Electronic magazine dark entry for parents. Login to the electronic magazine mrko

Let's look at what MRKO is electronic diary, who can access this resource, and how to register on it. The main purpose of the electronic diary of a student of the MRKO portal of the Moscow State Services is to provide parental controls over student performance. By tracking his achievements during his studies. Regular supervision and full information of parents about all school events and grades of the child can take his academic performance to a higher level.

Previously, when only paper diaries existed, the control process became significantly more complicated. The child could enter false information there, delete information that, in his opinion, should not be shown to his parents, etc. Moreover, daily grades were not always included in the diaries; many teachers neglected this action and simply entered the scores in the class journal. Parents could only take their children’s word for it, and this was not always a justified action and often had a negative impact on academic performance. Now you can watch your child’s grades online every day, which will be recorded on the website. MRKO electronic diary is a full-fledged diary in which all grades are indicated for the entire period of study.

The introduction and popularization of this innovation is actively replacing paper diaries. It is predicted that they will be completely replaced by a more advanced one. electronic version in the near future. The innovation makes it easier for parents to communicate with teachers, helps them keep abreast of school events, and take a more active part in their child’s school life.

MRKO electronic diary – how to connect?

You should first check to see if your child's school is connected to this option. For example, in Moscow there is already a majority educational institutions have such a connection. This area is actively developing and in the near future all schools in Russia, and not just Moscow, will keep an electronic diary for schoolchildren, which requires registration through the State Services portal.

You can obtain the login and password for the student’s diary on MRKO mos.ru from the class teacher. To do this, you need to come to the school and make a request to provide the information of interest. As a rule, the head of the educational institution is usually appointed as the person responsible for connecting the service. The manager must have all the necessary information about the connection, which is available in full on the official website of the State Services.

Terms of use of the MRKO mos.ru service.

The information contained in the diary is personal, so access to it is limited to a narrow list of persons. No one has the right to invade your child’s personal data and use it for any purpose without his and your consent. There are special conditions for using the diary, which include:

  • Providing access to the resource only to the student’s parents or his legal representatives. The login and password are issued to the persons listed above personally. The password is issued by the class teacher or other responsible official.
  • Parents do not have access to grades and personal information other students besides their own children. But the diary also contains publicly available information about upcoming events and so on.
  • Information about the electronic diary and its operation, as well as the possibility of using the service itself, is provided free of charge.
  • To register an account, you do not need to provide documents other than those requested by the Gosuslugi.ru website during authorization and user identification. If you were registered with State Services earlier, then you do not need to provide any documents.
  • The validity period of the electronic diary lasts until the end of the student’s studies in educational institution.

How to enter the electronic diary?

Parents whose children are studying in educational institutions that maintain an electronic diary of MRKO have the right to enter the site through the Moscow government services portal . But please note that this site requires mandatory registration. Accordingly, the use of MRKO mos.ru will begin with registration on the Gosuslugi.ru website (if the user has not been registered there previously).

Registration on State Services

To complete this step, follow the following actions:

  • On the main page of the site, select “Register”.

  • Fill out all the fields provided; you must enter only accurate information. Confirm your registration.

  • After completing the first stage, go to the site. Log in using your username and password that you received during the registration process.

Submit files of all scanned documents that the site requests. Don't worry: it's confidential and completely safe. It will be sent to you by mail ordered letter with a password. Enter your password, this will mean complete walkthrough authorization on the site. Now you are registered and can use MRKO mos.ru under general conditions.

Further actions

Advice! If the main page does not display the “Electronic Diary” link, you can find this menu in the “Education and Study” section. You can find this section on the right side of the screen.

  • In the “Account Name” field that appears, enter any name you like. It is advisable to remember it or write it down in a notepad.

Reference. Accounts are designed to give parents with many children the opportunity to create several pages, one for each student. If you have more than one child, then it is better to do just that.

