Defragmentation of the hard drive is required for. OS optimization: Disk defragmenter program

Defragmentation hard disk necessary to combine all fragmented files into groups. Essentially, it arranges certain parts of the file. This allows you to quickly read the data stored in this file when accessing it. Naturally, after defragmenting the hard disk The speed of writing data to this media also increases. After grouping scattered files, groups of free clusters appear, located quite close to each other. Now, to record new information, there is no need to distribute it between different disk.Defragmentation disk has a positive effect on computer performance and operating system speed. Even if a file was written to a newly defragmented disk, there is no guarantee that it will not end up distributed among different sectors. Great amount operating system files are constantly changing. This means that clusters are cleared and rewritten multiple times. Naturally, new data certain files cannot be written “next to” the file itself. Defragmentation of hard disk It is recommended to perform it at least once a month. Remember that this process reduces the number of required movements of the hard drive read head disk. Considering the fact that hard drives have a certain operating life, defragmentation can extend the life of the hard drive. disk. Execute defragmentation of hard disk possible using regular funds Windows operating system or additional utilities. The choice depends on your preferences, but this process is extremely useful, and neglecting it can lead to irreversible consequences.

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To decrease loading processor, first of all, you need to find out which processes consume a lot of computing power. And after that, either unload the unnecessary process from memory, or remove the program from startup.

You will need

  • Computer, task manager, defragmentation program.


First, call the Windows operating system task manager. Then click on the processes tab and see which objects are consuming a lot of processor power. If this required program, then don't touch it. Look for processes that you don't need. Just find out this process first. Just go to search engine and read its description. This way you can log out of the system unnecessary processes that increase loading .

Then enter the word msconfig in the execute window. Go to the tab. Remove everything unnecessary programs that you don't need. After all, they, together with windows, can significantly. You can remove all programs; this will not interfere with the operation of the operating system. Leave only the antivirus.

After completing these steps, look at the result. Loading processor You can look in the tasks in the performance tab. If this is not enough, you should carry out. Excessively fragmented files not only slow down the reading and execution of programs, but also take up a significant portion of productivity processor. If you don’t want to defragment everything, then do it on the system drive (where Windows is installed). This will help take some of the load off processor.

Clean the operating system from temporary files. Use CCleaner program. In some cases, it frees up several tens of gigabytes of space. It also provides a registry cleaning function. Carry out this operation and you will not only get more free space, but also reduce loading processor.

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Helpful advice

If all these steps helped, but the games are running slowly, then update DirectX. This component is designed to effectively manage computer devices in games. WITH using DirectX games can directly use all computing power computer. In this case, the operating system no longer acts as an intermediary and does not increase the processor load.

No matter how big HDD, space on it sooner or later runs out. Of course, you can increase the number of treasured gigabytes in a radical way: by purchasing additional disk. But why go this route if you can still find some space on the disk itself?


Starting global cleaning hard disk, you need to decide what you really need, no matter how trivial it may sound. Remove everything unnecessary. These could be outdated files, a movie you watched a long time ago, or music you don't listen to.


Greetings friends! The topic of this article will be hard drive defragmentation. Mostly beginners do not know about this process, which is what causes the hard drive to fill with fragments.

On each hard drive of each computer user, thousands of files are saved and the same number are deleted. In their place, thousands of files are again installed, and then deleted with the same number.

Let me now try to explain this process in understandable human language.

Let's say you have bookshelves in your room. On each shelf all the books are sorted by name i.e. from A to Z.

The hard drive is in the same state without fragments. But one day, all the books were mixed up, the sorting order was disrupted and, ultimately, a complete house. The hard drive containing fragments is in approximately this state.

The newly purchased computer works with high speed and productivity. Over time, the computer begins to slow down over time. In such situations, if you observe that the hard drive begins to crackle and operate noisily, this signals one thing, it is time to perform defragmentation (reverse fragmentation)

Defragmenting a hard drive on Windows 7 is done in two ways:

Let's look at the first way to use the built-in program. This method has significant disadvantages. The process does not defragment some system files and the process itself takes a very long time.

Let's go start open all programs, then move on standard choose official Select the one that opens from the list Disk Defragmenter

Basically, in all cases, this partition is the system partition (the partition where the operating system is installed windows system).

