City of Murcia. Open left menu Murcia

Undeservedly deprived of the attention of Russian tourists, this cozy city, surrounded by sandy beaches and rocky mountains, is famous for conveying the true image of Spain. The vibrant center of culture and education is the capital of the region of the same name.

City founded by the Moors

The mysterious sights, little known to travelers, are located on the banks of the Segura River, in the southeast of the country.

The modern city with developed infrastructure was founded in the 9th century by the Moors, who turned the settlement into a “greenhouse” of the state, and later of the whole of Europe, creating unique irrigation systems. Over time, the independent kingdom was captured by King Alfonso X, who annexed the fertile lands to Castile.

The economic growth of the city began in the 18th century thanks to the development of the silk industry. It was then that the sights that became the hallmark of the city of Murcia (Spain) appeared.

In the 19th century, many misfortunes befell the capital of the region: plunder by Napoleonic troops, numerous earthquakes and plague epidemics. This period of instability lasted for a very long time, and only in recent decades did the development of the tourism sector begin, bringing income to the treasury.

Monteagudo Castle and Christ Statue

The seventh largest city in the country is positioned as a wonderful place for relaxation and sightseeing, closely connected with the ancient history of Murcia.

Tourists approaching the resort immediately pay attention to the towering sculpture standing on Mount Monteagudo, which is an exact copy of the one that was cast in 1926. During the revolution, the statue was destroyed, and 25 years later a 14-meter figure of the Savior appeared.

On the hill is the ancient castle of Monteagudo, built to protect the city in the 11th century. The defensive structure built on a high mountain served as an excellent observation post. Guards on duty around the clock gave signals to the valiant warriors of the city using smoke and fire. At one time, the fortress served as a prison for criminals, a granary and a warehouse.

Ancient Murcia (Spain) is rightfully proud of its well-preserved historical monument. The sights are of great interest to tourists, but it is not possible to climb to the top of the rock on your own due to the fact that this is a very dangerous place with voids in the ground.


The unique urban architecture has absorbed several eras, but has not lost its national flavor. The most famous historical monument is in Murcia, erected on the site of a mosque. It is noteworthy that the almost hundred-meter tower of the building decorating the city is made in the best traditions of the Renaissance, and the beautiful facade is an excellent example of Baroque.

Restored after destruction in the 16th century, the cathedral is decorated along the entire perimeter with statues of saints, which adds majesty and righteousness to every service.

Nowadays, most of the temple is occupied by a museum of religion, which carefully preserves artifacts, ancient documents and paintings based on biblical motifs.

Old Bridge

The banks of the Segura River are connected by a beautiful stone structure with two arches, erected in the 18th century on the site of a bridge destroyed by a flood. The 200-meter structure is particularly stable, and after the use of metal frames, the Old Bridge was significantly expanded.

Main theater of Spain

In the 19th century, Queen Isabel II opened a theater here, which was later named after the local actor J. Romea. The Roman-style building is famous not only for its beautiful facade, but also for its elegant decoration, the beauty of which will take your breath away.

The Romea Theater is also known for its excellent acoustics, which turns each performance into a unique spectacle. There is also an interesting exhibition where you can get acquainted with the history of the building and other interesting facts.

Cuisine of Murcia

Sunny Murcia (Spain), whose attractions are very diverse, is famous for its delicious gastronomy. The menu of local cuisine includes a huge number of salads from fresh vegetables, and the wizards of the local restaurants prepare amazing meat pies and create real miracles from seafood. Fish baked in the oven is a real work of art by local chefs.

Vacationers note the wonderful taste of rich soups with an unusual combination of ingredients. The dish, consisting of potatoes, peas and peaches, surprises European tourists who are unaccustomed to combining vegetables and fruits in soup.

Wines of Murcia

The resort's factories produce natural juices, jams and compotes, as well as a low-alcohol drink made from grapes. In the evenings, vacationers enjoy the refined taste of chilled Tinto de Verano, similar to sangria.

The city of Murcia is also famous for its aromatic wines, which receive first places in international competitions, and tourists often take home a bottle of sparkling drink as a souvenir.

A calm city waiting for tourists

A holiday in a sunny city, where warm weather reigns 320 days a year, will give you a sea of ​​unforgettable emotions and impressions. The cozy and calm capital of the region will appeal to those who are tired of crowds of scurrying tourists. Believe me, you will want to return to this glorious city again.