  • After all the data has been entered, click “Continue”. Check the accuracy of the entered data in the window that appears; if everything is correct, confirm the information by clicking the “Finish” button.
  • Now you have fully logged into the MRKO electronic diary .
  • If you have additional questions about the operation of the resource, you can look for answers on the forum, which is accessible to everyone.

How to use the service?

After you log in Personal Area, you will have the opportunity to view the diary. Outwardly, it looks like a standard school diary, as we are used to seeing them in paper form. The pages contain days, dates and fields for ratings and comments. All grades that are put in the journal are transferred to the website and are visible in the electronic diary.

In addition, the electronic diary has additional functions:

  • Gives you the opportunity to look at homework in all subjects. The child will not be able to avoid doing homework, will not be able to say “Nothing was assigned.”
  • There is an option to view all ratings for a specific day or period of time. To view, you need to go to the “All ratings” tab.
  • There is an option to view final grades for all subjects. Final grades are given at the end of each study period. To view, you must select the “Final grades” menu item.
  • There is an option to view homework, grades and other information for the entire year. You can also view your class schedule using the diary.

Advantages of an electronic diary:

  • Your child will not be able to tear out sheets with bad grades and comments. You can always check if he has completed his homework.
  • Now you can see what your child has been assigned online.
  • You will know all the child’s grades, information about upcoming parent-teacher meetings and other important events will no longer escape you.
  • Now it’s easier to keep statistics and predict a student’s academic performance and GPA. Together with you, he will be able to more effectively achieve his goal, correct his grades and show better results in his studies.
  • Sharing information with teachers will be greatly simplified

If previously it was necessary to ask a child how much he received for a particular day at school, now parents can know everything about the progress of their children even without their knowledge using a service such as “pgu.mos.ru electronic diary.”

This service is a full-fledged diary indicating all the student’s grades for the entire period of his education.

In fact, the creation of this service made classic paper diaries simply unnecessary.

Although today many people have problems when working with an electronic diary.

Therefore, it would be useful to consider all the features of the functioning of this service.

How to activate such a service

From the very beginning, you need to find out whether your school and your class are connected to the electronic diary at all.

If you live in Moscow, most likely this is so or will soon be so.

After all, today the government is making great effort in order to make new technologies as popular as possible among all spheres of society.

Actually, this is why the website pgu.mos.ru was created.

On this resource you can pay for housing and communal services, make an appointment with an official, obtain any documents, find out the schedule for the supply of water or other vital resources.

This site itself looks like what is shown in Figure 2.

Among other services, there is also a MRKO student diary. The login and password to enter the system can be obtained from the class teacher.

The connection to the service is handled directly by the head of the educational institution.

And he, in turn, should find out about the connection at the local branch of the public services center.

But usually this is reported in detail to the heads of educational institutions.

In any case, the employees of the public services center will always come to the rescue and organize the connection of the student’s diary.

The conditions for using the student’s online diary are as follows:

  1. Access is available only to parents or legal representatives of the student, to whom a login and password can only be issued by the class teacher or another person specially appointed for this purpose at the educational institution;
  2. The service is provided free of charge;
  3. No documents need to be provided;
  4. The validity period of the electronic diary is throughout the entire learning process.

Now let's move on directly to how to use the electronic diary.


As for parents whose children study in educational institutions that are connected to this service, they can go to their child’s diary page on the same government services website - pgu.mos.ru.

Official site only public services assumes that in order to use any of its options, a person must be registered.

Therefore, the use of the MRKO diary begins with registration on the government services portal.

This happens in several stages:

  • On the main page you must click the “Register” button.

  • After this, you need to fill out all personal fields and click the “Register” button, which is located at the bottom of the page.

  • After registration you need to log in to the site. To do this on the same home page click the large “Login” button, then enter your username and password specified during registration, and click the “Login” button.

  • Now on official page again you need to switch to the “Electronic student diary (MRKO)”. The system will automatically redirect the user authorized on the public services website to the authorization page in the electronic diary.

