Postal operator form. Amendments to the rules for the provision of postal services have been approved in Russia

Postal services are divided into:

a) universal postal services;

b) other services, including:

services for postal money transfers;

services for forwarding international mail;

EMS services.

7. A sign indicating the name of the postal operator, the name and operating mode of the facility, and its postal code is placed at the entrance to the postal service facility.

8. Inside the postal facility, in a place visible and accessible to users of postal services, there must be a book of statements and proposals and the necessary information material, including:

a) name of the postal operator and its location (legal address);

b) the address of the postal service facility and its postal code;

c) information about the place of reception and consideration of claims;

d) list of services provided, terms of their provision and tariffs for them;

e) the procedure for addressing and paying postal orders;

f) the procedure for addressing, packaging and payment for sending postal items, the sizes and weight limits established for them;

g) the period of storage in the postal facility of undelivered postal items and unpaid postal orders;

h) a list of items and substances prohibited for shipment;

j) a copy of the license for the provision of postal services;

k) these Rules;

l) information on the responsibility of postal operators and users of postal services;

m) other information related to the provision of postal services by the operator.

9. Inside the postal facility where universal postal services are provided, there is additionally a mailbox for collecting written correspondence and the following information is indicated:

a) on standards for the frequency of collection of written correspondence from mailboxes, its exchange, transportation and delivery;

b) on the control deadlines for sending written correspondence;

c) on the procedure for providing universal postal services.

10. The name of the postal operator, the number assigned to the mailbox, the days of the week and the time at which written correspondence is collected are indicated on the mailboxes.

11. Postal items and postal orders are divided into domestic (accepted for shipment within the territory of the Russian Federation) and international (accepted for shipment outside the Russian Federation, arriving on its territory from other states or transiting through the territory of the Russian Federation).

12. Depending on the processing method, postal items are divided into the following categories:

a) simple - accepted from the sender without issuing a receipt to him and delivered (handed over) to the addressee (his legal representative) without his receipt of receipt;

b) registered (registered, with declared value, ordinary) - accepted from the sender with the issuance of a receipt and handed over to the addressee (his legal representative) with his receipt of receipt.

Postal orders are accepted and paid in the manner prescribed for the acceptance and delivery of registered postal items.

Registered mail items can be sent with a description of the attachment, with a notification of delivery and with cash on delivery. The list of types and categories of postal items sent with an inventory of the contents, with a notification of delivery and with cash on delivery, is determined by postal operators.

13. Domestic mail includes the following types and categories of mail:

a) postcards (simple, registered);

b) letters (simple, registered, with declared value);

c) parcels (simple, customized, with declared value);

d) secograms (simple, custom);

e) parcels (ordinary, with declared value);

f) direct mail containers (ordinary, with declared value).

Postal operators, when providing postal services (except for universal postal services), have the right to establish other types and categories of domestic mail for forwarding through their postal network, as well as the maximum size, weight and permissible contents of these mail pieces.

14. Written correspondence sent during the provision of universal postal services must meet the following requirements for its maximum weight, permissible contents and maximum dimensions:

Type of postal item

Limit weight

Acceptable attachment

Limit dimensions


maximum: 120x235 mm;

minimum: 90x140 mm

written message


maximum - 2 kg, minimum - 100 g

low-value printed publications, manuscripts, photographs

minimum: 105x148 mm.


cliches with secography signs;

maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 0.9 m; the largest dimension is 0.6 m.

For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 1.04 m; largest dimension - 0.9 m;

minimum: 105x148 mm.

For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 0.17 m; largest dimension - 0.1 m

A postal operator providing universal postal services does not have the right to refuse to accept internal written correspondence to a user of postal services if it meets the requirements established by this paragraph.

15. International mail sent within the framework of international postal exchange must meet the following requirements for its maximum weight, permissible contents and maximum dimensions:


Acceptable attachment

Limit dimensions

Postal card (simple, registered)

maximum: 120x235 mm;

minimum: 90x140 mm

Letter (simple, registered, with declared value)

written messages, business papers, receipts of various kinds, invoices, invoices, photographs; copies of documents and certificates certified by notaries; securities

maximum: 229x324 mm; minimum: 110x220 mm or 114x162 mm

Parcel post (simple, customized)

printed publications, manuscripts, photographs

maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 0.9 m; the largest dimension is 0.6 m.

For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 1.04 m; largest dimension - 0.9 m;

minimum: 105x148 mm.

For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 0.17 m; largest dimension - 0.1 m

Secogram (simple, custom)

written messages and publications written in a secographic method;

cliches with secography signs;

sound recordings sent by an organization for the blind or addressed to such an organization, special paper, typhotechnical equipment

maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 0.9 m; the largest dimension is 0.6 m.

For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 1.04 m; largest dimension - 0.9 m;

minimum: 105x148 mm.

For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 0.17 m; largest dimension - 0.1 m

Small package (simple, customized)

small unbreakable items or single samples of goods

Bag "M" (simple, custom)

printed publications sent by one sender to one addressee

Parcel (ordinary, with declared value)

items for cultural, household and other purposes

any measurement - no more than 1.05 m.

The sum of the length and perimeter of the largest cross section is no more than 2 m;

minimum: 110x220 mm or 114x162 mm

16. For certain groups of users, the following categories of postal items (postal orders) are established:

a) government, which includes postal items (postal orders) sent by persons, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Their acceptance, forwarding and delivery are carried out as a matter of priority according to the established tariffs provided for the relevant types of postal items (postal orders);

b) service items, which include postal operators’ own mail sent via their postal networks without payment.

Postal operators have the right to establish other categories of postal items (postal orders) for certain groups of users of postal services.

II. Acceptance of postal items and postal orders

17. In domestic mail, attachments are sent that are not prohibited for sending within the Russian Federation. The list of items and substances prohibited for shipment in domestic mail is established by Article 22 of the Federal Law “On Postal Services”.

18. In international mail, attachments that are not prohibited are sent:

a) for import into the territory of the Russian Federation;

b) for export from the territory of the Russian Federation and for import into the state of destination.

Prohibitions and restrictions when sending goods in international mail are established by the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

19. Postal orders are accepted for delivery in the currency of the Russian Federation.

20. Postal items are accepted in packaged form. The packaging of postal items must correspond to the nature of the attachment, the conditions of shipment, exclude the possibility of damage to the attachment during processing and forwarding, access to it without breaking the envelope, damage to other items and causing any harm to property and postal workers. Requirements for packaging of various types and categories of postal items, depending on the nature of their attachment, are established by postal operators.

21. Postal items are accepted open in the following cases:

a) when sending them with an inventory of the contents;

b) if there is an assumption that the postal item contains items or substances prohibited for shipment.

22. On postal items and postal money transfer forms, the sender indicates the exact addresses of the sender and addressee.

The addresses of the sender and addressee of postal items (postal orders) accepted for forwarding within the territory of the Russian Federation must be indicated in Russian. The addresses of the sender and addressee of postal items (postal orders) accepted for forwarding within the territories of the republics within the Russian Federation may be indicated in the state language of the corresponding republic, provided they are repeated in Russian.

For international mail, the address is written in Latin letters and Arabic numerals. It is allowed to write the address in the language of the destination country, provided that the name of the destination country is repeated in Russian.

The addressee's address is written in the lower right part of the postal item, and the sender's address in the upper left part. The address is written clearly and without corrections; it should not contain signs that are not related to the address and abbreviated names.

23. Address details on postal items and postal money transfer forms are written in the following order:

a) for a legal entity - full or short name, for a citizen - last name, first name, patronymic;

b) bank details (for postal transfers sent to a legal entity or accepted from a legal entity);

c) street name, house number, apartment number;

d) name of the locality (city, town, etc.);

e) name of the district;

f) name of the republic, territory, region, autonomous okrug (region);

g) name of the country (for international postal items);

h) postal code.

Postal items and postal orders can be addressed post restante (indicating on the postal item or postal money order form the name of the postal service facility, surname, first name, patronymic of the addressee) or to a post office box (indicating on the postal item or postal money order form name of the postal service facility, box number of the subscription mailbox, last name, first name, patronymic of the addressee or full name of the legal entity).

24. Payment for the provision of postal services is charged to the sender upon acceptance of postal items and postal orders in accordance with the tariffs in force on the date of acceptance, unless otherwise determined by the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services.

There is no charge for sending domestic and international secograms by ground transport.

25. To confirm payment for postal services for sending simple and registered written correspondence provided by federal postal organizations, state postal payment marks are used. The following are used as state postal payment marks:

a) postage stamps affixed to written correspondence or printed on postal envelopes and postcards;

b) imprints of state postal payment marks applied by franking machines;

c) other signs established by the Federal Communications Agency and applied in printing.

26. State postal payment marks are placed in the upper right corner of written correspondence. It is the responsibility of the sender to attach postage stamps to written correspondence in the amount of the cost of the postal service. It is prohibited to stick one postage stamp on another.

27. Sold state postage stamps are not subject to exchange or return. Postage stamps withdrawn from postal circulation, damaged (dirty, damaged, sealed, canceled in any way), as well as foreign postage stamps are not used to confirm payment for postal services.

28. To pay for services for sending international written correspondence that meets the requirements established by these Rules, international reply coupons issued by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union may be presented.

International response coupons presented upon acceptance of the postal item are exchanged for postage stamps in accordance with the tariff for sending by air one simple international letter weighing up to 20 grams.

29. Postal items and postal orders are accepted at postal facilities. Simple written correspondence, with the exception of secograms, payment for postage services for which is confirmed by postage stamps, can be placed in mailboxes.

Written correspondence placed in mailboxes without confirmation of full payment for the service is not sent to its destination and is returned without cancellation of stamps to the senders, and in the absence of the sender's address, it is transferred to the number of undelivered mail items. Written correspondence with imprints of franking machine clichés and other signs confirming payment for postal services is accepted at postal facilities determined by the postal operator.

30. International postal items are accepted and processed in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, acts of the Universal Postal Union and international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of international postal exchange.

Legal entities send international parcels in a closed form (sealed or sealed with their own seal, as well as sealed or sealed by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation) according to lists of the established form with the required number of customs declarations and an accompanying form attached to each parcel.

