Is it possible to disable the dhcp client on the computer? How to enable DHCP on a router - automatic distribution of IP addresses

For users who have several computers at home, there is a need to combine all existing PCs into a local network. This process is needed to make the interaction between them convenient.

This will make it possible to access the Internet using one connection, taking advantage of all the capabilities of the local network. It will become possible to exchange files and documents over the network, and remotely control different computers.

This all becomes possible by using a router, ADSL modem, or any other device. The main thing is that it has a built-in router. First, you will need to enable DHCP on your network adapter, separately on each computer. Then enable the corresponding service on your router or modem. They will perform server functions.

This protocol allows computers to automatically configure interaction with other PCs. This is done using a server or router. Many PC users are interested in the question of how to enable DHCP to the local network.

How to check the operation of the DHCP server service

Before you enable DHCP on the network adapter, you need to see if the DHCP Server service is enabled on the router or, if you are using an ADSL modem, on it. To find out this you will need to enable the “Router Control Panel”. To run this tool, you must use the web interface. You will need to enter your username and password. We need the data that the administrator uses.

In the network settings, you need to double-check whether the box next to the item called “Automatically assign IP addresses” or “Dynamic IP Address Mode” is checked if the version is in English. If this utility is not activated, you will need to check the appropriate box. Save changed settings. Then reboot the device.

Enabling DHCP

When dhcp is not enabled on the network adapter, you first need to double-check whether the DHCP client is enabled on all computers being used. To do this, simply enter the “services.msc” command into the search bar of the “Run” tool. It can be accessed through the START menu search.
In the window that opens, you have the option to enable or disable DHCP. By default, when starting a service, the type should be set to automatic. If a different value is indicated there, it will have to be changed to “Automatic”. Click “Ok” and it will reboot.

Enable the service via command line

To open the command line, you just need to right-click on the Start menu icon. Then run it as administrator. Or by entering the command “cmd” in the “Run” window. Then enter the value “netsh interface ip set address “Local Area Connection” dhcp” in the line. In this command, the phrase “Local Area Connection” means the name of your connection.
This will switch from the static parameters of the connection settings.

To switch the list of statistical settings of dns servers also to dynamic ones, you will need to enter the value “netsh interface ip set dnsserver “Local network connection” dhcp”.

Enable DHCP on the network adapter

To perform this operation, you need to enter the settings of your network connections on the network adapter. To do this, you will need to enter the command “Ncpa.cpl” and write it in the search bar. This line appears when you turn on the menu after clicking the Start button. Then click the "Enter" button on your keyboard.

You can enter network connection settings without the command line. You just need to open the “Control Panel”.

In the window that opens, you will need to find the connection that is used on the local network. Then right-click on its icon. A context menu will open in which you will need to select an item called “Properties”.

Then select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Then click the “Properties” button. In the “General” tab, set the values ​​called “Obtain an IP address automatically”, as well as “Obtain DNS server address automatically”. Click “Ok”, after which all changes made will be saved.

After these steps, the router and network adapters of the computers will be configured. The DHCP protocol will be fully operational.

So, using a DHCP server, you can easily and quickly speed up the process of connecting all the necessary PCs. At the same time, insure yourself against all possible errors that may occur during connection.

- how it works and what will happen if you turn it off. By default, it is enabled on any router, be it TP-Link, Asus, Zyxel Keenetic, and so on. And in most cases it does not require additional configuration. However, if we use two routers on the network at once, then we need to enable DHCP Relay mode. That is, so that the second one works as a “Client” and receives an address from the first one.

What is a DHCP server on a router?

DHCP server is a special function built into a wifi router that allows it to automatically assign IP addresses to each connected device.

What is a DHCP server for?

As you know, each computer, laptop, phone, TV, set-top box, camera or any other device connected to the router via cable or wireless signal has its own IP address for exchanging information with each other. Knowing the IP, you can, for example, connect to a TV set-top box on Android from a client computer with Windows and broadcast video to it, which is located in a folder on the PC’s hard drive.

