Permissible noise level in decibels in the apartment. Noise from household appliances: standards and values ​​in dB

Today we will talk to you about noisy work, find out where they come from, which tools in terms of sound bother us the most, at what time can we renovate an apartment, how long can we hammer the walls, can we work on holidays and weekends.

Noisy work in a residential building, apartment

Noisy work is known to occur when using tools. Let's look at which of them we get maximum amount discomfort.


You've probably seen this tool in the hands of a worker who is knocking away old asphalt on the street to lay new ones. I’ll say right away that this tool is not for the home. Its power may be enough to shake its entire structure, so forget about it. For any, even serious redevelopment, a hammer drill is suitable.


This tool has several operating modes. One of them is to perform the functions of a hammer drill to drill holes in concrete (brick, etc.). But, since a drill, even an impact drill, is not a hammer drill, it is not able to completely replace it. Yes, with a good drill it can do a lot of things. But when chiseling fairly dense concrete, it will roar much louder than a hammer drill, which would do the same thing much more quietly.

Grinding machine (grinder)

If you are cutting tiles with this tool, it is advisable to wear headphones.


It makes noise, but less than an angle grinder cutting tiles or a hammer drill hammering a wall. A jigsaw is convenient, for example, for cutting thick plywood for flooring.


Killer hand tool. They can destroy a wall, but this should not be done. To be honest, I’m even scared to imagine what such a tool can do in an apartment.


Who hasn't held this instrument in their hands? It may not be very loud. But the monotonous hammering of nails for several hours can irritate even a patient neighbor.

The main difference in noise between electric and hand tools is that hitting a wall with a hammer or sledgehammer is one-time. While the power tool emits an incessant roar, which intensifies when the drill/disc/hacksaw blade begins to contact the surface being processed.

Time for noisy work in an apartment building

One of the basic rules when renovating is: respect other people, namely, respect your neighbors. Before making repairs, carefully study the question: how long can noisy work be carried out in the apartment for your own well-being.

Sometimes we live and do not notice those around us. For many of us, neighbors are neither friends nor enemies. However, if it is absolutely not necessary to write them down as friends, then under certain circumstances you can very easily make neighbors-enemies.

What annoys neighbors the most is noisy work. Therefore, first, evaluate what you will do in principle. It's one thing to drive a nail, and quite another to hammer a wall.

Below I will give the rules for conducting noisy work and rest periods for Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. It is impossible to cover all regions in one article, so if you live in other regions, it is useful to study your table and know your rights.

Moscow, 2017

In 2017, a legislative act was introduced in Moscow that established the time frame for all work involving loud noise, various holidays, the launching of fireworks, the inclusion of music in apartment buildings on weekdays and official days off, as well as defining the procedure for imposing liability for failure to comply with the prescribed regime from 11/21/2007 N 45 (as amended on 11/23/2016 with amendments that came into force on 12/10/2016) "MOSCOW CITY CODE ON ADMINISTRATIVE OFFENSES"

In terms of carrying out repair work related to the redevelopment (rearrangement) of premises in residential buildings, the Moscow Government Decree of September 25, 2007 N 831-PP is in force, which approved the Moscow city standard for the operation of the housing stock (ZhNM-2005/01) "Regulations for registration and implementation reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in residential buildings in the city of Moscow."

Periods of silence in apartment buildings and the resulting liability for violating them in Moscow are collected in the table:

Types of sound pressure

Quiet period

Work days


Sunday, holidays

23.00 - 07.00

23.00 - 07.00

23.00 - 07.00

Warning or imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to two thousand rubles; for officials - from four thousand to eight thousand rubles; on legal entities- from forty thousand to eighty thousand rubles.

19.00 - 09.00

19.00 - 09.00

around the clock

13.00 - 15.00

13.00 - 15.00

around the clock

Moscow region, 2017

In the Moscow region, the time frame is regulated by the Law of the Moscow Region of December 12, 2016 N159/2016-OZ “On ensuring peace and quiet of citizens in the territory of the Moscow region.”

