Girls from Kirkorov's ballet. Philip Kirkorov showed his “tour wife”: “She’s such a tomboy! I like strong women, I'm henpecked

On the eve of his 50th birthday, Philip Kirkorov became a guest of the “Secret to a Million” program: the host of the program, Lera Kudryavtseva, extorted the secrets of the king of pop, asking him about his children, his relationship with Alla Pugacheva, and even about his current novels.

To begin with, the artist admitted that he had not traveled by conventional transport for many years: Kirkorov travels only by limousines, private jets, and, more recently, by private train. Philip purchased several carriages, decorated with exceptional luxury: the compartments are inlaid with Karelian birch and gilding, they have their own dressing room, bathroom and quarters for guards and assistants. A personal guide makes his bed and serves breakfast. The singer admitted that he had never traveled in simple reserved seat carriages:

- Who will let me? And that’s what I want – both on the train and in the subway,” he says.

The host of the show, Lera Kudryavtseva, asked the singer: is his personal life on wheels?

– What is your personal life like? It won’t be cooler than the one I had,” Philip complained, hinting at his marriage to Alla Pugacheva. “Any comparison with that memory will seem insignificant. Yes, some hobbies appear, but they quickly pass.

But Lera did not back down. And she asked to comment on the rumors that Philip has a “tour wife”: the artist is credited with an affair with his ballet dancer Alexandra Sivkova. Following this, Alexandra herself miraculously materialized in the studio. The girl said that she spends almost every day with Philip: she works with him, entertains him during trips, goes with Kirkorov to the cinema, to museums and even to the zoo. Philip added that Alexandra is also his personal trainer: she does aerobics with him and monitors his shape.

“In the press they call you Philip Kirkorov’s “tour wife,” Lera asked point-blank. - This is true?

– Philip is one of those men you want to follow. “I love him madly,” the ballerina answered.

Philip said: the main thing that attracts him to Alexandra is her intelligence and erudition.

“There’s always something to talk about with Sasha, she’s a smart and well-read girl,” says the artist.

At the same time, Philip admitted that perhaps rumors about their romance appeared after Sasha starred in his video.

– Sasha has now starred in my new video. “We have quite explicit scenes there,” the king of pop explained. – And, apparently, footage from the filming ended up in the press. She is a beautiful, oriental, strong-willed girl. She's such a tomboy! I like strong women, I'm henpecked. My mother was the main one in the family, then Alla was the main one in the family. Now I have an aunt (Aunt Marie, sister of the singer’s father Bedros Kirkorov - Ed.), and she also growls at me.

Lera Kudryavtseva touched on a very sensitive topic, asking Philip about the mother of his children. The TV presenter asked when the singer would tell Alla Victoria and Martin the truth about their mother. The artist admitted: never. And he explained: he is sure that his children will not see their biological mother.

“They will never meet their biological mother.” She will never speak! – Kirkorov cut off.

According to the artist, his children are bathed in love and do not feel lonely at all. Aunt Marie and the children’s godmother, businesswoman Natalya, help him raise Alla-Victoria and Martin.

– They have an amazing dad! We have Aunt Marie. She replaced everything feminine we needed. She is a mother for them and for me. In addition, they have a godmother, Natasha. Alla Victoria has enough feminine warmth in full. No need to say that there is not enough! She is bathed in love! “They are not the first children in the world who, let’s say formally, were left without a mother,” Philip insists.

Kirkorov also spoke about his nutrition system - he is on a strict diet, and also emphasized that he has never had plastic surgery. The singer is indifferent to alcohol and does not smoke. Philip admitted that he was afraid of cancer, because of which his mother passed away.

“Although she also didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, and led a healthy lifestyle,” says the artist.

That is why he regularly undergoes tests and takes great care of his health. Kirkorov feels great, the only thing that worries him is an allergy to cat hair. That's why he never got a furry pet.

Many Syktyvkar residents have seen the gorgeous videos and productions of the king of Russian pop music, Philip Kirkorov. But few people know that Alexandra Sivkova, a native of the Komi capital, works on his team. She is building a successful career as a dancer in Kirkorov's show ballet. Alexandra told the portal more about this.