31. Postal items of diplomatic and consular missions of foreign states, international intergovernmental organizations and representative offices of foreign states at these organizations in the Russian Federation for shipment within the Russian Federation, as well as postal items sent to the address of these institutions, are paid for and registered as internal, but are processed , are sent and delivered in the manner prescribed for international mail.

32. Registered postal items and postal orders are accepted at postal facilities with the obligatory indication of the sender's address.

Upon acceptance of a registered postal item or postal order, the sender is issued a receipt. The receipt indicates the type and category of postal item (postal order), the name of the addressee (name of the legal entity), the name of the postal facility of destination, the number of the postal item (postal order).

III. Delivery (handing over) of postal items and payment of postal orders

33. Postal items (postal orders) are delivered (paid) in accordance with the addresses indicated on them or issued (paid) at postal facilities.

The procedure for the delivery of postal items (payment of postal orders) to the address of a legal entity is determined by an agreement between it and the postal operator.

The following are placed in the cells of subscriber mailboxes, postal subscription boxes, cells of subscription mailboxes, mailboxes of strongholds in accordance with the addresses indicated on them, unless otherwise determined by the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services:

a) simple postal items;

b) notifications about registered postal items and postal orders;

c) notices of ordinary postal items, the size of which does not allow them to be placed in the cells of mail cabinets;

d) simple notifications of delivery of postal items and payment of postal orders.

34. Delivery of ordinary postal items addressed on demand, registered postal items, as well as payment of postal orders to addressees (legal representatives) are carried out upon presentation of identification documents.

35. Postal items and postal orders, if it is impossible to deliver (pay) them to the addressees (their legal representatives), are stored in postal facilities for a month. The storage period for postal items and postal orders may be extended at the request of the sender or addressee (his legal representative).

If the addressee fails to appear for the postal item and postal order within 5 working days after delivery of the primary notice, a secondary notice is delivered to him and handed over against receipt.

The addressee (his legal representative), and in case of return, the sender may be charged a fee for storing a registered postal item for a period of more than one working day after delivery of the secondary notice with an invitation to the postal facility to receive the postal item (not counting the day delivery). The amount of storage fees is determined in accordance with the tariffs established by postal operators.

After the expiration of the established storage period, simple written correspondence not received by the addressees (their legal representatives) is transferred to the number of unclaimed mail items. Registered postal items and postal orders not received by the addressees (their legal representatives) are returned to the senders at their expense at the return address, unless otherwise provided by the agreement between the postal operator and the user. If the sender refuses to receive and pay for postage of the returned postal item or postal order, they are transferred for temporary storage to the number of unclaimed items.

36. The postal item or postal order is returned to the return address:

a) at the request of the sender;

b) if the addressee (his legal representative) refuses to receive it;

c) in the absence of the addressee at the specified address;

d) if it is impossible to read the addressee’s address;

e) under other circumstances that exclude the possibility of the postal operator fulfilling its obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services.

For the return of registered mail and postal orders to a new address, a fee is charged, the amount of which is determined in accordance with the tariffs in force on the date of return (shipment to the new address).

37. The postal operator issues international postal items to addressees (their legal representatives) in compliance with the requirements of the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

International postal items, on the attachments of which customs duties have been assessed by the customs authority located at the place of international postal exchange, are issued to the addressees (their legal representatives) only after payment of the accrued customs duties in accordance with the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

38. Simple mail items removed from mailboxes without addresses or with incomplete, unclear, abbreviated addresses, mail items with missing (damaged) addresses that do not allow them to be sent to their destination or returned to the senders, are transferred for temporary storage to the number of undistributed items.

39. Undelivered mail items are opened on the basis of a court decision in order to establish the addresses of users or other information necessary for delivery (handing over) to their addressee or return to the sender.

The postal operator is obliged, as soon as undelivered mail items are received for temporary storage, but at least once a quarter, to apply to the court to obtain permission to open mail items.

The opening of undelivered mail is carried out by a commission appointed in the manner established by the postal operator, with the involvement, if necessary, of representatives of law enforcement agencies.

If, as a result of a preliminary study, it is established that the attachments of undelivered postal items contain objects or substances that, when opened, may pose a danger to the life and health of people, then these postal items are seized and destroyed without opening. Postal items are destroyed in compliance with the necessary security measures.

Upon opening, seizure or destruction without opening an undelivered postal item, the commission draws up a report.

If, upon opening an undelivered postal item, it was possible to establish the addresses of users of postal services, then it, together with one copy of the act, is packaged and sent to the addressee or returned to the sender.

If the addresses of users of postal services are not identified, postal items are transferred to the number of unclaimed items.

40. Unclaimed postal orders are transferred monthly for temporary storage to the federal postal organization determined by the Federal Communications Agency.

41. Temporary storage of unclaimed postal items and unclaimed postal orders is carried out for 6 months. The opening, seizure and destruction of unclaimed postal items are carried out in accordance with paragraph 39 of these Rules.

Unclaimed written messages are subject to seizure and destruction. Other attachments of unclaimed postal items become the property of the postal operator in the manner prescribed by Article 226 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If the cost of enclosing an unclaimed postal item or the amount of unclaimed funds is less than five times the minimum wage, the enclosure of the postal item is transferred according to an act to the balance sheet of the postal operator, and the funds are transferred to the federal postal organization determined by the Federal Communications Agency. In other cases, similar actions with attachments of postal items and funds are carried out on the basis of a court decision on the claim of the postal operator.

42. The procedure for registration and delivery of defective postal items is established by postal operators.

IV. Rights and obligations of users of postal services

43. Users of postal services are required to comply with the requirements established by these Rules.

44. Before issuing a registered postal item to the addressee (his legal representative) or paying out a postal order, the sender has the right, in the manner established by the operator, on the basis of his written application:

a) order the return of his postal item or postal order;

b) order the issuance of a postal item or payment of a postal order to another person and to a different address, or its delivery (payment) to the same addressee, but to a different address;

c) extend the storage period of a postal item or postal order;

d) decide what to do with the international parcel if it is not delivered to the addressee (his legal representative), making a note on the accompanying form.

The sender has the right to receive back registered postal items or postal orders that have not yet been sent to their destination. The procedure and conditions for the return of processing fees in this case are established by postal operators.

45. The addressee (his legal representative) has the right to refuse a postal item or postal order received at his address by making a note about this on the postal item or notice. If the addressee (his legal representative) refuses to make such a note, it is made by a postal worker.

46. ​​The addressee (his legal representative) has the right, for an additional fee, to make an order (in writing) for the dispatch or delivery to another address of postal items and postal orders received in his name.

V. Rights and obligations of postal operators

47. Postal operators are obliged to:

a) forward postal items and make postal transfers within the established time limits;

b) ensure the safety of postal items and postal orders received from users;

c) ensure the quality of postal services in accordance with regulations governing activities in the field of postal communications and the terms of the contract;

d) provide assistance to law enforcement agencies in carrying out operational investigative activities and procedural actions in cases and in accordance with the procedure established by law;

e) certify free of charge citizens’ powers of attorney for their representatives to receive postal items and postal orders addressed to them;

f) maintain confidentiality of communications.

48. Information about the address data of users of postal services, about postal items, postal transfers, telegraphic and other messages included in the scope of activity of postal operators, as well as these postal items themselves, transferred funds, telegraphic and other messages are secret communications and are issued only to senders (addressees) or their legal representatives.

49. Postal operators have the right to detain domestic mail, the contents of which are prohibited for forwarding, at the place of their discovery.

Postal operators are obliged to immediately notify the relevant authorities authorized to seize prohibited items and substances about the fact of detection of an attachment prohibited for forwarding in postal items and the detention of these mailings. Postal operators are obliged to immediately notify the customs authorities of the Russian Federation about this fact in relation to international mail.

Items that, by their nature or due to packaging, may pose a danger to human life and health, contaminate or spoil (damage) other postal items and property, are seized by postal operators and destroyed, if this danger cannot be eliminated in any other way, with the preparation of an appropriate act.

Postal operators are required to inform the sender or addressee within 10 days about the seizure or destruction of items and substances prohibited for shipment, except in cases where, upon discovery of these items and substances, law enforcement agencies decide to carry out operational search activities.

50. Postal operators provide postal services only if they have the appropriate license.

51. The postal operator has the right to refuse to provide postal services to users of postal services at a postal facility if such a service is not included in the list of postal services approved by the postal operator for this facility.

VI. Submission and consideration of claims

52. In case of failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations to provide postal services, the user of postal services has the right to file a claim with the postal operator, including a claim for compensation for damage.

Claims related to non-delivery, untimely delivery, damage or loss of domestic mail, non-payment or untimely payment of transferred funds are presented to both the postal operator who accepted the item and the postal operator at the destination of the mail, within 6 months from the date sending a postal item or making a postal transfer.

Claims for the search for international postal items are accepted and considered in the manner and within the time limits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

53. Claims must be submitted in writing. When filing a claim, the user (his legal representative) must present an identification document. If the claim is made not by the user himself, but by his authorized representative, a power of attorney issued in the name of this person is presented.

The claim is accompanied by a copy of the contract for the provision of postal services or another document certifying the fact of the conclusion of the contract (receipt, inventory of the attachment) and a certificate of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the postal operator of obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services (postal envelope, packaging of defective postal item etc.), and in the event of a claim for damages - information about the amount of damage caused.

Claims regarding untimely delivery (delivery) of domestic ordinary postal items are accepted upon presentation of the postal item or its shell with the dates of receipt and receipt of the postal item indicated on it by the postal operator.

a) for claims regarding postal items and postal orders sent (transferred) within one locality - within 5 days;

b) for claims regarding all other domestic mail and postal orders - within 2 months.

In case of refusal to satisfy the claim or its partial satisfaction, the documents attached to the claim are returned to the applicant.

If the postal operator refuses to satisfy the claim, if it agrees to satisfy the claim partially, or if the postal operator does not receive a response within the time period established for consideration of the claim, the user of postal services has the right to file a claim in court.

56. Payment of funds to compensate for damage caused as a result of non-performance or improper performance of postal services is made by postal operators no later than 10 days from the date of recognition of the claim.

If a postal item is discovered, after compensation has been paid to the applicant for its loss, the postal item is handed over to the addressee (his legal representative) or returned to the sender. In this case, the amount of compensation paid minus the amount of compensation for the delay in sending the postal item is recovered from the applicant (addressee or sender). If the applicant refuses to return the refund amount, the postal item is transferred to the number of undistributed items.

