Blue screen with inscriptions and control keys. Blue screen of death, its causes

The Blue Screen of Death is familiar to every operating system user. Windows family. Some users experience it so often that they begin to think it is normal. But that's not true. Let's figure out what it is blue screen of death. This is an error that appears during startup or after the computer suddenly shuts down. It indicates that there are problems with the operating system or internal hardware. Only by understanding the causes of its occurrence can it be eliminated as effectively as possible.

If a blue screen of death appears on a computer with Windows 7, then we bring to your attention this article, it will definitely help you find and fix this problem.

Blue screen of death, its causes

The reasons for the appearance of a blue screen can be divided into two main groups:

  • System. Problems with the operating system: no necessary files necessary for correct Windows operation, incorrectly installed OS, infection with malware or file, and so on.
  • Hardware. Problems with computer hardware: hard drive malfunction disk or video card, processor overheating, and so on.

In order to accurately determine the cause of the error, you need to carefully study the contents of the blue screen. After all, it is on it that all needed by the user information, namely: the reason for the error and even recommendations for eliminating it.

If the information indicated on the screen is not enough, then the computer can be configured specifically to diagnose the blue screen of death.

File corruption win32k sys causes a blue screen. Therefore, it is definitely worth checking and scanning other directories.


Windows blue screen or memory dump - a reflection of a working (or not quite) state operating system in a certain period of time. Since immediately after a critical error appears, which may be followed by a sudden shutdown of the device, Windows displays all necessary information on the famous blue screen, then for further diagnostics you just need to remember it: rewrite it or take a photograph.

The main trouble is that the blue screen is shown strictly limited time. After which the reboot mechanism starts. Therefore, it may be difficult for an unprepared user who does not know where to look to have time to rewrite the necessary information.

To disable auto-reboot of the device, that is, when the computer or laptop immediately starts to reboot, immediately after the blue screen of death appears, you need to activate the recording of small memory dumps, that is, part of its important contents. To do this you need to do the following:

Now there is a blue screen of death when booting Windows 7 will not immediately disappear, so you will have time to rewrite the necessary information.

Error interpretation

Since any problem can cause a blue screen of death, to correct the error it is necessary to identify it.

Once you have managed to photograph the blue screen when loading Windows or write down the information that appears on it, you can begin to decipher the error that caused it to occur:

  • The first line in English politely notifies the system that a critical shutdown of Windows has occurred.
  • The following explains what exactly caused the problem. This could be the name of the file or driver of the video card, audio card, TCPIP.SYS, SPCMDCON.SYS, DXGKRNLl.SYS, NTKRNLPA.EXE, NETIO.SYS and so on. If this line is missing, then the cause of the error should be sought in the computer hardware.
  • A user-friendly error name, such as DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, indicates that an error occurred while installing the driver.
  • This is followed by a large body of text in which Windows suggests Possible Solution Problems. For example, check that drivers are installed correctly, run the disk check service, perform a system restore, and so on.
  • After the word STOP it is indicated technical code errors for more accurate identification and elimination. It can be something like 0x1000007e, 0x00000116, and the like.
  • Below, the system may re-indicate the names of files or drivers, such as TCPIP.SYS, SPCMDCON.SYS, NTKRNLPA.EXE, NTOSKRNL.SYS, NETIO.SYS and the like, which could cause the blue screen.
  • Additionally, depending on the type of problem, Windows can display the RAM address where a critical error occurred. By analogy with the STOP code, it will probably have a format like Address 0x00000116.

Knowing this information, it becomes clear how to remove the blue screen of death.

Problems with a blue screen in 90% of cases are of the most trivial nature and appear among users who are poorly versed in computers, so they often neglect installation system updates, drivers, the correct procedure for uninstalling programs, and so on.

Damage to the acpi sys file can cause a blue screen, so to resolve the error you need to replace it with a working version.

Even if the screen says that the error was caused by files like tcpip, ntoskrnl, fltmgr, netio, ntkrnlpa, the first thing to do is:

It would be a good idea to defragment, check and clean the registry. This is best done using a special software. One such program is.

