Where title is displayed. How do browsers use Title?

The Title tag is the title of the HTML document. Title is almost always used in results search engines. On this moment, it is very important for classic SEO and for attracting attention on social networks.

The main purpose of the Title tag is to be precise and short description page content content.

This element is very important as for users(when they decide whether to go to a given page from the search results), and for search engines(one of the important factors is determining the relevance of a page to certain search queries).

Optimal title tag structure

Primary Keyphrase - Secondary Keyphrase | Brand name

Optimal length for search engines

Google usually displays the first 50-60 characters, or as many characters as will fit in 512 pixels. If all your titles are 55 characters, then you can expect about 95% of pages to be fully rendered.

But, search engines may choose to display other text: the title in the results can be changed

  • for your brand
  • custom request
  • or for any other reasons (for example, keyword spamming)

Why is the title tag so important?

Title has long been considered one of the most important factors among the internal ranking factors (the most important: page content) and it appears in 3 places:

1. Browser. Appears at the top of your browser + in your bookmarks.

2. On search result pages. When you use keywords in the title, search engines will highlight them in search results if the user has performed a query with those keywords. This gives the user more reasons to click on your link.

3. On external sites. Many external sites, especially social networks, will use the title as an anchor link to your page.

For example, this is what it looks like on Facebook:

Now let’s figure out how best to optimize and write the title on your website.

How to properly optimize your title

  • Always remember the length

As mentioned above, search engines will shorten your title if you exceed the threshold. But, on the other hand, this length is not a very strict rule.

Since long headers can perform significantly better at getting traffic from social networks. And also, even if some keywords were not displayed by the search engine, this does not mean at all that they do not take any part in the ranking. Therefore, it is advisable to make the title as natural and clickable as possible, but you can sacrifice length.

  • Place main keywords at the beginning

According to experiments and our experience, the closer the key phrase is to the beginning of the title, the more weight it has in ranking. In addition, the likelihood that the user will click on our link in the search results increases.

  • Strengthening by Brand

If your brand is well known in your target market, then in such cases, it needs to be placed in a visible title area so that users pay attention to it in search results. In other cases, it is better to add the brand at the end of the title tag.

  • Readability and emotional impact

Creating an attractive title can help significantly increase the number of clicks from the search results. When you're creating headlines, it's important to think about all the user interactions beyond just the user. search engine optimization and the use of keywords.

Tools that can help with title optimization

In order not to wait for what your page will look like in search results, and immediately get maximum effect, we recommend using the following search results simulation services:

As a result, you can see what the title looks like in search results:


The title tag is equally important for both users and end users. Using well-constructed and unique titles for all pages of your site will help you rank higher in search engines.

Hello, friends!

In today's article we will analyze the title tag in all aspects, namely its correct filling, usage on the pages, as well as key features work in search engines.

It would be possible this article combine and make a comprehensive manual for all meta tags (title, description and keywords), but I decided to allocate separate material for each object. I think that this would be more correct. The material will be quite large, but it is worth studying. To be honest, I myself did not expect that I would be able to cook up so much about this tag.

Tasks and specifics of work

The task of this meta tag is very important and at the moment it is one of the determining factors in determining the relevance of a page to a specific search query.

Title is the title tag. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate the title of the page, which determines its content. The title tag should not be confused with the first-level H1 heading, which is used for the title of an article or other type of material. These tags must be different and their significance is also not the same, although there are similar features in their work. For example, both title and H1 should be used once per page.

In addition, these tags have different placements in html code pages.

Title is placed only in the site header in the head section between the opening and closing tags

H1 is the title of the article and is written inside the body of the document, that is, the body area.

Here is an example of part of the source code of one of my articles, where I showed how these 2 tags are written in practice.

