Permissible vibration levels in workplaces. Who gives permission to work with a tool whose vibration exceeds sanitary standards? Most dangerous vibration levels

Environmental hazards and ways to overcome them


2. The concept of vibration, parameters characterizing vibration, units of measurement of vibration, permissible vibration levels

safety vital activity vibration drowning

Vibration is the mechanical vibrations of a solid body around an equilibrium position (GOST 12.1.012-90 “Vibration safety. General requirements”).

The effect of vibration is determined by the transfer of mechanical energy to a person from the source of vibration. From a physical point of view, vibration refers to oscillatory processes occurring in mechanical systems, in which a material body passes through the same stable position at certain intervals.

As a rule, the cause of vibration is the unbalanced force effects that arise during the operation of machines and units:

Unbalanced reciprocating movements of machine elements (perforators, jackhammers);

Unbalanced rotating masses of machines, when there is a mismatch between the center of mass of the body and the axis of rotation (grinding machines, drills);

Impacts of parts (pile driving machines, hammer drills).

Thus, the source of vibration is almost any machine, unit, transporting device or vehicle, such as the shaking of a bucket loader on the road, shaking of the deck on a ship due to a running engine, etc. - this is also vibration.

Vibration in work environment divided into general and local vibration.

About general vibration we're talking about when a person leans against a vibrating surface with the entire weight of his body, for example, standing, sitting or lying on it. When performing work near stationary machines and machine tools and special vibration installations, workers are exposed to workplace vibration, i.e. general vibration, when vibration affects the entire body (vibration tables, DSC vibration platforms). General vibration is most often encountered by transport workers (tractor drivers, drivers, loader operators, mining equipment operators), ship crews, as well as operators of various moving or simply large machines, etc.

Local vibration is vibration in which the vibration enters through one limb and is predominantly limited to this limb. Typically, this means that the worker is holding the vibrating object with his hand or the vibrating device is attached to it. Those. When using a vibrating tool (drills, rotary hammers, rock drills, impact wrenches, electric-gasoline saws), vibration is transmitted to the worker’s hands.

Local vibration is encountered mainly by workers in the construction, metal and woodworking industries when using a variety of hand tools, as well as operators of larger machines who hold onto vibrating parts (steering wheels, handles, etc.).

However, this division of vibration is conditional. With local vibration, it is also transmitted to the entire human body. This is facilitated by the relatively good conductivity of mechanical vibrations by body tissues, especially the skeletal system.

The result of vibration exposure is a decrease in labor productivity and quality of work, and the occurrence of vibration disease.

Main parameters characterizing vibration:

1) Amplitude (A), i.e. to what distance does the vibrating surface or hand tool deviate from the equilibrium position (maximum movement of the vibrating point), m;

2) Movement speed (oscillatory speed) (V), m/s;

3) Acceleration of movement (oscillations) (w), m/s2;

4) Oscillation period T, s;

5) Oscillation frequency f, Hz.

For harmonic oscillations, speed and acceleration can be calculated using formula (6.1), as the first and second derivatives with respect to time and in their final form maximum values respectively equal

Considering that the absolute values ​​of the parameters characterizing vibration vary widely, in practice these values ​​are also expressed in:

Vibration speed levels:

Lv=20*lgV/V0, dB,

where V is the current speed value, m/s;

V0=5*10-8 m/s - threshold speed value.

Threshold of pain during vibration with V=0.01 m/s.

Vibration acceleration levels:

La=20*lga/a0, dB,

where a is the current acceleration value, m/s2;

a0=1*10-6 m/s2 - acceleration threshold value.

Lv and La are energy characteristics of vibration, and the main characteristic of vibration, in accordance with international documents, is the level of vibration acceleration.

To study vibrations, the entire frequency range is divided into octave bands.

Ftotal = 1 80 Hz.

F lok = 5 1400 Hz.

For general vibration F сг = 1,2,4,16,31.5,63 Hz.

For local vibration F сг = 8,16,31.5,63,126,250,500,1000 Hz.

General vibration has a fairly narrow frequency range. Local vibration has a wider frequency range.

