Where does google chrome store bookmarks? Folder for storing bookmarks

. Browser bookmarks are very convenient thing, but not everyone uses them 100%. It’s a shame when you make bookmarks for months or even years, and then one day they simply disappear. If you configured them correctly and periodically save them to a file, then there is nothing to worry about. What do you mean configured? This means that all your bookmarks are arranged in folders and sorted. I use a browser Google Chrome. No matter what they say about him, I like him more than others. And its speed can be adjusted, and even intrusive advertising. Most likely, this is a matter of habit. Until recently, when there weren’t many bookmarks, everything suited me, but the other day I needed one site that I had bookmarked a long time ago, and it took me a long time to find this bookmark. And all because they are not sorted for me. I had to do this.

If you also have a lot of bookmarks and you don’t know how to sort them, then this article is for you. Even if you don’t have many bookmarks yet, it’s better to do it now than to spend half a day on this activity later.

Sort bookmarks by Google browser Chrome is not difficult. To do this, you need to go to your browser settings. Click on the three horizontal stripes on the right top corner browser window and select "Bookmarks" and then "Bookmark Manager".

A new window will open with a list of your bookmarks. Select a folder on the left, and in the large window on the right at the very top, click on the small black arrow near the inscription “ Control" A list will open in which you need to click on the “Arrange by headings” item. All bookmarks will be arranged in alphabetical order.

Right there in "Management" you can add a folder, delete it, and even rename it.

Thus, you will need to open each folder on the left and sort the entire list. Yes, it’s not fast, but then you won’t waste time searching for the required bookmark.

Google Chrome is a multifunctional browser with open source, which allows you to change the parameters built into it in accordance with the user's requirements. For example, the browser allows you to manually edit the necessary bookmarks by working with the configuration files themselves, in which all the necessary data is stored.

Placing Google Chrome bookmarksAll Google bookmarks Chrome are located in the user directory of the Windows system.

IN Windows systems 7 and 8 this folder located at “Start” - “Computer” - “Local drive C:” - “Users” - “Your user name”. After this, you will need to additionally go to the AppData – Local – Google – Chrome – User Data – Default directory. This section stores documents that contain all files containing bookmark settings. In Windows XP this directory presented in another folder, to access which open "My Computer" - "Local Drive C:" - Documents and Settings - "User Name" - Local Settings - Application Data - Google - Chrome - User Data - Default.If you can't look at the directory data, it means their display is disabled on your system. To access bookmark files you will need to enable display hidden folders in the system settings. To do this, open any folder in Windows and click on the “Tools” tab of the menu top panel Explorer windows. In the appeared context menu call "Folder Options" ("Folder Options" in Windows XP). Go to the "View" tab and go down to the bottom of the list of options where you can find the "Show" option. hidden files" After that, click “Ok” to apply the settings. The file that stores browser bookmark settings is called Bookmark.Editing bookmarks manuallyThe Bookmark file can be opened for quick editing using the Notepad utility included in the list standard programs systems. To use the program, double-click on the file and select the appropriate option from the list provided. You can optionally save the Bookmarks file to any removable media, so as not to lose access to old bookmarks when reinstalling or uninstalling the browser. In the window you will see configuration file bookmarks with a list of necessary data that can be changed. The file is divided into sections with different names. After the roots: section, all folders and links stored in the browser are presented. Next, the name of the directory in which the bookmarks are stored is presented in quotes. For example, bookmark_bar is responsible for bookmarks that are stored in the bookmarks bar. The id line represents the bookmark identifier, which should not be configured. The name parameter contains the file name, which can be changed. So, you can change "name": "google chrome" to "name": "google chrome". The type parameter can have the values ​​url or folder, which defines the bookmark itself and the subdirectory, respectively. The url line is responsible for the address of the bookmark itself, which can also be changed. For example, "url": "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search/switchysharp". Should not be deleted braces, which are in the file, since this can damage the list of bookmarks. Edit the necessary lines in the file, and then save the changes using the “File” - “Save” command. After this, launch the browser on the system and check the changes made by going to the “Bookmarks” section of the main menu. Procedure manual editing file is complete.

    An interesting and useful question for the future, suddenly you have to switch to Google Chrome

    IN local disk Go to users on Windows 7 and select a user name.

    Likewise, in the same folder there will be Google Chrome bookmarks for 8 users.

    And for those who have XP, it’s a little different for them.