Title tag: use it correctly

Correct use of the Title tag to improve rankings in search results

  • Line 6 - the title of the page between the opening and closing title tags. It is located in the head section of the page, as it should be;
  • Line 10 - the body tag opens (that is, the body of the document - its contents);
  • Line 12 is the page title in H1 tags, which has a changed appearance compared to the title in title.

The title tag does not appear in the page content, unlike H1. But it displays the page title in the SERP and also in the browser tab when the user is on a particular page.

Now a few words about adding this tag to the pages of your resource.

If you use some kind of CSM system (for example, WordPress), then the title will be added automatically to each page, based on the title that you enter in the page editor. But we get a situation where this heading will be used both as a title and as an H1 heading. There is no way to make them different, which would be more reasonable for competent work. To do this, install various plugins SEO optimization.

By installing one of these plugins, you can make the title tag different from H1, which will allow you to more effectively approach the composition of both tags. Make the title so that you want to click from the search and go to the resource, and make the H1 so that after the transition it forces the visitor to start studying the content. It is very important.

Title in other site elements

In addition to the title function for the page as a whole, this tag can also perform other tasks, namely:

  • add a title to the image;
  • to links.

In these cases, the title will be significant only for search engines and can be seen in source code pages. Every link and image should have one. It also serves as a tooltip when you hover over a link or image. In the case of a link, it displays the name of the material to which the transition will take place when you click on it.

The situation is similar with images.

If you take the source code and see how the title tag is added to images and links, below I show 2 options. There will be a link first and then an image.

In addition, the title must be added to all links in the template layout. These are all kinds of links to go to categories and so on.

So, in the first paragraph I touched on almost all the features of the title tag. To understand in more detail the importance of the title and learn how to fill it out as correctly and effectively as possible, I suggest starting to study the following question.

How to fill out title correctly

  • First and most important, the title should reflect the content of the page as clearly as possible. This is important from all sides. Firstly, the title is a very important meta tag, which still greatly influences the site’s position for certain queries in search engines. Therefore, if you want the page for the desired keyword to be high in the search results, then it should be given correct name, which will clearly display the essence of the information, since the second point emerges from this. If the content does not meet the expectations of the visitor who clicked on the link from the search results, he will immediately close the article and leave the site. This strong signal search engines that the page is not interesting or does not meet the user’s request. The second statement is more accurate in this case. Therefore, try to ensure that the titile title reflects the contents of the document as accurately as possible, or displays it at all;
  • In the title meta title tag, be sure to indicate the keyword by which the page is being promoted, as this increases the relevance of the page to the search query (keyword). Also, the key used in the title of the document has the greatest significance in contrast to other places (article body, H1, description, keywords, etc.). This is one of all meta tags that is currently still significant for the PS and is mandatory, unlike keywords and descriptions. But for the keyword to have maximum weight, try to use it at the very beginning of the title. I already wrote about this in one of my articles, where I provided a graph of the dependence of the weight of the key on its location in the title.

    And Google itself tells us about this:

    Google gives preference and more weight to a keyword if it is at the beginning of the title tag. Therefore, try to place it as close to the beginning as possible.

    As an example, I can give 2 options for titles for a title using the keyword “how to promote a website”:

    1. How to promote a website: 5 secret tricks;
    2. 5 secret tricks on how to promote a website.

    It will be more priority to use the first option, since the key phrase will have more weight in the eyes of search engines and, with a high probability, the page will be this request will be ranked higher than with the second option.

    This is also very important from the point of view of how people perceive the title. Keywords are always highlighted in bold in the search. By using the keyword in the title, you will already make the snippet more noticeable and the conversion per click on the link will increase. Using the key at the very beginning will increase the percentage of clicks even more, since reading occurs from left to right and the user’s request in the form of the required key will be thrown first;

  • The third factor for successful completion is the length of the title. Search engines are limited to displaying this tag in the region of 60-70 characters, including spaces. Most often, it is 60 characters that are displayed in the search results. In the source code the entire header will be read, but in the output this is not the case. Only 60 characters, including spaces between words. Therefore, try to compose the title tag so that from these 60 characters the visitor understands the essence of the entire page and wants to go to it. In this case, the most effective way is to use the key phrase in the exact occurrence, as we discussed a little higher.

