Job responsibilities of a gas station operator driver. How to Write a Gas Station Operator Resume

Rules for labor protection in poultry farming and poultry processing (approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 2003 N 53)

1. General requirements

1.1. These Rules establish the basic state regulatory requirements in the field of labor protection, aimed at preventing occupational injuries, occupational and work-related diseases of workers in poultry farming and poultry processing.

1.2. The labor protection requirements contained in these Rules apply to organizations regardless of their organizational and legal forms of ownership and are mandatory for implementation when carrying out any types of activities in poultry farming and poultry processing on the territory of the Russian Federation, including when operating objects, machines, mechanisms and other equipment, development of technological processes, organization of production and labor.

1.4. When using women's labor, it is necessary to be guided by the List of heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during which the use of women's labor is prohibited, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 N 162.

1.5. When using the labor of minors, it is necessary to be guided by the List of heavy work and work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, during which the use of labor by persons under eighteen years of age is prohibited, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 N 163.

1.6. The norms of maximum permissible physical activity for women and persons under eighteen years of age must comply with sanitary rules and standards approved in the prescribed manner.

1.7. The employer is obliged to provide compulsory social insurance for employees against accidents at work and occupational diseases.

1.8. Based on these Rules, the employer is obliged to develop and approve, taking into account the opinion of an elected trade union or other body authorized by employees, labor protection instructions for employees.

1.9. When performing work not provided for by these Rules, one should be guided by intersectoral labor protection rules, labor protection rules of other federal executive authorities, safety rules, sanitary rules and norms, standards and other regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.10. At existing and newly created organizations, technological documentation must be developed and approved in the prescribed manner, which must indicate measures for the safe conduct of the production process and the safe operation of machinery and equipment.

1.11. Working conditions at workplaces must comply with the requirements of current regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.12. For students and trainees, before undergoing practical training, the employer is obliged to provide instructions on labor protection according to the program as for permanent employees.

1.13. Employees must undergo mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 1996 N 405 “On conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers” (registered by the Ministry Justice of the Russian Federation December 31, 1996 N 1224)

1.14. The employer is obliged to comply with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

1.15. When operating poultry farming and poultry processing organizations, measures must be taken to prevent workers from being exposed to the following hazardous and harmful production factors:

a) machines and mechanisms in motion;

b) unprotected moving elements of production equipment;

c) increased dust and gas contamination of the air in the working area;

d) high and low temperature, humidity, air speed in the working area;

e) increased and decreased temperatures of the surfaces of equipment and communications;

f) increased noise levels in workplaces;

g) increased vibration load on the employee;

h) insufficient natural and artificial lighting of workplaces and work areas;

i) increased voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;

j) increased level of static electricity;

k) increased level of electromagnetic non-ionizing radiation in the optical range (ultraviolet and infrared irradiators, lighting installations) and radio frequency range;

l) increased level of ionizing radiation (radioactive contamination of the area);

m) location of the workplace at height;

o) poultry and their metabolic products (injuries, allergic reactions);

p) physical, neuropsychic overload;

c) hazardous atmospheric phenomena.

1.16. When locating, feasibility study of the project, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning of poultry farming and poultry processing enterprises that have a direct or indirect impact on the environment, the requirements of environmental safety and protection of public health must be met in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation " On environmental protection" No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002

Poultry farming and poultry processing organizations must have the necessary sanitary protection zones and treatment facilities to prevent contamination of soil, surface and groundwater, the surface of watersheds and atmospheric air.

1.17. Persons guilty of violating labor protection requirements bear liability (disciplinary, administrative, criminal) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.18. Managers and specialists are required to study the requirements of these Rules and pass a knowledge test in the prescribed manner.

II. Requirements for the safe organization of work for production (technological) processes

2.1. Production (technological) processes must be carried out in accordance with approved projects, technological regulations (work rules, operational technologies, technological instructions) and taking into account the requirements of these Rules.

2.2. When designing and implementing technological processes, it is necessary to provide for:

a) compliance with safe technologies for keeping poultry and processing poultry products;

b) eliminating direct contact of workers with poultry by replacing manual labor with machine or automated labor;

c) the use of technological processes and operations in which there are no dangerous and harmful production factors or the content of harmful substances does not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations and levels. If it is impossible to apply the specified conditions, it is necessary to use remote control of technological processes or use personal protective equipment;

d) compliance with the operating rules set out in the technical documentation for the machine and equipment;

e) timely receipt of information about the occurrence of dangerous and harmful production factors in individual technological operations;

f) a system for monitoring and managing technological processes that ensure the protection of workers and emergency shutdown of production equipment;

g) use of signaling devices, colors and safety signs;

h) timely removal, neutralization and burial of industrial waste, which is a source of harmful production factors;

i) the use of rational work and rest regimes in order to prevent monotony, physical inactivity, physical and neuropsychic overload;

j) protection from possible negative impacts of natural phenomena and weather conditions.

