DragonFly: Installation and initial configuration. What is the power consumption of Dragonfly echo sounders?

And designed for installing any BSD systems. However, so far it has turned out to be in demand specifically for installing DragonFly (and also in the LiveCD system, FreeSBIE, where it allows you to turn it into a full-fledged FreeBSD 5th branch). However, it is in DragonFly that this program shows itself in all its glory.

The DragonFly distribution uses a BSD Installer with a pseudo-graphical front-end based on the ncurces library. It is somewhat reminiscent in style to the traditional sysinstall from FreeBSD, but it seems more logical and understandable, although it is (yet?) inferior in functionality. However, like sysinstall, BSD Installer allows you not only to install the base system, but also to perform its basic settings, and not only during the initial installation, but also, with some reservations, subsequently.

In fact, BSD Installer performs all the actions that the user performs during manual installation, but in a semi-automatic mode, providing a choice from several predefined options through the menu. Which, of course, is less flexible, but significantly easier. In addition, it allows (up to a certain point) the refusal of completed actions and a return to their original positions, allowing you to avoid irreversible errors (for example, when marking a disk).

To begin with, immediately after registering with an installer account, the installer offers the following selection options (Fig. 1):

  1. installation;
  2. configuration of a previously installed system;
  3. LiveCD utilities;
  4. exit to LiveCD environment;

Rice. 1. BSD Installer start menu

At the first stage of installation, points 1 and 3 are of interest. In particular, using the 3rd point, it would be theoretically possible to partition the disk, but currently it is only possible to create a primary partition (BSD slice) for the entire disk. I’ll tell you how to get around this difficulty a little later.

In the meantime, let's turn to the first point - installing the system, the next step is to confirm your choice - and get to the disk selection menu (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Disc selection menu

Since we assumed that there was only one copy of it, there wasn’t much to choose from. But then it is proposed to create a partition on the disk for DragonFly, and here you already have a choice: use the entire disk (entire disk) or part of it for installing DragonFly (Fig. 3). Since we are not going to abandon the previously installed system, the first option most likely does not suit us - although with it everything happens very simply (which is why I talked about the desirability of a separate disk for DragonFlyBSD. And the second one is also not suitable in all cases: standard means you can create a slice only for all the remaining undivided space.

Rice. 3. Selecting the disk partition type

If, however, we are ready to give up all the remains of the disk to DragonFly, everything is simple: we agree with the second option, and, after confirming that we are right (Fig. 4), we obtain a BSD slice of the appropriate size.

Rice. 4. Request to confirm that the section was selected correctly

Before the positive answer to the question in Fig. 4 It’s a good idea to think again: all the contents of the partition, if any, will be lost (not only will the partition type change, but its initial sector will also be “reset to zero” with the command

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad#s?

An inquisitive user can easily verify this by viewing the output of the installer messages on the first virtual console.

If part of the unpartitioned space needs to be kept as such for later use for some purpose (and if there is a reserve of records for primary partitions), you will have to act differently. Fortunately, it turns out that the installation LiveCD of our system retains its “life-giving” properties even after launching the installer. By providing the user with six free virtual consoles out of eight possible (the installer is launched on the second, its messages are displayed on the first). And you can go to any of them, log in there as root (still without a password), create the desired partition manually - using the fdisk program. True, on BSD systems this tool is not the height of convenience, requiring (even in interactive mode) to explicitly specify the beginning and end of the section in physical (512 byte) blocks. And, accordingly, some calculations.

The truth is that LiveCD is life-giving - and the computer is at hand, in the form of the easy-to-use utility bc. And since the limit of consoles is far from being exhausted, no one is stopping you from running it in parallel and performing the necessary calculations. After which the team

$ fdisk -i /dev/ad0

create a partition of the required size on unpartitioned space interactively - that is, sequentially answering the program’s questions.

First, after displaying information about the current disk partition, a question will follow whether we want to change the first of the primary partitions. The answer should probably be no - because this section is most likely occupied by Windows, Linux or another BSD (however, the relevant information will be displayed on the screen, you just need to read it carefully).

