Email register. Free services and temporary emails

Create your own email

Hello. In this post we will discuss in detail how create email completely free.

In general, let's start Mailbox in the Internet. It is needed to receive and send letters. It is very convenient and quick way correspondence with the right person or company at any distance.

So, let's start creating mail

We will create it on the well-known search service, that is, on Yandex. This is the largest Russian (Russian) search service, it is completely reliable and nothing bad can be said about its services.

Also, in addition to the fact that you will receive free email, you will also have access to storage space for files on Yandex. This is the so called cloud storage files, but more on that later.

Let’s go to the website, in your browser, since I’m in Belarus, it’s, there’s no difference.

So we came in. Right in top corner We see a form for logging in to your mail.

Since we are not registered here yet, it means we cannot log in.

We need to click “create a box” - click here.

We get to the registration page, here you need to enter your name, for us it is Dmitry, last name Vasiliev, login - any of your choice, only in English letters, you will also be offered an option or you can simply write down your mobile number here.

Next is your mobile phone number (this is very important, it is advisable to enter it, because if you lose your password or your mailbox is stolen, you can easily restore it from your phone; they don’t charge you money for this).

If you do not want or are not able to specify a phone number, then you will be asked to specify an additional secret word. In my case, this is my favorite movie character.

Click - create mail. Plus, in my case, a message appeared to enter verification characters (you may not have one), enter it and click continue.

That's it, we created an email inbox in just a few minutes. Now you can use it freely.

At the top left is a block that lists incoming and outgoing letters; to view them, click on them.

To write a letter, you need to click “write”, as in the image below:

At first it will be a little unusual and incomprehensible, but a few days of practice and you will be able to use mail as quickly and easily as possible.

Now about the bonus from Yandex - cloud storage

To the right of the “letters” tab there is a “disk” tab - this is 10 gigabytes free space here you are provided as a Yandex user.

You can upload any files up to 10 GB in size here for storage. It is very comfortable:

  • You can view them from anywhere you have Internet access.
  • Reliable storage, downloaded files will never be lost

This is how we created an email quickly and easily. Plus we received a huge bonus in the form of free space on the Internet where you can safely store any files.

That's all, thanks for your attention. Ask questions in the comments.


E-mail has become so firmly established in our lives that it is unthinkable to imagine how we would communicate on forums, exchange information, photos and videos without it. useful service. Increasingly, there is a need to have two or three, or even five or even ten email addresses: for work colleagues, partners, friends, forums, mailing lists, etc. and so on. Working with such an army of mailboxes through regular web interfaces on the websites of postal services takes a lot of time and significantly increases Internet costs. And here email programs come to our aid.

What is an email program? This is a program installed on your PC in which you can receive, write, send and store emails and their attached files directly on your computer without visiting the email site through a browser.

An email program is also often called a mail client, an email client, an email client, or a mailer.

Today there are many mail programs. We will look at the most common ones working in the operating room Microsoft system Windows:

Windows Mail (set to default by default) Windows Vista)
- Microsoft Outlook Express (installed by default on Windows XP)
- Outlook Office 2007 (included in the software package Microsoft Office 2007)
- Outlook Office 2003 (included in the Microsoft Office 2003 software package)

We will analyze all the main points using the example of the Windows Mail program, supplied with all operating systems. Windows family Vista. And then we will step by step analyze the process of setting up other email programs.

As an example, we will use a mailbox on with the name and password.
So let's get started.

How to Set Up Windows Mail in Microsoft Vista

Record ID: 32 does not exist!

1. First of all, let's launch the mail program.
In the Windows Vista Start menu, click “All Programs” and select “Windows Mail” from the list that appears.

2. Let's start creating a new one account Email. To do this, in the “Service” menu, select “Accounts...”.

3. In the window that opens, click the “Add” button.

4. Select the type of account to be added – “Email Account” and click the “Next” button.

5. Enter the name that will appear in the “From” field of all letters we send. For example, Anna S. And click the “Next” button.

6. Enter our email address, for example This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it., and click the “Next” button.

7. Now the most difficult part of the work is setting up the reception and sending of mail. To do this, you need to enter the names of the corresponding servers - POP3 and SMTP. Let's figure out what it is.
POP3- from the English “Post Office Protocol Version 3”, translated as “post office protocol of the third version”. It is used by the email program to receive mail from the server. In our example, the server is, because This is where the email account is registered.
SMTP- from the English “Simple Mail Transfer Protocol”, translated as “simple mail transfer protocol”. It is designed to transfer mail to a server (in our example to and from the server to the recipient.