With its help it is also possible to check the availability of all necessary stable operation operating system files, libraries. If any of them are missing or damaged, the program will offer to download and replace them. If desired, you can make a copy original files and save it in any convenient place on your hard drive.

Screen of death when loading or installing Windows

If you don’t know how to remove the blue screen of death when Windows installation 7, please read the following information carefully. This error can only occur in three cases:

  • faulty x64 operating system image;
  • working image, but faulty hardware (error 0x00000116, IGDPMD64.SYS, fltmgr, ntoskrnl);
  • The BIOS was configured incorrectly.

If, when installing Windows XP, the blue screen repeats again and again, but you are sure that the computer hardware is in order, then the problem most likely lies in the faulty operating system image that you are using.

A blue screen during Windows installation or recovery may occur due to a faulty internal storage(HDD) or incorrectly formatted. You should not neglect the standard procedure for checking the functionality of the OS image, disk or flash drive you are using. All this information can be found on the screen. You can fix other problems in the same way.

Missing or damaged system files

If you don’t know how to remove the blue screen of death that occurs due to missing or damaged system files or libraries like TCPIP.SYS, SPCMDCON.SYS, IGDPMD64.SYS, fltmgr, DXGKRNLl.SYS, NTKRNLPA.EXE, NETIO.SYS or errors 0x00000116, then this method is for you. It is also suitable for errors caused by other files with the extension .SYS, .DLL, .EXE. To do this, you can use a special third-party shareware utility. One of the most popular is .

After installing the program, you need to launch it and start scanning using the Start button. Next, the utility will offer to check files like ntoskrnl, dxgkrnl, igdpmd64, fltmgr, tcpip, netio, ntkrnlpa. Additionally, the program will check other directories. If you are sure that it was the nvlddmkm sys file that caused the Windows 7 blue screen or any other file whose name you should know for sure, then you can check it.

Once the scan is complete, it will prompt you:

  • replace the file if it was indeed damaged;
  • proceed to check other system files if specified file not damaged;
  • only delete the faulty file if you want to replace it yourself;
  • do nothing, but open the folder with damaged file For independent decision Problems.

If you wish, you can install other applications for automatic search damaged system files and their replacement. Some of them identify and fix driver problems in a similar way.

Reset BIOS

If they were recently produced BIOS changes or tried to overclock the processor, then it is possible that this is what caused the problem. Therefore, you should definitely try to return its settings to default. You can do this in several ways:


And this article discussed: what is the blue screen of death, its causes. A description of the errors was given, and suggestions were also made. various options eliminating any breakdowns that have occurred. Now if you get the screen again death of Windows 7, then you already know what to do.

Video on the topic

Good evening, dear blog readers! Moving computers from one place to another sometimes causes them to subsequently behave inappropriately, such as a blue screen. Why do I say this? Let’s just say that this has been noticed :) Moreover, everything would be fine if all this was explained by the shaking of the computer during transfer, for example, something happened to the clocker on the motherboard. But how can you, for example, explain the fact that after that it stopped working? USB driver 3.0 due to the fact that someone once used not the drivers from the manufacturer’s official website, but from the “left” drive? Shocked too? 🙂

We sit like this at the computer, not bothering anyone, and he BAM and draws this picture:

If we had unsaved data at the time of the blue screen, then I'm afraid it's bad, we'll have to redo everything. Fortunately, now many software products have the ability to autosave.

Let's try to figure out what leads to such a nuisance as a Windows blue screen. Generally speaking, BSoD occurs when a critical error is detected that the Windows operating system is unable to handle. In order for our program to cause BSoD, we need to give it the ability to execute code at the system kernel level, for example, so that it itself can be a driver. This is not typical for our usual programs, which we usually use at home and in the office.

The system properties window will open in front of us on the “Advanced” tab, which is exactly what we need. In the "Boot and Recovery" group, click on the "Options..." button.

Here you need to uncheck the “Perform automatic reboot” checkbox and be sure to make sure that in the “Record debugging information” group we have at least “Automatic memory dump” in the drop-down list. This is enough for us. I'll tell you the difference between the types of dumps. And it is necessary that something is also written in the “Dump file” field.

By default, the Dump File field contains the entry


Causes of Windows blue screen. Why are there only 2 of them?

