Where to look for the wifi password. Where to find the WiFi password in Windows XP

The access key to the network or to the network administrator page is lost, don’t be discouraged. It is possible to restore them. This article will help you solve this problem.

Standard passwords for routers

Each Wi-Fi router operates on the basis of access data to the Internet and local network, which are login and password. They are created at the very beginning of use in the first stages of setting up network equipment. The login is always the same Latin word “admin”, and the password can be either the word “admin” or the numbers 1234, 123, 0000.

There may also be no password at all. And for the Kyivstar operator, such a login is possible.

In any case, in order not to push your luck and not waste time on a random selection, you need to look at the technical data sheet of the router, which is included in the kit and may look like a brochure. If the router came to the user as a used product and the technical passport is not available, it is worth asking your friends, acquaintances or relatives who use a network device made by the same manufacturer, because login and password will be the same.

Factory settings

At the initial stage of setup, after entering standard identification data, the user will be offered the opportunity to change the login and password to make it difficult to log into the domain outside users. Those. On the computer screen, the interface will display all the necessary data, as well as tips on generating an “access key”, which includes the login and password.

After passing this stage the user will be prompted to create local network With automatic connection to the Internet for ease of use in the future. At the same time, you should not confuse the login and password for accessing the local network operating on the basis of the router and the Internet, because these are two different things.

I forgot my router password, what should I do?

What to do if you forgot your router password is a common question for many users who have forgotten or lost their data. What to do in this situation? Recovering the key is easy. It all depends on which network password and login were lost. If it's a local network issue, i.e. in your router, then there are no serious difficulties to restore it.

Video: resetting the TP-Link router interface password

If the user has forgotten the Wi-Fi router password, he needs to act as follows:

How to recover the password and login for the router if they are needed to access the Internet?

In case of loss of data for using resources world wide web The following procedure is required:

Thus, the user has the opportunity to independently correct the situation without outside help.

Restoring an Administrator's Domain

In addition to those users who have lost access data to the local network and the Internet, there are also those who manage to lose access to the administrator page ( home page router). In this case, there is no chance to recover lost information and change the settings of the network device. On forums there is often a question like: “I forgot my admin login and password. What do i do?". It is easier to reset the settings on the network device and re-create a new local network.

To reset the router parameters, just press and hold the button on the rear panel in this position for several seconds.

In this case, the lights on the front panel of the device will go out for a while, and then start working again. The button itself is located in a small hole to prevent accidental reset, and it can only be pressed using an additional device, which can be a match, a needle, a pin, etc.

Recovery methods

The router settings will be of no use if the user loses the access keys to the administrator page, router, local network and the Internet. In this case, each of the access keys will be restored differently. The main methods are hardware and software.

The hardware method of restoring access involves checking the settings on the router’s home page, while the software method relies on the use of a software registry and special work applications that scan all information on the computer about network use.

When hardware recovery to the network is required, at a minimum, you must have a login and password for the administrative page on which all the parameters and settings of the local network and Internet connection are generated. To enter the administrator page, you need to type the manufacturer’s IP address in the address bar of your Internet browser.

The IP address can be found on a sticker located on the bottom of the router.

If there is none, then the home addresses of the routers look like this:

  1. D-link
  2. Zyxel
  3. Asus
  4. Netgear
  5. TPlink

After logging in to the appropriate router address, the user will see an interface with many settings and network parameters. In order to find out data on the local network, you need to enter the “local network” tab. This tab may also be called a wi-fi network or have similar names.

After which the user must find the parameter “ wpa key" Opposite it will be the router access password.

Password and access to the router are not everything. In addition to the local network login key, you may also need login information for the provider's domain. This data is also specified in the network device settings.

To do this, after fixing the data on access to the local network, you need to go to the “Internet” tab, where not only the parameters and connection technology will be indicated, but also the data on logging into the Internet.

Most often, the login and password are located next to the “settings” line account" or "connection setup".

Restoration by utility (program)

Except hardware method There is also a software solution for eliminating the problem of losing identification data when logging into the Internet and local network. It is used by professional users and is not suitable for helping beginners. Thus, the participation of a second user with more than high level knowledge in this area.