Murcia is one of the most pleasant and attractive cities in Spain. This is where you can fully enjoy a comfortable and pleasant life. Every tourist gets the opportunity to celebrate elegance and sophistication, special sophistication. The unique atmosphere of Murcia can leave an indelible impression.

Nowadays, Murcia is actively developing and represents a worthy platform for the implementation of avant-garde architectural projects, thanks to which the appearance of the city continues to actively change. At the same time, medieval architecture truly attracts.

The Cathedral is one of the most impressive buildings in the Spanish city of Murcia. Construction activities began back in 1388, but the project took about four centuries to complete.

Such lengthy construction has led to the fact that the design includes features of Baroque, Gothic, Neoclassical and Renaissance. Despite the mixture of styles, there is a special harmony.

Location: Plaza del Cardenal Belluga - 1.

Mar Menor is a lagoon and harbor that surprises with its impeccable beauty. The lagoon is separated from the sea by a sandy strip, the width of which ranges from 100 to 1200 meters. It is in this corner that you can enjoy truly warm and crystal clear water.

The waters of the lagoon attract a large number of vacationers and water sports enthusiasts. The northern part of the lagoon is not used in tourist centers and is under state protection, but the rest of the lagoon plays an important role for tourism purposes.

The monastery church of La Merced belongs to the monastery of the Order of Mercy. The religious landmark was first built in 1562. However, in 1705 - 1713, a new church building was built on the ruins of the church, which was completely destroyed.

The construction of the monastery took place between 1604 and 1628, and it successfully preserved its appearance without the slightest changes. The church was created in the Baroque style. Architectural execution surprises even today.

Currently, the Church of La Merced belongs to the Franciscan Order. It is here that the headquarters of the order in the Diocese of Cartagena is located. The former monastery is occupied by the Faculty of Law of the University of Murcia.

The Bishop's Palace includes two buildings that are connected to each other. The outstanding part is the “hammer”, made in the form of an observation deck. At the same time, the palace was built under the serious influence of Italian mannerism, as a result of which the attraction resembles Roman palaces.

The following valuable objects can be distinguished in the interior:

  • Small Chapel of the Bishop.
  • Patio based on three arcades of the Doric order.
  • Imperial staircase in Baroque style.
  • The main balcony of the palace is decorated with a shield.

Construction of the palace was successfully completed in 1786.

Location: Plaza del Cardenal Belluga.

The museum center was founded back in 1864. In 1970 and 2000, the building was reconstructed, where a rich exhibition is presented. The current museum is located on the site of the former Holy Trinity Monastery, but it was formerly located in the living room of the Levante Children's Theater, now known as the Romea Theater.

In the museum you can see various paintings by famous artists. Each exhibit deserves special attention.

Location: Calle Obispo Frutos - 12.

The Monastery of Santa Clara la Real was created in the 14th century on the site of the former Alcazar. This landmark is one of the most important historical buildings in Murcia, representing a worthy example of Islamic creativity.

The monastery complex also includes a church built in the Baroque style.

Santa Clara la Real deserves increased interest from historians, art historians and other specialists involved in the active study of culture and archeology. Tourist interest also remains at a consistently high level.

Location: Plaza Monjas - 1.

The Segura River is a natural landmark of south-eastern Spain and Murcia. The Segura is closely connected with the Alluvial Plain, as a result of which by the 1990s it turned out to be one of the most polluted rivers in Europe. The canning industry and numerous drains led to the pollution of the river. However, public demonstrations did contribute to the emergence of water treatment plants, which improved the environmental situation.

By 2013, otters and eels, which are particularly sensitive to aquatic pollutants, had managed to recolonize Segura after being absent for decades. Now the Segura River adorns Murcia and attracts nature lovers.

The regional park was created in 1931, but it received its current status only in 1992. On the territory of the natural attraction there are about 20 mountain peaks, the height of which exceeds a thousand meters. The mountainous areas of the park boast a variety of flora, but most of the slopes are covered with pine forests. Pyrenean and North African plants grow here.

The fauna also turned out to be rich and diverse. The territory of the regional park is inhabited by foxes, wild rabbits, badgers, martens, forest cats, and wild boars.

Sierra Espuña is a regional park where many nature lovers can relax. For the convenience of tourists, walking and cycling routes have been created. The good condition of the mountain road allows you to fully enjoy your time.

