Instagram profile description. How to beautifully design "Instagram": recommendations and instructions. Permanent and regular updates

The best Instagram profiles have multiple common features, including easily identifiable usernames, recognizable photographs, informative and interesting biography, a link to the relevant landing page or campaign and more.

How to beautifully design Instagram to use it for business or just increase the number of subscribers? To do this, just follow a few simple rules.

Your bio is sort of a first impression - it will tell your followers a little about you and sums up the type of content you post with a common theme so they know what to expect from your page. However, not just a mess of words.

It is recommended to download or update the most latest version applications to make sure you can use latest features and functions. Click the user icon to download your profile. This icon appears as a small silhouette. You can find it in the bottom right corner of the screen. Clicking on the icon will take you to a custom view of your profile.

Page Publicity

By default your Instagram profile should be public - so everyone in the world can see your photos and comments. If you want to promote your page, this is exactly what you need: all users will be able to view your posts. Otherwise, if you leave your profile private, visitors won't be able to see your photos and it will prevent them from following you.

On your profile screen, you will be able to see how your bio appears to everyone else. You can also access the profile editor by going through the Settings screen. . This is where you will enter your actual biography. While you are there, you can go ahead and make any other changes you want to your name, username, website link, address Email and phone number. Enter your new bio. Write something interesting and engaging that you think will draw visitors in and make them want to follow you!

How to make an Instagram profile so that it is public? Open "Settings" (toggle button on iOS or three dots on Android) and make sure "Private Account" is disabled.

Page title

Your profile name should be recognizable and easily searchable. If the option you selected is already taken, try saving this name as the first part of your username. This is necessary so that other users can quickly find you. The ideal name for a promoted account would be your name plus the theme of the photoblog.

When you're done, just click the Done button in the top right corner of the screen to return to your profile. You can include things like title, interests, activities, area of ​​study, or personal passions. This will give people viewing your page quick shot that will tell them what they need to know. It is my mission to seek beauty in everyday life. Include a powerful quote or saying. You may not feel the need to provide detailed information about personal profile. In these cases, you can use someone else's words to fill in the gap. Choose a quote that resonates with you or represents your way of viewing the world. The right turn of phrase can make a bold statement about your values ​​and personality. Find something original rather than going straight for clichés, overusing quotes. Draw inspiration from song lyrics, poems, or pieces of wisdom from influential figures. A carefully crafted quote can also be a good touch on a business profile if it is directly related to the product or service you offer.

  • Tell your followers about yourself.
  • Start with the basic details that define you.
Drop a link to another site.

How to design a page on Instagram correctly? To change your @username type, go to your profile page and click the Edit Profile button to the right of your main photo. Then click on the text or open space to the right of the icon, and enter the title you want.

Simple search name

How to create an account on Instagram so that it can be easily found? Be sure to add your full name or a description of the page's topic to the "name" section of your account. These posts will show up under your profile and username in searches.

Finish off your bio by directing visitors to another page where they can go to check out that you are everything. For businesses, this could be a link to an online store or a special promotion. Linking to other websites can help you connect with people more effectively. Get creative. Don't be afraid to have a little fun with the format or wording of your biography. Your biology doesn't have to be like anyone else's. It's all about creating something interesting and memorable that will attract people to your positions.

To change your full name, go to your account page and select Edit Profile. Then click on the text or open space next to the clipboard icon at the top, type in the desired entry.

Main page: how to beautifully design "Instagram"

The template of any well-designed page especially highlights the main photo. It is one of the first details your visitors see, as it appears in the top right corner. The photo should be easily recognizable and beautiful. Also keep in mind that you don't want to choose pictures with images around the edges, as Instagram actually crops your profile photo into a circle (110 pixels in diameter).

Choose a good, clear image to serve as a visual introduction to your profile. Headshots - a good choice, especially if you are a public figure or want to be more recognizable. Upload a photo yourself. . Who knows you like no one else? Who plays a modest but decisive role in your photography? No, we are not talking about your beloved mother. Rather, your "About me" page, a widely shared but often forgotten part of, or any website, for that matter. In fact, when you're running a business, it's considered good practice to show your customers who you are, how you work, and what your values ​​are.

You don't need to create a round Instagram photo yourself. However, since you'll have to crop it into a circle in the default app, ideally you should upload a square photo with the image in the center, positioned so that the corners can be cut off without issue.

