Voice prank on a mobile phone. Audio pranks on the phone

April 1 is a favorite holiday of people with a subtle sense of humor. It is on this day that original banter with a friend is considered the best manifestation of strong friendship. April Fool's Day is just around the corner, and today it's time to prepare the funniest pranks, even if you won't be able to see your friend on April 1st. We present 13 cool ideas on how to prank a friend on the phone.

13 funny prank calls

for friend

1. Credit Card Raffle

A great April Fool's joke with an imitation of an SMS message from a bank. To implement it, you need to prepare in advance. First you need buy a new number (SIM card) or call using another unknown number, for example, a friend from work. Now that you have a number from which you will prank your friend, you need to carry out some operations with his mobile phone without him noticing. Firstly, you need to spy on what SMS messages the bank he uses sends, and secondly, “enter” a pre-prepared number into his mobile phone, signing it with the name of the issuing bank. It will look like this: "Bank name and last four digits of account." For example: “SberBank*3478”. When everything is done, you can proceed to the drawing. Call a young man and beg him to buy some thing he likes, which should cost quite a lot, but you must convince him of its usefulness. Be that as it may, he will ask you to wait with the decision, and you end up finding a way to make a purchase yourself. About ten minutes later, you send him an SMS from the pseudo-bank about the payment being made and the balance being very small or even minus. We bet he will call you back very quickly, and when the prank is revealed, you will have a great laugh together.

2. It’s unclear who’s calling

The joke is that you need mix all phone numbers . It turns out that the caller's name will not correspond to reality. We advise you to rewrite the correct names of the numbers in advance, because the first of April will pass, and then you will need to return everything to normal. Pay special attention to the numbers your friend calls most often. For example, let your boss’s number be used instead of your mother’s, and yours instead of your boss’s.

3. Mean mistress (lover)

The joke is suitable for pranking your loved one or best friend. You call the person you're going to prank about halfway through the workday, and meticulously clarify his daily routine . Pay special attention to clarifying exactly when he will return from work. Ask if he can come earlier. The point is to create some doubts. Now after a short time you send an SMS to his mobile phone, supposedly you got the wrong number , the following contents. If you are a girl: “Darling, I’ve arranged everything, I’m waiting for you at my place, mine won’t be back until 19-00. I miss you very much. Come quickly…". If you are a guy: “Honey, hi, I called yours, he will definitely be busy until 19-00. To you or to me? I miss you very much...” Now wait for a reaction. Scary?

4. Lost phone

Ask your friend to call the person you are going to joke on and tell him that the phone was found, and the last number that was called was made to this number. Ask to come and pick up the phone to return to the owner. Be prepared to be asked where the phone was found. This could be a place where it really could have been lost or, for example, something special: a drug dispensary or a department of a skin and venous dispensary. There are no limits to your imagination here. Set a time and place. You'll have a good laugh when you meet up with a friend, and you can head to the bar to continue the fun evening.

5. Anonymous SMS

There is such a service on the Internet. You can send SMS with any content to any mobile operator and absolutely free. This provides a lot of possibilities. For example, you can send love messages from fans, a gay man in love who threatens suicide if you don’t meet him, a boss who raises/lowers your salary (position), an SMS from a collection service, a message about winning the lottery, and so on.

6. Bad tests

A good joke for those who have recently visited medical institutions. The bottom line will be that supposedly lost results have been found and you are forced to report the disease. For a more successful prank, collect personal information about the person you are pranking. Call and confirm your full name. Then inform you that now, by order of the ministry (No254/12 from...) all tests were run for skin diseases and, unfortunately, a positive result was revealed. They will ask you what the result is, and most likely they will deny the tests. You specify registration, clinic number, date of birth, maybe something else, for example, the name of the family doctor, and say that for a detailed investigation you are waiting for the patient at the hospital at the specified address (give the address), they say you are just calling, and it’s better to drive up, but warn that the result is not at all good and hospitalization will probably be required, but it is better to check with your doctor. The main thing here is to speak convincingly, in the appropriate tone of a doctor, and not to laugh. When to reveal the prank is up to you. You can get the “victim” to visit the hospital (for fun, you can give the address of the maternity hospital) . Good luck!

