Sample power of attorney in a megaphone from a legal entity. We act without the help of an operator

Power of attorney from legal entity- a document issued by one person to another in order to act as a representative to a third. According to Russian legislation, a power of attorney can be drawn up either in simple written form or certified by a notary. There are templates for designing different types of powers of attorney. Power of attorney form for the performance of actions that require notarization. must be notarized. A power of attorney for the performance of actions that do not require notarization has legal force even without notarization.

Sample power of attorney from a legal entity

A power of attorney from a legal entity must be personally signed by the head of the company or another official who has the appropriate authority and certified with the company’s seal. The power of attorney will not be recognized as valid without a seal and signature. A facsimile signature is also considered invalid.

The text of the power of attorney must include a clear expression of the principal's intention to delegate certain powers to the authorized person. This means that the powers being transferred must be expressly listed. The general formulation of the right to represent the interests of an enterprise is also not recognized as valid.

The text of the power of attorney must contain complete information about the authorized person and the principal: the last name, first name and patronymic are indicated without abbreviations, as well as the name of the company.

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Power of attorney from a legal entity

A power of attorney from a legal entity must be personally signed by the head of the company or another official with appropriate authority and certified by the seal of the organization. A power of attorney without a seal and signature is not recognized as valid. A facsimile signature may be invalidated.

The text of the power of attorney must clearly express the intention of the principal to transfer certain powers to the representative, that is, the transferred powers must be directly listed. The general formulation of the right to represent the interests of an enterprise is not considered sufficient.

The text of the power of attorney must contain complete information about the representative and the principal: the last name, first name and patronymic must be indicated without abbreviations, as well as the name of the company.

A sample that can be downloaded on our website will help you draw up a power of attorney from a legal entity.

To correctly download a sample document, please indicate the answer

Power of attorney to conduct business on behalf of a legal entity (sample) ("Samples of powers of attorney", "M.Yu. Tikhomirov Publishing House", 2009)

The form was prepared using legal acts as of March 10, 2009.



to conduct business on behalf of a legal entity

(date of execution of the power of attorney - in words)


(place of execution of the power of attorney)


located___ at the address: _____________________________________________________,

represented by ___________________________________________________________________,

(position, full name)

acting on the basis ________________________________________________,

in accordance with paragraph ___________________________________________________

(type of constituent document)

This power of attorney authorizes __________________ (full name), passport

series _______ N ___________________, issued by ____________________________,

residing at the address ________________________________________________,

being ______________________________________________________________

(place of work and position)

represent the interests _____________________________________________________

(full name of organization)

in relations with any state and municipal bodies,

legal entities, other organizations and citizens, as well as in court

general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts, to protect these

interests, act on behalf of _____________________________________________

(full name of organization)

with rights:

receiving and submitting documents, filing applications, conducting business and

negotiations with any state and municipal authorities,

legal entities, other organizations and citizens

receiving property due to the principal

signing documents and completing all actions and formalities,

related to the implementation of this order

participation _____________________________________ in the arbitration court with all

(full name of organization)

procedural and other rights, including the right to sign a claim

statements and responses to the statement of claim, statements of security for the claim,

transfer of the case to arbitration, complete or partial waiver of claims

demands and recognition of the claim, change of the basis or subject of the claim,

concluding a settlement agreement and an agreement on factual circumstances,

as well as the right to sign an application for review of judicial acts

due to newly discovered circumstances, appeal of the judicial act

arbitration court, receipt of awarded funds or other


performing all procedural actions necessary to conduct business with

participation of _______________________________ in courts of general jurisdiction with all

(full name of organization)

procedural and other rights, including the right to sign

statement of claim, presenting it to court, submitting the dispute for consideration

arbitration court, filing a counterclaim, full or partial

waiver of claims, reduction of their size, recognition of the claim,

changing the subject or basis of the claim, concluding a settlement agreement,

transfer of powers to another person (sub-assignment), appeal against the court

resolutions, presentation of a writ of execution for collection,

receipt of awarded property or money.

Sample signature _______________________________________________ (full name)

__________________________________ (space for sample signature) I certify:

___________________________________ (signature of the person who issued the power of attorney).

The power of attorney was issued without the right of substitution.

Power of attorney from a legal entity for a car

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will discuss a power of attorney from a legal entity for the right to drive a car. as well as about the features of filling out this document.

Situations in which such a power of attorney may be needed were discussed in the article “Peculiarities of using waybills”. First of all, the document may be useful to legal entities who do not want to deal with filling out travel forms on a daily basis.

In principle, a power of attorney from a legal entity is very similar to a regular power of attorney to drive a car. They differ only in the details of the principal (the person who owns the vehicle).

Sample power of attorney for a legal entity for a car

To begin with, I suggest you consider a sample power of attorney of a legal entity for a car (click on the image to enlarge or download pdf file Here):

And the first thing I want to point out is that the left and right samples are different from each other. The left one is intended to be filled out by legal entities, the right one - by individual entrepreneurs. The difference between them is small, but several fields are different.

Power of attorney form for a legal entity for a car

In order not to write the entire text of the power of attorney, I suggest you use a special form:

To enlarge, click on the image or download a special pdf version of the power of attorney.

Let me remind you once again that the left power of attorney is intended for legal entities, and the right one is for individual entrepreneurs.

In principle, filling out a power of attorney according to the sample will not be difficult, but I want to explain some of the features. The power of attorney consists of four parts. To understand this better, look at the picture:

The first part is information about the owner vehicle(legal entity).

The second part is information about the authorized person.

The third part is information about the car.

The fourth part is the period for issuing the power of attorney, the signature of the representative of the legal entity and the place for the seal.

Powers of attorney for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs differ only in a few points of the first part, otherwise they are identical.

All you need to draw up a power of attorney is the information of the principal, the authorized person and the car, as well as a few minutes to fill out the form according to the sample.

Megafon claim

Megafon claim. The reason for writing a complaint to Megafon OJSC was that I, an ordinary hard worker, was saving money for the Internet from a Megafon USB modem, which I use at work, or rather used. Megafon wrote off money from one account to pay off debt on another account. Arriving at work in the evening, I, not suspecting anything, try to log into the Internet, but I’m such a bummer. I called the operator to clarify the situation, and they told me that there was a debt on one account and therefore they wrote off this account to pay off another.

On January 2, I purchased a tablet and a USB modem, both of which had SIM cards. Children use the tablet, and in order not to be tormented by Megafon’s slow Internet, I only turned on Wi-Fi on the tablet. It is possible that one of the children turned on the SIM while poking and sent an SMS to a short number with a price of 350 rubles or so, according to the operator of the company Megafon OJSC. In short, we started arguing with her, she memorized the text, it seemed like you were communicating not with a living person, but with a robot. I tell her that this is illegal. After all, when she pays for gas through Sberbank, it does not steal money from her to repay the loan.