Then a similar question will be asked regarding the second and subsequent primary partitions (as you know, there cannot be more than four of them on one disk). The answer should also be negative - until the question concerns a partition marked on the screen as UNUSED (unused) - this will be that same free disk space that has not yet been assigned to any OS. Or - the existing section, doomed to sacrifice. Here we agree to make changes - we make them by answering a new series of questions.

The first of them will be a request for input, the second is the manual creation of slices (with the existing markup, it will first be asked whether we want this - with a negative answer by default). To do this, the file system type identifier is first requested (the default is the ID of the existing partition or 0 for unallocated space). Here you should manually indicate its decimal value (165 is the FreeBSD/DragonFly identifier). It then asks for the starting sector - obviously the first sector of the partition - and the size of the partition in 512 byte blocks - this should be calculated using bc .

After this, you will be asked to precisely specify the beginning and end of the slice. If you refuse, they will be taken from the previous definitions; if you agree, you will need to indicate the first and last cylinder, head, sector. Which will be displayed in the form

Sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD) start 0, size 260000 (126 Meg), flag 0 beg: cyl 0/ head 0/ sector 1; end: cyl 126/ head 60/ sector 32

Confirming your actions with a positive answer to the question

Are we happy with this entry? [n]y

you should abandon changes to the remaining partition table entries (if any remain). After which the last question will be asked - confirmation to complete the actual markup:

Do you want to change the active partition? [n]

If the answer is positive, all changes made will take effect (and on a previously marked disk, if an error occurs, you can say goodbye to its contents). So you should preview everything previously entered - fortunately, this is easy to do by scrolling through the history buffer of the virtual console, going to its viewing mode by pressing the key ScrollLock(and the viewing itself is performed using the keys PageUp/PageDown- screen by screen and with arrows Up And Down- line by line). And if an error is detected, discard the changes and run the fdisk command again. However, you can exit it at any time without consequences and in the standard way - with a key combination Control>+C.

The need for manual disk partitioning will also arise on a “clean” disk if we want to assign more than one primary partition to DragonFly (in the next interlude I will tell you why this may be advisable). In this case, the second slice is created in exactly the same way as the first.

The procedure for creating disk partitions using fdisk is described in detail on its man page - fortunately it is available from LiveCD during installation. But in general, as I already said, if you compromise on principles, the easiest way is to create a slice (and especially slices) for DragonFly in advance - using any available LiveCD with Linux. And if you have FreeBSD installed, this can be easily done using its sysinstall .

Upon completion of manual marking of the slice (or slices), you need to make it available to the BSD Installer. To do this, you will have to return to its initial menu, select the item Exit to LiveCD(see Fig. 1) and log in as installer again.

Having created the primary partition in one way or another, select it in the appropriate menu to split it into subpartitions. The default option is as follows (Fig. 5):

/ - 256 MB
swap - 1024 MB
/var - 256 MB
/tmp - 256 MB
/usr - 8192 MB
/home - *, that is, everything else

Rice. 5. Creating disk subpartitions, normal mode

This scheme is quite reasonable, and for a user who has not previously dealt with BSD systems, it can be accepted. If he, especially, is going to use DragonFly purely for experimental purposes. Unless, if there is not enough space, reduce the partition for /usr (down to a minimum of 4096 MB - which is why I said earlier that the DragonFly installation requires about 6 GB of disk space) and swap (with a memory of 512 MB or more, it is practically not used).

However, if it is planned (or at least allowed) to use DragonFly as a “combat” platform, the issue of marking subsections must be approached with full responsibility. Actually, extremely poor disk partitioning is almost the only reason that makes it inevitable to reinstall any POSIX operating system from scratch (all other problems can be solved with therapeutic methods), and DragonFly is no exception. Why is this case singled out as a separate proceeding - the next section is dedicated specifically to this topic.

