Where to get traffic for an affiliate program. Where to get traffic for affiliate programs

No matter how trivial it may sound, a site needs traffic - like a person needs air. And the more traffic, the more income! It doesn’t matter what kind of online resource you have (an online store, a website with affiliate programs, a personal blog) - without real visitors, the resource is a source of information that only its creator knows about...

It is also important that the traffic should be thematic. To achieve maximum conversion, you need to attract targeted visitors to your site..

Note. Conversion is the percentage ratio of the total number of site visitors to the number of visitors who performed targeted actions (buying a book in an online store, registering in an affiliate program, etc.). For example, a conversion of 100 to 1 or 1% means that there is 1 targeted action per 100 visits.

This article will look at various exchanges and services where you can buy or order high-quality traffic to your website - visits and transitions from real people (not bots). But first, let's look at the questions: "Why pay money for traffic?", "Which traffic should I buy - expensive or cheap?"

Why buy traffic to your site?

Before you buy visits and transitions to the site, you need to understand the following: high-quality and free traffic is provided by search engines, which means that first of all you should work with the content of the resource (publishing articles) and its structure (improving navigation, menus, design, correct linking, etc.). And if you do everything correctly, then after some time (six months to a year) your site will receive a lot of targeted traffic from search engines.

But what should a young web resource (blog, online store) do, which at the initial stage finds it difficult to provide itself with large quantities of free search traffic? There is a solution - order visits and transitions to the site.

Which traffic to buy - expensive or cheap?

What about the benefits? What kind of traffic should you “chase” - expensive or cheap? Let's assume that the cost per click is 1 ruble, 5 rubles, 10 rubles - is this a lot or a little? Let's try to figure it out.

Expensive or cheap traffic to a website are relative concepts. What matters is the quality of traffic and how much you earn from buying it..

Let's say you are registered in the affiliate program of some online bookstore (this is the case when you can make money on traffic without your own website).

Initial data:

  • The minimum order in the online store is 1000 rubles;
  • your commission is 20% (or 200 rubles with a minimum order);
  • buying traffic (it doesn’t matter where yet) costs you 3 rubles per click;
  • conversion is ~2.5% (25 minimum orders per 1000 visitors).

Income calculation: 25x200-3x1000=2000 rub. (your net profit).

Thus, for each click of purchased transitions you earn 2 rubles. This was an approximate calculation so that you understand the meaning of the benefits from buying traffic to an affiliate website or any other.

As for whether it's expensive or cheap. Using the trial method, you must determine which traffic brings more benefits (profits) for your case. Next are exchanges and traffic buying/selling systems.

Exchanges, systems and services for buying and selling traffic

1. Buy traffic in contextual advertising systems

1.1 Contextual advertising from Yandex-Direct and Google Adwords

High-quality and targeted traffic for the site can be purchased in such contextual advertising systems as: Yandex-Direct and/or Google Adwords. In essence, these are systems for placing search and thematic advertising, broadcast directly in search engine results and on partner sites in accordance with the user’s request. Traffic here is not cheap, but with a guarantee of results - conversion.

Paid traffic from search engines is ideal for online stores, various affiliate programs, personal blogs, business portals, that is, for almost any website.

And yet, with a small budget it will be difficult to “squeeze” anything out of the “context” - the bill should be thousands, or even tens of thousands of rubles. That is, if you top up your advertising account with 300 rubles (minimum for Yandex-Direct), then most likely you will simply lose money.

Important! Purchasing traffic from the above systems requires a competent approach. Inept use of services is guaranteed to lead to a waste of money.

You can set up an advertising campaign correctly (selecting key phrases, creating effective ads, etc.) yourself by studying the material on the Internet, or by ordering this service from professionals 1PS.

Also, to independently work with Yandex-Direct and Google AdWords contextual advertising, you can use Seopult online tool to set up and launch an advertising campaign.

In general, Yandex Direct and Google AdWords are very useful tools for advertisers if they urgently need to find clients, buyers, partners, and referrals. However, in inexperienced hands such useful services may turn out to be useless...

