Where to look at computer specifications. How to find information about a person using a database for searching people on the Internet (11 photos)

I’ll try to write in more detail about such services, including those already mentioned.

4. Something similar to address books, but somewhat different in essence - Memorable books. They were published in pre-revolutionary times annually in almost every province. They indicated all the persons who held some position in the province, even a completely insignificant one - for example, a village doctor or some kind of land surveyor. Almost all publications have indexes. They are also posted on the Istoricheska website (again, searching by keywords- names of provinces) -

5. In general, “library search” is a completely underestimated thing for studying pre-revolutionary genealogy. The names of completely different people, including “ordinary” people, very often fell into various kinds of printed publications- directories, lists, etc. There was, for example, an annual directory of persons convicted of any crimes, incl. small ones are long lists of first and last names with references to villages - very useful, again, for searching for any mention of a rare surname. The catalog of the Russian State Library is very useful for such a search -
Many pre-revolutionary publications there are digitized and indexed (but are not searched by ordinary search engines) - that is, simply by typing a surname and place, you can accidentally find a mention of ancestors.
You can use the Google book search engine in a similar way:

6. As for open Internet resources for searching archival documents, there are quite a lot of them, but the search for them is quite specific - in order to find something, you need to understand what exactly you are looking for. Archives are not libraries; the data in them is structured according to other principles - regionally, by type of document, etc. However, even if you don’t understand much about such documents, you can still find something without even leaving home.
Many regional archives have the so-called. AIS - automated Information Systems, essentially a database of stored documents. The actual monopolist in their creation is the ELAR corporation (which also made the above-mentioned OBD and “Feat of the People” sites), so they are almost all similar in operating principle: in order to search for something, you must first register, and then use search filters to search documentation.
But not all AISs are the same - it all depends on the specific archive. In some archives, simply the names of documents are posted, and in others, these documents are digitized and available for viewing. In some archive there are no auxiliary tools, in Some exist, some archives preserve this or that type of source, some do not.

Here good examples AISov:
- AIS of the archives of the Yaroslavl region (many documents have been digitized, data from the general census of 1897 has been preserved for the Yaroslavl province, which recorded all the inhabitants of the province - its data is indexed and searched by a search engine on the website):
- AIS Voronezh Archive -
- AIS of the Central State Archive of St. Petersburg (access to documents is paid, but digitized a large number of metric books for the vast territory of pre-revolutionary provinces neighboring St. Petersburg) -
- AIS Samara Archive -
- AIS of the Tyumen archive (Tyumen is one of the regions where the 1897 census data has also been preserved, which makes it easy to search for information about ancestors, even without special knowledge) -

A separate example of a service similar to AIS is the website "Generations of the Perm Territory":
This is a site where old documents (relating mainly to the Perm province) are not only structured and digitized, but also a simple and powerful search by surname, settlements and so on. If your ancestors lived in the vicinity of Perm, you are lucky, “without leaving home” with skill you can find information about your ancestors immediately going back 100-200 years, even without special skill in reading pre-revolutionary documents.

7. Peculiar, but also useful service for searching information about ancestors - website
This is a catalog of documents created by American Mormons: for their Mormon purposes, they are digitizing archives around the world, including in Russia and Ukraine. You need to understand the site to understand what exactly you are looking for, but I note that there is quite a lot of “indexed” information there - that is, data archival documents possible to search for them. main feature site - that many Russian and Ukrainian documents, although digitized, are not available for viewing by non-Mormons (not “from Russia”, but Russian ones in general - a proxy will not help). This is due to the official ban of the Russian and Ukrainian archival authorities, but nevertheless, theoretically, they can be obtained.


Open any search site convenient for you (Google, Yandex, etc.)

Dial in search bar your first and last name in the nominative case and click the search button. The found pages will contain a mention of your first and last name, which means some information about you or your namesakes. Try this way to find information about to myself using several search sites. As a rule, each of them produces a slightly different set of links.