Globally, all the reasons why a blue screen pops up can be divided into two large groups:

  • hardware
  • software

Let's analyze each of these groups and try to give recommendations for eliminating them.

Hardware causes of blue screen

In my own practice, I have developed a certain ranking of the causes of blue screen crashes according to the frequency of their occurrence. It may not coincide with your practice at all. So…

First place

Most often in my practice, the blue screen of death appeared when one of the RAM sticks was faulty. To diagnose which memory stick is “naughty”, you can get into the computer and try to pull out one memory stick at a time and see if there is a result. It is also worth cleaning the computer from dust and wiping the contacts of the RAM sticks with an eraser. But this work dusty if the computer is not a laptop.

Starting with Windows 7, the operating system already has a built-in utility for checking RAM strips. To search for this utility, you must click the “Start” button and search bar type "operate". The utility for diagnosing RAM problems should appear in the list.

When you click on the name of the utility, a window like this should appear:

Select the first item, the computer will reboot and begin checking the RAM.

If errors are found, the test will be marked as failed.

Second place

The dying man took second place HDD. To understand whether everything is in order, you need to check it using standard tools, as well as third-party programs.

Among regular funds It is worth pointing out the chkdsk utility, known since time immemorial. To check the disk, the command from windows cmd running with administrator rights:

However, most likely the system response will be like this:

Type file system:NTFS. The current drive cannot be locked. The CHKDSK command cannot be executed because the specified volume is in use by another process. Should I scan this volume the next time I reboot the system?

I have to agree here...

Then you should contact third party programs, who will conduct S.M.A.R.T. test will also find bad sectors and they will be shown colorfully.

Among such programs it is worth paying attention to free program HDDTest.

This program allows you to check the condition of the disk surface, “twitch” sectors for read/write speed.

If you hear a beating or grinding sound from the side hard drive, then there is no way to diagnose it, but you need to backup it.

Third place

Somehow it just so happened that equipment overheating took third place in my ranking. In any case, you need to periodically clean your computer from dust. Believe me, there is plenty of it there! This can be done either with a vacuum cleaner or a compressor. It is possible for the processor to overheat due to dried thermal paste; you can buy it and change it, but this must be done carefully. It is better to have it done by a professional.

Other problems

Swollen capacitors on the motherboard can also lead to a sad result, but in my practice this happened a little less often. There are three solutions here - either we take the motherboard to a landfill, or to a service center, or we arm ourselves with a soldering iron and replace the swollen capacitors. There is nothing complicated, the main thing is not to burn the board. You need to open the computer case and first visual inspection motherboard. First of all, you should inspect the capacitors located near the processor. The swollen ones will look something like this:

Once there was a case when a blue screen was caused by the power supply, because... it was not able to provide the necessary voltage for the computer components. Replacing it solved the problem once and for all.

To be honest, I’ve never encountered this myself, but problems with Windows crashing can easily lie in our attempts to overclock the processor.

In principle, the cause of the malfunction can be any of the computer components.

Software reasons for blue screens

Very often problems are generated installed drivers. They are capable of a lot! Especially if you don’t install fresh drivers from the manufacturer’s website, but from some left drive, a la “Driver Pack”. The solution is to try to reinstall them. However, you must keep in mind that there are programs that use their drivers to work with the operating system in kernel mode. Among them are antiviruses, disk burning programs, and some network software. If there is information about when BSoDs began to appear, we can guess which program was the hero of the occasion.

The second thing to check is file system errors. We will still need the same chkdsk utility. If we haven’t run it yet, then it’s worth considering that the /r flag is optional; we needed it to check the presence bad sectors on disk.

The second option to carry out such a check is through a conductor. To do this, go into it, click right click mouse over the disk being checked and in the dropped context menu Click on the “Properties” item. Go to the “Service” tab and click on the “Check” button.

You should definitely use the sfc utility.

sfc /scannow

She saved me many times.

Malicious programs can also cause blue screens. Moreover, the computer often crashes into a blue screen immediately after booting. You can try to reboot from boot disk Kaspersky or any other similar in functionality, and check your computer for malware.

Types of Debug Information

The Bluescreenview program uses small memory dumps created when a BSoD appears. I would like to see what types of dumps exist and how they differ from each other.