1.2 Other contextual advertising systems

  • Contema— exchange of convertible traffic with payment for clicks/impressions/leads from 5 rubles, several advertising formats (context, posters, banners), a large selection of topics, connection of Internet statistics, work according to the CPA model;
  • Context Bar— context bar with a fixed price per click - 3 rubles (for any targeting settings);
  • Nolix— advertising line with payment for impressions, detailed statistics and evaluation of the effectiveness of impressions on advertising platforms;
  • CatCut— a pay-per-click service (from 20 kopecks), which broadcasts advertising on social networks, surfing, and on partner sites;
  • Avito Context— cost per click from 0.3 rubles, great for attracting traffic to online stores;
  • B2BContext— two advertising formats (context, banners), you can calculate your advertising budget using a special form on the website;
  • Begun— service of contextual and other types of advertising, cost of transition from 1 ruble.

2. Buy banner traffic

Banner traffic is not as effective as the previous one, but it is quite possible to attract real visitors - potential customers or partners to any project. When purchasing banner spaces The theme and traffic of the site, the attractiveness of the banner and its location on the site are important, which, in turn, will affect the click-through rate (CTR). If necessary, make a banner yourself, for example, in Photoshop, or order it from a freelance exchange Work Zilla or Kwork.

You can buy cheap banner traffic to your website through the following exchanges:

  • Rotaban— a convenient exchange for purchasing banner spaces with payment for a fixed placement time (30 days), low cost of placing banners (from 30 rubles per month), setting filters to search for suitable sites (traffic, price, impressions, etc.), choosing the required banner size;
  • Linkslot— here you also pay for the time of advertising (you can choose from 1, 2, 3, 4 weeks), convenient search for thematic sites, choice of banner size, blocks of advertising links;
  • Bodyclick— banner, teaser and contextual advertising service, minimum order from 150 rubles;
  • Advbox— search by advertising platforms, choice of banner size, the ability to place flash banners, production of banners according to your order;
  • Traffic Sape- a powerful banner platform: various types of formats, pop-up banners, targeting, retargeting, pay per click or impressions - all of your choice;
  • Kadam- one of the largest online advertising services - several advertising formats (banners, teasers, videos, context), precise targeting, high-quality traffic, payment per impression/action/click.

3. Buy teaser traffic

Unlike a graphic banner, a teaser is an advertising block in the form of a link image with a brief description. In terms of effectiveness, teaser advertising is also inferior to search advertising, but there is no reason not to use this method of attracting traffic - traffic is convertible, moreover, it is cheaper and easier to work with.

We will consider two options for placing teasers: on partner sites and in user browsers.

3.1 Teasers on partner sites

Exchanges offer to buy traffic from teasers posted on partner web resources:

  • TeaserMedia— teaser network No. 1 with pay-per-clicks (the cost depends on the topic), there is a database of ready-made images, free help in setting up an advertising campaign, a huge selection of thematic platforms, protection against cheating, quick registration;
  • DirectAdvert— the largest exchange for purchasing teaser traffic with payment for a transition or action, reaching an audience of more than 150 million people per month, there are useful options for setting up an advertising campaign (targeting, retargeting and others), starting 50 rubles as a gift;
  • AdLabs Media Network— a high-quality service of high-quality teaser traffic at a cost per click of 0.52 rubles, targeting settings, white/black sheets;
  • TeaserNet— a wonderful “teaser” with payment for transitions; using the service’s built-in calculator you can easily calculate the cost of purchasing traffic;
  • TeaserLady— a “teaser” reaching an exclusively female audience.
  • Ads Mmgp- teaser, contextual advertising network from the "MMGP" group. Financial network (Forex, options, etc.) to search for the target audience - partners and referrals;
  • Kokos Click— a new fast-growing teaser platform with pay-per-click advertising;

3.2 Teasers in user browsers

Your advertising will not be broadcast on Internet websites, as in the previous case, but directly in the browsers of users who have installed a special module. The quality of traffic is debatable - it may or may not work, but the cost of impressions or transitions real visitors quite low - from 20 rubles. for 1000 views and from 70 rubles for 1000 clicks.

Services for attracting traffic from browsers:

  • Surfearner;
  • P2P;
  • Payad;
  • Teaser.

