Online random number generator with code. Excel Random Number Generator in Functions and Data Analysis

Numbers accompany us everywhere - house and apartment numbers, telephone numbers, car numbers, passport numbers, plastic cards, dates, passwords. Email. We choose some combinations of numbers ourselves, but most we get by chance. Without realizing it, we use randomly generated numbers every day. If we come up with PIN codes, then unique credit or salary card are generated by reliable systems that exclude access to passwords. Generators random numbers provide protection in areas requiring speed of information processing, security and independent processing of data.

The process of generating pseudorandom numbers is subject to certain laws and has been used for a long time, for example, in lotteries. In the recent past, drawings were carried out using lottery machines or lots. Now in many countries, the winning numbers of state lotteries are determined precisely by a set of generated random numbers.

Advantages of the method

So, a random number generator is an independent modern mechanism for randomly determining combinations of numbers. The uniqueness and perfection of this method lies in the impossibility of external intervention in the process. The generator is a set of programs built, for example, on noise diodes. The device generates a stream of random noise, the current values ​​of which are converted into numbers and form combinations.

Generating numbers provides instant results - it takes a few seconds to create a combination. If we talk about lotteries, participants can immediately find out whether the ticket number matches the winning one. This allows drawings to be held as often as participants want. But the main advantage of the method is its unpredictability and the impossibility of calculating the algorithm for selecting numbers.

How pseudorandom numbers are generated

In fact, random numbers are not random - the series starts from a given number and is generated by an algorithm. A pseudorandom number generator (PRNG or PRNG - pseudorandom number generator) is an algorithm that generates a sequence of seemingly unrelated numbers, usually subject to a uniform distribution. In computer science, pseudorandom numbers are used in many applications: cryptography, simulation modeling, Monte Carlo method, etc. The quality of the result depends on the properties of the PRNG.

The source of generation can be physical noise from cosmic radiation to noise in a resistor, but such devices are almost never used in network security applications. Cryptographic applications use special algorithms that generate sequences that cannot be statistically random. However, a properly chosen algorithm can produce series of numbers that pass most randomness tests. The repetition period in such sequences is greater than the working interval from which the numbers are taken.

In many modern processors contains PRNG, for example, in RdRand. As an alternative, sets of random numbers are created and published in a one-time pad (dictionary). The source of numbers in this case is limited and does not provide complete network security.

History of PRNG

A prototype of a random number generator can be considered board game Senet, common in Ancient Egypt in 3500 BC. According to the conditions, two players participated, the moves were determined by throwing four flat black and white sticks - they were a kind of PRNG of that time. The sticks were thrown at the same time, and points were counted: if one fell up with the white side, 1 point and an additional move, two white ones - two points, and so on. Maximum result The player who threw out four sticks with the black side received five points.

Nowadays, the ERNIE generator has been used for many years in the UK for lottery draws. There are two main methods for generating winning numbers: linear congruent and additive congruent. These and other methods are based on the principle of random selection and are provided by software that endlessly produces numbers whose sequence is impossible to guess.

The PRNG operates continuously, for example, in slot machines. According to US law, this required condition, which all software providers must comply with.

A clear and convenient online number generator that is used in Lately popularity. It was most widely used in prize drawings in in social networks,among users.

It is also popular in other areas. We also have either passwords and numbers.

Our online random number generator.

Our randomizer generator does not require downloading it to your personal PC. Everything happens in online number generator mode. Just specify parameters such as: online number range in which numbers will be randomly selected. Also indicate the number of numbers that will be selected.

For example, you have a VKontakte group. In the group you will win 5 prizes among the number of participants who repost the post. By using special application, we have received a list of participants. Each was assigned its own serial number for online numbers.

Now we go to our online generator and indicate the range of numbers (number of participants). For example, we set that 5 numbers are needed online, since we have 5 prizes. Now click the generate button. Then we get 5 random numbers online, ranging from 1 to 112 inclusive. The generated 5 numbers online will match serial number five participants who became the winners of the drawing. Everything is simple and convenient.

