Filter in email. “After this filter is triggered, apply other filters

Many complain that LiRu floods their mail with messages, comments, and notifications. What to do? Of course . But there is a better way: filter the messages you receive based on the sender.

At one time I taught you, and... Today I’ll tell you how to do this for mail on “”.

I'll answer right away eternal questions many users: " What will this give me? And "Why do I need it?".
Answer to the first question: "Letters from LiRu (or from another recipient) will not end up in the inbox, but will be automatically moved to a folder specially created for this".
Answer to the second question: "So that letters from LiRu (or from another recipient) do not interfere with the viewing of other letters".

Now that we've figured this out, I'll tell you how to do it.

First, you need to log into your browser at Mail.Ru. Well, how did you get in? Successfully? Then we find the letter for which we want to create a filter:

Now you need to do the following:

1. Mark the right letter using the mouse pointer to the left of its recipient and subject (blue frame).
2. Click on the “More” link above the letters (red frame).
3. From the drop-down menu, select “Create a filter” (pink frame).

Many people assure me that everything is easy and simple on I assure you, not everything! For example, in terms of complexity of settings when creating a filter, was not even close to mail on Google and Yandex. That’s why the filter creation screen consists of 3 screenshots.

First, you will need to select at least one of the following conditions:

Since we only want to move letters from LiRu from the “Inbox” folder to another folder, we will select the condition that is highlighted with a red frame.

Next, you need to select the action that needs to be performed if the conditions from the first part of the filter settings are met:

Since we only want to move letters from LiRu from the “Inbox” folder to another folder, we will select the condition that is highlighted with a blue frame. After this, you need to select a folder (highlighted with a red frame). If you don’t have a suitable folder yet, you need to select “New” (pink frame) from the drop-down list.

That's it, the settings are almost finished. The third and last part remains:

Since we only want to move letters from LiRu from the “Inbox” folder to another folder, we will select the condition that is highlighted with a red frame. In addition, you need to enter your password (blue frame). Well, click on the “Add filter” button (pink frame).

If you selected "New" as the folder, you will be prompted to create it:

To do this, you need to enter its name in the column, which is highlighted with a red frame.
In addition, there are 2 options, which are highlighted with blue and pink frames.

"Make inaccessible to email programs" (blue frame)
If you enable this option, then mailers who receive mail from via the POP3 protocol, I will not receive letters from this folder. That is, letters from this folder will be available to you only if you go to through the web interface.

"Protect folder with password" (pink frame)
If you enable this option, you will be prompted to enter separate password for this folder:

Why is this necessary? But think about it and write your answer in the comments.

After you click on the “Create” button, you will be transferred to the part of the settings where all the filters for your mail are listed:

Here you can perform some actions with your filters (red frame).

That's all.

This settings section is intended for setting up filtering of letters and creating forwarding to other mailboxes.

Go to the settings section Email mail - click on the right top corner“Settings”, next to the “Exit” button or click the “More” button and select “Settings”.

Go to the “Filters and forwarding” section - you can select from the menu on the left or right with an icon in the form of a table stand with shelves of different colors.

This section initially has only one button - “Create a filter”. On the right side of this button there is an arrow (or a black triangle), when you click on this arrow, you can choose what to create - a filter or forwarding.

Let's consider shipping first. This is a very simple section for setting up your email. mail mail. In forwarding there is only one field for entering the email address of another mailbox to which all letters should be forwarded. Enter another email address and click “save”.

The first field is the condition field. First, the condition itself is selected, this condition is contained in the drop-down menu and by default is “Field from”. If you click on this condition, the entire list opens.

“From” field – here you enter the conditions for the section of the letter that contains the “From” information. For example, if you enter in this field email address, then you can set an action for all letters from this email address - for example, move it to the “Personal” folder, immediately delete it, or vice versa, check it. You can also specify all letters from Gmail or Yandex mail. We put the “*” icon and then add the extension or mail name, for example * - means that all incoming letters from Yandex email are selected. An asterisk * means that this place will contain any word or set of letters, numbers or symbols (without a space, just one word). Additionally, you can set several values ​​in the form - “*|*”. A vertical bar is placed instead of the meaning “or”. IN in this case the result will be executed for all letters from Gmail from Yandex mail.

By the way, if you click on the word “contains” (between the condition and the input field), it will change to “does not contain”, that is, the condition changes to reverse side. By clicking on “does not contain” again, we return the value to “contains”

If it is necessary to set conditions with different parameters, click the “Add condition” button. This way you can add many different conditions.

