A new version of directum 5.6 manual is available. Development of the developer tool

Before you start using software product, it must be installed first. This article will be devoted to the installation process of the DIRECTUM system.

In some cases, you may need to uninstall the application and install it from clean slate", for example, when installing a newer version. Since such situations often arise, I could not ignore the issue of deleting information about a product; the corresponding section will be devoted to it.

All recommendations are taken from the documentation included in the delivery of the system and from the knowledge base; I will provide links to its articles further in the text.

So, let's imagine that in front of us is a distribution kit of the system. If you have no previous installation experience, many questions may immediately arise. In what order should the installation be performed? What parameters should I install with? Is there anything additional that needs to be configured? operating system?

Indeed, it is necessary to follow the sequence of actions during installation; it is often necessary to configure rights to NTFS directories in a certain way, include them in the necessary user groups, etc. For this reason, no matter how trivial it may sound, installation must be carried out in accordance with the instructions, which fully describe the installation procedure.

So, where to start the installation? First of all, even before starting the actual installation, you need to make sure that the computer meets the requirements for hardware and software. Can the application be installed on this computer in principle? Please note that updating system-wide software in some cases entails the need to update application software. In particular, a lot of questions are received regarding the compatibility of DIRECTUM with new Microsoft products, for example, Windows 8. All requirements can be found in the document “Typical hardware and software requirements”, which is always included in the system delivery package.

Often, distributions are stored on a network resource, and installation is carried out from there. Indeed, this is very convenient for many reasons - storage reliability, access from any computer over the network, etc. Client part, integration with office applications, as a rule, this is exactly how they are installed - from network “balls”. Please note that not every application can be installed this way - it may require installation with local disk. In particular, this nuance concerns the installation of the server part. When trying to install from network resource The following error may appear: "Error Windows package Installer. The installation completion script cannot be run..." ().

Some applications must be installed with permissions local administrator, there is always a corresponding note in the instructions. In OS Windows Vista and above, you must explicitly indicate this using the clause context menu"Run as" In cases where you need to perform actions on the command line, command line should also be run as a local administrator. If the installation is performed without local administrator rights, then you may not have enough access rights to perform some actions. So, required libraries or the COM servers will be unregistered in the operating system. Also, when installing some modules, a Windows log, which requires local administrator rights.

Special cases

In the previous section we looked at general recommendations on installation. Now I propose to examine several special cases that often occur in practice.

Let's start our review by installing Russian-language Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 RUNTIME. Distribution Microsoft SQL Server is supplied under a RUNTIME agreement and is designed to work only with the DIRECTUM system. In this case, the functionality of the system is guaranteed only with a certain set of components. What happens if you choose the composition of the components not according to the instructions, but, say, all the components in general? In particular, the Russian-language distribution of SQL 2008 R2 RUNTIME does not contain the Reporting Service component, so an installation error () will occur.

I recommend using special characters in SQL user passwords with great caution. I don’t encourage you to completely abandon special characters, but it’s better not to use them unless there is a special need for it. Why should you try to avoid this? If you specify a user whose password contains an apostrophe in the SQL server connection parameters, you will receive the error “There is a problem with this Windows Installer package...Format of the initialization strings does not conform to the OLE DB specification". Accordingly, to resolve the error, you need to change the password ().

Removing product information

Sometimes a product is not completely deleted and the product record remains in the system. For example, in the case of the client part of the DIRECTUM system, this may cause incorrect installation more later versions DIRECTUM systems on this computer. Also, there were cases when, when installing an application, messages appeared that the application was already installed.

To correctly remove information about an application installed with errors, many programs have been written. In such cases, we recommend using the MsiZap utility from the Windows Platform SDK. The utility is distributed along with the DIRECTUM distribution and is located in the \Utils\MsiZap folder.

To launch the utility and perform steps to delete data about an application installed with errors, you must run next command MsiZap.exe T (ProductCode) ().


The search for a solution may not be limited to the knowledge base on the DIRECTUM support site. Useful information can be found, for example, on the sites Microsoft. Often knowledge base articles link to Microsoft resources (see articles #4301 and #4869).

Installation – very extensive subject area, we have only covered a small part. If this topic is of interest to site visitors, perhaps in the future articles will be written in which we will analyze the intricacies of installing individual modules.

