Where is the best place to start a blog? Three best ways to start a blog for a beginner.

Welcome to the blog! I am very glad to see you!

When I decided to start my online business on the Internet, I spent a long time searching online for articles on the request: “How to create a blog yourself for free - step-by-step instructions.”

Below you will find a list of 8 instructional articles (PART 1 - PART 8). After following the instructions in a couple of days, you will receive your blog or information site!

So, in this and other articles in the “” section, I tell you how to create a blog for free yourself, what difficulties I encountered when creating a blog, what questions I had, what technical actions I performed at the initial stage and at the stages of filling, promotion and monetization site. How much money and what did I still have to spend on different stages building my blog.

My goal is to show everyone who is still hesitant to start their own online business that creating a blog or website is easy. Even if you don't have technical knowledge and there is not a lot of money for this endeavor. That is why I run this blog, or rather the part of it dedicated to technical and theoretical issues of creating a website or blog, in the format of a reality show.

When the decision is made, it is important to quickly start blogging on the Internet (or website)!

You are of course interested in the question, how long will it take to complete this instruction? If you look for information on the Internet, you can spend a week completing each step of the step-by-step instructions. But if you just follow the instructions, you can complete this work in a couple of days, for example, weekends.

Informational: a website (blog) begins to earn money only a few months after its creation. How many? From 30,000 rubles. An advanced site earns from 100 - 150 thousand rubles. per month. It all depends on the scale and quality of the project. Also, a working 2 or 3 year old website with high traffic can be sold. Cost is 20 times monthly passive income. A site earning 30,000 rubles is sold for 600,000 rubles or more.

How to create your website for free and quickly yourself - step-by-step instructions:

  • Part 1. Selecting a topic (we’ll look at it in this article):
  • How did I decide to start blogging on the Internet?
  • Blog or information site? Blogging Philosophy
  • Choosing a topic (niche) for your project
  • Choosing hosting and domain name for the site
  • Choosing an engine for a blog or website
  • How to log into the site admin area?
  • Installing WordPress and robot.txt on a blog (site)
  • Choosing a blog (site) template design and installing it
  • Setting up the site after installing the template. Widgets.
  • Setting up the site after installing the template. Plugins.
  • Setting up the site after installing the template. Categories
  • Setting up the site after installing the template. Menu.
  • Creation correct address articles. Rus-to-lat plugin
  • Setting up comments on a website (blog).
  • Installing social buttons on a website (blog).
  • Creation page navigation on a blog or website.

PART 1. Selecting a topic.

If you come across some unfamiliar words in this regard, don't worry. In fact, all these concepts will seem very simple and understandable to you after you make the settings yourself using the instructions. Moreover, you will need to perform most of the described actions only once – when setting up your website.

Instructions contain detailed information with screenshots and videos. The information is intended for beginners. So anyone can do this job. And if not everything is clear, then ask questions in the comments to the publications. No one will be left unanswered!

Still doubt your abilities? Then I will additionally publish a motivating article and video, which, I hope, will finally convince you to take action! Start your own blog or information site. And as a result, gain creative freedom and financial independence! Hurry up! While you are thinking, hundreds of other, more daring people are entering a query on the Internet every day: “How to create a blog yourself for free - step-by-step instructions.”

Motivational video from the famous blogger Alexander Borisov “How to make money on the Internet on a blog from one hundred thousand.” Over time I recommend that you buy it complete guide on blogging Video course CYBER BLOGGER. You can start with free courses on website building from well-known gurus, a link to them can be found on the page .

How did I decide to start blogging on the Internet?

A couple of years ago I just started thinking about changing my life. At that time I was still working in a bank, but I began to think that life could be different, more measured. It’s time to come up with your own business that will allow you to spend more time on yourself and your family. Many foreigners worked on my project and I noticed that some of them could afford a six-month vacation and go on a long trip.

You've probably heard that Europe and America are overwhelmed by the idea of ​​downshifting and slowlife (I will definitely write an article about these new concepts of life). I think these ideas arose because for too long the principle that you have to work hard to earn a lot has been imposed. But over time, smart people began to wonder why money is needed if, due to work, there is absolutely no time to spend it.

I had approximately the same thoughts. I decided that even if I earn less, I won’t always be in a hurry and nervous. And I will do what I like - write articles on topics that I like.

A blog was ideal for this purpose. I view blogging not only as a means of earning money. I run it for the soul and at the same time make money from it.