To add or change your profile photo, go to home page and click Edit Profile. Then click "Edit" on the right upper corner. There you can import a photo from Facebook or Twitter or choose one from your library. You can also take a photo using your device's camera, but experts do not recommend this.

This is especially true when you're offering a service and don't necessarily need to show something tangible, like a product, to convince potential customers. Sometimes it's hard to find Right words when you really need to say something smart and inspiring about yourself. And if you do, you don't always know how to style it professionally, which will attract your potential customers. That's why we've collected the most important tips to optimize your About Me page, content and design.

Because it is one of the most important parts of your site, be sure to have a link to your "About Me" section in your top menu where it is more visible. Most of the time this part is rendered as separate page, but it's perfectly fine if it's a stripe on one page. Simplicity - keyword here, also when it comes to your page title. The best practice is to look for O or "Bio", which are the most common and therefore the most identifiable.


Like your main Instagram photo, the bio field (that is, the description at the top of your profile) is one of the first details your visitors will see.

You have a maximum of 150 characters: use them to let people know what you're writing about and give them a reason to follow you. Be sure to write who you are and what you do, indicating the subject of your photoblog.

On the contrary, tags like "Skills" or "Info" can be confused with your "Services" page or your "Contact" form, so it's best to avoid them. When arriving at a page, visitors should have a clear and descriptive title. A phrase like "Meet Henri Quart-Thiers" is perfect for telling your visitors inline what they should expect to find on the page.

Permanent and regular updates

Just because an About Me page is mostly text doesn't mean you should neglect its design. Like any other part of your photography website, it needs to look flawless and professional. First, make sure everything visual elements aligned with the atmosphere of the rest of your site, from the header to the footer, from the colors to the fonts. Speaking of fonts, it is highly recommended to choose a base one. We say this from our own experience: the temptation will be great if you have just downloaded this unique typography.

How to beautifully format the text on Instagram? You can also use this space to post a call to action, such as using a specific hashtag, or posting a link to your website or blog.

tracked link

One of the biggest inconveniences that people have with Instagram is that this social network is not exactly a great platform for driving traffic from the app to the site, Twitter page or other similar source. This is because clickable URLs are not allowed anywhere except in the single "website" field in your bio.

The most exotic fonts are often the most readable by your viewers and their browsers. Finally, when the design and text are ready, be sure to review before publishing final result on multiple devices. Notably, you want your About page to look like the rest of your site. We can't emphasize this point enough since today more than 50% of internet traffic comes from smartphones and tablets. These users may have small screens but they have high expectations - you need to meet.

You know what they say: shoemaker's children are always barefoot. While you can capture a silhouette on the street or take a glorifying portrait of any client, it's very difficult for you to photograph yourself. By turning the lens "against", you are a little threatening, aren't you? Like it or not, you will have to conquer your shyness. It's a fact: people find it easier to trust a service provider when they see their own face. This is especially true when this person is about to enter their intimate life, such as their wedding, the birth of their child, or a birthday.

For this reason, you should add the link to the specified location. This will make it easier for users to navigate from Instagram to your website, blog, or public page on another social network. Speaking of online promotion, it is very important to find the best way how to design Instagram beautifully - an attractive page will be highly visited, and, accordingly, many users will start clicking on the link in the profile.

You will become a star

So make sure you post an attractive and joyful picture of yourself on the About Me page of your photography website. Why not take previous tips on a step? More and more photographers have chosen to use videos on their About page. And we think that's brilliant, because it's been a super growing trend over the last three years, for all kinds of businesses. Since it is animated, the video is naturally more engaging than any other content. Second, if you're not a natural writer, share that your story in front of the camera can flow more naturally than typing on a keyboard.

Alternative way

In addition, there is one not entirely fair way to get people to click on a link in your profile. You can advertise it in individual photo captions. Surely you have ever seen comments that offer to see the profile of the author of the photo. They are trying to direct you to the main page of their account so that you follow their link. In this case, it is also very important to decide how to design an Instagram profile in an attractive way.

The same goes for your visitors: who prefer to watch a video rather than read a piece of text. Finally, as a professional photographer who handles the camera 10 hours a day, you already know all about the right angle to suit any subject.

In terms of content, you have a lot more to say in a video than you can imagine. One option is to tell your story in an interview format. You can also insert samples of your most beautiful photos to grab the attention of your viewers. Show images at work, photographing the bride, climbing a rock, or adjusting the lights in your studio. The more you show how you really work, the easier potential clients imagine myself with you.