As a result, I realized that this conversation was useless, but continued the conversation. As a result, the operator simply hung up, although I was not rude or shouted. He spoke politely and delicately. Today, gathering all my thoughts into a fist, I made a claim to Megafon.

Read all the claims of the Legal Relations Legal Blog by following this link. If you are experiencing difficulties in filing a claim against the mobile operator Megafon, then write about it in the comments and we will discuss and solve everything.

Sample claim Megafon

General Director of OJSC Megafon

Applicant: ____________________

Address: ________________________

Telephone: ______________________

Megafon claim

On the second day of every month, funds are debited from account 62699865 for providing Internet access to the number 9223090364. Having replenished the balance with several payments, reaching the required amount of 330 rubles, I was sure that everything was in order. But on the evening of April 2, when I tried to access the Internet using a USB modem and a SIM card, Megafon with the number 9223090364 found out that money had been debited from account 62699865 to pay off the debt that had arisen on account 62903608, which also belongs to me.

I believe that the actions of the mobile operator Megafon are illegal, since according to the law, Megafon representatives must go to court in writ proceedings or by filing a claim to collect the debt from me. A court order or writ of execution issued on the basis of a court decision is sent to the bailiff service, who issue a decision to initiate enforcement proceedings. During the course of enforcement proceedings, the bailiff makes inquiries to the banks, then, having learned about my accounts, they have the right to arrest the account, write off funds, etc., etc.

The theft of money from my account by Megafon is theft committed for selfish purposes, the illegal gratuitous seizure and (or) circulation of someone else's property in favor of the culprit or other persons, causing damage to the owner or other holder of this property.

In the Criminal Code, the concept of theft covers a group of criminal attacks on someone else’s property. Depending on the method of committing the crime.

The Internet works every other time, which is confirmed by the video I recorded and another video by another user about measuring the real Internet speed com/watch?v=wkJXMBJoO3c .

Based on clause 2 of Art. 12 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the seller (performer) who has not provided the buyer with complete and reliable information about the product (work, service) bears responsibility under paragraphs 1-4 of Article 18 or paragraph 1 of Article 29 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights for shortcomings goods (work, services) arising after its transfer to the consumer due to the lack of such information.

Based on Article 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, the consumer, if defects are discovered in the product, if they were not specified by the seller, at his own discretion, has the right to demand a proportionate reduction in the purchase price.

Based on the foregoing

1. Return the money written off to pay off the debt.

2. The resulting debt on account 62903608 is considered repaid

3. Close account 62903608

4. Make a one-time discount of 100% to compensate for moral damage, namely the lack of paid services and the shock experienced by the fact that the money was stolen.

PS: I remind you that in accordance with:

From Art. 14.8. “Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences”, violation of the consumer’s right to receive necessary and reliable information about the product (work, service) being sold, about the manufacturer, about the seller, about the performer and about the mode of their work entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles for legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles.

From Art. 23 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, the consumer’s demands for the return of the amount of money paid for the goods, as well as the demand for compensation for losses caused to the consumer as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality or the provision of inadequate information about the goods, are subject to satisfaction by the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) within ten days from the date of presentation of the relevant demand.

From Art. 23 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, in case of failure to fulfill the consumer’s requirements within the time limits provided for in Articles 20 - 22 of this Law, the consumer has the right, at his choice, to present other requirements established by Article 18 of this Law.

From paragraph 6 of Article 13 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, when the court satisfies the consumer’s requirements established by law, the court collects from the manufacturer (performer, seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) for failure to voluntarily satisfy the consumer’s requirements a fine of in the amount of fifty percent of the amount awarded by the court in favor of the consumer.

I hope that the situation will be resolved on the basis of mutual respect and understanding.

Legal blog of legal relations - WWW.RAA.SU

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  • 1 Jul 2013. I also paid for 240 gr. for a driver's license form. . For the benefit of third parties and utility companies. Now I want to receive compensation for 20 years and please take my application into consideration. . MELAFONI-MEGAFONI, SCALPEL OF THE SOUL (MAIND GATE, MAIND . March 29, 2014 . . edges, sign up on the application form and submit to the window. . in Russia after 2002, and they are also not stateless persons. . Waiting for their last name to be called into a megaphone and it will be possible. and with the participation of legal entities operating on the peninsula. State-owned enterprises love forms in which one letter is written in each cell, in Soviet. but there are very few drivers or enterprises who understood the purpose of implementation for themselves. . Here I want make a small statement: ... fill out a corresponding application on the company's letterhead, ... To do this, fill out the Application from a legal entity about the right online. We are moving according to K. Marx, I undertook to carry a megaphone (only carry), shout. Book of Ukraine, application forms and forms permits for such production", be distributed at the request and consent of individuals and legal entities in. Many letters, statements, complaints and requests have been written, few answers. Lawyer, Representation of the interests of individuals. and legal persons in government bodies., 10 years and 5 months (to date). work on recording strict reporting forms, insurance contracts, . preparation of draft responses to applications, letters and complaints from borrowers. eleven. . Beeline MTS Megafon Tele2 HCC Utel. 3) a copy of the work record book of the person for whom the benefit is issued; . An application for receiving care benefits is filled out directly at the social security office. The pensioner does not need to visit the Pension Fund; PrivatBanks will independently submit his application for crediting his pension. Receive 10%. Insurance company - INGOSSTRAKH Ukraine. Insurance, car insurance, CASCO, personal insurance. INSURANCE, Registration of insurance. Announcing the verdict, the judge said: “On behalf of justice, I find you not guilty of. access to a unified register of special forms of notarial documents/. on the specifics of applying the single tax to legal entities. . The Megaphone case turned out to be lucrative for Caribbean police officers. Application forms; . To conclude. How can existing MegaFon customers switch to the tariff? Write a letter · Checking the SIM card number for replacement · Corporate clients. Application forms. pdf. additional number for reception. under the MegaFon program. Megafon Application Forms. powers of attorney for legal entities. Application forms. Instructions and drivers for MegaFon devices; . Application forms. pdf. pdf List of persons, .

    But this is a practical political problem. Of all the prosecutors, it seemed that people didn't like him, it was legitimate. People don't seem to like him. He is a fully capable and reliable debater. So if you marry your wife on a political campaign trip to the UK and convey it to the public as something politically positive, it is entirely legitimate to ask questions about your wife's political exploitation. People have told you that you said that the election campaign has changed since then. But how can you do a television interview and then predict how it will be interpreted by the public?

    Today one of the leading positions in the provision of services mobile communications and access to Internet resources, is occupied by Megafon. U of this operator there is a developed branch network and many subscribers.

    Unfortunately, the successful development of a company does not always correspond to the quality of its work. Recently, subscribers have regularly expressed dissatisfaction with the poor quality of communication, the boorish attitude of company employees, or the slow speed of the Internet.