After making your selection, click Analyze disk. Once the analysis is complete, click Disk Defragmentation.

Defragmenting a hard drive with a program Auslogics Disk Defrag Free

It's convenient free program, which will help defragment your hard drive, while at the same time increasing the performance of your computer, which improves your performance.

This program has a number of advantages over analogues:

  • Optimizes system files windows on your hard drive to increase system speed.
  • The developers have provided one feature that allows defragmentation of one folder or one file
  • The program has very useful mode idle time that works automatically
  • This program optimizes free space on your computer
  • Flexibility in setting parameters hard drive defragmentation Convenient and clear interface

This program is being improved every month. In this article we will look at the version of the program

Auslogics Disk Defrag Free The counter for this program has reached 11,000,000 users.

While writing an article this version programs only for English language.

Auslogics Disk Defrag Free can be downloaded from the official website.

When installing, no special knowledge or effort is required, we produce normal installation. Launch the program

and preferably makes adjustments in the settings to improve the defragmentation result.

Let's go to settings(settings) open program settings(program settings) go algorithm ( algorithms ) . Next, insert a check mark in all items.

  • Delete temporary files before defragmentation - this function allows you to clean your hard drive of debris stored on it,
  • due to which it frees free place on disk. These files (garbage) are a sufficient number,
  • to slow down the hard drive defragmentation process.
  • Skip fragments larger than 10MB - fragments with such memory increases the reading time.
  • Defragmenting such fragments does not provide any benefit except that it will only waste time.
  • Move system files to the beginning of the disk - this function allows you to move those files forward
  • on which the speed of the process and time depend. The structure of a hard drive is as follows highest speed
  • readout is located at the beginning of the hard drive.
  • Defragment in VVS - compatible mode - this feature prevents the growth of the VVS saving area,
  • which occurs when moving files and reduces the risk of copying previous VVS data.

When setting these settings, the speed of the defragmentation process improves.

Hard drive defragmentation process

Open the program, select the section, this is basically system partition(C), click right button mouse select Analyze(c).

After analysis, the program will reveal a map of results and tell you whether defragmentation is necessary.

The red cubes on the map are fragments. If the message Advice defragment disks appears at the bottom of the results, this means that the program recommends defragmentation. And if there is no message, we leave everything as is; there is no limit on the number of fragments on the disk.

Basically if the result shows fragments less than 10% then state of hard disk is good.

The process takes from 5-15 minutes, it mainly depends on how many files are on your hard drive.

  1. If you defragment your hard drive frequently, you will increase the wear and tear on the drive.
  2. So I advise you to do defragmentation if necessary.
  3. During the defragmentation process, leave the computer alone. Due to this, defragmentation time is reduced.
  4. If for some reason you need a computer, you can use the program with the priority set to low.
  5. To do this, go to settings, hover your mouse over defragment priority and select Low priority.
  6. For the process to proceed normally, I advise that the disk has free space of 10% of the total memory.

Scheduler defragmentation function.

There are times when your computer is always on. In this case, it is better to use a scheduler.

To enable the scheduler, go to settings(settings) click scheduler(Cluster Map).

Mark the section defragment automatic(Defragment automatically) ticked. Next we configure this function according to your conditions.

Example settings:

  • When selecting the When PC is idle mode, select the time.
  • Every day mode (daily) - set the time for daily checking.
  • Weekly mode - set the day for defragmentation.
  • Monthly mode - select the day and time to start the process.

If you install the scheduler on a laptop it will not work when using battery.

Attention: For the scheduler to work, Auslogics Disk Defrag Free must be in active mode those. should be running.

In order for the program to start along with windows, go to settings(settings) select program settings(programm settings) and go to the tab are common(general) check the box as in the picture.

That's all the question is: how to do it hard drive defragmentation to uncover. If you have any questions, write comments. I hope the information was useful!

Good afternoon! Whether you want it or not, in order for the computer to work faster, you need to carry out preventive measures from time to time (clean it of temporary and junk files, carry out defragmentation).