Continue your search using your Latin name if you participate in international events, communicate on Facebook, or have friends abroad. Your name may be found in the archives of an international forum in which you once took part, or appear in the caption of a photograph taken by a foreign friend.

Remember the nicknames (online nicknames) you have ever used. You could have forgotten them a long time ago, but they are still “alive”. It is quite possible that one of the network users quotes your blog, or cites your opinion expressed on the forum as an expert opinion. This is also part of your image Internet.


There are many sites on the Internet offering to provide information about any person for money. Using such databases is illegal! Also, such sites are very often carriers virus programs, dangerous for your computer!

Helpful advice

In addition to web search, you can also look at the “pictures” section, where you can find your own photographs.

If you find information on the Internet that you would not like to show to a wide range of people, try to figure out how it can be removed from the site. If you cannot do this yourself, contact a moderator. Excessive publicity on the Internet can be dangerous!

Sometimes you are faced with the task of describing a person. This is usually necessary when you are telling your friends about an incident that happened with you and someone they do not know and have never met. Or such a need arises when you write a post on your blog. It is important for you to tell us about person so that your readers will form a clear impression of his appearance, character and habits.


Start by describing it. Indicate his height and build, body features: disproportionate Long hands, a short neck, large ears or hands - everything that may catch your eye at first glance. Describe your face - hair and eye color, distinctive features, attracting attention, manner of speaking and looking.

Tell us about your style of dressing and taste in clothes, what colors and styles a person prefers. If we're talking about, you can talk about her manner of applying decorative cosmetics, about what perfume she uses. Perhaps this is where the description of appearance can end.

As you understand, appearance tells little about a person’s character, so the main part of the description is a psychological portrait. Tell us about your character’s characteristic habits, how and in what ways they manifest themselves, indicate the reasons why they were formed in this particular way. Here we can mention the place in which he grew up and the order that reigned in it. This will tell listeners a lot, since the foundations of character and worldview are laid in childhood and often under the influence of, thanks to, or despite it. Mention those events that could leave their mark on a person’s personal qualities.

Tell us about those cases and situations in which the person had the opportunity and showed himself in one way or another, about his reactions to some events. We think that the psychological portrait can also be completed here. By this moment, those who listened to yours had already formed a clear and complete image of that person whom they had never seen, and all this thanks to your masterful artistic description.

Often, when the function of including the date of the photo in the image itself is not used, it helps to remember the date various elements, such as the file name or metadata information. All this can be viewed by connecting the device to a computer.

You will need

  • - card reader;
  • - file manager.


To find out when it was made photo, open the containing this object folder and hover your mouse over the item you are interested in. If your system settings allow, review Additional information in a pop-up window - usually there is information about the file size, date modified, created, camera and lens model, and so on. The date of the photo will be indicated according to system date on the device it was made with. In some cases, the time and date on the camera gets lost, and people are simply too lazy to change it to the current one, so they leave the settings unchanged. In this case, it is impossible to find out the date the photo was created.

How to identify an enemy by IP or find out the address of a girl you like? We talk about services, search operators and interesting tricks.

Here's what you can do:

1. Find a person’s latest posts on all social networks at once

5. Find out what people around you are posting on Twitter

Using the “near:” operator, you can find out what residents of a particular city are currently writing about:

Or at a point with a specific latitude and longitude:

Geographic coordinates can be determined from this map or looked at in the exif data of photographs.

6. Find out who is in the photo

We cut out the part of the photo where the person’s head is and upload it to the Google image search page. We are surprised by the result.

7. Find out what a person posted on Twitter on a specific day

Sometimes it's interesting to find out what a famous person wrote on Twitter before specific date. For example, what did Tim Cook post on his account before October 17, 2015?

For complex tasks like these, Twitter has advanced search operators. They need to be recruited home page social network to the form on the right top corner:

If you combine the above “until” with the “since” operator, you can make a selection of tweets over a certain period of time. For example, you can find out what Tim Cook wrote during Christmas week:

8. Find out if a person is wanted

If your new acquaintance is suspicious, then you should look for him in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your region.

