywords are in demand in Google and Yandex.

Next, to choose a suitable name, analyze which of your keywords there are groups for and how many subscribers they have. If, for example, with the name “Humor” in the TOP there are public pages with the number of subscribers of 3 million people, and with the name “Anecdotes” there are about 1 million, then it would be more logical to choose the name “Anecdotes”. Is it true?

What is the promotion of a VKontakte group? - Constantly analyzing the actions of your competitors. To achieve good results, you will need to analyze more than one or two successful VKontakte groups. This will help you create your own public promotion strategy.

Regarding SEO optimization, I would like to add - do not get carried away with using keywords in the group name. The rule “the more the better” does not apply here. You can again analyze the places in the TOP. The first positions are most often occupied by groups with a one-word name, for example “Love”, and not “Love and Relationships”. Even if the second has more subscribers than the first.

Therefore, avoid this mistake when creating the name of your public page. This applies to absolutely any topic - about love or technology, it doesn’t matter. I also advise you to use keywords in the group content, this will give you additional bonuses when promoting the public.

The second factor for promotion to the TOP

Increasing subscribers is what any group administrator strives for. If you have created an effective name, you will still have to reach that coveted number of subscribers in order to get to the TOP.

Do you know why everyone strives to get to the TOP? This factor will help to steadily increase the number of your subscribers without additional influence on this process. Because otherwise, you will have to use or collaborate with intermediaries who will provide you with the required audience size.

It is important not only to have a wide target audience, and definitely active. If in your public there are stable dialogues between subscribers and discussions, then people simply will not be able to resist joining your public. Therefore, when increasing the number of subscribers, make sure that your new users are real people. Fake pages that just hang heavy in the list of users will not give you the desired effect.

Share the article with your friends. This information will definitely make it easier to get your public to the TOP. Subscribe to my blog updates and you will always be aware of interesting and useful ideas.

See you soon, friends!

The VKontakte website has become not just the most popular place for communication between people from all over the planet, but also a good platform for promoting yourself or your business. Here they buy, sell, exchange experiences and learn. The creation of communities and their promotion should not be underestimated when it comes to promoting your brand. The only problem is that in connection with the question of how to promote a group on Contact, not only legal methods of promotion have appeared, but also “black ones”. This article will help you competently develop your business without resorting to obviously unsuccessful methods.

Promotion of groups in “Kontakte”

We immediately declare that any proposals to instantly fill the group with people and promises that it will become wildly popular refer to fraud, which the VKontakte website pursues, punishing for this. If you are promised that the community will be replenished by 1000 people in a day for a modest fee, then know that, most likely, it will be filled within special program“bots” - accounts of non-existent individuals.

How to name a group in Contact

In fact, successful promotion of a community begins with its name and type of activity. There are 2 categories of communities based on the type of activity:

  1. Community redirecting to the company website.
  2. Community within the network.

More details

The first option is suitable when the group is filled with a large number of people who follow links to pages with the company’s products or services. The second option of communities brings together people with common interests, close to the topic you intend to promote. Here there is a discussion and exchange of information on issues related to the “product”. Accordingly, the name of the community should reflect the topic and be ranked among popular keywords according to search engines.

Examples of how to name a group in Contact

Here you can use the Yandex.Direct “Word Selection” service, the search engine of the VKontakte site itself, or your imagination. There is such a simple algorithm for promoting communities on this site: write the presumed name of your group in the VKontakte community search engine and see what it returns according to your request. If there are no such groups, or there are very few people in them, then this means that the keyword that you chose for the name of your community is unpopular among users.

How to name a group on Contact: a tricky move

Continue testing group names in the VKontakte search engine and see how many users are in them. The most popular queries- these are “girls”, “cars”, “business”, “photography”, “cinema”. For initial promotion of a group, it is advised to attribute one of these at the beginning of your name: popular words. You may get not “Massage in Ufa”, but “Only for girls! Massage in Ufa. Beauty salon “Martian”.