    Another point when using long headings of more than 60-70 characters is that Yandex will be able to display in the search results exactly that part of the heading that contains the user’s request. Even if the words needed for display are among the last 120 characters (for example) of the title.

    For example, if you take a title of 120 characters and specify 2 words “with your own hands” at the end, then Yandex, when a user searches for such a request, will show him exactly the end of the title in the search results with these words, and not its beginning. This is a very good flexible ability of this search engine. Google will not be able to do this and will show the title as it is.

    I tried to find an example of such output, but immediately gave up. I found a striking example in the form of 2 screenshots on the ktonanovenkogo website. Of course, the check was based on a different request, but you should still get the gist.

    From this we can conclude that long titles also have their place. This will allow the page to rank higher for more queries. But do not forget that we focus on 60 characters using the key at the very beginning;

  • Be sure to start your title for search engines with a capital letter;
  • Valid separators for title are colon (:) and quotation marks (""). You can also use commas, but try not to exceed 2x;
  • The title must be readable. If the keyword is not entirely readable (for example, how to grow tomatoes), then it would be logical to rephrase it (how to grow tomatoes). Keep an eye on this point so that at one point your site does not get demoted in searches and you do not have to redo the headings a huge number pages, if the resource already has a lot of time and there is a lot of content on it;
  • You use the question mark in the title only for questions;
  • We try not to use safe words, prepositions and conjunctions. Always closer to the point;
  • The title tag must be different from the H1 heading. You shouldn’t write the same heading in H1. Give it a different word form and dilute it with other words;
  • You should not make a title tag like “title | site.ru”. The title should only contain the title of the page, which corresponds specifically to its content. If you have a resource created from simple HTML pages, then there will be no problems, but on WordPress you will have to configure SEO optimization plugins to remove unnecessary part code from the title;
  • Use unique titles for each page. You should not repeat yourself, much less use the same title for several materials;
  • You should not use several keywords in one title. This can greatly harm its readability. You can use a key phrase that will be valid for 2 word forms and can bring traffic in both forms. For example, “How to speed up the indexing of a site by Yandex.” This key phrase has a more frequent form if you remove the word “Yandex”. But with this word, the phrase also has its own traffic. It turns out that within one key we have several keys. Such a phrase can bring more traffic for as many as several requests. This option can be used, but not “How to speed up the indexing of a site or how to speed up the indexing of a Google site.”

Using all the recommendations, your titles will be on high level, will be liked by search engines and provoke users to click in the search results. Of course, you won’t be able to use all the rules every time, but it’s worth striving for them. In most cases, you can use almost everything.


Well then, friends. A rather large article was published about some kind of tag.

Did you think that there were so many subtle nuances in its use? Write your impressions in the comments, what new things did you learn? Or maybe you can add something else?

In the near future I will publish similar materials regarding the meta tags descriptions (description) and keywords (keywords). There are also some very interesting and subtle moments. I hope that such materials will make your mind clearer in the field of SEO website optimization, and most importantly, will help you promote your resources and make money from them.

All. See you in future articles.

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!

HTML TITLE tagwebsite page title at correct drafting duplicates the title (title) of the article, formatted with the tag H1. The more accurate the content, the more likely a page is to get to the top of the rankings. title tag TITLE matches the search query.

When analyzing title tag TITLE a number of factors are taken into account: the presence of keywords in it, the distance between keywords (when using a key phrase), as well as the distance of the keywords corresponding to the request from the beginning of the title.

Remember that the title with the keywords closer to the beginning has higher priority. In other words, TITLE tag title you need to compose it in such a way that the main keywords are located closer to the beginning of the sentence (in the first 65 characters).