For now, I’ll just note that in addition to the normal mode of marking subsections, illustrated in Fig. 5, there is also the so-called. "expert mode" (Fig. 6). In which, in addition to specifying the size of the partitions, for individual of them you can also enable or disable the Softupdates mode, as well as individually determine the size of the block and fragment of the file system. The procedure for creating the latter (that is, executing the newfs command or, in DOS/Windows terms, formatting) is combined in the BSD Installer menu with partition layout and is carried out in one step with it - by choice Accept and Create, causing the last warning, with which "the user agrees and formatting is performed."

Rice. 6. Creating disk subpartitions, expert mode

After the creation of the file system is completed (and for large partitions it can take a long time), the question is asked whether to start transferring the files of the base system. Unlike most Linux distributions (as well as FreeBSD and other BSD systems), there is no unpacking of archives or deployment of packages. Simply, the LiveCD file system (located at this moment, let me remind you, in RAM) with all its contents - directories, subdirectories and individual files) is copied to the corresponding partitions of the previously created slice, mounted in the virtual directory /mnt: root - to root, /usr - to /usr, and so on. True, not with the usual cp command, but with a specially designed utility cpdup, which ensures complete identity of the file structure of the source and destination (including reproduction of hard and symbolic links, device files, access and ownership attributes). This is important to remember during emergency rescue operations, which will be discussed in more detail in the next article.

So, with the user’s consent (and where should he go - otherwise there will be no installation) the process of transferring files begins. Moreover, unlike sysinstall from FreeBSD, no choice of basic package packages is offered beforehand. And this, of course, is a minus - as a result, the user ends up being the “happy” owner, for example, of a Kerberos security system or info documentation, which he probably doesn’t need in the world. And this does not help the speed of file transfer (I must say, not fast). But what has grown has grown... And it will be possible to get rid of unnecessary parts of the base system (like Kerberos) in the future - this will be discussed in the next article.

At the end of the initial installation, there is a proposal to install a bootloader, exactly the same loader as in FreeBSD. And you can install it again in the boot sector of the disk or slice. In the first option - registering a BSD "loader" in the MBR of the disk - it allows multi-system booting from any primary partition (which has its own boot tools, of course). The second option will require ensuring that DragonFly is loaded using Lilo or GRUB, which is no more difficult to do than for FreeBSD, but has nothing to do with the topic of our conversation today. Moreover, BSD Loader, despite its external simplicity and unpresentability, successfully copes with loading its native operating system (of course!), as well as Windows, Linux and any other BSD. Provided that their own bootloaders are located in the boot sectors of the primary disk partitions - but this is still to be discussed.

The installation itself is complete - you are prompted to either proceed to configuring the system, or reboot (you can also return to the first page of the installer). We will, of course, be interested in the issue of initial configuration. But first - the promised

Product code: 723193791653


Which fish finder is right for me?

Many fishermen are wondering which fish finder should be purchased for their needs.

The experts at Happy Angler have put together some tips to help you find the right fish finder or fish finder chartplotter to make your fishing more effective.

New addition to the popular Raymarine Dragonfly series! Now high technologies can be purchased at a better price! Dragonfly PRO fish finders-chartplotters are equipped with a two-channel CHIRP DownVision echo sounder and WiFi support, so you can transfer the sonar image to your smartphone or tablet!

Raymarine's award-winning CHIRP DownVision technology offers anglers such clear images of the underwater world that it has rightfully earned the name Visionality! Experience the power and clarity of Visionality technology and take a new look at the underwater world beneath your boat. Photo-accurate bottom imaging with CHIRP DownVision™ technology makes it much easier to identify individual fish from a school. A sensitive temperature sensor is built into the echolocation sensor. Dragonfly 4 PRO features a traditional CHIRP sonar and a CHIRP DownVision sonar.

Dragonfly fish finders use broadband CHIRP technology, which can be called a leap into the future. Using broadband CHIRP technology, more echolocation signals are sent into the water, allowing Dragonfly to better recognize objects, find more fish, and map out underwater terrain with incredible accuracy.