Engage users by regularly updating this URL to showcase your latest blog content, video, product, or YouTube offering. For example, are you running a contest or want to increase the number of subscribers to your blog? Just change the link and then post a photo that mentions new link in her title. You can change the URL on your profile page as often as you like.

In most cases, you will receive clients from your region. Saying this, it is always recommended to have a translation into English language on your About page, especially when you have a language that very few people speak, or if you work in a place that attracts a lot of tourists.

The next thing they want is to chat with you further. So be sure to add an explicit call to action at the end of your section with a link to the most relevant page based on your target audience. If you mainly work for companies or creative agencies, add a link to your contact form to start talking about business. If you are an event or wedding photographer, a link to your page is an absolute must.

Enabled Notifications

In addition to making Instagram look pretty, be sure to check your settings in the Options menu to make sure your notifications are turned on. This will allow you to see when users repost or comment on your photos. This way you can communicate with them faster and easier, similar to chatting on Twitter.

And if you're just targeting inquisitive people, your social media should call out "like" or "follow". Ready to show your amazing photos to the world? Every professional needs a bio, but few care to write a good one. Either we hastily write down anything and everything that we look through in our minds for a professional biography, or we follow the general biographical outline of the author. And we will never update it. Either way, we're missing out on a great opportunity to support ourselves.

A perfect professional background can give you respect and visibility in the industry. Want to know how and why it's important to write the perfect author bio? An autobiography is your professional reflection on the Internet. He presents you professionally and describes you as interesting, but effective way. Thus, a professional biography is written in such a way that you can attract more readers. Plus, it's your sales pitch and it speeds up your personal branding efforts.

To do this, from the Options menu, choose to turn on "From Everyone" notifications for each category.

High quality photos

High-quality photos are a huge part of an optimized Instagram profile. When people visit your page, most likely the first thing they will do is look at the first ten images. The quality of these photos will play a big role in whether a user wants to follow you. Your Twitter followers can forgive a few bad tweets, but no one wants bad shots on your Instagram account.

So always think of your Instagram photos this way: if you don't have anything beautiful to post, don't post anything at all.

How to make Instagram beautiful? good picture should meet three parameters: be interesting and relevant, well-designed and filmed, and well-edited.

All you really have to do is spend some time learning best practices like framing your shots, finding interesting perspectives, and using symmetry, patterns, "leading lines", etc.

How to edit?

Instagram has some basic capabilities editing, but often they are not suitable for making a picture really great. Most of your photos should go through at least one or two other image editing apps on your mobile phone before you upload them to Instagram for the first time.

Don't worry, once you download necessary services, photo editing will not be so difficult. It just takes a little practice.

Permanent and regular updates

An optimized Instagram profile is active. Because photo quality is so important, you don't have to worry about submitting new posts to your account several times a day, as in most other social networks. Instead, focus on creating high quality content and then post it to right time for your audience.

To make sure you post consistently, download this social media calendar template and start scheduling your Instagram posts.

When is the best time to update?

So what is the best time of day to post on Instagram? Because Instagram is first and foremost an app to be used on mobile devices, users use the network at any time. However, research shows that many subscribers interact more with content outside of business hours.

The best times to post on Instagram are Mondays and Thursdays, any time other than 3:00-4:00 for your target audience's time zone. However, it is better not to be afraid to experiment and check what time your account becomes the most visited.

Options for developing and maintaining an Instagram account + ways to gain popularity and earn money

According to some estimates, the number of subscribers and members of the Instagram network exceeds 100 million people. But although the number of fans is quite large, it is safe to say that this is a special kind of audience, which is clearly different from the audience of any social network. It can also be noted that Instagram is the youngest and also rapidly developing social network. Network with fashionable artists, famous personalities and ordinary people who devote a lot of time and attention to their image and PR (read about the stars on Instagram).

If you came to this article and made a choice for yourself not just to watch celebrities, view friends pages and waste time, then this article is for you, it will tell you the secrets and tactics of quickly developing an Instagram account. Our goal is to support you in undertaking this event, since any person who becomes popular on social networks may have a rather bright and promising future. Instagram is one of best practices PR and gaining popularity. You can also get acquainted with the live section hacks on instagram : likes, followers, comments and views. Test these methods (free and paid methods are available on the site) test methods), as they speed up the process of account development and user trust. We will talk about the methods and tactics of recruiting subscribers and fans in this article:

1. High-quality photos on Instagram

One of the fundamental and important rules when working with Instagram, it means posting really worthwhile and high-quality photos. Try to add some zest and some kind of uniqueness to each photo so that the photo catches the hearts of people and keeps their attention for as long as possible. It's simple, if you have the opportunity to take several unique and vivid photos every day, then popularity will come to you by itself, but alas, not everyone has such an opportunity. Do not upset yourself with the thought that you are not a pop star, famous artist or other well-known TV presenter, and also that you do not live in the center of Moscow, Paris or Berlin. You can create bright and amazing photographs in various places, regardless of the area, rather it depends on the photographer himself and his imagination. The main thing is not to bother posting a lot of pictures of food, cats, dogs and other topics. Although no no, it’s impossible to go overboard with this, everyone likes cats, place them as much as you like.