To evaluate machine tools and mechanisms, general vibration is expressed in one-third octave frequency bands: 1/3 f cg = 0.8,1.0,1.25,1.6,2.0,2.5,3.15,4.0,5.0,6.3,8.0, 10.0,12.5,16.0,20.0, 25.0,31.5,40.0,50.0,63.0 Hz.

Permissible vibration levels. There are hygienic and technical regulation of vibrations.

Hygienic - limit the vibration parameters of workplaces and the surface of contact with the hands of workers based on physiological requirements, excluding the possibility of vibration disease.

Technical - limit vibration parameters not only taking into account the specified requirements, but also based on what is currently achievable for of this type vibration level equipment.

Sanitary standards establish maximum permissible vibration levels in industrial premises of enterprises:

Vibration oscillation amplitude, mm

Vibration frequency, Hz

Speed ​​of oscillatory movements, cm/s

Acceleration of oscillatory movements, cm/s2

* With such vibration parameters, even heavy-duty riveted structures can withstand no more than 30 minutes before they are completely destroyed.

The given standards are the same for horizontal and vertical vibrations. The continuity of their exposure should not exceed 10~15% of working time.

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The reason for the excitation of vibrations is the unbalanced force effects arising during the operation of the machine. Their sources in the compressor installation are: poor balancing of rotors, wear of bearings, uneven gas flow.

The range of human vibration sensitivity is from 1 to 12000 Hz with the greatest sensitivity from 200 to 250 Hz.

Vibration standards are defined in SNiP 2.2.4/ “Vibration. General safety requirements.” Acceptable level vibration at the operator's workplace is 0.2 dB. The root mean square value of the vibration velocity is no more than 2 mm/s.

The vibration safety of a machine is assessed based on monitoring its vibration characteristics. The normalized parameters of the vibration characteristics are the root-mean-square value of the vibration velocity or the corresponding logarithmic level (dB) and the level of vibration acceleration (dB) - for local vibration in the octave frequency band, and for general vibration in the octave or one-third octave band.

In order to ensure that the impact of vibration does not worsen the well-being of the worker and does not lead to the appearance of vibration disease, it is necessary to comply with the maximum permissible level of vibration (MAL). MPL is the level of a factor that, when working daily (except weekends), but not more than 40 hours a week during the entire working period, should not cause diseases or health problems. Compliance with vibration limits does not exclude health problems in hypersensitive people.

To reduce vibration, the design of the compressor unit includes the following parts and work:

Dynamic balancing of rotors over the entire operating range on a stand with a vacuum chamber;

Application of AMP bearings;

Application of vibration damping.

Vibration can be combated both at the source of its occurrence and along the path of its propagation. To reduce vibrations in the machine itself, it is necessary to use materials that have a high internal resistance. To combat vibration in accordance with GOST 12.1.012-90 “Vibration safety. General requirements", the installation is placed on a block foundation, which should not be connected to the foundation of the room. The mass of the foundation for the compressor is selected in such a way that the amplitude of vibrations of the foundation base does not exceed 0.1-0.2 mm, which corresponds to the permissible standard according to “Vibration Standards. General requirements".

To protect a person from vibration, it is necessary to limit the vibration parameters of workplaces and the surface of contact with the hands of workers, based on physiological requirements that exclude the possibility of vibration disease. Hygienic vibration standards, which are established for a work shift duration of 8 hours, are responsible for this.

Standardized parameters:

The root mean square value of the vibration velocity or the corresponding logarithmic level - , determined by the formula:

Where - speed threshold value.

The level of vibration acceleration - , determined by the formula:

Where - acceleration threshold value.

The values ​​of speed and acceleration are determined by the formulas:

where a – displacement, m, f – vibration frequency:

Where - operating frequency rotor rotation.

Hygienic standards have been established (vibration velocity level) for process vibration that occurs when working in a production facility with vibration sources (category 3, technical type– a) (when operating stationary machines) in the octave range with a geometric mean frequency value of 1000 Hz should not exceed 109 dB. Such a high permissible value of the vibration velocity level was chosen because the installation is located in an underground bunker, where personnel enter several times a year for maintenance. installation maintenance.