Periods of silence in apartment buildings and the resulting liability for violating them in the Moscow region are collected in the table:

Types of sound pressure

Quiet period

Responsibility for breaking silence

Work days


Sunday, holidays

Using televisions, radios, tape recorders and other loud-speaking devices with audibility that disturbs the peace of the residents of the house, speaking in a raised voice, whistling, singing, playing musical instruments, using pyrotechnics

21.00 - 08.00

22.00 - 10.00

22.00 - 10.00

1. A warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to three thousand rubles; for officials - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from twenty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.
2. Committing an administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of this article for the second time within a year - the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of four thousand rubles; for officials - from fifteen thousand to thirty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from sixty thousand to eighty thousand rubles.
3. Committing an administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of this article for the third and subsequent times within a year -
imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five thousand rubles; for officials - fifty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from one hundred thousand to one hundred fifty thousand rubles.

Repair - construction works associated with increased noise levels

19.00 - 09.00

19.00 - 09.00

around the clock

Repair and construction work associated with increased noise levels in new houses within 6 months from the date of commissioning

21.00 - 08.00

22.00 - 10.00

22.00 - 10.00

Means of sound reproduction and sound amplification in an apartment building and near it, construction, repair, unloading and loading works; earthworks

13.00 - 15.00

13.00 - 15.00

around the clock

St. Petersburg, 2017

In 2017, a legislative act was in force in St. Petersburg establishing the periods for all work involving loud noise, various holidays, the launching of fireworks, the inclusion of music in apartment buildings on weekdays and official days off, as well as determining the extent of responsibility for failure to comply with the prescribed regime from According to Article 38 of the Law of St. Petersburg dated May 31, 2010 N 273-70 “On Administrative Offenses in St. Petersburg.”

The times when you cannot make noise in apartment buildings and the resulting liability for violation in St. Petersburg are given in the table:

Types of sound pressure

Quiet period

Responsibility for breaking silence

Work days


Sunday, holidays

Turning on radio and television equipment, tape recorders, and other sound-reproducing or amplifying devices too loudly, talking in a raised tone, loud songs and playing a musical instrument, sounds of a faulty car alarm, noise from pyrotechnics




They warn or impose an administrative fine on: a citizen - from 1000 to 3000 rubles; official - from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles; legal entity - from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Repair and construction work associated with increased noise levels

22.00 - 07.00

22.00 - 12.00 and after 20.00

22.00 - 12.00

They warn or impose an administrative fine on: a citizen - from 500 to 3000 rubles; official - from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles; legal entity - from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Means of sound reproduction and amplification in multi-apartment housing and near it, construction, repair, unloading and loading works, excavation work

13.00 - 15.00

13.00 - 15.00

13.00 - 15.00

1. They warn or impose an administrative fine on: a citizen in the amount of from 500 to 1000 rubles; official - from 2000 to 5000 rubles; legal entity - from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles.
2. If the violation is repeated within a year, a fine is imposed on: a citizen - from 1000 to 2000 rubles; official - from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles; legal entity - from 17,000 to 25,000 rubles.

Leningrad region, 2017

In the Leningrad Region, the time frame is regulated by: Article 2.6 of the Regional Law of the Leningrad Region dated July 2, 2003 N 47-oz, On Administrative Offenses (as amended on November 15, 2016).

The times when you cannot make noise in apartment buildings and the resulting liability for violation in the Leningrad region are given in the table:

Types of sound pressure

Quiet period

Responsibility for breaking silence

Work days


Sunday, holidays

turning on radio and television equipment, tape recorders, and other sound-reproducing or amplifying devices too loudly, talking in a raised tone, loud songs and playing a musical instrument, sounds of a faulty car alarm, noise from pyrotechnics of repair, construction and loading and unloading operations

23.00 - 07.00

23.00 - 07.00

23.00 - 07.00

1. They warn or impose an administrative fine on: a citizen - from 500 rubles to 1000 rubles; official - from 2000 rubles to 5000 rubles; legal entity - from 10,000 rubles to 15,000 rubles.
2. If the violation is repeated within a year, a fine is imposed on: a citizen - from 1000 rubles to 2000 rubles; official - from 5,000 rubles to 7,000 rubles; legal entity - from 17,000 rubles to 25,000 rubles.

