Where is the best place to install a router in an apartment? How to properly place a router in an apartment

In most of the articles on our site, we carefully describe the configuration of various models of modern routers. So, on the pages of the portal you can find step-by-step instructions for popular models, and, and also check and.

However, in addition to the right one, for smooth operation you need to choose the right location for the wireless WiFi access point. And in this article we will discuss how to install a Wi-Fi router, and consider all the pitfalls of creating your own access point.

Where is the best place to install a router in an apartment?

So, to install a router at home yourself? you need to focus on the following criteria:

  • - all the “promised places” of your apartment must fall within the coverage area of ​​the Wi-Fi router;
  • - the router must be securely fastened and not exposed to external influences;
  • - the impact of the router on apartment residents should be minimized.

As for the convenience of the location of the router, the space occupied by the router and the aesthetics of installation - this is purely a “matter of taste” and has only an indirect relation to the rules for installing a home router.

  1. 1. Where to install the router in the house for maximum coverage area?

The stability of a wireless home network directly depends on how high the router is installed. This is due to the fact that the closer to the floor, the more objects will “interfere” with normal radiation (for example, WiFi waves will “cling” to cabinets, sofas, household appliances and other home furnishings.).

Thus, in order to provide stable WiFi to the entire apartment (or one-story house), it is best to mount the router “under the ceiling” (for example, install a special corner shelf for the router or place the router on the very edge of a tall cabinet):

In city apartments, the “optimal” place would be the inner corner of the central room or the top of the outer wall in the hallway;

In a two-story apartment, it is best to install a Wi-Fi router in the central part of the house on the second floor, at a level of a meter from the floor.

  1. 2. How to install a router: technical features

You should install the router in the central part of the house or apartment based on the following considerations:

  • - to easily connect the provider’s Internet cable to it (this is especially “relevant” for optical fiber, which should not be “disturbed” once again: this cable is very easily susceptible to mechanical damage);
  • - so that the router is inaccessible to children and pets (it is worth foreseeing all potential emergencies in advance: does the interior door catch on the Internet cable, does splashes from the bathroom get on the router, etc.)
  • - to ensure unhindered access to the device if necessary (for example, to reboot the router);

Thus, it is best to mount the router above the front door: you don’t have to “pull” the network cable through the apartment and the risk of accidental damage to the router is minimal here.

  1. 3. Is it possible to install the router in the bedroom?

Despite the sincere assurances of network equipment manufacturers that their products are “reliable and safe,” installing a router near the places where apartment residents regularly stay (in a child’s room, in a bedroom or on a desktop) is strictly not recommended. Any router is, first of all, an emitter and with regular wave exposure to the body, serious health problems can arise.

Wireless Internet networks are becoming increasingly popular. Having looked into any restaurant, park, airport, beauty salon, shopping center, store, many of you instinctively connect to free wi-fi via your phone or tablet.

Therefore, the question arises to be able to surf the Internet at home without connecting to annoying wires.

Why do you need to install wi-fi in an apartment?

Installationwi- fi at home will give you the opportunity to:

  • connect to the Internet from different devices (laptops, mobile phones, tablets) simultaneously;
  • have access to the World Wide Web from any corner of the apartment;
  • do any business (wash the dishes, lie on the couch, cook dinner, do the cleaning) and at the same time enjoy online movies;
  • read books or watch TV shows from any gadget while lying in bed;
  • remove wires around the house that all family members get caught on and that pets like to chew on;
  • be online around the clock on social networks and in work applications;
  • take candy from neighbors who ask for access to connect to your Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi is a modern technology that has ceased to be a rarity. It significantly expands the possibilities of using the Internet connection, makes you mobile, not tied to a wired access point. It's really convenient!

Which wireless technology to choose

To installing internet in the apartment really brought benefits, you need to decide which type of wireless network is suitable in your case.

There are three in total:

  • Bluetooth technology. Allows one device to share traffic with another device if they are within a couple of meters. This is convenient if the transmitter is constantly located close to the receiver.
  • Large-scale mobile networks (WiMAX or 3G). They operate on the basis of mobile communication towers and stations installed throughout the city. Can be used via modem, tablet or mobile phone. The speed of the Internet connection is not particularly good, and depends on the distance from the tower.
  • Wi-fi access via local network. This is not an independent technology, but only a way to distribute input channels between various devices from an existing local network. That is, a building (apartment, house, office, store) is provided with local Internet and a wi-fi router is installed, allowing many devices to use one connection.

If you want to know how much does it cost to install Wi-Fi in an apartment?, you need to contact your local Internet provider.

Some companies provide their regular users with free routers for temporary or permanent use.

Speed ​​and range of wi-fi coverage

At first, the speed of Wi-Fi connections left much to be desired. At the beginning of the last decade, with the development of mobile gadgets, communication standards that determine speed have significantly improved.