Finally, it remains to wish everyone quick installation And stable operation systems!

Let's briefly talk about the capabilities of DirectumRX, which make it easy to start working in the system.

1. Videos

If you are a new employee or a newcomer has joined your company, then it is best to use videos and help to get acquainted with DirectumRX. Invite him to spend 40 minutes on the first day to get acquainted and then a few more days, 15 minutes each, to review and study the sections of the help that the employee will work with.

It is also useful for an experienced user to look at the video. It is updated according to the capabilities of new versions and supplemented with recommendations, for example, “Techniques for working with tasks” or “Tasks of a replaced employee.”

2. Smart Help

Feel free to press F1 anywhere in the system (from a list or card, etc.), and help will immediately open for the right topic. For example, if you are in the “Register of Contracts” list, then a help section will open with its description and possible actions plus useful recommendations by filtration.

3. Widgets

Click on the top level “My DIRECTUM” and you will see the widget area, they are clickable and visual - Each employee can customize widgets for themselves. Tip: go from the “My tasks” widget to the list of tasks for today.

4. Stream folders

Users have pre-configured folders into which incoming tasks are automatically placed based on certain criteria; they are convenient to use when there is a large flow of tasks. Employees most often use the “For approval” and “For execution” folders.

If you prefer to work only with the Inbox folder, uncheck the Hide checkbox in the filtering area. All tasks will appear in one inbox

5. Recent documents

The list is designed to search for documents that you have viewed, edited, or created during certain period time. For example, you can use it:

  • find a document that you created a few days ago, but did not place a link to it in any of the folders;
  • get a list of documents reviewed today;
  • look at all the documents you worked with yesterday.

6. Drag"n"Drop

If you received a document via e-mail or you want to download a document from your computer desktop, just open the desired folder and drag a file from a letter or folder from your computer. The system will automatically open the card, enter the “body” of the document and fill in the field *Content, based on the name of the document, you will only have to fill in the remaining fields.

7. No duplicates when creating incoming invoices

When filling out the fields *Account number, *Invoice date, *Amount, *Currency and *Counterparty The new account card is checked for duplicates. If duplicates are found, a warning will appear. To view duplicates in the incoming invoice card on the tab Search in Group Doubles click on the button " Show duplicates".

8. Lists are the most convenient thing

Register of contracts, incoming invoices, documents to be returned - all these are lists. Customize and group columns, filter the information in them according to the necessary parameters in a way that is convenient for you.

So, by filtering the list "Register of contracts" according to the necessary criteria, for example * Counterparty, *State or *Category, we can generate the list of contract documents we need, and then upload it to Excel for printing or further processing.

9. Search

Don’t forget that the system allows you to search by text fragment for documents, tasks, assignments, folders and objects - use the search field above the list or the bookmark Search in the feed.

As the saying goes, “You learn from mistakes.” In order not to wander around looking for an answer, first look at the list of frequently asked questions and answers, they are collected in and can be easily found in the help using the F1 button.

Look out for life hacks for advanced users in the next publication. Share your favorite tips for beginners in the comments.

Office - this module is designed to facilitate the work of clerks, who, as a rule, bear the burden of ensuring “paper” document flow and monitoring the execution of orders. It includes:

  • office work with a flexible numbering system;
  • registration, distribution and control of the movement of paper documents;
  • control over the timely execution of instructions from the manager (recording correspondence, the ability to send for revision, free routing);
  • the presence of specialized reports that simplify the work process (Overdue tasks, Contracts under consideration, etc.);
  • exchange of electronic documents with digital signature with third parties;
  • maintaining the nomenclature of cases and full compliance with the State Budgetary Educational Institution.

Maintaining a list of cases and logs

When preparing documents for transfer to the archive for each nomenclature file, you can print the cover of the case, as well as an inventory of the case documents, which significantly reduces the time for preparing documents for archival storage.

Flexible numbering system allows you to assign a number to a document by section electronic journal registration. For each log, a custom method is specified automatic numbering documents inside the journal. The number may include a department code, a journal code, as well as any other necessary details.

Registration of documents

To register documents, registration control cards (RCC) are used, which contain all primary data (correspondent, division of the organization, representative of the organization, date of registration, registration number, topic and summary document, delivery method, etc.), as well as necessary information about the status of any paper document of the organization (location, execution status, etc.). For outgoing documents, you can specify a distribution list by organization.