Carrying out fireworks and displays in the territories

23.00 - 07.00

23.00 - 07.00

23.00 - 07.00

An administrative fine is imposed on the official - from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles; legal entity - 10,000-15,000 rubles; citizen - 2000 - 5000 rubles.

The exception is New Year's Eve, when the use of pyrotechnics is permitted from 23.00 on December 31 to 04.00 on January 1.

Rules for carrying out noisy work in an apartment building (rules of good manners)

But what if your repair cannot be stopped? If you understand that you will have to make noise in any case?

It is clear that we are all human, and we are not always able to follow the rules. Sometimes it even happens that it does not depend on us. If you seriously decide to make repairs, then it is better to get to know all your closest neighbors in advance: on the left, on the right, above and below. I’ll tell you honestly that I didn’t immediately come to this idea. So, we met your neighbors, found out whether there were elderly people or small children in your environment, and drew the appropriate conclusions.

Remember the main thing, if you estimate that noisy work will last more than 15 minutes, it is better to go in and warn your neighbors (left, right, above and below), or rather, ask them not to be too angry with you! For your neighbors, your arrival is very important, in this case it is a sign of your respect for them. Therefore, even if it is very noisy, this rule it will work.

Remember one more thing. When warning about noisy work, be honest about the approximate time it will take place (15 minutes, 30 minutes, within an hour, throughout the day with breaks, etc.). It will be much easier for your neighbors to adapt to you. After all, knowledge is better than complete ignorance. Suppose you didn’t warn anyone and you’ve been banging on the wall for an hour and you have 10 minutes left. until the work is completed. And behind the wall, the mother must put the child to sleep. What should she think? That you will actually finish in 10 minutes. or maybe you've just started.

If you suddenly hear noise in your apartment at night, do not immediately run with your fists at your neighbor for turning on the hammer drill at night. Listen to the sounds first, there are also quite funny situations, as described in the article:.

Noisy work on weekends. Horrible story from personal experience

It happened a long time ago, on New Year's Eve. It was necessary to install a door. I didn’t install the doors myself at that time, but I was already laying the tiles. So I called a company that was supposed to install the door for me. It was a bathroom door that opened onto a hallway. By that time, the tiles on the floors in the bathroom and hallway had already been laid. I knew that installing the door was not a very noisy job and the technician would complete it within an hour or two. Since it is impossible to work on New Year itself, the installation of the door was scheduled for January 5th.


Celebrated New Year's Eve with friends. Everything was going great. For some reason I remembered January 5th, most likely I was worried about something, but I stubbornly could not understand what exactly. And suddenly it dawned on me! When I was drawing up a plan for renovating the apartment, I missed one important detail!

The fact is that the tiles in the hallway and in the bathroom were laid on the floor at different times and with a long break. For some reason, I forgot about the junction of these two tiles (the door should hang above it). At first a threshold was proposed, then something else, but the solution was never brought to fruition. Time passed and I left this seemingly trifle for later. As a result, in the New Year I slowly began to realize that if I didn’t do anything now, then after installing the door, nothing could be done there (the installed fashionable door jambs would get in the way).

Terrible decision

Oddly enough, a solution was immediately found on what needed to be done. You need to take a piece of corridor tile and install it in place of the threshold so that you get a smooth one-level transition from the corridor to the bathroom. (The bathroom and hallway tiles were laid on the same level).

Everything would be fine, but this is not a quick thing! I need:

  1. Hollow out a niche in the concrete floor to the size of the tile (right above the future door).
  2. Cut tiles of suitable size from the tiles.
  3. Glue the tiles in the trenched area.

Only 3 points, but what! Point #1 scared me the most. This is the noisiest work in nature that you can imagine in a house, and even under New Year. In addition, after gluing the tiles, it is imperative that 24 hours pass so that you can walk on them (after all, door installers will be working there). Hence, the plan is:

  • January 5 – installation of the door by a master (already agreed in advance);
  • January 4 – the tiles that I glue will dry;
  • January 3 – chiseling the floor, cutting tiles and gluing tiles.