Blog or information site? Blogging Philosophy

This important question. You must answer this before starting work on creating your online project. In order not to dwell on this issue for a long time, I will only say about the main advantage of a blog over an information site.

You know how many sites there are on the Internet dedicated to various topics. Health, children, education, beauty, fashion, science, technology, sports, etc. All these sites are similar to each other and the user, by and large, does not care on which of them he finds the information he is interested in. That is, information sites, as a rule, do not have a permanent audience.

If we talk about blogs, then, as a rule, they have a permanent audience. People don't read a blog because they like the information. But because they like the author himself and his writing style. No matter how many websites and blogs there are on your topic, you can always find “your audience.” Find people who are close to your style and your views on life. The only important thing is not to try to please everyone, but to be yourself.

But the choice, of course, is yours. To be fair, I’ll say one thing undeniable advantage information site versus blog. A well-promoted and earning website is your liquid asset. You can always sell it if necessary. It’s more difficult to sell a blog, because... Readers get used to the author’s style of presenting the blog topic.

Choosing a topic (niche) for a blog (site)

For me, the question of choosing a topic for a blog has never arisen. I immediately knew what I wanted to write about. If you haven't decided yet, that is simple ways, how to do it.

How to choose a theme for a blog or website?

  • You must like the niche
  • The niche must be in demand
  • The niche must be effective for contextual advertising
  • There should be enough affiliate programs in the niche
  • There should be enough direct advertisers in the niche

You should like the niche. The first option is to choose a topic in which you have accumulated knowledge and experience. But it often happens that you are not interested in writing about what you have thoroughly studied.

Based on this, the second option is to choose a new direction, new topic, which is interesting and which you want to understand. This is exactly my option. I immersed myself in the topic of Internet marketing. This is a new and interesting topic for me.

The niche must be in demand. What does this mean and how to determine it? There is information on the Internet about the ratings of top, popular sites. This information can be found at these resources: top.ucoz.ru, top.mail.ru, liveinternet.ru. They show top sites by category.

Let's say you are interested in the topic Sports (or Cars). In the Sports category, you can familiarize yourself with the most popular sites (blogs) in this topic to evaluate competitors and understand whether you really like this topic.

Also, with the help of these ratings, you will see the demand for certain topics - the number of visitors to top sites per day. You also need to check the demand for queries on a certain topic using the wordstat.yandex.ru service.

How to do it? In the field for entering phrases, you need to one by one enter words that surround your niche (see screenshot below). Yandex Wordstat will show you how many times a month users searched for these words and phrases in search engines Oh. Here's an example. Users typed the word “salads” into search bar 2,941,198 times per month:

You can learn more about the methodology for choosing a niche in this video (prepared by one of the famous website building experts, Alexander Kozlov):

The niche must be effective for contextual advertising. How to determine this? Very simple:

Don’t worry, we discuss the topic of making money on affiliate programs, as well as the topic of contextual advertising, in detail in the Types of Earning Money on a Blog section.

So, the niche has been chosen. The long term has come this moment, when you can start directly creating your brainchild - an information site or blog. Do not pause under any circumstances, and immediately after choosing a niche, start setting up your resource in one go.

See you soon!

I wish everyone self-confidence!

Enjoy life and be optimistic!

P.S. Don’t be lazy to “click” on social buttons to tell your friends that creating a blog for free yourself (or a website) and making money on it is easy and interesting!

Write in the comments what difficulties you encountered - let's share our knowledge and experience with each other in the comments.

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Today blogs are gaining popularity. Many celebrities create them. And there is nothing surprising here, because the Internet is a great opportunity to communicate with a large number of people at the same time, and create a blog, means to realize this opportunity.

Officials, popular artists, and athletes have blogs. In general, almost everyone does. Do you have it?

If not, and you don’t know where to start, then below I will introduce you step by step instructions to create your own diary. After reading it to the end, you will imagine how you can create a blog for yourself in a short time.

Step 1 – Domain and Hosting

Domain and hosting are integral attributes of any blog. Without them, in principle, its functioning is impossible. First, we need to choose hosting. Hosting is a service for hosting a resource on a web server, or providing the service of hosting someone else’s web server on one’s own “site.” Website hosting is in greatest demand, since hosting someone else's web server is necessary only for large websites. There are two types of hosting – free and paid.

If you don’t know where it’s best to create a blog, then first I advise you to create it on free hosting. You will not pay money for it, but you will simply experience certain restrictions. This could be an advertisement that will subsequently be displayed in your online diary. In addition, you are completely dependent on the administration of the free blog service (hosting), because they can ban your diary at any time and all your work will go to waste.

