If you can hear your voice on the phone. What is an echo and where does it come from?

You hear an echo, that is, a reflection of the signal. This interference is a consequence feedback when the microphone at the other end of the line picks up your voice from the speaker. It is not your device that is to blame for this, but the device of your interlocutor. If the “complaint” came from your interlocutor, then we can recommend reducing the volume of your phone’s speaker. If your phone is “packed” in a case, remove it or replace it with a more suitable one.

The telephone does not always act as an interference during conversations. Operators may also experience interference cellular networks. In this case, you need to contact subscriber service your operator, explain the situation and wait for the results of eliminating the interference.


Why can you hear yourself when talking on the phone?

The most common reason for the unpleasant phenomenon of hearing one’s own words after a short delay when talking on the phone is being in an area of ​​uncertain reception. In other words, the signal is too weak. To combat this problem, there are special echo suppressors. An echo canceller is a device that identifies human speech coming from one end of a connection and suppresses all signals coming the other way.

It is worth noting that reverse echo may appear when listening to a conversation. However this reason can be considered unlikely.

Also, the cause of constant reflection of speech may be software glitch in phone. In this case, it is better to contact a repair shop to diagnose the problem.

Experts identify another reason for the occurrence of echoes when talking on the phone - a “gray” (fake) or a very simple mobile phone. In this case, the solution to the problem would be to buy another quality model. This effect occurs when there is an error in the design of the mobile phone case and the manufacturer wants to save on a special electronic element.

Among the reasons for echoes when talking on a mobile phone is the presence of a transceiver nearby base stations Your operator. To solve the problem, just change the location.

In fact, if a conversation reflection (echo) occurs, it will be enough to simply call back or reduce the volume of the speaker and the echo during the conversation will disappear.


You need to buy a phone with echo protection.

If you hear an echo, you can mute the call. The echo is caused by the inability to fully connect two phones together, i.e. due to weak signal The phone starts echoing.

Disabling the call phone and redialing the number, the only way solve the problem of.

Why do I hear myself when talking on the phone?

In addition to the above reasons for the occurrence of echo when talking over mobile phone, there may be another reason: wiretapping. No matter how strange it may sound. But echoes during a conversation may not always be the cause.

This can also happen due to the subscriber being between two network coverage areas, that is, the canopy cannot determine which network the phone belongs to.

What should you do if you hear an echo on your phone during a conversation? And in general, why is this phenomenon observed? These questions arise among citizens more and more often. In fact, the telephone echo may be explained for various reasons. Sometimes it turns out without special problems resolve the situation, in some cases this cannot be done. In general, if the subscriber has the described problem, you will have to go through several options for the development of events, the diagnosis of which is very difficult without outside help. So what should you do if you hear an echo during a conversation? Why is this happening? How dangerous is the phenomenon?

Is it subject to adjustment?

The first step is to understand how realistic it is to solve the problem. Perhaps there is no way to eliminate the echo in the handset that is interfering with the conversation?

As practice shows, echo during a telephone conversation is a phenomenon that usually needs to be corrected. And without radical actions. Accordingly, do not be alarmed if this problem occurs. But what causes an echo in the tube? And what to do in this or that case?


The most obvious option is a manufacturing defect. Relevant for new phones. It is likely that the device was faulty to begin with. As a result, an echo is heard when talking.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the problem begins to bother the buyer immediately after the first call. That is, from the very beginning. You can act in several ways:

  1. Send your phone in for repair. If the reason is not a defect at all, but some kind of breakdown, then it will definitely be fixed. And you can pick up an already working device.
  2. Exchange the gadget in the store and write a complaint about the purchase of a defective product. This is relevant if the echo is detected immediately after purchase. Usually sellers quickly exchange defective phones for working ones.

However, marriage is only one of the reasons. It has already been said that it is detected immediately after you start using the phone. What situations occur in real life more often?


Why can I hear an echo on my phone during a conversation? Sometimes subscribers complain about exactly this situation. Moreover, regardless of the services of which operator they use. Why can you hear your interlocutor or yourself repeatedly?