The system provides the ability to register documents from both organizations and citizens.

For organizations using decentralized document registration, the system uses registration locations - workplaces of secretaries and office employees. Each registration location can serve one or more departments. Depending on the place of registration, it is possible to differentiate access rights to data.

When moving a document between departments, each place of registration can have its own RCC. Thus, a RKK chain appears, along which you can track the movement of a paper document not only between employees within a department, but also between departments.

In addition, through the RKK, the interconnection of registered system documents with each other is carried out: “In response to”, “In pursuance of”, etc.

The registration procedure is simple and consists of filling out the required fields of the RKK, and a registration number is assigned automatically.

When registering directly from the RKK, it is possible to enter a scanned (electronic) document into the “Electronic Document Management” module and automatically attach it to the RKK. To quickly enter a large volume of documents, DIRECTUM Capture Services are used, which ensure continuous entry of documents into the system. Subsequently, the RKK, like the listed electronic document, can easily be found by barcode on a paper document, thanks to the DIRECTUM RapID fast identification technology.

According to the RKK, logs of incoming and outgoing documents are printed. Moreover, for outgoing documents, you can automatically generate and print an envelope label.

Movement and execution of documents

After registration, the incoming document goes through the stages of consideration, resolution, control and execution of the document. At the same time, further work of performers with the document can be carried out entirely in in electronic format. This significantly reduces the time spent on performers and prevents accidental loss of the original.

Depending on the manager’s work style, the document is reviewed either in paper or electronic form.

Based on a resolution made by the manager, the document can be put under control with the appointment of executors, instructions and deadlines.

For performers who work with the "Business Process Management" module, the secretary or the manager himself can quickly create a task directly from the Work and Development Committee. Working with tasks allows you to make full use of the system’s capabilities for monitoring the execution of orders:

Subsequently, based on tasks related to the RKK, you can quickly recreate the history of work on the document, the approval procedure, and the rationale for the decision made.

If the "Office" module is used independently, all orders issued to executors are entered by the secretary into the document's RKK, after which their timely execution is monitored. At the same time, instructions can be printed for manual users.

When working with electronic documents, all document movements are carried out through tasks, while the location of the paper document at any time is recorded on a special RKK tab. This allows you to quickly find the original paper document through the RKK.

Work with outgoing and internal documents is based on the same principles.

Exchange of electronic documents between systems

DIRECTUM solutions ensure the exchange of official, legally significant electronic documents between organizations. The exchange of documents is based on the use of the industry standard for the exchange of electronic documents “Interaction of automation systems for document management support”, approved by the Guild of Documentation Managers.

Documents can be exchanged both between structural divisions of one company (holding) and between independent partner organizations. In this case, one of the parties may use a different electronic document management system or not work with the EDMS at all.

If the exchange is carried out between divisions of one company (holding), then work with documents takes place in the modules “Electronic Document Management”, “Business Process Management” and “Office”.

If the exchange is made between third-party organizations, then the electronic document is exported from the DIRECTUM system to an ESD file. The second party can import the ESD document into the ECM system they use (provided that this format is supported by this EDMS; the ESD format is open), or use the freely distributed DIRECTUM OverDoc program to work with the ESD document.

DIRECTUM OverDoc allows you to view a document, its attributes and all the digital signatures with which the document was signed, including the authenticity marker.

Search and analysis of information

From the moment of registration of any document in the system, you can find both its registration card along with information about the location and process of execution of the document, and the electronic document itself. The system searches by registration numbers, correspondent, author of the resolution, as well as all RKK details and any combination thereof.

In addition, the system provides specialized reports that significantly increase the efficiency of users: Documents under consideration, Overdue orders, Documents subject to return, etc.


(for EDMS users)

Login to web access site 3

Web Access Explorer 3

Lists of objects 5

Structure of object pages 5

6 predefined folders

Working with folders 7

Working with documents 7

Working with tasks and assignments 8

General information 9

Procedure for completing task 9

Search for objects 10

Search order 10

Exit from web access site 11

Web Access Purpose

The web access server allows you to work with the DIRECTUM system through browsers and is designed to organize access to the system in the following cases:

  1. Over the Internet.

  2. Via local network:

  • from computers on which it is not possible to install the client part of the DIRECTUM system, for example, the computer has low-power hardware or an inappropriate operating system is installed on it;

  • for users who do not need all the functionality of the client part of the DRECTUM system, for example, for users who view documents or perform tasks.
The functionality of the web access server is limited compared to the win interface.

