How to set up CPU control for games. How to see the results of acceleration and changes in general

As you understand from the title, we will talk about how speed up the processor , or more precisely (simply some inexperienced users call system unit so ;)) computer and Windows.

That is, today I decided to update and supplement one of the old and incomplete articles on optimization, and not just update it, but by inserting part of the material from one of the lessons into it ;)

You can download it directly from my website, namely. No installation required, just unzip the program.

How to speed up your processor and computer using CPU Control settings

After launch we see something like this:

Where we immediately go to the “ tab Options” and check the boxes “ Autostart with Windows”, “Minimize”, language and check the box 4 kernels, if we actually have them 4 or we don’t put it if, in fact, there are two of them.

Setting up CPU Control to speed up your processor even more

    • Manual, i.e. when we set everything for each process ourselves, i.e. on which core/s it will be, what is called processed;
    • Auto, that is, when the program itself assigns distribution to cores in order to speed up our processor;
    • CPU1, that is, when priority is given to the first core;
    • CPU2, that is, when priority is given to the second core;
    • Etc.

The last two are not of interest to us, because the idea of ​​​​transferring the load somewhere to one place is not clear to me. After all, we are engaged in optimization, and not vice versa :). Therefore, we will work with the first two.

First, a few words about " Auto". This is a rather convenient mode when there is no particular desire to bother with fine tuning or there is not enough knowledge for this very setting. Therefore, you can choose this mode and one of 9 profiles for it, which, based on certain rules, distribute applications among cores.

This way you can get a good performance boost without any problems, especially if you spend some time choosing the right profile for your current system.

The second option, as already mentioned, is the mode "Manual". It is more complex because it requires a certain understanding of the concept of the system, applications, etc.

By switching to this mode, you can distribute processes yourself across cores or groups of cores. This is done by selecting one or more processes and then clicking the right mouse button. Here actually CPU and its number is the core number.

Those. if you want to speed up the processor and hang the process on 4 -th core, then choose CPU4, if on 1 -oh and 3 -thie, then CPU 1+3, etc. I think the idea is clear. Now let’s talk about how best to distribute.

Globally, it makes sense to separate processes into groups, and allocate all cores at once for a resource-intensive application. That is, for example, leave the firewall and antivirus in the care of 3+4 kernels, system small processes, as well as small programs, like ICQ , and other riffraff on the 1st, games-photoshop-other-heavy on 1+2+3+4 .

Or, as an option, try to hang everything on everything and see what happens.

How to see the results of acceleration and changes in general

You can monitor the load on the cores in the same way.

It is important to enable core load monitoring in it, which is done by clicking the “ View” - “Kernel time output" And "" - " According to schedule for each CPU”.

Ideally, do all this not in idle mode immediately after starting the computer, but in the loaded system mode, that is, with resource-intensive applications running, like games, photoshop, or whatever else is consuming your resources.

By the way, here on 4 -x cores even in automatic mode The increase in productivity is noticeable, but for some reason it’s not always possible to achieve power with two, even manually.

In general, there is a huge field for experimentation here, which I hope you will explore, because everyone has their own system, set of programs and so on. By the way, the field is a minefield, because you can easily achieve the opposite effect instead of optimization, but it’s interesting to dig deeper :).

Try using different profiles in auto mode or manual settings to achieve maximum performance on your computer.


In a nutshell, something like this. Someone, of course, will say that you shouldn’t bother with all this for the sake of some percentage increase and smoothness of work - your right.

I love tinkering with the system and bringing its speed, convenience and all that stuff to new heights, even if not always great And x, but then b O more, that is, speed up the processor at least somehow.

Let's see what happens for you. In general, I recommend at least trying it.

Clock frequency is the number of oscillations that occur in one second. The number of synchronizing cycles, if we talk about a personal computer, is operations (instructions program code) that the processor executes during this period of time. From clock frequency The performance of the PC directly depends and it can be overclocked by increasing the number of oscillations.

« Hertz" - this is the name of the unit with which frequency is measured. This unit of measurement was developed by Heinrich R. Hertz. At the end of the 19th century, a physicist conducted a special experiment that proved the wave nature of light. According to Hertz's theory, light is nothing more than electromagnetic wave, propagated by special waves. And the longer electromagnetic radiation(wave), the brighter the light we see. The color of light directly depends on the wavelength.

There are two types of clock frequency - external and internal. The board, processor, and RAM exchange information (data), and the external frequency is responsible for this. But it depends on the internal one how quickly and correctly the processor itself will work.

If you overclock the processor, all programs (operations) will run much faster than if this is not done. Overclocking is used when the user is no longer satisfied with the performance of his computer and wants to increase standard number synchronizing cycles. What does this procedure give to the user? The opportunity not to spend money on new processor and continue working with the old one, which after overclocking can still last longer time. Your computer will become more productive without replacing hardware, and that’s a fact.