9. Find out if he has any debts

14. Find out in which region he bought the SIM card

Subscribers can determine the region and operator on the website gsm-inform.ru.

15. Find out, find out a person’s apartment number by home phone number

The latest life hack makes a lasting impression on women:

A) See you off new girl to the entrance. You casually ask for her home phone number;

B) In between times, go to mobile app“Sberbank” and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

B) Enter the phone number and find out the apartment number;

D) Before saying goodbye, you tell about your second cousin who participated in the “Battle of Psychics” and offer to guess her apartment number;

D) Call the required number;

Once a year, the borrower has the right to request his credit history (CI) free of charge. However, if you study existing methods receiving the report, it turns out that it’s difficult to do this without any money, but it’s still possible and Sravni.ru will tell you how.

Experts advise checking your credit history 1-2 times a year. Firstly, the approval of loans in the future and the interest rate on them depend on its quality. If the bank gets something wrong, this may become an obstacle to obtaining a new loan when needed.

When a borrower applies for a loan, the bank sends a request to the credit bureau. This is necessary to find out whether the client has been late on past loans, and also to assess his current debt load.

Secondly, this allows you to track whether some fraudster has issued a loan in your name, and this happens.

Before applying for credit information, you need to find out which credit history bureaus (BCBs) store it. The fact is that today there are 21 BKIs in Russia. And the bank could send it to any of them or even several at once. And if the question arises about checking your history, then you need to check the information in all bureaus (it may vary, since different banks cooperate with different bank accounts).

How can a borrower find out where his CI is stored?

You can find out which bureaus collected information on the borrower only through the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (CCCH). If the borrower knows his credit history subject code, then he can do this from the Bank of Russia.

The credit history subject code is a set of alphabetic and numeric characters created by the borrower at the time of applying for the loan. It serves as a PIN code for online access to the TsKKI database.

If the code has not been generated or the borrower has forgotten it, then it will no longer be possible to obtain the necessary information via the Internet. You will have to personally go with your passport to the bank or any credit history bureau, Postal office, microfinance organization, credit cooperative or to a notary and through them send a request to the Central Bank.

The Central Bank does not provide borrowers with the credit history itself, it only provides a list of bank accounts in which it is stored.

By the way, when contacting a bank or credit history bureau, the borrower can create new code subject of the credit history for their future inquiries. But institutions can provide this service either free or for a fee.

What methods of obtaining CI are there?

Once a year, the borrower has the right to obtain his credit history free of charge. The question immediately arises: what if the information is stored in several bureaus? “Each bureau will provide one credit report free of charge,” Equifax BKI commented to Sravni.ru.

You can get your report from each bureau in several ways:

  • send a request by mail, but the application must be certified by a notary;
  • send a request by telegram;
  • through online services of the bureau’s partners;
  • contact the office of an organization that cooperates with the bureau (a list of them can be found on the bureau’s website);
  • personally contact the BKI office with your passport.

But most of these methods can only be called free conditionally. Certification of a signature by a notary in Moscow costs 900 rubles, and you will also have to pay for sending a telegram (281 rubles for the inscription “certified by a telecom operator” and 2.8 rubles for each word).

Bureau partners will charge a fee for intermediary services - approximately 400 rubles. All that remains is to go to the bureau in person. The disadvantage of this approach is that BKIs work only on weekdays from 9:00-10:00 to 17:00-18:00, so you will have to take time off from work.

Why is it so difficult to get your credit history for free?

As Equifax notes, the current methods of obtaining a credit report actually act as a barrier, especially for citizens living outside Moscow and the Moscow region. “We had requests from citizens who also considered transportation costs for trips to the bureau,” the bureau says. – Even if you want, it’s impossible to go around all the BKIs, because... many of them are located in different cities. The largest BKIs are concentrated in Moscow, and for the regions the method of submitting an application to the BKI is also difficult to access.”