The first wi-fi routers of the 802.11 standard were not widely used, since the speed did not exceed 1 megabit per second. When connecting several devices, the Internet generally froze. Later, Intel included the 802.11b standard in its platform, which increased the speed to 11 megabits. Oddly enough, it will continue to be widely used in our time.

The next level of speed was overcome by the 802.11a standard, which differs from the previous one only in the range of applicable frequencies. But the speed is already 54 megabits. And, of course, modern high-speed networks of the 802.11n standard provide users with speeds of 150-300 Mb/s, but not all communications companies can allow its use.

Router installation, price which varies depending on the transmitter power and antenna sensitivity can be produced both in office premises and in apartments.

To be more precise, the quality of the equipment directly affects the Wi-Fi operating range and connection speed. If you need to provide Internet access to a large house, you can use several access points. Such a network can be interconnected using a wired or wireless method. For a small apartment, medium-power equipment is suitable, the operating range of which will extend over a radius of several meters.

Reliability and security of wi-fi routers

To enter a Wi-Fi network, as a rule, you need a password. Naturally, unless the user himself wants to disable it to provide free use to everyone around him. There are two types of routers:

  • closed, providing Internet access only to users who have specified the necessary settings on their device;
  • open, to which anyone can connect.

On the Internet you can find many programs that promise to guess the password for your neighbors’ Wi-Fi. But modern technologies WPA and WPA2 provide security and block the activities of such spying services. Most routers support the combined WPA/WPA2 security type, which guarantees complete security from intruders.

At installing internet in the apartment, the user is generated an individual and complex password, which he can change independently if desired.

Technological progress is growing daily. To keep up with competitors, manufacturers of technical equipment regularly release new models of wi-fi routers. They often enter the market crude, unable to provide reliable operation. You have to wait months for updated firmware and endlessly call technicians to set up the system.

How to choose a router for installing Internet in an apartment

If you want to know how much does it cost to install Wi-Fi in an apartment? To ensure that it is of high quality and performs its functions flawlessly for a long time, follow some recommendations:

Cost of installing wi-fi in an apartment

When connecting this technology, many are interested in the question of how much it costs to connect Wi-Fi in an apartment. After all, some people want to get all the benefits of wireless Internet, but are not ready to shell out a large amount of money. In order to buy a high-quality router, you will have to fork out some money. If we talk about the price range, it fluctuates around $30-250.

According to user reviews, the ASUS RT-N16 is a pretty good device for home use, the price of which is approximately $80.

The choice depends on the manufacturer and service provider. Currently popular routers are Cisco, ZyXEL, ASUS, NETGEAR, TP-LINK, Linksys. It is also not recommended to overpay more than $100. After all, in an apartment the load is not the same as in a shopping center, restaurant or office. And the coverage area is not needed.

Today, most modern apartments and houses are equipped with wireless Wi-Fi, which allows all computers and mobile gadgets to freely access the Internet. If you don’t have Wi-Fi at home yet, then most likely you opened this article to remedy the situation.
So, what do you need to connect to Wi-Fi at home? Below we will look at the main steps, where, in fact, you need to start to set up wireless Internet at home.

What is needed to connect Wi-Fi at home?

Step 1: concluding an agreement with the provider

You can skip this step if you already have the Internet connected to your home, but it only works via wire.

Today, Russian providers offer users three types of Internet connections: ADSL, FTTB and xPON.

You can check whether your home is connected to the services of a particular provider on the official website, where, as a rule, there is a page for checking the connection by house number. The situation is such that even in large Russian cities on sparsely populated streets in houses there is no provider equipment, which means the only option is to use ADSL, which is offered by the telephone operator (aka provider).

As a rule, the provider’s website offers you to choose one of the desired tariffs, each of which differs in available Internet speed and additional functions. So, as a rule, the cheapest tariff will provide limited Internet connection speed during the day and unlimited speed at night.
An expensive tariff will provide Internet without restrictions, but will also allow you to connect to IP television with a certain number of free HD channels.

The choice of tariff is made solely on the basis of your financial capabilities and preferences. But we draw your attention to the fact that if you are not going to purchase a Wi-Fi router separately, make sure that it is provided free of charge by the provider at the chosen tariff.

Having chosen a tariff, you will usually be asked to either call the provider or fill out a form to call a specialist.

Next, at the agreed time, a specialist comes to you, who enters into a service agreement with you, provides the equipment, and also immediately connects it (the task is easier if the provider provides its own router).

Step 2: purchasing a Wi-Fi router

If you have a wired Internet connection or if you were not provided with this equipment when concluding an agreement with your provider, you must purchase it separately.

If you purchase a router separately, then this task must be approached with all responsibility, taking into account many nuances when choosing. How to choose the right Wi-Fi router for your home has already been discussed on our website.

Step3: connecting the router to the computer

So, you have everything to set up the Internet - all that remains is to configure it. Until the router is configured, Wi-Fi will not work on it. You first need to connect the router to your computer.