This was once the case with my first diary, which I created on LiveJournal (livejournal.com). But still, for beginners who don’t know where it’s best to create a blog, I would advise you to start paid hosting(blog service). You just practice, learn about some promotion features (seo, smo, etc.), see if you can write posts and whether you like this process.

I'll describe some free blog Services.

Livejournal.com is a great platform. LiveJournal has a large audience, so create personal blog This blog service, in my opinion, is promising. There is a lot of functionality here: the ability to add friends, the ability to earn money by placing contextual advertising Google AdSense and many other possibilities. Only, as you can see, active promotion blogging on LiveJournal is punishable by a ban, so you should act very carefully. You can read in detail about LiveJournal blogs in my post

Blog.ru– in fact, I myself once started with it. As far as I know, blog.ru has now blocked all outgoing links from blogs posted on their blog service from being indexed by search engines. This suggests that there are no prospects for making money from various types of selling links, so the service can be chosen solely for training

Ucoz.ru– also suitable for a novice website builder. There is no need to install any modules or engine here. The interface is intuitive. No support for PHP and MySQL databases

Narod.ru– free hosting from Yandex. Probably the most popular. Anyone wishing to create a blog is provided with unlimited space for personal diary. The hosting does not support scripts and PHP. In general, there are incredible free blog hosting services. a large number of. You can always find them by entering in the Yandex search line or Google request « Free hosting" It will give you a lot of results.

By the way, the popularity of such services according to Yandex can be viewed at blogs.yandex.ru. If you already have some knowledge and are confident that you will not abandon your blog, then it is better to create it immediately on paid hosting. The advantage is that there will not be annoying advertising, but there will be a large number of different functions.

Below is a list of some paid hosting services:

majordomo.ru– good hosting. But it's paid. There are quite a lot on the search engine (forum.searchengines.ru) positive feedback O this hosting. The service is gradually gaining momentum and I think it has excellent prospects. Support works quickly, many functions are implemented. By the way, this service is one of the five largest hosting providers in Russia. They currently have four tariffs in total. The price per month today ranges from 99 to 450 rubles per month. My blog once also huddled on this hosting. By the way, for everyone who registers using my referral, a bonus will be awarded when registering on hosting

Best-Hoster.ru– another good paid hosting. They have a total of 4 tariffs to choose from. The only difference is the amount provided disk space. True, there have been cases of hosting failure.

When creating a blog, you need to consider some more nuances:

    Paid hosting provides the ability to receive an unlimited amount of traffic (this is in general)

  • All paid hosting supports PHP and MySQL databases
  • Using paid hosting, you get the opportunity to create a subdomain for your blog
  • Many paid hosting providers provide their clients with ready-made technical solutions. It can be various scripts etc., improving the work of the created blog and its functionality

You can find paid hosting services in the same way as searching for free ones. Just enter the query “paid hosting” in the Yandex or Google search bar. Let's say you like some hosting. Don't rush to order a service from them. Be sure to check if there are reviews about this service. Go to at least the same service and in the forum search bar type the name of the hoster you are interested in. You will definitely be given some topic where the work of this hoster will be discussed.

The only exceptions can be hosting providers operating not in Russia, but somewhere in America or Canada. Such hostings can also be used, just know that they will work somewhat slower than ours, since we need to make allowances for distance.

Now that you have finally decided where it is best to create a blog, let’s register for hosting. After this, you will be provided with passwords and data from the panel to your FTP account. Be sure to save this data. Preferably on removable media. In general, this is where the choice of hosting ends.

Domain for a personal diary

Now that we already have hosting, all that remains is to choose a domain. If you are going to work for a Russian audience, then it is better to purchase Domain name in zone.ru. You can also consider the option of .com and .net zones. I don’t recommend the rest for the Russian-language segment of the Internet. Most hosting providers provide the opportunity to register a domain through them.

Or you can register it with a third-party registrar, which specializes only in providing domain registration services. Choosing a website domain name is a simple procedure. The main thing is to come up with a name for it in advance.

Today, to register a domain in zone.ru, you will need to provide the registrar with your passport information and also indicate your place of residence. In addition, the newly created domain will need to be assigned DNS servers your hosting. You will find this data in your hosting control panel.

DNS (Domain Name System)domain system names It is designed to convert domain names to IP addresses. Or maybe vice versa - it is intended to convert IP addresses into domain names. DNS are designed for domain delegation. Once you register the domain and you have assigned the DNS servers, you will need to park the domain to your hosting.