Any Weather Display – The incredibly bright display will not fog up even in the most inclement weather! Crisp images on the Dragonflyn LCD from any angle. Compact hinge mounting system and the ability to purchase additional hinge mounting systems (eg RAM).

Dragonfly PRO models are equipped with built-in Wi-Fi. Anglers can continuously receive Dragonfly sonar images directly onto their smartphone or tablet screen using the Raymarine Wi-Fish™ app. With the Wi-Fish app, you can view Dragonfly's echolocation images in the palm of your hand! The Wi-Fish app includes options to pause, zoom the image, scroll back through image history, and share the best images with friends. Download the free Wi-Fish app to your smartphone or tablet running iOS or Android (supports WiFi, iOS7 or Android 4.0 or later) and turn your device into an additional display of the Dragonfly PRO fishfinder-chartplotter!

Display size 5"
800 x 480 resolution, WQVGA display
Echolocation CHIRP and CHIRP DownVision
Wi-Fi app
microSD card slot x 1
Map support: Navionics, C-MAP 4D
Waterproof standard: IPX 6 and IPX 7
Languages: Russian, English, Finnish, Swedish, Bulgarian, Danish, French, Icelandic, Korean, Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch, German, Italian, Norwegian, Turkish, Arabic, Croatian, Greek, Japanese, Polish, Spanish

Dragonfly 5 PRO
Transom transducer CPT-DVS, cable length 6 m
Mounting platform
Mount for transom sensor


Untitled Document

Delivery method

Delivery is carried out using the EMS (Express Mail Service) service. The goods are always delivered to your home. The courier informs the client about the arrival of the parcel and delivers it to the specified address. In case of temporary absence of the addressee at the place of delivery, the courier leaves a notice that the parcel can be picked up at a certain post office. The customer must pick up the order from the post office within 14 days. Otherwise the order will be returned to Happy Angler.

Cost of delivery

The delivery cost for all orders is 1000 rubles, regardless of the weight of the parcel.

The technical specifications indicate a maximum depth of 183 meters, but it is important to remember that this parameter is influenced by many factors, including the type of water (fresh or salt), thermoclines and the content of various gases in the water column, the type of bottom surface (harder types of soil reflect signals better ), as well as the speed of the vessel and the quality of installation of the emitter sensor.

When testing in fresh water under normal conditions, depth readings of 213 meters were achieved in both echolocation modes. When conducting tests in salt water, depth readings reached 271 meters in fishfinder echo sounder mode, and more than 110 meters in DownVision mode.

What is the minimum operating depth for an echo sounder?

The minimum depth is 0.6 meters.

Why is the depth image in DownVision mode different from the sonar mode?

When two modes are enabled simultaneously on one screen, the depth value is taken from the fishfinder mode, which has a wider beam angle in the stern/bow direction than the DownVision mode.

When the depth changes quickly, the fishfinder beam tracks this change more consistently than the beam in DownVision mode.

Can my fish finder cause interference with other fish finders?

Yes, interference is possible if the frequency spectrum of the CHIRP echo sounder radiation coincides with the radiation frequencies of another echo sounder.

Is it possible to turn off the echo sounder radiation?

Yes, the emission of signals can be turned off.

The enable/disable item is located in the menu, which is opened by briefly pressing the echo sounder power button.

How fast can you go in DownVision mode?

The system has been tested at speeds up to 45 knots (83 km/h), but it is important to remember that the ability of a fish finder to operate at high speeds depends significantly on the installation of the transducer.

Are the Dragonfly transducers available for through-hull mounting?

Yes, they are released.

Depending on the type of vessel hull, you can install a plastic through sensor CPT-70, or a bronze through sensor CPT-80.

What is the length of the Dragonfly sonar transducer cable?

The CPT-60 transom sensor has a 6-meter cable.

Sensors installed through the housing CPT-70 and CPT-80 have a cable of 10 meters.