The Casino of Murcia is a club that has existed since the 19th century and preserves the most important traditions. Since 1847, when the casino opened, this organization began to play an important role in the social life of Murcia.

The Casino of Murcia is housed in a truly beautiful building, the façade of which has a unique eclectic style and features classical and modernist details. The interior surprises with its refined, elegant design.

Of interest is the casino library, which was created in 1916. The total number of books exceeds 20 thousand. In front of the library there is a small hall where cultural events of various formats are regularly held.

The Casino of Murcia is a landmark and an establishment that allows you to further understand the cultural life of the Spanish city.

Location: Calle Traperia - 22.

The castle is located on top of a hill and at a distance of 5 km from Murcia. The castle complex was built for military purposes, as its strategic location allows it to successfully control a large territory.

The current castle is the result of numerous restorations and modifications that were actively carried out during the Muslim rule in Murcia. At the same time, the castle was a fortress and a defensive observation post that protected Murcia from potential enemies for a long time.

After Murcia was conquered by the Christians, Monteagudo retained its strategic importance and remained under the control of the Castilian monarchs. After the kingdom of Murcia ceased to exist, the castle turned out to be a border fortress between the Castilian and Aragonese kingdoms. This situation persisted until the 15th century, after which it was united into Granada, which is now included in Spain.

Location: Diseminado Constitucion - 26.

The Archaeological Museum of Murcia is one of the richest. The permanent exhibition occupies 16 halls, in each of which you can immerse yourself in a certain era. Visitors can even see remains from the Pliocene and Miocene eras, a map showing the archaeological areas of the city and Murcia in ancient times. Subsequently, different eras are revealed, as a result of which it is possible to understand how Murcia reached its current position.

Location: Avda. Alfonso X el Sabio - 7.

Murcia is one of the most interesting cities in Spain, allowing you to see a completely different side of Europe.

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Murcia (Spain) - the most detailed information about the city with photos. The main attractions of Murcia with descriptions, guides and maps.

City of Murcia

Murcia is a large city in the southeastern part of Spain and the administrative center of the region of the same name. Located on the banks of the Segura River, 25 km from the Mediterranean Sea. Murcia is a kind of compromise between a bustling metropolis and the province, a university city with a rich history, which is distinguished by calm and regularity.

Murcia and the entire region are famous throughout Spain for the excellent food and kindness of the local people, excellent sandy beaches and natural scenery. This is one of the largest agricultural provinces in the country, whose vegetables and fruits are exported to other European countries.

Geography and climate

Murcia is located in South-Eastern Spain on the banks of the Segura River. The average height above sea level is 43 meters. The climate is Mediterranean. Summers are hot and dry, winters are mild and wet.

Practical information

  1. Population - 442.6 thousand people (seventh largest city in Spain).
  2. Area - 881.9 square kilometers.
  3. Language - Spanish.
  4. Currency - euro.
  5. Visa - Schengen.
  6. Time - Central European UTC +1, summer +2.
  7. Most restaurants and cafes serve lunch from 13.00 to 15.30, and dinner from 20.30 to 23.00.
  8. Stores have opening hours from Monday to Saturday from 9.30 to 13.30 and from 16.30 to 20.30. Supermarkets are open without breaks from 10.00 to 22.00.

Best time to visit


Murcia was founded in the first half of the 9th century by the Emir of Cordoba. In the 12th century it was a prosperous and large city, famous for its ceramics and silk.

By the mid-13th century, the city came under the protectorate of the Kingdom of Castile. After some time, the independent kingdom of Murcia arose, which at the end of the 13th century was captured by the king of the Aragonese kingdom, Jaime II. In 1304 the city finally became part of Castile.

Murcia lost its importance, but in the 18th century, thanks to the production of silk, it flourished again. In 1810, the city was sacked by Napoleon's troops. In 1829, Murcia was damaged by a powerful earthquake.

How to get there

Murcia has San Javier Airport with numerous domestic and international flights: Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Brussels, Dublin, London, Oslo, Edinburgh, etc. Alicante Airport is an hour's drive away. Murcia is also easily accessible by bus or train.

