Danil is good-natured and his new girlfriend. The real Christina is good-natured in contact

per century information technologies The popularity of social networks reaches its maximum. They have registered great amount users, most of whom are young people. People meet and communicate, build relationships and families through the network. Everything appears more apps and communities for them, news feeds and blogs grow like leaves on a spring day. All this takes a lot of time from a person and fills his leisure time by 50%, if not more. Of course, such a popular type of communication and entertainment has not only fans, but also stars. Such "kings" of social networks are treated with interest and respect, their lives are constantly monitored. And the wound up rating gives them not only fame, but also earnings.

The most popular stars of "VKontakte"

The VKontakte social network has long been recognized as the most popular in Russia. Her fame in our country is comparable to Facebook in America. Constant promotion has done its job. There was an opportunity not only to spend time here, but also to become famous. That's what certain users do. Some on purpose, others by chance achieve success on VKontakte.

Kristina Shemetova became popular a couple of years ago. Then the girl was only 13 years old. How did the child deserve such an interest in his personality? The reason lies in the relationship of a girl with a boy named Danil. The children met at school and fell in love. Their uncomplicated and pure history became the reason for the popularization of the couple.

Christina, often called simply Christy, was born in Moscow in 1997. She never showed special talents and interests in something specific, but she was distinguished by a cheerful disposition and cheerfulness. Her openness to the world has always been mutual. It is known that Christie's family is quite wealthy and allows the girl to realize all her childhood dreams. Therefore, the baby was engaged in dancing, went to art school and traveled from early childhood. She prefers warm countries.

Meeting with Dani

Kristina Shemetova and Danil Shemetov met at school. They say that earlier Danil studied in a different class, and when he was 13, he was transferred to Christie's class. Children immediately began to actively communicate. A pretty girl and a stylish boy clearly liked each other from the very beginning. No one and nothing could stop them from being together. Soon they announced the beginning of their relationship. By setting the marriage status to social network They took a common last name. Since then, the couple began to go everywhere together.

Love is stronger

Kristina Shemetova and Danya were announced almost immediately. Something real and sincere began to happen between the guys. Everyone around noticed it. Their relationship did not cause condemnation, since there was nothing vulgar in them. Quickly, an idea came to the head of one of my acquaintances to keep something like a video diary. No one suspected that it would become so popular. All children of their age watched their walks and celebrations with admiration. A video where children congratulate each other on Valentine's Day has gained great popularity. There they wish everyone real and warm mutual feelings and laugh fervently during half of the video.

Not so long ago, Christy and Danya shot their own video. In it, they talk about small problems that have arisen in their relationship related to moving and separation. However, love is much stronger than any obstacles. Therefore, the children are still together. It cannot be said that they have good vocal abilities, but it is pleasant to watch a cute girl in a dress and a boy filming her with a SLR camera. As noted by all users of "VKontakte" during multiple views.


In addition to cute videos with walks and joint vacation trips, there are also various rumors about Christy and Dan. For example, that Kristina Shemetova is pregnant. This information began to walk around the Internet quite recently. Its source remains unclear. But Christina denies everything, and there are no signs of an imminent addition.

Another famous rumor says that Kristina Shemetova and Danil are actually brother and sister. Allegedly, their parents simply decided to make their children famous and earn capital for their future, so they made a contribution to this business by launching the Network. On this account, the children do not give any comments. And what can they say if this is such an offensive statement? No, the guys are only interested in their relationship, they constantly ignore the rest.

It should be noted that Christina has only 15 friends on VKontakte. Therefore, she does not want her unfamiliar fans to interfere with her life in some way.

Kristina Shemetova and Danya preach the image of pure love, which we lack so much in modern times. It is not for nothing that their sincerity has given rise to such high popularity. Let's hope that they will not turn into ordinary PR people in the future, but will continue to bring light in the dark realm of fake feelings.

Not so long ago, shocking news spread around the Internet: 10 years of relationship between Dani and Christie, which pleased the eye and surprised thousands of viewers who watched them, ended. This couple, which arose in childhood, seems to have completed its existence. Fans who followed the development of events asked a completely natural question: why did Danya and Christy, the youngest couple, break up?

Biography of heroes

So, for those who know little about these personalities, and have not met them until now in the Internet space, it is provided short biography relationships that the Good-natured developed, which tells how old they are, when they met, and in general, the whole truth about them.