If necessary, you can use an additional 4 meter extension cable (article A80224).

What needs to be done to prevent the transom sensor from spontaneously jumping out of the mount?

Adjust the sensor retention in the mount using a special screw.

How do I update the software on my Dragonfly fish finder?

To update the software in the Dragonfly echo sounder, you will need a blank MicroSD or MicroSDHC memory card with a capacity of at least 1GB (and no more than 32GB).

Download the latest software archive from www.raymarine.com under Service&Support / Software Updates / Dragonfly, or follow the link.

Attention! Before updating the software, make sure that the echo sounder is connected to a reliable power source and there is absolutely no chance of it accidentally turning off!

  • 1. Unpack all the files in the archive and copy them to the root directory of the prepared memory card.
  • 2. Turn off the fish finder.
  • 3. Insert a memory card into the device.
  • 4. Turn on the power to the fish finder.
  • 5. The update process will start automatically. The procedure takes some time, during which the echo sounder cannot be disconnected from the power source.
  • 6. After the update process is completed, the device will turn off on its own.
  • 7. Once the update process is complete, remove the memory card from the display.
  • 8. Turn on the echo sounder.
  • 9. When a navigation safety warning message appears on the screen, the current software version is displayed in numbers in the lower right corner of this message.

What is the maximum capacity of memory cards supported in the fish finder?

Any memory cards in MicroSD and MicroSDHC formats up to 32GB.

Is it possible to connect other devices to the Dragonfly echo sounder?

The Dragonfly echo sounder chartplotter is a functionally complete device and does not have the ability to integrate with other devices.

What is the power consumption of Dragonfly fish finders?

Dragonfly 6: 8W with full backlight; 4.5W in standby mode.

Dragonfly 7: 9.4W with full backlight; 4.8W in standby mode.

Can the Dragonfly echo sounder operate on 24V power?

No, the fish finder is designed to operate on 12V DC power only (range 10.2V to 16.6V).

How do I restore my Dragonfly fish finder to factory settings?

You can reset the echo sounder in two ways: software, using the echo sounder menu, and using a special button combination.

Attention! The procedure of resetting the device to factory settings deletes ALL settings and saved points and tracks from the echo sounder memory!

Soft reset:

In " Tools and Setup"You need to go to the item " System Parameters", then the item " Maintenance».

« Reset» – ensures that only the echo sounder settings are reset;

« Reset settings and data» – sets all factory settings in the device and clears the echo sounder memory (all saved points and tracks will be deleted).

Push button reset:

  • 1. Turn on the power to the fish finder.
  • 2. When the logo first appears on the screen, press and hold the echo sounder on/off button until you enter the special mode. White text on a black background should appear on the screen.
  • 3. The echo sounder is reset using the first item “ Reset FLOB and bluetooth" Reset activation is done SINGLE TIME by pressing the on/off button. After pressing the button, a countdown to reset will appear opposite this item.
  • 4. Once the reset is complete, Dragonfly will reboot automatically.

Description and equipment

New 2015! Dual-channel echo sounder/Chartplotter with Wi-Fi: CHIRP Sonar and Structural CHIRP DownVision™ (Structural mode with detailed formation of a high-definition echolocation image), Built-in GPS receiver, Built-in Wi-Fi controller, 5" (127mm) screen. Cartography support: C- MAP, Navionics, LightCharts. CPT-DVS transom sensor included.

CHRIP DownVision™ technology is simply the Best Structural Sonar.

CHIRP DownVision™ technology provides images of the underwater world with unique clarity and photorealism. Unlike conventional structure sonars, Dragonfly's CHIRP DownVision™ mode performs superior in shallow waters to depths of up to 180 meters, keeping the signal off the bottom while moving at speed.