At software method The following working applications are used to help restore the necessary data on logins and access passwords:

  1. Dialupass;
  2. Remote Desktop PassView;
  3. RouterPassView;
  4. WirelessKeyView;
  5. Wireless Password Recovery.

And this is not the whole list. These programs themselves are amateur developments, and not the result of the work of professional teams, so the interface of these programs is not always convenient and understandable for a beginner. But if the user still decides to independent actions, then he needs to be prepared for the fact that most links to such work applications may contain malicious software.

Throughout the entire operation of the profile program, to search and detect the login and password from the network, an antivirus with the maximum possible set of functions must be running on the computer in order to prevent infection of your computer. personal computer and damage or theft of personal data.

Job similar programs based on basic principles functioning operating system, which, in turn, records every step of the user in the electronic information space. In this case, a register is formed that describes all actions performed during the Lately. They will be stored as encrypted files until all the memory on the hard drive is full.

It is impossible to open these files without special knowledge and professional skills. Not a single program known to many users will be able to read them and display the necessary information on the computer screen. In this case, we need special applications, helping to reveal encrypted logins and passwords.

After appropriate use of the program, the PC owner will be able to independently use both local and Internet networks in the future. But we must not forget that all access keys to networks must be saved in the form regular file with printed text and in written form, so as not to experience significant difficulties in connecting in the future.

Video: installing and configuring a Wi-Fi router

To prevent loss of data for accessing the local network and the Internet, novice users are recommended to take the following steps:

  1. during setup and installation of drivers on network hardware the program will offer to save a file with backup data for access on your PC desktop;
  2. after creation with network access data, the file must be copied to removable media and make another copy in any other folder;
  3. After copying the files, you must manually write down on paper all the necessary logins and passwords from the network.

In addition, do not forget that the keys are also freely available for viewing from the computer of the user who configured the router. This data can be seen in the network properties. To do this, you need to find the network connection icon on the taskbar on your desktop in the lower right corner.

Then move the cursor to the name home network and press the right button. When a new window appears, select the “properties” option and in the next new window you will be able to see all the necessary keys.

Using these tips will reduce the likelihood of complete loss necessary information for local Internet network.

Question answer:

How to view Wi-Fi password in Windows?

To view the password for accessing a wireless local network in Windows, you must:

Today we will talk about how to find out the wifi password if you have forgotten it, lost it, and so on.

In this issue we will talk about the security of a wireless Wi-Fi connection.

Now we will look at four ways to see the password for your wi-fi.

Current connections

We go to the lower right corner of our display (monitor), where we have the date and time, go to the five antennas (strips), access to the Internet. Choose what you need wireless connection, to which you are currently connected.

Click on it right click mouse and go to properties, we get into the properties of the wireless network. Go to the Security tab and check the box Display entered characters.

The network security key (password) will be displayed in front of you.

Network and Sharing Center

We also go to Internet Access, near the time and go to the Network Control Center and shared access.

Then in the left top corner Click Manage Wireless Networks.

Select the desired connected network, also right-click on it, go to properties, security tab, display entered characters.

The current wi-fi password will appear in the network security key field.

We look at the Wi-Fi password in the modem settings

Open any Internet browser, I will use Google Chrome. In a new tab, address bar dial the characters or, detailed information look at back side your modem, where its IP address is written.

Router backup

If you are not looking for easy ways, then I can offer you the last fourth way to view the password of a wireless network connection.

To do this, go to the control panel again on the modem >>> Advanced settings >>> System >>> Configuration.

To save the current configuration in a file, click the Backup button opposite. By the way, with the help backup copy you can revive your network device, if you changed something in its settings, the Internet or Wi-Fi disappeared, in simple words do a system restore.

Select a location on your hard drive for storage and click Save.

Afterwards we open this configuration file using notepad, wordpad or any other editor, I will use notepad++.

Press the key combination , call search in the document and enter text or , depending on the type of encryption. Alternatively, you can skip the search and find your Wi-Fi password yourself.