7. Need urgent help

Call a friend and say that your radiator is boiling and you are standing not far from its location . Ask him to fill a 5-liter bottle of water and come to your aid. Explain exactly where you are, and when the person with the water appears in your field of vision, you can chase him around the area and film it all on video, which you will send to him at the end of the day. Believe me, this is all a lot of fun over the phone. Be sure to hurry him up, because you are late for an extremely important meeting. Prepare in advance funny words with which you will saturate your speech while passing a friend with water along the road. We assure you that you will have a lot of laughs, and it will be fun for all participants in this draw.

8. Stuttering prank

We suggest a prank model for someone who works with people on the phone, but you can transform the idea to suit your taste based on the situation. Call a person who, for example, works as a recruiter for personnel selection, and with a strong stutter for five minutes you talk about yourself and your desire to work as a sales consultant. A natural reaction is at least a smile. The conversation will be long if you come up with a strategy for the story in advance so that you want to listen to it to the end. The result is, naturally, a refusal of the position, and here you must tell him that you have a brother who will do an excellent job, but he stutters a LITTLE. Believe me, not only the one conducting the conversation will laugh, but also everyone around you. When properly prepared, it causes hysteria. And then you can appear with a phone and with the words: “Well, why are you laughing? How-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal?”

9. Winning the lottery

We call a friend and introduce ourselves as a radio host. We inform you that a promotion was held with the manufacturing company, for example, televisions, and his act won the main prize - a plasma TV. Please provide the address where you need to pick up the gift. To be sure, ask for an identification code and passport. Set a time and warn him that he needs to be on air tomorrow and thank the manufacturer who organized the lottery. Usually a person believes and goes to the specified address to collect his winnings. The next day you call back and ask if you managed to collect the prize. After you hear all the words prepared for you, tell your friend that he just went live.

10. Check from the telephone exchange

Call a friend and introduce yourself as a telephone exchange employee. Talk about the phone line being tested. Ask them to pick up a pencil and lightly tap the tube. Usually they ask again, is it possible to use a pen? Are you allowed to knock with a pen? When the person knocks on the tube, ask them to knock on the wall nearby. Thank you. Now ask for a tap on the head... The main thing is to have time to insert later: “Happy April 1st!!!”

11. Call to the FSB or tax office

To be convincing, Google and pick up the professional buzzwords that employees use. Next, find out information about the “victim” and his director (or subordinates). The essence of the prank: call a friend and introduce yourself as an employee of the relevant organization. You are summoned to appear at the department regarding the initiation of a criminal case against its boss. Give a couple of personal details of the boss, indicate in what area he was caught, and tell him that he pointed out your friend and therefore you will have a conversation, for now an amicable one. Otherwise, a summons will be issued and you will have to appear in the case officially. Ask to receive a fax with details or an email that says: “Happy April 1st!!!” The prank works well with those who work in organizations where there is something not entirely legal, for example, salaries in envelopes.

12. Message to my wife

We call a friend (female voice) while he is not at home. Please call me on the phone. Naturally they will tell you that he cannot answer the phone. State your name and ask him to tell him that you do not agree to an abortion, that you will raise the child yourself, you will not have any complaints, and let him no longer bother you, because you do not want to cause inconvenience because of one ridiculous situation that happened to both of you. You quickly hang up. The result may be unpredictable - we warn you in advance!

13. Night draw

We call the selected number, We say that they are bothering us from the telephone exchange. Please unplug the plug from the socket and immediately insert it into your ear, for example, and quickly hang up. We repeat this operation several times. Then we wait 20-30 minutes and call again, in a trusting voice we clarify whether the hooligans called from the telephone exchange? Have you been asked to insert a plug into your ear? Did you insert it? Now you can REMOVE!!!