2.3. The operating mode of technological equipment and machines should:

a) ensure consistency and reliability of the production process;

b) ensure loading in accordance with their productivity;

c) not be a source of danger and harm;

d) provide for emergency shutdown or emergency braking.

2.4. Technological processes should not include operations that force workers to be in the dangerous zone of the mechanism or in the zone of possible release of hot steam, aggressive liquid and other objects.

2.5. Technological processes should not be accompanied by pollution of the environment (air, soil, water bodies) with harmful substances in concentrations exceeding the maximum permissible levels established by regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner.

2.6. Technological processes, machines, mechanisms and other production equipment must comply with the requirements of current regulatory legal acts on fire safety, approved in the prescribed manner.

2.7. When harmful substances or dangerous microorganisms accumulate, it is necessary to provide devices for mechanical cleaning of places where they accumulate (industrial premises, vehicles) with subsequent treatment with neutralizing or disinfecting agents.

2.8. Special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment should be issued in accordance with current standards. Personal protective equipment must be used in accordance with the instructions approved in accordance with the established procedure.

In addition to special clothing and special footwear, workers must be provided with sanitary clothing, sanitary footwear and protective equipment in accordance with current standards.

2.9. For workers whose professions and positions are not provided for in industry standards, personal protective equipment is issued in accordance with the standards for cross-cutting professions and positions or the standards of other sectors of the economy, regardless of the production, workshops and areas in which they work.

2.10. In some cases, in accordance with the characteristics of production, the employer may replace one type of personal protective equipment provided for by the standards with others that provide complete protection from dangerous and harmful production factors.

2.11. Personal protective equipment provided for in the technological documentation, but not specified in the standards, can be issued to employees on the basis of certification of workplaces with a wear period or as duty equipment.

2.12. Workers receiving safety equipment (respirators, gas masks, helmets) must undergo special training on the rules of use and how to check their functionality.

2.13. Duty personal protective equipment provided for in industry standards is issued under the responsibility of the foreman or other workers authorized by the employer. They should be issued to employees only for the duration of the work for which they are provided, or they can be transferred from one shift to another.

2.14. Operation, storage and testing of personal protective equipment against electric shock (dielectric gloves, boots, boots, galoshes, mats, safety belts) must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.15. Production and auxiliary premises, as well as workplaces of workers employed in poultry farming and poultry processing organizations, must comply with the requirements of fire safety regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

2.16. When performing production operations for keeping poultry, the established operating regime must be observed and production, sanitary, veterinary and fire safety procedures must be ensured at the workplace, site or workshop.

2.17. The operation of single-tier and multi-tier cage batteries for keeping poultry must be carried out in accordance with the instructions approved in the prescribed manner. To serve poultry in the upper tiers, workers must use portable stepladders, mobile platforms with a braking device, and stable stands.

2.18. It is necessary to work with birds in cages with the manure scrapers, feed dispensers, and egg collection mechanisms stopped.

2.19. Technological adjustment of the belt tension or adjustments in case of skew and displacement of the conveyor belt for collecting poultry eggs should be carried out only when the electric motor of the drive station is turned off.

2.20. When using electric brooders for local heating of chickens, the operation of the brooders must be carried out in accordance with the instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.21. At enterprises raising waterfowl, when using natural and artificial reservoirs, the descent to the reservoirs should be wide, gentle, cleared of bushes and stones. The bottom of the reservoir must be measured, the boundaries of the water area are fenced with a metal mesh.

2.22. To serve poultry on reservoirs, workers must be provided with stable rowing boats. Employees who have undergone labor safety training are allowed to work.

2.23. Irradiation installations must operate in automatic mode. When operated manually, plug connectors must be placed in places that prevent exposure of workers.

2.24. Irradiation of young poultry with ultraviolet rays must be carried out in protective glasses ZN11 with light filters of the B1, or B2, or B3 brand.

2.25. During prolonged irradiation with ultraviolet lamps, after the end of irradiation the room must be thoroughly ventilated to prevent the accumulation of harmful substances.

2.26. When using equipment to create a microclimate in poultry houses, it is not allowed to operate it with faulty control and measuring instruments. A protective mesh must be provided on the suction duct.

2.27. When heating poultry houses with heat generators, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of technological documentation and operating instructions for heat generators approved in the prescribed manner.

2.28. When feeding poultry using a rope-disc feed dispenser, reliable fastening of the pipe sections to the ceiling or supports of the poultry house building must be ensured.