Reasons causing noise during operation of a compressor unit:

The flow of gas in the flow part of the compressor causes aerodynamic noise, which arises due to flow heterogeneity and the formation of vortices;

Gas flow in compressor pipes and pipelines;

Rotating impeller blades and other rotating parts.

The nature of the noise is broadband with a continuous spectrum more than one octave wide.

According to the time characteristics, there is a constant sound level, which changes during a shift by no more than 5 dB when measured on the time characteristic of a “slow” sound level meter in accordance with GOST 17187-81 “Sound Level Meters. General Technical Requirements and Test Methods.”

Noise should not exceed its maximum limits. The standards establish sound pressure limits in octave bands, as well as sound levels depending on:

1. type of work;

2. duration of noise exposure per shift;

3. the nature of the noise spectrum.

The maximum permissible noise level (MAL) is the level of a factor that, during daily (except weekends) work, but not more than 40 hours a week during the entire working period, should not cause diseases or health problems.


What is vibration?

Vibration is the vibration of solids or particles with a frequency of less than 20 Hz, which is perceived by a person through touch.

Why is prolonged exposure to vibration harmful to humans?

Vibrations in excess of permissible sanitary standards have a harmful effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Working, long time exposed harmful effects vibrations, become ill with vibration disease, the main symptoms of which are neurovascular disorders of the fingers, which manifests itself in increased sensitivity to cooling of the hands (numbness, blueness or paleness), the appearance of pain in the joints of the hands and fingers, as well as headaches, increased fatigue and irritability.

What can be a source of harmful vibrations in agriculture?

A machine operator working on a tractor or other agricultural machine may be exposed to the harmful effects of vibrations. Hand-held electric or pneumatic tools used to repair agricultural machinery can also create vibrations that are harmful to the worker. These are the most common sources of vibration.

What are the maximum permissible sanitary standards for vibration?

The standards limiting vibrations when working with machinery and equipment and in the workplace are given in Table 8.

Table 8. Limiting vibration standards

frequency Hz



vibrational speed, cm/s

vibration speed level, dB

vibrational speed, cm/s

At frequencies up to 11 Hz, the following oscillatory displacements are normalized for workplaces:

frequency Hz1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Displacements, mm0,6 0,5 0,4 0,2 0,1 0,08 0,07 0,05 0,045 0,04 0,035

Who gives permission to work with a tool whose vibration exceeds sanitary standards?

The enterprise administration must obtain such permission from the local sanitary and epidemiological service authorities.

It is prohibited to work with machines whose vibration levels are more than 4 times (more than 12 dB) higher than sanitary standards.

How is vibration measured?

Vibration meters and vibrographs are used to measure vibrations in workplaces. various models. The most common noise and vibration meter is ISHV-1. Instrument vibration is also measured using sound level meters.

How are machine vibration parameters determined?

Machine vibration parameters are determined from data technical documentation for new machines, and for used ones - according to actual measurements carried out at least once a year, as well as after repairs for all types of machines, and for manual ones - at least twice a year.

What is the permissible contact time for a worker with a vibrating tool or in the workplace with a machine that does not meet the requirements of sanitary standards?

The contact time of workers in this case depends on the amount of excess of permissible levels of sanitary standards and corresponds to the following values ​​(Table 9).

Table 9. Allowable contact time for workers with vibrating tools that do not meet sanitary standards

Excess of permissible vibration velocity levels in octave frequency bands relative to sanitary standards, dB

Permissible total vibration activity for work shift, min

manual machines


Up to 3 (1.41 times)

Up to 6 (2 times)

Up to 9 (2.8 times)

Up to 12 (4 times)

To eliminate the influence of harmful vibrations on a worker, it is necessary to maintain the ratio of the duration of exposure to vibration and the performance of other operations not related to it, at least 1:2. For example, if the sanitary standards for vibration of a manual machine exceed 9 dB, it is advisable to establish a procedure for operating the machine for 10 minutes with periods of other types of work for 20 minutes each, that is, 10 + 20 + 10 + 20 + 10 + 20 + 10 = 100 minutes. The rest work time(480-100 = 380 min) work not related to vibration should be carried out.