For greater clarity, let's use an analogy with a postman. POP3 postman brings mail that comes to you from the post office, which is The SMTP postman takes your mail and takes it to Postal office(, and from there it delivers your letters to the recipients.
Thus, if thanks to POP3 we receive mail, then thanks to SMTP we can send it. The operation of these protocols is invisible to our eyes. However, any email program must specify which protocols to use.

In our example:

Incoming message server for receiving mail: (where pop3 is the protocol for receiving mail, and is the system in which the mailbox is registered)
- outgoing message server for sending mail: (where smtp is the protocol for sending mail, and is the system in which the mailbox is registered)
Note: If you have a or mailbox, then you need to write them instead of Then you get or for receiving mail, and or for sending mail. The same principle applies to any other mail systems:,, etc. Everywhere a dot and the name of the mail system are added to pop3 and smtp. For example: to receive mail or; to send mail to or
So, we entered the server names for receiving and sending mail: and Each field must contain only one name.

8. There is another interesting option in this window. Many postal systems, including, for security reasons, request your mailbox name and password when sending and (or) receiving mail. In this case, be sure to check the box next to “The outgoing message server requires authentication.” Now you can click the “Next” button.

9. Now enter the mailbox name and password for it. In our example this is This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. and password. When entering the password, black dots will be displayed - this is how it should be, 1 dot = 1 character. This is done for security purposes so that no one can snoop on the password.
In this window, we will also check the box next to “Remember password” so that the mail program does not ask us to enter it every time we send or receive mail. Click the “Next” button.

10. Setting up your email program is almost complete. In the next window we need to accept important decision: whether or not we want all our incoming letters to to be downloaded to the computer into the mail program.
If we DO NOT want to, then check the box next to “Do not download email messages.”
Otherwise, don't check the box. However, remember that if you have a lot of emails in your mailbox and they big size, you risk spending a lot of traffic and time downloading them.
Having decided on the checkbox, click the “Finish” button and complete the setup of our mail.

11. The newly created email account will appear in the list. Click the “Close” button at the bottom of the window.

The mail program setup is complete. Now you can write, send and receive letters directly from your computer.

How to set up Outlook Express on Windows XP

1. Open the program by clicking “Start” – “Programs” – “Outlook Express”.

2. In the “Service” menu, select “Accounts”.

3. Click the “Add” button and select “Mail...”

4. Enter the name that will appear in the “From” field of all letters we send. For example, Anna S. And click the “Next” button.

5. Enter our email address and click “Next”.

6. Select the “Incoming message server” list - POP3.
In the “Incoming message server” field, enter
In the “Outgoing message server” field, enter
Click the “Next” button.

7. We keep the email address – This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. and the password to access this email account is password. Check the box next to “Remember password” and click the “Next” button.

8. To complete the account setup, click the “Finish” button.

9. Our mailbox appeared on the list. But that's it for setting up the email Microsoft programs Outlook Express is not yet complete. For security reasons, many mail systems, including, require your mailbox name and password when sending and/or receiving mail.
To configure this option in Microsoft Outlook Express, select the newly created email account and click the “Properties” button.

10. In the window that appears, go to the “Servers” tab. Check the box next to “User Authentication”

and click the “Settings” button. Let’s make sure that the “How to incoming mail server” item is highlighted there and click “OK” in all the windows.

11. In the Accounts window, click the “Close” button.

This completes the configuration of the Microsoft Outlook Express mail program.

In order to be able to correspond by email, you will need a mailbox where letters will be received and stored, as well as your own email address. How to create them will be discussed in this material.

First, you need to decide on which mail server your email will be located. Surely, when you connected to the Internet, your provider had already allocated you a mailbox at own server. But we would not recommend using this option, since providers change, but addresses remain for a long time. Therefore, most the best option will use the services of some large free mail service.

Currently, there are more than two dozen large free postal services in Russia, of which the most popular are:

Of course, you can choose less popular services, but keep in mind that not all of them are equally convenient and functional. But large postal services have in their arsenal advanced anti-spam tools, convenient user interface, I will support all kinds mail clients, their own utilities for checking mail, and also pay a lot of attention to the stability of the service.