In the “To” field, you can make a condition if the letter does not contain your email address, that is, select “does not contain” and then enter your email address. Sometimes I receive spam where the recipient is not me.

The “Subject” field is for filtering out letters with specific topics. For example, you can collect all letters with the subject “ Commercial offer"in one folder or the like.

The “Copies” field is a parameter for copies of letters. That is, copies of one letter are sent to different recipients.

The “Forwarded from” field is almost the same parameter as the “From” field, with the only difference being that only those emails that are forwarded will be taken into account.

The “Forwarded to” field is an equivalent parameter for the “To” field, but regular letters are not taken into account, only forwarded ones.

“Size” accordingly determines the size of the letter, that is, its weight in kilobytes. This option can be used to filter out empty emails that are less than 1KB or redirect emails with attachments to another email. For example, in some design department, a manager can redirect letters of more than 1000 KB to the designer's or designer's email.

Under the “Add Condition” button there is another setting - apply if any condition is met, or apply only if all conditions are met. To change this parameter, simply click on it with the left mouse button.

Now we select the action for our condition. Can be placed in specific folder, by default this is the Inbox folder. If you leave this folder and do not add any actions, the filter will not be created, since this action is already performed.

To select a folder for filtered letters, click on the button with the name of the folder (by default “Inbox”). You can leave the “Inbox” folder, select “Spam” or “Trash”. If we select “Spam” or “Trash”, then the letters will automatically be sent to spam or to the trash (that is, deleted with the possibility of recovery). Since in the “Settings, folder creation” section I created additional folder, then I can also select the “Personal” folder. It is also possible to create a folder (a description of creating a folder is in the “Settings, folders” section).

In addition to sending emails to a specific folder, you can immediately mark them as read or flag them. To select these options, you need to check the corresponding boxes, which are located immediately below the folder selection.

Instead of selecting a folder and marking emails, you can choose to delete emails. Emails will be deleted without the possibility of recovery. One thing is selected - either deletion or placement in a folder.

Below is an "All Actions" button to show additional actions

In the additional settings, the first item is to send a copy to another email. To enable this parameter, you need to check the box in front of it (that is, click on the empty square). Even if you automatically delete an email, the recipient of another email will receive a copy of the email. If you click on the words “copy of message”, it will change to “notification”. When you select a notification, the recipient will receive not a letter, but a notification that a letter has arrived in your mail.

Reply automatically - like setting up an autoresponder, this section does not work (as of 08/30/2014). It can only work if you select the “No such recipient” option. In this case, the person who wrote the letter will receive a notification that the letter was not delivered because an error occurred. The same thing happens when you send a letter to a non-existent email address.

The item “After this filter is triggered, apply other filters” cannot be selected if deleting messages is selected. This item is convenient because after selecting letters that, for example, are spam, you can make exceptions for certain addresses. Let's say one filter will send all emails from a Gmail email to spam, and another filter will send all emails from [email protected] to the "personal" folder. That is, filters can contradict each other, the item “After this filter is triggered, apply other filters” makes exceptions to these contradictions. To enable, check the box in this column.

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I am sure that everyone who has been working with one of the email services for a long time has encountered situations when you should receive important letter from some resource and it ends up in spam! As a result, you don’t see the email in your inbox and can’t figure out what’s wrong.

And many beginners don’t even think of looking into spam, because, most likely, the letter will be there if it’s not in the inbox. At the same time, the following may accumulate in the Spam folder every day: great amount letters that even going through all this garbage, you may not notice an important letter for you, which flew there by mistake.

And many do not look at the spam folder at all, or look through it very briefly, and then simply empty it. This is what I do, for example, to save my time! Thus, you can delete the letter that you need, which may lead to some delays in your affairs or other consequences.

Start using special filters, which are available in any postal service and the letters you need from interesting authors will always end up in your inbox!

Below we will look at examples of how to set up filters in the 4 most popular email services that most people use: GMail, Yandex, Mail, Rambler.

How to set up rules for receiving letters in your mailbox GMail service!

In order to set up mail filtering in GMail, go to General settings of this service by clicking on the button with the gear icon on the right and selecting “Settings”.

A window with settings on the “General” tab will open. And we need the “Filters” tab, so we go there.