Excellent Image Quality

The Dragonfly fish finder is equipped with an LCD screen created using Optical Bonding technology. Optical Bonding technology significantly increases the reliability and extends the life of the screen when used in difficult weather conditions, and also ensures first-class image quality in all lighting conditions. Thanks to this, the screen of the devices never fogs up, excellent visibility is ensured both in bright sunlight and at night, and the image has bright colors and high contrast.

Wireless image transfer to a smartphone or tablet Raymarine Dragonfly WiFish

In Dragonfly Pro echo sounder models, which are equipped with a built-in Wi-Fi module, it is possible to transfer images to a smartphone or tablet computer in real time.

Connect your phone or tablet computer to the echo sounder via Wi-Fi, and the echo sounder image will be displayed on the screen of your mobile device. To operate the echo sounder with a mobile device, use the free Wi-Fish mobile application.

*The Wi-Fish mobile application can be installed on devices with iOS version 7 or Android version 4.0 and higher.

The program provides the ability to pause, zoom the image, scroll back the image history and save the screen image to the device memory.

Using Detailed Maps

Models with a built-in GPS receiver support three cartography standards:

Jeppesen C-MAP

LightHouse Charts – Raymarine proprietary format

Difference between CHIRP technology and traditional technologies

Unlike traditional fish finders, which emit a fixed frequency pulse each time, Dragonfly fish finders use CHIRP technology to transmit signals across a wide frequency spectrum with each pulse sent into the water. As a result of using CHIRP technology, the detail and reliability of the image obtained by the echo sounder significantly increases.

Two CHIRP Channels – Two Sonars in One

The Dragonfly 5 DVS model uses two independent echolocation modes with CHIRP technology, operating in different frequency ranges:

- CHIRP DownVision™ Mode- structural mode with detailed formation of a high-definition echolocation image;

- CHIRP echo sounder mode- Provides greater detail and identification of fish.

Convenient Mounting

Dragonfly 5 fish finders feature a compact display hinge that allows you to easily install your fish finder virtually anywhere.

The durable housing of the echo sounder is made in accordance with IPX6 and IPX7 waterproof standards.

Distinctive features:

  • photorealistic image quality of the bottom structure based on CHIRP DownVision™ technology
  • Combined CHIRP fish finder and ultrasonic CHIRP echo sounder provide high-resolution imaging of bottom structure and fish identification
  • dual beam efficient CHIRP sensor
  • accurate temperature sensor built into the sensor.
  • built-in GPS receiver, with fast location technology.
  • supports Navionics cartography, SMAR
  • Amazingly simple display control interface, makes the display easier to use
  • very bright nit screen with Optical Bonding technology provides high brightness and contrast of the image in bright sunlight, maximum screen readability in all weather conditions
  • Swivel and tilt bracket for easy display removal
  • Built-in GPS module


  • Characteristics of GPS chartplotter and two-channel CHIRP echo sounder: Structured mode
  • DownVision™ and Fishing Sonar Mode
  • Screen diagonal 5 inches (127 mm)
  • Screen resolution (pixels) 800 x 480
  • Fishing CHIRP echo sounder
  • Structural CHIRP DownVision™
  • Visibility in any weather
  • Using the Raymarine WiFish mobile app
  • Compatible with Android and iOS mobile devices
  • Built-in GPS receiver
  • Compatible with LightHouse cards
  • Compatible with Navionics charts
  • Compatible with C-MAP cards
  • MicroSD card reader
  • Virtual View
  • Two-channel echo sounder
  • Echolocation depth 183 meters in CHIRP DownVision™ mode / 275 meters in fishing mode
  • CHIRP echo sounder
  • Rated supply voltage 12 V DC
  • Operating voltage range 10.8 V DC to 15.6 V DC
  • Equipment:

    In popular military terminology there is such a concept - Game Changing Weapon. For example, at the beginning of the century you are breeding horses, sharpening sabres, and planning the logistics of supplying fodder. And then a tank appears, which sends all cavalry science into retirement. Time passes, and at the beginning of the next century some Javelin will nullify the art of tank strategy. This is a “game-changing weapon.” This is how Hi-Fi audio at one time spent a long time building a kingdom with three-story CD transports, until it was bombed with tiny computer audio modules.