It is likely that the volume of sounds is to blame. Or, as people say, phone settings. The other person's speaker or microphone is too loud. Because of this, the mentioned problem occurs.


Why is there an echo? If the device has been in use for a long time, it is possible that a bug is installed on the mobile phone. He helps someone wiretap phone conversations. This is where the echo comes from.

Fortunately, such a situation is extremely rare. If you suspect eavesdropping telephone conversations, you can take the mobile phone to service center, report any suspicions and wait for the diagnosis and repair to be completed. This technique is the fastest, most logical and simple solution. After all, it is very difficult to get rid of a bug on your own.

Factory Feature

If an echo occurs while talking on the phone, do not be alarmed. And immediately think about what was bought defective goods, Same. The thing is that each mobile phone has its own “stuffing”. That is, all phones are designed differently. The cause of the problem may be a factory feature.

That is, the phone was originally assembled in such a way that an echo would be heard when working with a mobile network. Mainly relevant for older models of gadgets. The solution is only 2 options:

  1. Deal with the echo. You will have to listen carefully to the words. But sooner or later it will get boring.
  2. Buy immediately new phone. It is advisable to make a test call before making a purchase.

There are no other solutions for this situation. How to remove echo on your phone when talking? It all depends on the cause of the problem. What other control methods should you pay attention to? For example, what if all the previously listed scenarios do not explain the resulting echo?


In such a situation, only a service center will help. Or buying a new phone. But we're talking about not at all about the features of the mobile phone device. An echo on the phone during a conversation may occur if the speaker is broken.

A fairly common problem faced by subscribers who do not monitor their mobile phones. If your phone has been dropped or dropped into water, it is likely that an echo problem will occur.

By the way, if you leave this phenomenon unattended, eventually the speaker will refuse to work at all. That is why, after some negative impact on the phone and the appearance specified problem you need to contact the service center. There the speaker will either be repaired or replaced. Luckily, in most cases you don't need to buy a new phone. But you shouldn’t expect that a repaired speaker will last a long time.

Housing tightness

An echo in the phone during a conversation can occur if the seal of the gadget’s case is broken. The situation does not occur too often, but it is very problematic to deal with it.

If the subscriber is wondering how to get rid of the resulting echo, you can suggest the following steps:

  1. Take the phone to a service center. There they will be able to hold full diagnostics and fix the problem. Although few people are engaged in correcting the tightness of the case.
  2. Change body. This method does not always work. The body panels need to be replaced with denser ones. You can buy these components in any store, depending on the model of the gadget.
  3. Change phone. The most logical, although not the most pleasant, solution. It is almost impossible to fix device seal problems. This is why you often have to buy new mobile phones.

But even on this possible options don't end. There is another fairly common reason why you will hear an echo in the phone when talking to the interlocutor. You also need to know about it.

Mobile network operator

It's about the operator's job. mobile communications. In every city, such companies have a huge number of transmission lines. Because of this, the signal is blocked for some operators in certain places. This is where the echo appears in the phone during a conversation.

There are several ways to fight. Usually at least one of them is effective:

  1. Change of location. Often the echo is heard only in certain places in the city. In this case, it is better to avoid such areas.
  2. Change mobile operator. Another way that helps to get rid of the problem forever. Usually this is what the population uses. Especially now, when you can easily change the operator mobile network, while maintaining old number phone.
  3. Call the operator. Alternatively, if the echo is not constant problem, you can call the company providing communication services and then report problems. Be sure to name a place where it is inconvenient to communicate with interlocutors. The operator will try to correct problems on the line or explain why an echo is heard.

Perhaps this is where we can complete all the most common reasons for the appearance of an echo during a conversation. It is now clear what to do in this or that case. In reality, everything is not as scary as it seems.


However, before going through all the previously listed problems, it is recommended to use a little trick. Sometimes you hear an echo when talking on your phone due to minor system glitches. Both on the line with the operator and in the mobile phone itself.

The situation can be corrected by turning off and restart phone. Or you can end the call and call the other party again. It is still recommended to reboot the smartphone. This technique, as practice shows, helps quite often.