Shopping and purchases

Food and drink

Murcia is famous for its cuisine, tapas, wine, fresh fruit and vegetables. Traditional food:

  • Berenjenas a la crema - creamy eggplants with ham (seafood)
  • Caballitos - shrimp
  • Ensalada cantonal - salad with fish and olive oil
  • Ensalada murciana - salad with tomatoes, onions, eggs and tuna
  • Habas crudas con bonito - bean salad
  • Marinera - dish with anchovies
  • Michirones - spicy beans with bacon
  • Patatas con ajo - fried potatoes with garlic
  • Pipirrana - salad with tomatoes, peppers, cucumber and sardines
  • Pisto murciano - roasted peppers with eggplant and tomatoes
  • Pulpo - octopus
  • Tomate "partío" - olives, capers, anchovies
  • Tortillas - tortilla (beans, garlic)
  • Zarangollo - fried zucchini with onion and egg

High concentration of food establishments in the area of ​​the cathedral and university.


The most interesting sights and places in Murcia.

Cardinal Beluga Square is one of the central squares of Murcia and is home to two of the city's most famous landmarks.

The architectural dominant is the cathedral with a high 91-meter bell tower. Murcia Cathedral is one of the best examples of Spanish Baroque. This is the main symbol of the city and one of the most impressive structures in the entire region. Construction of the cathedral began in the 14th century. In the 16th century, the main cathedral of Murcia received a baroque façade. The tower was rebuilt in the Renaissance architectural style around the same time.

The Bishop's Palace is an 18th-century building built on the site of the older Palacio Alcazar.

The casino is a monumental building built in the style of Andalusian palaces. It features a luxurious interior with frescoes.

Plaza de las Flores is a charming square in the center of Murcia. It got its name thanks to the numerous florist shops. A great stop to have a coffee and look at the Art Nouveau houses.

Floridablanca is a park on the opposite side of the Segura River. It is the city's oldest public park, open since the mid-19th century.

Santa Clara la Real

Santa Clara la Real is a museum built on the site of a Moorish fortress.


Monteagudo is one of the symbols of the entire region, a castle near Murcia. This 9th-century fortress perches on a limestone cliff and is topped by a huge white statue of Christ. The castle was designed to withstand long sieges and was used by the Moors for defense for 250 years. After the conquest of Murcia by King Alfonso X, his residence was located here. A statue of Christ was added in the 1950s.

Not far from Murcia are the beaches of the Costa Cálida and the Costa Blanca. This is a great place for beach lovers.

The southern part of the Costa Blanca is home to cute little seaside towns. Torre de la Horadada offers stunning beaches and clear seas.

Once upon a time there lived a Roman colony on the territory of modern Spain, and then “BAM” - in the 9th century a settlement was founded in its place. And they named him Murcia. At that time, the town served as a “state greenhouse”. Unique irrigation technologies made the village famous and useful throughout Europe at that time. The village began to grow and get stronger. It grew to the point that in the 18th century Murcia became a significant center for textile production and agriculture. In the 19th century, life in the region stopped for some period. Plague and cholera drove many residents from their homes in search of a better life and safety. But it didn't last long. Today it is both a province and its main city, the seventh largest in all of Spain. Tourists come here from all over the world, because the local residents have something to be proud of and brag about... You don’t hear about their sights on every corner. Therefore, I take the responsibility to introduce them a little to the ticket offices and tell them what to see in Murcia in 1 day. So, let's immediately look at the sights of Murcia and the surrounding area, since we will have to look at both Jumilla and Cartagena.

The entire history, culture and memory of generations are reflected in this luxurious building. As elsewhere in the world, the Cathedral here is a very important and significant object. Both in terms of tourist attraction and for the townspeople themselves. It was built on the site of a former Muslim mosque. The first stones were laid back in 1385. Construction lasted more than 80 years. By world standards, the construction of such facilities is quite a short period of time. Other cathedrals take 2-3 centuries to build until they take their final form. However, even here there were some additions. In subsequent centuries, architects brought their own “tricks”, mixing Gothic with Renaissance, Baroque with neoclassicism.

Today this cathedral is the main Roman Catholic church of the city. The cathedral's bell tower is impressive. It rises 90 meters above the ground. And each of its bells has its own personal name.

As for the interior, Gothic style prevails here. There are three naves, an apse and 23 chapels. Each individual chapel is dedicated to a specific guild and is decorated with the tombstones of the bishop or aristocrat who “sponsored” its construction.

In general, the Cathedral is really worth a look. He deserves it.