Clue: If the main page does not contain the item “Electronic student diary (SSD),” it should be found in the “Education, studies” section. This section is located in the menu, which is located on the right side of the main window. Accordingly, to find the desired item there, you need to click on this section. Then the item “Electronic student diary (SSD)” will become visible in the window to the right of the section names, as shown in Figure No. 6.

This page looks like what is shown in Figure 7. As for the field called “Account Name”, you can enter anything there.

It is designed for when one parent will be checking on the progress of two or more children and wants to create different diary accounts for them.

Then they should be called differently. The fields “MRKO Login” and “MRKO Password” are filled in according to the login and password provided by the representative of the educational institution.

After entering all the data and clicking on the “Continue” button, a window will appear for checking the data. Its appearance is shown in Figure No. 8.

If all the data is correct, you must click the “Finish” button.

After this you will be logged directly into the page. personal diary, that is, to the parent’s personal account.

If you have any questions about entering the MRKO diary, the employees of the public services portal themselves advise you to contact the forum, where there is already a list of the most frequently asked questions.

About use

So, we have already discussed how to enter a student’s diary through the official website of government services.

Actually, after logging into your personal account, that same MRKO diary will become visible.

It looks almost the same as a regular paper diary - the fields and format are taken exactly from it. Appearance The student’s personal diary is shown in Figure 9.

As you can see, there are also days with the same fields for each of them - subject, homework and grade.

All grades that the teacher puts in this diary or in the class journal will be transferred here.

But the electronic diary has great amount benefits.

The main ones are as follows:

  1. Possibility to view grades and homework for the selected subject. To carry out this task, click on the “Selected Item” tab, which is indicated by the number 1 in Figure No. 9.
  2. The ability to find out all grades for a selected period - day, month, quarter or academic year. To complete this task, you need to click on the “All assessments” tab (number 2 in Figure No. 9).
  3. The ability to find out the final grades for each subject (this is the “Final grades” tab - number 3). Again, this can be done within the selected period.
  4. The ability to view grades, lessons and homework for the entire school year, including those days and weeks that have already passed. To select a schedule for a specific period of time, you must click on current date and in the drop-down calendar, indicate the boundaries of the week or other period of time you want to view. In Figure No. 9, the date is indicated by the number 4.

It is very easy to access the electronic diary. All you need to do is register on the Mos.ru website and enter some personal data.

How to access the electronic diary?

Access to the electronic diary of Moscow schoolchildren has undergone significant changes since September 1, 2017. Updates and improvements to the electronic diary and journal (ED) system have been made possible entry to personal accounts for parents and students through the website of the mayor of Moscow.

If you want to take advantage of this unique opportunity to gain access, first of all, register on the website www.mos.ru.

For parents

The student’s electronic diary is one of the many services available to users of the Mos.ru portal. To use it you need:

When personal information is entered correctly through the mos.ru portal, the child’s father or mother receives “ direct connection» to the educational system, and the procedure for logging into the electronic diary takes place in automatic mode. To enter the diary, you just need to select the appropriate service in the site menu and you will be taken to the dnevnik.mos.ru site page.

For the student

The Moscow Register of Education Quality (MRKO) provides for the registration of a personal account for each participant educational process. That is, an application for access to the electronic diary is drawn up on behalf of the father or mother and each student.

To gain access to a child’s electronic diary, you will need:

  1. Go to the Moscow government services website.
  2. Create an account for your child. To successfully register a new user, it is necessary that your student has a valid e-mail and number mobile phone.
  3. Transfer information about the child to the educational institution. Make sure that the information on the website and in the school matches.

Add a trusted person

In some cases, it is required that information about the student can be obtained by someone other than the parents. For example, a nanny or a tutor. To do this, they must be added to the list of trusted persons (AP), following the instructions:

Send data to school

To gain access to Moscow's electronic education system, parents will be required to transfer personal data to the school. The list of required information includes:

  • passport details (full name);
  • SNILS number;
  • phone number;
  • address Email.