VII. Responsibility of postal operators and users of postal services

57. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations to provide postal services, postal operators are liable to users of postal services. Postal operators are responsible for loss, deterioration (damage), shortage of attachments, non-delivery or violation of deadlines for sending postal items and postal money transfers, and other violations of established requirements for the provision of postal services.

Losses caused during the provision of postal services are compensated by the postal operator in the following amounts:

a) in case of loss or deterioration (damage) of a postal item with a declared value - in the amount of the declared value and the amount of the postage fee, with the exception of the fee for the declared value;

b) in the event of loss or deterioration (damage) of part of the attachment of a postal item with a declared value when it is sent with an inventory of the attachment - in the amount of the declared value of the missing or damaged (damaged) part of the attachment, indicated by the sender in the inventory;

c) in the event of loss or deterioration (damage) of part of the attachment of a postal item with a declared value when sent without an inventory of the attachment - in the amount of part of the declared value of the postal item, determined in proportion to the ratio of the weight of the missing or damaged (damaged) part of the attachment to the weight of the sent attachment (without weight of the postal item shell);

d) in case of non-payment (non-execution) of a postal transfer - in the amount of the transfer amount and the amount of the postage fee;

e) in case of loss or damage (damage) of other registered postal items - in the amount of the postage fee, in the case of loss or damage (damage) of part of their contents - in the amount of the postage fee.

In case of violation of the deadlines for sending postal items and making postal money transfers for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the entrepreneurial activities of citizens, postal operators pay a penalty in the amount of 3 percent of the postal service fee for forwarding for each day of delay, but not more than the amount paid for such a service, and for violation of the control deadlines for sending mail by air - the difference between the fee for sending by air and land transport.

Compensation for damage caused during activities in the field of postal services is made voluntarily or by court decision in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

58. Postal operators are not responsible for:

a) loss, deterioration (damage), non-delivery of postal items or violation of deadlines for their transfer, if it is proven that such occurred due to force majeure circumstances;

b) damage to the attachment of a postal item accepted in a closed form and issued against receipt to the addressee (his legal representative) in compliance with the requirements established by these Rules, in the absence of external damage to its packaging and the weight of the postal item corresponds to the weight determined upon its acceptance;

c) delay, seizure or destruction of a postal item or part of its contents, delay or seizure of a postal order in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules;

d) violations not related to the execution of the contract for the provision of postal services;

59. Issues of liability for loss or damage (damage) to international postal items are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

60. Users of postal services are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for damage caused to other users or persons involved in the processing of postal items as a result of the inclusion in postal items of items and substances prohibited for shipment, or as a result of improper packaging of the sent attachment.

In accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Law "On Postal Services" the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the provision of postal services.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2000 N 725 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of postal services” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 41, Art. 4076);

paragraph 31 of the changes that are being made to the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On amendments and invalidation of certain resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of public administration in the Russian Federation" dated February 6, 2004 N 51 (Collected Legislation Russian Federation, 2004, No. 8, Article 663).

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

M. Fradkov

Rules for the provision of postal services

I. General provisions

1. These Rules regulate the relationship between users of postal services and public postal operators when concluding and executing an agreement for the provision of postal services, and also establish the rights and obligations of these operators and users.

2. These Rules apply the following basic concepts:

"parcel" - a postal item with printed publications, business papers and other items, the attachment, dimensions, weight and method of packaging of which are established by postal operators in accordance with these Rules;

“defective postal item” - a postal item whose weight does not correspond to the weight indicated on it, or whose external signs suggest damage or damage to the attachment (damage to the shell, bandage, seal, tape, etc.);

“legal representatives” - persons who have a power of attorney executed in the prescribed manner;

“category of postal item” - a set of characteristics that determine the procedure and conditions for acceptance, processing, transportation and delivery (delivery) of postal item (simple, registered, declared value, ordinary);

"international reply coupon" - a coupon issued by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union, printed on paper with watermarks depicting the abbreviation "UPU" in large print;

“small package” - an international postal item with samples of goods or small items, the contents, dimensions, weight and method of packaging of which are determined by these Rules;

“place of international postal exchange” - a federal postal facility that processes international postal items received from foreign postal administrations, accepted in the Russian Federation and sent in open transit, as well as sending them to their destination;

"bag "M" - an international postal item (special bag) containing printed publications sent by one sender to the same addressee;

“letter” - a postal item with a written message, as well as another attachment, the dimensions and weight of which are determined by these Rules;

“parcel” - a postal item, the dimensions, weight and method of packaging of which are determined by these Rules, with an attachment not prohibited for shipment by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

“post card” - a postal item in the form of a written message on a special form, sent open;

"postal address" - the location of the user indicating the postal code of the corresponding postal facility;

“postal transfer” - funds sent as part of the provision of postal money transfer services;

“postal item with cash on delivery” is a postal item with a declared value sent between federal postal facilities, upon submission of which the sender instructs the federal postal facility to collect the amount of money established by it from the addressee and send it to the sender’s address;

“postal item with declared value” - postal item accepted with an assessment of the value of the attachment determined by the sender;

"postal item (postal order) with notification of delivery" (in international postal exchange - with notification of receipt) - postal item (postal order), upon submission of which the sender instructs the postal operator to inform him or the person specified by him when and to whom it was delivered postal item (postal order paid);

“direct mail container” - a postal item with goods and other material assets, sealed (sealed) by the sender in the prescribed manner and sent to its destination;

"secogram" - a postal item submitted open, with an attachment intended exclusively for the blind;

“term for the provision of postal services” - a set of deadlines and standards established for the performance of individual technological operations that make up a specific postal service;

"EMS services" - actions or activities for the reception, processing, transportation and delivery (delivery) of postal items sent on time, in the manner and with the logo, determined by the acts of the Universal Postal Union, which are carried out by a postal operator duly authorized to provide these services.

3. Postal operators provide postal services to users on the terms of the contract. An agreement on the provision of postal services concluded with individuals is a public contract.

Postal services are divided into:

a) universal postal services;

b) other services, including:

services for postal money transfers;

services for forwarding international mail;

EMS services.

4. Control deadlines for sending written correspondence when providing universal postal services, as well as standards for its exchange, transportation and delivery are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Tariffs for the provision of universal postal services are approved by the federal executive body for the regulation of natural monopolies, which exercises the functions of determining (establishing) prices (tariffs) and monitoring issues related to the determination (establishing) and application of prices (tariffs) in the areas of activity of the subjects natural monopolies, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Terms and tariffs for the provision of other postal services are established by postal operators.

5. Standards for the placement of postal offices and points in cities and rural areas for operators providing universal postal services are developed taking into account the availability of universal services for users of postal services and are approved by the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation.

6. To organize the exchange of international postal items, the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation establishes places of international postal exchange.

7. A sign indicating the name of the postal operator, the name and operating mode of the facility, and its postal code is placed at the entrance to the postal service facility.

8. Inside the postal facility, in a place visible and accessible to users of postal services, there must be a book of statements and proposals and the necessary information material, including:

a) name of the postal operator and its location (legal address);

b) the address of the postal service facility and its postal code;

c) information about the place of reception and consideration of claims;

d) list of services provided, terms of their provision and tariffs for them;

e) the procedure for addressing and paying postal orders;

f) the procedure for addressing, packaging and payment for sending postal items, the sizes and weight limits established for them;

g) the period of storage in the postal facility of undelivered postal items and unpaid postal orders;

h) a list of items and substances prohibited for shipment;

j) a copy of the license for the provision of postal services;

k) these Rules;

l) information on the responsibility of postal operators and users of postal services;

m) other information related to the provision of postal services by the operator.

9. Inside the postal facility where universal postal services are provided, there is additionally a mailbox for collecting written correspondence and the following information is indicated:

a) on standards for the frequency of collection of written correspondence from mailboxes, its exchange, transportation and delivery;

b) on the control deadlines for sending written correspondence;

c) on the procedure for providing universal postal services.

10. The name of the postal operator, the number assigned to the mailbox, the days of the week and the time at which written correspondence is collected are indicated on the mailboxes.

11. Postal items and postal orders are divided into domestic (accepted for shipment within the territory of the Russian Federation) and international (accepted for shipment outside the Russian Federation, arriving on its territory from other states or transiting through the territory of the Russian Federation).

12. Depending on the processing method, postal items are divided into the following categories:

a) simple - accepted from the sender without issuing a receipt to him and delivered (handed over) to the addressee (his legal representative) without his receipt of receipt;

b) registered (registered, with declared value, ordinary) - accepted from the sender with the issuance of a receipt and handed over to the addressee (his legal representative) with his receipt of receipt.

Postal orders are accepted and paid in the manner prescribed for the acceptance and delivery of registered postal items.

Registered mail items can be sent with a description of the attachment, with a notification of delivery and with cash on delivery. The list of types and categories of postal items sent with an inventory of the contents, with a notification of delivery and with cash on delivery, is determined by postal operators.

13. Domestic mail includes the following types and categories of mail:

a) postcards (simple, registered);

b) letters (simple, registered, with declared value);

c) parcels (simple, customized, with declared value);

d) secograms (simple, custom);

e) parcels (ordinary, with declared value);

f) direct mail containers (ordinary, with declared value).

Postal operators, when providing postal services (except for universal postal services), have the right to establish other types and categories of domestic mail for forwarding through their postal network, as well as the maximum size, weight and permissible contents of these mail pieces.

14. Written correspondence sent during the provision of universal postal services must meet the following requirements for its maximum weight, permissible contents and maximum dimensions:

A postal operator providing universal postal services does not have the right to refuse to accept internal written correspondence to a user of postal services if it meets the requirements established by this paragraph.

15. International mail sent as part of the international postal exchange must meet the following requirements for its maximum weight, permissible contents and maximum dimensions:

16. For certain groups of users, the following categories of postal items (postal orders) are established:

a) government, which includes postal items (postal orders) sent by persons, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Their acceptance, forwarding and delivery are carried out as a matter of priority according to the established tariffs provided for the relevant types of postal items (postal orders);

b) service items, which include postal operators’ own mail sent via their postal networks without payment.

Postal operators have the right to establish other categories of postal items (postal orders) for certain groups of users of postal services.