    Before the very first Audioquest DragonFly, portable DAC/amp combos already existed, but the idea lacked finesse. Either the dimensions are like that of a pack of washing powder, or supply external power - as if there were not enough wires on the table from a laptop, headphones and active acoustics. Audioquest DragonFly looked like a flash drive with a mini-jack output. Asynchronous USB, two clocks for frequencies that are multiples of 44.1 and 48 kHz - thanks, Gordon Rankin (famous engineer, founder of Wavelenth Audio, who was the first to introduce asynchronous USB transmission to the world of audio) - everything to the point and nothing superfluous!

    The success of the Audioquest concept excited a lot of people. Many users tried to attach their “dragonflies” to smartphones via adapters. It worked - with limited success. The fact is that the same iPhone directly refused to start the external device due to proprietary limitations in power consumption. Therefore, the most persistent ones went to the end and included USB hubs with power in the scheme so that the system would still work. But, of course, it all didn’t look so appetizing.

    The 1.5 Black model is already the third generation of DragonFly, which supports smartphone energy consumption standards. Now, using the Apple Camera Kit or a USB OTG adapter for Android, you can give your dialers and tablets a powerful Hi-Fi upgrade. Let's look at the features of the device in order.

    Although they say that DragonFly resembles a flash drive, when you take the 1.5 Black in your hands, you understand that there is something more serious inside: the module weighs just over 20 grams. It is easy to distinguish the new product from the previous version 1.2 - by the anodized USB connector. In order to reduce consumption, the USB microcontroller was replaced from Texas Instruments TAS1020B to Microchip PIC32MX. For the same purpose, the output voltage was reduced from 1.8 to 1.2 Volts. As further practice has shown, for the vast majority of headphones this value is sufficient.

    Audioquest DragonFly switching is extremely laconic - an asynchronous USB connector on one side, and a 3.5 mm mini-jack on the other

    The Saber DAC model has changed from ESS 9023 to ESS 9010. As in previous models, the volume control in Black 1.5 is analog. The regulator itself is not provided on the case - everything is controlled indirectly, through the volume slider in the computer or gadget. The more expensive 1.5 Red version has digital volume control and another higher-spec DAC, the ESS 9016, with 2.1V output to drive tight 600-ohm headphones.

    The device still has a 24-bit/96 kHz ceiling and the corresponding indication on the body: 44.1 kHz - green dragonfly, 48 kHz - blue, 88.2 kHz - amber and 96 kHz - purple. However, the receiver can accept higher sampling rates, which will automatically downsample to 96 kHz. By the way, the very presence of a multi-colored display is not a toy, but a very visual option. The fact is that the interface of a computer audio player usually has several signal output options. The default stock sound card, for example, may require high-resolution audio downsampling to 48 kHz, and these player settings will be retained when changing the output to a more progressive receiver. With DragonFly this process is always under control, and you see the true bit depth of the signal entering the DAC. There are no ASIO drivers for DragonFly, but you don’t need to install anything, just plug the device into the connector - and you’re done. It works with Windows audio programs using the equivalent WASAPI or Kernel Stream protocols.

    A removable cover protects the USB connector, plus a faux leather cover provides additional protection for travel conditions.

    Measuring the signal at a level of 0 dB at a frequency of 1 kHz did not allow us to achieve the 1.2 volts declared by the manufacturer. However, for any headphones, excluding high-impedance models, it turns out to be extremely loud. The main thing is that the output impedance of the DragonFly audio output remains well below the 10 ohm mark. To guarantee the absence of frequency response distortions and distortions, the output and load impedances must differ at least five times. Player manufacturers do not indicate this important parameter, and you have to calculate it yourself, focusing on the voltage drop with and without load. For example, in my work laptop the impedance value is 50 Ohms, so when connecting low-impedance armature headphones, the sound is distorted and becomes rough. With DragonFly this mess is eliminated.