What are the requirements for vibrating equipment?

Vibrating equipment includes powered tools, mechanisms, manual controls, devices or workpieces, during operation of which vibrations occur that exceed 20% of the maximum permissible sapitary standards.

Only equipment, tools, mechanisms or devices that are in good working order, within the limits of permissible wear and tear, should be allowed for operation.

After repair, equipment and machines that generate vibrations are checked for vibration compliance with sanitary standards before being put into operation.

It is prohibited to use vibrating equipment in modes other than those specified in the nameplate if the resulting vibrations transmitted to the workers’ hands and pressing forces exceed sanitary permissible standards.

What are the requirements for operating personnel of vibrating equipment?

Persons at least 18 years of age who have completed training are allowed to work with vibrating equipment. medical checkup who have the appropriate qualifications and have passed the technical minimum according to the rules safe execution works

It is prohibited to allow persons suffering from cardiovascular diseases, an active form of tuberculosis, peptic ulcer disease, vegetative-endocrine disorders, functional disorders of the peripheral and central nervous system, mental illness, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the middle and inner ear, chronic liver diseases.

When working with vibrating equipment that meets the requirements of sanitary standards, the total time of contact with vibrating surfaces should not exceed 2/3 of the working day. Under this working regime, if other factors of working conditions comply with sanitary standards, the lunch break should be at least 40 minutes and two regulated breaks are established for active rest, industrial gymnastics and physical prophylactic procedures: 20 minutes 1...2 hours after the start of the shift and 20...30 minutes 2 hours after the lunch break.

Overtime work with vibrating equipment is prohibited.

Work with vibrating equipment is carried out, as a rule, in heated rooms with an air temperature of at least 16°, with a humidity of 40...60% and a movement speed of no more than 0.3 m/s.

When working in the cold season in unheated rooms or in the open air, for periodic heating, workers must create heated rooms with an air temperature of 22 ° C at a speed of no more than 0.3 m/s and a humidity of 40...60%.

Local heating is provided at workplaces. Those working with power tools are provided with individual vibration protection equipment.

All workers involved in work with vibrating equipment undergo periodic examinations once a year with the participation of doctors: a therapist, a neurologist, an otolaryngologist, and, if indicated, other specialists.

Workers who show even initial signs of vibration disease are transferred to work that is not associated with exposure to vibration and noise.

To prevent vibration disease, it is recommended to periodically use workers in other operations that do not involve exposure to vibration. For this purpose, complex teams are being introduced at repair enterprises, where its members, when performing production processes alternate jobs.

24.10.2017, 17:42

One of the unpleasant factors that can affect both the well-being of employees and, ultimately, their professional capabilities is vibration in the workplace. We tell you how the law regulates this issue.

Where are the workplace vibration standards established?

One of the most important aspects of labor protection is the vibration that employees experience while performing their work functions.

In practice, industrial vibration of workplaces can be associated with:

  • with vehicles (driving and/or escort);
  • with the operating features of production equipment, mechanisms, etc.

Since 2017, the level of vibration in the workplace has been established by Section IV of SanPiN, which is called “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for physical factors in the workplace.” It was approved by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2016 No. 81.

Types of vibration

From the point of view of occupational hygiene, the specified SanPiN divides vibration into several types, which are disclosed below in the table.

Types and types of vibration

Criterion Types and description
By method of transfer to employee1. General

Affects the body through various supporting surfaces. For someone standing - through the feet, for someone sitting - through the buttocks, and for someone lying down - through the back and head.

2. Local (local) vibration in the workplace

In case of sedentary work, it passes through the hands, feet and forearms, which are in contact with vibrating work surfaces.

By source1. Local from hand mechanized tools (with engines), manual control devices for machines and equipment.

2. Local from hand-held non-mechanized tools (for example, straightening hammers), fixtures and workpieces.

3. General vibration of the 1st category - from railway transport, the crew of aircraft, self-propelled and trailed vehicles, Vehicle when driving (including during road construction).


  • tractors;
  • agricultural machines and combines;
  • trucks, tractors, scrapers, graders, rollers, etc.;
  • snow blowers;
  • self-propelled mining rail transport.

