Where to open a reliable mailbox. I.UA - your mail

Modern technologies are developing so rapidly that it is very difficult for the average consumer to keep track of all the innovations, not to mention some small nuances. This rule is fully applicable to such a familiar phenomenon for many users as email.

The best services work tirelessly to please fastidious consumers in everything, and a good half of the latter continue to change client after client in search of their ideal. Experienced users know perfectly well what and how they want to see in the next service, but for beginners it is noticeably more difficult. Therefore, for many the question is, what email better to choose, remains very relevant.

The choice is also complicated by the fact that each user has their own evaluation criteria and requirements for the service. And to the question of where it is better to create an email, everyone answers differently. Some people like the albeit not so functional, but beautiful interface, some are more than satisfied with the asceticism of the service for the sake of advanced capabilities, and for some, such clients are installed in a viral way.

We will try to figure out which email is the best, consider the advantages and disadvantages of each service, as well as the advisability of using it in a particular case. We will take into account the opinions of experts in this field and reviews of ordinary consumers.

Where is the best place to set up an email?

Quite a few Internet services offer their post services, but it’s better to focus on the proven and most popular options, which have been working for many years and have acquired a large number of users.

In addition, the specifics of the domestic user cannot be discounted. Only three services can be called the best email for Russia - Gmail, Yandex.Mail and Mail ru. We will consider them in detail, weighing all the pros and cons.


This is absolutely free service from the venerable American search engine Google. Since 2013, the client has been considered the best email in the world. Then she by a large margin overtook her then very serious competitor from Microsoft with its Hotmail.

Moreover, the best email climbed to the pedestal for a reason. The developers worked long and hard on their brainchild, and high-quality service coupled with user-friendly interface and excellent functionality led the service to success.

"Yandex Mail"

Many users consider the Yandex client to be the best email for Russia and the CIS countries. Judging by statistics, almost 30 million people use the service every month, sending more than 100 million letters a day. Moreover, this figure does not include viral spam mailings.

According to the American independent statistical agency ComScore, Yandex.Mail is confidently ahead of similar European clients in terms of development rates. In addition, some Europeans are not averse to using the services from the Russian search engine and good email in particular.

"Mail ru"

Despite all its shortcomings, the client from Mail ru has won universal recognition domestic users. The service is considered the best email for beginners. It is far from the first two clients of Mail Ru, but it has found its niche because it is installed on an impressive number of computers and mobile gadgets.

In addition, the service boasts the presence of one of best programs for email own development. If you omit the aggressive advertising of this client, it is quite convenient to use.

Which email is better?

Next, we will analyze the main characteristics of each service, which users consider critical when choosing a particular client. Registration in all three services follows approximately the same scenario and a mobile phone number and a spare email address are linked to each account.


Here the developers have found their ideal formula for a good email interface and all three clients are not much different from each other in terms of interface. On the left side there are folders with letters: “Inbox”, “Outbox”, “Sent”, etc. Buttons for some actions with correspondence are in the upper part, and the settings panel is in the right top corner.

There are, of course, differences in design, but they are so insignificant that they are unable to critically influence the choice. So in terms of interface, all email is nice and beautiful. In this case, you have to choose only according to your taste and color.

Ease of use

A good half of ordinary users define the qualities of good email as “it works and is fine.” But some people need more than just sending a couple of emails a day. When it comes to tens or even hundreds of pieces of correspondence, you have to choose a service more carefully, taking into account the functionality, as well as the client’s efficiency.

Gmail It was not in vain that it was recognized by a venerable search engine best service for working with correspondence of any complexity. One of the notable features of email management is grouping into chains, where messages and replies are intelligently sorted according to user filters. In addition, the variety of labels allows you to separate, as they say, the wheat from the chaff, which greatly facilitates the perception of incoming correspondence.

Yandex.Mail boasts excellent functionality aimed at processing large quantity letters. The hotkeys and the mass of all possible combinations alone are worth it. It is also worth mentioning the possibility of web highlighting, where correspondence can be marked for subsequent processing by holding the left mouse button. This is much more convenient than placing checkmarks next to each letter.