Secrets of promoting the community on VKontakte

After deciding what to name the group in Contact, start promoting it. You, of course, can fill the community with bot profiles through the program, but they will only create the appearance of popularity and will not be able to bring you profit. Fill the community with real people every day, invite new friends to your page, communicate personally with participants, create interesting topics for discussions to keep the community "alive". This is what is valued search engines website “VKontakte”, and they themselves will begin to put you on the first line in the search for the “My Groups” section.

How to make a group popular

To gain popularity, you need help and patience, as well as copywriting skills (writing advertising texts) and knowledge of SEO techniques. However, if you have a good team of like-minded people, then after just a month of work you will feel an excellent result. The main thing is daily actions, increasing the level of knowledge and quality of service to your clients. Success comes to those who are persistent, remember this, friends!

On the Internet, everything is “at arm’s length.”

You just need to know how to extend your hand. (Janusz Wisniewski)

In my last article, I told you how to make money on the VKontakte public page. It was then that the issue of promoting the community and the influence of the name on popularity was raised. Today we will talk about what to name the public. We all understand that choosing a name is difficult and very important stage creating your community. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float.”

The methods for choosing a name for a public or group are no different, so in this article I will use both of these terms.

Article on the topic:

The choice of topic for writing this article was not at all accidental. I often analyze requests from network users related to VKontakte and I can say for sure that choosing the right name worries many. This is a pressing question, because a lot depends on the name - the recognition of the public, its popularity, the number of subscribers, and ultimately As a result, your earnings.

Before choosing a name for the public, you need to decide on the topic and purpose of creating the community. A lot depends on this. So, let's look at two main methods.

How to name a selling group or public on VKontakte?

Selling public or group. The main purpose of creating such a community is to sell goods and services to VKontakte users. For sales, we need visitors who can become potential buyers. For this, it doesn’t matter where we take them from - directly from VKontakte or from search engines.

Not a single visitor will look for your group just like that; in order to get visits you will need to work. For those readers who are familiar with the basics SEO promotion, everything that I tell you below will not be incomprehensible. You must know what title and description are, understand how to compose and use them correctly.

Article on the topic:

For those who are not familiar with these concepts, I will briefly explain that title and description are two very important meta tags (site elements) that help Yandex and Google, and other search engines, understand the subject of the site page and, in accordance with this makes it correct to issue it when search queries user.

The name of your public is the most main meta tag TITLE. There must be keywords by which your group will be promoted. If your main focus is the sale of clothing and shoes, then in the name you need to include a key like “men’s clothing and shoes” or “ women's clothing not expensive."

One of my friends is engaged in creating logos and developing designs for various internet projects. A special group on VKontakte was created for this purpose. The name of the group reflects the whole essence, and also has keywords - “ClubLogo - creation and development of a logo.” Using group search, we can find his community in 5th place. This position allows you to have several orders a day, which brings good and stable income.

If the traffic you receive from social network, you are quite satisfied, then you shouldn’t bother too much with the description. But if you are a maximalist, and this is exactly what you need to be, then you will definitely think about possible visitors who will come from search engines. In this case, the presence of description is simply necessary.

Article on the topic:

How to create a description?

Everything is simple here. The description of the public is already a description. But since VKontakte settings allow you to create very long descriptions, and search engines take into account only 160-170 characters for description, then you need to try to enter all the necessary keys into this small sentence as concisely and competently as possible.

For example, there is a group whose main key is branded clothing. The title for such a group will be “Branded clothing from the world’s best manufacturers.” The description is large, revealing the whole essence of the community, but the description is done wisely. It should look something like this – “The best men's and women's branded clothing from famous global manufacturers. Reasonable prices, constant discounts and promotions. Only here".

IN in this example the key was included in the name of the group, which will allow users of the social network to find it through the VKontakte search, as well as in the description, which will give a signal search robots and they will raise your public in search results.