    The two Hague people said that he behaved more lively than ever during the entire election campaign. He still refused, despite repeated invitations. At one point we asked him about an interview around thirty and a half and he always refused. It was surprising to see that Blair chose an economic analysis of society rather than a social one. Television is the summer sun, which can be much more personalizing than facts, and the purpose of an interview is to find out what is being interviewed for a person, the same as recording the topics that look at him.

    Although Megafon’s clients often encounter this, in most cases they prefer to ignore what happened, attributing the rudeness to the extreme fatigue of the workers, poor quality communications – for temporary interruptions, etc. There are also those who do not intend to remain silent. And it is right.

    A citizen has the right to protect his freedoms and interests and must know how to do it correctly. For those citizens who have not previously encountered filing complaints and claims, experts strongly recommend that they seek advice from an experienced lawyer who can explain in detail all the features of the procedure, assist in drafting the document and provide answers to questions that may arise.

    Appeal to other authorities

    If you are using a particular design, trying to touch a sensitive area and cause new reaction, this, in my opinion, is quite legal. One could say that since Hague did not give us an interview for so long, this is evidence that he had antipathy towards himself.

    The strange thing is that it’s hard for me to feel antipathy for them for a long time. They are participating in a parallel universe. You go to the pub and people don't talk about the election at all. Firstly, because people expect the result to be first, and secondly, because political parties have decided to campaign on the basis of issues that, according to polls, public opinion, don't really care about people.

    A personal visit to a qualified lawyer is not cheap and requires time and effort. What to do in such a situation? The answer to this question is online consultation. First of all, it is no less effective than personal communication with a specialist, but at the same time, it allows you to save your budget and avoid wasting time.

    The choice is sensational because you never know what will happen. Who would have predicted that Blair's birthplace, John Prescott, would punch someone in the face. The writer couldn't handle it. We are in power only once every four or five years. We dictate what they should do instead of doing something to us.

    Buska Bryndova, Stanislav Kottra, Lenka Jonbsova

    Today, citizens have the opportunity to protect their rights and interests using methods provided for by current legislation. If we are talking about drawing up a complaint against the Megafon company, then the legislative acts do not strictly contain a template for such a document, but there are requirements that it must meet.

    Grounds for a complaint against a mobile operator

    This is also not specific to the post-communist land, although it must be suppressed by the majority of society in any protest assembly, any collective expression of discontent, any manifestation of an emerging civil society. But even in the Czech Republic it goes to better times, enemy surges are starting to get boring, and this year's street party is more like a street carnival than a battlefield.

    They say they want to show off their music, that they can't be dispelled - not just by background, race, sexual orientation, persistence, but also across generations, which is also insulting when they invite their grizzled father, established lute and medical practitioner Jones Benally sing with them on stage. The message between the stage and the audience was that they were angry at a world that felt that all the Indians had already been shot by John Wayne - and those who might have remained were now dancing with the wolves.

    First of all, we are talking about the fact that the claim must meet the standards business letter and contain exclusively reliable information, supported by irrefutable arguments and evidence. Phrases and expressions of an emotional nature cannot be used in the text. Rudeness, errors, corrections and inaccuracies are unacceptable.

    Angry at a society that discriminates against them and tries to convince them that they would be better off promoting their ancient cultures and assimilating themselves as "good" Americans. A company whose highest value is money, while their traditional culture, which Americans consider barbaric, has always been the first place of health and nature, as before with most of the original indigenous peoples. However, they have hope in their hearts that the people of the world will hear their voices and fight for their human rights and to enjoy the right to their own culture.

    It is important to take into account that the lack of information about the author of the document or his contact information will lead to the fact that the complaint will be perceived as anonymous and will not be considered. The text should be as informative and concise as possible, and contain information about:

  • The name of the structure to which the document is sent;
  • Personal data of the citizen and his contacts;
  • Description of the conflict;
  • Requirements of the author of the claim;
  • Date of preparation of the document and personal signature of the applicant.
  • If the applicant has any evidence (documents, witness statements, etc.), they must be attached to the complaint. Experts do not recommend making the document text too long. Optimal volume, which you need to keep within, is 2000 characters. Otherwise, the consideration of the complaint will take too long.

    How to disable paid subscriptions

    Because we are all indigenous people, and we must remember the wisdom of our ancestors who lived in harmony with nature. Because our civilization can survive and stop destroying itself. Because we can just stay with the people. How did the Street party end for British sheets editor and photojournalist Cortb? The music at the wedding in squat Milad was so crazy that you would have been deaf - perhaps the sound of the soundtrack and the small hall of the small cellar in the basement, otherwise good, the air in Miald could go on, for one one guy, one bottle and a box of cigars, at least the people are absolutely great, and also the same night as us last night, we had stops for the second night, then we collapsed, sweating like mice, and taking our breath away.

    The document must be drawn up in 2 copies. One copy is given to the competent authority for review. Upon receipt of the complaint, representatives of the specified organization put a mark (with the date and incoming number) on the second copy and return it to the complainant.

    If you strictly follow the listed recommendations and requirements, then you can say with confidence that the complaint will be accepted for consideration and the perpetrators will receive a well-deserved punishment. The main thing is to send the document to the “correct” organization, and within a month the decision will be made.

    I felt sorry for the inhabitants of the squats, who in the morning had to wake up some of the visitors to sneak in broken flowers and bumps, their dogs might otherwise have their legs cut off. Some of the squatters from the wild invaders were clearly not there, apparently for the sake of some needed morning calm.

    The pain of the indifference of today's American society, which would forget the original inhabitants of the continent and treat them almost as recklessly and cruelly as a hundred years ago, in the hope that it would pass quietly before it in world public service. This may have been until the last decade, but with access to the Internet, Indians have emerged from the isolation of the media and their media into a world of news about queens and the indefensibility of the American government of which they are victims.

    When choosing an organization to which to file a complaint, you should take into account the specifics of the problem itself. If we are talking about poor connection quality or low Internet connection speed, first of all you should contact the operator one of possible ways.

    Indians already know where they are going on the Internet, and not only that, they are increasingly aware of the unruly backyard of human rights in a country that loves its greatest lawyers. Jones Benallo's European coup family began two weeks with us and Slovakia and continues in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France and Luxembourg. Its purpose is to inform the European public about the pressure from the US government, whose nation is constantly being affected, and other shocks that Indian countries are currently facing with the United States government.

    You can contact a specialist through the Megafon call center, or through the company’s official website. During the conversation, you should politely tell about the problem and ask for assistance in eliminating it. If the interruptions are due to technical problems, then after a short period of time specialists will eliminate them. If the conflict is more serious, citizens are advised to contact one of the following organizations:

    As a result of refusal to allow surgery at a specialist clinic, he was left blind in one eye and was in very poor condition after serving more than 25 years in prison. The Peltier case was considered by former President Clinton, although he did not take the initiative and step by step. The Navajo Nation is the second largest Native American nation in Hieroquina. The words "black flame" refer to coal burning close to the surface, a common occurrence in the arid landscape at the top of the plateau where the Navajo people graze and plant these crops, which grow in unfavorable conditions in this area.