Almost all mailers provide users with the following basic features:

  • Accessing your mailbox via a web page. This means that you will be able to view your correspondence, create, receive and send emails by logging into your browser at special page hosted on the server postal service. Thus, it is possible to work with e-mail from any computer connected to the Internet.
  • POP3 access. This protocol allows you to work with e-mail not through a web browser, but using special programs such as: Microsoft Outlook, The Bat!, Mozilla Thunderbird, Opera and others called mail clients.
  • IMAP access. It is a more advanced alternative to POP3 and provides users with enhanced capabilities for working with electronic correspondence when using email clients on their computer.

Unlike POP3, IMAP protocol Not all mail services support it, for example refused to use it.

In order to create your own mailbox, you need to register on the service you like. If you have chosen one of the four above services, then to start registering, simply click on its name, after which the corresponding registration page will open in front of you. But before that, still read this material to the end.

One of the key issues when creating a new mailbox is choosing its address, that is, your future email address. In general, the email address looks like this:

< Your invented name (login) >@ < Postal service name >

The “at” (@) symbol separating the login and the name of the mail server is called a “dog” in our country, a “snail” in Italy, and a “monkey” in Germany.

As you understand, the name of the mail service is entered automatically, depending on the service for which you register, and all you have to do is create a login, which must be unique and consist of a single word. In this case, the name can consist of Latin letters, numbers and underscores.

On mail services where tens of millions of mailboxes are registered, choosing a unique login, and one that suits you, is quite difficult. trivial task. So to an address containing your personal name, e.g. [email protected] or some popular word, type [email protected] , you can't count on it. At the same time, the registration system will immediately check your address for uniqueness and warn you if such a name is already taken.

When coming up with a name for your mailbox, be sure to take into account the purpose for which it is being created and with whom you will correspond. If you are creating a mailbox for business correspondence or you are an adult, then in its name it is quite appropriate to use a combination of your name or its first letter and surname, for example [email protected] . But keep in mind that too long name It will be awkward to write.

Many users use completely “neutral” and in some cases “puffy” names in their email names, such as “coolguy” or “bestgirl”. When corresponding with friends or registering on some resources, this is quite acceptable, but using this type of address to send business proposals or a resume to a potential employer is unlikely to be appropriate.

So, after selecting a unique name and entering some personal data, registration will be completed, and you will become the owner of a new personal mailbox. Now it is important to remember or even write down a few basic meanings:

  • Just created by you email address(For example, [email protected] ).
  • Login (username) to connect to a mailbox. As a rule, it coincides with the mail address itself or the left part of it located before the “dog”.
  • Created by you password to connect to a mailbox.

These three values ​​will be enough for you to work with email through a browser. To do this, simply go to the website of your mail service, enter your username and password, after which you will be taken to the personal page of your mailbox. There you can see a list of received letters, read them, write new ones or send replies, and much more.

Users who lead an active life online can have several mailboxes at once, using them according to for various purposes. For example, one of them is for business correspondence, the second is for personal correspondence, and the third is for registering on various network resources. It is possible that you will soon need an additional mailbox, creating which is no longer a problem for you.

It's impossible to imagine life without email modern man. In addition to promptly sending letters, a virtual mail address is used to register on various sites, make purchases in online stores and confirm your identity in in social networks. In this article you will learn how to create an email on your computer and install an email program.

What is email?

The history of the development of the virtual postal service began back in 1971, when the famous programmer Ray Tomlinson created a unified electronic network for remote computers. At that time, the implementation of the idea was primitive, and the developer was very concerned about the question of how to create email on a computer.

However, the basis of online message forwarding had been established. During the experiment, each computer was assigned an address, which consisted of the personal name of the computer and the name shared network. Both names were separated by the “@” sign, which was an abbreviation for the location of the address. Individual email addresses allowed the exchange of messages between computers, and today almost everyone knows how to make email on a computer.

On this moment a virtual mailbox is a complex mechanism for transmitting information between network users. Creating an email address has become available to anyone who has Personal Computer and access to the Internet.

Features of working with email

In order to exchange by email with another person, both recipients must have a virtual mailbox and Internet access. In this case, it does not matter at all whether the domains of these addresses are identical or not. Correspondence via e-mail can contain not only text messages, but also various media files and documents. This feature makes possible use an electronic mailbox for both work and communication with family and friends.

The email username is individual. In other words, no similar mailbox can exist on the network. Otherwise, before registering your email, the system will display an error and ask you to come up with a different unique login.

Modern systems that support the email function allow you to configure the service as conveniently as possible. For example, install the Antispam program, create letter templates and mass mailings.