What conclusions should be drawn? There are many reasons why an echo occurs during a conversation. It can be very difficult to diagnose it yourself. But most often similar phenomenon arises due to:

  • phone settings;
  • violations of the tightness of the device casing;
  • factory defects;
  • careless handling of the phone/due to the long service life of the device;
  • telecom operator work;
  • assembly features;
  • listening to conversations;
  • network or phone failures.

Most often the problem can be dealt with. And as already mentioned, only in some cases it is necessary to act radically.

Why is there an echo on my phone?

    Usually, in expensive devices, the echo effect in the phone is rarely observed. This is mainly the case with inexpensive handsets made in China. You are unlikely to be able to rid your phone of echo on your own, so either change your phone or get used to this unique connection.

    There are several reasons:

    Most likely you have technical problems with your phone; it is possible that the speaker is not working properly.

    The second reason is unlikely, of course, but maybe you are being bugged.

    Maybe you dropped your phone or got water on it.

    Or you need to buy a cell phone with echo protection. Some cell phones have the ability to block this issue after repair. However expensive repairs you most likely don't want to buy a new phone either...

    Do you hear an echo when dialing a phone number? If you hear an echo, you can mute the call. The echo is caused by the inability to fully connect two mobile phones together. That is, due to a weak signal, an echo begins in the phone.

    Dial the number again and if this time there is no echo, until a secure connection is created. There will be an echo or not, it is not possible to predict, and it happens now and then. Disabling the calling phone and redialing the number is the only way to solve the problem without purchasing a phone with echo protection.

    Echo in the phone may appear as a result mechanical impact- for example, a fall - then the microphone or speaker in the phone moves and the microphone transmits what is heard from the speaker - hence the echo. This also happens after poor quality repairs.

    Problems with the phone speaker. You need to take it to a mobile phone repair shop and have the speaker cleaned.

    Echo in the phone In some phone models it can be observed quite often.

    First of all, you need to contact the service center. It’s not for you to delve into it yourself.

    If they don’t help, then you just need to get rid of such a phone using methods known to everyone.

    The reason for the echo in the phone may be that the microphone receives the sound produced by the speaker and sends it again through a complex electronics system to the speaker. Glitch in person.

    But it happens that all you need to do is turn down the speaker volume or just call back again and echo in the phone disappears.

  • Echo in a mobile phone

    during a conversation may be for various reasons

    Sound from the speaker may echo into the microphone due to:

    • lack of tightness in the connection between the speaker and the hole for it in the housing. Because of this, the sound from the speaker spreads throughout the body, entering the speaker.
    • being near your operator's base station transceiver.
    • the cause may be the supplier's equipment wired communication, with whom the conversation is taking place. This occurs due to partial reflection of the signal when moving from the local to the trunk line.
  • This effect is called acoustic coupling and occurs when the sound received from the interlocutor and reproduced by the speaker of your phone is perceived by the microphone and transmitted back to your interlocutor. This effect occurs when there are errors in the design of the phone case and the desire to save on a special electronic element - an echo suppressor, which monitors this problem and eliminates it.

    Most often, this is the case with inexpensive LG devices, as well as all sorts of Nonames collected in Uncle Liao’s shed.

    Telephone echo can often be found in cheap Chinese fakes. Sometimes it helps to simply call the subscriber back. However, if the echo in the phone is constant, then you need to either contact customer service or change the phone.

    Yes, I have encountered such a phenomenon that while there are even beeps and the subscriber has not picked up, but you can hear yourself well, this is because small phone and a loud speaker (that is, the microphone hears what the speaker reproduces) usually after repair this happens due to a violation of the internal insulation during disassembly - you can line the speaker with a soft cloth and direct the sound only to the output holes.

You hear an echo, that is, a reflection of the signal. This interference is a consequence of feedback, when the subscriber's microphone at the other end of the “wire” picks up the signals of your voice from the speaker. It is not your device that is to blame for this, but the device of your interlocutor. If the “complaint” came from your interlocutor, then we can recommend reducing the volume of your phone’s speaker. If your phone is “packed” in a case, remove it or replace it with a more suitable one.

The telephone does not always act as an interference during conversations. Cellular network operators may also experience interference. In this case, you need to contact the subscriber service of your operator, explain the situation and wait for the results of eliminating the interference.