    • Megafon office. If the call center operator did not do anything to help the subscriber solve the problem, or he was simply powerless, the citizen should go to the nearest representative office of the company and file a written complaint. The application review period is 10 days.
    • Roskomnadzor. By submitting a complaint to this structure, the subscriber can be completely confident that the problem will be treated carefully and the necessary measures will be taken. Contacting Roskomnadzor is fraught with unscheduled inspections and all sorts of troubles for Megafon.
    • Rospotrebnadzor. It is recommended to file a complaint here if there has been a violation of consumer rights (the terms of the contract are not followed, etc.). Appropriate checks will be organized and measures will be taken against the violator.
    • Court. This last resort impact. It should be resorted to in cases where none of the organizations listed above could help solve the problem. If the case goes to court, citizens can, in addition to the main claim, file a petition for compensation for moral damage.
    • Some citizens do not want to write complaints against Megafon, mistakenly assuming that it is impossible to influence such a large telecom operator, and all efforts will end in failure. In fact, if you approach this procedure correctly, with the support of a competent specialist, the company will not only eliminate the problem and punish those responsible, but also compensate for the damage.

      The siblings' father is a renowned litigator, and the practitioner, a traditional dancer and musician, gives his children his extensive experience and knowledge from his own forensic specialists, and with them he teaches traditional dances and the people of the tribe. His father led his children to the drum and eventually it tingled with the wind. With the purity of a serpentine man, the practitioner closed himself in complex forms composed of bruises that poured out invisibly and established harmony in his relationship with Vesmar.

      General rules for filing a complaint against a mobile operator

      At the end of the war, Nava, with the accompaniment of a drum and the chanting of a meditator, scattered the audience in a giant circle in a dance of friendship. Suspension of forced extradition of Navajo Indians. A handful of Navajos still police this mess, and are now threatened with "outright forced reshuffle" by federal agents working within the Hopi Tribal Council.

      It is important to know that with the help of an experienced lawyer, the issue can be resolved at the pre-trial stage. As a rule, this is the most optimal option, since the trial is always stressful for the plaintiff himself, taking up a lot of time and effort.

      File a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor

      Beneath the Black Mass, the spine is the largest deposit of black carbon in North America. The plot that divides this territory into Navajas and Hopis perfectly describes the boundaries of this bed. This company owns the world's largest coal mine in the world and wants to expand it to the point that is in dispute. To preserve it, it transports coal through a 275-mile pipeline with water discharged from underground facilities located beneath Black Mesa. Taking water from this dry land where it is so radical threatens both the sovereignty and the lives of the Navajos and Hopis themselves.

      Megafon application forms for legal entities

      Special tariff for the Internet

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    • Company
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      • Work at MegaFon
      • By continuing to use our site, you consent to the processing of Cookies and other user data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

        How to become a corporate client?

        To conclude an agreement, contact any MegaFon office. Office addresses can be found on the website in the Communication shops section.

        Contacting the airline

        Legal address of Aeroflot PJSC (for sending correspondence):
        119002 Moscow, st. Arbat, 10

        Contact center:

        Russia *555 MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2 (free call)

        8-800-444-55-55 (free call within Russia)

        Booking and issuing tickets, ordering services, flight information, reference Information on the rules for transporting passengers and luggage

        Questions about issuing electronic tickets on the website

        119002 Moscow, st. Arbat, building 10 Aeroflot Bonus

        Operating mode:
        Around the clock

        Ordering special services and servicing persons with disabilities at Sheremetyevo airport

        In Russia:
        (calls within Russia are free)

        Russia *555 MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2 (free call)

        You can find more detailed information by following the link:
        Passengers with disabilities

        Conclusion of a corporate agreement

        119002 Moscow, st. Arbat, building 10 Department for work with corporate clients

        Group transportation (for groups registered and paid for in Moscow)

        You can send your request to , or

        Operating mode:
        Mon-Sat: 9:00 – 20:30 (Moscow time)
        Sun: 9:00 - 16:30 (Moscow time)

        For group transportation arranged in other cities of Russia and abroad, you must contact the representative offices of Aeroflot PJSC

        Charter or block transportation (only for legal entities when organizing charter flights or tourist block programs for the season)

        Confirmation of completed flight

        Aeroflot sales offices and representative offices

        The service is paid - 500 rubles.

        Gratitude, suggestions, complaints

        By sending your messages, you give us more opportunities to study them comprehensively and provide you with the most complete and accurate answer.

        Claims containing material requirements in connection with flight delay, late delivery, damage, loss of all or part of the contents of baggage, transportation of cargo or excess baggage

        You can send a message using the form

        141425 Moscow region Khimki district, Mezhdunarodnoe shosse, no. 31

        Ground transportation department

        Claims containing demands of a material nature must be accompanied by documents confirming expenses and the right to compensation (air ticket, paid baggage receipt, voucher, baggage tag tear-off coupon, baggage malfunction report, etc.)

        Attention! The period for filing a claim is limited in accordance with the terms of the air carriage agreement. More details

        Claims containing material requirements in connection with flight cancellation, service at the airport of departure (arrival), on board the aircraft,
        in our own sales office, including branches and representative offices
        PJSC Aeroflot

        119002 Moscow,
        st. Arbat, building 10

        Product Quality Management Department

        Operating mode:
        Mon-Thu: 9:00 - 18:00 (Moscow time)
        Fri: 9:00 - 15:30 (Moscow time)

        Please note that in order to be considered for reimbursement of expenses incurred,
        The application must be accompanied by documents confirming the stated requirements and expenses incurred, as well as the right to file a claim against the airline (itinerary receipt with possible marks (stamps), boarding pass, receipts or checks for payment, notarized power of attorney for the right to represent the interests of the passenger, etc. .P.)

        Background information on written correspondence received by Aeroflot PJSC

        Postal address:

        119002 Moscow,
        st. Arbat, building 10

        Please note that these telephone numbers provide information only on written requests received by the General Director of Aeroflot PJSC from third-party organizations and individuals. Providing information related to the reservation, sale, issuance of air tickets, rules for air transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo is carried out only by calling the contact center.

        (calls within Russia are free)

        How to port a number to another operator without leaving home

        I’m talking about the non-obvious nuances of the number porting procedure MNP(mobile number portability) from one operator to another. It turned out that the conditions for accepting new subscribers differ among operators. For example, MTS gives money to new clients, while Beeline and Megafon, on the contrary, ask to pay for the move.