“Mail ru” cannot offer anything innovative to users and here we have the usual functionality that copes well with a small amount of correspondence, but begins to choke if you load the mailbox with hundreds of letters. Among some distinctive features, one can only note the ability to work with several local addresses at the same time, without re-authorizing accounts (hello Gmail). So Mail Ru is suitable mainly for average users whose correspondence does not exceed a dozen or two letters a day.

Letter delivery

As a rule, Google mail does not have any problems with the delivery of letters. The client accepts all correspondence and carefully places it in folders. He does this without delay and does not lose anything on the way to the recipient. In addition, the Google service copes well with large investments.

Advanced users who do business not only with Runet, but also subscribe to resources from all over the world, prefer Gmail precisely because of its omnivorous nature. He never disdains anything, and he places even obvious spam with due care in the folder of the same name and does not decide for the user what to do with this kind of correspondence.

Yandex.Mail is actually in no way inferior to its foreign counterpart and also easily accepts all incoming letters, regardless of their content. The service is quite suitable for registering on foreign resources, so there is no difference here with Gmail as such. The only thing worth clarifying is that some users sometimes complain that correspondence is delayed by 5-10 minutes, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

“Mail ru” in this case is not the best option for registering on foreign Internet resources, as well as for subsequent receiving correspondence from them. The service is so picky about sending/receiving protocols that it can easily ignore letters from dubious (in its opinion) sites. Serious resources even directly recommend specifying an email address other than “Mail ru”.

Data storage volumes

Today's users are not limited to exchanging only text messages. Many people attach photographs, audio files or videos to their letters. So the total volume of one letter can be calculated not in megabytes, but in gigabytes. Naturally, the service needs to be provided with a place on the server where all this information can be stored.

Google Mail provides 15 GB of storage personal information, which is more than enough for the average user. But if this turns out to be not enough, then you can always remove the restrictions for an additional fee. For example, a 100 GB server space can be purchased for 300 rubles.

Yandex.Mail gives its users 3 GB disk space, but this is enough in a good half of cases. To store a larger volume, you can, just as in the case of Gmail, buy yourself space on the server at a cost similar to Google.

The Mail ru service compares favorably with its competitors here. Users are essentially not limited in any way in storing and transferring files. After registration, a modest amount of 500 MB is available, but after filling it, the service offers to increase your storage space by 2 GB for free. And so on every time the threshold is reached (2+2+2, etc.).

Additional functionality

All services can boast of having some additional functions and “tricks” that make working with correspondence much easier, or are not related to it at all, but will also be useful in certain cases. Such bells and whistles, as a rule, not only do not repel users, but, on the contrary, motivate them to switch to a competitor with an attractive feature.

One of the main features of the Google mailer is the presence of messenger functionality. And not just for show, but quite a full-fledged one. In terms of functionality, the service is comparable to the same Skype, Discord or ICQ. The user is provided with two messenger options - a regular simple chat and an advanced video client with all the accompanying bells and whistles.

Yandex.Mail boasts video letters, where any user who has a web camera can record a video message for the recipient. There is also a pretty smart organizer that will further simplify the work with a large amount of correspondence and its own chat for transferring short messages like ICQ.

“Mail ru” in this case does not lag behind its competitors and offers users its own version of the video messenger in the person of a separate client - “Agent-Mail ru”. In addition to the usual chat and video calls, there is free shipping SMS messages to popular domestic numbers mobile operators. You can also note the presence of a built-in translator and spell checker. The benefit of the latter is very doubtful due to the abundance of similar functionality in browsers, but in quality nice bonus they will do just fine.


Safety email correspondence is no less important than paper. Especially if we're talking about about a business mailbox that is linked to money making accounts and web wallets. No matter how much you think about the password, in addition to it, you also need other security guarantees.

Google's service is again ahead of other respondents with its two-step user verification. The first stage is the usual logins and passwords, but the second stage can be flexibly configured in the service interface. There may be additional authorization using a code from an SMS message, through a letter on a third-party mailbox, or even limited authentication by browser or equipment ( motherboard, processor, hard drive, etc.) or a specific IP address.

Yandex.Mail has standard security protection HTTPS protocol and the ability to connect authorization using a one-time code that comes to mobile phone in an SMS message. In addition, the service provides the user with a detailed log of visits to the email client.