By rating, if you take, then the most popular photos are: lifestyle (i.e. cool cars, expensive mansions, home accessories and other topics related to leading a beautiful and expensive lifestyle). The second in terms of popularity are photos of a personal nature on Instagram - personal photos, kids, family, holidays. Try to take into account popular topics when creating your work (photos and videos). Another tip for posting photos. If you have a lot of good and not posted photos, do not post them all at once, as many may go unnoticed and the result will not be the desired one. Get likes for your interesting photos, this will help chapter our site.

2. Use of hashtags on Instagram

Using hashtags will help you reach and attract a large number of unique visitors to your photos and, accordingly, your Instagram account. If your photos are bright and interesting for visitors (see 1 point above), then it is very likely that they will become your followers. People often search by hashtags, it can be various specific places or things and other topics, so try to describe the photos with hashtags as accurately as possible, this will give transitions from the search for key hashtags to your account.
Among other things, you need to study which hashtags are the most popular and passable on Instagram, you can do this by going to link - the top most popular hashtags on Instagram. Check the available photos, maybe some of them match the most popular Instagram topics described above. If not, then you can take new photos for the most popular requests.

In addition to the promotion itself, you can also use hashtags to search for topics of interest, while viewing photos, liking and, of course, writing comments. Why you should search for similar topics by hashtags, while liking and doing comments on Instagram ? Because this will bring to your account a similar audience whose interests coincide with yours, and they can become your followers. I would like to note that when putting down and writing hashtags on selected photos, do not try to put: 1 many tags 2 those tags that are not related to the topic. Why? Because this will not bring you results and otherwise the photos simply will not work, we have created an article on how to make a selection and correctly work with hashtags on Instagram . - this material can significantly facilitate the selection and distribution of hashtags by photos. If you start work according to a plan and systematically, then this approach can bring very good results.

3. Be sure to describe the place where the photo was taken on Instagram

For the most part, people are more likely to look at pictures of places they have been before or where they would like to go. Instagram allows users to view photos of other members tagged in the same places (of course, we have added for your convenience a detailed article on how to add location to instagram ). Thus, people who took a photo in the same place as you will be able to view your photos. If the photos are of interest, then you will earn live and active followers, and most importantly, that they will have similar interests to you - this is very Important. In any case, to attract real live followers on Instagram, you can perform a pre-cheat in order to inspire confidence and interest in your account.

4. Comment, like and lead active communication with other Instagram users

Being sociable, friendly and responsive on a social network is a great tactic for building a large number of followers. Try to be sincere and sociable with people, do not leave comments and likes unanswered. It is believed that it is much better to subscribe, like and comment on a few pages with similar topics than to do the same with pages of different interests, as well as those who, in your opinion, will be left or random in your subject. In addition, Instagram has a limit on mutual following (about following ), too obvious actions can be regarded as spam on your part and the account may be banned. In order to find pages with similar topics, you can use not only the search for hashtags and places where photos were taken, Instagram has a special option - "Recommended Users". This section is in the search for friends and marked. More detailed material about finding people on instagram read the link.

Next, we will describe a few simple manipulations that will attract other users to your account. If you need to receive activity on your account and increase target audience in the form of subscribers, it will be necessary to be active and interact in every possible way with other users. Of course, on Instagram, there are much more likes than comments. According to publicly available statistics, about 580 likes are put per second, and there are only about 90 comments. It follows that if you need to draw more attention to your account and photos, try to make more comments on Instagram than likes, since the return will be much much higher. It is known from the experience of many people who have promoted their pages in this way that a sincere comment on someone's photo can not only attract the follower whose photo you commented on, but also attract many other people who see the photo and comment. For a note, I would like to note that according to the same statistics of subscriptions (followers), those who make comments get 4 times more. Methods self promotion are quite complex in that a large amount of time and effort is spent on their implementation, if necessary quick result, then in this case you can just buy instagram followers . What will give this method attracting followers: 1 trust of other users; 2 minimum time spent on promotion; 3 a large number of subscribers; 4 likes, comments and video views on Instagram.