Also, many other more complex structures are built on the use of IP addresses. Having a working DHCP server on the router eliminates the need to manually register these addresses for each device.

Imagine if it didn’t exist - then every time we connected to wifi from a laptop or any other gadget, we would have to manually set it in the settings. What if there are dozens, hundreds of such computers...? Plus, keep somewhere all the information about which computer is assigned which address. You could completely forget about guest access, when previously unregistered devices connect to the network - your guests, who do not understand anything about network parameters, will not configure their laptops and smartphones to work on your network.

If the DHCP server is enabled on the router, then we have what we are used to. We just connect to wifi, enter the password and use it. And all this incomprehensible “kitchen” with IP addresses and ports remains behind the scenes.

But there are also situations when the DHCP server needs to be disabled or, even with the function active, assign addresses manually. This can be done not only on expensive professional Cisco equipment, but also on the most ordinary home router. So let's figure it out together what's what.

Setting up a DHCP server on the router

By default, on all routers there is no need to configure a DHCP server. It's always on and optimized for performance. But some things can still be changed.

On TP-Link routers, the DHCP server setting is located in the menu section of the same name in the old version of the admin panel or in the “Advanced settings - Network - DHCP server” section in the new one

Let's look at each of the parameters available for configuration:

  • Start and End IP addresses, or Address Pool - those values ​​that will be issued to newly connected devices. Using this parameter, you can limit the number of simultaneously connected gadgets with which the DHCP server will work.

    We don’t want more than 5 clients to connect to our wifi, so we set it from 100 to 104. For our own computers and smartphones, we can manually set the IP outside this range.

  • Address validity period is the time in minutes during which the issued IP address will work. The time has expired - a new one is issued.
  • The main gateway is the address of the router, that is, the “gateway” behind which the local network ends and the global network—the Internet—begins.
  • Preferred and Alternative DNS server - here you can leave the fields empty, or again register the router IP, or specify addresses from or.

DHCP server on ASUS router

For ASUS routers, DHCP settings are located in the “Local network - DHCP” section

Enable DHCP in the Zyxel Keenetic router

On Zyxel Keenetic routers, the DHCP server is enabled in the “Home Network” section, “Segments” tab. The logic of operation here is based on the fact that you can enable or disable it separately for each type of network - main or guest.

Initially, it is also enabled, and to fine-tune DHCP on the Zyxel Keenetic, click on the line with the desired network. Here everything is the same as on the others, only the rental time is indicated not in minutes, but in seconds.

If you bought yourself a new Keenetic router, then you manage the DHCP server settings in the “Home Network” section. There is a lot of stuff here, so we need to find the “IP Parameters” block

Here you set the router’s IP and mask, and also activate the DHCP server. You can also disable it completely or use another router (Relay) as it.

If you click on “Show DHCP settings”, additional parameters will open, such as address pool, starting IP, gateway and DNS server

I also found a good article on the configuration of the DHCP server on Kinetics on their support site. You can read it too.

DHCP is not enabled on the network adapter - how to configure the Windows 10 client?

After you have enabled the DHCP server on the router, you need to configure the network adapter of a computer running Windows 10 or 7-8.

It happens that when you try to connect to wifi, you get an error that DHCP is not enabled on the network adapter. This means that the connection parameters were assigned manually.

To fix it, we need to go to the “Network Center” in “Change adapter settings”. Here we open the “Wireless connection” configuration if the laptop is connected via wifi, or “Local network connection” if the computer is connected to the router by cable. And in the properties, check the boxes for “Automatically obtaining” IP addresses and DNS servers.

Today, that’s all I wanted to tell you about enabling a DHCP server on a router and setting up a connection to it on a computer running Windows 10, 7 or 8. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments.

Video on how to enable the router's DHCP server

For a modern person, life is not pleasant without the World Wide Web, and problems with the Internet connection are our worst enemies, with whom we are fighting an irreconcilable struggle. This article will equip you with the knowledge to deal with the situation if you receive the error “DHCP is not enabled on the network adapter” when establishing a connection.