4. Buy traffic from social networks

To make it easier for advertisers to work with social traffic, specialized services have been created:

6. Other traffic exchanges

6.1 Traffic generators

Personally, I have not used such services (there was no need), but I know that they exist and attract “live” traffic, i.e. real visitors. You install a special code on your website and use the service for free, and if there is no such desire or opportunity, then buy a monthly subscription. Check out the operating principle of generators on the services themselves:

  • Traffic— an exchange for attracting high-quality and thematic traffic, targeting, two tariff plans are available for ordering (paid and free).

6.2 Advertising and mailings

  • Unisender— a fairly functional mailing and SMS service. Three paid tariffs for email newsletters, there is a free one (limited by the number of letters and database size);
  • Standard media— service of mailing lists and attracting real visitors to the site;
  • Maliver— good service, there are several tariffs.

6.3 Advertising brokers for the cheapest traffic

Cheap traffic does not mean high-quality and thematic, but nothing prevents you from experimenting. You can buy a lot of traffic to your website at the lowest price (from 0.05 rubles per click) from brokers:

  • Takru;
  • Wmlink;
  • PeopleGroup.

6.4 Active advertising systems (boxes)

Traffic from axleboxes is of low quality, but very cheap - from 10 rubles per 1000 visits. It is possible to place contextual advertisements and banners. You can attract quickly and a lot of real visitors to your website with:

  • Seofast;
  • Profitcenter;
  • Socpublic.

You will find more services on the page "SAR sites".

6.5 Clickanders and popunders

  • Popunder— popunder advertising network, payment for impressions and transitions, 15 targeting, 11 advertising formats;
  • Clickunder— the largest clickander exchange, traffic from 30 rubles. per 1000 impressions, deep targeting (by country, city, topic, browser, etc.), additional options (traffic at certain hours and days of the week), anti-cheat against robots.

6.6 Exchanges of links and articles

Another good way to attract real visitors to your site is to buy traffic on link and article exchanges, in which webmasters earn money by placing links on their resources: in individual reviews, in posts. Typically, such exchanges are used by optimizers to promote websites, but if you find the right sites, you can also receive traffic.

The advantage of this approach is that having spent once on placing a link, visitors will constantly follow it. It’s just important to choose websites visited by at least 500-1000 people per day. The topic is also important.

Here are some good exchanges:

  • Blogger;
  • GoGetLinks;
  • Rotapost;
  • Miralinks.

Note. All traffic prices in the exchanges and systems discussed above are current at the time of writing.

Successful purchase of traffic to your sites!

Good luck to you, Patience and Good Luck!


Today you will find out where the cheapest place is to buy visitors to your site in order to increase site traffic.

You can buy traffic to the site here: cheapest traffic Incredibly low price - from 0.69 rubles. for 1000 visits.

Or you can do it here (a little more expensive, but better quality):

But at the very beginning I’ll tell you why I need it at all increase website traffic, buy cheap traffic to the site.

You are buying high quality cheap traffic and merge it onto pages where various affiliate links are posted (that is, you make money from affiliate programs), I will not tell you within the framework of this article, I think you yourself know what’s what.

Where to buy the cheapest quality traffic to your website

For example, if you bought traffic (transitions to your site) for 1-3 rubles, and you have Yandex Direct and Google Adsense contextual advertising on your project, then a click on it can cost 10-15 rubles.

The second purpose of buying cheap traffic is to improve behavioral factors. If a person clicked on your ad and went to your site, it means he is interested in this topic and will most likely make a couple of internal transitions (improving the bounce rate) and spend a lot of time with you on the project (of course, if you have a high-quality resource and you competently suggested that the visitor read something else, read - internal linking - as I do it.)

Also, search engines love when a site receives not only search traffic, but also bookmarks and traffic from other Internet resources, they will immediately see and appreciate this moment, this is important!!!

Thus, by purchasing cheap traffic, we can earn money and increase search traffic by improving behavioral factors.

Service for purchasing the cheapest traffic.

The cheapest traffic in simply incredible quantities can be bought here: http://skypromotion.ru/

Everything is extremely simple and there is nothing special to describe. There is no minimum (the smallest order I made was only 22 rubles), and there is no maximum either - the more, the cheaper. Advice: You need to take a lot of visits at once (from 100,000) - it will last for a long time, but it turns out 5-10 times cheaper, since the discount + gift (up to 12 months for 1000 visitors daily) are given only for the first order in the system! If everything is done correctly, you can get a lot of traffic at a low price.