If you don’t see yourself as a commentator, then you can like hundreds of other photos like a machine gun, citing the statistics of responses to likes, and it’s approximate as follows: for 100 likes you put, an approximate one is 26-29 reciprocal likes and 3-4 followers for intros . In this case, you do not need to subscribe to these users.

In addition to the above, in this social The network has a rule that if someone likes your photo, then the friends of this someone can see your photos in the feed and also like or become a follower. Thus, you attract new and unique users to your page with whom you have not previously contacted in any way.

5. Do not close your profile - this is one of the main mistakes

To make sure your account is open for public access and view, you need to go to: settings - security - private photos- make sure the icon is lit in the off state. So your account and, accordingly, photos can be seen by all users of this network.

6. Connect the Instagram page with other social networks

When you make sure that your profile is open, you can easily post links to photos in such social networks. networks such as Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte and many others. What will it give? The influx of other unique visitors and of course subscriptions and likes, plus the ability to receive traffic from other social networks. networks, which is not unimportant and can be quite effective.

To link to Instagram, i.e. connect Instagram citation to other social networks. networks, you will need to go to: Settings - Posting settings. Next, you will see the entire list of social networks where there may be posting in automatic mode. Select those social Networks where you have your account by linking to one or another Social. networks, after publishing another photo on your Instagram account, it will automatically appear on the page in another network, and of course there will be an exchange and an influx of other visitors who can see your photos.

7. Keep an eye on popular pages stars on Instagram

Those users who are popular undoubtedly know the methods and secrets of influencing the audience. Carefully study their work and how they manage to inspire their subscribers, analyze and apply on your photos. If people like something, they will undoubtedly like and comment on it, and also become your followers. Then their friends and friends of friends can do the same. Therefore, be observant and there is nothing in it to learn from the stars and use some chips on your account.

8. Choose the most the best photos for profile on Instagram

One of the most basic methods of influencing followers not described above is the selection and creation of a high-quality profile picture on Instagram. It's like a kind of your business card and the first thing that users will see, whose photos you like and comment on. If this photo works as a bait and arouses the interest of another user, then half the work is already done. The secret is that your Instagram profile photo doesn't have to be a personal photo. This photo should be colorful, bright, or something that catches people. It should also give people an idea and a first opinion about your interests, and a rough idea of ​​what they will see in the feed. That is, at the moment when the friends of those people on whose photo you left a comment see your profile picture, they will become interested and go to your page to see it.

9. Apply existing and popular filters on Instagram

According to statistics, it has been proven that those photos that have been processed by one or another filter are very popular and are in the ranking slightly higher than others. We provide you with a list of the most popular Instagram filters by rating:

  • lomo-fi
  • Hudson
  • Normal
  • early bird
  • Amaro
  • Brannan

10. Choose right moment for working with photo layout

According to the collected statistics, which was conducted for more than 1 year, it was revealed that the best time to publish photos is Monday at about 17-18 hours Moscow time. During this period, you have the opportunity to collect the largest number comments, likes and of course followers.

The second place in popularity in uploading photos is taken by time - Wednesday-Thursday from 14:00 to 15:00 Moscow time.

According to the same statistics, it was revealed that the photo receives maximum amount likes and comments in the first 3 hours after publication. 46 percent of comments and likes in the first hour of publication, and in just 3 hours about 69 percent of the total. This means that if your photos do not gain popularity in the first 3 hours, then they are unlikely to get it later.

11. Combine photos (application diptic)

This is about creating collages, in order to create them and do photo processing with them, you need to use the application Diptic . What will it give? According to statistics, photos processed in the application have more likes and comments, and the time you spend will be fully justified.


The conclusion from the entire article is that the basis for the development of an account lies in high-quality and vivid photographs. No matter how hard you try to fulfill all of the above points, if there is no good photos- there will be no result, therefore, set yourself the task of photography as the basis and first goal. It is not necessary to be an artist and be in the center of Moscow, Berlin, Paris and other places, you just need to have a good imagination and a desire to please people with your photographs, then success will accompany your endeavors. If you don't have the time or energy to self-promotion, then you can promote your Instagram profile on our site , we will be happy to help you, without wasting time, quickly and efficiently promote the page and gain a large number of likes and followers.