But from a safety point of view, the difficulty of obtaining a CI is justified. As experts explain, information from a credit history should be available only to its subject, therefore, when requesting a credit report, identification of the subject of the credit history is required. “Otherwise, anyone could have access to the information of the subject of the credit history: spouse, matchmaker, brother, parents, scammers - anyone who has personal data of the subject of the credit history,” BKI emphasizes.

Obtaining a credit history in practice

Step 1. Find out which bureaus store your credit report. I did not have a credit history subject code. So the first thing I did was call the bank that issued my credit card (the only loan product I have ever applied for), where I was informed that such a request to the Central Control Commission, as well as the creation of the code, would cost 350 rubles. Since my goal was to find out my credit history absolutely free, I had to go look for another bank to send a request.

First of all, I decided to go to Promsvyazbank - I chose it only because it was closest to me - its office is located on the territory of the business center where I work. And I was immediately lucky - it was possible to send a request for free. The only thing was that I had to wait about 15 minutes until the branch employee found the application form itself - they are rarely asked for this service.

The bank employee took a copy of my passport and asked me to fill out a form that combined both the request to the Central Control Committee and an application to create a credit history subject code (in addition to the passport data, I also needed to indicate SNILS and INN).

The next time I want to receive information from the Central Control Committee, it will be easier for me to do this, now I have a credit history subject code, the main thing is not to forget it.

The bank accepted my application at approximately 15:00, the next day at the same time (that is, no more than a day passed) they called me from the bank and asked me to come for an answer (there was a slight hitch - the answer should have been sent to email, which I indicated in the application, but for some reason he arrived at the bank office, it’s close to go - so it’s not that scary).

From the response to my request, I learned that my bank sends information about my credit “well-being” to three credit history bureaus - the National Bureau of Credit History (NBKI), Equifax Credit Services and the United Credit Bureau (UCB).

In principle, you could try to find out information about the bureau from your bank. But, firstly, the bank can, but is not obligated to, provide information about this. And, secondly, if the purpose of checking the CI is to find out whether some fraudster has issued a loan for you, then this method will not work; the attacker could have received borrowed money from another credit institution. So the best thing is to still get an official response from the Central Control Commission.

Step 2. Go to the BKI website. And once again we study information about services for private clients.

The website should describe in detail all methods of obtaining CI. Perhaps there will be another on this list free option except for a personal visit. In my case, Equifax was pleased with this. He has a special online service, but to use it, you again need to identify yourself. The process is not the easiest, but it saves time on the road.

How can I get a free report through the Equifax online service?

To access my CI online, I needed to register on the resource. To do this, I indicated my full name, passport details and email. Next is the process of my identification. There were 4 ways to get through it:

  1. send a telegram (again, paid, so I didn’t consider this option);
  2. come to the bureau office in person (but then you can immediately receive the report in person, so I didn’t consider this option either);
  3. confirm your identity in the office payment system Contact (paid service - 180 rubles, so I didn’t consider this option either);
  4. use free service eID (it generates questions for the borrower based on his credit history).

The only suitable option for me was eID. I chose it and the service generated five questions. Among them:

  • Which of the suggested values ​​is closest to the credit limit approved for your card?
  • Which range best matches your current card debt?
  • what date is closest to the date of full repayment of the car loan at bank N (a trick question, since there was no car loan at bank N)?

Each question had several answer options, but none of them indicated exact numbers - only an approximate range. The user has only three attempts to answer all questions correctly. If you do not pass the test successfully, you will have to go to the office in person. I succeeded just the third time (the fact is that the bank does not send information to the bureau instantly, but with some delay, so if today the debt on the card is, for example, 10 thousand rubles, and a few weeks ago it was 15 thousand. rubles, then in the answers you need to choose a range closer to 15 thousand rubles, it was on such “mistakes” that I got burned).