What is DHCP?

DHCP is a network protocol that performs the function of automatically configuring TCP/IP network parameters, receiving them upon request from a DHCP server.

In practice, this means the exchange of certain messages between the DHCP client on the device and the server during the establishment of a network connection. During communication, the client receives new or confirms old values ​​of the following network parameters:

    IP address for the device;

    subnet mask;

    Default gateway IP address.

DHCP: how does it work?

The server processes client requests and leases IP addresses from its range for a certain time. If the time runs out, the client either extends the lease period or releases the address, which also happens by exchanging special messages. The server records all requests in its database to avoid address conflicts, that is, not to allocate one address to two nodes at the same time.

An address conflict can still occur if one of the devices on the network has an IP assigned manually. When connecting a new computer, the server may try to give it an address that is already occupied, as a result of which the Internet connection will not be established. How to solve this problem will be discussed further.

The DHCP protocol is widely used because it makes it possible to easily add new computers to the network and change connection settings on the server, instead of manually reconfiguring each device.

To use the DHCP protocol you will need:

    configure DHCP on the router, which will play the role of a DHCP server.

    start the DHCP service on the PC (it acts as a client);

    In the network adapter settings, select the option to automatically obtain an IP address.

Let's look at each step in detail.

How to enable DHCP on a router?

You need to start the DHCP server on the router through the web interface. You will need to do the following:

If you can’t immediately open the router settings, try logging in from another browser or from another device. The most radical and effective solution to the problem is to reset the router settings. To do this, find the small button labeled “Reset”, press it with something thin and hold it for 5-15 seconds. It is important to keep in mind: the downside of this solution is that you will have to configure the router completely from scratch.

Launch and setup on a Windows computer

To enable DHCP on a PC running Windows 7 or Windows 10, you need to follow a similar set of steps.

Service check

To enable the DHCP client service on your PC, or make sure that it is working, open “Run” (Win + R), write “services.msc”.

In the “Services” window that opens, find the dhcp client, right-click and select “Properties”.

If you see that the service is running and starts automatically, you don't need to change anything.

If other parameters are displayed, start the service and set it to start automatically.

Configuring the network adapter

Enter “Network Connections” by pressing Win + R and entering “ncpa.cpl”.

Open your network properties, TCP/IPv4.

Many of us use a network device at home or in the office to connect several clients (computer, TV, tablet, smartphone...) to the Internet. As a rule, to access the global network, a router is used, which assigns each device connected to it its own unique IP address. A unique network address will be assigned to the device automatically if you enable DHCP on the router and activate the “Obtain an IP address automatically” option in the settings of the created connection for all clients on the local network.

After this, all devices located on the home or office network will access the Internet under the same IP address, but on the local network they will have different IPs. DHCP is a very popular option and if you decide on a second device using a media server or want to transfer, then the DHCP function on the router must be activated, otherwise everything will have to be configured manually. Using a DHCP server you can.

To enable DHCP you need. To do this, enter the gateway address into the browser address bar (usually or, enter your login and password in the form and click the “Login” button. By the way, if the network device was previously used to connect to the network of another Internet provider, then I recommend that you first do so and connect to the current service provider.

Activating the automatic configuration protocol on the router.

As a rule, by default this option is enabled on the network device, but for various reasons, for some users it is not in an active state. I will show you how to enable DHCP on an ASUS and TP-Link router, and by analogy you can enable the dynamic host configuration protocol on any other model from any manufacturer. The principle is the same on all devices, only the interface shell is different.

ASUS. After activation in the interface, go to the “Local Network” section, go to the “DHCP Server” tab and in the “Enable DHCP Server” item, move the switch to the “Yes” position. On the same page you can set the starting and ending pool of IP addresses. Essentially, this is a range of unique network addresses, one of which the router will assign to the device when connecting to it.