In the "Record Debug Information" drop-down list of the "Boot and Recovery" window that we opened earlier, the following options are presented:

  • Small memory dump
  • Kernel memory dump
  • Full memory dump
  • Automatic memory dump (default) - starting with Windows 8
  • Active Memory Dump - Starting with Windows 8

By default, Windows 8 is set to automatic memory dump. Essentially this is the same kernel memory dump. The difference is how Windows manages the size of the paging file, which is needed for this dump to fit safely there. If you did not strictly set the size of the paging file, but chose the “Size by system choice” option, in the case of an automatic dump Windows memory can set the size of the paging file smaller size random access memory. However, if the memory dump somehow does not fit into the page file, then Windows increases the latter to the right size. The increased size lasts for 4 weeks, and then decreases back as unnecessary. The dump file is located in the location you specified, by default here:


%SystemRoot%\MEMORY. DMP

A small memory dump contains the minimum information to make a decision about the source of the error. These include the error code, information about the process in which the error occurred, information about the loaded drivers at the time of the crash. By default, the data is contained in the folder

Blue screen of death, also known as BSOD and blue screen of death, is Windows’ reaction to critical errors in the computer’s operation. White writing on a blue background suddenly appears on the screen, after which the device usually reboots, freezes, or turns off.

After restarting, the system works fine for some time. But then, if the error is not resolved, the BSOD appears again.

Sometimes this condition is caused by errors in drivers or failure of computer hardware. The reasons may also be a failure system settings, viruses or even installed programs.

What to do if a blue screen of death appears

Special services built into the operating system can help you.

If you have Windows 10, go to Start → Settings (gear) → Update & Security → Troubleshoot. Scroll to the bottom of the list of available services and select Blue Screen. Click “Run the troubleshooter” and follow the system prompts.

If you have more old version The OS or the tool mentioned above did not work, open the Windows Control Panel and go to the Security and Maintenance Center. In some versions of the OS, this path may look like this: “Control Panel” → “System and Security” → “Action Center”.

Expand the Maintenance tab and see if the solution recommendations appear here Windows problems. If yes, use the suggested tips.

If all else fails, move on to the next step.

The appearance of a blue screen of death can have hundreds of different reasons and each has its own solutions. Having learned cause of BSOD on your computer, you can find the best way to solve a problem.

On the Death Screen, Windows displays the error code that caused it. It can appear as a series of numbers and letters (0x0000000F) or a combination of various words written in uppercase and often connected by underscores (SPIN_LOCK_ALREADY_OWNED).

You need to enter the error code in a search engine and thus find individual instructions for fixing it. There may even be a special QR code on the blue screen. By scanning it through mobile device, you will be taken to the Microsoft website with interactive assistant to solve the problem.

If the computer restarts immediately after the blue screen appears and you do not have time to write down the error code, disable automatic restart. To do this, right-click on the “This PC” icon and select “Properties” → “Advanced system settings”. In the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab, click “Options” and uncheck the “Perform automatic restart” checkbox.

If you don't want to search the necessary instructions and delving into it or the solution found on the Internet does not help, use the methods listed below.

3. Try simple universal measures

These general measures affect many system parameters and help restore normal operation. They can also fix errors that lead to the blue screen of death.

  1. In system settings, go to "Center" Windows updates» and check for updates. If they are available, install them.
  2. Check the system using .
  3. Update your drivers. You can go to your computer manufacturer's website and download all the drivers for self-installation. But you can also use free services like

Hello. Even with careful attitude To computer technology, may occur various problems. Sometimes they can drive even experienced specialist. Eg,

Blue screen when turning on the computer without any text. What would that mean? I will tell you about this and other “mysterious” malfunctions in this article.

Over many years of work, I have learned to decide different tasks, but sometimes you have to look for answers on forums, because you have to deal with very interesting problems. Let's look at some of them.

Blank blue screen when turning on computer

There may be several reasons:

  • Installation conflicting update Windows;
  • Incorrect device drivers;
  • Viruses;
  • Turning off the PC while installing updates.