        So, MNP works in the following cases:

        The room is assigned to you. In this case, the passport data must completely match. Any mistake in the number or spelling of a surname is a possible reason for refusal;
        You have no debts under any contracts of the “old” operator. If ten years ago you bought a SIM card in another city and threw it away later, but it did not have a balance of -2 kopecks, then a refusal will follow. You’ll have to go to the office and balance the debits and credits;
        The transfer is carried out within one subject of the Federation. For example, you cannot move while keeping your number from the Yaroslavl region to the Novosibirsk region, and from Moscow go to Kaliningrad.

        I had no debts, the Moscow district remained. There was no longer a search behind the move favorable tariffs. The reason is banal: the family slowly needed additional number MTS, and the beautiful Beeline +7 905 740-XX-YY lay idle, so by transferring I saved the old one and received material for this publication.

        Where to begin

        On Sunday, January 29 at 17:00, I filled out my passport information on the MTS website, indicated the number to be transferred, gave a contact phone number and sent a request. Half an hour later, an MTS employee called, confirmed acceptance of the application and offered to deliver a new SIM card by courier.

        The next day in the morning a courier arrived with a contract, I signed and received a SIM card with a temporary random MTS number on the Smart Unlimited tariff and 200 rubles on my balance (.). That’s normal :) It turned out that not all operators are so generous.

        Below are the forms for porting a number to:

        In general, I had in my hands a replenished gift SIM card and a tariff with subscription fee 13 rubles/day, so the first thing I did was switch through my account to a tariff without a subscription fee in order to save money for the future.

        What's next

        The transfer process takes 8-14 days for individuals and a month for legal entities. You don't need to do anything at this time. The operators themselves communicate with each other and report via SMS about each step:

        At the same time, the customer retention service of the old operator will contact you. So, Beeline invited me to stay and gave me an exclusive rate of 1 ruble. to all numbers in Russia and monthly free 10 GB of Internet for six months. I explained that the whole family is on MTS, so it is beneficial for us to stay within the same network. In addition, MTS has bonus program, which Beeline does not have, under which my wife and I give our children free minutes and gigabytes. This is relevant because I have a lot of points that I don’t use.


        On day 14 old sim card stops working, and the new operator remotely changes the number on the previously issued card from temporary to your permanent one (which was transferred). To activate, reboot the phone. Before this, the employee calls again and says that on the first day there may be a temporary loss of signal due to a network routing update.

        Voila, the move has taken place.

        Do you need it

        Usually the number is transferred in search of favorable rates. You have 10 days to cancel the procedure. During this time he calls you old operator and offers secret tariff, which is not on the site, or gives a 20-30% discount on an existing one.

        The process itself is currently quite streamlined and automated. You just need to fill out an application on the website of the operator you want to move to. MTS itself sends a courier to you, I don’t know about others. Let me know in the comments about your experience. Who did they go to, why, did everything go smoothly?

        A brave MegaFon subscriber told the terrible truth about the mobile operator

        Almost all Russian cellular operators are pumping money out of Russian residents using all available means. Sometimes this is done through fraud, but often companies providing communication services operate within the legal framework of the Russian Federation, since in this case, if a “violent” subscriber comes across, he will not be able to win in court. A few hours ago, a brave MegaFon subscriber told the terrible truth about this mobile operator.

        Although all lawyers recommend that Russian citizens read any contract before signing it, the vast majority do not even look at it, simply signing in the right places. This is exactly what the operator MegaFon hopes for, which blatantly misleads all Russians, betting that none of them will read the contract before signing. Once it is signed, it becomes impossible to make any changes to it without termination.

        A brave resident of Russia, who connected to the MegaFon operator, noticed that there were three clauses in the contract, opposite which there was a note “I do not agree.” In other words, when a Russian signs in those places where the employee of the mobile operator said, then he “by default” agrees with all the clauses of the contract, some of which can actually be excluded from there.

        The terrible truth is that the mobile operator MegaFon does not advertise in any way that a subscriber can refuse some items, legally and without scandals. In particular, you can refuse to receive advertising, as well as several other absolutely unnecessary options that the operator can use to promote its own services and new tariff plans. To refuse all this, you should mark the “disagree” options in the contract, and then simply sign the contract.

        Taking advantage of the fact that almost none of the Russians read the contract for the provision of services, the mobile operator MegaFon secretly sells everyone the conditions under which it can show advertisements and even transfer subscriber data to third parties at its own discretion. If you plan to connect to this operator, then be sure to at least just glance at the entire agreement. Refuse any terms with which you do not agree. This will avoid additional problems in the future.

        Until September 16 inclusive, everyone has a unique opportunity to receive a free sports Xiaomi bracelet Mi Band 3, spending only 1 minute of your personal time on it.

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        Add a comment


        Well, the guys made me laugh))). Yes, Megafon is holy compared to MTS and Beeline.

        Can you please provide more details?

        At the end of November, I received letters of “happiness” stating that I had concluded 2 agreements with the company for the Satellite TV service and they had accumulated debts, I immediately called the hotline for clarification, because I had not concluded any agreements, only a SIM card , They checked the passport details, everything matched except the phone number) to which they couldn’t accept the claim over the phone but told me to go to the office to write a statement of non-involvement, I went, the office staff couldn’t find this form(there are no SIM cards on TV), they gave me the usual application form, I wrote out the whole situation, and that MTS employees leaked my passport data (provide information where the contracts were concluded, on what basis the contracts were concluded without my presence but according to my data not available hotline I couldn’t get it at the salon), the application was accepted, they told me to wait 30 days for a call from a “specialist” (wrote on November 26, 2017), then I went to Roskomnadzor and left an application there, today I decided to call MTS to find out how the progress is going, what for on the hotline, I was filled with anticipation for almost an hour (when they heard that I was about a complaint), I waited and was extremely discouraged by the answer: On your question, a decision has long been made “MUST WRITE A STATEMENT OF NON-INVOLVAGE on the appropriate form,” but the office staff could not find this form, and not a word about the leak of my passport data, although I wrote in the application to explain how the leak occurred, because according to the data, I issued the number on July 28, 2017 and the TV was issued on June 28, 2017. After I said that the answer should come to me in writing, by registered mail (chain letters with debts are sent out by them), to which they answered me, “You have received an answer, but it is not necessary in writing, and he (the employee) does not have the right to make any notes, etc. the issue is resolved. But after he heard that I wrote an application to Roskomnadzor and was going to file a lawsuit, his tone immediately changed and, with a great favor, he told me to dictate the address (although it is in the application, why is it written), but with the reservation that I go to the office I wrote a statement of non-involvement on a form, I looked on the Internet, there is a form but for Telephone Services where you need to write the IMEI of the phone (what does my phone have to do with television) and I was confused small print the inscription “By signing this application, I express my consent to the processing of my personal data specified by me in this application for the purpose of determining my involvement/non-involvement in the conclusion with the OJSC “ Mobile TeleSystems"(hereinafter referred to as MTS) contracts for the provision of communication services and subsequent communication with me (by phone, e-mail, mail, etc.) on this issue.