In 2014, model and dancer Alexandra Sivkova moved from the capital of Komi to Moscow. Now she participates in shows and performs in Philip Kirkorov’s show. These achievements cost the girl a lot of work:

Each of us makes plans and, of course, me included! I absolutely love my hometown and try to come there as often as possible and see my family. But in Moscow I realized my potential as a model! Of course, not world class, but many Russian designers know me personally,” said the creative girl.

Note that Alexandra began working as a model when she lived in the capital of Komi:

It all started with classes at the Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications, in the wonderful group “Theater Mod”, whose teacher is Oksana Valerievna Aksanova. I have never met such a teacher to this day! She changed my whole life, developed in me incredible perseverance and ability to work. For this I am grateful to Oksana Valerievna, because without the knowledge that she invested in me, my life in the “white stone” might not have worked out! - Alexandra is sure.

One of her biggest achievements is, of course, that she was cast in Philip Kirkorov’s show ballet. She had little chance; more than 1000 people took part in the selection:

There was a casting for Philip Kirkorov's ballet, and I decided to take part in it. They needed models who could dance. I learned this in Syktyvkar, at the Fashion Theater. First, I filled out a form, then I was invited to a live casting. It was conducted by Franco Dragone, the founder of Cirque du Soleil, and American choreographer Tony Testa. More than 1,300 models were present at the casting; after the selection, more than 20 people were retained, including me,” said Alexandra.

Alexandra is in the center in a red suit

Then the girl passed a casting with Philip Kirkorov:

The final choice of models for the show ballet was made by Philip himself. In the end, out of 20 people, six were chosen, and I was one of these six! It is, of course, unrealistically cool to realize that out of so many they left me. Soon we met the king of our stage himself - Philip Kirkorov! - the dancer shared.

Surprisingly, there are no specific requirements for Kirkorov’s show ballet dancers:

The main thing is to do your work professionally and give 100% feedback to the viewer,” the creative girl is sure.

In addition to dancers, Philip Kirkorov’s team also includes other professionals:

The ballet has about 35 dancers, as well as more than 70 technicians, not counting stylists and makeup artists. The ballet has its own means of transportation, and the technicians have their own. Also on tour with us are huge trucks with a stage designed by Franco Dragone’s team, and trucks with costumes,” said Alexandra.

Note that in Moscow the girl combines her career as a dancer in Kirkorov’s ballet with work as a model:

I’m still involved in modeling, I go to Moscow Fashion Week, I teach fashion shows at the Moscow children’s modeling agency RosKids, at Ice Models and on the World Fashion Channel in a new reality show! - Alexander surprises with his achievements.

It is worth saying that the girl speaks warmly of her leader and mentor Philip Kirkorov:

Philip is an incredibly sincere person, always open to communication and values ​​each of us very much! There was a case when a dancer broke his leg due to weather conditions, so Philip visited him in the hospital! He always helps us and supports us! But he is strict in his work, since he himself gives 100, or even 1000% to the viewer and has every right to demand the same from us! I feel incredibly ashamed to be lazy somewhere, although sometimes I want to because of my crazy schedule and fatigue. But I understand that this is not professional: to work in one place and not in another,” the dancer shared.

One of the important events in Alexandra’s career was the filming of Philip Kirkorov’s “Chimera” video. On May 20, 2017, its premiere took place in Russia. Alexandra played the main role in it. In addition to Syktyvkar, 50 more people starred in the video. It was shown on famous Russian music channels.

The idea for the video belongs to Philip Kirkorov and poet Mikhail Gutseriev. It was directed by the famous music video director Oleg Gusev. He told reporters that the video was based on real events from the artist’s life.

Alexandra starred in the video as a geisha. Throughout it, the girl changes several styles in the style of eastern countries. They were sewn by Alla Pugacheva’s stylist named Alisher. In the video, Kirkorov calls Alexandra his pipe dream and invented paradise. The director of the video, Oleg Gusev, believes that the video turned out to be bright and original.