In general, I can say that most users very rarely carry out defragmentation, and in general, do not pay due attention to it (either out of ignorance, or simply because of laziness)…

Meanwhile, by doing it regularly, you can not only speed up your computer a little, but also increase the service life of the disk! Since there are always a lot of questions regarding defragmentation, in this article I will try to collect all the main things that I myself encounter quite often. So …

FAQ. Questions about defragmentation: why do it, how often, etc.

1) What is defragmentation, what is the process? Why do it?

All files on your disk, while being written to it, are written sequentially in pieces onto its surface, often called clusters (many have probably already heard this word). So, while the hard drive is empty, file clusters can be nearby, but when there is more and more information, the scattering of these pieces of one file also increases.

Because of this, when accessing such a file, your disk has to spend more time reading the information. By the way, this scattering of pieces is called fragmentation.

Defragmentation is aimed precisely at collecting these pieces compactly in one place. As a result, the speed of your disk and, accordingly, the computer as a whole increases. If you have not defragmented for a long time, this may affect the performance of your PC, for example, when opening some files or folders, it will begin to “think” for a while...

2) How often should you defragment the disk?

Enough frequently asked question, but it’s difficult to give a definite answer. It all depends on how often you use your computer, how it is used, what drives it uses, what file system it has. In Windows 7 (and higher), by the way, there is good analyzer which will tell you what to do defragmentation , or not (there are also separate special utilities that can analyze and notify you in time that it’s time... But about such utilities - below in the article).

To do this you need to go to control Panel, V search bar enter “defragmentation”, and Windows will find the desired link (see screenshot below).

3) Should I defragment? solid state SSD disks?

No need! And even Windows itself (by at least, new Windows 10, in Windows 7 - this can be done) disables the analysis and defragmentation button for such disks.

The fact is that an SSD drive has limited number recording cycles. This means that with each defragmentation, you reduce the life of your disk. In addition, in SSD drives there are no mechanics, and after defragmenting, you will not notice any increase in work speed.

4) Do I need to defragment the disk if it has an NTFS file system?

In fact, there is an opinion that the NTFS file system practically does not need defragmentation. This is not entirely true, although it is partly true. It’s just that this file system is designed in such a way that defragmenting a hard drive under its control is required much less frequently.

In addition, the speed of operation does not drop as much due to strong fragmentation as if it were on FAT (FAT 32).

5) Is it necessary to clean the disk of junk files before defragmentation?

If you clean up the disk before defragmenting, then:

  • speed up the process itself (after all, you will have to work with fewer files, which means the process will complete earlier);
  • you will do more fast work Windows.

6) How to defragment a disk?

It is advisable (but not necessary!) to install a separate special. a utility that will deal with this process (about such utilities below in the article). Firstly, it will do this faster than the utility built into Windows, and secondly, some utilities can defragment in automatic mode without distracting you from work (for example, you started watching a movie, the utility, without disturbing you, defragmented the disk at this time).

But, in principle, even the standard one, built into Windows program, does defragmentation quite well (although it does not have some of the “goodies” that third-party developers have).

7) Should I defragment a disk other than the system disk (i.e., the one on which Windows is not installed)?

Good question! It all depends again on how you use this disk. If you only store movies and music on it, then there is not much point in defragmenting it.

It's another matter if you install, say, games on this disk - and during the game, some files are loaded. In this case, the game may even begin to slow down if the disk does not respond to it in time. As it should be, with this option, it is advisable to defragment such a disk!

How to defragment a disk - step by step steps

By the way, there is universal programs(I would call them “harvesters”) that can carry out complex actions to clean your PC of junk, remove erroneous registry entries, configure your Windows OS and defragment it (for maximum speed!). You can talk about one of them .

1) Cleaning the disk from garbage

Programs for Windows cleaning -

For example, I can recommend CCleaner. Firstly, it is free, and secondly, it is very easy to use and there is nothing superfluous in it. All that is required from the user is to click the analyze button, and then clean the disk from the found garbage (screen below).

2) Removing unnecessary files and programs

By the way, it is advisable to remove programs via special utilities: (by the way, you can use the same CCleaner utility- it also has a tab for uninstalling programs).

At worst, you can use the standard utility built into Windows (to open it, use the control panel, see the screenshot below).