4. General vibration of the 2nd category is transport and technological vibration, when the machine moves along specially prepared surfaces of production premises, industrial sites, and mine workings.


  • excavators (including rotary);
  • industrial and construction cranes;
  • machines for loading furnaces in metallurgy;
  • mining combines;
  • mine loaders, self-propelled drilling carriages;
  • track machines, concrete pavers, floor production vehicles.

5. General vibration of the 3rd category is technological vibration from stationary machines or goes to workplaces where there are no sources of vibration.


  • metal and wood processing machines;
  • forging and pressing equipment;
  • foundry machines;
  • electric cars;
  • stationary electrical and power installations;
  • pumping units and fans;
  • drilling equipment;
  • drilling rigs;
  • machines for livestock farming, grain cleaning and sorting (including dryers);
  • equipment for the construction materials industry (except for concrete pavers);
  • installations for the chemical and petrochemical industries, etc.

In this case, the general vibration of the 3rd category at the site of action is:

  • in a permanent work area;
  • in warehouses, canteens, service rooms, duty rooms and other industrial premises where there are no machines with vibration;
  • in plant management premises, design bureaus, laboratories, training centers, computer centers, health centers, office premises, workrooms, etc. for mental work personnel.

Vibration indicators

From a scientific point of view, sanitary standards for workplace vibration are based on the following indicators:

  • corrected vibration acceleration (aw, m s-2);
  • adjusted vibration acceleration level (Law, dB);
  • equivalent vibration acceleration.

As a result, vibration assessment in the workplace is carried out on the basis complex formulas and the corresponding calculations:

Vibration measurement

To make a correct measurement of vibration in the workplace, special techniques are used that have been certified. In this case, the main device - a vibrometer - must meet 2 conditions:

1. Meets the requirements of GOST ISO 8041-2006 “Vibration. Impact of vibration on humans. Measuring instruments".

2. Equipped with octave and one-third octave filters of class 1 according to the national standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R 8.714-2010 (IEC 61260:1995) “Octave and sub-octave bandpass filters. Technical requirements and test methods."

Permissible vibration standards

The table below shows the limits permissible vibration at work.

Vibration limits in the working area

As you can see, vibration that affects an employee is checked using the integral assessment method based on the equivalent corrected level of vibration acceleration, taking into account the time of exposure to vibration.

Please note that these requirements for vibration in workplaces are relevant both for a 40-hour work week and for a shortened working day.

You cannot work with local vibration with current root-mean-square levels that exceed the norm by more than 12 dB (4 times) according to the integral assessment.

In addition, it is impossible to work with general vibration with current root-mean-square levels above the norm by 24 dB (8 times) according to the integral assessment.

Lecture 10


Lecture outline:

1. Classification of industrial vibrations.

2. Impact of vibration on human health.

3. Standardization of industrial vibrations.

4. Ways to reduce industrial vibration.

Classification of industrial vibrations

Vibration is small mechanical vibrations that occur in elastic bodies under the influence variable forces. All types of equipment that have moving parts and vehicles create mechanical vibrations. The increase in speed and power of technology has led to a sharp increase in vibration levels.

A person feels vibration in the range from fractions to 1000 Hz. Vibration more high frequency perceived as a thermal sensation

The impact of vibration on humans is classified:

According to the method of vibration transmission to a person,

According to the direction of vibration.

According to the time characteristics of vibration.

According to the method of transmission of vibrations to a person, a distinction is made between general, transmitted through supporting surfaces to the entire body, and local, transmitted to the hands or feet of a person.

According to the direction of action, vibrations are divided according to the direction of the orthogonal coordinate axes X o, Y o, Z o for general vibration and X l, Y l, Z l for local vibration.

According to the time characteristics, they are distinguished constant vibration(the monitored parameter changes no more than 2 times during the observation period) and unstable vibration.

Basic vibration parameters: oscillation amplitude (m) - the magnitude of the greatest deviation of the oscillating point from the equilibrium position, oscillation period (s) - the time between two successively identical states of the system, frequency (Hz), associated with the period by a known ratio, vibration velocity (m/s) , vibration acceleration (m 2 /s)

Impact of vibration on human health.