The task is difficult, but doable (provided that the page is optimized for some one search query, and not for all keywords at once). Heading TITLE tag should not include the name of the site, be too short and the same for all pages of the site.

It should be understood that the content (i.e. the text enclosed within the tag) meta tag TITLE is very important both for search engines and for visitors to your web resource. Search engines, when displaying search results, attach great importance the presence and location of keywords contained in the TITLE tag, and visitors see its contents as a link to the site in the same search results. In addition, the contents of this meta tag are also displayed in the title of the browser window (at the very top of the window).

The screenshot above shows what the TITLE tag content looks like in Google search results as an example. Showing the first five results for "TITLE tag" (blue arrow). As you can see, the page you are currently on is in second place in the search results for this query (red arrow).

Using HTML code, the TITLE meta tag is located on the page between the tags < /head>as below:

Contents of the TITLE meta tag< /title> </b><br> < /head><br> <body>Page context< /body><br> < /html> </i></p> <p>You must always start <b>TITLE tag</b> with the keyword you are targeting. Also remember that search engines will display <b>TITLE tag</b> while they are showing search results. Hence, you need to make it attractive to people too.</p> <p>For example, if my site was about tours to Odessa and I would like to rank high for the keyword “Tours to Odessa”, then <b>HTML code</b> For <b>title tag TITLE</b> could be structured like this:</p> <p><i><title><span>Tours to Odessa: <b>wonderful holiday on the Black Sea coast</b> </span></ title> </i></p> <p>Please note that in <b>title tag TITLE</b> it uses a keyword at the very beginning and also tells people what a good holiday it is.</p> <p>Of course everything <b>TITLE tags</b> should not be similar to the one I gave as an example. The Title that is used depends on the theme of your site. However, you must comply with all <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/lokalnaya-set-windows-7-vitaya-para-lokalnaya-set-svoimi-rukami-obshchie/">general rules</a>, which are set out in this article to obtain the desired effect.</p> <p>Many website owners on their <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/stranica-sdelat-startovoi-avtomaticheski-kak-sdelat-yandeks/">home page</a> place headings like “Welcome to www.mysite.com” in the text <b>title tag TITLE</b>. This is not a good practice, especially if the title is not related to the theme of your site. Many search engines consider wording in <b>title tag TITLE</b>, How <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/iz-chego-sostoit-komp-vnutri-vazhnye-chasti-kompyutera-processor-serdce/">important part</a> relevance (i.e. compliance) to the context of the site page; accordingly, the rating of the site in question depends on their conclusions.</p> <p>Must consist of 60 - 90 characters. On the Internet you will find many conflicting articles about <b>TITLE tag length</b>, but as a sample, it is best to refer to the search engine <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/pereiti-na-poiskovuyu-sistemu-google-kak-sdelat-gugl-poiskom-po/">Google system</a>. In the results visible to visitors <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/telefon-zavisaet-glyuchit-bez-prichiny-kak-reshit-problemu-ne/">Google search</a>, currently displays approximately 65 characters (some search engines display more).</p> <p>With this in mind, include your most important keywords at the beginning <b>title tag TITLE</b>. The example below shows search results for the query: “Tours to Odessa”. Underlined words in blue show content <b>title tag TITLE</b>.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/vsemproblemam.net/images/SEO/tag-title-in-google-search..GIF' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>When performing a search on any of the major search engines, you will often see many garbled titles appearing in the search results, and sometimes only the URL. This happens because the owners of such sites incorrectly fill out <b>title tag TITLE</b>, and in some cases, they leave it blank altogether.</p> <p>One can only guess why such sites have such high rankings that search engines display them. Perhaps this depends on the quality of sites competing for a given request, or, for example, this site has a large number of incoming links, the presence of which attracts the attention of search engine robots. Other options are also possible.</p><p>Do not forget to use different, but relevant to the content (content), <b>TITLE title tags</b> on every page of your site - this is very important. Use keywords that appear on the page, but do not repeat the same word more than twice. If you need to repeat a keyword, try to place it at the very beginning, the second time - at the end <b>title tag TITLE</b>.