Disadvantages of Email

The disadvantages of a virtual mailbox include its connection to the Internet. In other words, read incoming message impossible if the computer or mobile device are not connected to the network. Therefore, before creating an email on your computer, make sure your Internet connection is working properly.

Some modern email services offer such a feature as connecting notifications via SMS messages. This service is absolutely free and allows you to solve the problem of how to receive email on your computer via a mobile phone.

In addition to connecting to the network, a virtual address does not allow chatting. Most services offer a standard interface with the same configuration of folders, which are divided as follows:

  • Inbox
  • Sent
  • Drafts
  • Deleted

Google's mail system, however, offers the ability to receive and manage emails on a threaded basis. This allows you to study your message history in chronological order. This system is still under development and improvement.

How to make an email: instructions for beginners

Creating a personal virtual mailbox takes only a few minutes, and you can handle this an easy task Anyone can. Before you create an email on your computer, you need to decide on the domain on which the correspondence history will be stored. The choice of service depends only on the region of residence. In Russia, electronic mailboxes from the companies Mail, Yandex, Google and Rambler are popular, which offer their clients additional services, starting from search engines and ending free applications for the browser.

Before registering an email, you need to come up with a name for the future virtual mailbox. The ending of the address will depend on the chosen platform. For example,, or The final site address will look like this: [email protected], where instead of mymail you need to enter your own login. After choosing a platform and name, you need to go to the “Mail creation” section on the domain website.

During registration postal address need to be specified full name, country of residence and contact number phone. The latter is required to activate the mailbox via SMS message. Verified services will not issue mailing lists to mobile phone, so don’t worry about the confidentiality of your data.

Access to the mailbox becomes available immediately after its activation. Knowing the email addresses of friends or work colleagues, you can send them letters or forward important documents.

Mail program

For the convenience of using virtual mail, special ones are used. For example, Outlook Express, which allows you to manage incoming and outgoing letters without using a browser.

The advantage of email programs is their portability and the ability to personalize them. Outlook Express can remind you of incoming messages sound signals, send letters to any specified time and filter advertising spam.

Other ways to communicate on the Internet

In addition to email, you can organize online communication via Skype. This well-known program allows you not only to chat, but also to talk with your interlocutor using a webcam. The advantage of Skype is its accessibility, because now you don’t need to pay for long distance calls. The main thing is to ensure uninterrupted Internet access.

A similar program for instant messaging free messages called Viber. It is available to owners of smartphones in the operating room Android system or Windows. Thanks to Viber, you can make calls, share photos and be accessible anywhere in the world.

To register for any of the listed programs, a virtual box is required. But now that you know how to do email on your computer, Viber installation and Skype is no problem.

E-mail is used for correspondence between recipients, and various types of files can be attached to the letter, be it photographs, archives, audio or video clips, documents, etc.

The email address looks like this: [email protected] where: name is a unique name (login) in the mail service, is the site (domain) on which your mail is located and @ is the email identifier. In Russia, this icon is called a Dog, a purely descriptive name, but it suits everyone, you can, of course, say that it is the letter “a” with a tail, and everyone will understand you too.

First, let's talk about where you can register your email:

Well-known and free email services are represented by companies such as,,,

Let's look at the capabilities of the listed email services.

Yandex Mail - box volume is 10 GB, 1 GB are added as it is filled,

Creating message templates, okay

They are protected from spam (junk mail) and, importantly, all letters are scanned by Dr.Web anti-virus. Decent and reliable Post service. Ability to attach files up to 30MB; if the volume is larger, then the file is automatically uploaded to your Yandex Disk. In this case, a link to this file will appear in the letter.

(see photo)

Mail mail - the mailbox volume is unlimited, i.e. At first they give 10GB and add more as needed. Also good protection from spam and also
antivirus is working. Here you can attach files up to 25MB, and if the file is larger, then it is uploaded to [email protected]; the storage period for such files is 30 days. When registering you can choose one mail server from the proposed options i.e. Your address might look like this: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Unlike Yandex, all addresses are independent units, i.e. These are different email addresses. - email service from Google, design themes for every taste, autoresponder, email attachment, can you send up to 25MB, if more? Offer to use Google Drive, where 15GB will be available for you free space. I would like to note that 15GB is the total volume of mail: Messages, files, photos, etc. on Gmail, your email address might look like this: [email protected];

Rambler mail - mailbox capacity is 2GB, you can attach a file up to 20MB to a letter. When registering, you can choose one email server from those offered. As a result, your address may look like this: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected].