Zen doesn't work. How to customize Yandex.Zen for yourself

– this is your personal selection of the most interesting news, pictures and videos, which will now always be in sight. The Zen feed never ends, that's taken care of artificial intelligence, he will always be able to determine what exactly you like. From this Android day knows what to entertain you with and what articles or videos to choose from the multimillion-dollar flow of information on the World Wide Web.

You've probably already heard about the incredible mind and intelligence of the new assistant, created by Yandex. It really created a real sensation not only among competitors, but also among us, the users. The developers simply had no right to slow down, so very soon they introduced another way to predict our thoughts - Yandex Zen. This is an application that will always select exactly the content that you like exclusively. Based on careful work Yandex Zen application will follow your preferences and display in its feed only those news that will definitely interest you. You will be able to read a lot of useful and interesting materials, subscribe to individual authors and choose the most entertaining video channels. So that Yandex Zen can learn more about you, mark the publications you like and at first try to exclude sources that you do not like. This way the program will be able to achieve maximum accuracy in determining your tastes.

Magic functions of Yandex Zen on Android:

Only the most interesting materials from around the Internet
Huge coverage of topics - from hot reports from the world of show business to sharp political or sports reviews
Yandex has more than a thousand reliable sources, from which it will select only the most interesting
Tell Zen as much as possible about yourself, and he will understand you much better
Select the country and language of publications
Convenient smart widget for the main screen
Notifications about the release of new materials

As you can see, with such a smart and helpful application, you will never be bored standing in a traffic jam, driving to work in public transport or even just spend your free time. It's really very simple, and most importantly convenient. You have received a notification - only you can decide whether to read the continuation of the news or not. We didn’t find anything interesting - you just have to swipe the screen from top to bottom, and the feed will be updated, filled with a new portion of facts. Definitely recommend download Yandex Zen if you want to discover something new every day. Get into the good habit of feeding your brain with the right information. Don't be afraid to rely on smart assistants, today you can’t do without them. This is truly a miracle of modern developments, and we simply must have time to take advantage of all the benefits of the twenty-first century.

Yandex.Zen is one of the latest innovations Yandex Corporation, which is primarily known as a company that provides Internet search capabilities. This service is built into Yandex.Browser and is actually a list of recommendations that are generated automatically based on the user’s preferences and interests.

In this regard, it will be very useful to find out in more detail what Yandex.Zen is, how to install, configure and disable it, as well as on what principle it works.

Yandex.Zen - what kind of technology is it

As mentioned above , this is a service built into Yandex.Browser, which makes the Internet browser released by Yandex Corporation unique, since its main competitors do not have such developments.

You can discover this service by opening in Yandex.Browser new tab and going to the item called “Scoreboard”. First, you will see visual displays of sites in front of you, which you can easily go to with just one click of the mouse. Of course, this is not an innovation, and you can see this in all browsers whose names are well-known, for example, Google Chrome or Opera.

The fun starts below when you scroll a little further down the page. There you can see Zen with your own eyes, namely: a feed with various sites, news, etc.., which the technology has selected specifically for you and which should be interesting to you from its point of view.

Another place where you can get acquainted with the above service is the main Yandex search page, namely www.yandex.ru. If Yandex.Zen is not disabled, then scrolling home page down, you won't be able to miss it. It will look the same as on Tableau: in the form of a recommendations feed.

How the service works

First, the technology was tested on smartphones, and then, making sure that it was in demand, the developers transferred it to desktop devices.

How the technology works very simple: in a browser in which Zen is enabled, a continuous recording is carried out of exactly how the user acts on certain sites, which web pages he visits most often, what assessments he gives to certain things or phenomena. Then, applying developments in the field Big Data, i.e. collecting and processing large amounts of data, the service processes the information and statistically determines the most obvious preferences specific user from all the user's interests that it has discovered. After this, the formation of personal recommendations begins, which, from a Zen point of view, will be most interesting to this user.

In addition, a person using Zen can independently influence its settings. Similar setup it is done very simply: next to each news or article there is a kind of analogue of a dislike or like, which, as you probably know, appeared on social networks. A person clicks a dislike (in Zen, the developers called it “less of this”), and there are fewer such news and articles, or a like (in Zen, the developers called it “more of this”), and, accordingly, there is more information on this topic.

Installation and configuration of Zen


It's not at all difficult to do this. Go to one of the links below, download Yandex Browser and install it. Zen comes with it.

  1. https://browser.yandex.ru/desktop/main/.
  2. https://zen.yandex.ru/about?tab=browser.

To install the browser smoothly when you do not have significant experience in this matter, simply follow the installer's recommendations and take your time.


Here, too, you are unlikely to encounter serious difficulties. Use the following algorithm of actions described in detail below:

How to remove Zen from the browser

If you are annoyed by this service and no longer want to use it, removing it won't be too difficult. To do this, follow a few simple steps:

  1. Go to a new tab in Yandex Browser.
  2. View all menu items below search bar. Find among them the item called “Add-ons” and click on it.
  3. Find the “Browser Settings” item in the window that opens and click on it.
  4. In the new window, you will need to find “Show in a new tab Zen - personal recommendations feed” and uncheck the box.

If this service bothers you on the main page of the search engine, for example, it increases its loading time, then you can remove it in one action: scroll down the main page and at the beginning of the block with personal recommendations look at the top right corner. There you will see a cross icon. Click on it and Zen will stop working.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about a relatively new creation of Yandex called Zen. In general, all this appeared last year, but people started actively talking about this system only now. Yandex's idea was quite simple - to give the user the news feed that he wants to see, based on his preferences.

Surely the search engine doesn’t know what you like, what you prefer, and what you wouldn’t mind reading. And since such knowledge exists, it needs to be used. The service for users couldn’t be simpler—you just watch the feed and that’s it. No categories, tags or other navigation for you. This is probably more convenient for mobile users, because it’s difficult to select something with one free finger, but scrolling through a single news feed is quite convenient.

Where does he live? Well, firstly, follow the link provided, but probably few people go there, but nevertheless this system collects huge traffic. Therefore, it is obvious that it was built in somewhere. And not just somewhere, but to the main page of this search engine and to the “new tab”. Mobile users They weren’t left out either - Zen is already literally everywhere. Many people already have another question - how to turn it off, because...

Well, webmasters and publishers (that’s what the bourgeoisie call those who can generate content) have been attracted to this system for the last couple of months by something completely different - the opportunity receive additional traffic and earn money. The fact is that Yandex Zen allows those who get more than 10 thousand views in a week to enable monetization, and the first payments showed an average receipt above 40 thousand rubles per month. This is where the legs of the resulting excitement grow. From here on I'll try in more detail...

Where can you watch and read Zen's news feed?

As I already mentioned, news from Zen can be viewed in many places (including on the page of this service - zen.yandex.ru).

She probably still collects the main crowd of readers from the Yandex home page. There the feed is displayed at the very bottom (rather unobtrusively, but as I understand it, technical support has already been inundated with requests on how to disable it). While it is not disabled (I didn’t find such an option), you can only close the spoiler under which it will hide using the cross in the right corner of the tape:

If you click on the “Zen” heading, you will be taken to the service page, where you will be asked to choose one of a dozen sites, news from which you would like to see in your feed. Naturally, news not only from these publishers will be shown, but the selection process itself will help Yandex understand your preferences (especially if you are not logged in with your account, and even more so if you don’t have one at all).

The same thing, by the way, happens on mobile devices (Zen can be found there in the Yandex application, in their browser and somewhere else for sure):

And, of course, you will find Yandex Zen in the browser produced by this company. Here Zen is again quite unobtrusive (in the desktop version for sure) and appears when you open a new (empty) tab.