    There you need to find another folder, you need to find

    Initially, the information is contained in the folder

    In order not to get there you need to go the following way:

    or username. Then you should select

    Next step to the folder

    Then the folder

    You're at the place.

  • Where Google Chrome stores bookmarks

    I'm using the SRWare Iron portable build. You can read about this assembly on the Wikipedia page - SRWare Iron. You can download from official page developers. The assembly, although portable, works clearly, quickly and flawlessly. Path to bookmarks folder for this build:


  • Google Chrome has a file bookmarks, which, as we see, has no extension. It is this file that is used as a storage room to store all bookmarks. This file itself is stored at this address - I’ll tell you step by step:

    go to drive C, go to the Documents and Settings folder, then Username

    Honestly, this path is available on the Internet. I always just click the star in the menu at the top of the monitor and it immediately turns blue, which means the link has been added to Bookmarks. I never thought about where my bookmarks are saved, so it became most interesting).

    I add bookmarks this way: on the desired page, click the star on the top toolbar. And when I need to find old or recent bookmarks, I click on the bold column of 3 stripes in the right corner of the page and a list appears. I select bookmarks and look for what I need.

    I've had Google Chrome for about two years now, I save bookmarks by pressing the star, I open them with two stripes on the top panel on the right side, like arrows, and with the help of other bookmarks. If you click on the empty top bar right click mouse, then the bookmark manager will appear when you open them, all my bookmarks appear in a separate tab and there is also an option to open all bookmarks

    I once came across them in folder C, but I don’t remember how I got there.

Do you regularly visit a website and want to open it with one click? I liked the blog and wanted to save it Chrome browser? Or did you find an interesting article, but saw that it was too long and decided to read it later? To avoid losing it, you can bookmark the site. However, as in all the situations described above.

The Google Chrome browser has a simple and convenient mechanism for adding bookmarks, so this is very easy to do.

The bookmarks bar is a small area located just below address bar. The pages you choose to add to Google Chrome are displayed here.

By default it is disabled in the browser. That is, hidden. To display it:

  1. Click on the 3 dots icon in the right corner.
  2. Hover your mouse over the “Bookmarks” line.
  3. Select the “Show panel” item.

Or just press the combination Ctrl keys+Shift+B.

After this, the following line will appear in the Chrome browser.

At first there will be only one item here - “Services”. But this is easy to fix.

To add bookmarks in Google Chrome, open the desired site and click on the star in the address bar.

A small window will appear with the message “Bookmark added.” But here you still need:

  1. Indicate the name (title). By default, the full title of the site or blog is displayed here. You can write anything here. It is recommended to write a maximum of 1-2 words, since more simply will not fit.
  2. Select a folder (location) to save. The default option is “Bookmarks Bar”. That's what we need. Other options will be discussed below.

After that, click the “Done” button. As you can see, the site has appeared on the panel. Now, to access it, you need to open new tab(Ctrl+T) and left-click on the newly added link.

This way you can add any number of sites. When there are too many of them, an icon will appear at the end of the panel.” Click on it, after which all other sites that do not have enough space in this small line will be displayed.

How to add a site to other bookmarks

  1. Open the site.
  2. Click on the star.
  3. Enter any name.
  4. In the “Folder” field, select “Other Bookmarks”.
  5. Click “Finish”.

After this, a folder with this name will appear in the panel in the right corner. And when you click on it, a drop-down list will be displayed with all the pages that you have saved here.

Another way to add a page to your Google Chrome bookmarks is to create a new folder

This option is suitable for those who like everything to be in its place. After all, in this way you can create any number of folders, building a structure that is convenient for you.

How to create a folder in bookmarks? The easiest way is through the bookmark manager in your browser. To open it, press Ctrl+Shift+O (see the screenshot below for another method).

In this way you can create any structure - for example, this:

And when you add new pages in the future, the “Folder” field will display all available options. Choose any one and save.

AND last method– click on the asterisk and click on the line “Select another folder”.

Here you can select any of the available ones or create another one (if suddenly it is missing) by clicking the " new folder" After that, click “Save”.

This is how you add bookmarks in Chrome. And finally - a small bonus.

Adding a Folder to the Bookmarks Bar in Google Chrome

For convenience, you can add any number of folders to the panel. This will create more pages and conveniently group them.

How to do it? Right-click on the panel and select “Add Folder”.

Or open the manager (Ctrl+Shift+O) and create it there. And in the future, when saving new pages, simply select the folder with the desired name.


There are no restrictions here (except your imagination). So add sites as you wish, the main thing is that it is convenient for you.