Another advantage of the random number generator is that all numbers online are issued randomly. That is, it is not possible to influence it, or to calculate what number will be next. What does it say, honest and reliable, and the administration that gives away prizes with the help of our free generator, honest and decent in the person of the competition participants. And if you are in doubt about any decision, then you can use our

Why is the random number generator the best?

The fact is that number generator online available on any device and always online. You can quite honestly generate any number for any idea you have. And use the same for the project random number generator online. Especially if you need to determine the winner of a game or for another number online. The fact is that random number generator generates any numbers completely randomly without algorithms. It's essentially the same as for numbers.

Random number generator online for free!

Random number generator online free for everyone. You don't need to download or buy any random number generator online for the draw. You just need to go to our website and get the random result you need. We not only have random number generator but also needed by many and will definitely help you win the lottery. A real online random number generator for lotteries is absolute randomness. Which our site is able to provide you with.

Random number online

If you are looking for a random number online, then we have created this resource just for you. We are constantly improving our algorithms. You will get the real one here random number generator. He will provide any needs as you need random generator completely free and at any time. Generate random numbers online with us. Always be sure that every number generated is completely random.

Random number generator

Our random number generator randomly selects numbers completely at random. It doesn't matter what day or hour you have on your computer. This is a real blind choice. The random generator simply shuffles all the numbers in a random order. And then it randomly selects the number of random numbers you specify from them. Sometimes numbers can be repeated, which proves the complete randomness of the random number generator.

Random online

Random is the surest option for a draw. The online generator is truly a random choice. You are protected from any influence on the selection of a random number. By filming the process randomly online selection winner on video. That's all you need. Organize fair sweepstakes online with our online generator numbers. You get winners and satisfied players. And we are glad that we were able to please you with our random generator.

If you organized, you probably encountered the difficulty of choosing a random winner. As a rule, in such situations it is used popular service You could see the corresponding screenshots with its results when announcing the winners of competitions held on VKontakte, etc. Today we invite you to consider this project a little more detail, especially since the number generator in Random is far from its only feature.

You can find a list of all functions at home page. To conduct drawings in Random, you can use two types of services: paid and free. They are designated as FREE and PAID services. In the first case, you simply get the result. In the second method, it is additionally possible to save all the results + the service will create an official sampling protocol.

Many readers may argue, how does a computer (machine) manage to generate random numbers? And indeed, if we take the majority, then there we're talking about O pseudorandom variables, that is, the values ​​are calculated using mathematical functions, that is, in a predictable manner. Chip of this service Random is that information is read from atmospheric noise, which allows you to get truly random numbers. was created in 1998 by a Dublin School doctor computer science and statisticians Mads Haahr. Now the project is actively used in lotteries, competitions, applications, science, etc.

Free random in the service

In most cases it is quite enough free option. The most important thing is to have a list of participants. At the same time, to draw prizes at, you can choose one of 2 trips:

  • through a random number generator;
  • using selection from lists;

Using a number generator form

Let's say on your computer you have a certain list of people taking part in a competition. On the right side of the main page you will find a widget where you will need to set parameters. In the minimum number field (Min) put one (1), in the maximum field - indicate the total number of participants. Next, click on the “Generate” button to generate the winning number.

By the way, just below on the main page there is an “Integer Generator” item, where you can generate a sequence of several random numbers in There are a little more parameters there. This can be useful if you want to determine more than one winner in a giveaway.

Using a list generator

In the very top menu go to “Lists & more” and select the “List Randomizer” item (or find it on the main page). A new window will open in which you need to enter all your participants and click on the “Randomize” button. The program will produce a final list where the specified people will be placed randomly. The first person on the list is the winner.

In addition to sorting the list, the service will show the sampling time + your IP. You can take a screenshot of the screen and show it to participants so they can see that everyone was included in the list and the winner was chosen at the promised time.

In addition to these two generators, the project has several more interesting free features:

  • coin toss simulator;
  • random dice results;
  • lottery number generator;
  • forming a sequence of numbers (including non-repeating ones);
  • generating random strings of characters (and passwords);
  • using different random number functions;
  • obtaining arbitrary dates, geo coordinates and much more.