First, you can try to bring up the “Task Manager” by pressing Ctrl + Esc + Shift simultaneously. Then select from the “File” menu - “ New task" And launch “Explorer” by writing the command in the input line: explorer.exe.

If it does not work, then you should restart the computer and enter “Safe Mode”. To do this, press F8 on the keyboard immediately after starting the system. The following menu should appear, where we select the appropriate item:

When Windows starts, you need to eliminate the source of the problem:

  • Scan disks for viruses;
  • Remove “fresh” drivers (if you think that they caused the error);
  • Uninstall recently installed applications.

As a last resort, roll back to one of the restore points. The details of this process are described in the article at the link.

We do the same in the case when a black screen appears and there is no reaction. Although there may be some nuances here, depending on the moment the defect appears. Now you will find out more.

Black screen at startup

It may indicate a serious hardware malfunction that requires repair work. What could be the reasons?

  • Overheating of the chipset, leading to malfunctions of the south and north bridges;
  • The video card has failed. In this case, the system may boot, you will hear sounds, but there is only “darkness” on the screen. For a desktop PC, you can try connecting a known working video adapter. Everything is complicated with a laptop - you will have to take it to the service center.
  • The display backlight lamp is malfunctioning, or the cable is damaged/disconnected. Perhaps you were cleaning your laptop and accidentally damaged (disconnected) the cable running from the motherboard to the screen. The test method is very simple - connect to the laptop external monitor. If it works, then this is not the problem.
  • RAM failure. I recommend completely disconnecting the PC from the network, removing the cover and trying to remove the RAM sticks from the slots. Check to see if there are any signs of oxidation on them. Then insert them carefully into place and start the computer.

For some laptop manufacturers (for example, HP), the following situation is typical: a black screen and Caps Lock is blinking.

It turns out that this is intended for troubleshooting. Here is a breakdown of the “signals” by the number of blinks:

  • 1 – problem with the processor;
  • 2 – the input/output system is damaged (BIOS does not turn on);
  • 3 – RAM malfunction;
  • 4 – doesn’t work graphics card(or controller);
  • 5 – chipset failure;
  • 6 – BIOS cannot pass authentication.

If a black screen appears with inscriptions on English language, this is often due to a hard drive failure. The system simply does not see it. To check this version, you need to go into the BIOS. In most cases, this is achieved by pressing the F2 / F12 / Del keys at the very beginning of the PC boot.

In Bios you should check whether it sees computer HDD. This information is displayed on the main window. You should see the drive name next to SATA.

If nothing is indicated there, then you should:

  • Or take the laptop to a service;
  • Or disassemble it yourself, check the quality of the connection, remove the disk and connect it to a known working system.

Switching on - switching off

I have repeatedly encountered similar phenomenon when, after starting the PC, the cooler turns on for 2 seconds and turns off. If the fan starts, then the reason is not in the cooling system, but in the power supply or damaged battery.

For a laptop, try removing the battery and connecting the cable directly. Everything should work. In the stationary version, you will have to try connecting another unit (working).

Another situation is also possible: the fan noise is not heard, and the system automatically “stalls”. This clearly indicates a non-working cooler, which leads to activation of the protection mechanism.

Just a squeak...

If you start the computer, and it beeps and does not turn on, then you have encountered a hardware malfunction. In the best case, it will be enough to straighten the cord connecting the monitor to the video card, or remove/insert the memory module. But it all depends on the nature of the squeak, which indicates a specific error. I recommend looking at this document with a transcript of all possible options For different versions BIOS:

Download: All sound signals BIOSDecoding of BIOS signals for different versions Downloaded: 125, size: 10 Bytes, date: June 28, 2016

Sincerely, Victor

What to do if a blue screen appears on your laptop


  • antiviruses;
  • firewalls;
  • virtual disks.


Error codes

The debugging+kdfe package works in console mode. After installing it, run the command: kdfe “%systemroot%Minidumpdump filename.dmp”. As a result of the command, you can find the driver that caused the error and reinstall or update it.

  • start;
  • control Panel;
  • system;
  • options;
  • system failure.

Blue screen of death on a laptop, what to do?