You understand that the deadlines cannot be moved back - January 3 for chiseling the floor is complete madness! What will the neighbors do to me? I didn’t like this apartment renovation plan at all!

Of course, today, I would simply postpone the repair to another day, since it is my own fault that I did not finish checking it. But that New Year I was possessed by the devil.

I won’t tell you what kind words I received on my answering machine after 40 minutes of chiseling a concrete floor with a hammer drill on January 3rd. It turned out that my phone was immediately found by half the house. Attempts to reach me by phone or front door during chiseling were in vain, since I was wearing work headphones and did not hear anything.


  1. During repairs, you need to respect the people who surround you.
  2. If you decide to do something, think through everything in advance, estimate what work you have to do.
  3. If you have difficulties, consult a friend or specialist. Surely you have a person who can simply suggest something or see something that you don’t see.
  4. Never make repairs in a hurry. Repair in general is a sedate affair, especially when it is done with your own hands.

By following the above rules, you will truly enjoy the renovation. Especially when you see the results of your work!

Earplugs for noisy work. Another episode from my practice

I had a case when I was drilling a hole in the bathroom using an impact drill. There was nothing in the bathroom - just bare concrete walls and old metal pipes. So, while working in the bathroom, I felt the full power of the roar of the instrument, the sound of which, in a small confined space, bounced off the walls at breakneck speed and resonated in my ears. At first I didn’t pay attention to this, and then, when I left the bathroom, I really regretted that I continued to work and did nothing. For the first time in my life, I felt for myself what the phrase “ringing in my ears” means. The sound remained for 1 - 1.5 hours, then it began to weaken. When the ringing stopped, I breathed a sigh of relief. Honestly, when it didn’t stop for me during the first 30 minutes, I thought for a moment that I would have this forever. Since then, if noisy repair work awaits me, I wear special headphones.

But it is best to get the most ordinary earplugs.

Well, this is where the article ends. Today we talked in great detail about noisy work.


Provorova Anna

Lawyer, Moscow

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Natalya, good afternoon.

Since you carry out noisy work only during the permitted hours, then according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of Moscow, you will not face administrative punishment. Well, you can understand the neighbors, they will be unhappy in any case, even with the renovations, even with the children stomping around.

a) use of televisions, radios,
tape recorders and other sound reproducing devices, as well as devices
sound reinforcement, including those installed on Vehicle Oh,
small retail trade objects - kiosks, pavilions, trays,
at night time;
playing musical instruments, shouting, whistling, singing, and others
actions accompanied by sounds that disrupt the peace of citizens and
silence at night;
c) use sound signals burglar alarm cars, resulting in disruption of citizens' peace and quiet at night;
d) the use of pyrotechnics, resulting in disruption of citizens' peace and quiet at night;
production of repairs, construction, unloading and loading works,
resulting in disruption of citizens' peace and quiet at night time;

f) other actions that entailed a violation of the peace and quiet of citizens at night in protected territories and in protected premises in the city of Moscow.

Natalya, the norms of the law contain the time period during which you have the right to carry out work, namely from 7 am to 11 pm

Article 3.13. Disturbing the peace and quiet of citizens
- entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to two thousand rubles; for officials - from four thousand to eight thousand rubles; for legal entities - from forty thousand to eighty thousand rubles
Law of Moscow dated July 12, 2002 N 42
“On maintaining the peace of citizens and silence at night in the city of Moscow”
Article 2. Actions that disturb the peace of citizens and silence at night in the city of Moscow
1. To actions that disturb the peace of citizens and
silence at night in protected areas and in protected areas
premises in Moscow include:
carrying out repair, construction, unloading and loading works,
resulting in disruption of citizens' peace and quiet at night time;

This standard does not establish restrictions on noise levels, the time period is not violated by you, therefore, even if they complain, they will not be able to hold you accountable, because there are no violations on your part

fee 33%


How then can you ditch?

You can tap at any reasonable time, during which it is not prohibited to disturb the silence.

In particular, during the time in which you were working, breaking the silence is allowed. The main thing is not to use industrial equipment, but only hammer drills for household use.

Otherwise, neighbors may be outraged by loud music if it bothers them, but there are no sanctions for this.