Depending on the hoster, the name of this service may vary slightly, but usually in the control panel there is a “domains” tab, where there is an option to “park a domain”. Here you need to enter our registered domain in the appropriate field, and then wait. By the way, in more detail about domains is described in the article. That's it, this step is finished. Now the next step in creating a blog is installing the WordPress engine.

Step 2 – Select an engine

Now it's time to choose an engine for the blog we created. As with hosting, you can create a personal blog using either a free or a paid engine (CMS).

One of the popular engines is DataLife Engine. This is a paid engine. If you don’t know where is the best place to create a blog, then simply evaluate the capabilities of paid engines and draw conclusions. Many additional modules have been created for this engine, so you can build almost any website on this CMS.

Installing this engine is not difficult. For this we need a file Total manager Commander. We upload files from the archive with our engine to the server via FTP, and then run the installation file. This is usually done by typing in address bar URLs like _http://your website/install.php. Nothing further is required from you except follow the instructions provided. When installing the CMS, you will need to create a MySql database. You can do this through your hosting control panel.

In principle, every archive with the engine should always have installation instructions, so you can’t go wrong. After installing the engine, go to the settings. True, I will not describe this, since this is a separate topic for discussion. You will need to install a theme, plugins, etc.

The next popular engine is WordPress. I recommend this CMS to all beginners. This is perhaps the best blog engine. WordPress is a free blogging engine. You can download the distribution kit on the website mywordpress.ru, or the Russian-language and modified version from Lecactus (lecactus.ru). Installing the engine comes down to the fact that we need to upload files via FTP to the server, fill MySql data database into the “wp-config-sample” file, and then run the installation.

This can also be done by typing the address _http://your site/install.php into the address bar of your browser. In general, the archive with the engine must contain installation instructions, so you’ll figure it out. The engine is intuitive. I myself started with it once, when I knew nothing at all, but gradually I figured it out.

And the last popular engine that webmasters use is Joomla. This engine weighs slightly less than WordPress. This CMS is installed like DataLife Engine. As for functionality, Joomla does not shine at all, but despite this, many webmasters like it. This concludes the second step of creating your blog.

Step 3 – Fill the created blog with content and carry out internal optimization

The first two steps are very important. But this does not mean that they are the main points. Creating a personal blog is one thing. It’s something completely different to promote it. One of the most important components of promotion is filling it with unique content. Content refers to all the material on a website – pictures, texts, videos, etc.

It is very important to maintain the uniqueness of the content. That is, all the material you post on your blog should not have exact copies on other sites. Material can be obtained by rewriting or copyrighting. I wrote about what this is in the article.

A rewritten text is, of course, also good, because it is unique. But such content is mainly filled with those online diaries that are intended primarily for earning money. If you want to create a high-quality author’s project, then, of course, it would be better to write texts that have not been published anywhere before. It is the uniqueness of information that attracts people. It is important to understand simply the fact that if the text is unique to search engines, this does not mean that it is unique to people. If the idea is not new, then your blog is unlikely to gain much popularity.

Previously, as an experiment, I created one of my first diaries on the blog service blog.ru, and then, out of ignorance, I simply took and copied materials from other sites. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that after some time my blog was banned by Yandex and Google. Hence the conclusion: there is no need to steal content, this can lead to a ban in search engines or a lower ranking in search results.

Now about internal optimization. Creating a personal blog is not difficult, but after that you simply must delve into the basics of search engine promotion and optimization.

Below I will give some tips for on-page optimization:

  • The first thing you need to do is select the keywords under which you will promote your resource.
  • After you decide on your queries, you need to select the most relevant pages for each query.

    You should not optimize one page for many requests at once. 1-3 is enough

  • Keywords must be written in the page title and in its description
  • The main thing is not to overdo it with quantity. keywords in the text. If you make a text densely stuffed with keywords in such a way that the readability of the text is lost, then search engines will quickly determine this and the page will fall under the “You are spam” filter.