II. Acceptance of postal items and postal orders

17. In domestic mail, attachments are sent that are not prohibited for sending within the Russian Federation. The list of items and substances prohibited for shipment in domestic mail is established by Article 22 of the Federal Law “On Postal Services”.

18. In international mail, attachments that are not prohibited are sent:

a) for import into the territory of the Russian Federation;

b) for export from the territory of the Russian Federation and for import into the state of destination.

Prohibitions and restrictions when sending goods in international mail are established by the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

19. Postal orders are accepted for delivery in the currency of the Russian Federation.

20. Postal items are accepted in packaged form. The packaging of postal items must correspond to the nature of the attachment, the conditions of shipment, exclude the possibility of damage to the attachment during processing and forwarding, access to it without breaking the envelope, damage to other items and causing any harm to property and postal workers. Requirements for packaging of various types and categories of postal items, depending on the nature of their attachment, are established by postal operators.

21. Postal items are accepted open in the following cases:

a) when sending them with an inventory of the contents;

b) if there is an assumption that the postal item contains items or substances prohibited for shipment.

22. On postal items and postal money transfer forms, the sender indicates the exact addresses of the sender and addressee.

The addresses of the sender and addressee of postal items (postal orders) accepted for forwarding within the territory of the Russian Federation must be indicated in Russian. The addresses of the sender and addressee of postal items (postal orders) accepted for forwarding within the territories of the republics within the Russian Federation may be indicated in the state language of the corresponding republic, provided they are repeated in Russian.

For international mail, the address is written in Latin letters and Arabic numerals. It is allowed to write the address in the language of the destination country, provided that the name of the destination country is repeated in Russian.

The addressee's address is written in the lower right part of the postal item, and the sender's address in the upper left part. The address is written clearly and without corrections; it should not contain signs that are not related to the address and abbreviated names.

23. Address details on postal items and postal money transfer forms are written in the following order:

a) for a legal entity - full or short name, for a citizen - last name, first name, patronymic;

b) bank details (for postal transfers sent to a legal entity or accepted from a legal entity);

c) street name, house number, apartment number;

d) name of the locality (city, town, etc.);

e) name of the district;

f) name of the republic, territory, region, autonomous okrug (region);

g) name of the country (for international postal items);

h) postal code.

Postal items and postal orders can be addressed post restante

(indicating on the postal item or postal money transfer form the name of the postal facility, surname, first name, patronymic of the addressee) or on the post office box (indicating on the postal item or postal money transfer form the name of the postal facility, box number of the subscription mailbox , last name, first name, patronymic of the addressee or full name of the legal entity).

24. Payment for the provision of postal services is charged to the sender upon acceptance of postal items and postal orders in accordance with the tariffs in force on the date of acceptance, unless otherwise determined by the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services.

There is no charge for sending domestic and international secograms by ground transport.

25. To confirm payment for postal services for sending simple and registered written correspondence provided by federal postal organizations, state postal payment marks are used. The following are used as state postal payment marks:

a) postage stamps affixed to written correspondence or printed on postal envelopes and postcards;

b) imprints of state postal payment marks applied by franking machines;

c) other signs established by the Federal Communications Agency and applied in printing.

26. State postal payment marks are placed in the upper right corner of written correspondence. It is the responsibility of the sender to attach postage stamps to written correspondence in the amount of the cost of the postal service. It is prohibited to stick one postage stamp on another.

27. Sold state postage stamps are not subject to exchange or return. Postage stamps withdrawn from postal circulation, damaged (dirty, damaged, sealed, canceled in any way), as well as foreign postage stamps are not used to confirm payment for postal services.

28. To pay for services for sending international written correspondence that meets the requirements established by these Rules, international reply coupons issued by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union may be presented.

International response coupons presented upon acceptance of the postal item are exchanged for postage stamps in accordance with the tariff for sending by air one simple international letter weighing up to 20 grams.

29. Postal items and postal orders are accepted at postal facilities. Simple written correspondence, with the exception of secograms, payment for postage services for which is confirmed by postage stamps, can be placed in mailboxes.

Written correspondence placed in mailboxes without confirmation of full payment for the service is not sent to its destination and is returned without cancellation of stamps to the senders, and in the absence of the sender's address, it is transferred to the number of undelivered mail items. Written correspondence with imprints of franking machine clichés and other signs confirming payment for postal services is accepted at postal facilities determined by the postal operator.

30. International postal items are accepted and processed in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, acts of the Universal Postal Union and international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of international postal exchange.

Legal entities send international parcels in a closed form (sealed or sealed with their own seal, as well as sealed or sealed by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation) according to lists of the established form with the required number of customs declarations and an accompanying form attached to each parcel.

31. Postal items of diplomatic and consular missions of foreign states, international intergovernmental organizations and representative offices of foreign states at these organizations in the Russian Federation for shipment within the Russian Federation, as well as postal items sent to the address of these institutions, are paid for and registered as internal, but are processed , are sent and delivered in the manner prescribed for international mail.

32. Registered postal items and postal orders are accepted at postal facilities with the obligatory indication of the sender's address.

Upon acceptance of a registered postal item or postal order, the sender is issued a receipt. The receipt indicates the type and category of postal item (postal order), the name of the addressee (name of the legal entity), the name of the postal facility of destination, the number of the postal item (postal order).

III. Delivery (handing over) of postal items and payment of postal orders

33. Postal items (postal orders) are delivered (paid) in accordance with the addresses indicated on them or issued (paid) at postal facilities.

The procedure for the delivery of postal items (payment of postal orders) to the address of a legal entity is determined by an agreement between it and the postal operator.

The following are placed in the cells of subscriber mailboxes, postal subscription boxes, cells of subscription mailboxes, mailboxes of strongholds in accordance with the addresses indicated on them, unless otherwise determined by the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services:

a) simple postal items;

b) notifications about registered postal items and postal orders;

c) notices of ordinary postal items, the size of which does not allow them to be placed in the cells of mail cabinets;

d) simple notifications of delivery of postal items and payment of postal orders.

34. Delivery of ordinary postal items addressed on demand, registered postal items, as well as payment of postal orders to addressees (legal representatives) are carried out upon presentation of identification documents.

35. Postal items and postal orders, if it is impossible to deliver (pay) them to the addressees (their legal representatives), are stored in postal facilities for a month. The storage period for postal items and postal orders may be extended at the request of the sender or addressee (his legal representative).

If the addressee fails to appear for the postal item and postal order within 5 working days after delivery of the primary notice, a secondary notice is delivered to him and handed over against receipt.

The addressee (his legal representative), and in case of return, the sender may be charged a fee for storing a registered postal item for a period of more than one working day after delivery of the secondary notice with an invitation to the postal facility to receive the postal item (not counting the day delivery). The amount of storage fees is determined in accordance with the tariffs established by postal operators.

After the expiration of the established storage period, simple written correspondence not received by the addressees (their legal representatives) is transferred to the number of unclaimed mail items. Registered postal items and postal orders not received by the addressees (their legal representatives) are returned to the senders at their expense at the return address, unless otherwise provided by the agreement between the postal operator and the user. If the sender refuses to receive and pay for postage of the returned postal item or postal order, they are transferred for temporary storage to the number of unclaimed items.

36. The postal item or postal order is returned to the return address:

a) at the request of the sender;

b) if the addressee (his legal representative) refuses to receive it;

c) in the absence of the addressee at the specified address;

d) if it is impossible to read the addressee’s address;

e) under other circumstances that exclude the possibility of the postal operator fulfilling its obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services.

For the return of registered mail and postal orders to a new address, a fee is charged, the amount of which is determined in accordance with the tariffs in force on the date of return (shipment to the new address).

37. The postal operator issues international postal items to addressees (their legal representatives) in compliance with the requirements of the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

International postal items, on the attachments of which customs duties have been assessed by the customs authority located at the place of international postal exchange, are issued to the addressees (their legal representatives) only after payment of the accrued customs duties in accordance with the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

38. Simple mail items removed from mailboxes without addresses or with incomplete, unclear, abbreviated addresses, mail items with missing (damaged) addresses that do not allow them to be sent to their destination or returned to the senders, are transferred for temporary storage to the number of undistributed items.

39. Undelivered mail items are opened on the basis of a court decision in order to establish the addresses of users or other information necessary for delivery (handing over) to their addressee or return to the sender.

The postal operator is obliged, as soon as undelivered mail items are received for temporary storage, but at least once a quarter, to apply to the court to obtain permission to open mail items.

The opening of undelivered mail is carried out by a commission appointed in the manner established by the postal operator, with the involvement, if necessary, of representatives of law enforcement agencies.

If, as a result of a preliminary study, it is established that the attachments of undelivered postal items contain objects or substances that, when opened, may pose a danger to the life and health of people, then these postal items are seized and destroyed without opening. Postal items are destroyed in compliance with the necessary security measures.

Upon opening, seizure or destruction without opening an undelivered postal item, the commission draws up a report.

If, upon opening an undelivered postal item, it was possible to establish the addresses of users of postal services, then it, together with one copy of the act, is packaged and sent to the addressee or returned to the sender.

If the addresses of users of postal services are not identified, postal items are transferred to the number of unclaimed items.

40. Unclaimed postal orders are transferred monthly for temporary storage to the federal postal organization determined by the Federal Communications Agency.

41. Temporary storage of unclaimed postal items and unclaimed postal orders is carried out for 6 months. The opening, seizure and destruction of unclaimed postal items are carried out in accordance with paragraph 39 of these Rules.

Unclaimed written messages are subject to seizure and destruction. Other attachments of unclaimed postal items become the property of the postal operator in the manner prescribed by Article 226 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If the cost of enclosing an unclaimed postal item or the amount of unclaimed funds is less than five times the minimum wage, the enclosure of the postal item is transferred according to an act to the balance sheet of the postal operator, and the funds are transferred to the federal postal organization determined by the Federal Communications Agency. In other cases, similar actions with attachments of postal items and funds are carried out on the basis of a court decision on the claim of the postal operator.

42. The procedure for registration and delivery of defective postal items is established by postal operators.

IV. Rights and obligations of users of postal services

43. Users of postal services are required to comply with the requirements established by these Rules.

44. Before issuing a registered postal item to the addressee (his legal representative) or paying out a postal order, the sender has the right, in the manner established by the operator, on the basis of his written application:

a) order the return of his postal item or postal order;

b) order the issuance of a postal item or payment of a postal order to another person and to a different address, or its delivery (payment) to the same addressee, but to a different address;

c) extend the storage period of a postal item or postal order;

d) decide what to do with the international shipment if it is not delivered to the addressee (his legal representative), making a note on the accompanying form.