2.29. During operation, the drive metering mechanism of the rope-disc feed dispenser must be closed with a lid. Inspection, checking of rope tension, engagement of disks with the drive wheel, and adjustments should be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.30. When operating stationary feed dispensers in automatic mode, workers must be guided by the requirements of the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.31. When preparing concentrated and combined feeds, drying, crushing, dosing, and mixing of feeds must be done remotely, from a common control panel. Emergency and dangerous situations that arise during the preparation of feed should be eliminated in accordance with the requirements of regulatory technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.32. When remotely controlling mechanisms, working bodies, individual machines of technological lines (conveyors, valves), remote from the employee or located in another room, as well as serviced by more than one employee, an automatic pre-start alarm system (sound, light) with a duration of 5-15 must operate seconds

2.33. Magnets used to capture metal impurities must be systematically checked and cleaned in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.34. Feed for chopping (crushing) should be supplied evenly. If the working parts of the chopper are clogged, it is necessary to push the feed with a wooden pusher. The pusher handle must have an entry limiter into the receiving neck, and the length of the working part must be less than the depth of the receiving neck.

2.35. When working on feed processing machines, it is necessary to ensure that the speed and direction of rotation of the working parts correspond to the values ​​​​specified in the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.36. In order to reduce dust formation when feed falls freely from guide chutes or conveyor belts, it is necessary to use devices that prevent dusting and scattering of feed (drain hoses, aprons made of dense fabric).

2.37. Liquid components of feed should be introduced through devices that eliminate liquid loss.

2.38. Work with components (protein, mineral, medicinal supplements) should be carried out with a working aspiration system or local ventilation.

2.39. Cleaning, transportation, drying, storage and disposal of bird droppings must be carried out in accordance with technological and technical instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.40. The litter should be sent for storage or disinfection to special hard-covered areas or to special storage facilities.

2.41. In cases of infectious diseases of poultry, the droppings must be disinfected by biothermal or chemical methods or burned.

2.42. The air and exhaust gas mixture removed from the drying room into the atmosphere must not contain harmful substances. The content of harmful substances is allowed no higher than the level of maximum permissible concentration (MPC) established by regulatory documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.43. The wastewater treatment method must comply with the requirements of regulatory technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.44. At poultry enterprises, it is necessary to process incubation waste, dead birds to be processed in a recycling workshop or burned. Methods of disposal or combustion must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.45. When laying eggs in an incubator, the technological operations of neutralizing and disinfecting eggs should be mechanized, and gassing and packaging should be automated.

2.46. Detergents and disinfectants must be provided with a certificate of conformity indicating the method of use and storage.

2.47. When working on an ovoscope table, workers must use glasses with light filters of brands B-1, B-2, B-3.

2.48. There should be dielectric mats on the floor near the incubator control panel.

2.49. Loading and unloading operations when delivering poultry for slaughter and processing must comply with the requirements of technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.50. To ensure labor safety during loading and unloading operations, mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations should be used, and production equipment should be operated in accordance with instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.51. Delivery of poultry should be carried out by specialized means that have devices to protect it during the journey from adverse weather conditions. Wooden boxes that rise above the sides of the body must be tied with strong, serviceable ropes or cords. The use of metal rope and wire is not allowed.

2.52. When catching and transplanting birds, workers must take special care to protect their hands, face, and eyes. Birds should be caught using personal protective equipment specified by regulatory documentation.

2.53. Poultry feeding for the hanging operation should be carried out by a conveyor in the direction of movement of the conveyor on the left side of the worker.

2.54. At poultry hanging workstations, guide bars must be provided to ensure a stable position for the hangers.

2.55. Large birds are hung onto an overhead conveyor through one or two hangers with extreme care, being careful of the sharp ends of the conveyor hanger.

2.56. An urgent stop of the conveyor must be carried out using the emergency “Stop” button. When a conveyor passes through two or more rooms, “Stop” buttons must be installed in each room.

An urgent stop of the conveyor in cases provided for by the production instructions by pressing the “Stop” button must be carried out by the person who first discovered the emergency situation.

2.57. The conveyor control areas and the places where it passes must be illuminated.

2.58. When servicing a conveyor located at a height, you should use working portable or mobile ladders and stepladders.

2.59. For cleaning and sanitary washing of the poultry slaughter machine, the power supply must be disconnected and a sign must be posted on the starting device: “Do not turn on! People are working."

2.60. When manually slaughtering poultry, the worker’s workplace must be equipped with tools in accordance with regulatory technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.61. Cutting hand tools for sharpening should be collected at work stations and carried in a special closed box with a handle and slots for the tool.