Symbols should appear in front of you, with the help of which you access the Internet via Wi-Fi.

Now let's consolidate our knowledge and watch the video lesson on today's topic of wireless connection security.

How to find out the wifi password | Moicom.ru

According to the most various reasons owners Wi-Fi devices want to connect to their neighbors' network. Find out the password from Neighbor's Wi-Fi it is possible without the knowledge of the owner, using one of the methods below. But almost always the chance of success depends not only on your skills, but also on the “cunning” of your neighbor.

Wi-Fi encryption

First, it’s worth talking about how Wi-Fi works and the types of data encryption that exist on this moment.

All information is transmitted “over the air,” that is, wirelessly. And, therefore, getting access to transmitted packets is not so difficult, because there are no barriers. The connected device constantly communicates with the access point. The most important thing for us is that they contain information about neighbor's password. But this traffic is still protected and transmitted in encrypted form. Therefore, you need to receive the transmitted data and decrypt it in order to receive required code.

Currently, only three types of encryption are used: WEP, WPA, WPA2. The most unreliable of them is WEP, which appeared earlier than the others. It is even easy to hack such a network to an ordinary person. Therefore, WEP is considered obsolete, but it is still widely used today.

Video - step by step we break Wi-Fi via Android:

With the development of technology, the more advanced WPA protocol has emerged. WPA2 encryption is widely used for Wi-Fi network security. It is actually a standard of protection similar networks, due to the fact that WPA2 is much more reliable than other protocols and does not allow information to be stolen just like that.

Password selection

There are several ways to calculate the code from your neighbor's Internet. Of course, such an act will be considered hacking. The simplest method, which does not require any knowledge, is regular selection. People often do not change standard passwords or set very simple combinations, known to everyone. A few examples:

  • qwerty;
  • admin;
  • 123456;
  • 111111.

Those who set such passwords either do not worry about their own security, or simply do not understand anything about “computers.” Therefore, before downloading any programs, you should try to guess the simplest phrases and numbers.

If this does not help, then you can resort to using a special program that will independently try to gain access to the corrupted Wi-Fi. In essence, the method remains the same. However, the difference is that the program will do all this much faster, and it will not stop at a dozen options.

After working for some time, the program will find the necessary code and give it to you. But there is one problem: it can be very difficult to guess your neighbor’s login and password, especially if it consists of various special characters and letters of different case. For example, @e3Rtf_23%4k. To find such a password, you will have to spend great amount time.

There are a lot of different hacker programs. The most popular of them are AirSlax, Wi-Fi Sidejacking, Wi-Fi Unlocker. The function we are interested in is called brute force. It means gaining access to something by constantly trying all possible combinations from the included dictionary.

Video on working with the AirSlax utility:

This method may not give any result if a cunning neighbor installed instead standard password something fancy. A phrase that is not included in the dictionary of any program. Or he simply set a limit on the number of input attempts.

Changing your mac address

You can try changing the mac address of your device. It happens that instead of a password, special filtering by mac-ardes is used. These are special indicators that are assigned to each device on a computer network.

Changing the MAC address of the Wi-Fi adapter - video instructions:

Developed various programs to scan it: with their help you can easily get a list of allowed addresses without even connecting to someone else’s network. You only have to do one thing: change your own mac address to any one from the received list. And then just connect to the desired Wi-Fi.

Hacking via PIN

AND last method: Find out the PIN from the router. Physically, this can be done by going to a neighbor’s house and carefully inspecting the device. Usually the PIN is written on some part of the case. Is it possible to recognize it without examining the equipment itself? Yes, there are various software that can easily cope with this task. For example, Blacktrack or CommView. Their method of operation is based on the fact that the router constantly sends packets with information to all devices, regardless of their connection to Wi-Fi.

In addition to these packages various information contains encrypted code. This means that you can find out the password and login from your neighbor’s Wi-Fi and connect to the network. But the whole difficulty lies in the fact that in practice this method requires a computer with a very good characteristics, so it’s unlikely to be possible to do this on a laptop. And also required Wi-Fi card, which supports Monitor Mode.

