Where is the timer on the computer? How to use a mechanical and electronic timer socket? Choosing the best for home and apartment

Both in industry and in everyday life, there is often a need to automatically turn on and off electrical appliances at a given time. To do this, use a mechanical or electronic socket timer. Each model has its own advantages and installation methods.

Sockets with a mechanical type timer have a dial with which you can set several operating periods. Such devices are configured as follows:

  • use the rotating wheel on the socket to set the actual time;
  • click on the digital segments opposite the numbers, setting the period for turning on the device;
  • turn on the socket and connect the necessary device to it;
  • Programming to turn off the socket is carried out using a similar method.

In mechanical sockets with a timer, the wheel must be rotated only clockwise, otherwise the mechanism may fail. This is due to the fact that a limiter is built into the running contract.

You can set the time to turn on and off a mechanical socket timer only within a day.

How to set up an outlet with a feron timer

Such sockets have a time scale, programming keys and a time indicator arrow on the front panel. The required working period is set to no more than twenty-four hours.

The setup is carried out as follows:

  1. The time in daily format is marked along the edges of the rotating disk. Between each digital designation there is a division of fifteen minutes. Turning the dial clockwise first sets the current time.
  2. There are small segments around the dial. They can be blue or black. Each sector holds fifteen minutes. By clicking on the required segment, you can easily set the timer.
  3. The mechanical timer socket is connected to the network after the necessary settings have been made. After this, the required electrical appliance is connected to the connector.

The timer functions only if the device that will be controlled is turned on.

Setting up an electronic socket with a timer

Sockets with an electronic timer are available for weekly and daily use. Unlike mechanical connectors, they are not as easy to configure. Such devices include a system for setting not only the current time, but also the day of the week. Also, electronic sockets are preset for one hundred and forty operating cycles.

Configuring such electrical network connectors from timers is carried out in the following way:

  • turn on the device to the network to recharge the battery;
  • indicate the actual day of the week and time on the switched socket;
  • set the on and off period using the programming system;
  • after setting, press the “Time” key so that the set current time is indicated on the display;
  • connect the outlet to the network and connect the device to it.

During installation, care must be taken to ensure that these programs do not overlap each other.

How to set up a socket with a clear timer

This socket has ten programs for turning the device on and off, mode selection, a display with seconds and sixteen possible combinations of days of the week. The device also has a function for changing the time to summer and the ability to select time modes - twelve hour or twenty-four hour.
Before setting up such an outlet with an electronic timer, the battery is charged for twelve hours. To do this, you need to connect the connector to the network.

After this, previously installed programs are activated by pressing the button marked “Master clear”. The button is activated using a sharp object - a pin, pencil or the writing part of a pen. Only then can programming of the electronic product be carried out.

Programming consists of the following stages:

  1. Press and hold the “Clock” button until the current time and day of the week are displayed simultaneously. The minutes are set with the “Min” key, the hours with the “Hour” button, and the days with the “Week” button.
  2. Press the “Timer” button once and set the on time. At this time, “On1” will appear on the screen. Next, you can set a timer to turn off the outlet. The date is set using the same keys – “Min”, “Week” and “Hour”. After setting, press the “Timer” indicator again.
  3. Using these actions, you can configure parallel tasks. You can view the entire list of actions using the “Timer” button, which should be held down for several seconds.
  4. After completing the settings, press the “Clock” key to put the timer into working order.
    In “Manual on” mode, the socket operates normally without programming. “Manual off” is a function to turn off the device. You can set the timer only in “Auto” mode.

Also, the socket with the clear timer has a floating switch off. The function is launched with the “RANDOM” key, and the same inscription appears on the display, which means the program is activated. In this position, all settings are carried out in advance from ten to thirty-two minutes between eighteen and six o'clock. You can cancel the floating function by pressing the “RANDOM” button again. When setting up programs, this setting does not work.

To switch from twenty-four hour mode to twelve hour mode and vice versa, you need to press two symbols at the same time - “CLOCK” and “TIMER”.