Danil Dobrodushny and Kristina Shemetova were born in Moscow to fairly wealthy parents. He was born on 12/25/1997, and she on 01/21/1998. Fate brought them together at school, when Christy, at the age of 7, met Danya. It was then that the friendship of the children began, which later grew into a long and strong love. Children grew up together, constantly being nearby, both at school and outside of it. There are many photos and videos on social networks where teenagers have fun and charge their fans with tenderness and love.

Surprisingly, there were a sufficient number of fans of such relations, as well as opponents. A wide variety of dirty details about the life of the guys together are popping up on the Internet. Whether this is true or not is up to the audience to decide. In “Let them talk”, details were discussed on this matter, but it did not work out to agree on one thing.

Already at the beginning of 2016, many began to talk about the end of the couple and no hope of continuing the relationship. What caused it?

Speculation about the reasons for the gap

The main reason that everyone confidently repeats and believes in is that that strong, strong connection has disappeared between young people. Some believe that Danya himself changed Christie with another. Others speculate that the girl herself could have stepped onto a dissolute road and turned her gaze to the other guys. As proof, many cite photos from social networks. Instagram networks in the profile of a boy (danieldobro) and a girl (kristydobro). Yes, you can see strangers fresh photos on instagram. official reason, as you might think, is precisely the betrayal of Dani.

There is also a parallel version. As never before, assumptions began to circulate on the Internet, which says that these guys are brother and sister. Whether this is true or not is difficult to understand, because neither mom or dad, nor the guys themselves gave specific tips or evidence. New and old YouTube videos also don't mention anything.

In addition to these theories, the following option is also being considered: Christy is pregnant by Dani. There are no photos confirming that the couple has a child - no. Although the guys are old enough to do this, whether they have children is not easy to say.

The information that Danya and Christy ended their relationship is true. One can only hope that they can find happiness in the face of new chosen ones.

Social network


Thanks to those who understood and heard me! Let's leave the problem of physiology, morality, morality, etc., for a moment. TO FASHION, and if someone is interested in the moral component, I can help and find a connection with the parents of these children - tell them how you were brought up, what is possible, what is not !!!

I don’t understand something at all ... Here they were shown on TV in an advertisement, like they don’t have a Childhood ... And by chance I saw pictures with these faces on the Internet. Interested, like many, what they are known for, and did not find any information at all))) In principle, it makes no difference to me, but, damn it, it's interesting. Children everywhere kiss, he slaps her on the pope, etc. For many, the question still remains who are Danya and Christie and what is their biography.

How old are Christy and Dana? It turns out that Christie is 13 years old, Dana is 14 years old. They study at the same school. Kristina's surname is Shemetova, Danila's surname is unknown. Their parents are provided (even rich) on background photographs are constantly flashing yachts, resort beaches, luxury cars, etc. burning question about kinship has a simple answer: Danil and Christina are half-brother and sister. Kristina is fed up with rumors and on her official page VKontakte she wrote "Yes, we are brother and sister."

Who are Christina and Danya Good-natured?

Christina and Daniel, like any other modern children who have access to the Internet, showed their feelings not only in reality, but also virtually. Tender and sincere photos and videos immediately won millions of hearts! About style: they are popular as a couple and try to look harmonious accordingly. And therefore, probably, they have not yet found themselves and their zest to look like a couple is poorly implemented ... It is noteworthy that such couples do not appear on their own, but with the active support and assistance of adults.

Love for all ages…

And if you remember about the times of Romeo and Juliet and the early ones, then at 16 there was already a risk of remaining an old maid, the foundations of society, strictly patriarchal, of course, contributed to this. Roma Acorn, and this couple ... This is definitely unnatural and not sincere ...

As a teenager, I know. I'm 14 and I already go to discos. But you know, kids go there and younger from class 5 or even less. It's a pity kid. In any case, it's better than smoking and drinking in the hallways. And god forbid drugs. I'm not saying that this is unequivocally correct - but it is a fact and it is worth realizing that guys at this age rebel and do not perceive themselves as children, trying their best to prove that they are already adults.