3) Start defragmentation

Consider running the built-in Windows defragmenter disk (because by default it eats me of everyone who has Windows :)).

First you need to open control Panel, then section system and safety. Next, next to the tab “ Administration" there will be a link " Defragmentation and optimization of your disks"- go over it (see screenshot below).

An alternative way to run defragmentation in Windows

1. Open “My computer” (or “This computer”).

3. Then in the disk properties, open the “Service” section.

4. In the service section, click the button “ Optimize disk"(everything is illustrated in the screenshot below).

Important! The defragmentation process can take quite a long time (depending on the size of your disk and the degree of fragmentation). At this time, it is better not to touch the computer, not to run resource-intensive tasks: games, video encoding, etc.

The best programs and utilities for disk defragmentation

Note! This subsection of the article will not reveal to you all the capabilities of the programs presented here. Here I will focus on the most interesting and convenient utilities (in my opinion) and describe their main differences, why I chose them and why I recommend trying them...

1) Defraggler

A simple, free, fast and convenient disk defragmenter. The program supports all new Windows versions(32/64 bit), can work both with entire disk partitions and with individual files, supports all popular file systems (including NTFS and FAT 32).

By the way, regarding defragmentation of individual files - this is, in general, a unique thing! Not many programs can allow you to defragment something specific...

2) Ashampoo Magical Defrag

To be honest, I like products from Ashampoo- and this utility is no exception. Its main difference from similar ones of its kind is that it can defragment a disk in background(when the computer is not busy with resource-intensive tasks, which means that the program is running will not constrain or interfere with the user in any way).

What is called - once installed and forgotten this problem! In general, I recommend paying attention to it to everyone who is tired of remembering defragmentation and doing it manually...

3) Auslogics Disk Defrag

This program can move system files (which need to be the fastest) to the fastest part of the disk, thereby speeding up your Windows operating system somewhat. In addition, this program is free (for ordinary home use) and can be configured to automatic start during PC downtime (i.e., by analogy with the previous utility).

I also want to note that the program allows you to defragment not only a specific disk, but also separate files and folders on it.

The program is supported by all new Windows OS: 7, 8, 10 (32/64 bits).

4) MyDefrag

Developer's website:

MyDefrag is a small but convenient utility for defragmenting disks, floppy disks, and USB external devices. hard drives, memory cards and other media. Perhaps that’s the only reason I added this program to the list.

The program also has a scheduler for detailed settings launch. There are also versions that do not require installation (it is convenient to carry with you on a flash drive).

5) Smart Defrag

This is one of the fastest disk defragmenters! Moreover, this does not affect the quality of defragmentation. Apparently, the program developers managed to find some unique algorithms. In addition, the utility is completely free for home use.

It is also worth noting that the program treats data very carefully, even if something happens during defragmentation. system error, a power outage or something else... - then nothing should happen to your files, they will still be read and opened. The only thing is that you will have to start the defragmentation process again.

The utility also provides two operating modes: automatic (very convenient - set it up once and forget it) and manual.

It is also worth noting that the program is optimized to work on Windows 7, 8, 10. I recommend it for use!

You've probably heard the expression - disk defragmentation? What is it and what is it for? As you know, all information on a hard drive is recorded in so-called clusters. A cluster is a cell certain size, in which some piece of the file is stored. Just a piece, because... the cluster is very small size. The cluster size varies depending on the size of the hard drive and the type of application used. file system.

At hard formatting disk is divided into clusters. Without this procedure you will not be able to install on it operating system, which means you won’t be able to work with such a disk either.

Each cluster also has sectors. If the file is large, then it is written to clusters in parts. If the hard drive is new or just formatted, then writing to it occurs in a chain (in order).

And if you have been working with this disk for a long time, installing programs or creating new files, and then deleting them, then the chain of clusters is broken. Where particles of a file have been deleted, holes (empty clusters) are formed.

Therefore, the recording of the next file will be scattered across all these “holes”. One part of the file may be at the beginning of the disk, the second in the middle, and the third somewhere at the end of it. This state of the disk is called fragmentation .

In this case, when you open such a file, the hard disk head begins to intensively search for all parts of this file throughout the disk. Naturally, his work slows down, and Full time job in this mode leads to rapid wear of the read heads.