  • Keywords can be highlighted with tags And
  • IN alt tags images also need to include keywords
  • At the end of each article, include a list of similar articles. This will increase the coherence of the text material and also increase the number of page views

  • It is advisable to indicate the most popular articles in a prominent place in the sidebar
  • Navigating the site should be simple and convenient. All blog pages should be accessible in 2-3 clicks from the main page

    It is advisable to provide each article with icons of social networks so that visitors can add those materials that they like to social bookmarks or other social services

  • Be sure to do separate page with your contact details

Step 4 – Promotion and monetization

If you think that you already know perfectly well how to create a blog, then you are mistaken. Let's assume you created it, filled it with content, conducted internal optimization. But what next? Do you think that visitors will immediately flock to you? Not at all. Promotion is perhaps the most difficult process in this whole business.

Where to create a blog? - I once asked this question myself in a search engine. The main selection criteria at that time were:

  1. Free. What if I don’t like it and quickly lose interest in this activity?
  2. Opportunity to earn money. I really hoped that my hobby would turn into a means of enrichment.
  3. Clear interface. It was he who influenced my final choice.
  4. and... nothing else interested me.
As a result, I started a blog on Blogger, where the “Blogger Cheat Sheet” still stands today. I will talk about its pros and cons in this article.

Where is the best place to start a blog from a reader's perspective?

It is for people that texts are written, pictures and videos are posted, it is their convenience and satisfaction with the material that is worth thinking about first of all. Blogger has all the basic elements that are inherent in blogs on other engines, except for the ability to view

Where is the best place to start a blog in terms of search engines?

Posting information on the Internet is not enough. You need to think about how other users will find out about it. An important, and sometimes the only source is the Google and Yandex search engines.

Yandex “heavily” indexes (introduces into its database) young sites, and this does not depend on the platform. I have . With an increase in trust (trust in the resource) and in the presence this problem ceases to be relevant.

Google indexes well, but poorly ranks new recruits to the blogosphere. Let me explain the term “ranking”: in the database search robot billions of pages are stored. Some of them can provide an answer to a specific question a person entered into the search bar. According to the figure below, 57 million web documents are relevant (corresponding) to the query “Where is the best place to create a blog?” And all these pages should be placed in descending order: from the one that best reveals the topic to the one that contains only small mentions. According to its ranking formula, Yandex assigned this page 12th position.

So here it is. Because Blogger is free, they post on it huge volumes low-quality information that no one needs. Google, in order not to clutter up the results, checks his blogs over time, without giving them high positions. If the resource develops and is useful, then over time this filter is removed.

Blogger already, the template is built taking into account latest trends HTML and micro markup. But for maximum effect, the blog can be improved. For example, a website, and everything is external. Once configured correctly, you won’t have to return to this issue in the future.

Earnings topic

The most popular ways to earn money today:

  1. placement of paid articles,
  2. contextual advertising from search engines and
  3. earnings from affiliate programs,
  4. sale of eternal links.
All this is available on Blogger. You only need one thing: patience and hard work in developing the resource.

Cons of Blogger

  1. Fear of losing the blog (). If you have your own domain and regularly do this, then these fears are unfounded.
  2. "Blogspot is not suitable for serious projects." What can I say here? What is meant by a "serious project"? Is a blog on the topic of website building with over 2,000 visitors a “serious project”?
  3. "Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap." It's not that free: s using YouTube and Blogger Google distributes a tool thanks to which it makes a profit - and also increases its popularity, making a name for itself as a reliable partner.
  4. Limited functionality, namely no access to PHP. PHP is a programming language. Do you really want to master it? Because the only important element that I would like to implement with it is a star rating. Limited functionality in in this case acquitted. Let me give you a detached example: I have a food processor, which is covered with a thick layer of dust, but I actively use a meat grinder, blender, etc. Full functionality will only confuse inexperienced user, and a knowledgeable person with this set of properties will not feel deprived.
  5. . There is a problem. There are also solutions, the simplest and 100% effective of which is purchasing a personal domain.

Pros of Blogger

In addition to the fact that the platform provides the opportunity to earn money, it is easy to register (), flexible in settings if you have certain knowledge (with the exception of the "Dynamic View" group), has user-friendly interface, does not require financial investments, its users do not need to worry about poor hosting performance, that if there is a sharp influx of visitors, the site will no longer be accessible, that the resource can be hacked, placed malicious code, about combating automated spam and other similar troubles.

And the most important thing

A blog is primarily a reflection of personality. Its success depends on your perseverance and perseverance, charisma and talent to convey information, interest the reader, on your skills and knowledge of the topic to which the resource is dedicated, and not at all on the engine on which the site is located.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to create your own blog on the Internet for free. To be more precise, let’s consider the services with which this can be accomplished. And, of course, we’ll share own opinion regarding each of them, based on our own observations and personal experience.

What is a blog?