The instructions are intended for users familiar with the basic skills of working in the EDMS (Instructions for working with the Directum system).

Supported Browsers

You can work with the Directum system via web access from the following browsers: FireFox 3.6 and higher, Internet Explorer 6.0 and above, Opera 10.0 and above, Safari 4.05 and above.

In other browsers, system functionality is not guaranteed.

Login to the web access site

To log into the web access site, do the following:

  1. Open your browser and go to: directum.isu.ru. The login page will open.

  1. In the fields " User" And " Password" Enter the username and password of the Directum system user accordingly.

  2. Click the button To come in .
If you need to change your login password, follow the link " Change password".

As a result, the web access explorer will open.

Web Access Explorer

The web access explorer has the following structure:


Information section

Folder tree

Folder Contents Area

Information section. The information section displays the system name, organization name and name current user.

Toolbar. The toolbar contains buttons designed to perform basic actions in Explorer.

The composition of the buttons on the toolbar is fixed and does not depend on the contents of other sections of the explorer.

Folder tree. On upper level The folder tree contains four predefined folders. The user always sees these folders. On others

The tree levels contain folders created by system users. The user sees only those folders to which he has rights. The folder names are links. When you click a link, the contents of the folder are displayed in the folder contents area.

Folder Contents Area. The folder contents area displays links to those objects nested in the current folder for which the user has access rights. The folder content area is a list of objects.

Lists of objects

Filtering area

List item

Sorting area

Lists of objects in web access look like this:

Title line. The title bar displays the names of the fields. The composition of the fields depends on the type of objects displayed in the list.

Filtering area. In the filtering area there is a field for entering a value by which to filter the list. A prompt is displayed in this field before you enter a value.

To the left of the filtering field there is a checkbox that is used to mass select or deselect all elements. If a filter is installed, only filtered elements are highlighted.

List elements. Each list element contains general information about one object.

Structure of object pages

Pages of folders, documents, tasks, tasks and directory entries have the following structure:

Information section. The information section displays the system name, organization name and current user name.

Toolbar. The panel contains buttons designed to perform basic actions with the object.

Bookmarks area. The composition of bookmarks depends on the type of page.

Bookmark content area. The content area displays the contents of the active bookmark from the bookmarks area.

Predefined folders

At the top level of the folder tree there are four predefined folders:

Favorites – designed to store links to documents needed by the current user;

The Inbox, Outbox, and Favorites folders are the user's personal folders. Each user changes their structure and content at his own discretion. Folder " a shared folder» is common to all users. Its structure and content are usually changed by one or more responsible users.

Working with folders

On the web access site you can perform the following actions with folders:

  1. create folders;

  2. view and change folder cards;

  3. view and change the contents of folders.

Other actions available through the desktop client cannot be performed. For example, you cannot view the history of working with folders.

Work with documents

On the web access site you can perform the following actions with documents:

  1. View and edit document cards. The list of cards available via web access is configured by the administrator.

  2. View and change document texts.

  3. Configure document access rights.

  4. Export documents to files and import from files.

  5. Create versions of a document by importing into a new version.

  6. Link documents.

  7. View the history of working with documents.

All other actions available through the win interface cannot be performed. For example, you cannot encrypt documents and view encrypted documents, you cannot delete versions and documents themselves, you cannot change the stage life cycle document.

It is advisable not to create documents via web access. This procedure very problematic.

Working with tasks and assignments

On the web access site with tasks and assignments, you can perform the following actions:

  1. create tasks;

  2. to complete tasks;

  3. create subtasks;

  4. work with task and task attachments;

  5. stop and restart tasks;

  6. configure access rights to tasks and tasks;

  7. view the status of tasks and assignments;

  8. view the history of work with tasks and assignments.
All other actions available through the win interface cannot be performed. For example, you cannot resume or delete tasks, you cannot sign tasks and tasks with an electronic signature.

General information

While processing task routes, executors receive tasks. Links to tasks are automatically placed in the performers' inbox. Tasks can be of the following types:

After all performers have completed the tasks, the initiator receives a control task. The link to the control task is automatically placed in the Inbox of the task initiator.