By immediately marking the “ON/AUTO/OFF” and “CLOCK” keys, you can set the clock to summer time. In this case, the symbol “S” will appear on the screen. To return the value back to the winter period, press the same keys again at the same time.
It is prohibited to connect electrical appliances to the network with a load exceeding sixteen amperes. It is not recommended to connect heating devices to outlets with a timer, and especially to leave them unattended.

Pros and cons of electronic and mechanical sockets with a timer

When purchasing a timer socket, the question arises: which one is better to buy, mechanical or electronic? The main advantages of the first are the low cost of the product and ease of use. But the second option has more working functions.

You can choose a good socket with a time setting for turning it on and off by looking at all the advantages of a mechanical and electronic connector.

Electronic models with a rechargeable battery can operate independently of the power supply. Some devices may continue to function at the previously specified settings for more than four days.

Improved electronic sockets have the additional ability to simulate the presence of occupants in the house. More expensive products have a two-year software installation.

Mechanical timer sockets can operate without programming. Such devices have a key that blocks the timer and switches the connector to normal mode. Such a device just needs to be turned on, set the working time for the day, without resorting to additional settings.

When purchasing a timer socket, you should pay attention not only to all the technical characteristics and configuration functions specified in the passport. The main selection criteria are the extended programming range, duration of operation, load capacity and accuracy of the device. Correct setup will help to fully automate the workflow of electrical appliances in the house.

An economic person will definitely have a need to automate some processes over time. Turning on the lights for poultry, illuminating the greenhouse, feeding pets, turning on and off electrical appliances at a given time. All those processes that do not require direct human intervention and can be successfully automated. Today the article will be about how to set up a socket with a mechanical and electronic timer. We will provide instructions with video examples so that you can clearly see the setup process.


The heart of the timer is a drum with switch levers installed on it. The drum is driven by a micromotor. The actuator is a microswitch with one pair of contacts.Sockets with a 24-hour cycle are very popular; they are also called a daily timer. As a rule, one hour is divided into four parts, fifteen minutes each.

As you can see in the photo, the design of the Feron TM50 socket is quite primitive. Setting up such a timer comes down to setting the switches on the reel in the desired order in a certain time sector and forcing the manual setting of the current time by scrolling the reel clockwise to the pointer arrow. A switch is installed on the side of the relay to force the load to turn on. Let's try to use a small example to figure out how to set up a mechanical socket with a timer, model Feron TM50.

In this diagram, the operating time of the filter pump in the pool is distributed over the day:

  1. No food is served from 1 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  2. After two in the morning the pump turns on for fifteen minutes.
  3. From four to five it is off.
  4. At 6.00 the pool filter runs for fifteen minutes.
  5. Afterwards this happens at nine and twelve o’clock, again for fifteen minutes.
  6. At 3:00 p.m., peak bathing time, we turn on the pump for thirty minutes.
  7. At six and nine in the evening we make the pump run for thirty minutes.
  8. And the final cycle at twelve at night is to filter the water for 15 minutes.

There is an opportunity to save money if you correctly configure the socket with a timer and use a two-tariff electricity meter.

According to the settings in the diagram, it becomes clear that the consumer switches off during peak tariff hours, when the price per kilowatt of consumed energy is one and a half times the normal price. From eight in the morning until eleven, the device is turned off. The same goes for the evening peak from eight to ten in the evening. The rest of the time, the socket with a timer keeps the consumer turned on.

You can learn more about how to set up a mechanical socket with a timer in the video below:

Another popular model from Feron is TM32. The configuration features of this outlet are also discussed in the video review:


Using the TM24 model as an example, let's look at how to set up an electronic socket with a timer.

When you turn it on for the first time, you must leave the device in the outlet for 12-14 hours to charge the built-in battery.

Button functions:

This programmer has the ability to configure twenty on and off programs.