You all probably already know that blogs are online platforms where people express their own views, opinions, share experiences, answer questions from other users, etc. In addition to fame, you can also earn money on blogs: by placing advertising blocks on its pages, selling links, selling products through partnership programs or directly, etc.

In general, a blog is an extensive platform for making money on the Internet, if, of course, it is located in good hands, is regularly updated, contains useful and unique content. More information about making money on a blog was published on our website, which you can read.

But now that the advantages of this type online resources have become known, it’s worth talking in more detail about how to create your own blog on the Internet for free. “Why free?” — a person must first try and figure out what it really is and whether it suits him. Not every user is able to maintain a blog and have a large audience of readers.

You've probably already come across a lot of blogs on the Internet, especially about “website creation and promotion.” This is generally a separate island on the Internet, which consists of written-rewritten (rewritten) articles that are devoted to the same topics, only changed by the name of the author (blog owner).

I hope you get the point and won’t make the mistakes of “pseudo bloggers.”

Platforms where you can create your own blog on the Internet for free

In fact, there are a huge number of sites, but we offer consideration only those that have been operating for quite a long time and will continue to exist for a long time.


Probably the most best platform to create a blog for free. She belongs Google, and, therefore, will work for a very long time. Blogger is a very convenient and simple service, with an intuitive interface, many functions for customizing the template, designing articles and optimizing them. Anyone with a Google account can create a personal blog in a matter of minutes and start publishing entries on it. By default, you will receive a 3rd level domain and 15 GB (it used to be that much, but now it’s hard to say) free space for publishing test, graphic and video content. In the future, if you wish, you can install your 1st or 2nd level domain name on your blog.

You can find a huge variety of free templates, which you can download and install on your blog. Just don’t forget to clean the template from unnecessary through links. In the future, the downloaded templates can be edited to suit your needs.

The Blogger platform is convenient because after 6 months of actively filling your blog, you will have the opportunity to install Adsense advertising units and make a profit. You can also monetize your blog in other ways, for example, by selling links on Blogun.

Search engine Google system is relatively normal when it comes to blogging on Blogger, but high frequency queries It will be very difficult for you to promote your creation. But in terms of mid-frequency and low-frequency frequencies, it is quite possible to take positions in the TOP-10. As for Yandex, everything is a little worse here. Low frequency queries They can still be ranked normally, but mid-frequency and high-frequency ones are completely absent from the TOPs (or I couldn’t find them).


Something similar to Blogger. The only difference is that LiveJournal has a large number of restrictions for users with a regular account. Most of these limits are related to content, so if you want to create full blog on LiveJournal, but be prepared to fork out for a premium account.

But if you need a platform to create a small blog, then you won’t find a better place than LJ. The reason for this is the good indexing of blog posts and their optimal ranking in search engines. Yandex treats material from LJ blogs better than articles from Blogger. Google, on the other hand, takes a more neutral position, giving preference to its service only by a slight margin.

The audience for a LiveJournal blog can be found not only through search, but also within the platform itself. Only for this it is necessary that you post really interesting, and most importantly, unique content. Creating one is quite difficult - you need to have a little “creativity”, but since you have already started looking for ways to create your own blog on the Internet for free, then you undoubtedly have ideas.


A wonderful platform for blogging, which is gaining popularity in RuNet. It will be difficult for you to meet Russian-speaking users on this site, but after a couple of years, Tumblr will become one of the most popular platforms for bloggers.

Visually, this service is very similar to Twitter, only the latter allows users to create short posts, while on Tumblr you don’t have to limit yourself to the number of characters.

Also, what is noteworthy, this platform allows users to work on the external design of their blog, that is, you can choose one of the available templates or upload your own. In addition, Tumblr provides a feature that will allow you to link your personal domain, which can subsequently help promote your resource in search engines.

Speaking of the latter. Over the past few months, Yandex has begun to take a closer look at blogs on Tumblr and little by little bring them to the TOPs search results. But so far only for low-frequency speakers. At the same time, the situation in Google is ambiguous, since it is difficult to find at least one blog created on Tumblr in search results.

The problem of assessing the attitude of search engines towards resources created on the basis of this site is due to the fact that there are indeed very few Russian-language blogs on Tumblr. And those that exist are spammy or unfinished “bits” that are rejected by default by both Google and Yandex.


Perhaps one of the most underrated platforms that provides the opportunity to create your own blog on the Internet for free. Most webmasters associate the word “WordPress” with a free website engine, but only a few know that you can create your own wordpress.com own blog absolutely free.