In itself, a short-term violation of silence of even more than 40 decibels, although it violates the rights of neighbors, does not entail either administrative or civil liability.

You need to assume that the hammer drill was manufactured at the factory in accordance with GOSTs, and the walls in the house were made in accordance with GOSTs. You cannot somehow reduce the noise level during repair work.

Although the relocation of electrical wiring is a reconstruction and you are required to coordinate such work with the administration.

Part 1 of Article 25 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation

Residential remodeling is the installation, replacement or relocation of utility networks , sanitary, electrical or other equipment that requires changes to the technical passport of the residential premises.

fee 33%

Hello, it is better to warn neighbors about upcoming work, and coordinate with someone, treat this with understanding (someone has a sick child, someone came after a night shift, etc.), and noisy work can be carried out in accordance with the REGULATION dated February 8, 2005 N 73-PP ON THE PROCEDURE FOR RENOVATION AND (OR) RENEWAL OF RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL PREMISES IN RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ON THE TERRITORY OF MOSCOW.

"....2.7. The regime for reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in residential buildings is established taking into account the following requirements.

In residential buildings during the period of repair and construction work it is not allowed:

Carry out work on Sundays and public holidays;

- start work involving noise earlier than 9.00 and (or) finish it later than 19.00;

Use equipment and tools during work that cause excess noise and vibration levels;

2.8. The total duration of work cannot exceed four months, unless otherwise provided by order of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate."


There are sanitary standards. Permissible noise level in residential premises: - during the day (from 7 am to 11 pm) the sound level should not exceed 40 decibels (maximum 55 dBa); - at night the sound level is on the verge of 30 dBa, and the maximum is 45 dBa.

To make it easier for you to navigate, let’s figure out what these decibels are equivalent to.

So, for example, 40 dBA is normal human speech, a little lower is a whisper, a little higher is a scream. Anything above 60 is characterized as “very noisy”, i.e. at the same time, you can already inform your neighbors about your indignation. The threshold for “extremely noisy” is 100 dBA, which is the volume level of an orchestra or thunder.

Article 26 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2006 No. 47 “On approval of the regulations on recognizing premises as residential premises, residential premises unsuitable for habitation and an apartment building as unsafe and subject to demolition or reconstruction” states: “in residential premises, permissible sound pressure levels in octave frequency bands, equivalent and maximum levels of sound and penetrating noise must comply values ​​​​established in current regulatory legal acts, and not exceed the maximum permissible sound level in rooms and apartments during the day - 55 dB, at night - 45 dB. at the same time, the permissible levels of noise created in residential premises by ventilation systems and other engineering and technological equipment, should be 5 dBA lower than the specified levels in the daytime and at night.”


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Bakhtieva Guzel

Lawyer, Engels

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Good afternoon.

According to Art. 3.13 of the Moscow City Code on Administrative OffensesDisturbing the peace and quiet of citizens

Committing actions that disturb the peace and quiet of citizens from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. in protected areas and in protected premises established by the legislation of the city of Moscow, with the exception of actions aimed at preventing offenses, eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, and others emergency situations, carrying out urgent work related to ensuring personal and public safety citizens in accordance with the law Russian Federation, actions performed during the exercise of religious worship within the framework of the canonical requirements of the relevant faiths, cases provided for in Articles 4.46 and 4.50 of this Code, as well as during cultural events permitted by state authorities or local governments in the city of Moscow,
- entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to two thousand rubles; for officials - from four thousand to eight thousand rubles; for legal entities - from forty thousand to eighty thousand rubles.

The legislator fixed the interval from 23:00 to 07:00, during which the commission of actions that violate the peace and quiet of citizens entails the imposition of sanctions. And from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., the maximum sound level allowed during the daytime is 55 dB, and at night - 45 dB.

“The work is carried out strictly from 9-00 to 19-00 with a break from 13-00 to 15-00, and noisy work is carried out no more than 3-4 hours a day.” - they won’t be able to hold you accountable, since you are not breaking the law.

Best regards, Guzel B.

There are such rules, but they are applied differently.
Kolivanov Sergey

Hello. I do not agree with Sergei, in the sense that these norms are applied as he indicated.