2.62. Workers involved in knife handling operations must be trained in safe working techniques.

2.63. Near workplaces where poultry is slaughtered, sinks with hot and cold water supply should be equipped.

2.64. The technology for bleeding poultry must be carried out in accordance with regulatory documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.65. When cooking poultry, in order to prevent burns, the safety requirements set out in the technological documentation and in the equipment operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner should be observed.

2.66. All adjustment, adjustment, repair work, as well as cleaning and sanitary washing should be carried out only after the device has completely stopped and the water has been drained. The inlet valve must be closed and there must be a sign on it: “Do not turn on! People are working."

2.67. Before starting the feather removal machine, by briefly turning on the engines, you must make sure that the disks are rotating in the correct direction.

2.68. Loading the machine and unloading poultry carcasses from the de-feathering machine must be done automatically or manually. When loading manually, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.69. Safe operation of the beater-washing machine must be ensured by compliance with the requirements of the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.70. Operation of the gas scorch installation must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.71. When dumping poultry carcasses from an overhead conveyor, technological faults (jamming and other malfunctions) should be eliminated only when the overhead conveyor is stopped.

2.72. When grinding heads and legs, raw materials must be loaded into the grinder manually or mechanized. It is not allowed to load raw materials into the grinder from the electric motor side.

2.73. Waxing of poultry carcasses must comply with the requirements of technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner. When waxing carcasses, exhaust ventilation hoods must be installed above the baths. It is not allowed to accumulate waste wax mass in production premises.

2.74. The procedure for operating a carcass opener must comply with the requirements of regulatory technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.75. When manually gutting carcasses, you should use knives made according to technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner. Knives must have support surfaces that prevent your hand from sliding onto the knife blade.

2.76. A container with a disinfectant solution should be installed near workplaces for periodic treatment of hands and tools.

2.77. Removal of crop, trachea, esophagus and evisceration residues must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.78. When processing poultry gizzards, the cuticle must be removed manually or mechanically in accordance with the requirements of technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.79. Carcasses and offal must be cooled with water in accordance with the requirements of technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.80. When packing poultry carcasses and offal, sorting and placing poultry carcasses into bags must be done manually, semi-automatically or automatically in accordance with the requirements of technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.81. When you press the pedal all the way, the signal light on the table of the packaging machine should light up and go out after the time relay is activated in accordance with the specified pulse time (from 1 to 3 seconds).

2.82. Shrinkage of polymer films in shrink chambers must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.83. The area for packaging products in heat-sealable materials must be equipped with exhaust ventilation, separate from general ventilation.

2.84. To urgently stop a machine for the production of semi-finished products, use the emergency “Stop” button.

2.85. When producing semi-finished products using a band saw, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner. Its rotating and moving parts (pulleys, cutting blade) must be covered with a protective casing.

2.86. When salting poultry meat, the supply of raw materials and auxiliary materials to the machines must be mechanized. During operation of the injector, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.87. Cooking, breading, frosting, refrigeration, heat treatment, packaging and packing of culinary products must comply with the safety requirements set out in the technological and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.88. To prevent burns to workers by steam and hot water released from digesters, the outlet pipe must be located in a safe place and fenced.

2.89. Digesters must be in good working order and regularly undergo technical examination, inspection, and repair.

2.90. Boning and trimming of meat must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner,

2.91. When working on mechanical poultry deboning presses, it is necessary to comply with the labor safety requirements stipulated in the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.92. Grinding of meat in a cutter, grinder, or machine for grinding block frozen meat must be carried out according to technological documentation in compliance with the safety requirements stipulated by the instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.93. When preparing minced meat, the kneading screws (blades, augers) of the minced meat mixer must be closed with a safety grill (lid) interlocked with the starting device so that automatic stopping of the kneading screws (augers, blades) is ensured when the grill (lid) is not tightly closed.

2.94. When preparing minced meat, the use of sodium nitrate and phosphates must comply with the instructions for their use and storage, approved in accordance with the established procedure.

2.95. To make ice, a generator operating in tandem with an ammonia refrigeration unit must be installed in a separate room.

2.96. Depending on the refrigerant, maintenance and repair of the refrigeration unit must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.97. Sausage products must be manufactured in accordance with technological instructions, maps, and diagrams approved in the prescribed manner.

2.98. Preparation, washing, grinding, packaging, capping, blanching, sterilization, poultry fat and oil in containers must be carried out in accordance with the requirements specified in the technological and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.99. When labeling canned food, the labeling machine must be equipped with local exhaust ventilation.

2.100. The placement of canned food in containers, packaging and tightening of containers must comply with the requirements of technological and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.101. When working on an egg processing unit, you must use the technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.102. The operator’s place at the control of the egg mass, after removing it from the shell, must be equipped with a combined washbasin for washing and disinfecting hands in cases of detection of spoiled eggs, as well as local exhaust ventilation.