Time for answers is limited to 10 minutes. After a successful attempt, it was necessary to print out the consent to the processing of personal data, sign it and make a scan, and also send a scanned copy of the passport (to personal account It is possible to attach files). Further, the service informed about the need for verification, which may take several days. But in fact, I received access to ordering my first free credit report an hour later.

The report was sent by email as a link to a PDF file.

Step 3. If there are other ways free receipt There is still no report, then we look on the BKI website for contacts and a schedule for receiving citizens. The central office of the BKI and the office where an individual can get a credit history are not always the same place. So, you need to be careful. For example, the main one is located in the center of Moscow - st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, house 24/1, building 5, entrance 3, and the borrower reception office is located near the Vladykino metro station at the address: Novovladykinsky pr., 8, building 4, entrance 1.

Step 4. Go to the bureau office, not forgetting to take your passport with you. The journey from work to the NBKI office took me about an hour. The receiving process itself takes less than five minutes. It was enough to show your passport and fill out an application. While I was filling out the necessary fields on the form, a bureau employee found me in the database and printed out a credit report.

That's all. It remains to visit the next bureau according to the same scheme. You can get a credit history absolutely free of charge at the address: Moscow, 2nd Kazachy Lane, 11, building 1.

In total, the process of obtaining a list of all the bureaus where my credit history is stored, and the requests themselves took three days. I wonder if I had chosen more convenient ways obtaining a CI, the duration of the process would still not be reduced. At personal address In BKI, the report is provided to the borrower immediately, and if through other channels, then within three days. The whole question is about convenience and time available for travel.

Having received your credit report, you need to carefully study it to see if there is any error, typo or extra credit. If an error is discovered, you can consult with a BKI employee on the spot about ways to correct the incorrect information. There are two options: write an application to the bureau, then the BKI will contact the source of the incorrect information and ask to double-check it, or the borrower can directly contact the bank or microfinance organization that sent the erroneous information. If the mistake is confirmed, the story will be corrected. Most likely, the application will need to be accompanied by documents confirming the inaccuracy, for example, receipts for paying the loan on time. Therefore, it is very important to store such papers.

Finding information about a person is vital and important in any endeavor. And before dealing with anyone, it is important to know at least some background about the person. It’s great that with the help of simple tools you can easily collect a minimal dossier about a person and be prepared for a meeting or warned of possible deception. We will consider such methods in our material today.

The simplest and most childish way:

  • IN address bar insert "http://vk.com/foaf.php?id=******"
  • Instead of asterisks, insert the ID of the desired user.
  • We are taken to this page, I click on right button mouse > View page code
  • Then we are taken to a page where all the necessary and secret information

Now seriously:

Insert an asterisk (*) + user ID (*id12345678) into the VK search and if someone responded to his comments, then the search will return these topics. You just need a digital ID, and not the one that the user himself installed. You can take it, for example, in the link from the avatar after the word photo.

and enter the IP of our Mr. X. There are two possible outcomes here: either you are very lucky, and the person you are checking will have a static address, or you are an ordinary mortal and his address is dynamic.

If static: then we’ll find out your name, phone number, city, or something else interesting.

If dynamic: victim provider:

Contains 2 resources at once Google cache and Archive.org. The cache is useful if our target deleted the page on VKontakte and you did not have time to copy some data. The archive is useful if you need to see what our target’s page looked like some time ago. This service takes a screenshot of the page every year, at least.

7) Let's say you have the victim's number. We check to see if a phone number is linked to his page. Let's go here We write down his number, enter the captcha and enter his last name.

8) Google itself. It not only contains an input line and a “search” button. It has many different functions that allow you to filter the results. Using Google, we can find comments from a particular user. Enter the request “First name Last name inurl:vk.com/wall” Next, we filter the frequency if we need it.

And this site will allow you to find all the user’s photos that were uploaded somewhere, which will not be so easy to find manually.