If, while working on a laptop, the system suddenly stopped working and a blue screen appeared with information in English (on Russified Windows from version 8 and higher, the message is displayed in Russian and is accompanied by a sad smiley), then you are faced with a problem called blue screen of death, or otherwise a stop error.

The appearance of the screen of death is a rather unpleasant situation that any owner can face. personal computer. The malfunction often occurs at the very inopportune moment and is accompanied by the loss of some information. If the blue screen of death is constantly displayed on a laptop, what should you do in this case?

Reasons for a blue screen on a laptop

When the operating system experiences a serious failure that prevents it from continuing to function, it displays a screen of death that displays error information. After this, depending on specified settings the computer reboots or remains in this state (if there is a serious malfunction of one or more elements hardware, the laptop may not load the OS at all, no matter what the parameters are).

The main causes of stop errors:

  • malfunctions in the functioning of the software (often a malfunction occurs when launching several antivirus utilities or firewalls);
  • driver malfunction;
  • failures in computer hardware.

In the latter case, the malfunction may appear due to Not correct operation RAM, video adapter, motherboard, hard drive, as well as a power supply failure and even simple overheating.

Blue screen on laptop - what to do

Write down the error code

When the screen of death appears, first write down the name and error code; they will be useful in solving the problem in the future.

Reboot your laptop

By default, the laptop automatically reboots after a stop error occurs. If this does not happen, hold down the Power key for a few seconds until it turns off. If this measure does not help, unplug the power adapter and remove the battery, and then install it back.

Determine the cause of the problem and solve it

The next step is to determine the cause of the error; to do this, download a program called Errorka, run it and enter the error code in the appropriate window. The utility will display probable cause occurrence of a blue screen and methods for solving the problem. If for some reason you cannot or do not want to use the utility, insert into the line search engine name and error code, find the cause of the malfunction, and then, following the recommendations, eliminate it.

Blue screen on laptop when turned on

If a stop error occurs when you turn on the laptop and the operating system does not start, proceed as follows:

  1. restart your computer;
  2. at startup, press the F8 key (this function is not available for Windows 10);
  3. select the line “Last good configuration" and press Enter.

If this does not help, do the first two steps again, then select “Safe Mode”. After loading the operating system, return it to its previous state using the system restore function.

The above methods did not help - your laptop most likely has hardware problems and needs to be repaired. Take it to a workshop where specialists will provide qualified assistance.

Blue screen on a laptop - what to do if error code 0xc0000001 appears when you turn it on, which means 0x80070570

Most laptop users are faced with a situation where the computer displays the so-called blue screen of death or BSOD. First you need to know: a blue screen of death is nothing more than a critical error message.

In other words, when a blue screen with inscriptions appears when you turn on the laptop, this is the first reason that should force you to find the malfunction that has arisen. It happens that error information appears once and then the laptop works normally, but this is rare.

In most cases, for recovery normal operation The computer will need to delve into the causes of the problem and only then eliminate them.


A blue screen on a laptop with an error message appears when code is executed incorrectly in kernel mode.

Consider what reasons may cause the problem leading to the appearance of BSOD:

  • hardware malfunction;
  • software or hardware conflict or incompatibility;
  • overheat;
  • inappropriate drivers or errors in them;
  • errors in BIOS configuration;
  • absence free space on your hard drive
  • malware;
  • incorrect acceleration.

It’s easy to see that there are a lot of reasons why the blue screen of death pops up. Based on its own statistics, Microsoft reports that about 70% of cases BSOD appearance associated with problematic drivers.

A certain percentage of errors occur due to applications that execute native code in kernel mode. If such programs do not work correctly, a blue screen of death also occurs.

The main types of applications that require native code to run in kernel mode are:

  • antiviruses;
  • programs for burning information onto CDs or DVDs;
  • firewalls;
  • virtual disks.

Video: Blue Screen of Death: Causes


Very often, the appearance of BSOD indicates serious problems with the laptop hardware or drivers. Therefore, postponing the decision will not work.

You can try to solve the problem yourself by doing following tips:

Carrying out these procedures in most cases will help solve the problem with blue screens of death. If they continue to appear, you should pay attention to the error codes. They allow you to determine what it means when a BSOD appears.

Error codes

Each BSOD displays a hexadecimal error code. By remembering it, you can determine the cause of the problem and, if possible, solve it.