So that every time you connect a device (computer, TV, smartphone...) to the local network, the router assigns it the same network address, you need (the procedure for assigning a static IP is described in detail). This way, your tablet, laptop and other devices on your home or office network will have their own permanent network address, and you are guaranteed to avoid any kind of conflicts.

For example, to give a permanent IP address to a laptop, you must first and then activate the “Enable manual assignments” option in the settings and select this device from the drop-down list. In the adjacent field, enter the desired free IP from the range and click the add button. The changes will take effect after clicking the “Apply” button and rebooting. As you can see, four clients receive my permanent IP.

TP-LINK. After logging into the network device interface, go to the “DHCP” -> “DHCP Settings” tab. On this page you can enable the DHCP server and set the starting and ending IP addresses in the fields of the same name for the local network. Please note that on the “Network” - “Local Network” (LAN) tab the current IP address of the router is indicated, therefore, it cannot assign it to any other device.

Therefore, the initial IP must be set taking into account the router’s network node and the next one must be assigned. For example, if it is, then the starting IP address can be; or in my case All other settings are optional, but if necessary, you can reduce the validity period of the address.

At the end of the period, the device to which the IP was issued will ask to renew it. The dialogue occurs unnoticed by you, and if there are a lot of clients on the network, then in this case the option is relevant because it does not clog the table. You can see the address expiration date, name, MAC and IP address in the list of clients connected to the network (DHCP Clients List). If there are from 3 to 10 clients on the local network, then leave everything at default or set the maximum value (2880 minutes).

The router has the ability to assign a permanent IP address to the client. Thus, when connected to a network, the network device will issue the same IP to the device. To do this, go to the “Address Reservation” tab and click the “Add New” button. Enter the MAC address of the device, set a free IP address from the available range. In the “Status” drop-down list, select “Enable” and click the “Update” button. All settings will take effect after rebooting the router.

After you enable the DHCP server on the router, make sure that all clients (computer, TV, set-top box...) have the “Obtain an IP address automatically” status in the settings. Bye!

Glad to see you on the site! We continue to study network administration. Many people, trying to set up a router for the first time, are faced with inevitable questions. One of these seemingly minor issues is setting DHCP. For small home networks, this is usually not relevant, and few people pay attention to this option at first.

But, as soon as the need arises to set up a workable network for your needs with dedicated Internet access, gaps in knowledge, so to speak, make themselves felt. We read and take it into account. In this issue:

This article will help you understand the topic. Everything is important, and such “extra” knowledge is never useless and in a simple way you can increase the security of your network. As always, at the beginning there is a little theory, without it you won’t get anywhere. Today, all networks are built on the key TCP/IP protocols, which largely ensure their functioning.

One of the services of this protocol is DHCP (DYNAMIC HOST CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL) or "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol". Hosts are usually the names of computers on a network. In a way, they replace IP addresses when accessing a computer by name.

DHCP is an auxiliary tool for TCP/IP and functions on the network as a server, as a client, and as a protocol through which service data is transmitted to the network. It all depends on what level we are talking about.

You can enable the server on the router and then it will be a server. An alternative option is to install DHCP on your computer, for example, configure it in Windows 10. You can enable or disable these services on one of the computers on the network - this will be at the client or network protocol level.

What is a DHCP server for?

Let's imagine a situation where our network consists of at least 100 computers. The task of the system administrator is to strictly ensure that each computer and devices on the network have their own unique IP address. Poor system administrator! He will have a hard time, because he must somehow control all this. Somewhere the address has gone wrong and someone’s workplace is no longer functioning...

The first protocols designed to solve the problem were developed for workstations that did not even have their own hard drives. Now it seems wild to me, but in the year 1998 I worked on such a network. You boot from a floppy disk, MS-DOS and Far-Manager in combination with a black and white monitor - this was my first operating system! When turned on, such a computer sends a message to the network. The network server, in response to this message, sends its own, through which the computer “recognizes” its IP.