Next, select below "Create new filter». Since I have already created various filters, they are immediately displayed as a list in this window; if you have not previously created filters, yours will be empty.

A small window will open with several fields, as in the image below:

Let's start setting up the filter. In order for letters from the address info@site and [email protected] have never been mistakenly sent to spam and marked as important, fill in these addresses in the “From” field, separated by commas. Next, click on the link below “Create a filter according to this request >>”.

A new window will appear where you need to specify the actions that will be applied to letters received from the address specified in the previous window. In this window we simply mark the points "Never send to spam" And "Always mark as important", then press the button "Create filter".

Ready! Of course, you could also ask Extra options to the filter, for example, put all similar letters in separate folder(the “Apply label” option) or maybe mark emails immediately as read, if there is such a need. I think the filter settings in this window are clear by their names and will not cause any difficulties.

After creating the filter, you will receive the corresponding message “Filter created”, and again you will find yourself in Gmail settings on the "Filters" tab. Those. where all your created filters will be stored, because over time you will probably have a lot of them.

Remember! You can always go back to edit or delete any filter you create.

How to set up rules for receiving letters in your mailbox Yandex service!

After you log in to your mail account on Yandex, you need to go to settings. Settings are indicated by a button with a gear image (located at the top right). Next, after entering the settings, you need to select a section "Rules for processing mail".

A window will open where you can create a rule and immediately configure black and white lists for certain addresses. Addresses added to the blacklist will not be sent to your mailbox, and those you add to White list, will never end up in the Spam folder by mistake.

Let's start setting up by adding the addresses info@site and [email protected] to the White list. To do this, in this window on the right, where the “White List” field is located, enter the desired address one by one and click “Add”.

As a result specified addresses info@site and [email protected] will appear in the white list.

And thus, you can add as many addresses as you need, which will never end up in the Spam folder. If you need to remove any addresses from this list in the future, you need to tick them and click “Remove from list” accordingly.

But sometimes it’s not enough to just add required addresses to the “white” list, because there may be a need to also mark certain letters, for example, as important, or move them to another folder. For this purpose, Yandex has a section for rules for letters.

In order to create a rule, click the corresponding button in the same window:

A window will open with many parameters, but don’t be afraid of them, everything is simple here.

First of all, we are asked to ask general parameter, to which letters to apply rule being created. I recommend selecting all emails at once, namely, the option: “to all emails, including spam.”

Also, in the adjacent list on the right, you can select only letters with attachments, without, or all at once. It’s better to leave everything at once (with or without investments)!

Next parameter– filter conditions. One, and most important, condition has already been added - “from whom” (i.e. the address from which the letter is sent). The way we want any emails from info@site and [email protected] were not sent to spam and were marked as important, then we add them.

You can add as many conditions as you like, and also set them additional conditions: “matches”, “contains”, “does not match”, “does not contain”. This way you can configure filters as flexibly as possible.

After we set the filter conditions, we proceed to the parameters that will be applied to letters that fall under the conditions we specified:

We will be redirected to the mail processing rules page, and we will see the rule we just created. Using the links we can return to editing the filter, disable it or delete it.

Ready! Congratulations, you have configured the Yandex mail filter yourself.

How to set up rules for receiving letters in your mailbox Mail service!

After you log into your account on the Mail.Ru mail service, you need to click on the small triangle under your email in the upper right corner. A small window will open in which you select the “Settings” link.

On the page that opens, among many sections, we are interested in "Filtering rules". This item is also in the column on the left.

In the new window click "Add filter".

We get to the new settings window mail filter. Add the addresses info@site and [email protected] in the from field, so that the letters are not sent to the SPAM folder, but go to the inbox. Enter the second email in the second window by clicking on the button "Add condition". We mark it so that all letters go to the inbox and are marked with a flag, and we apply this to all folders.

After specifying the rule (filter) parameters, click the “Save” button at the bottom.

basic settings mail domain


The following functions are available on this page:

  • Using the Mail Collector. Allows the use of a mail collector from third-party addresses in the web interface of domain mailboxes.
  • Managing local filters. Allows the creation of rules (filters) in the web interface of domain mailboxes.
  • Letters to non-existent addresses. Allows you to configure the processing of mail arriving at non-existent addresses.
    • Ignore. Emails will not be accepted and the sender will not receive a non-delivery message.
    • Return to sender. Letters will be returned to the sender with information that the addresses he specified do not exist.
    • Redirect to. Emails will be received and forwarded to the selected address in your domain.
  • In chapter "Record Information" The resource records that must be specified in the zone of your domain are indicated if you maintain the zone yourself.