Friends, I greet you! We continue to upgrade our blog and today I will tell you where to get traffic to the site. I already have an article “”, in which I wrote where to get traffic to the site for free. if anyone doesn’t know, traffic is real people who visit your website.

Let's figure out where to get high-quality cheap traffic. People will come to you through advertisements on other people's sites. These will be visitors who are interested in your offer to familiarize themselves with a particular topic.

Let's look at how this is done. I'll post my link now as an example. And so, let's go this link to the service we need.

First, you can take a tour of the bar's capabilities. After that, log in through your VKontakte account. You must first log in to Vk.

You have logged into your personal account and immediately start creating advertising. To do this, first top up your account.

As soon as you have money in your account, you can post your link. To do this, click “add new ad.”

Now fill in all the required fields. First, write an advertising line that is the anchor of your link and will be shown on other sites to attract visitors.

Then choose where you want to display your ad line. It is very important to choose the right direction to attract only targeted traffic to the site.

After everything is filled out, click on the “create” button. That's it, the advertisement has been placed. It turns out that you kill two birds with one stone, and attract visitors to the site and also place a link on other people’s resources, and this is very important for ranking your blog.

If you don't know, search engines look at how many other resources link to your blog and that's how they determine the usefulness of your content. This way you get top rankings in search engine results. And this will attract additional visitors to your site from search.

Once you have placed an ad, you can track the number of clicks on it and top up your balance to prolong the activity of the link. You can immediately see from which sites people came to your blog. You can even go to these sites yourself and see what kind of resources they are that give you targeted traffic.

Personally, I only use the context bar, because the payment only goes for clicking on the link. There are other services where payment is made by day or per impression. You can waste your budget on them.

And on the context bar you pay specifically for transitions, very profitable! The only drawback is that the service did not have a referral system so that you could receive money from attracted users and spend it on your advertising. Maybe someday they will do it, but for now you have to invest your hard-earned money, although the prices here are cheap and not affordable.


Hello Thebizfromscratch readers! The authors of this blog, Andrey and Dasha, are in touch with you. We have repeatedly told you about various ways to make money on the Internet and do you know what conclusion we came to? To earn good money, for example, from affiliate programs, you need to do only 1 action - drive traffic! Do you want to know where to get traffic for affiliate programs? We hope so, because in today’s article, this is exactly what we will talk about.

We won’t describe in the second round all the beauty of making money on affiliate programs. In our opinion, it is much more important to convey to you information that will allow you to achieve a stable and high income, which means we’ll get straight to the point!

Where to get traffic for affiliate programs

Many people mistakenly believe that in order to distribute parterres, the quality of traffic is not particularly important, the main thing is its quantity... Well, everything is learned by comparison. For the sake of curiosity, we conducted the following experiment - within a week we attracted visitors to the affiliate program in two completely different ways: we launched an advertisement on the landing page with our referral link on the box and set up a series of letters so that after subscribing, the person received a message with a link to everything the same landing page as for the book box.

As a result, in the first case, we received a bunch of clicks and a dozen registrations, but, as time has shown, these registrations were empty and did not bring us a cent in the end. In the second case, there were significantly fewer transitions, as well as registrations, however, the further activity of referrals pleasantly pleased us with monetary deductions :) The conclusions suggest themselves: firstly, axle boxes are not the best source of traffic, despite the large number of fast transitions and, in -Secondly, quality is much more important than quantity. Based on this, we bring to your attention our traffic sources for affiliate programs.

  1. Subscribers + properly configured email series

If you are engaged in information business and have a database of many thousands in your arsenal, then you probably have no problems with the distribution of affiliate programs. And if you have just started collecting subscribers, we strongly recommend that you not only create an attractive subscription page, but also properly set up a series of emails after subscription. This is done in the settings of your mailing service... If you are registered on JustClick, then it will be useful for you to read the publication - everything is similar on other services.

If you don’t understand much of the above, don’t panic! Now let’s look at how it all works using a simple example and you will understand where to get traffic for affiliate programs.