Embankment and monument to El Zulo (Terraplen y monumento El Zulo)

So, in the autonomous community of Murcia there is Cartagena, and in Cartagena there is an amazing Embankment. In what way is it amazing? It is beautiful, spectacular, large, with palm trees and a beautiful view of the sea and ships. Don't want to have a boring time? - come to the Embankment. It's always crowded and interesting here. And the sea breeze, and seascapes, and good photos, and boat trips on the open sea and along the coastline of the bay.

Tourists arriving at the Embankment rush to look for a popular monument called El Zulo. What's so special about it? It is made of bronze and is located in the port of Cartagena. The monument, in fact, has a sad history. It was installed so that humanity remembers the people who died during the terrorist attack. The tragedy occurred in 2004 in Madrid. El Zulo is not someone’s name, it literally means “shelter” in Spanish. In the monument we can see a man trying to hide, pressing his head to his knees and covering it. He is afraid, he is alarmed... Today this monument is considered an important local landmark. As for me, the monument is really important in a universal human sense. But, this is not an option for a tourist who is on vacation and trying to have fun. Just my opinion.

Murcia Town Hall (Ayuntamiento de Murcia)

The Town Hall is always and in every city an object of special importance. So it is in Murcia. You need to look for the Town Hall in Plaza Cardenal Beluga. If you come to the Cathedral, then the Town Hall is very close. You don't have to cheat. The façade windows of both of them overlook the mentioned square. In the 13th century, when Christians finally came to Murcia, and the city itself began to belong to the Kingdom of Castile, the king ordered the construction of the Supreme Court building on the square. It was this that later became the first City Hall. At first, the Moorish style was completely visible in the architecture of the Town Hall. But in the 16th century it was completely “redrawn” and modified. The town hall we are talking about was built only two centuries later. On the lower level of the building we see balconies with columns and statues of women symbolizing Happiness and Abundance. Inside the building there is a luxurious marble staircase, stained-glass windows made of Venetian glass, a luxurious chandelier made of glass and bronze, marble doorways in red tones, wonderful stucco molding and gilded capitals. And in the huge windows of the facade you can see the reflection of the Cathedral. Everything is pompous, as it should be for such a status building.

Old Bridge (El Puente Viejo)

This bridge connects the two banks of the Segura River. The bridge is built in the form of a beautiful stone structure with a pair of arches. The bridge received this appearance in the 18th century after the previous bridge collapsed during a powerful flood. The stability of the 200-meter structure is beyond doubt. The bridge, even in appearance, is very powerful and stable. During its lifetime, the bridge experienced expansion due to the use of metal frames. Locals often call this bridge “Bridge of Danger.” It owes its name to the statue of Our Lady of Perils. The wooden statue is installed in the southern niche of the bridge. Standing on El Puente Viejo, you can see a huge fish in the river. This is the famous fountain called "Sardine". About him in the next paragraph.

Fountain "Sardine"

This creation appeared in Murcia in 2009. From the water of Segura you can only see the tail and head of the fish, which seems to have caved in in the river. The fountain is made of bronze. The length of the fish is 12 meters (according to other sources - 23 meters, at least take it and measure it yourself...). And its weight, no more or less, is as much as 12 tons. The stream (when the fountain is working) comes out of the fish's mouth. They installed “Sardine” with meaning - with this the Murcians wanted to perpetuate their national holiday under the strange name “Funeral of the Sardine”. This day is celebrated on the first Saturday after Easter. The roots of the tradition go back to the times of the pagans. The meaning of the holiday is the victory of Spring over Winter, the arrival and birth of a new life to replace the cold and gloomy winter... But what does the poor sardine have to do with it?... If you are trying to entertain the children, then you can look at the fountain. And so, I don’t see much point in rushing there. Well, every nation has its own traditions, sometimes strange from our point of view... The Spaniards, by the way, declared this holiday an event of international significance.

Lorca Castle (Castillo de Lorca)

This defensive structure was built during the 14-15 centuries. The dimensions of the fortress along the perimeter are 640m by 120m. Impressive! Looking at such a colossus, would it even occur to you to besiege it or take it by storm? Apparently, this is why the fortress survived and has survived to this day... Due to the inaccessibility of the structure and its significance for the history of the region, the people of Murcia insisted that the Castillo de Lorca be included in the list of the most important attractions. Officially, this happened in the 30s of the 20th century. By the way, archaeologists “dug to the bottom” and found out that people lived on the site of this fortress back in Neolithic times. I advise you to come and see Lorca Castle, if only for its decent dimensions. You will have an idea of ​​what a truly impregnable fortress should look like...