The sender has the right to receive back registered postal items or postal orders that have not yet been sent to their destination. The procedure and conditions for the return of processing fees in this case are established by postal operators.

45. The addressee (his legal representative) has the right to refuse a postal item or postal order received at his address by making a note about this on the postal item or notice. If the addressee (his legal representative) refuses to make such a note, it is made by a postal worker.

46. ​​The addressee (his legal representative) has the right, for an additional fee, to make an order (in writing) for the dispatch or delivery to another address of postal items and postal orders received in his name.

V. Rights and obligations of postal operators

47. Postal operators are obliged to:

a) forward postal items and make postal transfers within the established time limits;

b) ensure the safety of postal items and postal orders received from users;

c) ensure the quality of postal services in accordance with regulations governing activities in the field of postal communications and the terms of the contract;

d) provide assistance to law enforcement agencies in carrying out operational investigative activities and procedural actions in cases and in accordance with the procedure established by law;

e) certify free of charge citizens’ powers of attorney for their representatives to receive postal items and postal orders addressed to them;

f) maintain confidentiality of communications.

48. Information about the address data of users of postal services, about postal items, postal transfers, telegraphic and other messages included in the scope of activity of postal operators, as well as these postal items themselves, transferred funds, telegraphic and other messages are secret communications and are issued only to senders (addressees) or their legal representatives.

49. Postal operators have the right to detain domestic mail, the contents of which are prohibited for forwarding, at the place of their discovery.

Postal operators are obliged to immediately notify the relevant authorities authorized to seize prohibited items and substances about the fact of detection of an attachment prohibited for forwarding in postal items and the detention of these mailings. Postal operators are obliged to immediately notify the customs authorities of the Russian Federation about this fact in relation to international mail.

Items that, by their nature or due to packaging, may pose a danger to human life and health, contaminate or spoil (damage) other postal items and property, are seized by postal operators and destroyed, if this danger cannot be eliminated in any other way, with the preparation of an appropriate act.

Postal operators are required to inform the sender or addressee within 10 days about the seizure or destruction of items and substances prohibited for shipment, except in cases where, upon discovery of these items and substances, law enforcement agencies decide to carry out operational search activities.

50. Postal operators provide postal services only if they have the appropriate license.

51. The postal operator has the right to refuse to provide postal services to users of postal services at a postal facility if such a service is not included in the list of postal services approved by the postal operator for this facility.

VI. Submission and consideration of claims

52. In case of failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations to provide postal services, the user of postal services has the right to file a claim with the postal operator, including a claim for compensation for damage.

Claims related to non-delivery, late delivery, damage or loss of domestic mail, non-payment or untimely payment of transferred funds are presented to both the postal operator who accepted the mail and the postal operator at the destination of the mail within 6 months from the date of dispatch sending a postal item or making a postal transfer.

Claims for the search for international postal items are accepted and considered in the manner and within the time limits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

53. Claims must be submitted in writing. When filing a claim, the user (his legal representative) must present an identification document. If the claim is made not by the user himself, but by his authorized representative, a power of attorney issued in the name of this person is presented.

The claim is accompanied by a copy of the contract for the provision of postal services or another document certifying the fact of the conclusion of the contract (receipt, inventory of the attachment) and a certificate of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the postal operator of obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services (postal envelope, packaging of defective postal item etc.), and in the event of a claim for damages - information about the amount of damage caused.

Claims regarding untimely delivery (delivery) of domestic ordinary postal items are accepted upon presentation of the postal item or its shell with the dates of receipt and receipt of the postal item indicated on it by the postal operator.

54. The claim shall indicate:

a) details of the applicant’s identity document;

b) type of postal item;

c) number of the postal item or postal order;

d) date and place of reception;

e) destination;

f) the amount of declared value or a detailed list and value of the sent investment;

g) address and full name of the sender and addressee;

h) type of packaging.

55. The procedure for registration and consideration of claims is established by the postal operator. The postal operator is obliged to consider the claim and give the applicant a response (in writing) within the following time limits:

a) for claims regarding postal items and postal orders sent (transferred) within one locality - within 5 days;

b) for claims regarding all other domestic mail and postal orders - within 2 months.

In case of refusal to satisfy the claim or its partial satisfaction, the documents attached to the claim are returned to the applicant.

If the postal operator refuses to satisfy the claim, if it agrees to satisfy the claim partially, or if the postal operator does not receive a response within the time period established for consideration of the claim, the user of postal services has the right to file a claim in court.

56. Payment of funds to compensate for damage caused as a result of non-performance or improper performance of postal services is made by postal operators no later than 10 days from the date of recognition of the claim.

If a postal item is discovered, after compensation has been paid to the applicant for its loss, the postal item is handed over to the addressee (his legal representative) or returned to the sender. In this case, the amount of compensation paid minus the amount of compensation for the delay in sending the postal item is recovered from the applicant (addressee or sender). If the applicant refuses to return the refund amount, the postal item is transferred to the number of undistributed items.

VII. Responsibility of postal operators and users of postal services

57. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations to provide postal services, postal operators are liable to users of postal services. Postal operators are responsible for loss, spoilage (damage), shortage of attachments, non-delivery or violation of deadlines for sending postal items and postal money transfers, other violations of established requirements for the provision of postal services.

Losses caused during the provision of postal services are compensated by the postal operator in the following amounts:

a) in case of loss or deterioration (damage) of a postal item with a declared value - in the amount of the declared value and the amount of the postage fee, with the exception of the fee for the declared value;

b) in the event of loss or deterioration (damage) of part of the attachment of a postal item with a declared value when it is sent with an inventory of the attachment - in the amount of the declared value of the missing or damaged (damaged) part of the attachment, indicated by the sender in the inventory;

c) in the event of loss or deterioration (damage) of part of the attachment of a postal item with a declared value when sent without an inventory of the attachment - in the amount of part of the declared value of the postal item, determined in proportion to the ratio of the weight of the missing or damaged (damaged) part of the attachment to the weight of the sent attachment (without weight of the postal item shell);

d) in case of non-payment (non-execution) of a postal transfer - in the amount of the transfer amount and the amount of the postage fee;

e) in case of loss or damage (damage) of other registered postal items - in the amount of the postage fee, in the case of loss or damage (damage) of part of their contents - in the amount of the postage fee.

In case of violation of the deadlines for sending postal items and making postal money transfers for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the entrepreneurial activities of citizens, postal operators pay a penalty in the amount of 3 percent of the postal service fee for forwarding for each day of delay, but not more than the amount paid for such a service, and for violation of the control deadlines for sending mail by air - the difference between the fee for sending by air and land transport.

Compensation for damage caused during activities in the field of postal services is made voluntarily or by court decision in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

58. Postal operators are not responsible for:

a) loss, deterioration (damage), non-delivery of postal items or violation of deadlines for their transfer, if it is proven that such occurred due to force majeure circumstances;

b) damage to the attachment of a postal item accepted in a closed form and issued against receipt to the addressee (his legal representative) in compliance with the requirements established by these Rules, in the absence of external damage to its packaging and the weight of the postal item corresponds to the weight determined upon its acceptance;

c) delay, seizure or destruction of a postal item or part of its contents, delay or seizure of a postal order in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules;

d) violations not related to the execution of the contract for the provision of postal services;

59. Issues of liability for loss or damage (damage) to international postal items are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

60. Users of postal services are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for damage caused to other users or persons involved in the processing of postal items as a result of the inclusion in postal items of items and substances prohibited for shipment, or as a result of improper packaging of the sent attachment.

Rules for the provision of postal services

"On approval of the Rules for the provision of postal services"

In accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Law "On Postal Services", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the provision of postal services.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2000 N 725 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of postal services” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 41, Art. 4076);
paragraph 31 of the changes that are being made to the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On amendments and invalidation of certain resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of public administration in the Russian Federation" dated February 6, 2004 N 51 (Collected Legislation Russian Federation, 2004, No. 8, Article 663).

provision of postal services
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2005 N 221)

I. General provisions (items 1 - 16)
II. Acceptance of postal items and postal orders (pp. 17 - 32)
III. Delivery (handing over) of postal items and payment of postal orders (pp. 33 - 42)
IV. Rights and obligations of users of postal services (pp. 43 - 46)
V. Rights and obligations of postal operators (pp. 47 - 51)
VI. Submission and consideration of claims (pp. 52 - 56)
VII. Responsibility of postal operators and users of postal services (pp. 57 - 60)

I. General provisions

1. These Rules regulate the relationship between users of postal services and public postal operators when concluding and executing an agreement for the provision of postal services, and also establish the rights and obligations of these operators and users.

2. These Rules apply the following basic concepts:
"parcel"- a postal item with printed publications, business papers and other items, the attachment, dimensions, weight and method of packaging of which are established by postal operators in accordance with these Rules;
"defective mail"- a postal item whose weight does not correspond to the weight indicated on it, or whose external signs suggest damage or deterioration of the attachment (damage to the shell, bandage, seal, tape, etc.);
"legal representatives"— persons who have a power of attorney executed in the prescribed manner;
"category of postal item"— a set of features that determine the procedure and conditions for acceptance, processing, transportation and delivery (handing over) of postal items (simple, registered, declared value, ordinary);
"international response coupon"- a coupon issued by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union, printed on paper with watermarks depicting the abbreviation "UPU" in large print; "small package"- international mail with samples of goods or small items, the contents, dimensions, weight and method of packaging of which are determined by these Rules;
"place of international postal exchange"- a federal postal facility that processes international postal items received from foreign postal administrations, accepted in the Russian Federation and sent in open transit, as well as their dispatch to their destination;
"bag "M"- international postal item (special bag) containing printed publications sent by one sender to the same addressee;
"letter"- a postal item with a written message, as well as other attachments, the dimensions and weight of which are determined by these Rules;
"package"- a postal item, the dimensions, weight and method of packaging of which are determined by these Rules, with an attachment not prohibited for forwarding by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
"postcard"- mail in the form of a written message on a special form, sent open;
"mailing address"— location of the user, indicating the postal code of the corresponding postal facility;
"Postal transfer"— funds sent as part of the provision of postal money transfer services;
"postal item with cash on delivery"- a postal item with a declared value sent between federal postal facilities, upon submission of which the sender instructs the federal postal facility to collect the amount of money established by it from the addressee and send it to the sender's address;
"postal item with declared value"— postal item accepted with an assessment of the value of the attachment determined by the sender;
"postal item (postal order) with notification of delivery" (in international postal exchange - with notification of receipt) - a postal item (postal order), upon submission of which the sender instructs the postal operator to inform him or the person specified by him when and to whom it was delivered postal item (postal order paid);
"direct mail container"- a postal item with goods and other material assets, sealed (sealed) by the sender in the prescribed manner and sent to the destination; "secogram"- mail sent open, with an attachment intended exclusively for the blind;
"term for provision of postal services"— a set of deadlines and standards established for the performance of individual technological operations that make up a specific postal service;
"EMS services"- actions or activities for the reception, processing, transportation and delivery (delivery) of postal items sent within the time limits, in the manner and with the logo, determined by the acts of the Universal Postal Union, which are carried out by a postal operator duly authorized to provide these services.