</p> <p>You should not try to deceive search engines by deliberately including titles that are not related to the topic of the site or repeating words more than twice. In most cases, the scam will soon be discovered and your page ranking will drop, or worse, the page, or even the entire site, may be removed from the index.</p> <h2>Google's Guidelines for Using the TITLE Title Tag</h2> <table width="500" border="0" cellpadding="1"><tr><td><p><i><b>PAGE HEADLINES</b> </i></p> </td> </tr><tr><td bgcolor="#DAF8FE"> <p><b>Specify the page title using a tag <title>. </b><b>Tag <title>communicates the page title to both users and search engines.</b> Tag <title>placed inside a tag <head>html document. Ideally, the titles of all pages on your site should be unique.</p> <p><b>Tag content <title>appears in search results.</b> If your document appears in search results, the content of the tag <title>usually appears in the first line of results. Words contained in <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/klyuchevye-slova-i-poiskovye-zaprosy-klyuchevye-slova-vidy-poiskovyh-zaprosov/">search query</a> user will be highlighted <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-ubrat-zhirnyi-shrift-v-odnoklassnikah-kak-uvelichit-shrift/">in bold</a> in search results titles. This helps the user find pages that best match their query. The title of the main site page can contain the name of your site or organization, as well as other <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/programmy-dlya-smart-boks-tv-chtoby-ustanovit-prilozhenie-vam/">useful information</a>, for example, address and brief description of the topic or services.</p> </td> </tr><td><p><i><b>PRACTICAL TIPS</b> </i></p> </td> <tr><td bgcolor="#DAF8FE"> <p><b>The title must exactly match the content of the page.</b> Choose a title that best matches its content. <b>We do not recommend:</b></p> <ul><li>choose a title that has nothing to do with the content of the page;</li> <li>use default names, for example “ <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/ios-10-3-3-chto-novogo-dlya-5s-novaya-stranica-nastroek-i-profilya-novaya-failovaya/">new page</a>”, “Untitled” or “Page 1”.</li> </ul><p><b>The title of each page must be unique.</b> It is advisable that each page have its own unique name, telling the search engine how to <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/nado-li-snosit-vindovs-pered-ustanovkoi-novogo-dannaya/">this page</a> different from other pages on your site. <b>We do not recommend:</b></p> <ul><li>use the same name for all or almost all pages of your site.</li> </ul><p><b>The title should be short but precise.</b> Titles should be short but meaningful. If the name is too long, Google will show only part of it in search results. <b>We do not recommend:</b></p> <ul><li>use too <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/ne-udalyaetsya-fail-slishkom-dlinnoe-imya-faila-kak-udalit-fail-ili-papku/">long titles</a>;</li> <li>fill the title with an incoherent set of keywords.</li> </ul><p><b>Page titles are an important part of search engine optimization</b></p> </td> </tr></table> <p>Good day, dear readers. Despite the fact that I often talk about the title tag in my articles as the most important <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/vnutrennyaya-optimizaciya-posadochnyh-stranic-nuzhno-li-seo-prodvizhenie-dlya/">internal optimization</a> site, but I couldn’t get around to dedicating an entire article to it.</p> <p>The reason for this is simple, because... I run my blog on the Blogger platform, the title is automatically generated from the title of the article, so I devoted many articles to titles in the h1 tag, and at the same time I was unreasonably silent about <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/forma-dlya-zapolneniya-v-html-vvod-dannyh-polya-formy---teg-html-formy-kak-oni/">HTML tag</a> title.</p> <p>As I already said, title is the most important tag, and not only from the point of view of optimization and <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/prodvizhenie-po-nizkochastotnym-zaprosam-kak-prodvigat-vysokochastotnye-zaprosy/">search engine promotion</a>, but also from the user side. But let's start in order.</p> <p>Title in English means heading, so title in <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-vstavit-izobrazhenie-v-html-dokument-vstavka-izobrazhenii-v-html-dokument/">HTML document</a> e is the page title. And this is the most important meaning of this tag. Remember, in the article I already said that absolutely <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-sdelat-404-stranicu-html-ili-pereiti-v-lyubuyu-kategoriyu-bloga/">any HTML</a> the document has a certain structure:</p> <p><b><html> </b> </p><p><b><head> </b></p> <p>Here is the page title in tags</p> <p><b><title> </b><b>