Visually and functionality this site should have become the undoubted leader of the Runet. BUT, due to the high cost of a “premium account”, the Russian-speaking audience does not use WordPress. $250 is quite an impressive amount. It’s easier to buy a domain and rent hosting than to part with that kind of money for the sake of insignificant little things.

Search engines, both Google and Yandex, treat Russian-language WordPress blogs with “don’t care.” When analyzing search results for low-competition queries, there is a 99.9999999% chance that you will not come across a single entry from blogs that were created on the basis of this site.

Let's sum it up

So, above in the article we looked at 4 services that allow anyone to create their own blog on the Internet absolutely free. Now let's try to choose the best one.

But some sites have functionality restrictions until you purchase “premiums” from them. And since we need to do everything exclusively for free, we immediately remove WordPress and LiveJournal.

Search engines' attitude
The next criterion is the attitude of search engines towards a blog created on the basis free service– the choice of Blogger is more preferable, since Google is good to its “brainchild”; relative to Yandex, the situation is tolerable.

You shouldn’t have any problems with monetizing Blogger and Tumblr, since even Adsense can be installed without problems on resources created on the basis of these sites.

By the way, with regards to the possibility of attracting traffic, the leader here is LiveJournal, since users within the service subscribe to each other’s blogs, read, comment, etc. Therefore, initially you can get your first visitors from the system itself. And only then tighten up the search.

The situation is a little similar with Blogger, since the blog is integrated with your page in social network Google +. Accordingly, you can easily convert your friends into blog readers.

I hope that this material was useful to you and now you know how to create a blog on the Internet for free. If you have any questions, suggestions or recommendations, leave them in the comments.

More and more more people are starting to get interested in blogs. It seems like every person or business already has their own blog. If you are wondering how to create your own blog, then congratulations, you have come to the right place!

My goal is to explain all the steps so that you can create a blog for next to nothing. After all, the startup process doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. This guide will help a beginner not make mistakes when starting out.

The good news is that if you follow these instructions step by step, it will also save you from confusion in the entire process and difficult technical issues.

There are actually many reasons, here are a few of the most popular ones:

1. Income

Blogging can be a very profitable endeavor if done correctly. Earnings can amount to hundreds of thousands and even millions of rubles per month.

2. Popularity

Many popular bloggers are known as experts in their field just because of their blog. If you are known in your niche, this will give you a lot of advantages, including earnings. You will be able to create partnerships with other top bloggers.

3. This is interesting!

7 steps to create a blog

Any blog starts with these simple steps. Some of them are very easy, some require some time.

  1. Make a firm decision to start a blog
  2. Choose a blog niche
  3. Choose a blogging platform
  4. Select domain and web hosting
  5. Set up a blog
  6. Start blogging
  7. Start making money from your blog

1. Make a firm decision to start a blog

Thousands of blogs appear on the Internet every day, which begin to be active, but are abandoned over time. In most cases this is due to the fact that people do not see quick results and they give up.

You have to take a long-term view and understand that this is not a sprint, but a marathon. Make a plan for publishing articles on your blog and always be consistent. Here's my story.

2. Choose a blog niche

Decide for yourself what topic you will blog about. It is better to choose a niche that you understand or that you like. It could be anything from cooking to politics.

A niche is the basis of a blog. To succeed, you must strive to make your blog number 1 in your niche. Accordingly, choose the right topic so that it “ignites” you and you don’t lose interest in it too quickly. Be sure to read the article on choosing a niche and the article on topics that will always be relevant.

3. Choose a blogging platform

There are two answers to the question “Where to create a blog”. The first is to create a blog absolutely free, and the second is to pay 120 rubles per year for a domain and 115 rubles per month for web hosting. As you can see, the second option is not so expensive and everyone can afford it. Now let's look at how they differ from each other.

1 Free

You can create a blog for free on the two most popular platforms.

Starting a blog for free sounds like good idea. But this is only in theory. In fact, you will face problems if you choose the free option.

  • While you work hard to create your content (articles, photos, videos), these sites will make money from you by advertising and selling you additional services.
  • If you want to change anything in the design or code, you will not be able to do it. This blog does not belong to you, which means you will have no control over it.
  • Such free platforms have the task of making money for themselves, not for you. Your blog will post advertising banners. This means that you will not be able to sell advertising space on your blog, which is one of the main sources of income for bloggers.
  • On such a blog you will not be able to use the opportunity to install free plugins, which make the blog much more convenient.
  • On free platforms Your blog can be deleted at any moment due to the slightest violation or technical failure. You will not be able to influence this in any way, because you will have no control.
  • You will never be able to sell such a blog to another person or company. Again, due to the fact that it does not belong to you.