After Alexandra starred in this video, journalists suggested that she and Philip had a romantic relationship. But the girl denied these rumors:

Of course, most of the female population dreams of becoming the wife of such an artist, but not everyone has the opportunity to even talk to Philip or be closer to him than they would like! Philip himself invited me to star in his video for the song “Chimera”. For this role, she and director Oleg Gusev were looking for a girl of the oriental type, and then it turned out that there was one very close by, it turned out to be me! After the premiere of the video, rumors began to circulate about our affair with Philip. Naturally, these are just rumors and, probably, they play into the hands of someone, and if this makes people feel better, then so be it! Philip’s communication with each of his huge team is warm and familiar! Personally, I will say about myself that all my working and free time is spent with Philip, since there are concerts and all weekends only on tour! In every city, in every country, our king is greeted with incredible love and invited to various programs, attractions, circuses, zoos and the like, as they say, “the rich are the happy.” This is how Philip and his entire ballet spend their weekends! This is the essence of close communication and spending time with the artist, Alexandra is sure.

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The king of pop is credited with a new romance with dancer Sasha Sivkova. Philip Kirkorov commented on the rumors and spoke about his relationship with the oriental beauty.

The personal life of the king of the Russian stage is always in sight and at the same time – a secret behind seven seals. Since the marriage of Philip Kirkorov with Alla Pugacheva broke up, not a single woman has been able to take her place. But recently, rumors about a girl who accompanies him on all his tours have been actively discussed. For the first time, Philip himself commented on these rumors.

A frank conversation took place in the “Secret to a Million” program on the NTV channel. First, when asked by presenter Lera Kudryavtseva about his personal life, Kirkorov answered:

« Well, what kind of personal life can I have? My personal life was a disaster. Complete collapse! This is the final point. Because it’s impossible to think of anything cooler. She was fireworks, she was incredible. In comparison, everything will seem insignificant. So, something appears, some hobbies. But it all ends somehow quickly».

However, recently the king of pop is often seen accompanied by a slender, long-legged girl. He travels with her in his personal carriage, and the dining table in the living room of this luxurious carriage is set for two persons. Therefore, it is not surprising that there was talk on air that Philip was credited with an affair with his ballet dancer Alexandra Sivkova.

« Sasha has now starred in my new video. We have quite erotic scenes with her there. And, apparently, footage from these shootings ended up in the press,” Kirkorov explained. – She is a very beautiful girl, very oriental. So strong-willed! I like strong women, I'm henpecked. My mother was the main one in the family, then Alla was the main one in the family. Now I have an aunt... and she also growls at me».

But the intrigue didn't end there! Sasha Sivkova herself appeared in the studio. And she admitted: “ Philip is one of those men worth following, listening to, learning, and I love him madly!»

It turned out that Alexandra spends a lot of time with Kirkorov, they walk, watch movies, visit museums and zoos, and even go to the gym together, where the dancer also conducts personal training for her star employer. At the same time, both are trying to show that the romance between them is just rumors.

So we can only guess whether this is really a rare case of friendship between a man and a woman, or whether Sasha Sivkova will replace Philip’s children’s godmother Natasha in the gossip columns, with whom he was previously credited with having an affair.

Famous Russian artist Philip Kirkorov revealed all the secrets to TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva. During the recording of the program, the singer showed his “tour wife.”

The popular performer said that his personal life had come to an end - it was not successful. “It’s impossible to think of anything cooler! She was fireworks, incredible. In comparison, everything will seem insignificant,” the singer said. The artist added that from time to time he has hobbies, but they end very quickly.

However, during the program it turned out that Kirkorov has a touring wife - she turned out to be ballet dancer Alexandra Sivkova. She travels with the star in a private carriage and entertains him during his tour.

“She is a beautiful, oriental girl, so strong-willed! I like strong women, I’m henpecked,” Kirkorov noted during the recording of the “Secret to a Million” program on NTV. Later, Sivkova herself appeared on the screens.

“In the press they call you Philip Kirkorov’s “tour wife,” Lera asked point-blank. - This is true?

“Philip is one of those men you should follow, listen to, learn. I love him madly!” – the ballerina admitted.

Alexandra said that she spends almost every day with Philip: she works with him, entertains him during trips, goes with Kirkorov to the cinema, to museums and even to the zoo. The dancer also provides personal training for her employer.

Kudryavtseva noticed that Kirkorov was very nervous while Sivkova was talking about their walks. At the same time, the touring couple denies in every possible way that there is an affair between them - they claim that these are just rumors.