        The personal data contained in this application is processed by MTS (Moscow, Marksistskaya St., 4) and RTK CJSC (Moscow, Vorontsovskaya St., 5, Building 2), which is the commercial representative of MTS, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Personal Data”. Personal data is processed in the following ways: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction or by performing other actions ( operations) with personal data performed using automation tools or without the use of such tools. The personal data contained in this application was received directly from the subject of personal data or his authorized representative (underline as appropriate). By signing this application, the personal data subject expresses his consent that the term or condition for cessation of processing of personal data is the liquidation of the legal entity.” namely, the processing of personal data is carried out in the following ways: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction or by other means actions (operations), that is, as I understand it, by doing so they want to protect themselves from leakage of personal data, like you signed it yourself, get it! The amounts of debt are small, but nevertheless, an unpleasant aftertaste remains, and it’s not a fact that I no longer have any loans or microloans. I took out an extract from the CI; 3 online microloans were issued

        Oh my God! What a terrible, blood-chilling truth! Only a session with a psychotherapist will help me survive it.
        Guys, you are just mocking the readers. We're not that stupid, really.

        Don’t bother signing all this nonsense, it’s fate, you sucker.

        Gref on soap.
        I'll try to shed some light on the situation. Recently I had the need to send a certain amount of money to a friend (like me, a Sberbank client) (he was on a business trip abroad).
        Actually, I have an online savings bank, but unfortunately, the required amount was not on my card at that moment), but I have a friend, he gave me his card. I rushed to our Sberbank office. (the only one in our small town - you know, in Zimbabwe we have a village with a population of 8 thousand, which is already a city, and we have only one Sberbank office, not only for our city, but for the entire bush (of 5) and the entire district of 5 such towns. And that - as usual - the ATM does not work (not for the first time and not for the first day) and the Sberbank office opens at 0900, and now it is 0800). Well, a fistful of ass, a donkey, and the nearest city is the same. It’s great - the office is already open there, and the girls working there are rushing to help me), and - to my great surprise - there is practically no queue; well, so much the better.
        I put the card into the ATM, make a transfer and receive the answer “Your bank is not responding,” apparently the ATM’s Internet connection is malfunctioning. I finally solved the problem (I went to the area), withdrew money from a friend’s card, put it on my own and sent it via Sberbank online, and my friend received it in 16 hours instead of 2 minutes. And time is money. And I want to boast that in our village of 8,000 thousand people, we have here 3 Pyaterochki, 2 Magnit and Dixie. That is, those who want and know how to make money expand. And there is only one Sberbank office, it works with a lunch break, with two main days off (and also the fourth Wednesday and second Thursday of the month) and the ATM regularly breaks down. But another bank has already built its office in our village). He also wants and knows how to earn money. There are all the signs that Sberbank does not want and does not know how to make money. How does he earn money? Only because, by inertia, all Soviet people prefer Sberbank. And also because budget payments to the State Office go through it, but if Sberbank is deprived of this, it will go down the drain. I have already observed something similar - we had a bank in Penza called Penzabank, opened on the basis of a savings bank. The new governor came and opened his own bank, “PenzyukBank,” and took all the budget payments there, and six months later Penzabank gave up life. And also - extortionate loans and extortionate prices for services - I recently tried to pay 50 rubles through Sberbank - they demanded 17 rubles in commission - sorry, this is a Madhouse. But Mr. Gref regularly sends me SMS messages, Dear Peter, take a loan from us at 26% per annum. Nowhere in the world (except for our country Zimbabwe) have I seen loans at such extortionate interest rates.
        When reading these SMS messages, I remember a phrase from some movie - “Brother Petka is dying, he wants fish soup,” but in my heart this phrase sounds like, “Gref is crying, salaries = 2 million greenbacks he wants”
        IMHO (In my humble opinion only) - Gref’s maximum salary is half the minimum wage. (well, maybe three quarters, from my kindness). If only he worked somewhere in a private enterprise in America or somewhere else.
        Dear fellow villagers: I, generous Zimbabian Peter, I deeply apologize for taking up your precious time. But we often see a speck in someone else’s eye (I’ve seen signs on cars - “Obama is a schmuck”) And then there’s a log in our eye - so it’s a log.
        I urge everyone to a flash mob, through all media, forums and websites - from January 1 of the new year 2018 to print out the following flash appeal: Gref-on soap