Previously, there was only a search form and , but now, when you scroll down, you can read a feed of news selected especially for you (although this will not necessarily be news - recipes, jokes, news on the most different topics, collections of pictures, and other nonsense to your liking).

By the way, you can enable synchronization in the Yandex browser (if you haven’t already) and read the same (carefully configured - read about it below) news feed. What progress has there been...

How to enable or disable the display of news from Zen

One more thing by the way. In the Browser you can enable Zen display(if it is not visible) or disable(if already tortured) in the settings (icon with three bars in the right top corner— “Settings” item):

Just uncheck or check the box you want. IN mobile version browser You can also disable/enable this panel. Only this option is buried there at the very end of the list (in the “Advanced” area):

In general, if you try, you can find it. Let's move on.

How to set up Yandex Zen?

If we do not touch upon the issues of enabling or disabling the display of the Zen block in various places (browser, applications, Yandex main page), then by settings we should probably understand the composition of your individual news feed. Of course, the algorithm itself should perfectly match your queries, but this is in the distant future. In the meantime, as in the joke - “raw parts need to be processed with a file.”

In Zen, to set preferences, the user essentially has only one tool (more precisely, two, but as one) - like and dislike, which can be assigned to each suggested post in your news feed. Several dislikes will prohibit the display of materials from this channel (what this is, read below) or from this site in your feed.

Although, in the Yandex mobile application it will be possible to add sites that interest you (outside the Top list) and delete previously blocked ones.

So, for example, it will be possible turn on your own channel(when you create it) or a website (when you connect it to Zen) to your news feed to control the materials sent to this service.

In general, there are a minimum of settings, which is what a modern user requires (especially mobile device). I want it to be all. Zen implements this - just spin the feed and like/dislike. Lepota.

Yandex Zen as a free blogging platform and RSS aggregator

Just above we looked at what this service looks like from the outside (for those who use it for its intended purpose - viewing and reading the feed). This is quite important for understanding how promising this service is and where exactly it gathers its considerable audience.

The fact is that content displayed in the Zen feed Yandex itself does not produce (it only carries out a selection based on the interests of a particular user). How and where does he get the content from? On the one hand, this is very similar to Yandex.News, where information is taken from sites via RSS, and on the other hand, it is similar to LJ (live journal), where the feed is formed from materials written by its participants.

Zen is an endless feed of content that is formed based on interests specific person. We want to help users find interesting content, and to publishers - targeted traffic(clicking on the recommendations opens the material on the source site).

So, Yandex Zen is two-faced and includes in the generated feed two types of materials:

You don’t have a website, but you have a desire to write and immediately get results, i.e. earn money (and not years later, as with creating a website)? Then Yandex Zen is for you!

It may not be so bravura, but something similar could be created as a slogan for PR for this service.

In general, the main advantage of a free blogging platform is the community that forms there. For example, in the same LiveJournal, in the era of its popularity, you just had to add a couple of cool articles, comment on several top blogs on the topic and that’s it, you already have hundreds of readers. I hope it will be the same here.

Of course, everything is not so simple, but at the initial stage of service development there is a chance to get hooked. I advise you to read this thread by Serch to understand whether it makes sense to “start working for this guy.” By the way, you can look at the graph of the growth in the number of visitors to this service (if this is not a fake, then it is very, very impressive):

Naturally, the option to connect the site (via RSS) negative aspects(except for fiddling with RSS and its validation) it doesn’t - additional traffic will come, maybe you’ll even earn something in Zen and there will be no downsides. The worst possible result is simply its absence. The materials will be posted automatically - you just need to set it up once. And if there is no traffic right away, it may appear later.

How to create your own channel in Yandex Zen

Everything is very simple. Come in to the page for authors, click on the “Login” button:

If you were already authorized in Yandex in this browser, you will immediately be taken to the page of your new channel (otherwise you will have to log in or even register). By the way, for now you can only create one channel on one account.