3. Postal operators provide postal services to users on the terms of the contract. An agreement on the provision of postal services concluded with individuals is a public contract.
Postal services are divided into:
a) universal postal services;
b) other services, including:
services for postal money transfers;
services for forwarding international mail;
EMS services.

4. Control deadlines for sending written correspondence when providing universal postal services, as well as standards for its exchange, transportation and delivery are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Tariffs for the provision of universal postal services are approved by the federal executive body for the regulation of natural monopolies, which exercises the functions of determining (establishing) prices (tariffs) and monitoring issues related to the determination (establishing) and application of prices (tariffs) in the areas of activity of the subjects natural monopolies, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Terms and tariffs for the provision of other postal services are established by postal operators.

5. Standards for the placement of postal offices and points in cities and rural areas for operators providing universal postal services are developed taking into account the availability of universal services for users of postal services and are approved by the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation.

6. To organize the exchange of international postal items, the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation establishes places of international postal exchange.

7. A sign indicating the name of the postal operator, the name and operating mode of the facility, and its postal code is placed at the entrance to the postal service facility.

8. Inside the postal facility, in a place visible and accessible to users of postal services, there must be a book of statements and proposals and the necessary information material, including:
a) name of the postal operator and its location (legal address);
b) the address of the postal service facility and its postal code;
c) information about the place of reception and consideration of claims;
d) list of services provided, terms of their provision and tariffs for them;
e) the procedure for addressing and paying postal orders;
f) the procedure for addressing, packaging and payment for sending postal items, the sizes and weight limits established for them;
g) the period of storage in the postal facility of undelivered postal items and unpaid postal orders;
h) a list of items and substances prohibited for shipment;
i) a list of categories of users of postal services who are provided with benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
j) a copy of the license for the provision of postal services;
k) these Rules;
l) information on the responsibility of postal operators and users of postal services;
m) other information related to the provision of postal services by the operator.
9. Inside the postal facility where universal postal services are provided, there is additionally a mailbox for collecting written correspondence and the following information is indicated:
a) on standards for the frequency of collection of written correspondence from mailboxes, its exchange, transportation and delivery;
b) on the control deadlines for sending written correspondence;
c) on the procedure for providing universal postal services.

10. The name of the postal operator, the number assigned to the mailbox, the days of the week and the time at which written correspondence is collected are indicated on the mailboxes.

11. Postal items and postal orders are divided into domestic (accepted for shipment within the territory of the Russian Federation) and international (accepted for shipment outside the Russian Federation, arriving on its territory from other states or transiting through the territory of the Russian Federation).

12. Depending on the processing method, postal items are divided into the following categories:
a) simple - accepted from the sender without issuing a receipt to him and delivered (handed over) to the addressee (his legal representative) without his receipt of receipt;
b) registered (registered, with declared value, ordinary) - accepted from the sender with the issuance of a receipt and handed over to the addressee (his legal representative) with his receipt of receipt.
Postal orders are accepted and paid in the manner prescribed for the acceptance and delivery of registered postal items.
Registered mail items can be sent with a description of the attachment, with a notification of delivery and with cash on delivery. The list of types and categories of postal items sent with an inventory of the contents, with a notification of delivery and with cash on delivery, is determined by postal operators.

13. Domestic postal items include the following types and categories of postal items: a) postal cards (simple, registered);
b) letters (simple, registered, with declared value);
c) parcels (simple, customized, with declared value);
d) secograms (simple, custom);
e) parcels (ordinary, with declared value);
f) direct mail containers (ordinary, with declared value).
Postal operators, when providing postal services (except for universal postal services), have the right to establish other types and categories of domestic mail for forwarding through their postal network, as well as the maximum size, weight and permissible contents of these mail pieces.

14. Written correspondence sent during the provision of universal postal services must meet the following requirements for its maximum weight, permissible contents and maximum dimensions:

Type of postal item Limit weight Acceptable attachment Limit dimensions
1. postcard 20 g - maximum: 120x235 mm;
minimum: 90x140 mm
2. Letter 100 g Written message maximum: 229x324 mm;
minimum: 110x220 mm or 114x162 mm
3. Parcel maximum - 2 kg,
minimum - 100 g
low-value printed publications, manuscripts, photographs
4. Secogram 7 kg maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 0.9 m; the largest dimension is 0.6 m. For rolls, the sum of the length and double diameter is no more than 1.04 m; largest dimension - 0.9 m; minimum: 105x148 mm. For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 0.17 m; largest dimension - 0.1 m

A postal operator providing universal postal services does not have the right to refuse to accept internal written correspondence to a user of postal services if it meets the requirements established by this paragraph.

15. International mail sent within the framework of international postal exchange must meet the following requirements for its maximum weight, permissible contents and maximum dimensions:

Type of postal item Limit weight Acceptable attachment Limit dimensions
1. Postal card (simple, registered) 20 g - maximum: 120x235 mm;
minimum: 90x140 mm
2. Letter (simple, registered, with declared value) 2 kg written messages, business papers, receipts of various kinds, invoices, invoices, photographs; copies of documents and certificates certified by notaries; securities maximum: 229x324 mm; minimum: 110x220 mm or 114x162 mm
3. Parcel post (simple, customized) 5 kg printed publications, manuscripts, photographs maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 0.9 m; the largest dimension is 0.6 m. For rolls, the sum of the length and double diameter is no more than 1.04 m; largest dimension - 0.9 m; minimum: 105x148 mm. For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 0.17 m; largest dimension - 0.1 m
4. Secogram (simple, custom) 7 kg written messages and publications written in a secographic method; cliches with secography signs; sound recordings sent by an organization for the blind or addressed to such an organization, special paper, typhotechnical equipment maximum: the sum of length, width and thickness - no more than 0.9 m; the largest dimension is 0.6 m. For rolls, the sum of the length and double diameter is no more than 1.04 m; largest dimension - 0.9 m; minimum: 105x148 mm. For rolls, the sum of length and double diameter is no more than 0.17 m; largest dimension - 0.1 m
5. Small package (simple, customized) 2 kg small unbreakable items or single samples of goods -"-
6. Bag "M" (simple, custom) 14.5 kg printed publications sent by one sender to one addressee -"-
7. Parcel (ordinary, with declared value) 20 kg items for cultural, household and other purposes any measurement - no more than 1.05 m. The sum of the length and perimeter of the largest cross section - no more than 2 m; minimum: 110x220 mm or 114x162 mm

16. For certain groups of users, the following categories of postal items (postal orders) are established:
a) government, which includes postal items (postal orders) sent by persons, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Their acceptance, forwarding and delivery are carried out as a matter of priority according to the established tariffs provided for the relevant types of postal items (postal orders);
b) service items, which include postal operators’ own mail sent via their postal networks without payment.
Postal operators have the right to establish other categories of postal items (postal orders) for certain groups of users of postal services.

II. Acceptance of postal items and postal orders

17. In domestic mail, attachments are sent that are not prohibited for sending within the Russian Federation. The list of items and substances prohibited for shipment in domestic mail is established by Article 22 of the Federal Law “On Postal Services”.

18. In international mail, attachments that are not prohibited are sent:
a) for import into the territory of the Russian Federation;
b) for export from the territory of the Russian Federation and for import into the state of destination.
Prohibitions and restrictions when sending goods in international mail are established by the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

19. Postal orders are accepted for delivery in the currency of the Russian Federation.

20. Postal items are accepted in packaged form. The packaging of postal items must correspond to the nature of the attachment, the conditions of shipment, exclude the possibility of damage to the attachment during processing and forwarding, access to it without breaking the envelope, damage to other items and causing any harm to property and postal workers. Requirements for packaging of various types and categories of postal items, depending on the nature of their attachment, are established by postal operators.

21. Postal items are accepted open in the following cases:
a) when sending them with an inventory of the contents;
b) if there is an assumption that the postal item contains items or substances prohibited for shipment.

22. On postal items and postal money transfer forms, the sender indicates the exact addresses of the sender and addressee.
The addresses of the sender and addressee of postal items (postal orders) accepted for forwarding within the territory of the Russian Federation must be indicated in Russian. The addresses of the sender and addressee of postal items (postal orders) accepted for forwarding within the territories of the republics within the Russian Federation may be indicated in the state language of the corresponding republic, provided they are repeated in Russian.
For international mail, the address is written in Latin letters and Arabic numerals. It is allowed to write the address in the language of the destination country, provided that the name of the destination country is repeated in Russian. The addressee's address is written in the lower right part of the postal item, and the sender's address in the upper left part. The address is written clearly and without corrections; it should not contain signs that are not related to the address and abbreviated names.

23. Address details on postal items and postal money transfer forms are written in the following order:
a) for a legal entity - full or short name, for a citizen - last name, first name, patronymic;
b) bank details (for postal transfers sent to a legal entity or accepted from a legal entity);
c) street name, house number, apartment number;
d) name of the locality (city, town, etc.);
e) name of the district;
f) name of the republic, territory, region, autonomous okrug (region);
g) name of the country (for international postal items);
h) postal code.
Postal items and postal orders can be addressed post restante (indicating on the postal item or postal money order form the name of the postal service facility, surname, first name, patronymic of the addressee) or to a post office box (indicating on the postal item or postal money order form name of the postal service facility, box number of the subscription mailbox, last name, first name, patronymic of the addressee or full name of the legal entity).