Jumilla Castle

This castle with its entire being symbolizes the city with the same name - Jumilla. The first defensive buildings were built here back in the Bronze Age. Afterwards, the fortress was completed and strengthened. Over the centuries, the castle passed from hand to hand from one owner to another. But in any case, the function of the structure remained unchanged - defense and protection. In the 13th century, a chapel was built on its territory. When the castle was captured by the Crown of Aragon at the end of the 13th century, the local people tearfully asked the new owners to allow people to come to the chapel. The building even today has a completely “marketable” appearance, receiving tourists from all over the planet. Excursions and events on the territory of the fortress take place with enviable regularity. I can’t say anything extremely important or super-outstanding in the architecture of Jumilla. Just another historical monument of Murcia. By local standards, it is very important and significant. As for a visiting tourist, it is an object from the category of “popular attraction”. Decide for yourself whether you want to look at it or not.

Casino de Murcia

You can find a casino in the central historical part of Murcia on Lucas Street. It was opened in 1847. At that time, the object was an extremely important segment of the urban social sphere. The traditions of the 19th century are still alive there.

A few words about the facade. This is an eclectic style with classicism and modern decor. The hall is spectacular, made of marble and plaster. Elegance is in everything here, even in the appearance of the door, which is shaped like a horseshoe. Horseshoe material – walnut (wood). A huge dome hangs over the courtyard. Material: glass and iron. The courtyard is also called a Moorish patio. The patio is painted with text in Arabic. The translation says that there is no one more important than God. And in the Pompeian patio you will see 14 monolithic columns, Ionic capitals and other chic decoration and design.

The casino has an interesting library with 20 thousand books. You get there by passing through the hall for all kinds of events - Congresillo.

There is a dance hall, an armory, and many other rooms worthy of the attention of tourists.

The cross gallery is also interesting. It is located in the center of the casino and has a closed street format. This is where meetings take place, and this is where you can get to any room of the Casino de Murcia.

Archaeological Museum (Museo Arqueológico)

I will not describe what is located next to the building of this museum. A map of Murcia with attractions will help you. That would be more accurate... Well, what does the address Alfonso X el Sabio, 7 tell you? Nothing. And on the map you will immediately figure out what goes where.

So, the museum has been operating since 1864. Today, its collection of artifacts is considered the most important of all existing collections of Iberian archeology in the country. There is a permanent exhibition in 16 halls. By visiting the museum, you will get acquainted with the most complete history of the Paleolithic-Bronze Age period, the birth of Christianity and the emergence of the Visigothic kingdom. Visiting the Archaeological Museum is free for everyone. Which is good news.

What will a tourist see here? Found remains from the time of the Miocene, the first tools made of stone, the first ceramics, rock paintings, jewelry from the ancient period, household items and utensils from different time periods, artifacts from discovered caves, and so on. In addition, the museum has an interactive map, which makes visiting it more exciting.

Museum of Fine Arts (Museo de Bellas Artes)

In the mid-19th century, this museum appeared in Murcia. Here all this time they try to carefully preserve the cultural heritage of the province. A collection of paintings by painters, a collection of sculptures and archaeological exhibitions - all this is in the Museo de Bellas Artes.

The first floor contains works from the 15th to 17th centuries and the Renaissance. Second floor - paintings of the 17th century and the Golden Age, the Age of Enlightenment and the 18th century, academic art, eclecticism, costumbriz, regionalism, decorative and landscape painting.

Simply put, it contains paintings and other works of art created by outstanding Spaniards, from the 15th century to the present day. There are permanent and temporary exhibitions. Descriptions of all exhibits can be found on the Internet at any time.

For orientation:

and the Town Hall, and the Cathedral, and the Casino are located very close to this museum. So it won't be difficult to find it.

  • The Spaniards of Murcia are excellent cooks and chefs. Numerous salads from fresh vegetables, meat pies, all kinds of seafood dishes, baked fish - lick your fingers. The province produces grape and blackberry wine, juices and compotes, jams and “sabotage alcohol”. By the way, due to the abundance of vegetables and vegetable dishes, neighbors from the city of Cartagena nicknamed Murcia “green stomach”. The latter, of course, are not amused, but are even very angry at such a nickname.
  • The city of Murcia and its surroundings are very convenient for living. Representatives of different nationalities live here peacefully and calmly. Numerous pedestrian streets, gardens and parks, a lot of attractions, kind souls