Here you will find three demo materials that are very educational - I advise you to familiarize yourself with them. It also makes sense to immediately give a name, description and add a logo for your channel by clicking on the letter “I” located at the top right:

To the right of the letter “I” you can enter the name of the channel, and when you click on it you will be prompted to download the logo from your computer. Add a description and email too.

That's it, now run to write a new note by clicking on the button with the green plus:

Built-in editor simple - the ability to add links or formatting appears after highlighting a word or phrase.

Personally, I miss canceling an action in the form of a button, although the traditional Control + Z (step back) works here, but try to guess. But it’s okay - you can live.

To insert photo, video from YouTube or message code from a social network, you need to go to new line(press enter) and use the buttons that appear.

Again, no frills, but the main thing is that it works properly.

At the top there is a non-obvious switch where you can activate the monetization of your channel in Zen. Truth first you will need to get 10 thousand views per week(until recently the threshold was 30 thousand):

Earning options quite expected - either advertising network Yandex (well, not Google), or AdFox, which Yandex also recently took over. I have already mentioned possible income (about 40 thousand rubles per month), but this was at a threshold of 30 thousand views per week. So draw your own conclusions.

How to add an RSS feed to your website in Yandex Zen

There are actually two questions here - how to create and how to add. The first is undoubtedly more difficult to implement. But first things first. The Zen help describes in some detail how what an additional RSS feed for your site should look like, so that this service can accept it and be able to extract announcements of your new posts from it.

And right there (at the very beginning) you will find a form for sending the created RSS for verification by the service’s technical support service.

Remains only create such an RSS feed on your website, taking into account all the requirements given on this page. This will not be easy for a non-professional to do. For WordPress I haven’t found a suitable plugin yet (someone remade the Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa plugin for sending posts to Yandex.News for these tasks).

I also found a couple of options online self-configuration desired RSS feed for a blog on WordPress. I haven’t gotten around to trying it yet, but maybe you’ll be quicker:

According to Yandex requirements, the feed must contain at least 50 pages, and full texts must be included in it. Its overall size can be decent.

If there is anything else working and interesting in the stash (even for other engines), please leave links in the comments (or send by email). I’ll add them to this list (the links here are closed from indexing, so there’s no point in trying to get a backlink in this way - I’d like to really collect useful list options for implementing a feed for Zen).

After adding a feed, checking its validity and recognizing it by the service’s technical support, you can already start waiting for traffic from zen.yandex.ru. It may look something like this in your website traffic statistics collection system:

As they write in the help for this service, posts from the feed automatically end up in the users’ feed, bypassing your channel. But the statistics will take into account their views and money will be paid for them if you overcome the barrier of 10 thousand views in a week.

If you suddenly want see how Yandex Zen displays posts taken from your site, then you can do the feint with your ears mentioned just above. You can go to mobile app“Yandex” (that’s what it’s called in one word) and scroll through its feed until a block with our service appears. After that, click on the word “Zen”:

And in the tab that opens, click on the icon with three dots in the upper right corner:

From the drop-down list, select the option “Sources that interest you” and in the window that appears, enter the URL of your site (or channel). After this, posts from your site should begin to appear in your Zen feed so that you can see and evaluate them.

Does it make sense to use Zen?

If you regular user of this service, then its use is determined only by your personal likes or dislikes. The service is still a little damp, but that doesn’t stop it from putting out a pretty good selection (for me, at least), which can also be manually edited with likes and dislikes.

If you are a publisher (already established or just thinking about it), then you have two ways to profitably use of this service and each of them must be considered separately:

  1. I'll start with connecting an existing site topics suitable for this service (promising). Here you have absolutely nothing to lose or invest (post announcements will be published automatically in Zen in parallel with publication on the site). And under good circumstances, you can get free traffic and even an additional portion of money from Yandex.
  2. If you are thinking about start your own channel on Zen and make money from this, then the situation here is more complicated, because there is a risk of spending a lot of time and effort on all this, but not getting the proper return. But it can also burn out. You won't know until you try!