The same Justin and Selena (whom I personally repeatedly remembered while looking through this publication) at least have long been singing-removed. They aren't small anymore, but they aren't adults either. 14 I remember falling in love with boys, all sorts of text messages, dates, but everything was sincere and pure like a child! Even kisses, but timid children.

At this age, relationships are different, more reverent and “embarrassed”… And they want to tell the whole world about it. Perhaps tomorrow, they will begin other relationships, but today, now they are children, just children who, like us in childhood, play adulthood ...

In most of the photos, the children look under the age of 14, and are very reminiscent of brother and sister. Without the participation of their parents, they clearly would not have been able to “look appropriate” and lead all this publicized ostentatious life. In general, of course, everyone goes crazy in their own way, for me it’s somehow too much.

At the age of 14-15, modern youth no longer kisses and walks by the hand, I think it’s not difficult to guess. I was waiting! I confess that I personally have mixed feelings for this couple, like nothing forbidden, but at the same time somehow unnatural for their age. More than half discussed the relationship and rated it based on personal opinion specifically about RELATIONSHIPS, but not about my work - I'm already used to it.

This is their highlight. Somehow it all looks too sweet and staged. So far, only kisses and hugs in a relationship are not pedophilia. That's how they meet ... There is nothing in the article about physiology, but somewhere from the age of 11-14, girls begin to be interested in boys and vice versa.

    In my personal opinion, these are guys (teenagers) who are well promoted, most likely they are preparing new stars for TV shows, show hosts, and possibly pop artists.

    Most likely their parents or relatives are very directly related to show business.

    They say that they are half-brother and sister (not relatives), but in public they appear as a couple in love, maintaining their pages, adding photos and videos, which their subscribers follow - such a reality show.

    Kristina and Daniil Dobrodushyn- a star couple among the youth of show business. Rich parents turned up PR for a young couple and actively help them participate in interesting children's, music shows, programs and filming of TV shows with the participation of famous hosts and actors, for example, Voronina's series. According to official sources Christina and Daniel are not relatives but only stepbrother and sister. Their dates of birth differ by 1 year: Christina was born on January 21, 1998, and Daniil on December 25, 1997. Both are native Muscovites. Real surname Christina - Shemetova.

    Official page:

    • VC. Christina Good-natured: vk.com/id16971887
    • VC. Daniel Good-natured: vk.com/id27599714

    A PHOTO: Saturated with interviews, filming and entertainment celebrity life

    Kristina and Danya have the same surname Good-natured and live in Moscow, but they are not brother and sister or husband and wife - this is a very young, pretty couple who, for some reason, decided to put on public display, on Internet sites, their cloudless relations.

    How strong the feelings of these teenagers in love, time and life will show.

    Kristina and Daniel Good-natured are one of the most popular couples in love on the Internet. They are half brother and sister. They are 15 years old and have been dating for 2 years. On their pages on social networks, they post a lot of photos and write about their feelings.

    These are two teenagers who have been together for two years and they tell everyone and everywhere about their couple.

    The network has a huge number of videos where Christina and Danya are together and a huge number of photos. This couple has an incredible number of fans, but no less rumors.

    Daniil and Christina are one of the most famous and popular couples in love on the VKontakte social network. On the this moment they are 15 years old, they started dating when they were 13 years old.

    Many believe that they are brother and sister, and their love is a common PR move, with the aim of a good promotion!!!

    Kristina Good-natured and Daniil Good-natured are typical representatives of the promoted youth, for whom their parents made their way into life.

    At the moment, they are actively involved in a wide variety of filming: they host a variety of shows and projects.

    However, they are not related.

    It's two real person, however, with a fictitious surname, they say, and Christina is actually Anna. In fact, this is an Internet project, once promoted. From the age of 12 and 13, the couple showed their tender relationship ... But rather modest - they are still almost children ... Now they write that the project is closed, the couple broke up ...

    Kristina Good-natured and Daniil Good-natured are relatives to each other, they are half-brother and sister who are actively promoted.

    Moreover, Christina herself made a statement about kinship on her page in social network. So, Daniel was born in 1997 on the 25th of December in Moscow. But Christina was born in 1998 on January 21st.

    The parents of these young people are quite rich people, this can be seen from the photographs in which you can see both yachts and luxurious views.

    Kristina and Daniil participate in different shows, even appear in episodes in TV shows, for example, in the Voronins.