This article will not talk about connecting and setting up a Wi-Fi router, but about its correct location in an apartment, private house, or office. If you haven't bought a router yet, then read on and go to the store. After purchasing a router, you will need to install it in a specific location, connect and configure it. You can read about connection and setup in the instructions that were included in the kit, or in other articles on our website. Instructions for setting up some routers are collected on the page. And in this article we will talk specifically about choosing a place to install the router. Where you can install and where you can’t.

The location of the router in the house first affects the coverage of the Wi-Fi network. It's clear. If you have a huge apartment or a large house, then by installing a router at one end of the house, it is unlikely that you will receive Wi-Fi in the back room. There are no secrets in choosing a location for installation. But by following some recommendations, there is a chance to do without buying a second router or repeater to strengthen your wireless network.

If at the time of purchasing the router you already have the Internet connected, then it is most often installed where the Internet cable from the provider is laid. Because laying a new cable, lengthening it, or even shortening it is not the easiest task. And I will say this: if after setting up the Wi-Fi router the network reaches the whole house and everything works well, then there is no need to invent anything. Install where you can. This is especially true for one-room or small two/three-room apartments. And also small houses. Wherever you install the router, you will have a stable Wi-Fi signal in all rooms.

Recommendations for choosing a location for the router

As I wrote above, you can install the router in a place where you like, where the Internet is connected, or where you have a place to install it (desk, shelf, etc.). If there are no problems with Wi-Fi network coverage, then you can close this article and use the Internet.

If you have problems with the coating, here are some tips:

  • Do not install the router close to other electrical appliances. Such as: cordless phones, microwave ovens, TVs, etc. Since the Wi-Fi network operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, or 5 GHz. And the technology that I listed above can also use this frequency, then there will be strong interference. Because of this, the signal may drop, or the Wi-Fi network will be unstable.
  • The Wi-Fi signal passes through obstacles and at the same time the signal level drops. The biggest evil is metal barriers. Walls with metal elements inside (as a rule, these are load-bearing walls). Metal doors, etc. Mirrors and glass also reflect the wireless network signal. Concrete and brick walls also significantly reduce the range of a Wi-Fi network. The fewer walls and barriers, the better.
  • Look at the floor plan of your house or apartment and think about whether it is possible to place the router closer to the center. This arrangement will provide more even coverage throughout the home. And it won’t happen that your neighbor’s signal from your network is more stable than yours. Or install the router closer to the place where you will actively use the wireless network. For example, closer to the bedroom and kitchen. But further from the children's room. You should like this arrangement if you are puzzled by the issue of harm from Wi-Fi network radiation.
  • If possible, install the router as high as possible. It can be mounted on the wall. Almost every router has holes for wall mounting. And the antennas fold.

And some more useful tips:

Where is your router installed in your house? How is the Wi-Fi network coverage? Share your tips in the comments and ask questions!

Today we will give a couple of tips on where it is better to install a router in an apartment: how and where it is best to install it, what solutions are best to avoid completely, and how to secure your network as much as possible.

What decisions should you avoid?

First, you need to adhere to these four rules that determine where in the apartment it will be a mistake to install the router:

Now that we have figured out where the unfavorable places are, let’s move on to standard tips on where to place the router in the apartment for the strongest signal in all rooms.

The right places to choose

The first thing worth mentioning is that the higher the dispenser is installed, the better. The ideal option would be to install it on the wall. If the question arises of how to mount a router on a wall, then everything is simpler than you might think: you don’t need to drill anything, since devices often have special grooves on the case for wall mounting.

To take advantage of this opportunity, just measure the distance between the grooves, mark the place where you consider it optimal to install the router in the apartment, and then drive a couple of nails in the right places almost completely. You can also buy a couple of plastic dowels and make the holes a little smaller in the required places - by placing the dowels in the wall, you can screw screws with small heads into them and hang the router on them.

If you don’t want to make holes in the wall, then your obvious answer to the question of where to place the router in the apartment is a closet in the hallway.

The second thing that is really worth paying attention to in this case is the position of the antennas: the best option is when they are vertical. If, despite this, you have a bad signal, it is still worth trying to change their position and see if this improves the situation.

These are the main two tips on how to properly install a router in an apartment. If you rely more on the principle of maximum network security, then it is best to place it in the center of the apartment - this will reduce the possibility of intercepting your signal outside it. For special secrecy, you can shield the necessary premises, but these are measures for the most serious.

Is it worth putting a router in a shield?

There is often advice about installing a distribution device in a low-current panel. For the query “router shield in an apartment,” the search engine produces a lot of information and opinions that are opposite to each other.

In this situation, we can say this: if you want to put the access point there, then the shield should not be metal, otherwise there is no point. Interestingly, in some cases, the option with a metal shield works, but only if the shield is built into a wall made of foam blocks.

Well, if you do not take into account these two features, then the main principle in choosing where to install a Wi-Fi router in an apartment is that it is better to install it outside, no matter how it looks. You can sacrifice either beauty and neatness, or a Wi-Fi signal.

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