Select your email domain and go to the tab Synonyms. The following functions are available on this page:

Filters, Forwarding

Using the hosting control panel, you can create mail processing rules in accordance with certain conditions, then Filters.

There are two types of filters:

  • global - executed for the entire domain;
  • local - performed for a separate mailbox.

There are also a number of hosting additional settings and special filters for mail management.

1. Setting up redirection (forwarding) of incoming mail

If you need to configure redirection between mailboxes:

  • go to the mail reading web interface, specifying the mailbox address and password in the block Read mail on home page website;
  • go to section SettingsFilters;
  • select filter from the list " Redirection;
  • enter the email address to which messages will be forwarded;
  • click on the button Save.

Draw your attention to:

  • if you need to leave a copy of the letter, select a filter Redirect (leave a copy). Forwarded messages will be saved in mailbox and they will need to be cleaned periodically;
  • if forwarding to two or more mailboxes is needed, then you can add additional action filter by clicking on the plus sign on the right:

  • emails that have been marked by our server as possible spam are not redirected.

If you need to forward all emails to a third party mailing address, you should configure a mail collector (RPOP) on this mailbox:

The following information must be used in the mail collector settings:

2. Global filters

You can create a global filter in the control panel section MailYour_domainFiltration.

By pressing the button Create a new filter you will proceed to editing its parameters.

Specify the name of the filter and its execution priority. The filter with the maximum priority (9) will be executed first, and the one with the minimum (1) - last.

Then you need to specify the conditions that must be satisfied incoming message for the filter to work. The element of the letter to be checked or the time parameter is specified in the field " If»:

  • « From" - sender address (contents of the From: header);
  • « To whom" - recipient address (contents of the To: header);
  • « To whom or a copy» - recipient addresses (contents of To: or CC: headers);
  • « Subject" - message subject (contents of the Subject: header).

The value against which the element is checked is indicated in the " Meaning" The type of correspondence between the element being checked and its value is specified in the adjacent field. Operations " is" And " is not» are used to check whether data matches one parameter. Operations " contained in" And " not contained in» check the data for compliance with the list of parameters, and the parameters must be specified separated by commas without spaces.

In the block Performed next action indicate the actions to be performed with the message. Click Create to save the filter settings.

3. Examples of popular filters

3.1. Deleting all emails coming from a specific address

The filter removes all emails sent to your domain from the address [email protected].

3.2. Deleting all emails coming from specific addresses

The filter removes all emails sent to your domain from addresses [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

3.3. Deleting all emails on a specific topic

The filter deletes all emails that contain the word spam in the subject line.

3.4. Copying all correspondence coming from a specific address to a third-party mailbox

The filter copies all incoming correspondence coming from any of the addresses [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , to the mailbox [email protected] .


  • the filter may not work correctly if you want to redirect mail from mail servers that use the DMARC policy;
  • The address for forwarding correspondence must be external, otherwise it will lead to a loop in the filter.

4. Local filters

You can create a local filter in the section SettingsFilters reading mail.

In field Filter name enter the name of the filter, set necessary settings and press the button Save. The rules and actions are similar to those used for global filters.

5. Setting up a spam filter

The hosting uses a spam filter from Kaspersky Lab. When you create an email domain, a spam filter is automatically enabled for it.
You can enable or disable email filtering on a domain in the section Mailyour_domainSpam filter. When enabled, emails detected as spam will be sent to the folder Spam (Spam) your mailbox and deleted after 30 days. Folder Spam available when working with the mailbox via the IMAP protocol.

You can enable or disable filtering of letters on a separate mailbox in the section Mailyour_domainyour_boxSpam filter.

Adding a domain to the whitelist

If the sender's address or domain is added to the white list, his emails will not be checked by the spam filter.
You can add an address to the white list in the section Mailyour_domainSpam filter hosting control panels .
In the block White list click on the item Create an exception and in the new window enter your email address or set a mask like * .

Removing emails from a mailbox

Administrator mail server can produce mass deletion letters from boxes. To do this it is necessary in the section Mailyour_domain Mark the required boxes, and then select one of the options:

  • Delete all messages in folders Deleted;
  • Delete all messages in folders " Spam;
  • Delete all messages older than N days;
  • Delete all messages in all folders.