2.103. The method of production, filling, capping and cold processing of melange must comply with the requirements of technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.104. The method of feeding the feather for processing, drying the feather, sorting the feather and its packaging must comply with the requirements of technological and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.105. To remove charges of static electricity during the drying process of the pen, it is necessary to inject a solution of a substance that removes static electricity into the receiving section of the machine.

2.106. For the production of dry animal feed, workshops and areas should be located in separate rooms.

2.107. When producing feed and technical products, it is necessary to comply with veterinary and sanitary rules and technological instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

2.108. Equipment, tools, inventory of the raw material department, floors, walls, and descents must be disinfected daily upon completion of work.

2.109. The department for the production of feed and technical products must have a chamber for disinfection of vehicles and equipment, as well as a chamber for processing containers for packaging feed flour.

2.110. When using steam, hot water, equipment that consumes heat, it is necessary to comply with the safety requirements for the operation of thermal consuming installations and heating networks of consumers specified in the technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.111. In feed and technical product shops, effective supply and exhaust continuous ventilation must be provided, and places with significant heat, steam and dust emissions must be additionally equipped with local suction.

2.112. The premises of feed and technical products must be equipped with devices to eliminate unpleasant odors. In the technical products workshop, air emissions removed by local suction and containing meat and bone or flour dust must be cleaned before being released into the atmosphere.

2.113. The method of obtaining feed and technical products using digesters must comply with the requirements of technological and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.114. In the event of repair work inside the boiler, as well as forced breaks when loading the boiler, a special fencing device must be provided to prevent people from falling and foreign objects from entering the boiler.

2.115. The room in which the boiler is installed is equipped with emergency lighting, which makes it possible to monitor the devices and operation of the boiler during a power outage in the main electrical network.

2.116. The production of feed flour on crushing machines, dosage, packaging and packing must comply with the requirements of technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.117. The guard of the drive and loading hopper of the crusher (shredder) must be interlocked with the starting device.

2.118. When producing cans, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of technological instructions and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.119. Work related to the disinfection and disinfestation of equipment in poultry farming must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of veterinary legislation.

2.120. Work related to the disinfection of equipment in poultry processing must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules approved in the prescribed manner.

2.121. Industrial wastes that pose a danger to humans and the environment must be removed from workplaces as they accumulate and neutralized using methods provided for in regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

2.122. To protect workers from the effects of dangerous and harmful production factors, the employer is obliged to develop labor protection instructions regulating the employee’s behavior in the event of an emergency.

2.123. The work and rest schedule of employees is established in the organization in accordance with the internal labor regulations and current legislation.

2.124. To maintain the efficiency of workers in an organization throughout the entire work shift, a rational alternation of periods of work and rest, determined by production conditions, the nature of the work performed, its severity and length, must be established.

2.125. For workers' rest, it is necessary to provide special premises and rooms for psychophysiological relief.

III. Requirements for production equipment, its placement and organization of workplaces

3.1. Equipment intended for use in production processes for poultry keeping and processing must comply with labor protection requirements throughout its entire service life. Production equipment must be operated in accordance with the requirements of the instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.2. Equipment in operation (machine, apparatus, vessel, container) must have a technical passport, an as-built diagram for connecting to communications, data on the results of checking its condition, production repairs and changes made to the circuit and design, documentation on acceptance of the equipment into operation , as well as instructions for its use. The instructions and technical passport must be kept until the equipment is decommissioned.

3.3. During operation, production equipment should not pollute the environment with emissions of harmful substances in quantities exceeding the permissible values ​​​​established by regulatory documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

3.4. Equipment, the operation of which produces noise and vibration that exceeds the norms, must be installed on vibration-isolating bases or installed in an isolated room.

3.5. Machinery and equipment manufactured by the enterprise must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner. Manufacturing documentation and operating instructions are approved by the employer of the enterprise after agreement with the relevant supervisory authorities.

3.6. The location of production equipment should provide convenient and safe conditions for maintenance, repair and sanitization and not create counter or intersecting flows.

3.7. The equipment must be painted in colors that meet the requirements of regulatory documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

3.8. Equipment operated by several workers must be put into operation after sound and light signals are given. Light and sound signaling devices are installed in the area where service personnel are present. Start buttons, handles, switches should be installed so that it is convenient and safe for the employee to use them.

3.9. Signal elements (bells, sirens, lamps) must be protected from mechanical damage and located in such a way as to ensure reliable audibility and visibility of the signal in the area of ​​the operating personnel.