General vibration is more dangerous than local vibration, as it causes shaking of the entire body. Initially, headaches, sleep disturbances, and fatigue appear. With prolonged exposure to vibration, vibration disease develops: the activity of the nervous system, blood vessels, organs of vision, hearing, and vestibular apparatus is disrupted, dizziness, drowsiness, stomach diseases occur (since under the influence of vibration the secretion of gastric juice increases), and destructive damage to the joints occurs.

General vibration is especially dangerous when the frequencies coincide external influences with the natural vibration frequencies of human organs (resonance phenomenon), because the amplitudes of oscillations increase sharply and maybe mechanical damage these organs. For abdominal organs and chest natural frequencies lie in the range of 6-9 Hz, for the head - 25-30 Hz, for the eyes - 60-90 Hz.

General vibration with a frequency of less than 0.7 Hz does not lead to vibration sickness. The consequence of such vibration is seasickness, caused by disruption of the normal activity of the vestibular apparatus.

Electric train drivers, drivers of earth-moving and agricultural machinery, operators of pumping and compressor stations, and power plants are exposed to general vibration.

Local vibration causes a deterioration in the blood supply to the hands and, as a result, salt deposition, deformation and decreased mobility of the joints. The wrist, elbow and shoulder joints suffer the most, but in addition, the entire body is affected: pain appears in the heart and lower back. Those working with hand-held power tools are exposed to local vibration. When exposed to low-frequency vibration, the disease occurs after 8-10 years, when exposed to high-frequency vibration (above 125 Hz) - after 5 or less years.

Standardization of industrial vibrations

There are hygienic and technical regulation of vibrations. Hygienic standards - limit the vibration parameters of workplaces and the surface of contact with the hands of workers, based on physiological requirements that exclude the possibility of vibration disease. Technical – limit vibration parameters not only taking into account the specified requirements, but also based on the level of vibration achievable today for a given type of equipment.

Hygienic standards for vibration load at workplaces are established in GOST 12.1.012-90 “SSBT. Vibration safety. General requirements", sanitary standards SN 2.2.4/ - 96 "Industrial vibration, vibration in residential and public buildings." The documents establish the classification of vibrations, methods of hygienic assessment, standardized parameters and their valid values, labor regimes for persons in vibration-hazardous professions, requirements for ensuring vibration safety and vibration characteristics of machines.

In the hygienic assessment of vibrations, the normalized parameters are the root mean square values ​​of vibration velocity or vibration acceleration. But, since the absolute values ​​of vibration velocity vary over a very wide range, in practice a logarithmic level of vibration velocity is used:

L v =20lg V/ V o (dB)

where V is the measured value of vibration velocity, m/s,

V o =5 *10 -8 m/s – the lowest value of vibration velocity that a person begins to feel.

The vibration frequency spectrum is divided into octave bands with geometric mean frequencies:

For general vibration 1,2,4,8,16, 31,5.63.

For local 1,2,4,8,16, 31.5, 63,125,250,500,1000.

Vibration affecting a person is normalized separately in each octave band separately for general and local vibration.

General vibration is normalized taking into account the properties of the source of its occurrence and is divided into categories:

Category 1 - transport vibration affecting the operator at the workplace of self-propelled and trailed machines and vehicles when they move across the terrain, agricultural background and roads, including during their construction;

Category 2 - transport and technological vibration affecting the human operator at the workplace of machines with limited mobility when moving them along specially prepared surfaces of production premises, industrial sites and mine workings;

The normalized parameters of the vibration load are the root mean square values ​​of vibration velocity and their logarithmic levels for local vibrations in octave frequency bands, for general vibration in octave or third octave bands

Hygienic vibration standards according to GOST 10.1.012-90

Table 8.1.

Type of vibration Permissible level of vibration velocity, dB, in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies, Hz
General transport:
vertical - - - -
horizontal - - - -
Transport and technological " - - - -
Technological _ - - - -
In production areas where there are no machines that generate vibration _ - - - -
In office premises, health centers, design bureaus, laboratories - - - -
Local vibration -