If you want to run your channel in Yandex Zen, then also keep in mind that Yandex may pessimize your channel for violations of the rules (and these ones too). (headlines that provoke clicking on them, with texts that do not correspond to them or weakly correlate), and spam, and copy-paste (content stolen from someone).

The latter is very clearly monitored (although not quickly) and is almost always stopped. Moreover, there is even a knocker in case of copyright violation by the channel owner on this service. You won’t be spoiled here, and materials transferred from somewhere won’t delight you with views for long. And if you see your articles on other people’s channels, then immediately write a complaint (the mechanism is debugged and works perfectly).

Also, the organizers do not welcome you when you publish announcements in your channel, sending people to read full version to your website. To do this, there is an option to connect an RSS feed. Also, you should not duplicate materials from the RSS feed in your channel - they may cause pessimism.

Yes, the owners of the service are also threatening to spend a million dollars to support promising channels:

Interesting, isn't it? Who will they give it to? And for what?

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

You can watch more videos by going to

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At the beginning of the summer of 2015, Yandex announced the launch of an alpha version of the Yandex Zen recommendation service, designed to take into account the individual preferences of the user and create a user news feed in accordance with them. Nowadays, the Zen service is built into Yandex Browser on your computer by default, and for those who are not familiar with this service, I have prepared this material where I will tell you what Yandex Zen is and how to enable Yandex Zen in Yandex Browser.

The doctrine of enlightenment "Zen", created by the Buddhist monk of the Shaolin Monastery Bodhidharma in the 4th century BC, is indirectly related to the object of my story.

After all, “Yandex.Zen” is a Yandex browser service on a PC that creates a feed of publications taking into account the user’s interests and preferences. By clicking “like” or “dislike” on each material provided by the service, the user contributes to a more accurate accounting of their interests and preferences, and next time the Yandex.Zen service, which uses artificial intelligence technologies in its work, will provide the user with content that is fully reflects his views and preferences.

The self-learning artificial intelligence itself is built on Disco and Matrixnet technologies, which use computer vision and artificial language processing in their work. The name of the technology “disco” is an abbreviation for the English “discovery” (opening), and perfectly illustrates the essence of the implementation of this technology, which is based on the discovery of something qualitatively new. Matrixnet technology allows you to obtain long ranking chains based on complex formula taking into account many factors and their combinations.

Now Yandex Browser with Zen technology is available in 24 countries around the world for operating systems Windows, Android and iOS, this technology is also involved in Yandex.Launcher, an application for Android smartphones designed to help the user organize their workspace.

How to enable Yandex Zen on PC

To use Zen technology you just need to download the latest version Yandex browser and install it on your computer.

At the same time, remember that to enable and activate Yandex Zen technology, some time is required, during which the browser will observe your favorite resources and topics search queries in order to create a unique model of your preferences.

  1. After a model of your interests and likes has been formed, Zen will present you with recommendations for materials that will be available at the bottom of the browser window.
  2. By clicking on the material window in the feed, you will see the full material opened in a separate window.
  3. By tagging posts you like (thumbs up icon), you will contribute to the more frequent appearance of similar materials in your feed thanks to the included Yandex Zen.
  4. And by clicking the “dislike” icon ( thumb down) you may be able to eliminate or significantly reduce the amount of such material in the future.
  5. If you categorically do not like any resource, you can click on the “Dislike” button next to the material, and then click on “Block”.

The more actively you use the Zen functionality, the more often you click on “Like” or “Dislike”, the more accurate the picture of your preferences is formed by artificial intelligence, and the more relevant and useful materials will be offered to you in the future.

The variety of materials in Yandex Zen is quite extensive - you will be offered both news publications and videos, photos, blogs and so on, and all in accordance with your interests and preferences.