As practice shows, a real joke or prank on the phone can brighten up any day! You can send them to friends without waiting for a reason. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to wait for the First of April. Jokes should decorate our everyday life. Therefore, feel free to send pranks via mobile phone and immerse your friends in a world of new emotions. Believe me, your comrades will be absolutely delighted with such jokes!

We all love fun. Even if jokes and humor did not prolong life, we would still not stop having fun. But now, due to the rapid development of mobile technologies, an absolutely unique opportunity has arisen to make your life brighter, funnier and more fun. We also mean, of course, cool pranks on the phone.

The pranks themselves are quite complicated. Of course, if we are not talking about banal jokes on the first of April. A good prank requires a well-thought-out plan, excellent acting and the coincidence of a whole bunch of factors! Only in this case the draw will really work. Otherwise, failure may await. However, if you use a prank on the phone, then your task is greatly simplified, because we have already done the main work of acting for you.

Prank phone call

What is required of you to successfully prank a friend, girlfriend or relative? First of all, of course, go to our website, which contains online phone draws. After that, carefully, legibly and in detail study our section with various jokes and choose what you like. Now you can mark the victim. Surely you and your friends already have a person you would like to prank right now. Well, in this case he was terribly unlucky.

Now comes the hardest part of the plan. In order for the draw to be successful, you need to clearly structure each of your actions. Just think about where the target of your prank is right now? Do not know? That's it, but how to play it then? Therefore, find out exactly the daily routine of the victim, otherwise failure may result. But when you find out, you can make a good joke about your loved one.

By the way, our service for pranking a friend over the phone doesn’t even require instantly sending your joke to the victim’s phone. You can also make a “delayed call” by calculating the situation and the course of events in advance. You also have the right to hide your phone number, in which case our service will call your target anonymously and he will not suspect anything.

So, have you chosen the target of your prank? Do you know her daily routine exactly? And even a suitable joke has already been found on our website. Well, in this case, it's time to order a prank over the phone. This is not difficult to do, just click on the joke you have chosen on our website, and you will understand everything else. Pay attention to the time of the call - this is very important!

Well, now it’s time to enjoy. Unfortunately, we don’t know what you will choose, but we can guarantee you that with a well-thought-out plan of action, our voice pranks on the phone work flawlessly. After carrying out your insidious plan, you should, of course, put on the most serious face that you can and calmly listen to your friend’s dissatisfaction or his indignation about what happened to him today and what an absurd situation he got himself into. Surely the object of your prank will not be able to immediately understand that it was you who so insidiously set up your friend and made him blush and be indignant. And then you can tell the poor fellow what’s what and laugh at what he did together.

As you can see, pranking people on the phone is actually a lot of fun. In addition, this is a truly innovative discovery, so at first even the most skeptical person will not be able to understand what’s what. And when he understands, he will already find himself in an absurd situation. It always works. So, if you seriously decide to decorate the life of your family and friends with bright colors and new impressions, then use our service and entertain you and your friends!

You can organize a good giveaway completely free of charge, and the easiest way to do this is using your phone. So, how to play a prank on the phone for free to cheer yourself up for the whole day? The most important thing is to make sure that the prank will not cause a nervous breakdown, and will not harm the person and his reputation. We invite you to familiarize yourself with several interesting options for telephone pranks that can be tested both on close friends and complete strangers.

Call from the police

Law enforcement officials inspire awe among many. If in reality, in order to prove the full reality of what is happening, it is necessary to provide the appropriate certificate or at least be in a police uniform, then through the phone it is enough to make a serious voice.

So, you need to call a friend and introduce yourself accordingly. It is best to call at lunchtime or in the evening. In this case, your friend will definitely not be at work or at university, and therefore will be able to answer the call. Next, you need to invite a comrade (friend) to the phone, indicating his exact name, surname and patronymic and inform him that he is wanted and he needs to come to the department (also indicate the exact address).

Of course, in order for a friend to believe in the reality of what is happening, he will need a number that will be unknown to him. Immediately after the end of the conversation, you can call from your number and report with alarm in your voice that the police called you and were looking for that same friend.

To make everything look even more believable, you can persuade other friends to also make the necessary call and tell their friend that he is wanted. When a friend asks what he is suspected of, it is necessary to mention the most resonant incident that has occurred in the city over the past few days. A few minutes are enough for the potential victim to thoroughly test the strength of his nervous system. The culmination may be a message or another call informing you that all charges have been dropped.

Such a prank may seem too cruel for some, but if a friend has a good sense of humor, and there is every chance that he will appreciate such a prank, then you can safely make it a reality.

Good phone pranks

If a prank with the police is not suitable, you can use the following suggestions:

  • Declaration of love. How to play on the phone for free in this case? You can ask a close friend to play along, but if your friend has only mutual friends and he knows the voices of all his girlfriends well, then this will not work. You can get out of this situation with the help of special applications that allow you to change your voice from male to female, and so on, right during a conversation. So, you need to call a friend and introduce yourself as a girl who has been hiding her feelings from him for a long time. If you can't call, you can send a message with a love message to your friend's number. The prank will really succeed if the guy’s girlfriend sees this SMS and makes a good scene for him. The most important thing is to then open all the cards so as not to become the cause of a broken couple;
  • Good afternoon, I'm talking about the refrigerator. A very simple, but at the same time incredibly fun prank that you can experiment with literally anyone. To do this, you can call either a friend or a complete stranger. You need to ask whether the person will buy the reserved refrigerator. The conversation can go on for a very long time, to the point that a person actually wants to buy that same fictional refrigerator.

Each of us has at least once thought about how to prank a friend on the phone. However, coping with this task is not so easy - you not only need to come up with a suitable joke, play well, but also make sure that you are not recognized.

Fortunately, today you can easily turn to professionals for help. You can order a telephone prank from a specialized agency or try to prank your friends yourself.

Phone prank with answering machine
- Hello, says the answering machine.
- Leave your information after the signal.
P-I-i-i-i-I in 5-10 seconds
“You can slow down a little, otherwise I don’t have time to write it down.”
After this phrase, the answering machine itself turns on,
which will only record excellent laughter.

Just look and choose interesting phone pranks for your friends to cheer them up and give them positive emotions. Soon the whole country will celebrate April 1 - April Fool's Day and telephone pranks will be even more relevant. Soon all guests of the city will hear and enjoy the views and positivity in the southern palmyra.

The best medicine is a friend's laughter on the phone

The life of modern people is connected with many problems, difficulties, and urgent matters. But cool telephone humor will definitely help your friends break out of the series of monotonous everyday life. An original and unexpected surprise will entertain a person, allow him to escape from difficult thoughts and tune in to the positive. No wonder they say that laughter prolongs life and is the best cure for all diseases.

Night. Suddenly the phone rang.
- Hello?
- Do you have hot water?
- Eat.
-Then wash your feet and go to bed.

It is generally accepted that telephone pranks are popular primarily with young people. And indeed, if you prepare such a surprise for your best friend, girlfriend, boyfriend or girlfriend, you will definitely be able to surprise and please them. You can also choose for your draw.

But don’t forget, older people also have a sense of humor. Therefore, if there is a person around you who can appreciate telephone jokes, why not make him happy? This will be a wonderful congratulation on April 1 or any other joyful holiday.

The perfect way to make fun of a friend over the phone

A smile and laughter are of great importance in life, unfortunately, we often forget about it. If you are wondering how to joke on the phone, it means that you have not yet lost your sense of humor and are ready to please others. We will be happy to help you with this by sharing our good mood.

Cool phone jokes and pranks

- Hello!
- Hello!
- Hello!
- How are you?
- Great!!!
- Oh, I probably got the wrong number...