"Mail ru" boasts productive work with the venerable Kaspersky Lab. The entire part of protecting user data from hacking and other actions of attackers fell on her shoulders. The security interface is burdened a huge amount settings and presets, ranging from the already familiar check via SMS and ending with the prohibition of parallel sessions. So the security section here is organized at a very decent level.


It would be logical to assume that free services provided should at least somehow pay off. The simplest and in an effective way To pull off a similar gamble with an ordinary user was and remains advertising. We're talking about banners here. contextual links and other ways to earn an extra penny.

A little earlier than Google mail client was filled with his signature AdWords ads. But after a couple of scandalous lawsuits and court decisions, the blocs began to fade away, and today they no longer exist. It is unknown how long this situation will last, but the advertising-free service is pleasing to the eye and does not interfere with work.

Yandex.Mail has an option in its settings to disable the display of banners and context, but from time to time advertising still slips through. It doesn’t interfere with work, it’s not an eyesore, but sometimes an unpleasant aftertaste remains, especially when work in progress with a lot of correspondence and requires complete concentration.

“Mail ru”, as always, in its role and with advertising, things are not the best for the user. Here we have a bouquet of everything and everyone: animated banners, a diverse “Yandex.Direct”, as well as a bunch of spoilers, where scientists have once again discovered another panacea in tandem with an exceptional opportunity to enlarge all parts of the body, and at the same time make money from it.

The only way to get rid of this nightmare is with the help of third party applications and special browser plugins, like AdBlock or AdGuard. It is also worth noting the company’s very aggressive policy to implement its software. After visiting another Internet resource or installing some application (usually domestic), you will find that start page browser was changed to “Mail ru”, as well as search system default. Plus, the ubiquitous “Mail Agent” will appear in the system tray.


The definition of the best email service in itself is not entirely correct. Each user himself outlines the functionality he needs and what tasks it should help him perform. Advanced consumers prefer powerful, versatile and resource-intensive Gmail. Average users get a service from their native Yandex, and fans of branded Mail ru applications get the mail client of the same name.

Good day!

The mailbox (or e-mail, mail, "soap") is now very the right tool for almost any computer user. Without email now, you not only can’t register on most sites, but you can’t even send a resume to work/study ☺.

Services where you can register an electronic Mailbox, now there are dozens (if not hundreds). And I think that it would be very useful for beginners to collect the most popular of them in this article (with a brief listing of the main advantages of each service). Thanks to this list, you can go through these popular services and find yourself a fairly short and memorable e-mail.

I hope the information is useful. So...

By the way, maybe someone will find the instructions for creating a mailbox on the Mail.ru portal useful -


One of the oldest and most popular services for mail registration. In addition, the mail address from Mail.ru is one of the most successful, because... "mail" translated from English means "mail".

Has a number of advantages:

  1. free and unlimited mail (the mailbox can contain hundreds of letters, the service does not limit it in any way);
  2. In addition to "@mail.ru", you can create an address like: "@list.ru", "@bk.ru", "@inbox.ru";
  3. good security (two-factor authentication);
  4. Availability cloud drive(for transmission large files by mail);
  5. very powerful filters for clearing spam and composing letters (for example, all letters from one recipient will be put in one “stack”, and not hang in a list of 10 pieces);
  6. phone application (work with mail directly from your smartphone);
  7. you can collect letters from any of your other mailboxes (this way you will see all the letters in one place - i.e. there is no need to manually open all your mailboxes);
  8. built-in automatic check for viruses of all letters;
  9. there is a built-in editor for documents, tables, presentations (relevant for those who do not have Word or Excel installed on their PC, very convenient!);
  10. large address book;
  11. more than 100 mail design themes, and much more!


Mail from the most popular in the World Google search engine. In addition, one of the few with a Russian interface and the international ending “gmail.com” (it’s just that earlier letters from some sites did not reach ru mail and Gmail was very helpful in this regard).