If you suddenly accidentally turned off the “Zen” function, then turn it on again by going to the “Menu”, selecting the browser settings, and checking the box next to the “Show in a new Zen tab - Feed of personal publications” function. Instructions for disabling the service are described.

You can see how turning on the “Zen” option in the Yandex Browser settings visually looks like in the video:

How to enable Yandex.Zen on Android

Enabling Yandex Zen on Android is done in a similar way; you just need to download the latest version of Yandex Browser for Android OS and wait for the system to generate a model of your interests and preferences. Enabling/disabling this service itself is located in “Settings” - “Advanced”, the option “Display Zen recommendations feed”.


The Zen technology described in this article is the near future of the development of Internet browsers. Already many social media(Facebook, Vkontakte, etc.) offer the user the formation of a news feed taking into account his views and preferences, and this is only the beginning of the path to creating an exclusive digital product for a specific consumer. This is done both in the interests of users who receive content “for themselves,” and in the interests of the creators of the content itself, because developers also want to know which target groups are consumers of their product, and how many users they should count on in the future. In a word, there are enough advantages in incorporating Yandex Zen technology, let’s see what the future holds for it.

In contact with

Recommended articles are displayed on home page browser in the form of cards. If you want to see more recommendations, move the ribbon with cards up. If you want to read the article, click on the card that interests you and the text will open.

Since the analysis algorithm is controlled by artificial intelligence, in order for it to begin to better understand all your preferences, the developers have introduced a scheme self-determination user's range of interests. This is not necessary, but with its help the service will quickly figure out what to offer you. Thus, the user is asked to select at least five sources of information that he likes.

At the same time, a feed that is customized through an initial selection of interesting sources may have significant differences from the one that would be formed later certain time only on the basis of computer analysis of the user’s choice of certain articles.

Among other things, under each article there is an opportunity to like or dislike. Please note that the rating should not relate to the essence of the content of the article. It should show whether you like articles on similar topics or not.

In other words, if you find the information in this article interesting but want to disagree with the specific content of the post, you'll want to give it a thumbs down. But Zen will take this as a reluctance to see posts on similar topics in the future. Over time, the browser will provide messages about the reduction in the number of unwanted articles in your Zen feed. Or proposals to block the source of the article.

Later certain period As you use Zen, you will see that it has become better at adapting to your personal interests and providing you with only those articles that are truly interesting to you.

How to reset preference settings in Yandex Zen

The simplest and quick way to do this is to clear your browser cache. Clearing the cache will be shown using the example of Yandex Browser.

You need to click on the “Menu” button, then select the “Advanced” and “Clear history” lines. Next, in the field that opens, you will need to indicate the period for which the information will be deleted. Don't forget to check the box next to "Files saved in cache".

Please note that when clearing history, there is no synchronization between devices. That is, it will be removed only where you cleaned it.

How to change settings in other ways in Yandex Zen

You can change settings by managing the list of channels and sources - blocking them or adding them to favorites.

Your subscription to a channel or website does not mean that all materials appearing in the source will be published in your feed. Zen will still filter content based on your interests.

To customize your Zen feed, you need to subscribe to the channels and sites that interest you so that their materials appear more often in your feed. And also block those sources that you don’t want to see in your feed, then Zen will eventually stop showing them to you.

How to change and add a new theme in Yandex Zen

To add a source to the list of those interested, after logging into Zen, open any article from the source that you like. Then, in the upper right corner, click on the + icon or scroll down the article, then go back up and click on the “Subscribe to channel” button that pops up.

If you want a source from the list, go to its page and click on the check mark in the upper right corner. Articles from this channel will not disappear from the feed completely, but will be shown less frequently.

You can completely block a channel, but do this only if you are completely confident in your choice. To block a channel, click on the dislike icon at the bottom of the post that is not interesting to you. Then click on the “Block” button.

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