Why can you hear yourself when talking on the phone?

The most common reason for the unpleasant phenomenon of hearing one’s own words after a short delay when talking on the phone is being in an area of ​​uncertain reception. In other words, the signal is too weak. To combat this problem, there are special echo suppressors. An echo canceller is a device that identifies human speech coming from one end of a connection and suppresses all signals coming the other way.

It is worth noting that reverse echo may appear when listening to a conversation. However, this reason can be considered unlikely.

Also, the reason for the constant reflection of speech may be a software glitch in the phone. In this case, it is better to contact a repair shop to diagnose the problem.

Experts identify another reason for the occurrence of echoes when talking on the phone - a “gray” (fake) or a very simple mobile phone. In this case, the solution to the problem will be to buy another high-quality model. This effect occurs when there is an error in the design of the mobile phone case and the manufacturer wants to save on a special electronic element.

Among the reasons for echoes when talking on a mobile phone is the presence of your operator's base station transceiver nearby. To solve the problem, just change the location.

In fact, if a conversation reflection (echo) occurs, it will be enough to simply call back or reduce the volume of the speaker and the echo during the conversation will disappear.


You need to buy a phone with echo protection.

If you hear an echo, you can mute the call. The echo is caused by the inability to fully connect two phones together, that is, due to a weak signal in the phone, an echo begins.

Disabling the calling phone and redialing the number is the only way to solve the problem.

Why do I hear myself when talking on the phone?

In addition to the above reasons for the occurrence of an echo when talking on a mobile phone, there may be another reason: wiretapping. No matter how strange it may sound. But echoes during a conversation may not always be the cause.

This can also happen due to the subscriber being between two network coverage areas, that is, the canopy cannot determine which network the phone belongs to.

You hear an echo, that is, a reflection of the signal. This interference is a consequence of feedback, when the subscriber's microphone at the other end of the “wire” picks up the signals of your voice from the speaker. It is not your device that is to blame for this, but the device of your interlocutor. If the “complaint” came from your interlocutor, then we can recommend reducing the volume of your phone’s speaker. If your phone is “packed” in a case, remove it or replace it with a more suitable one.

The telephone does not always act as an interference during conversations. Cellular network operators may also experience interference. In this case, you need to contact the subscriber service of your operator, explain the situation and wait for the results of eliminating the interference.


Why can you hear yourself when talking on the phone?

The most common reason for the unpleasant phenomenon of hearing one’s own words after a short delay when talking on the phone is being in an area of ​​uncertain reception. In other words, the signal is too weak. To combat this problem, there are special echo suppressors. An echo canceller is a device that identifies human speech coming from one end of a connection and suppresses all signals coming the other way.

It is worth noting that reverse echo may appear when listening to a conversation. However, this reason can be considered unlikely.

Also, the reason for the constant reflection of speech may be a software glitch in the phone. In this case, it is better to contact a repair shop to diagnose the problem.

Experts identify another reason for the occurrence of echoes when talking on the phone - a “gray” (fake) or a very simple mobile phone. In this case, the solution to the problem will be to buy another high-quality model. This effect occurs when there is an error in the design of the mobile phone case and the manufacturer wants to save on a special electronic element.

Among the reasons for echoes when talking on a mobile phone is the presence of your operator's base station transceiver nearby. To solve the problem, just change the location.

In fact, if a conversation reflection (echo) occurs, it will be enough to simply call back or reduce the volume of the speaker and the echo during the conversation will disappear.


You need to buy a phone with echo protection.

If you hear an echo, you can mute the call. The echo is caused by the inability to fully connect two phones together, that is, due to a weak signal in the phone, an echo begins.

Disabling the calling phone and redialing the number is the only way to solve the problem.

Why do I hear myself when talking on the phone?

In addition to the above reasons for the occurrence of an echo when talking on a mobile phone, there may be another reason: wiretapping. No matter how strange it may sound. But echoes during a conversation may not always be the cause.

This can also happen due to the subscriber being between two network coverage areas, that is, the canopy cannot determine which network the phone belongs to.

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