As can be seen from the diagram - point 1, it is possible to install the program from Monday to Sunday. That is, it turned on and off at the same time. Setting up individual programs by day of the week from 2nd to 8th point. Combination of the program on weekdays from Monday to Friday, paragraph 9, or only on weekends (Saturday and Sunday), paragraph 10. For six days a week, point 11. Every other day, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, point 12. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, point 13. Three days in a row, points 14 and 15.

To start using the outlet, you must first set the current time. You must hold SET for 5 seconds until the day of the week flashes. Use the RIGHT or LEFT buttons to set the desired day. Pressing and holding SET again takes us to setting the clock. Using RIGHT or LEFT we set the desired time. We repeat the same procedure to set the minutes.

Now you can start setting up the program. You can do this as follows:

  • Press and hold RIGHT until “1_ON” appears, this is the first timer.
  • After this, press and hold SET until the days of the week flash; use the RIGHT or LEFT buttons to select the desired day or combination of days.
  • Next, using SET, select the hours and RIGHT or LEFT the desired value, and so on with the minutes.
  • Then we repeat the operation while holding RIGHT until the value “OFF_1” appears.
  • We repeat the setting similar to the point above, set the day, hour and minutes.
  • To exit programming mode, press CLK.

Press the MANUAL button to reset the current program settings to set new parameters. To force the timer to turn on or off, there is a “MANUAL” function, which has three modes: “MANUAL-OFF”, “MANUAL-ON”, “MANUAL-AUTO”. In OFF mode, the timer does not execute programs and is in the off state. In ON mode, the device is in the forced position, and in AUTO mode, programs are executed.

To simulate the presence of a person, there is an interesting RND button on the socket. This function has a floating advance timer that randomly varies from two minutes to half an hour. The time interval is processed taking into account the advance.The switching on of electrical appliances is not strictly tied to a specific minute, which can confuse thieves trying to find out whether people are at home or not.

Instructions for setting the parameters of an electronic socket are provided in the video below:

Setting up the remaining sockets with a timer is no different from the installation algorithm described in the example and should not cause difficulties. Do not forget to change the clock to winter and summer time for more correct operation of the device.

We hope our instructions were clear and useful for you. Now you know how to set up a socket with a mechanical and electronic timer!


Automatic shutdown using the operating system. It is most convenient to use the utility built into the Windows operating system. The executable file of this utility is located in the System 32 folder of the system directory. It can be opened using the command line. By clicking on the “Start” button, you need to open the “Run” item. In some cases this is not available, then you need to press the button combination: Win+R. After this, the “Run” window will appear on the computer screen.

In the “Run” window, you need to enter the shutdown command with the switches -s -t -f. The -s key indicates completion of work, t – sets the time until shutdown (for the “t” key, you must additionally enter the time in seconds remaining until the appointed time), f – an instruction to turn off the device in any case, even if there are still open programs. The end result should be something like “shutdown -s -t 3600 -f” if you want to shut down the computer after an hour. After this, click OK. For help on the command, you can type “shutdown /?” without quotes into the Run window. In this case, a command line window will open with a description of all the shutdown command options.

If you successfully set the shutdown timer, a notification will appear on your desktop indicating that the session will end after the specified time. If you have Windows 10 installed, the recording will be full screen; in earlier versions (Windows 7 and 8), a pop-up notification will appear at the bottom right of the screen. At the right time, the computer will turn off automatically. To cancel the command, you need to enter shutdown -a. The shutdown operation will not be performed in this case.

The task scheduler is useful if the computer is turned off every day, according to a schedule at the same time. This feature exists in Windows starting with . Not present on earlier ones. You can launch the program through the command line by pressing the Win+R key combination and entering the command “taskschd.msc” in the window that appears. Or open manually through “Start” (in Windows 10, right-click on the Start button), where you need to select “Control Panel”. Here you need to find “administration”, (in Windows 10 System and Security - Administration), double-click “ ” and the desired program will open.

In tasks, you need to select “Action” in the top menu, and “create a simple task” in the drop-down list. Enter Automatic shutdown of Windows in the “Name” field, an arbitrary description in the “Description” field, then indicate the shutdown frequency in the window that opens and write the shutdown time. In the Action option write: “run the program”, in the Program and script line write: C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe and type “–s” in the argument field. Click "next" and then "done."