We are talking in clause 6.1 of the specified SanPiN about the maximum permissible sound pressure levels, equivalent and maximumlevelssound in residential buildings and on the territory of residential development, and in this part refers specifically to Appendix 3, which he cited. Thus, this application concerns specifically the level of noise that enters the living space from external sources, but has nothing to do with the quality of the walls, because for example, noise from the street is measured with open windows, transoms, and narrow window sashes (clause 6.1.1).

Consequently, the maximum noise level from external sources in the living rooms of apartments during the daytime (from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.) is 55 dBA. At the same time, please pay attention to the fact that this level noise level is set only for living rooms. For non-residential premises in an apartment, maximum size not installed, i.e. The noise level should be measured only in living rooms.

Liability for violations of this SanPiN is provided for in Article 6.4. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the operation of residential premises and public premises, buildings, structures and transport -

entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; for officials - from one thousand to two thousand rubles; for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from one thousand to two thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; for legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

However, I don’t understand how you established that the noise level in your neighbors’ apartment exceeds at least 40 dB. To measure it, special instruments are required, and given that the activity of measuring noise is not in great demand, such equipment is probably only available in Rospotrebnadzor. So until the noise in your neighbors' living rooms is measured using certified and verified equipment, you have no reason to worry. Just work and don’t pay attention to your neighbors’ complaints and very politely tell them that everything will stop soon. Neighbors don’t need to know about Rospotrebnadzor.)

Noise standards in residential premises

Extremely safe for hearing permissible level noise level in the apartment is at 55 dB (daytime) and 40 dB (at night). Anything above 60 dB is at least uncomfortable. And if the equipment produces more than 90 dB, then this can lead to very unpleasant consequences for eardrums. In general, according to noise standards in residential premises, household appliances can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Up to 40 dB - air conditioners and fans, that is, devices that require round-the-clock operation in residential premises.
  2. Up to 55 dB - equipment that is also used around the clock, but in non-residential premises. This includes, for example, refrigerators and freezers.
  3. Up to 75 dB - household appliances that are turned on for a short period of time, but more than one hour, that is washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, hoods, sewing machines and so on.
  4. Up to 85 dB - appliances that are turned on for less than an hour - vacuum cleaners, food processors, blenders, mixers, coffee grinders.
  5. More than 90 dB - particularly noisy equipment, which should be used together with hearing protection. This includes rotary hammers, electric drills and other devices that you hate your neighbors for using in the morning.

The noise level also largely depends on the power of the device. For example, the average system unit home computer produces approximately 40 dB, but this figure may be higher if it has powerful block power supply and video card.

The real noise of household appliances: who is louder?

Modern household appliances do not always meet established standards. Although many manufacturers are now trying to make their equipment as silent as possible - for example, breathers (supply ventilation devices) produce only 19 dB, and split systems - about 35 dB.

The noise level of the refrigerator and even washing machine a modern silent model is unlikely to exceed 40 dB, the noise level from a high-quality hood will be within 60 dB. If you give more specific numbers, it will look something like this:

  1. Climate control - 35 dB, up to 27 dB in quiet night mode. Measurements of the noise level of some expensive models show levels of up to 22 dB.
  2. Refrigerators - 25-50 dB, average- 40 dB. High level Refrigerator noise is a direct result of high power, so do not rush to buy the quietest option for large sizes.
  3. Washing machines have excellent performance - up to 70 dB in spin mode, up to 55 dB in wash mode. In models with direct drive and the use of noise-insulating technologies, which are produced by almost all companies, the noise can be within 50 dB. But most inexpensive washing machines actually exceed standard standards by about 5 dB: they wash with a noise of about 60 dB, and spin at 75-77 dB.
  4. Vacuum cleaners - up to 80 dB in old models and up to 70 dB in new ones.

Of course, there are noisier equipment, but they belong to the class of garden and construction equipment, not home equipment. So, a lawn mower gives up to 95 dB, and a hammer drill - from 95 dB or more. Here it is worth understanding that some devices simply cannot help but make noise, and their silent operation indicates more problems than high quality.