Article on the topic:

For those who want to receive good traffic from Yandex or Google, I will give one more piece of advice. There are three categories of requests:

  1. HF (high frequency) and VK (highly competitive) are those requests for which there are a lot of requests from users, usually more than 30,000 thousand per month. Competition is calculated based on the number of sites and their quality that are returned for a specific request.
  2. MF (medium frequency) and SC (medium competitive) - requests for which there are from 1 to 30 thousand requests from users per month.
  3. LF (low frequency) and LC (low competitive) are all those requests that do not fall into the other two categories. As a rule, they are very easy to move in search engines, but they give minimal results, if at all.
  4. The first thing you should do is analyze existing public pages that relate to the same topic that you want to choose. Your name should not repeat the name of large communities, and should not be consonant with it. Remember that the user does not need dozens of identical groups with the same name and content. Only a unique name and a creative community will help you succeed.
  5. Don't choose long and complicated names that will only be understood by a narrow circle of people. The most popular public pages have short, concise and creative names - “MDK”, “BORSCH”, “Science”, etc.
  6. Think creatively and avoid template titles like “The best public page for you” or “The most interesting quotes”. There are enough communities with such names, and I can’t say that they are very popular.
  7. Although I advised choosing the name as close as possible to the topic, if it doesn’t work out, then use your ingenuity and imagination. Come up with an interesting and catchy name. As an example, the public “BORSCH”. The name doesn’t mean anything, it’s not even close to the topic, but this is one of the most famous communities in VK.
  8. One head it's good, but two better. Don't forget about this, and don't be afraid to ask friends and family for advice. Choose several options for the name of the public and present them to their judgement. Let your friends tell you what they like best and why.
Article on the topic:

In your case, to receive visitors from search engines, you need to select SCH and SK, NK queries. Getting into the niche of HF and VK is not realistic. You won’t even get close to the TOP20 in the search results; the chances of getting traffic from such a request will be scanty. Of course, you can additionally engage in SEO development of your community in VK, purchase eternal links, take runs on trust sites, but is it worth it? I think not.

By choosing SCH and SK, NK queries, you have a good chance of getting to the TOP of search engine results without much effort.

The question appears: “How can I find out the frequency of requests?” Here you will have to refer to Yandex statistics. We go to the website and check the request you are interested in. To find out the most accurate number of user requests, we will use special variables that allow us to discard all unnecessary traffic. We make the request in quotation marks (“), while placing an exclamation mark (!) in front of each word.

Article on the topic:

Information and entertainment publics - the secrets of the right name

The second, large group of communities is information publics. Their main goal is to bring to the user interesting, fun and necessary information, tell something new.

If a selling group needs to include keywords in the name to attract people from search, then with information publics everything is different. You should not focus on searching VK, Google and Yandex. Even if you get visitors from there, it will be such a tiny amount that it will only be a pity for the time and effort spent.

When choosing a name, you need to focus on originality, quality, and, to some extent, radicalism. The number of public pages on VKontakte is growing every day, interesting, fun, educational communities are appearing that are so similar to each other, but at the same time completely different. In order not to get lost in the “sea” of all these groups, you must be unique, recognizable and popular. All this can be achieved by choosing correct name for the public.

On the one hand, everything is easy and understandable, you just have to sit and think, but on the other hand, I understand that choosing a name that will stick firmly in the user’s mind is an entire art.

I’ll give you some tips that, I’m sure, will help you understand what direction to move in and how to choose a name:

1. The first thing you should do is analyze existing public pages that relate to the same topic that you want to choose. Your name should not repeat the name of large communities, and should not be consonant with it. Remember that the user does not need dozens of identical groups with the same name and content. Only a unique name and a creative community will help you succeed.

The popularity of a VKontakte group largely depends on its name. It is the name that can attract or scare off new subscribers. Original and catchy names always arouse interest: a person can enter the community just out of curiosity, and then join it. How to come up with the right name? This question interests absolutely everyone who has decided to create their own VKontakte community, but first of all, those who plan to make a profit from it.

    • What types of communities are there?
    • What name to come up with for a group on VK: some tips
    • How to come up with a community name

What types of communities are there?

VKontakte communities are mainly divided into groups and public pages . Groups are more suitable for discussions, exchange of opinions and comments, and publics are more suitable for providing information about a person or organization.