Run via bat file. To create such a file, you need to create a new document in and enter the special code into it:
echo off
set /p timer_off="Vvedite vremya v sekundah"
shutdown -s -t %timer_off%
Instead of N, you need to specify seconds before shutdown. Now select “file” in the top menu, “save as” there and in the “file type” field indicate “all files”. Attach the .bat extension to the end of the file name and save it in a convenient place.
To activate a file, just save it on your desktop and click on it if necessary. After the window opens, you need to enter the time in seconds before shutting down, after which the file is simply minimized and the PC turns off at the desired time.

There are a number of programs that you can download and install on your computer. There is no particular need for this, but sometimes the user prefers not to bother with switches and entering commands into the command line, wanting certain functions to be performed using special programs. The most famous of them:
- PC Auto Shutdown – shutdown by timer;
- Wise Auto Shutdown – shuts down the computer at a specified time, numerous functions for monitoring command timing, shutdown notification, and generally expanded functionality;
- PowerOff – starts immediately after downloading, without installation;
- TimePC – can not only turn off, but also turn on the computer at a specified time;
- Shut Down – also does not require installation;
- SM Timer ends the session and shuts down the computer, a simple utility that is easy to use;
- OFFTimer.

All of these are programs that are freely available on the Internet, they are free and quite easy to use. If you have the necessary knowledge of how to download the program and install it on your computer, using them will be quite simple.

Confident computer users believe that the functions available in the system are quite sufficient to turn off the computer using a timer simply, effectively, without additional difficulties and third-party software. Moreover, there is no unnecessary risk of catching the virus. But if you are afraid to get into your computer settings, such programs will come in handy.

The simplest and most accessible program is the Shutdown Timer. It automatically starts with Windows, has concise and simple settings, and is released in Russian. One of the disadvantages is the forced closing of programs, so there is no provision for saving before closing programs and something may not be saved. The program has an official website with a good reputation, from which it can be downloaded without additional verification. Therefore, this program is ideal for novice computer users.

Nowadays, almost all devices are equipped with timers to turn off after a certain time. And the computer is no exception.

Computer shutdown timer a very useful function when you need to turn off the computer after a certain time, and you won’t be around. In this article, I described the two easiest ways to set a timer to turn off your computer using standard Windows 7 tools, without any third-party programs.

We set the computer shutdown timer in Windows 7 using the standard method.

You can set the time after which the computer will automatically turn off without using third-party programs, but using standard tools! To do this, press the combination Win+ R and in the “Run” window enter the command shutdown -s -t 3600.

(the computer will turn off in an hour).

3600 is the set timer value in seconds (3600s = 1 hour), you can set any value from 0 to 315360000 (10 years).

There are also others computer shutdown timers in the parameters of the shutdown command, which can reboot, end the session, put the computer into sleep or hibernation mode. To view the full list, press Win+R, enter cmd.exe , type in the command line window shutdown -? and press Enter:

For example:

shutdown -r -t 60— restart the computer after 60 seconds.

shutdown -s -t 600 turn off the computer after 600 seconds (5 minutes); shutdown -a— cancel the reboot/shutdown that was enabled by the previous commands.

shutdown -a put the computer into hibernation mode.

shutdown -r -t 1000 — restart the computer after 1000 seconds .

Computer shutdown timer in Windows 7 via scheduler:

1. Click the “Start” menu and enter “Scheduler” in the search bar.

2. The line “Task Scheduler” will appear, which is what we need to open.

3. In the left column of the task scheduler that opens, click on “Task Scheduler Library”, and in the right column - “Actions”, select “Create a simple task”.

4. Give a name in the “Name” column, and then click the “Next” button.

5. In the new window, you need to set the period, for example, “Daily” and click “Next” 3 times.

6. In the next window - “Program or script”, enter the “shoutdown” command, and in the “Add arguments” field write “-s -f” without quotes.