Access problems and errors

Sometimes users have problems and errors accessing the electronic diary. Most often they are associated with incorrect data entered during registration or transferred to the educational institution.

If you are unable to enter the diary, you need to check all the data and make the necessary adjustments on the website or contact the teacher and correct the information available at the school.

How to restore access?

Sometimes users encounter login problems and are tormented by the question of why there is no access to their personal account.

If you cannot log into your personal account on the Mos.ru website and use the “electronic diary” service because you have forgotten your login information, solving the problem is simple:

Mobile applications for login

For constant monitoring you can use on your child’s performance at school mobile applications for android (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, etc.) Anyone can download the selected application via PlayMarket or AppStore using the link -. For example, latest version The Moscow State Services application is available for download completely free of charge.

To improve parental control over children's progress at school, an electronic diary of MRKO was developed by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region. You can use this service at any time of the day, which is especially important for working parents. All you need to do is have access to the Internet and enter your username and password on the site.

The main goal of creating this document is to provide up-to-date and accurate information to parents about the progress of their student’s educational process, namely: academic performance, class schedule, homework. Information can be obtained both for a specific week and for a quarter or year as a whole.

The child will not be able to tear out pages with bad grades or hide the facts of not attending school. All information is filled out only by teachers and the child does not have access to the electronic document.

In addition, the diary allows you to obtain information about parent-teacher meetings and other important events in the life of the school. Feedback is provided - you can write a message to the class teacher or teacher.

Modern technologies make life much easier. Analysts predict that in the coming years the school will completely abandon paper diaries and switch only to electronic documents.

How to connect the service

To access this service, you need to find out whether the school is registered in this system. Most educational institutions are already using this portal, but some have just begun to master the electronic resource.

Student social card - benefits for schoolchildren and students

The service is located on the website mos.ru. Only residents of Moscow can register on it. Your login and password can be obtained from your class teacher at school. To do this, you need to make a request to the educational institution to release information. As a rule, the school director himself is responsible for this.

You can access the site through the official government services portal or the Moscow city government website mos.ru. If you do not have an account there, you will need to register there.

Terms of Use

Not only schoolchildren, but also their parents can use a real electronic diary. The information contained therein is strictly confidential. No one will be able to track your child's progress. In addition, the site has the following terms of use:

  • The service is free for both students and their parents.
  • The password and login can be obtained from the school, and they are issued upon the personal request of parents.
  • The portal can be used as long as the child is in school.

The site user cannot obtain information about the progress of the educational process of someone other than his child. At the same time, outsiders cannot view data on his student’s academic performance.

To gain access to the mos.ru website, you do not need to provide documents. They will only be needed when registering on the government services portal, where you need to go through the identification and registration procedure for your personal account.

How to register on the school portal of the Moscow region uslugi.mosreg.ru/obr

How to log in to MKRO

You can open an electronic diary on the mos.ru website through the State Services portal; you must have a personal account in the ESIA. If you are not a user of the site gosuslugi.ru, then you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Open electronic page pgu.mos.ru and go through the registration procedure.
  2. In the upper right corner, find the “Login” entry and click on it.
  3. Next, the resource automatically sends you to the gosuslugi.ru website to create an account.

Registration on the State Services portal

Here you need to do the following:

  • A table will appear in front of you, where you need to indicate as a login: SNILS number, mobile phone number or email address. You need to mark one thing of your choice. This will be your login on this site.
  • Then enter the following data: first name, last name and patronymic, email address, mobile phone number.
  • You need to come up with a password. The latter must be at least 8 characters, where, in addition to numbers, several must be indicated Latin letters. You need to enter it twice.
  • Then the system will send a code to your mobile phone in the form of an SMS, which must be entered on the website. With its help you activate your account.
  • And one last thing. You need to check the box next to “I accept the agreement.”