There are entertainment communities where various funny stories, jokes, funny statuses, motivators, etc. There are also communities of an advertising nature, communities of interests (cooking, children, cars), information communities and groups aimed at teaching something.

According to the degree of privacy, closed and open groups are distinguished.

Before you create your own community, you need to clearly understand what your goal is and what your group or public should be like. Go to communities and carefully study all the information to make the right decision.

Watch the video on the topic:

These tips are valuable for those who are planning to create their own group and make money from it. They will also be useful for those who promote their own business or company on VKontakte.

First, the administrator needs to decide on the topic. Think about what information will be posted in the group and who it is intended for. When visitors see the name, they should immediately understand what your community is about. The administrator, in turn, must clearly understand what audience he wants to attract and what benefits his group can bring.

Think about the keywords in your topic. After all, people can be attracted not only from VKontakte, but also from the Internet: some can find a group or public through search engines. That is why it is necessary to clearly think about what keyword will be contained in the group name. As statistics show, the same similar queries are entered into search engines every day and asked by thousands of people. If your group has a keyword in the name, they will be able to find it too.

To choose the correct VKontakte group name, you must use the correct keys. To ensure that the keys are correct, you can use the Wordstat service from Yandex.

For example, enter the phrase there: make money on the Internet. This phrase has received more than 140 thousand requests on the Internet, which means that a group with such a topic can become very popular. Another thing is that all the “hottest” topics have already been processed by your competitors - you will have to try very hard to somehow stand out from them and attract subscribers. To find out what your competitors are writing about, you need to visit their groups and analyze the information received (We recommend reading the article “ The most large publics In contact with».

Develop your VKontakte community wisely: Explore complete guide on earning money on VKontakte

How to come up with a community name

Let's see what name is suitable for the group on VKontakte. It should be:

  1. Catchy. After seeing it, a person should feel a desire to find out more details and visit your group. The competition on VKontakte is enormous, and every administrator should clearly understand this. So what to do? Think about an original and catchy name.
  2. Catchy. Seeing it, a person should want to visit this particular community.
  3. Short. This is the essence of success: a long and boring band name will not attract anyone. Ideally, the name should consist of 2-3 words. Many webmasters try to fit all the descriptions for it into the group name, but this should not be done. Some administrators include a number of key phrases or words. This is done to attract visitors, but this is also not worth doing.
  4. Capacious. Despite the brevity, the name should contain a keyword or words, and also communicate the focus of the community - entertaining, educational, informational, etc.
  5. The name must not contain profanity, otherwise the group may be blocked. Some might argue that titles with swear words already exist. These communities were created a long time ago, but recently all the rules have changed.

Sometimes associations work well: for example, there are quite popular group"Ward №6". Unlike other humorous groups, the name does not contain the words “humor” or “laughter,” but everyone understands what this community is dedicated to. The same goes for the “90-60-90” community - it’s immediately clear that it’s dedicated to weight loss issues.

Other examples of successful names of entertainment groups: Smeyaka, Killer humor, Laugh until you cry, Sarcasm,, Witty.

Now you can easily come up with a name yourself. Identify the keywords and consistently write down on paper everything that comes to mind. Sooner or later you will find the right word or phrase.

We hope these tips will help you create an interesting community and find the best name for it. It should be remembered that the name of a VKontakte group is only one of many components of success. There should be constant activity and discussion in the community, and information on the wall should be constantly updated. You need to learn to attract new members and publish useful and interesting content. Only in this case will your community be successful and be able to bring you significant income.

Do you want to know more about making money on VKontakte and other types of making money on the Internet? The most up-to-date information is collected here: 50 ways to make money online

If you created a VK group to make sales, then you should think about other options for selling goods on the Internet, for example, through Avito. Read the article about the opportunity making money on message boards and find out which products are best to sell and how to do it correctly.

If a group in contact was created to receive Additional income and you want to quickly increase your income, you should take the course on money management to not only learn the tricks that rich people resort to to increase their capital, but also learn how to make good money yourself.