Flashmobs VK. Famous flash mobs on the social network VKontakte

A completely new concept has appeared on the social network “Vkontakte”
“Flashmob”, which is just beginning to emerge. First
“flash mobs” appeared on the social network VKontakte for about a year
ago and spread exclusively through statuses. A
it happens like this: one day, one fine day, you come to your place
to a page on the social network “Vkontakte” and see that all your
friends, statuses appeared with some phrases of similar meaning or
incomprehensible numbers. Now is precisely the time to
remember, or find out what these actions were and what they meant!

As a reference:
“Flashmob” is a planned mass action for
carrying out simultaneous and identical actions with a large number

And everything happened as follows: users on the social network
“VKontakte” began to receive a riddle from their friends, if not correctly
users honestly had to bet on the answer to the riddle for three days
instead of an “avatar” there is an image of a giraffe.

The riddle was this:

A man enters a room in which there are two small
dogs, four kittens, one giraffe and five hippos. Around the room
three chickens are flying and one pouting goose is sitting (small, small).
- Question: How many legs are there in the room?

Now, be careful
- the correct answer to the riddle about the number of legs in the room:

- “thirty” plus “two” human legs also plus “four” legs by the bed.

The most intriguing “Flashmob” occurred when the statuses of
all the girls suddenly appeared inscriptions with phrases like “I’m very
I love on the floor”, “I love on the table”, “I always love in the corridor” and
there are many more like this. And it didn’t mean at all what I thought
the majority of the male population is on the social network VKontakte, and there were
this is just the place where girls most like to leave their
ladies handbags!

Also, in their statuses, the girls wrote a specific color:
- blue,
- black,
- white,
- red and so on.
Nothing else was indicated in the statuses except color.

The solution quickly became known; as it turned out, it was only
only the color of the underwear that the girl was currently wearing.

The guys also responded in the fall of 2011 with no less intriguing
“Flash mob” for women’s actions:
In guys’ statuses, posts like this began to appear:
- “seventeen cm”,
- “nineteen cm”,
- “twenty-one cm” and the like.

And it wasn’t a wave of revelation from the guys at all, it was just the guys answering
when asked what diagonal their monitor is!

The second famous “Flash mob” among guys was the answer to the question:
- whether beer is currently in their refrigerator or not.

In the status it was possible to write only one of two phrases
- “worth it” or “not worth it.”
You could think about anything!

We described only the most massive “Flash mobs” on the social network
“Vkontakte”, in fact, there were much more “Flash mobs” on the network!

We wish you to become participants in various and interesting “Flashmobs”!

Each person imagines a flash mob as a group of people dancing in the street. Indeed, this is exactly how they are presented, but a flash mob is the performance of identical actions by a large number of people who are complete strangers. It turns out that you can also hold a flash mob on social networks; below are examples of the most famous flash mobs on the VKontakte social network. Surely everyone who is registered in it has heard of or been influenced by mass flash mobs.

Flash mobs on social networks are no longer a new phenomenon, but very interesting. For some reason, it is on the social network VKontakte that they receive the most widespread distribution. Similar promotions appeared on the World Wide Web around 2010, but in the same year every user was already talking about them.

A flash mob is always planned, that is, it has an organizer who is the trigger of a mass wave; this organizer must think through and plan everything very well so that his idea reaches a large number of people. On social networks, this action manifests itself in statuses, because everyone has repeatedly noticed how in the news feed, half of your friends have numbers, similar phrases, and pictures with the same meaning in their statuses. No one explains such actions to anyone, which is what arouses the interest of a large number of users.

Probably the flash mob with a giraffe became the most popular, when VKontakte users massively put images of a giraffe on their Avatars, and in completely different styles. The reason for this turned out to be a riddle that was spreading across the Internet: if you answer incorrectly, you must put a giraffe on your avatar and not remove it for three days. By the way, no one except the organizer knows why exactly the giraffe. But after this flash mob, hundreds of all kinds of giraffes appeared on the Internet: cute, rude, funny, crooked, fat and thin.

So what was this mystery? The test contained the following information: when you enter the room, there are two dogs, four cats lying on the bed, a giraffe standing and five hippos. Three chickens also flew up and a goose sat down. Question: How many feet are there in the room?
Naturally, there was a catch in the riddle, because counting the paws of animals is not so difficult. If you said the number 30, then it was an incorrect answer, since your two legs and the four legs of the bed that were mentioned in the riddle counted.

No matter what the person answered, it was not possible to take into account all the legs, and that’s how giraffes appeared on the Internet. This happens thanks to flash mobs, because just imagine how popular you will become and how many people will talk about you when they find out the name of the organizer of the flash mob.
Flash mobs are sometimes divided into female and male, when some information is hidden from one gender. You can easily recall two of the most popular flash mobs; for some reason they always have a slightly vulgar overtone, apparently for greater interest among users.

Women's flash mobs include:
The fantasy of every guy was simply excited by the October 2010 women's flash mob. In their statuses, representatives of the fairer sex wrote bold phrases like: “I love on the floor,” “I love on the bed,” and so on. But the meaning in reality was very different from the first thoughts about what girls like to do in different places. It's very simple: the girls marked the places where they keep their...purses. This is how women mocked the imagination of men.
The next flash mob actually suggested eroticism, but despite the fact that it was quickly solved, it managed to become popular. Each girl assigned a certain color to her status: “black”, “white”, “red”. And since there were very few options, the guys easily guessed that the girls meant the color of the underwear she was wearing.
Men's actions were no less interesting:

The first men's flash mob took place in the fall of 2011. Men began en masse to leave double-digit numbers in their statuses, with the addition of “cm.” The girls wondered for a long time how the stronger sex was measured, until they found out that they characterize the diagonal on their PC.
The next massive male flash mob on VKontakte became even more intriguing, because in the status of almost every guy one of two words could be seen: “Worthable” or “not worth it.” Now the guys managed to play with women’s fantasy, because for a long time the girls could not determine that the statue published the answer to the question about beer, which is or is not in the refrigerator at a man’s house.