        True, my lawyer told me that Gref would figure me out in three weeks (with his salary) and take off my last pants. Let him wear them. Although, since I love folk proverbs, this time I will say the old Russian “God will not give you away - Gref won't eat"
        By the way, three days ago again (as usual) the ATM did not work; the money in it ran out. For the fifth time in the last six months.
        But just yesterday I tried to pay with a Sberbank card at a discount, and again it failed. Again the savings bank did not work (as usual), I lost 1,500 rubles.
        And the fact that Sberbank receives supposedly decent income is not surprising. 1st reason – although not the main one. All pensioners use his services out of habit and duty of the PRF. And the 2nd is the main one. Almost all budgetary enterprises use the services of Sberbank - and this is the main source of income. But suddenly the new governor opens his bank, takes away budget payments - and Gref goes down the drain. We'll wait - maybe it will be faster to send it for soap in advance!!
        The ancient Russian proverb “In Russia there are 2 misfortunes - fools and roads”, in modern reading it should be read as follows: “In Russia there are 3 misfortunes; Fools, roads and managers"
        Do you remember, in the 60s N.S. went there? Khrushchev to America. I saw what a wonderful product corn is. And our managers began to grow corn in Murmansk, Salekhard, Tiksi and Magadan, and even in Ambarchik. But no, in Turkmenistan and the Krasnodar Territory. Maybe we would have lived under communism then. Also, under Mishka, during the fight against alcoholism, managers cut down the vineyards. And it takes about 15 years to grow vineyards. So let's send these managers to hell. Look, life will become easier
        Ad cogitandum et agendum homo natus est - man was born for thought and action.
        Then I somehow abandoned this topic. But the other day I found myself in the Skobeleva Street metro area.
        And I had a need for cash - only 100 rubles. I looked at the map - there are 2 savings banks nearby and, I believe, there should be ATMs there. I go to the address 12 Admiral Ushakov Street - alas, it’s Sunday, the bank is closed and there is no access to the ATM. I continue on the same street, building 5. Sberbank is closed, but the ATMs are in a separate room. When I walk in, there is a line of about 30 people. It turns out there are 10 ATMs in the room for cash transactions, but only one of them works. And 6 ATMs for paying bills. - There are almost no people there. In total, I stood in line for a hundred rubles for almost an hour.
        As my American friend Bill Goeth told me, “If a manager earning $1,000 a minute waits an hour for a secretary earning $10 an hour to bring him a folder that costs 4 cents, that company is worthless.”
        So let's start the fight against the managers. You see, life will become easier.
        Explanation “manager is a common reading of the English word manager - which means manager. But a manager is not a manager. This is someone who doesn't know how to manage. Which is the third problem of Russia. So - MANAGERS - TO THE SOAP.
        PPS, and again = recently discovered. That one of my Sberbank cards recently expired. I went to change it at the district bank - alas, of course, they couldn’t change it there. It turns out that you need to go to the capital to exchange it. It’s good that I don’t live in Ambarchik now. By the way, in order to find out that it is impossible to change the card in the regional center, it took 40 minutes, not a minute.
        And today, when I withdrew 300 rubles from an ATM, the ATM did not give any money, but issued an SMS and a check correctly. Gref decided to get a little rich at my expense. Come on, I won't get poorer, and he won't get much richer.
        But I just read that Gref invited an Indian guru to give a lecture at a savings bank, and the guru said that with Mr. Gref, the savings bank has no tomorrow, that is, no future. Gref himself asked the Indian guru for confirmation of my slogan.
        So for this Gref, so be it,
        And recently I tried to withdraw a thousand rubles in the metro on Universitetskaya. Alas, it was not possible, because the machine only had five thousand dollar bills. Well, of course, for Mr. Gref, with his salary, a five thousand dollar bill is the only small thing.
        I almost forgot about Gref. But after the New Year, odes to the great Gref appeared on the Internet. Instead of. To send him to the soap, I won’t mind, he did something in the bank, but... after all, you need to judge by working with a specific client, in particular with me.
        Before the New Year, due to delays in the time of SMS transmission (the order was broken - I lost control of the debit card - I was going to the regional center for New Year's shopping. And the SMS informed me that I could safely manage the amount for half of the New Year's expenses. In short, 3 ATMs nearby do not work (one is turned off - and there is no cash in the other two), I am flying to the next one - before the New Year there is a queue of 30 people - everyone, like me, wants to buy gifts. Card and ATM - the answer - your operation cannot be completed. And why - not a word . I go to the bank online - it turns out that the SMS about spending came earlier than the SMS about replenishing the account. And it turned out that there are not enough funds on this card. And about the professionalism of the employees. The queue machine gives a queue with letters from A to Z. That is, a check says, it’s your turn Yu- 27. And now number B-234 and I- 3 are called, and when it’s time for your turn to come, it’s impossible to calculate and you, like Bobik on a leash at the Sberbank, sit at his (Sberbank’s) leg for 4 hours. sold to Sberbank during this waiting period - a new slogan for only 3 thousand - they didn’t buy it. And in this tsidula I give the slogan for free: and the slogan is “The closest long line.” Appreciate my generosity - what a gift! And plus "Gref - on soap"
        Some more time passed. I usually withdrew money in the Moscow metro; there were ATMs at many stations. But after the New Year 2018, I go to the ATM location - it’s empty. I ask at the metro ticket office - where was Gref’s ATM? In response, he did not enter into an agreement for 2018 and removed the ATM. I’m going to the Paveletskaya metro station, there is no ATM there, they recommended going to the Paveletskaya station. I'm hurrying there. The 1st ATM does not work, the 2nd ATM does not work for those reasons (this message is highlighted on the ATM screen with the inscription that ASAP will work (that is, as quickly as possible), I find the third one, it works, but only gives Gref’s change, I mean, 5 thousand rubles, well, at least a little change (and by the way, at the station there are a dozen and a half working ATMs of other banks (I won’t list them, take my word for it).
        Gref is right, with his income from state employees, he doesn’t need poor Russian citizens (Her is not a curse, this is how the letter X stands for in the Slavic alphabet - Az, Buki, Vedi and “Gref for soap” instead of the Old Slavonic letter Verb).

        Well, what nonsense? Do you also sign an agreement at a bank without reading it? You really need to be careful in this situation by checking the box, especially in the place where registration in national roaming is indicated. Having installed it and when you go to another region, you will not be able to register in a foreign network if your operator is not there. Any cellular operator has this column. This is not some kind of terrible secret. Our people are rednecks who mostly sign without reading anything.

        News – MegaFon is launching a new line of tariffs for corporate clients “Manage!”

        MegaFon launches new line tariffs for corporate clients “Manage!” This is the first tariff designer on the market, created based on big data analysis and specific business needs. The new line of tariffs allows you to select the required volume of communication services depending on the daily tasks of each employee. For the first time on the Russian market, users corporate tariff Cashback will become available - accumulated bonuses can be spent on connecting additional services.
        More details at:

        News – Cellular operators began checking owners of gray SIM cards

        04/04/2018 From June 1, mobile operators are required to disconnect subscribers whose identity they cannot confirm. According to experts, gray clients may account for up to 20% of the subscriber base, which has practically not grown in recent years. Operators cellular communications began preparing for the entry into force of amendments to the federal law “On Communications”, obliging them to disconnect unreliable subscribers whose identity could not be confirmed from communication services. The requirement comes into force on June 1, 2018. At the same time, the law applies not only to new contracts, but also to those that were concluded earlier. In addition, operators are trying to establish work with intermediaries who sell their SIM cards. “We are already fighting the illegal distribution of SIM cards. In particular, we conclude an agency agreement with retailers, severely fine the counterparty in case of handing out kits without concluding an agreement, and suspend the provision of communication services to such numbers,” said MegaFon representative Yulia Dorokhina. In some cases, for example, in remote areas, activation of SIM cards may take a little longer.
        More details on RBC:

        News – Changes in the system for charging subscription fees

        01/08/2017 Megafon has changed its system for charging subscription fees. Now, from 01.08.2017, subscription fees according to tariffs will be charged per month on the first day of each month. Previously, write-offs occurred daily in equal shares in proportion to the tariff rate. On the one hand, this is convenient and you don’t have to think about the fact that in the middle of the month you experienced a communication failure due to lack of money in your account. For those who often “jump” from operator to operator, or otherwise play with tariffs, then for those subscribers it is not profitable, because the write-off will happen immediately within a month... In any case, the operator shows a caring attitude towards customers, which is already good .

        News – International roaming – World online

        07/25/2017 The Megafon company has made progress for fans of high-speed Internet on 4G networks using messengers What`s app, Viber, etc. The long-awaited option for the Internet has appeared, giving more opportunities when traveling across countries. Traffic – no restrictions. This type will be very interesting for people located in popular countries. The option for international roaming is valid when you are in the following countries: Australia, Abkhazia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Vatican City, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Egypt, Israel, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, China, Latvia , Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Malta, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, UAE, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, USA, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Croatia, Sweden, Estonia, South Africa.