3.10. Removable, folding and sliding fences, as well as opening doors, covers, hatches, shields in these fences or in the equipment body must be equipped with devices (locks) that prevent their accidental removal or opening.

3.11. Production equipment must undergo periodic technical inspection and testing within the established time limits specified in the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.12. Cage batteries for keeping poultry must be in good working order and meet the requirements of technological and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

3.13. Crushers for the preparation of concentrated and combined feeds must comply with the requirements of technological documentation and operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.14. In bunkers and containers for storing concentrated and combined feeds, the formation of arches must be prevented or devices must be provided for its destruction.

3.15. Equipment intended for transporting dry food should not accumulate static electricity charges. When charges occur, the equipment must be grounded.

3.16. Starting devices for stationary feed dispensers must be equipped with clearly visible inscriptions, symbols, and drawings informing about the safe operation and placement of controls.

3.17. Machines and mechanisms for cleaning, transporting and drying poultry droppings must be in good working order and meet the requirements of technical specifications and operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.18. The design and installation of incubators must comply with the requirements of technical documentation for the equipment and installation instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.19. Installation (dismantling) and operation of an overhead conveyor for transporting poultry must be carried out in accordance with the requirements and instructions set out in its passport and operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.20. The device for electrical stunning of birds must be operated in accordance with the requirements of the instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.21. The operation of machines for deboning breasts and legs must be carried out in accordance with the instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.22. When operating digesters, you must comply with labor protection requirements for mechanisms and containers operating under pressure, as well as the requirements of instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.23. Heat sources (cookers, thermal cabinets, drying chambers, all other types of equipment that release heat, as well as steam pipelines, hot water and gas pipelines) must have devices and devices that exclude or limit the release of convection and radiant heat into the workroom by sealing, thermal insulation, shielding, heat removal or other safe method.

3.24. Hair cutters must be operated in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.25. Autoclaves, boilers and apparatus for rendering fat, separators must be operated in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.26. Nozzle spray dryer, disc spray dryer, vibrating fluidized bed dryer for drying melange granules must be operated in accordance with the requirements of the instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.27. The egg powder packaging machine must be operated in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.28. The washing machine, separator for separating water from feathers, feather dewatering centrifuge must be operated in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

3.29. The operation of a vacuum boiler must comply with the requirements of regulatory technical documentation for pressure vessels, for the operation of heat-using installations and operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.30. Machines for cutting and soldering sheet metal in the manufacture of containers must be operated in accordance with the requirements of the instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.31. The container intended for packaging must be in good working order, durable, free from sharp edges, burrs and meet the requirements of technical specifications approved in the prescribed manner.

3.32. Containers that do not meet safety requirements and have defects discovered during inspection are considered to have not passed technical inspection and should not be allowed to operate.

3.33. Equipment for carrying out veterinary and sanitary measures must be in good working order and meet the requirements of the operating instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

3.34. Workers servicing electrical installations must know the safety requirements for the operation of electrical installations in relation to their position or profession; they must be assigned an electrical safety group in accordance with current regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

3.35. An employee from among the electrical technical personnel who has passed the safety knowledge test is issued a certificate in the established form, which should be carried with him when performing work.

Workers who are allowed to carry out special work on servicing electrical installations must have a record of this in their knowledge test certificate.

3.36. Employees working on electrified technological installations or with power tools (not electrical personnel) are allowed to work after undergoing initial training on electrical safety in the workplace, and then periodically undergo repeated training according to the same program. These workers are instructed by the person responsible for electrical equipment or, on his behalf, by an employee with a qualification group of at least three. After checking the knowledge and entries in the registration log, these employees are assigned the first qualification group (without issuing a certificate).

3.37. Vessels intended to work under pressure must be installed in safe places and must be operated in accordance with regulatory technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

3.38. To ensure the maintenance of vessels in good condition and safe operating conditions, the employer must appoint specialists from among the engineering and technical workers who have passed the test of knowledge of the rules in the prescribed manner and are responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the vessels by order of the employer.

3.39. Personnel charged with servicing vessels must monitor the equipment assigned to them by inspecting it, checking the operation of fittings, instruments, safety and locking devices, and maintaining the vessels in good condition. The results of inspection and testing must be recorded in the shift log.

3.40. Annual maintenance and repair schedules must be drawn up for high-risk machines (boilers, heat generators, manure drying units, pressure units). The schedules are approved by the head of the enterprise or the person responsible for their technical condition.

3.41. Repair and maintenance must be carried out in places specially designed for this purpose using devices, fixtures, equipment and tools provided for by regulatory documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

3.42. The placement of equipment in production premises (production sites) must ensure safety and convenience during its intended use, maintenance and repair, and also provide for the possibility of being equipped with protective equipment that is not included in the design.