With the introduction of the Internet, everything began to improve and now you need to specify the gateway address and subnet mask. To eliminate the shortcomings of the then existing protocols, which were not able to fully automate the process, Microsoft came up with DHCP, the main advantage of which is that it can dynamically assign IP addresses from the list of available ones, and unused ones are not visible.

The system administrator no longer thinks about uniqueness and address ranges. Third-party developers can transfer their settings to their own software through this service (we see how this is implemented in routers from various companies). Thus, DHCP is designed for automatic configuration of computer networks - automatically assigning a unique IP address to computers on the network.

What is DHCP on a router?

The dynamic configuration protocol as a server is now implemented on almost all models of Internet routers. And many, when setting up their router for the first time, are of course faced with an incomprehensible abbreviation. When you enable this setting (and it is usually enabled by default), IP addresses will be automatically assigned to all devices connecting to your network and the network will operate without the participation of a system administrator

This looks especially convenient when organizing open Internet access points via Wi-Fi in cafes, restaurants, and public places. If DHCP is not enabled, then even having open access to the network will not help. There will be no Internet until an IP address, gateway address, and subnet mask are assigned to each smartphone manually. Therefore, disabling DHCP when organizing such networks is unacceptable.

From a security point of view, in closed networks it is sometimes useful to disable DHCP on the router. If you notice that your Wi-Fi network is regularly being hacked or unregistered devices begin to appear on your network from time to time, then disabling DHCP will make these attempts futile.

Without knowing the IP address, subnet mask and gateway, an attacker, even connecting to the network via cable, will not be able to get the desired Internet or log into the network. Of course, on all computers on the network, when DHCP is disabled, access to network settings should be disabled for ordinary users, and changes should be made only as an administrator. And each network station must be manually assigned its own IP.

However, on the latest models of some routers, to limit Internet access, it is enough to make settings for unregistered devices and limit their access:

DHCP relay what is it? Setting up a server on Microtic, Zyxel Keenetic Giga devices

On modern router models you can now find the DHCP - relay setting, but there is not enough information on it in the device help system. The option expands the functionality of your device for system administration.

DHCP works based on the exchange of messages between network clients and the server that assigns addresses. Messages are generated in a specific format and contain service information. They usually don't go beyond your network. But what if you urgently need to reconfigure your network during business hours?

In this case, you must have another network with a DHCP server. All you need to do is specify the address of the neighboring DHCP server on the “spare” network. The DHCP-relay ageht service is responsible for relaying messages on another network to another server if necessary. Addresses will now be assigned not by your server, but by the one you point to:

All you need to specify is the interface (for Internet access) and the IP address of the desired DHCP server. Thus, the functionality is designed to assign addresses on your network from another network if such a need arises.

Setting up a DHCP server on the Zyxel Keenetic Giga router

Zyxel today produces devices that are pleasing to the eye. These brands are popular today primarily due to the functionality they provide. You can organize several networks on one device, connect not just one provider but several, and do many other useful things that were not possible for previous generations of devices. Microtic is no less good; I did the settings once and forgot about the problems.

Setting up a server on a router yourself is not difficult. If you have an IP address assigned to you by your Internet provider, you need to set up an Internet connection:

We indicate the data from the provider, do not forget about DNS, you can register Google DNS as DNS 3. It won’t hurt. Then you need to create a network, or rather, one of its segments. In the “My networks and Wi-Fi” item, create a new segment:

In settings turn on DHCP server. As IP we indicate the address of the router, which will be the gateway for workstations:

The router IP is given as an example. You can select non-standard ranges as IP to increase security. Ranges determine the number of subnets and the maximum number of workstations in it. The starting address of the pool will be the address of the “first” computer. The pool size is the number of computers you will have on the network. Lease time is the duration of issuing the address in seconds.

DHCP is not enabled on the network adapter; local (wireless) network connection Windows 10, what should I do?

Due to some reasons (Windows 10 update, Wi-FI setup), sometimes you can see this error in the message window. First, let's check whether the DHCP service is running on your computer. You need to go to the “Control Panel” in Administration - Services...