I think these reasons are enough to reject the idea of ​​​​creating a free blog.

2. Shareware

If you want to have full control on your blog and make money from it, then you need to create a blog on the WordPress engine. The engine is usually called the program on which the whole thing will work.

Myself WordPress engine free, you can download it from this link. Millions of blogs all over the planet work on it. It is completely translated into Russian. It has an intuitive menu. Convenient editor texts. It is possible to install free plugins and designer themes.

Why then “shareware”? All you need is to buy a domain and order hosting. It's actually inexpensive, it's even cheaper than going to the movies.

Hosting services can be ordered for only 115 rubles per month, and a domain can be purchased for 120 rubles per year. If you pay for hosting immediately for a year in advance, then: firstly, you will receive a decent discount for this, and secondly, the domain will be a gift!

Watch the video instructions below, which will show you step by step how to register your domain and hosting.

4. Domain and web hosting

This step is technical and many beginners do not create their own blog on the Internet precisely because of it. Just a few years ago, starting a blog was very difficult. Now it takes no more than 20 minutes. At the same time, you do not necessarily need to know programming languages ​​and other technical nuances.

  • Reliability. Your blog is always available 24/7/365
  • 24/7 technical support
  • Installation WordPress blog in 1 click
  • Free SSL certificate (from the video you will learn what it is needed for)
  • Simple and clear menu in the form of pictures

You will be required simple registration and clicking a few links to make it work. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it! Study this video instruction and you will solve this issue once and for all!

5. Set up a blog

The blog is installed and basically ready to go. But before you start adding articles to it, you need to configure it. First of all, you need to make the url (permanent links) readable. If you do not do this, then all your posts will look like this: for example, you added an article with the title “My first post”. Without settings it will be like this: blognamillionrubley.ru/?p=123. Looks ugly, right?

If configured correctly, the same entry will look like this: blognamillionrubley.ru/moya-pervaya-zapis.html or blognamillionrubley.ru/my-first-entry.html. It’s already much better and it will be easier for search engines to navigate. Deal with WordPress admin and set up your blog.

6. Start a blog

The most important thing you need to do now is to produce a lot of valuable and useful content. The whole purpose of a blog is to help the user in one way or another. You have to find out for yourself what is valuable content for your blog.

Content needs to be created key queries, this will help you attract a lot of traffic from search engines to your blog. Such content can earn money by selling advertising, or you can collect your readers into a database and use email newsletters, sell them your products or recommend products through an affiliate program.

The main thing is to start creating content, in the process you will discover for yourself what works better and which of your articles or videos get more response from readers.

Write detailed articles, short articles of 500 words work worse and worse. Most bloggers fail because of short content. Forget about small articles and start working on content that solves user problems. Such articles will contain more different key phrases, which will have a positive impact on search traffic for the blog.

Don’t forget to format your articles with high-quality pictures, bulleted lists, tables, etc.

7. Start making money blogging

From the very first days of blogging, you should place a form to collect readers. Register for an email newsletter service, this is what I use, and create a special form. Place it in a widget in right column or under each article. To make people more willing to leave their email addresses, give them some utility in return. For example, a pdf report or video.

Try to send useful emails to your subscribers at least once a week. If you don't do this, you will simply be forgotten. Over time, you will accumulate a large base that will trust you. You will be able to offer your products and services to such readers. Your base is your most important asset! Remember this and start working on your asset from the very first days. Check out the article below and find out the best ways to make money blogging.

In custody

Try not to get hung up on any technical issues. They are certainly important, but don't try to do everything perfectly. Over time, you will figure it out and bring your blog to mind in technically. This includes design, page loading speed, and adaptation for tablets and mobile phones.

Simple advice. Select free design for a blog that has adaptive design. That's it, that will be enough.

Focus on finding keywords and creating useful articles. Start understanding search engine promotion, there is plenty of material on this topic. Several of them are in pdf file below.

So that you always have it at hand!

Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter! Every month I send out income and expense reports for the blog and share with others useful features! The subscription form is below.

P.S. If you have not yet subscribed to my news and reports on making money on websites and blogs, then be sure to do so!

Best regards, Sergey Smirnov.

2024 gtavrl.ru.