The main advantages of this email service:

  1. quite large volume of the box: you immediately get 15 GB of space, which can be filled with any messages and files (more than enough for a start. For many paid services- they give even less...);
  2. one of the best anti-spam filters (plus you can customize these filters yourself);
  3. mail is always available, 99.99% of the time. Still Google technologies, it’s just that these technologies would not have become the first in the World ☺;
  4. quick search among hundreds and thousands of letters in the mailbox (for example, very useful when you a single word from a letter (you no longer remember where it came from or who sent it) you want to find it);
  5. after creating your mail, you will automatically gain access to many Google services (convenient!);
  6. grouping of letters: the mail itself automatically arranges letters into various directories (Social networks, promotions, alerts, etc.);
  7. ability to edit Word documents And Excel online. You can also download the necessary additions from the depository to expand the capabilities of basic mail;
  8. Very high level security.

Yandex Mail

Very good and free mail from the famous Russian search engine Yandex. Most of the features are identical to previous servers, however, there are also a few “highlights” that competitors do not have...

Key Features:

  1. other than your usual address" [email protected]"you can use a shorter address" [email protected]", and also use your mobile phone number as an email name, for example, "mobile [email protected]" (I haven't seen this on more than one service ☺);
  2. convenient customizable filters (you can mark emails as important on the fly, you can block certain senders, etc. Even a beginner can configure all this!);
  3. collecting letters from other mailboxes;
  4. a lot of beautiful themes for design;
  5. sending a letter on a schedule (convenient when you want to congratulate someone, for example, on a birthday, but don’t want to send it in advance);
  6. there is a light version for those users who have low-speed Internet;
  7. automatic built-in translator (convenient for those who communicate with users abroad in a language other than their native language);
  8. There is an application (and, by the way, a very good one) for smartphones.

I.UA - your mail

Very multifunctional mail, mainly for residents of Ukraine (the server is very popular, millions of people use it, so I simply could not help but include it in this article ☺).

In addition, on it you can find a very short, easy, beautiful and memorable e-mail number: @i.ua, @ua.fm, @email.ua. For this beautiful name(which is easy to remember and dictate) - it’s already worth registering here ☺.

Key Features:

  1. very beautiful mailing address, type: @i.ua, @ua.fm, @email.ua;
  2. a simple interface, designed in a minimalist style (all sorts of frills, big pictures, etc. - everything is removed, only business style and fast loading pages);
  3. The mail interface can be switched to: Russian, English or Ukrainian;
  4. there is an option mobile access to mail (address: pda.i.ua);
  5. a fairly large mailbox (1 GB), with the ability to send files up to 8 GB (if the file is more than 20 MB, it is automatically uploaded to the I.UA server, and a shortcut link is inserted into the letter to download it);
  6. good protection against viruses and spam;
  7. the ability to automatically collect letters from other mailboxes;
  8. there are functions for sorting letters, for example, letters “for work”, “games”, “from forums”, etc.;
  9. autoresponder function (for example, when you are away somewhere, you can set up alerts to everyone who writes to you: that you are not there yet, and you will answer when you arrive);
  10. notification of new letters from via SMS to a mobile phone (very convenient if you have a simple phone on which you cannot install the application);
  11. plus much more (view all attachments to the letter, fast download all files in a letter in a single archive, powerful search for letters, etc.).


The once most popular Russian search engine (and with it the email service). On this moment Rambler's popularity is declining, and one of the significant reasons: there are restrictions on the size of the mailbox (its maximum size can reach up to 1 GB, which today is not so much...).

It is also worth noting that there is a limit on the size of a sent letter of 25 MB - you cannot send a photo or clip in such a volume. In addition, when sending letters you need to enter a check number, which can be very annoying if you send dozens of letters a day (on the other hand, there is less spam, less need to set up any filters, etc.).

Otherwise, very good service, perfect for business correspondence. Convenient and friendly interface, designed in a minimalist style. By the way, when registering, you can choose alternative domain names(not only "@rambler.ru"): "@lenta.ru", "@ro.ru", "@myrambler.ru" and others.


Once upon a time QIP was very popular messenger for transmitting short messages on the Internet. Now the popularity is no longer what it used to be (there are social networks, mobile phones, various Skype, Viber, etc.), but it’s a pity, it was a good time ☺...

By the way, the messenger still works, and the site also offers an email account. It will be convenient for those users who use QIP itself (commonly called “ICQ”): a notification about the arrival of new mail will pop up in the tray. In addition, the address like “@qip.ru” is very sonorous and beautiful, it is easy to remember and not difficult to dictate.