3.43. The equipment must be located and installed so as not to block light and window openings and thereby not reduce illumination or create places inaccessible for cleaning and disinfection.

3.44. Approaches to equipment and workplaces should not be cluttered with feed, equipment and foreign objects.

3.45. When working while sitting, workstations must meet ergonomic requirements. If necessary, workplaces are equipped with floor gratings (thermal insulating flooring), selected taking into account the height of the employee.

3.46. Permanent workplaces must be equipped with cabinets for storing tools. At the workplace there must be a set of technological instructions for the type of work performed, instructions on labor protection and fire safety, approved in the prescribed manner.

3.47. At workplaces near sources of radiant and convection heat, where for technological reasons it is impossible to reduce the elevated temperature, workers must be protected from possible overheating (water-air showering, highly dispersed spraying of water on the irradiated surfaces of the cabin or radiation cooling surfaces, rest rooms).

3.48. Workplaces must be kept clean and tidy during all working hours.

3.49. Inscriptions, diagrams and other information about the required sequence of actions in a dangerous or emergency situation must be posted at workplaces.

IV. Requirements for starting materials and semi-finished products, as well as methods of storage and transportation of starting materials, semi-finished products, finished products and production waste

4.1. Finished products, semi-finished products, raw materials (feed, water), production waste must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2. Raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products of poultry processing organizations must undergo veterinary and sanitary examination.

4.3. Feed and manufactured products must have conclusions from special laboratories or specialists confirming their compliance with the requirements of quality standards.

4.4. Water intended for poultry watering and technological needs must not contain harmful impurities, pathogens, or helminths.

4.5. Birds should be periodically examined for diseases common to humans and birds. If a disease is detected, the bird is isolated and measures are taken to eliminate the source of the disease.

4.6. Industrial waste (litter, drains) must be disinfected in accordance with regulatory documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

4.7. In warehouses located above the ground floor, as well as in basements and semi-basements with stairs, ramps, gravity descents, elevators, bag lifts and other devices for lowering or lifting cargo should be installed.

4.8. In warehouses, instructions on the rules for storing, dispensing and transporting aggressive chemicals should be posted, as well as safety glasses, respirators, a first aid kit, absorbent and neutralizing substances in case of splashing or spilling.

4.9. Cargo in boxes and bags, not formed into a package, in barrels must be stored in accordance with regulatory documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

4.10. Storage of acids and alkalis is allowed only in dry, ventilated rooms. All chemical storage warehouses must have fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers, sand boxes and shovels, hooks, tarpaulins).

4.11. It is prohibited to store substances that react with each other (for example, acids and alkalis) together. Acid storage areas must be separated by a partition from alkali storage areas.

4.12. Chemical substances must be stored in proper original packaging or containers (in containers, iron barrels, cans, cylinders, boxes, bottles, cans), with clear inscriptions, labels or tags indicating the substance stored.

4.13. Bottles with aggressive liquids (acids, alkalis) should be stored in serviceable baskets or crates away from sunlight and heating devices. In warehouses, baskets with bottles are placed in one row.

4.14. The preparation of solutions of acids, alkalis and toxic substances must comply with the safety requirements set out in the instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

4.15. In warehouses and chambers, finished products must be stored in accordance with regulatory documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

4.16. Intra-shop and inter-shop transport work should not be a source of danger or harm. The routes for transporting raw materials and semi-finished products should not intersect with the routes for transporting finished products.

All regulations governing labor safety rules in the food industry contain more or less common features, such as: equipment of the employee’s workplace, general requirements for the use of personal protective equipment, etc. all regulations governing these industrial relations are based on basic all-Russian laws, such as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The activities of employees of any enterprise are also regulated by labor protection instructions. The special provision of labor protection instructions in the regulation of labor activity is enshrined in legislation. In accordance with Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to ensure the development and approval of rules and instructions on labor protection for employees, taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or other body authorized by the employees.

The procedure for developing labor safety instructions is established by the Methodological Recommendations for the Development of Labor Safety Instructions, approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation on May 13, 2004. In accordance with the methodological recommendations, labor protection instructions for an employee are developed based on the employee’s position, profession or type work performed, on the basis of interindustry or industry standard instructions on labor protection, safety requirements set out in the operational and repair documentation of equipment manufacturing organizations, as well as in the technological documentation of the organization, taking into account specific production conditions.

The labor safety instructions determine the procedure and conditions for the safe performance of work. The instructions express requirements for the safe operation of equipment, the safe execution of technological processes and general issues of working conditions. It must be specific and fully cover a range of issues ensuring labor safety in the workplace. The instructions do not include requirements not related to labor protection issues.