Paid service features

If there are large prizes involved or many people are involved, then you will be interested in paying for sampling so that the random number generator results are stored.

The price depends on the number of participants. If their number is less than five hundred people, then it will cost $4.95. If 1000 participants - $8.95. You can see more details in the screenshot:

Widgets for pages

In addition, the Random service offers additional tools. To view them, go to “web tools” in the top menu. The following options will be available here:

  1. Widgets for Your Pages. You can create widgets on this page. The system generates special code, which you place in your Internet project;
  2. API for Automated Clients. This page describes how to interface to via JSON-RPC;
  3. The HTTP API is used to display a random number in code;
  4. Banned Hosts. List of prohibited hosts.


So, the number generator is a great option for choosing the winner of a sweepstakes or competition. It will generate a random number based on the number of participants, plus you can choose one of the sampling methods − numeric value or a list. In addition, when using the service, no one will doubt the presence of special “deceptive” squeaks that can affect the choice of the winner. Except online versions there is also an application Random generator With different functions. In general, this is one of the iconic and really useful projects.

Greetings, dear readers! In this article I want to talk to you about the popular site, with which you can choose a random winner in any competition. It doesn’t matter for which platform you choose the winner of the competition: Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, blog or website - the most important thing is that you have a ready list of participants, since is just a random number generator and it is not capable of selecting participants according to a given criterion.

We choose a winner on Facebook

I don’t like long stories, so I’ll get straight to the point :)) If you want to determine the winner of a competition held on a Facebook page, then everything is very simple. There are some great sites that will allow you to easily and easily export all the likes and comments from any post you choose in CSV format. You can then run these lists through the number generator and thus choose a random winner.

Note: Since reposts, as a condition of participation in competitions on Facebook, are strictly prohibited by the rules, there are no services that will automatically calculate them for you. In general, I do not advise breaking the rules on Facebook, since a lifelong ban on a page is a rather expensive price that, God forbid, you will have to pay for such violations.

We choose a winner on VKontakte

Over time, I have compiled a fairly voluminous list of applications and websites that can be used to determine the winner among social users. VKontakte network. For convenience, I have moved the list to a separate article.

How to choose a random winner using

We've sorted out the lists of participants, so let's return to the topic of There are two types of services on the site: paid and free. The difference is that if you choose a winner paid method, then stores all the results, creating a kind of official sampling protocol. See. If your audience trusts you 100% and there is no need to prove that the draw was carried out properly, then you can safely use free service and simply show all participants a screenshot with the results of the draw. If there is a need for official confirmation of the sampling, then below I will tell you how to choose a winner using a paid method.

Free sample

So, if your audience trusts you, then there is no need to pay for sampling. In this video you will learn how to choose a random winner in two free ways:

  1. Using a random number generator;
  2. Using a list randomizer.

Paid sampling

If you're running a competition with a large number of entrants or large prizes, you'll likely be more interested in an official draw that retains the results of the draw.


The sampling price on depends on the number of participants. If you have no more than 500 people on your list, then such a sample will cost you very little - $4.95. 1000 participants will cost a little more - $8.95. I will not list all the prices here, especially since they are on the website.'s price per sample with a small number of participants is slightly lower than its competitors, such as Random Picker. But if you have more than 3,000 participants, then I advise you to use the site, since it has a fixed price per project - $25 (than more projects, the cheaper). In addition, the site has been translated into Russian, which is undoubtedly a big plus.

If with English language If you have no problems and you can register on the site without any problems, then just skip this section. I've received a lot of questions about registering on, so I'll tell you how to do it.

Step 1. Click on Login in the right top corner and in the window that opens, click on register.

Step 2. Enter the registration information, as shown in the figure below. Please note that the name you put in the second paragraph will be indicated in the sampling protocol, so choose either your name or the name of your company, page or site. Click on the Proceed button.

Step 3. Next, you need to choose how much you will pay for the sample. If you have less than 500 participants, then select the second line with a price of $4.95 - this is minimum amount for registration. That is, if you just want to register on the site without paying (1st line), you won’t succeed. I don't know why they even made this option.