These are the most popular flash mobs that took place on VKontakte. In fact, flash mobs are organized almost every day; they simply do not have time to grow to such a scale as those described above. Various flash mobs can be carried out in groups, communities and among friends. The main thing is that it is interesting, challenging and attracts the attention of every user.

Flash mob on a social network is a completely new concept and is just beginning to emerge. First flash mobs in contact appeared only about a year ago and were distributed exclusively through statuses. And it happened like this: one fine day you get in touch and see that all your friends have statuses with incomprehensible numbers or phrases of similar meaning. Now is the time to remember, or even find out, what these shares were and what they meant!

For reference: A flash mob is a mass planned action in which a large number of strangers perform the same actions simultaneously.

The latest mass flash mob action in VKontakte took place just the other day - users began to put on their avatars... giraffes!
And it all happened like this: users in VKontakte received a riddle from their friends, without answering correctly, they had to honestly put an image of a giraffe on their avatar for 3 days.

The riddle was as follows:

You enter the room: there are 2 dogs and 4 cats lying on the bed in the room. costs a giraffe and 5 hippos. 3 chickens fly and one goose sits (small, small). How many legs are there in the room?

And now, attention, the correct answer to the riddle about the number of legs:

30+2 human legs+4 bed legs.

Women's flash mobs in contact

Today, there are two known of the most widespread exclusively female flash mobs in VKontakte.

  1. The most intriguing flash mob occurred when all the girls suddenly started writing phrases in their statuses like “I love on the table”, “I love on the floor”, “I love in the corridor”, etc. This did not mean at all what most men thought contact population, but just a place, where girls like to store their bags!
  2. The girls wrote a certain color in their statuses: blue, black, white, red, etc. Nothing else, just color. The solution became known very quickly - it turned out that it was underwear color, which the girl is currently wearing.

Men's flash mobs in contact

  1. In the fall of 2011, the guys responded to women’s actions with an equally intriguing flash mob: posts like “17 cm,” “19 cm,” “21 cm,” etc. began to appear in their statuses. And this was not a wave of revelation at all, but simply the guys responding to the question, what diagonal is their monitor?!
  2. The second famous flash mob among guys is the answer to the question, whether they currently have beer in the refrigerator or not. You could only write one of two phrases in your status: “worth it” or “not worth it.” But you could think of anything!

The above describes only the most widespread flash mobs in VKontakte; in fact, there were many more of them! And if you were lucky enough to become a participant in a little-known, but no less interesting flash mob, write about your impressions in the comments!

I would like to talk about a relatively recent trend on the territory of the modern RuNet - flash mobs on social networks. The most famous of them are flash mobs on the VKontakte network. You can read more about flash mobs as a phenomenon on Wikipedia. To be brief, a flash mob is a mass planned action in which a large number of strangers carry out the same actions at the same time. Having appeared around 2010, they managed to gain wild popularity among users, which is not at all surprising. After all, as soon as you went to your page, you observed a most interesting picture - half of your friends’ statuses contained rather ambiguous information, numbers, phrases with a similar meaning. You could also come across a mass posting of the same picture, sometimes even without an explanatory macro caption. Let's go back to that time and find out what these flash mobs looked like and what they meant.

One case can be considered as a remarkable example of such an action - social network users en masse began to put giraffes on their avatars. And the reason was quite simple - a riddle message was sent throughout the network, and if you did not guess the correct answer, then according to the conditions you had to put a giraffe on your avatar.

The text of the riddle looked like this: “You enter a room: there are 2 dogs and 4 cats lying on the bed in the room. costs a giraffe and 5 hippos. 3 chickens fly and one goose sits (small, small). How many legs are there in the room?
The correct answer was somewhat less obvious, although it caught the eye of the attentive reader: 30 + 2 human legs + 4 bed legs.

Such actions were sometimes divided along gender lines. That is, there were purely male and female flash mobs.
You can remember the two most massive flash mobs on each side.

Women's flash mobs.

1. One of the most exciting flash mobs took place in October 2010. The girls wrote rather ambiguous statuses that looked like “I love on the table”, “I love on the sofa”, “I love on the floor”, etc. However, the meaning of these messages was somewhat different from what most male VKontakte users were thinking. In fact, the girls were just talking about the places they like to store their bags!
2. In the statuses of the female half of the social network, messages consisting of only one word denoting color suddenly began to appear: “blue”, “red”, “green”, etc. But then the idea of ​​the action was figured out quickly enough - it was the color of the girl’s underwear that she was wearing at the moment.

Men's flash mobs.
1. The male response to women's actions occurred in the fall of 2011. In the statuses of men on the network one could observe the short ones: “17 cm”, “19 cm”, “24 cm” and so on. But this was not some kind of competition or revelation - the stronger sex was discussing the diagonals of their monitors!

2. The second flash mob from the male half was also quite provocative - one of two phrases was written in the statuses: “worth it” and “not worth it.” A wild imagination could give these words many meanings, but the truth, as always, was quite prosaic - it was just the answer to the question: “Do you have beer in your refrigerator or not?”

The cases described above are only the most famous and widespread examples. In reality, there were hundreds of times more similar actions and many of them were much more complex and interesting. If you become a participant in such a promotion, do not hesitate and share your experience in the comments!

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