Serious problems are caused by the need to create a separate boot disk or a flash drive on which the software distribution will be located. Then you will have to install the shell on your computer, select the desired network and wait a long time until the required number of packets (at least 10,000) for hacking is collected. After that, the utility will begin to calculate the PIN, and then everything else.

Video - how the Blacktrack utility works:

If you want to use someone else’s Internet for a long time, it is better to immediately write down the router PIN somewhere. Knowing it, it will be much easier to log into the neighbor’s Wi-Fi, even if the owner changes his password.

Experienced hackers, having gained access to the device, begin to reflash the router using a Trojan. This allows them to hack into an infected network at any time and successfully connect to it.

When downloading hacking tools, you need to remember that they are almost always located on very dubious sites. By downloading such software, you are putting yourself at risk. And perhaps your data will fall into the hands of other people. Therefore, be careful and do not take risks: it is better to check the download site once again than to clean your computer from viruses.

As mentioned above, the most easy way- it's just guessing someone else's password.

Most users are quite strongly convinced that WPA encryption can be considered bulletproof for all types of attacks, however, many router manufacturers still leave the WPS function with code authentication active. This eight-digit password is designed so that an attacker only needs to guess the first seven characters, with the first four and last three usually being guessed separately, giving a total of eleven thousand code combinations. In practice, its selection is very simple.


So, if we are looking for an answer to a question from a neighbor’s WiFi, then we should stock up on the following tools: BackTrack 5 Live CD, a computer with wireless adapter And DVD drive, wireless network with WPA encryption, active WPS. Naturally, you should be patient.

Basic work process

IN the specified program includes the Reaver utility, which exploits the vulnerability of the same WPS. To find out your neighbor's WiFi password, you will need to collect certain information. You must know the name of the interface you are using wireless card, as well as the BSSID of the router that will be hacked. You will need to set your wireless card to monitor mode. After starting the terminal, enter the command: iwconfig, and then press enter. If you have only one wireless card, its name will most likely be wlan0. In the future, if there are several cards, you will be required to replace this value with an option that corresponds to reality.

Now network adapter can be switched to monitor mode by entering the command airmon-ng start wlan0. Among all the other information that you have already memorized, you should also pay attention to the name of the monitoring mode interface, at the moment this is the mon0 parameter. It's time to determine the BSSID of the router that is being attacked; for this, use the airodump-ng wlan0 command or its alternative, if necessary, airodump-ng mon. Since we are talking about how to find out the password from your neighbor’s WiFi, then after appearing in the list the desired network you should press Ctrl+C to stop updating the list. Now you have to copy the BSSID and then get to the real stuff.

In the terminal, you must enter the command: reaver -i moninterface -b bssid -vv, where the moninterface parameter is responsible for the name of the monitoring mode interface, and bssid is the BSSID of the router you are interested in. Since we are talking about how to find out WiFi password neighbor, it is worth noting that after entering the specified command you can go about your business as the utility sometimes takes up to 10 hours to find the required code. If everything goes well, you will see the code and password for the router.


Since at any moment you yourself can become the neighbor whose network someone wants to connect to, it’s worth knowing about protection methods. It is always worth disabling WPS. If you also install MAC filters, then any third-party devices will not be able to gain access to connect to your network at all. However, an attacker can gain access to the list of allowed addresses and then spoof it with a new one.

How to find out your neighbor's WiFi password so you can use his access

It is worth understanding how such a network works in order to understand how different methods hacking Everyone knows that the distribution wireless internet produced by routers. If you want to connect to a network, a permission request is sent to the router, it checks passwords, deciding whether to connect you or not. After the user is connected to the network, the exchange of information packets will still continue. They contain the network password, as well as information about what actions the user performs on the Internet.