Technical information about the document

Here is the main content of the site, articles that have titles in the tags:

Title of the site or article

site content

So the Title tag is the title of the HTML document/page. It can be said that it refers to technical information about the document. This information is hidden from the eyes of users directly on the site, but all browsers and search engines use it.

How do browsers use Title?

If you look at the top left corner of your browser, you will see information about the page you are currently on. If you look at a browser tab and move your mouse over it, you will also see information about the page. For example, I took my article about SEO titles:

Everything I've highlighted in yellow in the image is the information contained inside the Title tag.

How do search engines use Title?

For search engines, the Title tag is also of great importance. This is the first information that a search engine receives about the content of a page. After all, we remember that the title is located almost at the very beginning of the document, and all search robots index pages from top to bottom.

Because this is the very first information you receive search robot about our page, we should try to indicate in the title tag the most important, most accurate definition of further content.

But that is not all. The search engine also uses the contents of the title tag in search results. When a user asks a search engine a query, the latter provides a response in the form of links with descriptions to resources that answer the user’s query.

If we look at the page of the found site, we will see a different header:

Those. The search engine shows us the information contained in the title tag, while the title of the article in the h tag may be completely different.

Now the fun begins. Because The page title is used in search results; it is an indicator, both for search engines and for users, of the usefulness and quality of the resource found.

What does indicator mean? If the title is uninformative, then when viewing the search results, the user may not click on the link and go to your site. In the opposite situation, if the title is overloaded with unnecessary information, then the user may also not want to go to your site. It follows that the title should contain very precise information that responds to the user’s request.

I won’t say that the example is perfect, and all SEO is based on nuances and it’s impossible to say anything with 100% confidence, but let’s try to figure it out (clickable image):

So, I highlighted the more attractive links in red, respectively the title. From the first words I can judge that the site sells what I need and I am more likely to click on these links first. Although, of course, I cannot say that these titles are ideal, because... still overloaded with information that is unnecessary for me. The same goes for links highlighted in blue. Why do I need an article or, for example, the brand may not be important to me at all. The presence of such information disperses my attention and can also serve as an obstacle to progress on this request.

I highlighted the most unattractive title in grey; it is longer than it should be, so it was cut off by the search engine in the results. Because of large quantity words, which are essentially a list of everything possible, the title looks very unattractive. I can't immediately determine whether they are selling exactly what I need.

Having considered these examples, we can draw conclusions about what the title should actually be in order to serve as a faithful assistant in promotion, be attractive to users, encourage them to click on the link, and also carry the most important information.

How to effectively use title for promotion

It is clear that the title must contain keywords, but it is important to ensure that the keywords are as close to the beginning as possible or even so that the title begins with the keywords. This will not only improve the click-through rate of the link, but will also make it easier to promote queries.

You can use the same keyword twice in the title. For example:

HTML title tag - effectively use the page title title.

In the example, the title keyword appears twice.

The title should not be a set of keywords, but should be a meaningful phrase.

It is very important to avoid punctuation marks inside the title that are placed at the end of the sentence. The fact is that search engines take into account passages in the text.

A passage is a complete thought. Those. Each of our sentences is a passage. All words that are inside a sentence are taken into account by the search engine as a single whole. As soon as we put a period, we separate the previous words from the next ones.