Let's look at the most common error codes that appear on a blue background:

There really is great amount error codes. Each of them is described in sufficient detail in specialized documentation. When diagnosing a malfunction, you will have to turn to it in most cases.

The error is not always caused by the problem described. For example, Windows 8 users may very often see error code 0xc0000001. At first glance, this error indicates problems with RAM. However, in most cases you can solve it by running the tool Windows recovery.

You can try to fix error code 0xc0000001 in the following way:

  • When you turn on the computer, press the key combination SHIFT+F8;
  • in the See advanced repair options section, select Troubleshoot;
  • go to the Advanced options section and click on Windows button Startup Settings;
  • restart the computer using the “Restart” item.

How to view the error message if the system reboots

In Windows settings, the option to require a reboot on failure is often set. In this case, the user is usually unable to read the error information.

There are two ways to solve the problem with a reboot that does not allow you to read the BSOD message:

Dump is a file that stores information about an error that occurred. It can be used to diagnose the problem as it contains information about which driver caused the BSOD.

It is not possible to open dump files and view error codes and drivers that caused them using the operating system. To do this you will need to install additional applications eg debugging+kdfe or BlueScreenView.

The debugging+kdfe package works in console mode. After installing it, run the command: kdfe “%systemroot%\Minidump\dump file name.dmp”. As a result of the command, you can find the driver that caused the error and reinstall or update it.

A program called BlueScreenView has GUI. When you first launch the application, you must specify the folder with dumps. After selecting the file that was created when the error occurred, you can also view the driver that caused the error.

Dumps are usually stored in the Minidump subfolder system directory Windows, but the user can, if desired, change their location in the operating system settings.

It is recommended to disable automatic reboot when the system fails, since BSOD screen you can also get Additional information about an error, which facilitates further diagnosis.

You can disable automatic reboot by referring to the “System Failure” section.

To open it Windows users 7 you need to open the following items sequentially:

  • start;
  • control Panel;
  • system;
  • Extra options systems;
  • options;
  • system failure.

Note. The “System Failure” tab also allows you to enable or disable dump recording and specify the folder for storing them.

In most cases, the user can independently diagnose and eliminate the error that led to the error message. In addition, its occurrence can be reduced by regular computer maintenance.

Blue screen of death - BSOD.

Sometimes users are faced with the fact that the image on their monitor turns blue and against this background inscriptions in English are visible or simply some kind of abracadabra of symbols and only the lower part of the text is readable. In some cases, the blue screen of death only flickers and the computer restarts. For the screen to appear, you need to press the F8 key to the boot mode selection menu and disable automatic system reboot. You can also use the recommendations outlined here.

When such a screen appears, the computer does not respond to mouse movements or keyboard manipulations, in other words, it freezes. This phenomenon is called the Blue Screen of Death. and in English “Blue Screen of Death” or BSOD for short. Despite the menacing name, you shouldn’t be afraid of it. This function is built into the operating room Windows system especially for cases of fatal failures in the operating system or problems in the computer hardware, that is, in the hardware. At the beginning of the message " blue screen death" there are general discussions on the topic of what, in principle, can be the cause of problems and the appearance of BSOD and some recommendations for localizing the problem.

What to do when a BSOD appears? First, you need to restart your computer by clicking Reset button, since failures are random and may not happen again. Secondly, you can try to boot using the F8 key in safe mode. If in safe mode the computer boots and works normally, it is fair to assume that the problem is in the drivers and modules that are additionally loaded into normal mode. Most often, the cause is device drivers that need to be disabled, uninstalled, and reinstalled the “correct” drivers. Or the device itself is faulty, which you need to try to remove or disable in SETUP BIOS if it is integrated into the motherboard. You can read about installing drivers here.

There are failures with the appearance of BSOD due to incorrect settings in SETUP BIOS. In this case, it must be reset to initial settings. How to do this is described here. Before any action, you should read and write down the most important bottom part of the message after the word “STOP”, as this is specific information about the problems that have occurred.