    I think many people know the story of the bright love of Christina and Dani.

    But there are two theories on this subject.

    Some argue that this is nothing more than a planned and carefully acted out story, but in fact they are brother and sister. Massive interest in them has generated attention from the media and is a good springboard for development.

    Others, on the contrary, sincerely believe in their feelings and believe that they are not relatives.

Thanks to those who understood and heard me! Let's leave the problem of physiology, morality, morality, etc., for a moment. TO FASHION, and if someone is interested in the moral component, I can help and find a connection with the parents of these children - tell them how you were brought up, what is possible, what is not !!!

Hello everyone who reads this, I’ll tell you) I love Danya and Christie and who will offend them, I’ll break your head……………………. Yes, maybe they love each other, etc., but to promote themselves and for such girls of 9-12 years old to envy this “love”, well, you see, it’s ridiculous. We plan to continue to release films on topics that are not talked about or about which they are blatantly lying. Everyone needs the truth like air.

Facts, documents, videos on the subject of the project and ideas for new releases. Hello everyone)) I recently found two persons in contact: Christina and Danil ... Many say that they are brother and sister, while others say that they are a guy with a girl.

God, you are completely crazy, this is not a brother and sister ... Who would want to deceive everyone for 10 years, they would not have a personal life, why destroy their lives for the sake of money? We only live once. You are just jealous of them, so look for FUNNY arguments. I don’t understand something at all ... Here they were shown on TV in an advertisement, like they don’t have a Childhood ... And by chance I saw pictures with these faces on the Internet.

Children everywhere kiss, he slaps her on the pope, etc. Everything that was said about Danil and Christina on the network is brought together here, frank rumors are thrown out, only what is similar to the truth is left.

Their parents are wealthy (even rich) yachts, resort beaches, luxury cars, etc. are constantly flashing in the background of photographs. The topical question of kinship has a simple answer: Danil and Christina are half-brother and sister. Kristina was fed up with rumors and on her official VKontakte page she wrote "Yes, we are brother and sister."

Publications on "baby.ru" and advice in the weekly baby development calendar should not be considered as medical recommendations for pregnancy management, diagnosis and treatment. Christina and Daniel, like any other modern children who have access to the Internet, showed their feelings not only in reality, but also virtually.

Christy and Danya...Love or PR?

About style: they are popular as a couple and try to look harmonious accordingly. And therefore, probably, that they have not yet found themselves and their zest to look-like-a-couple is poorly implemented ...

It is noteworthy that such couples do not appear on their own, but with the active support and assistance of adults. In addition to the “wedding” photos, I was also very impressed by the glasses of champagne against the backdrop of the New Year tree. For me New Year and Christmas are the most beloved FAMILY holidays.

And if you remember about the times of Romeo and Juliet and the early ones, then at 16 there was already a risk of remaining an old maid, the foundations of society, strictly patriarchal, of course, contributed to this. They ripped it off from the West, just as they promoted Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, and the project began to bring in money, so ours decided, but let's have our own heroes in Russia ...

This is definitely unnatural and not sincere ... I myself know as a teenager. I'm 14 and I already go to discos. But you know, kids go there and younger from class 5 or even less. A wedding photo shoot is a total shock! Why is it for children? I understand school photos and stuff, but the wedding?! It's a pity kid. In any case, it's better than smoking and drinking in the hallways. And god forbid drugs. I'm not saying that this is unequivocally correct - but it is a fact and it is worth realizing that guys at this age rebel and do not perceive themselves as children, trying their best to prove that they are already adults.

The same Justin and Selena (whom I personally remembered more than once while looking through this publication) at least have been singing and filming for a long time. They aren't small anymore, but they aren't adults either. 14 I remember falling in love with boys, all sorts of text messages, dates, but everything was sincere and pure like a child! Even kisses, but timid children. And they want to tell the whole world about it. Perhaps tomorrow, they will begin other relationships, but today, now they are children, just children who, like us in childhood, play adulthood ...

This is their highlight. Somehow it all looks too sweet and staged. That's how they meet ... Well, in general, throw stones at me, but IMHO, at 14 it's too early to have such a relationship. At this age, the relationship is different, more reverent and "embarrassed" ... For many, the question still remains who are Danya and Christie and what is their biography. Roma Acorn, and this couple ...

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