24. Payment for the provision of postal services is charged to the sender upon acceptance of postal items and postal orders in accordance with the tariffs in force on the date of acceptance, unless otherwise determined by the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services.
There is no charge for sending domestic and international secograms by ground transport.

25. To confirm payment for postal services for sending simple and registered written correspondence provided by federal postal organizations, state postal payment marks are used. The following are used as state postal payment marks:
a) postage stamps affixed to written correspondence or printed on postal envelopes and postcards;
b) imprints of state postal payment marks applied by franking machines;
c) other signs established by the Federal Communications Agency and applied in printing.

26. State postal payment marks are placed in the upper right corner of written correspondence. It is the responsibility of the sender to attach postage stamps to written correspondence in the amount of the cost of the postal service. It is prohibited to stick one postage stamp on another.

27. Sold state postage stamps are not subject to exchange or return. Postage stamps withdrawn from postal circulation, damaged (dirty, damaged, sealed, canceled in any way), as well as foreign postage stamps are not used to confirm payment for postal services.

28. To pay for services for sending international written correspondence that meets the requirements established by these Rules, international reply coupons issued by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union may be presented.
International response coupons presented upon acceptance of the postal item are exchanged for postage stamps in accordance with the tariff for sending by air one simple international letter weighing up to 20 grams.

29. Postal items and postal orders are accepted at postal facilities. Simple written correspondence, with the exception of secograms, payment for postage services for which is confirmed by postage stamps, can be placed in mailboxes.
Written correspondence placed in mailboxes without confirmation of full payment for the service is not sent to its destination and is returned without cancellation of stamps to the senders, and in the absence of the sender's address, it is transferred to the number of undelivered mail items. Written correspondence with imprints of franking machine clichés and other signs confirming payment for postal services is accepted at postal facilities determined by the postal operator.

30. International postal items are accepted and processed in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, acts of the Universal Postal Union and international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of international postal exchange.
Legal entities send international parcels in a closed form (sealed or sealed with their own seal, as well as sealed or sealed by the customs authorities of the Russian Federation) according to lists of the established form with the required number of customs declarations and an accompanying form attached to each parcel.

31. Postal items of diplomatic and consular missions of foreign states, international intergovernmental organizations and representative offices of foreign states at these organizations in the Russian Federation for shipment within the Russian Federation, as well as postal items sent to the address of these institutions, are paid for and registered as internal, but are processed , are sent and delivered in the manner prescribed for international mail.

32. Registered postal items and postal orders are accepted at postal facilities with the obligatory indication of the sender's address.
Upon acceptance of a registered postal item or postal order, the sender is issued a receipt. The receipt indicates the type and category of postal item (postal order), the name of the addressee (name of the legal entity), the name of the postal facility of destination, the number of the postal item (postal order).

III. Delivery (handing over) of postal items and payment of postal orders

33. Postal items (postal orders) are delivered (paid) in accordance with the addresses indicated on them or issued (paid) at postal facilities.
The procedure for the delivery of postal items (payment of postal orders) to the address of a legal entity is determined by an agreement between it and the postal operator.
The following are placed in the cells of subscriber mailboxes, postal subscription boxes, cells of subscription mailboxes, mailboxes of strongholds in accordance with the addresses indicated on them, unless otherwise determined by the agreement between the postal operator and the user of postal services:
a) simple postal items;
b) notifications about registered postal items and postal orders;
c) notices of ordinary postal items, the size of which does not allow them to be placed in the cells of mail cabinets;
d) simple notifications of delivery of postal items and payment of postal orders.

34. Delivery of ordinary postal items addressed on demand, registered postal items, as well as payment of postal orders to addressees (legal representatives) are carried out upon presentation of identification documents.

35. Postal items and postal orders, if it is impossible to deliver (pay) them to the addressees (their legal representatives), are stored in postal facilities for a month. The storage period for postal items and postal orders may be extended at the request of the sender or addressee (his legal representative).
If the addressee fails to appear for the postal item and postal order within 5 working days after delivery of the primary notice, a secondary notice is delivered to him and handed over against receipt.
The addressee (his legal representative), and in case of return, the sender may be charged a fee for storing a registered postal item for a period of more than one working day after delivery of the secondary notice with an invitation to the postal facility to receive the postal item (not counting the day delivery). The amount of storage fees is determined in accordance with the tariffs established by postal operators.
After the expiration of the established storage period, simple written correspondence not received by the addressees (their legal representatives) is transferred to the number of unclaimed mail items. Registered postal items and postal orders not received by the addressees (their legal representatives) are returned to the senders at their expense at the return address, unless otherwise provided by the agreement between the postal operator and the user. If the sender refuses to receive and pay for postage of the returned postal item or postal order, they are transferred for temporary storage to the number of unclaimed items.

36. The postal item or postal order is returned to the return address:
a) at the request of the sender;
b) if the addressee (his legal representative) refuses to receive it;
c) in the absence of the addressee at the specified address;
d) if it is impossible to read the addressee’s address;
e) under other circumstances that exclude the possibility of the postal operator fulfilling its obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services.
For the return of registered mail and postal orders to a new address, a fee is charged, the amount of which is determined in accordance with the tariffs in force on the date of return (shipment to the new address).

37. The postal operator issues international postal items to addressees (their legal representatives) in compliance with the requirements of the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.
International postal items, on the attachments of which customs duties have been assessed by the customs authority located at the place of international postal exchange, are issued to the addressees (their legal representatives) only after payment of the accrued customs duties in accordance with the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

38. Simple mail items removed from mailboxes without addresses or with incomplete, unclear, abbreviated addresses, mail items with missing (damaged) addresses that do not allow them to be sent to their destination or returned to the senders, are transferred for temporary storage to the number of undistributed items.

39. Undelivered mail items are opened on the basis of a court decision in order to establish the addresses of users or other information necessary for delivery (handing over) to their addressee or return to the sender. The postal operator is obliged, as soon as undelivered mail items are received for temporary storage, but at least once a quarter, to apply to the court to obtain permission to open mail items.
The opening of undelivered mail is carried out by a commission appointed in the manner established by the postal operator, with the involvement, if necessary, of representatives of law enforcement agencies.
If, as a result of a preliminary study, it is established that the attachments of undelivered postal items contain objects or substances that, when opened, may pose a danger to the life and health of people, then these postal items are seized and destroyed without opening. Postal items are destroyed in compliance with the necessary security measures.
Upon opening, seizure or destruction without opening an undelivered postal item, the commission draws up a report.
If, upon opening an undelivered postal item, it was possible to establish the addresses of users of postal services, then it, together with one copy of the act, is packaged and sent to the addressee or returned to the sender. If the addresses of users of postal services are not identified, postal items are transferred to the number of unclaimed items.

40. Unclaimed postal orders are transferred monthly for temporary storage to the federal postal organization determined by the Federal Communications Agency.

41. Temporary storage of unclaimed postal items and unclaimed postal orders is carried out for 6 months. The opening, seizure and destruction of unclaimed postal items are carried out in accordance with paragraph 39 of these Rules.
Unclaimed written messages are subject to seizure and destruction. Other attachments of unclaimed postal items become the property of the postal operator in the manner prescribed by Article 226 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
If the cost of enclosing an unclaimed postal item or the amount of unclaimed funds is less than five times the minimum wage, the enclosure of the postal item is transferred according to an act to the balance sheet of the postal operator, and the funds are transferred to the federal postal organization determined by the Federal Communications Agency. In other cases, similar actions with attachments of postal items and funds are carried out on the basis of a court decision on the claim of the postal operator.

42. The procedure for registration and delivery of defective postal items is established by postal operators.

IV. Rights and obligations of users of postal services

43. Users of postal services are required to comply with the requirements established by these Rules.

44. Before issuing a registered postal item to the addressee (his legal representative) or paying out a postal order, the sender has the right, in the manner established by the operator, on the basis of his written application:
a) order the return of his postal item or postal order;
b) order the issuance of a postal item or payment of a postal order to another person and to a different address, or its delivery (payment) to the same addressee, but to a different address;
c) extend the storage period of a postal item or postal order;
d) decide what to do with the international parcel if it is not delivered to the addressee (his legal representative), making a note on the accompanying form.
The sender has the right to receive back registered postal items or postal orders that have not yet been sent to their destination. The procedure and conditions for the return of processing fees in this case are established by postal operators.

45. The addressee (his legal representative) has the right to refuse a postal item or postal order received at his address by making a note about this on the postal item or notice. If the addressee (his legal representative) refuses to make such a note, it is made by a postal worker.

46. ​​The addressee (his legal representative) has the right, for an additional fee, to make an order (in writing) for the dispatch or delivery to another address of postal items and postal orders received in his name.

V. Rights and obligations of postal operators

47. Postal operators are obliged to:
a) forward postal items and make postal transfers within the established time limits;
b) ensure the safety of postal items and postal orders received from users;
c) ensure the quality of postal services in accordance with regulations governing activities in the field of postal communications and the terms of the contract;
d) provide assistance to law enforcement agencies in carrying out operational investigative activities and procedural actions in cases and in accordance with the procedure established by law;
e) certify free of charge citizens’ powers of attorney for their representatives to receive postal items and postal orders addressed to them;
f) maintain confidentiality of communications.

48. Information about the address data of users of postal services, about postal items, postal transfers, telegraphic and other messages included in the scope of activity of postal operators, as well as these postal items themselves, transferred funds, telegraphic and other messages are secret communications and are issued only to senders (addressees) or their legal representatives.

49. Postal operators have the right to detain domestic mail, the contents of which are prohibited for forwarding, at the place of their discovery.
Postal operators are obliged to immediately notify the relevant authorities authorized to seize prohibited items and substances about the fact of detection of an attachment prohibited for forwarding in postal items and the detention of these mailings. Postal operators are obliged to immediately notify the customs authorities of the Russian Federation about this fact in relation to international mail.
Items that, by their nature or due to packaging, may pose a danger to human life and health, contaminate or spoil (damage) other postal items and property, are seized by postal operators and destroyed, if this danger cannot be eliminated in any other way, with the preparation of an appropriate act.
Postal operators are required to inform the sender or addressee within 10 days about the seizure or destruction of items and substances prohibited for shipment, except in cases where, upon discovery of these items and substances, law enforcement agencies decide to carry out operational search activities.