1. General safety requirements.

2. Safety requirements before starting work.

3. Safety requirements during operation.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations.

5. Safety requirements upon completion of work.

(see Appendix No. 1).

This job description has been automatically translated. Please note that automatic translation is not 100% accurate, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Preface to the job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Poultry farmer 5th category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements: vocational and technical education. Training. Work experience in the profession of poultry farmer of the 4th category - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- structure of cell batteries and equipment in the case of cell content;
- features of growing and keeping breeding birds;
- basic methods of selection and breeding work;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.4. A poultry farmer of the 5th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The 5th category poultry farmer reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. A 5th category poultry farmer supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During absence, a poultry farmer of the 5th category is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Performs manual or partially mechanized work on caring for poultry of industrial caged flocks, breeding young animals, parent and breeding flocks.

2.2. Feeds and waters the bird, cleans out the droppings.

2.3. Takes measures to increase the productivity of poultry by feeding them nutritionally balanced feed.

2.4. Complies with the rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.5. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.6. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. A 5th grade poultry farmer has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. A 5th category poultry farmer has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. A 5th category poultry farmer has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of his rights.

3.4. A 5th category poultry farmer has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. A 5th category poultry farmer has the right to get acquainted with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. A 5th category poultry farmer has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill his job duties and management orders.

3.7. A 5th category poultry farmer has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. A 5th category poultry farmer has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. A 5th category poultry farmer has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. A poultry farmer of the 5th category is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) failure to use the granted rights.

4.2. A 5th category poultry farmer is responsible for failure to comply with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. A 5th category poultry farmer is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. A 5th category poultry farmer is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. A 5th category poultry farmer is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. A 5th category poultry farmer is responsible for causing material damage to an organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. A poultry farmer of the 5th category is responsible for the unlawful use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

(using the example of a poultry house with APL-14.5 equipment)

Production conditions. A typical poultry house measuring 12 X 102 m is equipped with single-tier AGTL cages, central heating, water supply and sewerage, ventilation and electric lighting. The poultry house consists of two rooms separated by a glass wall. In one room there are cage batteries with birds, in the other there are control panels, an elevator with a receiving table for collecting eggs. The capacity of one poultry house is 14.5 thousand birds, the productivity of chickens is 240 eggs. The microclimate is regulated automatically; the conveyors for collecting eggs, cleaning litter and distributing feed are controlled from the control panel.

The livestock housed in two poultry houses is served by a poultry operator and an operator. The bird is accepted into the premises at the age of 120-140 days, and is planted at the age of 540 days. Reception and delivery of chickens is carried out in accordance with the general factory schedule for the movement of birds.

Responsibilities of performers. The poultry operator performs the following work.

1. When completing the flock, he takes in a count of birds, sorts them and places them in cages.

2. Using a conveyor system, collects eggs and initially sorts eggs manually, places them in cardboard boxes and delivers them to the egg warehouse.

3. Monitors the condition of the bird, its productivity and the quality of eggs, selects and discards weak birds, and removes dead birds.

4. Cleans his workplace, constantly keeps it clean, washes drinking bowls and floors in the egg collection and packaging section.

5. Together with the operator, monitors the serviceability of the equipment, ensures uninterrupted feeding and watering of poultry, maintains the microclimate and light conditions within specified limits.

6. Participates in preparing the premises and equipment for receiving a new batch of poultry, as well as in carrying out preventive and therapeutic measures as directed by the veterinarian.

7. Complies with established sanitary, hygienic and veterinary rules, as well as technical and fire safety rules.

The operator in two comprehensively mechanized and automated poultry houses ensures the normal operation of technological equipment and mechanisms. Performs the following work.

1. Carry out daily maintenance and routine repairs of equipment, monitor its uninterrupted operation.

2. In accordance with established standards, ensures a given feeding regime, continuous watering, as well as timely removal of droppings from under batteries and loading it into vehicles twice a shift (turns mechanisms on and off, monitors their operation).

3. Together with the poultry operator, he collects eggs using egg collection mechanisms, places them in cellular cardboard pads, then in cardboard boxes. At the same time, it carries out primary sorting (selects broken eggs into a separate container).

4. Maintains microclimate and light conditions within specified limits.

5. Observes the operation of mechanisms, keeps equipment and workplace clean.

6. According to the established schedule for staffing the site, ensures the preparation of mechanisms and equipment to receive a new batch of poultry.

7. On a sanitary day, together with the poultry operator, he performs work on cleaning equipment, cleaning the premises and the area adjacent to the poultry house.

The operator must know the device, operating rules, maintenance system for equipment and mechanisms, technical and fire safety rules.

Workday routine of a poultry operator serving broilers in poultry houses with Broiler-20 equipment