There are also quite a lot of third-party programs that allow you to set a timer to turn off the computer, but I believe that standard tools are quite sufficient. They are as simple and safe as possible, unlike third-party software.

At the moment, there are quite a few ways to set the laptop timer to turn off. Below we will look at a few of the most basic ones. But first, it’s worth understanding the basic options, which are not too complicated and understandable to every user.


It is worth noting that the function of automatically turning off both a personal computer and a laptop is quite important and useful in the daily life of users. She can help when you need:

  • download any important file or document, and there is no way to wait for the process to complete;
  • in your absence, control the amount of time the child spends in front of the monitor screen;
  • using some third-party utilities, automate some processes, which will help simplify working with the device. For example, controlling a third-party computer or transmitting commands over a network.

Now let's move on to directly considering the question of whether it is possible to set a shutdown timer on a laptop?

Command line

  • You will see a notification that the installed counter has been disabled and the session termination has been cancelled. The timer can also be canceled by pressing the "Shutdown" key.

Second option

Now let's talk about whether it is possible to set a laptop on a shutdown timer using the task scheduler. It is worth noting that this method is the most convenient, as it allows you to contribute much more. To complete this procedure, follow the instructions below:

  • Using the keyboard shortcut "Win" + "R" launch the "Run" program;
  • in the window that opens, enter the command "taskschd.msc";
  • as soon as the required program starts, pay attention to the left column. Here you need to activate the task scheduler library;
  • then move to the right column and click on the line called “Actions”;

  • after that, select creating a simple task;
  • then in the name column, indicate the name and activate the next button;
  • The next step in the instructions on how to put a laptop on a shutdown timer is to set the frequency of the procedure. It can be configured to suit you. After this, press the Next key again. Repeat two more times;
  • A program or script window will open in front of you. In this place you need to enter "shoutdown";

  • go to the add arguments field and enter "-s -f", respecting the space;
  • Before putting the laptop on the shutdown timer, confirm the changes by pressing the Next button. Then activate the ready button;
  • To check the success of the operation, you need to re-enter the task scheduler and pay attention to the middle column. The currently running task should be displayed there.

If there is a need to cancel it, then simply call up the context menu of this object with the right mouse button and select the line with the inscription: “Delete”.


Is it possible to set a laptop shutdown timer using a shortcut? Of course it is possible and quite easy. In order to correctly implement this procedure, do everything according to the following algorithm:

  • anywhere on the desktop, call the context menu with the right mouse button and activate the subroutine for creating shortcuts;
  • In the window for specifying the location of the object, enter "C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -s -t 600". Instead of 600, you can specify any number you need (in seconds). This will be the time counting down until the computer turns off;
  • after that another window will open. Here you need to specify the name of the shortcut. Again, you can enter what you consider necessary;
  • then just save all changes. Now, after you activate this program, the computer will start a timer, after which the current session will be terminated;
  • but you should also take care of the cancel button for this function. Right-click on the desktop again and activate the shortcut creation program;
  • specify "C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -a" as the object location;
  • Give the shortcut a name and save the changes. Now, after its activation, the previously launched timer will stop working.


Quite a useful utility that allows you to configure. Before putting the laptop on the shutdown timer using this method, let’s look at a few important points regarding this utility. First, you should familiarize yourself with its capabilities.


This software is quite versatile and allows you to install other useful tools in addition to setting the shutdown time. Among them:

  • the ability to set up shutdown not only by timer, but also by a specific time or a set schedule;
  • the user can choose what the system should do after the shutdown time has expired;
  • there is a built-in task scheduler and diary;
  • the utility automatically starts along with the operating system;
  • ability to work with WinAmp using hot keys. The program itself can also be controlled with their help.

Additional functions

Using this utility, you can also automate and perform a number of the following useful actions. Among them are:

  • send the computer to sleep mode;
  • lock the system;
  • remotely launch another device;
  • send commands over the network;
  • restart the computer;
  • terminate user sessions.

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