Look, the user lands on your subscription page, where you offer to get a working method for making money on the Internet in exchange for a subscription. If a person is really interested in your training materials, then he will not mind becoming your subscriber and getting free access to the methodology.

As soon as he confirms his subscription, the first letter to the specified email will send a link to the promised material. And then the most interesting part begins. You need to set up a series of emails in advance, thanks to which, after some time, the person who has just subscribed will automatically receive another message... In it, we recommend sending a motivating text with a link to the affiliate program.

Just one important note! The topic that attracted the subscriber must coincide with the topic of the affiliate program. Otherwise, it is unlikely that a person who has signed up for a method of making money on the Internet will want to register and participate in programs to combat cellulite.

  1. Free course giveaway

The second option, where to get traffic for affiliate programs, has something in common with the first and has no worse results. Think about it, how are information products created? Conscientious authors simply describe their personal experiences and tell others how and where to start.

So why can’t we talk about some proven affiliate program? Use it, make sure that it is not a scam, achieve visible results and share your knowledge with everyone... Write a brochure detailing the actions taken and insert your referral link in the right places. For greater returns, give away such a course for a subscription, i.e. for free. You’ll kill two birds with one stone: you’ll gain subscribers and drive targeted traffic. And if you also set up an automatic series of letters, then the chances of getting high-quality transitions increase significantly.

We would like to give advice! As soon as you make such a course and set up a series of letters, run to add them to PR or purchase mailings, for example, on the BazaarEmail service. Try to attract as many visitors as possible to your subscription page!

  1. Sending push notifications

You also collect a subscription base and send out a “cannon” with motivating text and a link to the affiliate program 2-3 times a week. Due to the fact that push notifications are read and opened more readily, sometimes there are more clicks than from a regular email newsletter.

Usually, we “hang” push notifications on our sales pages... Subscribers are not averse to receiving useful materials from us and easily agree to further mailings on them. Also, we get a lot of help in collecting subscribers, eccentrics who, with the help of axle boxes, drive traffic to our sales people. They practically don’t make purchases for us, which significantly reduces sales conversion, but they gain subscribers quickly and in large numbers. At least some plus from axle boxes))

  1. Banner placement

An excellent option where to get traffic for affiliate programs if you have your own developed blog, or an extra thousand rubles in your pocket. Place the banner in a prominent place, leading either to your subscription page or directly to the affiliate program. To increase efficiency, we recommend placing not one, but several banners at once, just come up with different pictures for them, otherwise identical objects located side by side do not look very attractive.

Regarding the extra thousand in your pocket... If the site still does not please you with high traffic, and you really want to drive traffic, order a banner placement service from the owner of a promoted resource. As far as we know, you will have to pay at least a thousand rubles for such pleasure. The more visited the site, the higher the cost.

  1. Social media

And, perhaps, finally, let’s note an equally effective way to get traffic for affiliate programs... let’s talk about social networks. We would like to point out right away that spreading links to affiliate programs yourself is a rather tedious and ineffective task. How many people can you send the link to? 100, 200 a day? You’ll have to kill a lot of time, and there’s practically no guarantee that the transitions will take place, and there’s a high probability of your account being banned... Therefore, we don’t resort to this method very often, only in cases of great need and time.

Well, so we looked at where to get traffic for affiliate programs. As you can see, to attract active referrals, you will have to make a lot of effort. Otherwise, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve a stable income from affiliate programs. We wish you success in all your endeavors and... do not forget to congratulate your other halves on Valentine's Day.

Hello everyone, I haven’t written for six days now, so I urgently need to get back to my favorite pastime, namely writing articles for the blog. Today, I plan to work hard, because the subscriber base is not growing, and something needs to be done about it.

For this, after the article I’ll immediately start making landing pages, otherwise I’m debugging everything... Well, okay, the most important thing is that today I want to tell you about where to get traffic. You can say CEO and CEO again, but I can assure you that there are many ways to get traffic to your website, to one-pagers, and to your products or services. If you are interested, then read my article further, I will try to tell you everything I know.

Well, let’s start, since the topic of this post is traffic, then we’ll talk about it. Of course, before we start, I want to ask you: do you know why you need traffic anyway??