Main advantages:

  1. You can choose a very beautiful and sonorous email address, because... there are dozens of different domains: "@qip.ru", "@pochta.ru", "@hotbox.ru", "@land.ru", "@nm.ru", "@newmail.ru", "@webmail .ru" and many others;
  2. receiving email notifications directly in QIP (in the tray, next to the clock);
  3. good anti-spam filter;
  4. spell checking, error correction;
  5. the ability to search for letters throughout the mailbox;
  6. There is mobile version mail;
  7. the service is completely free.


A very popular foreign postal service (for some reason in our country they don’t take it seriously...). What about mail - it is very, very good, below are the main features:

  1. HUGE box size: 1 TB (that's 1000 GB, if anyone doesn't know). There is nothing like this anywhere else, in my opinion ☺ - you can send an entire hard drive;
  2. convenient and thoughtful design, everything is at hand: sorting, catalogs, smart views (automatic mail cataloguer), contact list, diary;
  3. it is possible to create filters, enable/disable autoresponder;
  4. good compatibility with some foreign services(letters from them will reach this address, unlike many Russian postal providers!);
  5. very high security default: Yahoo! will force you to change passwords (from time to time), link your phone (and another e-mail if you have one), etc.;
  6. There is convenient editor contacts (easy to use even if you have hundreds of them);
  7. It is possible to import contacts from Google services, Facebook, etc.;
  8. there is a built-in diary that will help you mark all important things and not forget about them;
  9. built-in messenger for quick and short messages.

For additions on the topic of the article - thank you in advance to everyone!

Good Luck ☺

Pros - the best postal service in the world, has a built-in translator, text editor, the ability to insert graphics into a writing test and many other details.
The downside is that the mailbox, although large (15 Gb), is limited, increasing the size is paid.
  • Yandex Mail
    Pros - unlimited mailbox, opportunity mail attachment up to 5 Gb, built-in drawing tool, you can simply draw a letter or record a video message via a webcam.
    Built-in translator. And the interface is in Turkish, Tatar, Azerbaijani, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Georgian, Romanian, Kazakh.
  • Mail.ru
    Main competitor Yandex in Russia. Virtually unlimited mail, built-in agent ( free SMS), calendar, huge cloud. Through Mail.ru you can log in to Yandex, Google mail... enter their username and password and look at our mail in the Mail.ru interface.
  • Outlook
    New mail from Microsoft. Actually, this is a rebranding of the famous Hotmail. Now everything will be in Metro style.
  • If you have your own domain

    You can also set up mail there, but on your domain.
    1. @MAIL.ru
      5000 addresses for free. The box is unlimited.
    2. Yandex Mail
      1000 addresses for free, while only domain aliases are possible. The setup is simpler than Google’s and you can put an email login form on your website. Google doesn't provide this option.
    3. Google Apps - mail on your domain from Google
      already paid, there is the possibility of email aliases and domain aliases.
    If you have your own domain, use it. Not everywhere you can register with a free email address.

    One-time mail

    You desperately need to download something, but the site is dubious and you don’t want to reveal your email address, which is correct.
    For such cases, there are one-time mail services. They do not require registration.
    For example
    1. When registering on the site, indicate your email [email protected] , Where MY_NAME- any word, it’s better not too hackneyed, otherwise not only your mail will be there,
    2. just go to www.mailforspam.com/mail/MY_NAME and look at the letter that came to you.
    For convenience, I remembered the email in the Punto program, and added the link www.mailforspam.com/mail/MY_NAME to my bookmarks. So that you don't have to enter it manually every time.

    Sending large attachments

    Sometime you need to send a file big size, and in regular mail actual size less 20 Mb. In this case, you need to use a file hosting service.
    If you have Yandex.Mail, then it is already connected to its cloud and allows you to send files up to 5 Gb.
    MAIL.ru is also connected to its cloud and the attachment is up to 32 Gb with a special program.
    Enough for anything, and the number of files is not limited.

    Mail to the future

    When we want to send something by a certain date and are afraid of forgetting at the last moment. For example, to congratulate someone.