All this work resembles a turntable with vinyl discs. Only there the head goes in a spiral and the disc (they used to be called records) is played gradually from the outer edge to the inner.

And then the hard drive head jumps from one sector or turn to another, collecting the entire “song” in parts. And thus the head can move first to the beginning, then to the end, then to the middle of the disk until it collects the entire file in order.

And if all the pieces of the file were in order, then the work would be much faster, and wear on the head would also be minimal. It turns out that as we delete, write and rewrite, our hard drive wears out, which has a very bad effect on its “health”.

Is it possible to help the disk work faster and not get sick? Can! To do this, it is necessary to carry out preventive work with it at least once a month, i.e. defragmentation disk . When defragmenting, all parts of files are collected in order and moved to the beginning of the disk. Therefore, the heads will not have to search for them for a long time and strain.

How to defragment a disk

If you are a novice computer user, you can initially carry out this procedure using the built-in Windows utilities Defragmentation .

IN Windows XP it is located at: Start – Programs – Accessories – System Tools – Disk Defragmentation .

On Windows 7 this program is located at: Start – All Programs – Accessories – System Tools – Disk Defragmenter. The seven has the ability to set a time for automatic disk defragmentation.

Open this program, select your hard drive and click the big button at the bottom Disk Defragmenter. And wait for the result. If you have done a lot of bloat on your hard drive, the first procedure may last several hours. Still depends on the disk space and speed of your computer. It is better to start this procedure at night or when you do not need a computer for work. But this is at your discretion.

In the future it is better to use it for defragmentation third party programs, because They “treat” your disc much better, which means it will “live” longer. There are a lot of such programs on the Internet.

If you use third-party programs, you will be asked to indicate the cluster size. For file system NTFS is better specify size 4 kb.

I hope I was able to convey the necessary information to you.


When writing any files to the hard drive, all information is distributed across clusters. If you decide to delete a particular file, the clusters with information will be erased, but instead of them there will be empty place. This disrupts the order of all files on the hard drive. As a result, when reading information, the hard drive spends much more time searching for the necessary clusters, since they are scattered throughout the media. This leads to a noticeable slowdown of the computer as a whole. This process is called fragmentation.

Defragmentation allows you to restore order in the internal space. This procedure organizes the location of all clusters on the media, moving them close to each other. After this, there is a noticeable increase in performance in resource-intensive applications and games. Let's figure out how to defragment a disk and in what cases it is necessary.

When should you defragment your drive?

If you notice that performance personal computer has fallen significantly, then in this case optimization is required. Long loading of programs, opening files, copying also hint that it’s time to optimize.

What programs are used to defragment a hard drive?

Operating systems XP, 7 and later have built-in software for defragmentation. If you want to perform the procedure one-time, you can use it. However, many note poor results during use standard utility. If you decide to use it, then follow these steps:

Let's look at how to defragment a disk using a built-in utility:

Let's look at an example of how to defragment a disk according to a schedule:

  • The standard program allows you to set a regular schedule for defragmentation. In the previous window, click the button Set up a schedule....
  • In the window that opens, select the frequency, day, time and partitions that need to be defragmented.
  • Once the setup is complete, click OK.

Now the turned on computer will automatically launch the optimization procedure at the appointed time.

During this period of time, there may be a drop in performance as the system is busy with a more important process.

According to the instructions presented, you can defragment your hard drive in Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10. Now let's figure out how to defragment your hard drive using a third-party program.

Optimization using defragmenters

Defragmentation programs system disk quite a bit of. Among them there are both options for advanced users and for beginners. For example, consider a simple utility Defragger, full free version which can be downloaded from the official website of the developers. Download the distribution, install the software and run it. The program cleans disks in OS 7, 8 and 10. To do this, follow the instructions:

By using Defraggler not only defragmentation of the system or external drive. You can also get information about the performance of the media, a list of files, or optimize each folder separately.

How to defragment a disk using Auslogics Disk Defrag

Another utility that allows you to quickly or completely defragment your hard drive. The main program window is very similar to Defraggler, so there should be no problems using it.

Let's look at the startup process:

Now you know how to defragment a hard drive, including an SSD, using standard means Windows or through third party software.

Video on the topic