Procedure for completing the task

To complete the task, do the following:

As a result, the task will move to the Completed state.

Search for objects

To access system objects that are not nested in any folder or it is not known in advance which folder the objects are nested in, searches are intended.

On a standard web access site you can use standard searches documents, tasks, assignments and general search.

General search allows you to simultaneously search for documents, tasks, assignments and folders using the same criteria.

Search order

To search for documents, assignments, or tasks, do the following:

  1. In Web Access Explorer, on the toolbar, click one of the following buttons:

A form for specifying criteria will open in the folder tree area. The composition of the criteria depends on the type of search. For example, a form for specifying document search criteria looks like this:

  1. Complete the criteria.

As a result, a list of objects that meet the entered conditions will open in the folder contents area. The list will only contain those objects for which the current user has rights.

Exit from the web access site

To exit the web access site, close the web access explorer. To do this, follow the link " Exit" located in the information section of the explorer.

This will end your current session and open the login page. You can simply close the login page in your browser.

Administrator Instructions

Instructions for installing and removing the DIRECTUM system

Installation of the server part of the DIRECTUM system

The server part must be installed on a computer that plays the role of a database server. The database server is the computer on which the server part is installed Microsoft © SQL Server:

· Step 1. Start installing the server part of the DIRECTUM system. To do this, run the DIRECTUM system deployment utility H:\SERVER\SASystemActivator.exe;

· Step 2. “Select operating mode” window:

· select operating mode Recover from backup copy ;

· press the button Next > ;

· Step 3. “Connection parameters with the deployed system” window:

· in field *Server specify the name of the SQL server on which the server part of the DIRECTUM system is installed;

· in field *Database specify the database name. If such a database does not yet exist on the SQL server, it will be created. If the specified database exists, the backup will be restored to the existing database, but the previous contents of the database will be lost;

· in the fields *User And Password specify the username and password to connect to the SQL server. The user must have rights system administrator SQL server;

· press the button Next > .

· Step 4. “Restore from Backup” window:

When restoring to Microsoft SQL Server 2000:

When restoring to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and higher:

When restoring to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and higher, if the ability to execute a stored procedure is disabled xp_cmdshell:

· in field *Backup file specify the full path to the reference backup file of the DIRECTUM system database. The reference backup copy of the DIRECTUM system database is located in the same folder as the DIRECTUM system deployment utility. If recovery occurs on local SQL -server, the path to the backup file will be H:\Server\directum. dat ;

· in the fields *Data file And *Transaction log file specify the full paths of the corresponding database files of the DIRECTUM system, by default the folder for storing database files of the selected SQL server;

· in field *Full text catalog specify the full path of the full-text database directory of the DIRECTUM system, by default the folder where database files of the selected SQL server are stored (this field will only be available when restoring a backup copy to Microsoft SQL Server version 2005 or higher);

· press the button Next > .

Note. If the folders specified for storing the data file and transaction log file do not exist, the DIRECTUM System Deployment Utility will prompt you to create these folders. The folders will be created on the computer on which the selected SQL server is installed.

Note. When restoring a backup to Microsoft SQL Server version 2005 or higher, it is recommended to enable the ability to execute a stored procedure xp_cmdshell . If this feature is disabled, database recovery options (data file, transaction log file, etc.) are not checked.

· Step 5. System Administrator window:

· check the box Change user password Administrator , if you need to change the user password Administrator , or this user is not yet on SQL server;

· in the fields *Password And *Confirmation specify the password of the predefined Administrator user of the DIRECTUM system or check the Blank password checkbox to assign an empty password to the Administrator user. When restoring a backup to Microsoft© SQL Server 2005 and higher, the Administrator user password must comply with the computer's security policy;

· press the button Next > .

Note. To prevent unauthorized access to data, it is not recommended to leave the Administrator user password blank. This option is left for the convenience of logging into the DIRECTUM system during its initial setup. After completing the initial setup, you must specify a non-blank password for the Administrator user.

· Step 6. System Settings window:

· in field *System code indicate the system code of the deployed database (for example, DIRECTUM). Field values Workflow Service And Session Server leave unchanged;

· press the button Next > ;

· Step 7. The “System deployment parameters have been successfully set” window:

· view the list of changes that will be made by the deployment utility;

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