    National Post

    This email address does not exist yet, but it will be necessary to register with it, because this is a connection with officials.
    After all, it is much more convenient to communicate with officials via the Internet than to run around offices.

    Mail forwarding

    This function of the mail service is very important.
    For example, if you have mailboxes in 3 places, then it is difficult to track them.
    But you can define one mailbox as the main one, and redirect the rest to it. This way, all mail will be collected in one place.

    Hi all. In order to fully enjoy all the benefits of the Internet, you cannot ignore such popular services, like email. But the question always arises: which email to choose? And today in this article I will introduce you to the 5 most popular email services and tell you about their advantages.

    Which email should I choose?

    What could be more pleasant than receiving letters and being in contact with your close relatives living so far away from you. Find out how your friends are doing, share photos that show the most happy moments of your life.

    Nowadays we cannot do without email; we need it for everything, whether we want to register on a website or in a game, subscribe to an interesting newsletter, or buy some product in an online store. We need to enter an email address every time, but which one should we choose? Which of all is the most convenient and safest? These are the questions I will try to answer.

    The first thing you need to pay attention to is the mail interface and its functionality, so that it will be convenient for you to work with it in the future.

    Secondly, pay attention to the volume of emails and how much space you are given to send files. This is also an important point, since sometimes it is necessary to send letters with several documents.

    And thirdly, choose secure email, but you won’t be able to check this yourself, so I recommend taking one of the 5 presented below.

    The Internet is simply replete with all kinds of mailboxes that you can register for free and at the same time receive amazing bonuses. But to understand which service is right for you, you need to understand all the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

    Benefits of the Top 5 Emails

    That's all, you have learned about the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular email services. Write in the comments which email you chose for yourself and for what advantages?

    Thank you for your attention, see you on the blog. :)

    P.S. Don't forget to leave comments, and be sure to watch the video. :)

    An email or mailbox can be created in 5 minutes, but before creating it you need to “use” your brain, that’s what this article is for. How to create an email, where to create a mailbox (on Yandex Mail , mail.ru-mail, or Gmail, which should not be confused with gmail.ru- the same mail, but not related to Google-gmail), such thoughts overcome more and more millions of people.

    And in fact, where is it better to create a free email or create a mailbox, because every Internet giant insistently offers to do this only with them?

    Features of creating email and mailboxes, where to create them

    Features of how to open a mailbox on Yandex or another service are shown here in this article. And the point is not only that the email services that lure you have increasingly impressive amounts of disk space provided for you to store data, which most people are unlikely to ever need in such sizes, if your credo is not a photo. The fact is that each service is created exclusively for commercial purposes, and the more clients it has, the more traffic (volume of data) will pass through it, the more money they will earn from advertisers. First of all, each mail service, of course, loves only itself, and is jealous of us for other mailboxes. Because of the seductive earnings from advertising, mailboxes are therefore provided to us “for free”.

    To better understand what and where we need to have a mailbox, we need to understand some things, for example, what we want from ourselves. We all already take into account that it has appeared and supplanted traditional electronic methods delivery of messages and communication, like Viber, but still it is used more in smartphones and tablets than on desktop computers and laptops. Therefore, if we just need to communicate with friends through encrypted messages, the text of which will be available only to us (and photos as well), then there is not much difference where and on what mail service we open a mailbox. Most likely, in this case, you can focus on the size of the mailbox (the provided disk space). But if you are running a business yourself and want to promote your product (moderately spam), or dream of creating your own blog and try to link to it, then at some point you will have difficulties in certain mailboxes.

    For example, mail, mail.ru protects the Russian language. If you are in Answers. mail.ru want to give a link to material (even excellent and unique) from your blog, then your link will not be reproduced, the service will “scold” you and you will have to “chew” everything manually and for a long time, although all this could have been explained briefly, referring to your material. Likewise, in Russian-language mailboxes, links about your products may not be shown somewhere, since they are on English language.