    Audioquest DragonFly's low output impedance improves compatibility with low-impedance headphones

    Even a casual listener can tell the difference between the Audioquest sound and the stock laptop audio output and say “wow!” Saber processors are true to themselves even in such tiny implementations. The sound is fast and transparent, every note marks a step: not a single hint of smearing. The midbass jumps like a boxer in the ring, and the stage is the size of space. De facto, a similar archetype today dominates the overwhelming number of implementations on Saber (and there are a lot of them). How do I personally feel about this handwriting? Conflicting feeling.

    On the one hand, such a presentation will at least strongly indicate to the neophyte that before this he listened to some kind of junk. This is definitely a DAC you'll want to keep on hand in the field. But still not as the only source in the house! At one time, CD players tried to imitate the sound of LP players, and reviewers praised the allusions to analog sound. But those times seem to be behind us. So today, on acoustic phonograms performed by Saber, I would like more liveliness of timbres and unity of presentation.

    Audioquest DragonFly is able to compete even with desktop computer audio cards

    DragonFly cannot be called a completely neutral source. It still imposes its agenda in the very upper mids and bass. The sound is perceived by the ear as very pure and dynamic, but the impulse appears and disappears instantly, there is no tangle of after-sounds that form the actual music lover fabric. For modern mainstream genres or some clicks’n’cuts, sources such as Audioquest DragonFly will draw a rhythmic line with the precision of a plotter. But some vinyl rips, especially if there is distortion, will have a hard time: clicks and wheezes will be presented in a forced form. And if when working with headphones these features are not so noticeable, then when connected to a stationary audio system, an experienced ear will be convinced that classic large DACs will still fight.

    The Lightning/USB adapter is designed for transferring photos and videos from a digital camera to iPhone and iPad, but in our case it serves as a bridge for connecting an external DAC

    It is said that Gordon Rankin initially wanted to use Wolfson converters, but then abandoned them. In principle, it’s clear why: the Saber architecture is more promising in terms of upgrades. Starting from the third generation of DragonFly, in the future it will be possible to update the firmware - and there, most likely, sound correction will be possible, DSD support will be added, and maybe MQA. In the meantime, at the end of the day, one more interesting observation.

    It seems like everyone already knows about smartphone support for the new DragonFly. But did you know that now even from the antediluvian iPhone Quartet you can output honest high-res audio through a 30-pin connector? I noticed this when, when listening through the Onkyo app, the “dragonfly” changed its color to amber. 88 kHz sampling? Where? It turns out that the software player had an upsampling function, and it obediently doubled the base 44 kHz. In principle, it was possible to listen to high-records on iOS devices before - both through Onkyo and through a FLAC player. But there was little joy from this. It takes up a decent amount of space, and during playback, the built-in iOS audio codecs reduced the stream to 16/44 using the trunking method. That is, they stupidly cut off everything unnecessary. As a result, such a high-cut could sound even worse than a 16/44 file, made according to science with the correct resolution reduction and the dither option turned on.

    Surprisingly, using the Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit adapter you can even output HD audio from older iPhones to DragonFly

    Now it doesn’t matter which connector you use in conjunction with the Audioquest DragonFly - Lightning or a 30-pin old man, Apple’s restrictions will no longer harm anything. HD audio will be sent in its original form to an external DAC, and you will be able to appreciate the beauty of Game Changing Weapon far, far from home.

    Price: 9,310 rubles

    Passport details

    DAC: 32 bit, Saber ESS 9010

    Maximum operating sampling rate: 24 bit / 96 kHz

    Microcontroller: 32 bit, Microchip PIC32MX

    Maximum audio output voltage: 1.2V

    Compatibility: Windows Vista / 7 / 8.1 / 10; Apple OS X; Linux; Apple iOS (5 and above); Android (4.1 and higher)

    Upgrade: via AudioQuest's Desktop Manager Application (at the time of publication, under development)

    Dimensions: 12x19x62 mm


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