Therefore, it is very important not to separate your key phrases with punctuation marks, which indicate the end of the sentence - a period (.), question mark (?), Exclamation point(!). Let's compare two headers:

HTML title tag - effectively use the page title title

HTML title tag. Effectively use the page title title.

In the first case, for example, my article can be found by phrases:

  • html page title
  • page title tag

In the second version, such key phrases It won't work anymore. There is a period between the words, separating one passage from the next.

It is worth paying close attention to the length of the title; not everything is simple here either.

Firstly, despite the fact that it is recommended to keep within 80 characters, when calculating the title directly in the search results, maximum length There are just over 60 characters. It is likely that the search engine takes into account 80 characters in the title, but always cuts off the long title in the results. It’s also worth considering that a cropped title looks less attractive than an uncropped one.

Secondly, it is worth considering the density of the title. The more words it contains, the more the title’s significance is distributed across all the words that are in it. Accordingly, the fewer words, the more weight they acquire in the eyes of the search engine.

Therefore, try to create concise headings that reflect the essence of the page, but bright ones. This will not only improve your rankings in search engines, but will also increase your click-through rate.

It follows from this that it is worth optimizing the page for one or two related queries so that the title has maximum weight.

In this regard, the title structure

|page title|

preferable to

|Page title|Site name|.

I long time I used the title structure from the second option, but now my title contains only the page title/article title.

By following these simple rules, you can promote more effectively and attract more visitors from search engines.

P.S. Someone might think, what does the bread have to do with it in the picture? Bread is the head of everything, title is as important in website building and SEO as bread is in our lives :).


Defines the title of the document. Element is not part of the document and is not displayed directly on the web page. In the operating system <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/uchimsya-peresylat-soobshcheniya-v-vkontakte-kak-skopirovat-tekst/">Windows text</a> header is displayed on the left <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/lupa-v-levom-verhnem-uglu-kak-ubrat/">top corner</a> browser window (Fig. 1). Only one tag is allowed <title>on the document and place it in the container <head> .</p> <p>Rice. 1. Header view <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/zashchita-ot-slezhki-v-brauzere-firefox-luchshie-plaginy-dlya/">Firefox browser</a></p> <h3>Syntax</h3> <head> <title>Heading

Closing tag



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website - How to write a page title correctly


Tag performs many tasks, both directly and indirectly. The role of the page title is described below.</p> <ul><li>Based on the title text, the user receives <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/bilain-vse-za-500-bezlimit-stoimost-i-usloviya-izmeneniya-tarifnogo-plana/">Additional information</a>, what kind of site it is, where it is located and what the current page is called. You should not think that it is enough to indicate the site logo in the document and ignore the title, because the visitor can minimize the window. When collapsed, the title is also displayed on the taskbar buttons, so you can easily navigate which site you are currently working with, rather than flipping through them one by one.</li> <li>Most browsers support the ability to save a web page to <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/ustanovka-php-ustanovka-php-na-lokalnyi-kompyuter-ustanovka-pochtovoi/">local computer</a>. In this case, the name of the saved file is the same as the title of the document. If the header text contains characters that are not allowed in the file name (\ / : * ? "< >|), they will be ignored or automatically replaced with other legal characters.</li> <li>When saving in the “Favorites” section of the browser, the address <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-udalit-tekushchuyu-stranicu-v-vorde-pustye-stranicy-v-dokumente-kak/">current page</a> with its title is placed in the list of preferred links. Since this list is typically stored as <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-oblegchit-fail-pdf-szhatie-i-umenshenie-pdf-failov-kak-sohranit/">separate files</a>, the above-described rule is also attached to their names.</li> <li>In keyword search results, search engines use the page title to indicate a link to <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/poisk-dokumentov-i-dannyh-v-internet-sekrety-poiska-v-internet-i/">this document</a>. 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