- (sad) Hello, don’t you have our cat Vaska?
- No!
- If you see him, please feed him a cutlet!
After 10-15 minutes another one calls and says:
- Hello, I’m Vaska the cat, no one was looking for me?
The result is amazing!!!

You call and say:
- Hello, they are calling you from a television store. Don't you need a TV?
- No! - they answer confused.
- Well, then we will arrive now.
- For what?!
- Behind the TV.

There is a very good way to contact any most inaccessible person by phone. You call, say, the minister’s reception office. The secretary asks who is calling.

You speak so menacingly:
- Tell him that your husband is calling - he knows whose!

As you know, laughter not only makes life longer, but also brighter, more interesting and richer. Everyone loves to joke, and coming up with a joke for a friend and playing it is a completely sacred thing. The main thing is that everything should be in moderation, and the friendship should not fall apart after such jokes. So, by phone? The scenario (and more than one) is presented to your attention in this article. Go!

Prank #1: answering machine

Don't know, on the phone? Read and remember! call each other every day - this is a guarantee that the joke will work. Record something like this on your mobile phone’s answering machine: “Good afternoon! You called Vasya Ivanov (your name will be here), but at the moment I’m busy and can’t pick up the phone. Leave your message after a short beep.” Next there should be a sound characteristic of such a case, and after 7 seconds the continuation of the message will follow: “Please, slow down, I’m recording.” This phone prank guarantees hysterical laughter and a good mood.

Prank #2: shocking rants

Who is your friend least likely to fear or hope to hear? Maybe a traffic police inspector, or an employee of a psychiatric clinic, or a sobering-up center employee? If you have no idea how to prank a friend on the phone, then think about this question. Together with your friends or on your own, compose an appropriate monologue that will first plunge your friend into a slight shock, then make you experience many different emotions, and only then your friend will understand that it was a joke. If everything happened within reason, then you will laugh together, and if not, then... run as far as possible and never think about how to prank a friend on the phone again, this is not for you.

Prank No. 3: good old jokes

Even in the days when we didn't have cell phones, we still loved to joke around using our landlines. Let's remember how to prank a friend on the phone. For some, these jokes will refresh their memory, and for others, they will give them new ideas. The main thing - remember one thing - never introduce yourself as employees of those services that are capable of death. Try the below scenarios.

  1. Call a friend and say: “Hello! I'm a downstairs neighbor. There’s something big hanging from your balcony, it’s about to fall on mine, remove it!” And after a couple of minutes, it is advisable to dial the same subscriber again and ask why they haven’t removed what they asked for.
  2. Another cute joke that fits right on the phone. Call a friend, introduce yourself as a housing and communal services worker and report that the water in the house will now be turned off. What will your friend think about first? Not about why they called him, but about where to get more water and how to get there before the shutdown. After some time, all the basins, pots, vases in the house, even the bathroom, will be filled. And then it’s time to call again, inquire about the progress, say that you’ve changed your mind about turning it off and advise launching the boats.

Raffle No. 4: “Quiz”

You need to call a friend and introduce yourself as the host of a radio station. Then you must say that a quiz is now being held, and by random dialing, this subscriber becomes a participant. If your friend agrees to answer questions, then don’t waste time, bombard him with tasks. To do this, prepare a list of various questions in advance (how many lemons will fit in a truck, how many legs does a hippopotamus have, etc.). After a while, start asking things that the radio station host simply cannot know, for example, how old is some mutual friend of yours, what is the name of the director of the company where a friend works, etc. As soon as you realize that your friend is full of suspicions and guesses, finish the “quiz”. Tell your friend that he won and they will then be contacted to transfer the reward. After a while, appear on his doorstep and present the prize in person.

Whatever joke you decide to use, be sure to take into account the character of your friend, think about how he will react to this or that joke. Pranking is good, but friendship is still more important.

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