    So, it becomes clear that we are doomed to have not one, but at least two mailboxes, each of which must have specific uses. More can be discussed on this topic, but we will limit ourselves to these considerations. But there are two nuances. The box must be selected based on two considerations. The first is reliable protection from spam, i.e. unwanted and annoying mailings to you emails from advertisers. The second is the possibility of blocking your account in the event of multiple attempts to guess the password for your mailbox (which is discussed below). Therefore, you should carefully read the offers of mail services, and make a final decision about creating a mailbox on a particular resource, and taking this into account. From the point of view of spam protection, the Yandex mailbox is very good.

    Create an email on Yandex

    Before creating it, it is useful to first think about creating your login (mailbox name) and a unique password.

    How to choose a login and create a better password

    As for choosing a login, everything is simple. We take a login in English, whichever language we like, but provided that it is not busy. If such a login is busy (and we will be informed about this right there in the window with a message with a different color of letters), we add numbers or letters to it until they become unique. For example, Lena, if busy, then Lena12, if it’s busy, then add the last name, or part of it: Lenamarkova. What is important is that the login does not respond to differences in the spelling of letters in capitals or lowercase letters.

    It's more difficult with a password. The password usually must be at least eight numbers or letters. The longer it is, the more difficult it is to remember, but the more difficult it is for attackers to pick it up. When creating and reproducing a password, the robot recognizes the same uppercase and capital letters(for example A and a) like different symbols. Eat special services, which generate passwords that are almost impossible to guess.

    What tricks, in general, have developed when creating passwords for registering mailboxes? At first they simply wrote something related to their full name. Like in the example with the login: Lenamarkova23. This is already good, but you can even try to guess the password manually. More advanced ones, let's move on. For this they took Russian word, and wrote it in English layout. For example, the word "mouse" when switching to English keyboard it will be written as vsim, and if we add numbers (write together), then it will work complex password eg vsim243.

    When imagination was no longer enough to create unique passwords, many began to indicate their phone number as it, and adding a letter (either all or two of them) from their full name made it quite difficult to guess.

    But hackers are not asleep either. Nowadays, passwords are selected using special algorithms, using the brute force method, which first uses the most likely and frequent methods for creating passwords by users. It is not difficult for a robot with its inherent modern electronics quickly try our passwords for several days or weeks until the selection is crowned with success, and you are surprised to find in your mailbox something that your hand has never touched.

    So, in order to further reduce the likelihood of password guessing, email services began to offer to enter capital letters into passwords, and when changing the password, this must be done. If we, in our password vsim243, capitalize at least one of the letters, its secrecy will increase many times over, since it will become even more difficult to guess, for example, vSim243, even better vSiM243, or generally great vSiM243U.

    It seems that with such a password, in your secret correspondence, you can feel more comfortable. However, there is no 100 percent guarantee of security in such cases, but it is high, and the higher the longer and more complex the password.

    Creating a mailbox and what surname to register

    As has already become clear, email is built on the creation of so-called “mailboxes”, which the user himself creates in the email settings.

    Let's consider, for example, how to create an email (have a mailbox) on Yandex, which is good option. To do this, log into Yandex, where there is a frame in the upper right corner (seen here in the picture):

    “MAIL, create a mailbox, login, password.” We click, “create a mailbox”, in front of us is a large table where you need to enter your first and last name, come up with a login, come up with a password (and what great fellows we are, we already came up with this and wrote it down somewhere in a secluded place), repeat so as not to make a mistake (that same password) Security Question(we’ll choose which one we’ll answer, and it’s even better to write down which option was chosen - mother’s maiden name, or favorite dish, which one, etc.), mobile phone, enter the control characters that you are not a robot.

    Here, many will wonder whether it is necessary to enter their first and last name. Conspiracy theorists will not want to do this and, in principle, have the right to do so, because they can enter a pseudonym. But in many mailboxes, the recipient of the message may display the sender's first and last name. It’s good if he knows for the first time that it was you who wrote to him with that pseudonym. In addition, it is no secret that your last name must match the last name of the owner of the phone number. In some postal services This is critical, in some cases it is not. In any case, the creation of a secret database of Internet users from all over the planet is probably already being completed on the Internet. Whether it is spyware, advertising, or both is not so important. In any case, if we do not want to disclose our data, then we must write the same in all mailboxes and services. But we must remember that if you defend your interests through the court, with fictitious data you will not prove anything and you will not win the claim. ( Read the next page, numbered below)

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