Next, if you have about 5,000 participants or want to hold several lotteries with fewer participants, then choose the third line with a price of $34.95. The same goes for the fourth line - $249.95 for 100,000 participants or n number of small samples.

The most effective options offered by are the second one with $4.95 or the last one, where you choose how much money you want to deposit. Don't forget to use the price calculator, the link to which I provided above.

Step 4. This step is not at all interesting to us. asks if you want to subscribe to additional service"Customizable random number generator." You won't need it to hold competitions, so choose the first line.

Step 5. Well last step— account confirmation. Please pay Special attention that you have entered the correct email. address, since you will be sent a password to log into your account.

If payment information and email address. emails are entered correctly, then check the box to confirm that you agree with everything and click on the Pay with PayPal button. You will be redirected to the PayPal page to pay. As soon as the money arrives in your account, your account will be created.

That's all! Registration is complete!

Official winner's selection at

In this section, we will take a closer look at how to determine the winner on For example, I will use screenshots from

Step 1. Sign in to your account.

Step 2. A window will open, as in the figure, with information about all previous samples (if there were any, of course). Click on the “pick a new winner” button.

Step 3. In a new window, enter the name of the competition or a brief description of it.

  1. The results will be visible only to competition participants: In order to check whether a participant was included in the list, he will need to enter an identifier, that is, the information that you used in the lists, for example, names, email addresses. mail, UID and so on. The participant will only be able to see general information about the draw: name, total number of participants, but will not be able to see the entire list. .
  2. Closed selection: the sample results and list of participants are available only to you.
  3. Open selection: the sample results and list of participants will be visible to anyone who follows the protocol link. .
  4. Test sample.

Step 4. Next, choose the method for entering the list of participants. Everything seems to be clear here. I will only note that if you choose a method for downloading a file, then the list should be in text format txt. For both methods, each individual participant must be entered on a separate line, that is, no listing separated by commas or separated by spaces.

If you are very a large number of participants, the file may take longer to download and process.

Step 5. You don't need to do anything in this step, as will do everything itself. The point of this step is to check your list for duplicates and empty fields. If the fields highlighted in the figure yellow- green, then I didn’t find any problems with the list. If your list contains duplicates or empty fields, you will have to go back, correct those issues, and re-upload the list of participants. If you are okay with the list, then move on by clicking on Proceed.

Step 7 Next we move on to the sample confirmation step. Be very careful that all information is entered correctly, since at this stage there is still a chance to go back and correct something. If you click on the Complete the drawing button, money will be debited from your account.

Step 8 The list of winners is ready! If you have defined open type samples, i.e. made the results available to the general public or participants, then on this page you will have a link that you can publish at the competition location. There is no need to save this link as you can find it in your account dashboard.

Well, that seems to be all, friends, that I wanted to tell and show you about I really hope that you found the information you were looking for. I would be grateful if you share my article with everyone who may find this information useful and interesting.

If you have not yet subscribed to blog updates, you can do so using this link. Don't forget to also follow latest news in social networks.

With this generator you can create random numbers in any range. This generator will also allow you to randomly select or determine a number from a list. Or create an array of random numbers from 2 to 70 elements. This online tool will not only allow you to create one (1), two (2) or three digit (3) random numbers, but also five and seven. Easy to set up. Everyone can master it. You will also be able to select random numbers for online or offline lotteries or contests. And it will be convenient. You can easily create entire tables or series of random numbers. In a split second you will receive a random number or a sequence of them (set) on your screen. If you take a sequence of your numbers, then the algorithm will choose a random one or random ones, any one can fall out. You yourself can use this tool to conduct sweepstakes. By choosing, for example, the same range and number of numbers in the result, you can generate random sequence(combination). You can also choose random letter combinations and words. This tool, like everything on our site, is completely free to use (no exceptions).

Enter range numbers


Changing the range to generate a random number

1..10 1..100 1..1000 1..10000 for lottery 5 out of 36 for lottery 6 out of 45 for lottery 6 out of 49 for lottery 6 out of 59

Number of random numbers (1)

Eliminate repetitions

Select random values ​​from the list (separate by commas or spaces, if commas are found, division will be done by them, otherwise by spaces)