Maybe you already have a good life, maybe you write articles for your website or blog that you don’t promote, but just for the soul. Or maybe even better, you are a rich person, and the Internet for you is just a means of communication. Well, if you are a person who came to the Internet for money, then this information is just for you.

Traffic is the flow of people that come to some sites, blogs, online stores or landing pages. Your task, as the author of your Internet resource, is to do everything to ensure that this traffic constantly increases.

How to do it?? Ahhh, not so fast, my dears, we will come to this later. See, for example, you found out that you have unique knowledge in the field of English. Moreover, you know how to package this knowledge in a box, but what to do next.

You can offer this course (product) to your friends, spam them on social networks, but I assure you, the result will not be very good. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that you need clients, and this means that for sales, for making money on advertising (your website), you need constant traffic.

Where to get traffic if you need it!!

Well, okay, we understand that traffic is great, but now the most important task is to get as much of this traffic as possible.

Well, these are my favorites, now let's talk about them in more detail.

1. First of all, I would like to note that it is traffic from CEO. You know, I’ll tell you this: if you are a master in SEO promotion of your resources, then you may not know the rest. If you can promote your website to 5-10 thousand people per day, then you can safely engage in affiliate programs, selling physical goods and information business. Incredible? Yes, not at all, because believe me, if you have such a constant flow of potential clients, they will still buy from you, click on ads, that is, in other words, they will monetize your resource.
2. Social media - a great way to promote. Do you think others see your posts on social networks? I think so, because I myself like to put something interesting on the wall. And after that, people like, comment, read, and so on. What will happen if you post your useful content? Everything is correct, others will read it, your friends, acquaintances will be there, and so on. Here's another good way to get traffic.
3. contextual advertising – a great tool for the right hands. Now I’ll try to explain to you, the fact is that Yandex Direct and Google Adwords are good tools if you know how to work with them. And if not, then your money will very quickly go down the drain, and you will receive traffic that will not convert at all. Do you need this? No, so try to study this method of getting traffic, since there are a lot of free courses on this.
4. Teaser advertising – a way to get traffic that is very cheap. To be honest, I myself often experiment with this, but the results are not very good, there seem to be a lot of clicks on my links, and the conversion is not very good. It will be very good if you master this method, I assure you, you will not regret it, perhaps several thousand of your potential clients are hiding here.
5. Newsletters and your own subscriber base , well, this is the basics. Believe me, if you gain 10-15 thousand subscribers, this will allow you to earn normal money. Just one issue of a letter can bring hundreds and even thousands of customers and simply interested people. Now, your task is to gain this base; all these methods that I indicate are good.
6. Other sites - yes, why not. If you know the authors of sites that many people visit, then why not use this fact for your own purposes. You can write a guest post for these people, or you can simply order a review of some of your products or websites. In today's conditions, this works great especially for blogging (let's face it).
7. Books or task sites . You've probably already heard about them, and also that you can make fabulous money from them. In fact, the myth about big earnings on axleboxes is a lie, but what is true is that you can get cheap traffic here. What’s even simpler is to create a task, set a normal price, and get visitors. True, this will not be targeted traffic, it will not be used for sales, but catching up or adding traffic in this way is not only possible, but also necessary.
8. Internet partnership . A very important point that I want to draw your attention to. Remember that it is very easy to move as a team, so if you want to start receiving affiliate traffic, for example, when selling your courses, then you need to get good connections. A good partner will promote you and benefit you, so keep this in mind, dating matters.
9. Quality content - at a time when everyone is trying to promote themselves, their website, blog, store, it is high-quality information that will allow you to stand out when you need it. Remember that regular traffic, namely those people who will come to you to read useful articles, will come to you only when you have something interesting and useful.
10. Video hosting - one of the main multimedia ways to promote your products and services. You should not miss the opportunity to promote your landing pages or websites through video hosting services, and especially YouTube. Think about simple videos that get millions of views as well as thousands of likes. Now think about what would happen if there were links to your products? Surely there would be sales, you agree.

So, friends, we have come to the conclusion that only through effort, as well as general knowledge, can you receive high-quality traffic, without which you cannot count on success on the Internet.

I will end here, thank you for reading this article, I hope it helped you in some way.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

2024 gtavrl.ru.