        • The “World Online” option can be activated by subscribers of all tariffs of corporate clients and for individuals connected under the “Our People” program;
        • The “World Online” option is valid only in international roaming. When the “Internet Abroad” or “Vacation-Online” options are enabled, traffic is consumed using the “Online World” option;
        • Read more…

        News. Megafon.Target

        10/07/2017 Megafon has launched a promotion for corporate clients. When connecting to the tariff - Corporate Unlimited, the subscriber - a legal entity, receives the service as a gift and can send targeted SMS messages to possible new clients using filtered parameters, according to the current Megafon database. With this new product, you will only improve your performance for a new audience, which will use your services to the envy of your competitors. They will notice you faster and will definitely respond. Activation of the service is free until October 31, 2017. Ability to send up to 100 targeted SMS messages per month. After the promotion expires, the service will continue to be valid for the entire subscription period. A subscriber or legal entity can also refuse the free service and use the paid version of this service. As you can see, the news is more than acceptable.

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    A power of attorney is a document that has legal force. which is created when necessary to represent the interests of a legal or individual. (Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Megafon's power of attorney can be simple and general. How are they different, and when might this document be required?

    A power of attorney in a simple form can be drawn up by hand or printed on a printer. A document should be certified by a notary only if the situation requires it. Such circumstances are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and are specified in clause 3 of Art. 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    If a simple power of attorney is issued to a person, the range of actions of the attorney within the framework of this document will be limited. In addition, the trustee will be required to notify the principal of each of his actions related to the power of attorney.

    Like a general power of attorney, a simple form of power of attorney must be certified. Let's give a simple example. When a person is undergoing treatment in a hospital and needs to pick up or exchange a SIM card, he has the right to draw up a power of attorney, which will be certified by the chief physician of the hospital. Or, if a citizen represents the interests of an enterprise, then certification of the document should take place in the personnel department.

    With a general power of attorney, everything happens differently. Such a document must be certified by a notary. In addition, the representative of the principal’s interests is vested with a wide range of powers and is no longer obliged to inform him of each of his actions related to the power of attorney.

    Note! According to paragraph 2 of Art. 188 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the principal can revoke the power of attorney at any time, just as the attorney can refuse it.

    Which one to choose: simple or general?

    Now let's give specific examples. At Megafon, if you have a power of attorney, you can perform the following actions:

    Important! The general power of attorney applies to all actions listed above. Downtime may include all of the above powers or some of them. It all depends on the purpose for which the document was drawn up.

    Features of drafting from a legal entity

    A power of attorney to Megafon should be executed exclusively on company letterhead indicating the TIN.

    According to Art. 186 Civil Code RF, if the document does not contain the date of its completion, then it will be invalid.

    Remember that the document should include the following data (Articles 185 – 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation):

    How to write from an individual?

    If the document is drawn up from an individual, it must indicate slightly different data that will individualize the representative’s identity: date of birth, place of registration, as well as passport details.

    A power of attorney from an individual must contain the following information:

    • the date when the power of attorney was drawn up (clause 1 of Article 186 of the Civil Code);
    • information of the person on whose behalf the actions will be performed - full name, passport details, date of birth (clause 1 of Article 185 of the Civil Code);
    • information about the representative, as well as a list of actions that he can perform within the framework of the power of attorney (clause 1 of Article 185 of the Civil Code);
    • period of validity of the document;
    • signature of the person who issued the power of attorney.

    Basic design rules

    A power of attorney is first and foremost a document. It can be typed on a computer or written by hand. The exception is documents for which, for example, it is necessary to obtain material assets.

    For such cases, unified forms have been developed. The power of attorney must also contain the following mandatory components:

    The power of attorney may also contain other information:

    • the place where the document was drawn up;
    • validity;
    • given to the representative.

    It is not necessary to disclose in detail the actions that a representative can perform, but it is advisable. This will help avoid unnecessary problems. You should especially pay attention to this if you trust a person with your money.

    Nuances of drafting in different cases

    To replace a SIM card

    Reference! To replace a SIM card, the power of attorney must be certified by a notary.

    In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the power of attorney can be drawn up in any form in accordance with all the rules, which are mentioned above. In addition, the document itself should indicate that the representative can replace the principal’s SIM card in the Megafon salon.

    Since the document must be certified by a notary, it must be printed on the official letterhead of the organization.

    Thus, by presenting a power of attorney to a Megafon employee, the representative will have every right to replace the principal’s SIM card.

    To purchase this card

    It is no longer necessary to have such a power of attorney certified by a notary. It is necessary to draw up the document correctly.

    For restoration

    You can restore another person’s SIM card only with a notarized power of attorney. It is drawn up on the same principle as the power of attorney for receiving and replacing a Megafon SIM card. Below is a ready-made version of the power of attorney, after reading which you will have a better understanding of how this document is filled out.

    What does it look like?

    Document for a legal entity

    Power of attorney

    Limited Liability Company "Name of the Company", represented by General Director Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, acting on the basis of the Charter, authorizes Petrov Petr Petrovich (passport series 6978 No. 567999 issued on 02/01/2016) to represent the interests of the principal in the Siberian branch of MegaFon OJSC, for which the attorney is vested with the following powers:

    The power of attorney is valid until January 1, 2018 (January 1, two thousand and eighteen) without the right of substitution.

    Signature Last name I.O. _________________________________________ I certify.

    General Director Full name

    For an individual

    Power of attorney

    Nizhny Novgorod June sixth two thousand seventeen

    date of issue: 20.06.12 issued by: Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Rostov region in Rostov-on-Don, which is a Subscriber under the Agreement for the provision of communication services No. 5670023 dated 08.12.2015 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), telephone number +798652647952,

    I trust my representative: Petrov Petr Petrovich (hereinafter referred to as the Attorney) date of birth 07/12/1981 series 6014 number 657988, issued on 07/3/2007 by the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Rostov region in Rostov-on-Don Residence address: Rostov-on-Don st. Pushkina house 13

    Registration address: Rostov-on-Don st. Pushkina house 13

    Taxpayer Identification Number (if available): ______,

    Citizenship: Russian Federation,

    Validity period (for migration card): from “____” ___________________ to “____” ___________________, carry out the following actions on my behalf under the Agreement:

    • change the set of services, tariff plan and tariff options;
    • receive and replace SIM cards;
    • restore SIM cards;
    • change subscriber number.

    Power of attorney issued for a period of 1 year

    Principal ____________________________ / ____________________________ (full name, signature)

    How can you assure?

    The power of attorney can be certified by a notary. You need to come to the notary with a ready-made document, which you can draw up using the templates given earlier.

    The document is certified by the signature and seal of a notary, and the data is entered into the registration book. If necessary, you can draw up a power of attorney with a notary.

    Reference! When drawing up a power of attorney, the presence of only the principal is sufficient.

    Certification of a power of attorney is inexpensive, and the procedure itself will not take much of your time.


    A power of attorney allows you to represent the interests of another person in legal relations. You can draw it up yourself using a template, or contact a notary. When drawing up a document, great attention should be paid to the powers vested in the attorney.

    In order to draw up a power of attorney for Megafon, you can download it from the company’s official website ready-made form and fill it out.