Easy way

If we talk about how to find out the password WiFi networks, then one of the ways here is to intercept and decrypt packets, from which the same password will then be extracted. This method is quite effective, but you will need the skills and knowledge of a hacker programmer, or you can download a special hacking program that intercepts packets. There is also a very simple answer to your neighbor’s question - a simple search of passwords. To do this, launch special program To crack a password using this method, enter the network you are interested in and wait. Such a program will implement a search of all possible password combinations. The disadvantages inherent in this option are that the process is sometimes very fast and sometimes takes a very long time.

Hacking Wi-Fi networks

Every laptop has wireless module, which can detect quite a few Wi-Fi networks, but they are usually under reliable protection as a password. And here the question quite naturally arises, how to find out the password of a WiFi router?

To begin with, you can use the most “stupid” options, which also sometimes work. Try the standard password combination, that is, sequentially numbers from 1 to 8 or from 0 to 7, or in reverse order. If this helps, then it turns out that your neighbors are not very prudent. If not, then you can proceed further. You can perform the same search for passwords, but use a program for this.

Forgot your password? This also happens

Users are not always interested in at someone else’s expense; sometimes there is a need to determine the very same set of characters for their router. So, if you are not interested in how to find out your neighbor’s WiFi password because you forgot your own, then you should do this. You must log into the Network and Sharing Center. In the left column of the window, click on manage wireless networks. Now you will see a list of devices to which this computer connected via WiFi. You must call the properties of the router you need. Now you should go to the security tab. In the key area you will see asterisks, behind which your password is hidden. To see the characters, you need to check the box for displaying entered characters. This is your password.

Now you know not only how to find out the password from Neighbor's Wifi, but also about ways to protect your router from intruders, as well as a method for determining your own forgotten password.

It often happens that the Internet is distributed via a Wi-Fi wireless network, and there is a need to connect a new device to an already working network, be it a computer, laptop or smartphone. Such a “first” connection in most cases requires entering a password, which is specified when basic setup router and protects the network from unauthorized access by third-party users. Since a lot of time often passes between configuring Wi-Fi and connecting a new client, the network password is also right moment It’s not always possible to remember. What to do if you forgot your Wi-Fi password? The problem, I must say, is solved quite simply, and we will tell you exactly how in this article.

How to see the Wi-Fi password on a computer with Windows 7/10

This method only works if you already have a connected Wi-Fi networks computer. Moreover, in Windows 7 and Windows 10, the procedure for finding the required password will not be different. So first we need to go to Network and Sharing Center. To do this, right-click on the current connection icon on the taskbar, and then follow the corresponding link (you can also get to the section through the Windows Control Panel).

In the left menu select the item Change adapter settings.

Double-click on the icon and in the window that opens, click on the “Wireless Network Properties” button.

We go to the “Security” tab, where in the “Network security key” field the password we need is hidden. To display it, check the box next to the “Display entered characters” option.

Thus, we were able to view the password for our Wi-Fi through a computer connected to the target wireless network. If for some reason you were unable to determine your password using the above method, then follow the instructions below.

How to find out the Wi-Fi password through the router settings

Since the password from Wi-Fi router is registered in the settings of the router itself, then, of course, you can view it there too. How to go to the configuration page and find required section Let's look at two examples popular models routers: and .

We will connect from a computer connected to the router via cable. To get to the administrative section, enter the IP address in the line of any browser . Then we log in using the username and password (admin and admin by default).

Let's move along the branch Wireless Mode - Security wireless mode . The right key will be in the field Wireless password.

As we can see, everything is very simple.

To Settings D-Link router we go in the same way as in the case of TP Link. Next, in the interface, select the section Wi-Fi - Security Settings. Look at the password in the field PSK encryption key.

For routers from other manufacturers, approximately the same scheme works, only the name and location of the Wi-Fi configuration tab differ. If you cannot log into the control panel of the router (forgot your password), then all that remains is to reset its settings to factory settings using special button on the body (usually signed RESET). Then you can log in with standard data, which must be indicated on the router itself. Typically this is admin And admin. Next, simply set new security parameters for the wireless network, and you will no longer need to find out the old Wi-Fi password. However, when you roll back to the factory state, you will have to reconfigure the Internet connection itself.

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