For regular user BSOD is most likely only the error code that comes immediately after the word “STOP” that can be useful. For example, STOP 0x0000000A followed by memory addresses in parentheses. Experts also call such failures STOP errors. You can find explanations of STOP error codes on the Internet or download a reference book from this site. As already noted, the causes of BSOD can be different software and hardware. For example, a broken RAM module, problems with hard drive, motherboard malfunction, “wrong” drivers, the result of viruses, damage to the operating system and others.

If you have a BSOD, you need to write down the error code and if you intend to solve the problem yourself, then find an interpretation for it. If you have the opportunity to use the Internet, I recommend entering the error code into the query field of a search engine and viewing the decryption of the codes not on one resource, but on several. Because there are different interpretations of codes, including from personal experience computer technicians. In some cases, the BSOD message will indicate the file that caused the error after the error code. Typically these are driver files or Windows system files.

The most common error I encountered was STOP 0x000000ED. This usually means system damage hard section disk and most often there is physical damage surfaces, although not always. In most cases, the disease is curable even without reinstalling the operating system.

The error STOP 0x0000000A, 0x000000D1 is often encountered, which means problems with the drivers. In this case, below there is usually an indication of the driver file that caused the error. The STOP 0x000000EA error specifically indicates a problem with the video adapter or its driver. Another common error STOP 0x0000007F usually appears due to problems with RAM. Other errors occurred less frequently. Descriptions of errors, as already noted, can always be found on the Internet. If you have one computer, then just in case you can find a table with transcripts and print it out for yourself in the future.

Of course, there are many reasons for BSOD and in some cases it is not possible to easily solve this problem. In addition, it is not always beneficial for the user to understand these subtleties for the sake of one case, and perhaps it is better to entrust this task to an experienced craftsman.

It just so happens that the blue screen of death always scares PC users. You're playing CS:GO or Dota 2 when suddenly a blue screen appears. Or they wrote the coursework for 2 hours - and again this mistake. And if autosave was also disabled, then that’s great.

Why does the blue screen appear? And how to fix this problem? Here you will have to tinker, because a blue screen on a PC (or laptop) signals a critical error.

10 main reasons

First, let's look at the main reasons why the blue screen of death appears:

  1. Failure of HDD, video card, RAM, etc.
  2. Device conflict (usually new RAM).
  3. Some device is incompatible with Windows.
  4. Overheating of devices (most often the video card or processor).
  5. Inappropriate driver (or incompatible with Windows).
  6. Driver conflict.
  7. Incorrect BIOS parameters.
  8. There is not enough free space on local disk WITH.
  9. Overclocking the processor or RAM.
  10. Virus infection.

In 70% of cases, a blue screen appears due to drivers. Therefore, install them only from the official website of the developer.

The blue screen of death appears: what to do?

Now let's look at ways to fix the blue screen of death. First you need to configure it so that your computer or laptop does not reboot after this error. For what? To write down its code and use it to find a solution to the problem.

The instructions for Windows 7, 8 and XP are the same:

Ready. Now, when the blue screen of death appears again, you need to write down/remember the error code. Where is he? See the example screenshot below:

IN in this case this is 0x0000004e. You write it down and look up what it means. For example, you can search here - this site contains the most common error codes.

There is also information about 0x0000004e: the error appears due to incorrect driver operation. Which one exactly? This is not said, but there is one simple way to find out.

To do this, you will need the BlueScreenView utility (you can find it, the download link is almost at the very bottom of the page). It will automatically find the file that causes the blue screen of death and display it in the report. To do this, you just need to run the program.

For example, in the screenshot above you can see that the blue screen on the computer crashes due to the ati2dvag.dll file. It is associated with AMD video card(you can guess by the name ATI or search the Internet by its name), so most likely you need to install new drivers for it. Or vice versa – old ones (it’s best to use the disk that came with your PC). After this, the blue screen should no longer appear on your laptop or computer.

In this way, step by step, you can find the error, find out the reason for its occurrence, as well as the file that causes it. And then you fix this problem and restore Windows operation.

Blue screen: what else can you do?

And finally, a few more tips to help fix the blue screen of death:

Now you know what to do if the blue screen of death appears. One of these tips should help. And if not, you can always independently determine the cause of the malfunction using the BlueScreenView utility (how to use it is described above).