How to enroll your child in school through State Services

The system will redirect you to the mos.ru website, where you will re-enter the previously created login and password. This is how the user ends up in the system.

If you already have your own account on the government services website, you can use it to get into the electronic diary. To do this, find the “Login” inscription on the resource and click it. You will see a table with two columns called: “mos.ru account” and “other login methods.” You need to select the second option, where you need to click on the “public services” rectangle. This will automatically register you on the diary website.

Access to the service

By selecting the electronic diary item, top line The website address mrko.mos.ru/dnevnik will appear. On the right side of the page there will be a blue rectangle that says “Get a service.” You need to click on it.

Then, in the table that appears, we carry out the first step of registration by clicking on the inscription “Access to the electronic diary of the microregistry office.” You need to fill in here following lines:

  • "Account name." You can enter the child's name or your own (for example, Peter).
  • "Login MKRO". You need to find out from your class teacher.
  • “Password MKRO”, which is also issued at school. After that, click on the green rectangle “Continue”.

Regional portal of public services (RPGU) - IT marathon

The system will then prompt you to complete the second step, which is called “Data Verification.” Here you need to review the previously entered information to see if everything is filled out correctly. After this, registration on the site is completed.

In his account profile need to add an account own child by selecting him from the general list of students at school. The data needs to be saved, after which you can start using the resource.

How the service works

Electronic system MKRO consists of the following sections:

  1. Diary.
  2. News.
  3. Private messages.
  4. External assessment.
  5. Section "Diary"

Represents spreadsheet, where we select the required week from above. The user will immediately see an analogue of a paper diary, which will contain the following columns:

  • Lesson number.
  • Item name.
  • Homework that should be ready for that day.
  • The grade the child received.
  • Teacher's comment.

By clicking on the “diary” inscription in the top line, the following submenu will open in front of you: diary, all grades, final grades (for the year), schedule. In this part you can find full information about educational process schoolboy.

In addition, the resource provides the ability to select a separate subject, where you can easily obtain all the data relating to this discipline. Information in the diary is entered only by teachers.

Other sections

The “News” item contains information about current and future school events, as well as notices from the administration of the institution. All information is in chronological order for the convenience of users.

"Web Education" of the Tyumen Region - an electronic magazine for students and their parents

The “Personal Messages” section contains data on incoming and outgoing correspondence, that is, it is analogous to regular email. To send a text to a specific teacher, here you also need to click on the “Write a message” inscription.

The last point is “External assessment”. Here you can see the student’s final grades and his/her intra-school rankings among other students.

Features and Benefits

The service has clear interface, which is easy to use. An electronic diary will allow you to find and get acquainted with current information that concerns your child’s school life. It's about not only about grades, but also about the class schedule received homework, as well as planned events in the educational institution.

The advantages of using this service are obvious. Among them are:

  • The teacher’s grades and comments cannot be erased here, since only teachers have such opportunities.
  • Clearly written homework assignments to be completed by specific date. A child's handwriting can sometimes be difficult to read, or he or she may forget to write everything down. An electronic diary will help you understand these situations.
  • It is easy to monitor student progress while predicting final grades. The dynamics of grades will tell you which subject parents should pay close attention to in order to improve their child and not worsen further grades.
  • Possibility of timely receipt of information about upcoming parent meetings.
  • The easy way maintaining feedback with individual teachers or class teacher, which is especially important for busy parents.
  • You can get information at any time of the day. It is enough to have access to global network.
  • The service is provided free of charge throughout the student’s entire education period.
  • The site has a convenient and pleasant design with simple navigation, which is adapted for people with different levels of vision.

This portal is a diary unique in quality and functionality for modern students. You can obtain permission to enter the pgu mos ru electronic diary; you can enter your personal account after completing registration on the official website. After activation, the user will be able to control the children’s grades and what they receive in classes, which will allow them to always be aware of the student’s progress.