10) We google our target’s soap for the query “intext: nashylo @ soap.ru” - without spaces, of course


1) By number

NumBuster- the first site for searching information about the owner of the phone, it works both with the CIS countries and with the USA and others. There is an application for OC ANDROID and Windows Phone, a version for IOS is in development. In this application, users share opinions about the owner of the phone, that is, they create a database of spammers and other unwanted persons. There is a function to block calls and SMS by choice; it shows what other Users call the number.

Pipl.com- the second site for searching for a person by phone number, nickname, mail or name.

Number.org— this site makes it possible to find out the name of the person who recently called you, or to find a phone number and residential address by name. We use TOR.

Facebook— go here, enter the phone number or email of the desired person, if an account is found, we rejoice.

Instagram->Your profile->Options->For subscriptions->Contacts. Add the phone number of the desired person to contacts on your smartphone, select it and, if an Instagram account is linked to the number, it will appear in the list.

Download and Go to the Sberbank mobile application. Click “Pay home phone” - MGTS - enter the phone number and see the apartment number.

(iOS or Android and only for owners of Kazakhstani numbers) Download the Kazpost application and enter its phone number. If this person has placed an order at least once, we will find out the full name and delivery address.

Beholder And PhoneNumber- they also call a person by phone number

Scholar.google— with the help of this site you can find all the connections between a person and science.

traffic police— there’s no need to tell you anything, enter VIN / BODY / CHASSIS and rejoice. There is no information about the owner, but thanks for that.

220vk.com— gives access to viewing hidden friends, mutual friends between any two users of the person you are looking for.

vk.city4me.com— an agent with which you can find out the user’s activity on the VKontakte social network. You can find out the victim’s online schedule in VK, who he added as friends and when, who he removed, and so on. A very useful resource, and most importantly - free.

VapeNews— in the column on the right we enter the first and last name of the desired person, we learn a lot of new things about him / no.

login.stop-list.info- a very suitable service, searches for accounts by nickname in social networks and other heresies.

Focus.kontur.ru— searches by full name if the person was involved in entrepreneurial activity. We use the demo version, however, only for a day, but necessary information you will have time to find it.

Avinfo.co— we find out everything about the owner of the car by license plate number, phone number or VIN. Very good.

NameChk— We find a person by their nickname on social media. networks (122 social networks)

3) Calculate IP by mail

Login to your Mailbox directly on the site ( For example Yandex.Mail, Gmail, Mail, Rambler or Yahoo) or use the mail collector ( For example Outlook Express ). Open the letter you are interested in in your inbox. Next, proceed depending on the box or collector:

IN Outlook Express– in the “File” menu, click “Properties” (or press the Alt+Enter combination on your keyboard), in the window that opens, select the “Details” tab.

IN Yandex.Mail– in the header of the letter, find the “Advanced” menu, in it select “Message Properties”.

IN Gmail.com– in the upper right corner of the letter header, click on the small triangle pointing downwards, and in the menu that opens, select “Show original”.

IN Mail.ru– in the header of the letter in the “More” menu, select “Service headers”.

In the mail at Rambler- in the upper right corner, click on the “Other actions” button, select “Letter headers”.

KM.RU– click on the “RFC-Header” menu.

On Yahoo.com– click on the settings button (a gear is drawn on it) and select “Full header”.

Review the received service headers carefully. Look for lines like:

X-Yaschik-FolderName: Vhodyashchie
Received: from mxfront15.mail.yaschik.net ()
by mxfront15.mail.yaschik.net with LMTP id XEb4f4Io
for ; Thu, 4 Aug 2011 17:33:14 +0400
Received: from mailer.otpravitel.ru (mailer.otpravitel.ru [ ])
by mxfront15.mail.yaschik.net (nwsmtp/Yaschik) with ESMTP id XDF0s9d0;
Thu, 4 Aug 2011 17:33:13 +0400

Sequences of four groups of numbers separated by dots square brackets, located in the line starting with the words “ Received:from” – these are IP addresses.

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