50. Postal operators provide postal services only if they have the appropriate license.

51. The postal operator has the right to refuse to provide postal services to users of postal services at a postal facility if such a service is not included in the list of postal services approved by the postal operator for this facility.

VI. Submission and consideration of claims

52. In case of failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations to provide postal services, the user of postal services has the right to file a claim with the postal operator, including a claim for compensation for damage.
Claims related to non-delivery, untimely delivery, damage or loss of domestic mail, non-payment or untimely payment of transferred funds are presented to both the postal operator who accepted the item and the postal operator at the destination of the mail, within 6 months from the date sending a postal item or making a postal transfer.
Claims for the search for international postal items are accepted and considered in the manner and within the time limits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

53. Claims must be submitted in writing. When filing a claim, the user (his legal representative) must present an identification document. If the claim is made not by the user himself, but by his authorized representative, a power of attorney issued in the name of this person is presented.
The claim is accompanied by a copy of the contract for the provision of postal services or another document certifying the fact of the conclusion of the contract (receipt, inventory of the attachment) and a certificate of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the postal operator of obligations under the contract for the provision of postal services (postal envelope, packaging of defective postal item etc.), and in the event of a claim for damages - information about the amount of damage caused.
Claims regarding untimely delivery (delivery) of domestic ordinary postal items are accepted upon presentation of the postal item or its shell with the dates of receipt and receipt of the postal item indicated on it by the postal operator.

54. The claim shall indicate:
a) details of the applicant’s identity document;
b) type of postal item;
c) number of the postal item or postal order;
d) date and place of reception;
e) destination;
f) the amount of declared value or a detailed list and value of the sent investment;
g) address and full name of the sender and addressee;
h) type of packaging.

55. The procedure for registration and consideration of claims is established by the postal operator. The postal operator is obliged to consider the claim and give the applicant a response (in writing) within the following periods: a) for claims regarding postal items and postal orders sent (transferred) within one locality - within 5 days;
b) for claims regarding all other domestic mail and postal orders - within 2 months.
In case of refusal to satisfy the claim or its partial satisfaction, the documents attached to the claim are returned to the applicant.
If the postal operator refuses to satisfy the claim, if it agrees to satisfy the claim partially, or if the postal operator does not receive a response within the time period established for consideration of the claim, the user of postal services has the right to file a claim in court.

56. Payment of funds to compensate for damage caused as a result of non-performance or improper performance of postal services is made by postal operators no later than 10 days from the date of recognition of the claim.
If a postal item is discovered, after compensation has been paid to the applicant for its loss, the postal item is handed over to the addressee (his legal representative) or returned to the sender. In this case, the amount of compensation paid minus the amount of compensation for the delay in sending the postal item is recovered from the applicant (addressee or sender). If the applicant refuses to return the refund amount, the postal item is transferred to the number of undistributed items.

VII. Responsibility of postal operators and users of postal services

57. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations to provide postal services, postal operators are liable to users of postal services. Postal operators are responsible for loss, deterioration (damage), shortage of attachments, non-delivery or violation of deadlines for sending postal items and postal money transfers, and other violations of established requirements for the provision of postal services.
Losses caused during the provision of postal services are compensated by the postal operator in the following amounts:
a) in case of loss or deterioration (damage) of a postal item with a declared value - in the amount of the declared value and the amount of the postage fee, with the exception of the fee for the declared value;
b) in the event of loss or deterioration (damage) of part of the attachment of a postal item with a declared value when it is sent with an inventory of the attachment - in the amount of the declared value of the missing or damaged (damaged) part of the attachment, indicated by the sender in the inventory;
c) in the event of loss or deterioration (damage) of part of the attachment of a postal item with a declared value when sent without an inventory of the attachment - in the amount of part of the declared value of the postal item, determined in proportion to the ratio of the weight of the missing or damaged (damaged) part of the attachment to the weight of the sent attachment (without weight of the postal item shell);
d) in case of non-payment (non-execution) of a postal transfer - in the amount of the transfer amount and the amount of the postage fee;
e) in case of loss or damage (damage) of other registered postal items - in the amount of the postage fee, in the case of loss or damage (damage) of part of their contents - in the amount of the postage fee.
In case of violation of the deadlines for sending postal items and making postal money transfers for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the entrepreneurial activities of citizens, postal operators pay a penalty in the amount of 3 percent of the postal service fee for forwarding for each day of delay, but not more than the amount paid for such a service, and for violation of the control deadlines for sending mail by air - the difference between the fee for sending by air and land transport.
Compensation for damage caused during activities in the field of postal services is made voluntarily or by court decision in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

58. Postal operators are not responsible for:
a) loss, deterioration (damage), non-delivery of postal items or violation of deadlines for their transfer, if it is proven that such occurred due to force majeure circumstances;
b) damage to the attachment of a postal item accepted in a closed form and issued against receipt to the addressee (his legal representative) in compliance with the requirements established by these Rules, in the absence of external damage to its packaging and the weight of the postal item corresponds to the weight determined upon its acceptance;
c) delay, seizure or destruction of a postal item or part of its contents, delay or seizure of a postal order in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules;
d) violations not related to the execution of the contract for the provision of postal services;
e) the contents of customs declarations, in whatever form they were drawn up by the sender, and decisions made by customs authorities during customs control of international mail.

59. Issues of liability for loss or damage (damage) to international postal items are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

60. Users of postal services are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for damage caused to other users or persons involved in the processing of postal items as a result of the inclusion in postal items of items and substances prohibited for shipment, or as a result of improper packaging of the sent attachment.

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On April 9, a new edition of the Rules for the provision of postal services, approved by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, comes into force. The document officially establishes the client’s ability to refuse to receive paper notices. The user of postal services will be able to use alternative methods of notification about the receipt of items at his address, for example, through SMS, push notifications in a mobile application or by e-mail.

The possibility of issuing a postal item with user identification through information and communication technologies provided by the federal postal operator, without the recipient presenting an identity card and filling out a standard notice, has been established. At the same time, alternative methods of identifying clients will be used along with the existing one.

Let us remind you that in all branches of the Russian Post in Moscow and the Moscow region, customers can already receive items that do not require payment using a simple electronic signature. This allows you to reduce the delivery time for mail by 5 times and eliminate the need to fill out paper notices. The service is provided free of charge based on the registration form completed at the post office. It indicates the client’s passport details and mobile phone number. When submitting an application to the operator, the consumer must present a passport to confirm his identity.

After completing this document once, the client will no longer have to fill out paper notices. Now, when receiving a parcel, the client needs to tell the operator his phone number or tracking number of the shipment. And he will receive an SMS message with a confirmation code, which the recipient will need to tell the post office operator to receive the item.

From April 9, the storage period for parcels at post offices will be reduced to 15 days. The storage period for postal orders and written correspondence, which also includes international small packages, remains the same - 30 calendar days.

With the development of e-commerce, the load on post offices is significantly increasing. According to preliminary data, in the first quarter of 2018, Russian Post processed more than 95 million postal items, of which more than 1 million were parcels. Reducing the storage time of large mail items in post offices is aimed at improving the quality of customer service. It will optimize the storage area and reduce the time required to issue mail.

“The changes adopted by the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to the Rules for the provision of postal services will allow Russian Post to actively implement new technologies for working with postal items and optimize business processes. Thanks to the changes made, we will be able to expand and make our postal services more accessible to customers,” notes Yaroslav Mandron, Deputy General Director of Russian Post for Strategy and Government Regulation. - The new order is just the beginning of work to improve postal regulation that meets international standards and customer needs. Our priority tasks include the adoption of a new law on postal services, which will provide a qualitative breakthrough in the postal industry.”

In the new edition of the Rules for the provision of postal services, automated postal points are mentioned for the first time in the legislation of the Russian Federation. They will allow customers to independently receive and send mail without interacting with postal employees.

The document expands the list of international postal items that can be sent (including cash on delivery and declared value), if this is provided for in agreements with foreign postal operators.

The Rules for the Provision of Postal Services now stipulate the procedure for filing and registering claims.

Parcel - any domestic postal item containing a product attachment, or international postal item with a product item weighing more than 2 kg.

This article has been moved to my blog from my other site - Vakhrushi.Ru. There it was somehow not very relevant, but the topic is relevant, there are a lot of comments - so I decide to move the article with all the comments to the blog. Here it is more likely to be found and read by people who will find this information useful.

I received an official letter from the management of the Kirov branch of Russian Post, which explains the rules for receiving postal items. In order to familiarize all interested people with these rules (which for some reason are very difficult to find), I present this letter in full. I will also note that the letter was received by one of my subscribers in response to an official complaint to the management of Russian Post, which means that everything stated directly concerns the work of any post office.

In response to your request, I clarify: delivery of parcels is carried out in accordance with the current Rules for the provision of postal services and the Temporary Procedure for the Reception and Delivery of Domestic Registered Postal Items, approved by Order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post” dated July 30, 2004 No. 305.
Parcels are delivered at postal facilities against a receipt on the back of the address part of the accompanying address form f.116 upon presentation of identification documents.
Upon delivery, the weight of the parcel must be checked.
Parcels with an inventory of the contents (form. 107), upon delivery to the addressee, are subject to opening at the postal facility in his presence. The exception is those cases when the addressee refuses to open it, which he makes a corresponding mark on the back of the address part of the accompanying address form f.116.
If, when checking the attachment, it turns out to be intact and corresponds to the inventory, then the postal item is issued to the addressee in the prescribed manner. Parcels with a declared value sent with cash on delivery are issued to the addressee after he has paid the full amount of the cash on delivery and paid the fee for its forwarding by postal order. Before payment, the addressee has the right to receive information about the sender's address data. After a postal item with a declared value is issued to the addressee, sent with cash on delivery, the parcel is not accepted back, the amount of the cash on delivery and the fee for its forwarding by postal order are not returned.
Ordinary parcels, as well as parcels with a declared value, accepted without an inventory of the contents and cash on delivery and received at the post office without an act f.51 (drawn up in case of discrepancy in the weight of the parcel, or if there are defects on the parcel) are issued to the addressee at the post office after receiving a receipt on the reverse side of the address part of the accompanying address form f.116.