How long have you been searching desired page in your browsing history? But you don’t have to search at all if you place the page on the panel - then it will be in your sight all the time. An already formed collection can be moved, for example, to another browser. First, let's look at how to make bookmarks in Google Chrome.

Adding sites to the panel

Before adding bookmarks to Google Chrome, you need to make sure that the option is enabled. Go to Settings – section “ Appearance" There should be a checkmark next to “Always show bookmarks bar.”

So how do you create a bookmark? Addition is done in three possible ways.

Method No. 1

Click on the star icon on the right side of the navigation bar. A window will open in which you need to enter the name of the bookmark. Click on “Done”. Now the bookmark can be found in the panel.

Method number 2

There are other ways to add items to the list of saved pages.

Right-click on the bookmarks bar and select “Add Page” from the menu. A larger window will appear. The only change is the line for entering the URL, that is, the page address. It must be entered manually.

Method number 3

Open the site, copy its address and drag it with your mouse to the panel area. This method is the simplest, so it’s worth adopting.

As you can see, creating your own panel with bookmarks is not at all difficult. Use any method convenient for you.

Where are they stored?

Where are Chrome bookmarks stored? What folder are they in? You need to know this information in case you need to restore the list.

Sites that are important to you are in a file located in the program folder on drive C. The path to the file is as follows: \Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks.

When do bookmarks move?

Is it possible to export bookmarks from Google Chrome? Yes, the browser supports this feature. For what purposes do they do this? As a rule, moving makes sense in three situations:

  • Reinstalling the browser. In order not to lose data and not use an “empty” program.
  • Transferring data either to a browser from another developer and vice versa, or to the same Google Chrome, but installed on another computer.
  • Pre-export to prevent losses. If you don't backup copy, if you accidentally delete your address list, you will no longer be able to restore the data.

From Firefox to Google Chrome

If you have used before Firefox browser, and now you’ve decided to make Google Chrome the main browser, it makes sense to think about saving data, or rather, about moving it. How to transfer bookmarks from Firefox to Chrome?

1.Close the window Mozilla FireFox. In the Google Chrome menu, select “Bookmarks”, and then “Import bookmarks and settings”.

2.Select Firefox as the source.

3.Click on “Import”. Then click on "Done".

4.To check the success of the operation, look at the panel - the “Imported from FireFox” folder is already there.

Synchronization: a universal method for saving data

No matter what device you're on, you can open any Google Chrome bookmarks you've previously saved. This process is called synchronization, and it occurs thanks to a single accounting Google posts. The information is stored on the company’s servers, so there is no need to worry about the consequences of reinstalling or changing the working device. The main condition is to log into your account. Then the data will appear automatically.

  1. To create account, Must have GMAIL email. If you have it, go to your browser settings and click on the “Sign in to Chrome” button.
  2. Then enter the data in the window and click “Next”.
  3. Confirm your agreement that data changed on this device will be available on others.

Google bookmarks

The company’s “arsenal” also has its own service, which separately stores the list important pages. You save them there, but only manually. However, the procedure is very simple - anyone can handle it.

When you need your list, you can easily pull it out by clicking “Export”. This will produce an HTML file that you can drag into any browser.

Copy of the list

To copy saved pages and place them in a file, you need to do the following:

1.Go to the menu and select “Bookmarks”, and then “Bookmark Manager”. The same window can be called up with the key combination Ctrl + Shift + O.

2.Click on “Manage” and scroll the page to “Export bookmarks to HTML file" Save the file in the location you need. This way you will create a copy of the list of your saved pages.

Setting up the panel

The panel can accommodate a large number of Google Chrome bookmarks. Those that do not fit are simply moved to the hidden part of the panel. They are not visible, but the browser stores them anyway.

To view all sites, you need to click on the arrow located on the right side of the panel. Or select the “Bookmarks” block from the menu.

To make room for the necessary sites, you need to shorten the names of existing pages or delete unnecessary ones.

  1. Right-click on the site in the panel.
  2. Click on “Change”.
  3. We write a new name or delete it completely. In the latter case, only the icon will remain.
  4. Click “Save”.

How to create an ordered list? Users often change the order of elements by dragging their names to the right places, since the browser displays a list based on the time they were added. To move, hold down the name with the left mouse button and move it.

There are at least three ways to add a bookmark to Google Chrome. If you value your panel, it is advisable to make a backup copy of it so that you can then restore the information. The panel can be customized to suit you: change the order of sites, enter the desired names, or delete them altogether.

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