Parents and students will be able to track the completion of teacher requirements, receive or send necessary information heads of educational institutions or teachers. In essence, the site is a special screen through which parents are given the opportunity to control all events related to the lives of schoolchildren.

To gain access to the student portal and sign up for the service, you need to enter your personal section. Login is carried out by entering a password, and as a login, a mobile number or SNILS number.

If you are unable to log in, the reason may be that the school does not have necessary information about the user or it simply does not match the data that is entered into a special line. In such a situation, you need to call an employee of the educational institution or visit the school in person.

After the decision similar problem It will be possible to connect a service related to the use of such a resource as the electronic diary pgu mos ru, which is easy to enter. To avoid any problems logging in to personal page, the data that was entered and those that were left at the educational institution coincided.

Moscow State Services Portal: electronic student diary

All modern students should have the right to receive personal registration on the service portal. Portal pages are able to provide users with the following important functions:

  • The ability to study grades and scores in the diary for parents in a specific subject and for a certain time period;
  • You can view your final grades;
  • Studying information on academic performance over past periods;
  • Teachers have the right to leave comments on the student’s level of performance, as well as his behavior.

Functional electronic school resource PSU MOS ru personal electronic diary mobile version It is completely free to use, no monthly payments or admission fees are required. The portal is accessible at any time, the main thing is to have an Internet connection.


To register on the student portal, you must complete the following simple steps:

  1. Log in to the service resource.
  2. Activate the Login button.
  3. Enter contact information and full name.
  4. Click on the Register button.

After registration is completed correctly, the child will be able to independently access their page by entering own password and login. The student’s parents and other legal representatives have the right to conduct the student’s registration process. The operation is carried out free of charge and its one-time application on the State Services portal is enough for it to be valid throughout the year.

How to log into your personal account?

You can log in to the educational portal immediately after the registration process. Enough

just enter the information received during registration into a special form personal login and access code. This form is located in the Education section and it is in it that you will need to find the Electronic Diary.

When you log in, you will see the Account Name line in the field. Enter the student's name here. This function is very useful if several children study at the same time in one family. In this case, accounts need to be separated and logged into accounts under different names - logins.

Login through State Services for Schoolchildren

For the students themselves at PSU MOS ru personal account electronic student diary, the same entry rules are provided as for parents and teachers. The essence of authorization is simple. After visiting the corresponding section, a login and password are entered into a special form, and the visitor automatically appears on the page to perform all operations necessary for training and organizing leisure activities in Moscow.

mobile version

Analogous to the official educational portal– MRKO diary – is the most convenient to use mobile version of the resource. According to their own functionality the application is no different from standard version. Among the main sections presented to your attention and the information in them, the following can be noted: important points after an event such as logging into the system:

  • Days of classes;
  • Schedule;
  • Homework assigned every day;
  • Ratings given.

The resource has a clear and logical structure, which is similar to its standard paper counterpart. For this reason, parents, regardless of age, will find it quite easy to understand its functionality.

Any parent, as well as schoolchildren of different age categories, can easily understand the functionality of the electronic magazine presented to your attention.

On the MOS ru website, the student’s electronic diary login to the system automatically duplicates all the marks that were put in the journal during classes. It is for this reason that there is no doubt about the optimal relevance of the information presented to your attention.

Teacher Login

Teachers login home page official website is no less simple. First you need to go through a simple registration by filling out all the necessary personal data. After this, you just need to click on the green button located at the bottom of the page.

When entering your section, a password is used. It is advisable to replace the one that was issued during the registration process on the OEJD school portal with a more reliable one. Such a code should consist of numbers and letters, and in such a combination that makes it burglar-proof and relatively safe.


To make the most of this portal, you need to make sure that the school where the person is studying is necessarily connected to the PGU MOS ru portal, then you need to log in to your personal account. Many clients decide to use the electronic journal pgu mos ru login for teachers. This will allow them to always receive information regarding the progress of children, planned activities and the upcoming educational plan that the lyceum offers.

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