Once you overclock your processor, you will encounter some problems, quite significant ones. After completing the procedure, your personal computer will begin to consume more electricity, in some cases the increase is very noticeable. Overclocked processors suffer from increased heat dissipation. And most importantly, devices break down faster, because they have to work in extraordinary mode. As the processor is overclocked, the number of oscillations (clock frequency) also increases. random access memory, therefore, it can also quickly fail.

What should you do before overclocking?

Overclocking reserve is the maximum clock frequency. If this maximum is exceeded, the device will fail. Almost all processors are overclocked without consequences up to 17% higher than the original data. And there are devices that can be overclocked for even less. Intel has a special series of processors that have an unlocked multiplier (it is possible to change it in the BIOS). These devices are the ones that overclock best.

Maximum clock speed is bad. On the one hand, a personal computer increases its performance significantly, and on the other hand, when the processor heats up to its maximum permissible value, it reduces the temperature by skipping oscillations (cycle). Therefore, if you want to overclock the device to the maximum, then you must take care of a good cooling system. Without cooling, you will not get the maximum percentage by which you overclocked the processor. It will decrease due to the fact that it will skip cycles, trying to lower the temperature. Also, do not forget that electricity consumption also increases. In order for an overclocked processor to work efficiently, you need to install new block nutrition.

Before overclocking your processor, follow these three steps:

  1. The computer's BIOS must be updated to the latest version.
  2. You should know how the processor cooling system works: whether it is installed securely and whether there are any malfunctions.
  3. Determine the processor clock frequency and its initial value by looking in the BIOS, or using special programs.
You can use, for example, RMClock Utility or . With these free utilities you can conduct benchmark tests and measure the maximum clock speed of the device. Both programs are free and can be downloaded from official websites.

Also, check how your processor performs under extreme load. To carry out tests, you can use the program. This free, easy-to-use but functional utility will check the stability of your device and display the results on the screen.

Only after this you can start overclocking the processor. Below we will look at three programs that can be used to do this safely.

Review of programs for overclocking Intel processors


Using the first program is very simple, and even inexperienced users can master it. True, the developers do not recommend it to beginners in order to avoid critical errors. This utility will very quickly and easily overclock CPU without rebooting the system. One slider movement specialized utility and everything is ready.

With this specialized program You can overclock any processor model, but only if the motherboard is suitable. Not all models are supported by it. And when overclocking the processor, the motherboard has great importance. After all, during the procedure, the system clock frequency also increases. And this leads to an impact on the clock generator, which is located on the motherboard.

Before using this utility, go to the official page and check if it is in the list of allowed motherboards model for your personal computer. The advantages of this program include its light weight (only about 300 kb), ease of learning and management, high operating efficiency, and regular updates.

Recommendation! The developers of the program do not recommend using it for beginners who do not understand the dangers it may pose. And besides, an inexperienced user is unlikely to be able to independently find out what model of clock pulse generator is in his computer. It is specified manually.

Overclocking the processor using the SetFSB utility:
  • What model of clock generator is on the motherboard? Select it from the "Clock Generator" drop-down list.
  • Click "Get FSB". You will see two frequencies - the device itself and the system bus.
  • Move the slider carefully, constantly measuring the processor temperature. This can be done using a specialized utility.
  • When the slider position is optimal, click Set FSB.
The most interesting thing is that the settings are valid as long as the computer is running. The next time you start, you must set the frequency again. The developers recommend that experienced users run the program not independently, but from startup.


Another one effective program, allowing you to overclock all models Intel processors. The utility is not free and can be downloaded from the official developer page. The program is included in a specialized tool that allows you to overclock the processor and monitor its stability. If you couldn't use the first program, SetFSB, because it didn't support your motherboard, then this one might work. Since more motherboards are supported here.

In addition, it is more convenient here user interface: there is support for the Russian language. As for overclocking itself, these two programs work the same way: they increase the system clock frequency.

How to overclock a processor using CPUFSB:

  • Find your motherboard model in the drop-down list.
  • Find the PLL chip model in the drop-down list.
  • Click on “Take frequency”. You will see the initial frequency of the device and system bus.
  • The frequency increases in the same way: with careful movements until the required level is reached. Do not forget to monitor the processor temperature using a special program. As soon as they are installed required values, click “Set frequency”.
Settings similar to the first program are valid only for the duration of operation. Turning off the computer cancels all configured settings.


The program also allows you to quickly and easily overclock the processor, has a simple user interface and is easy to learn, although English language. The only negative is that it is no longer supported by the developer, and therefore it is not clear whether you will be able to use it. The utility can be downloaded on the official page for free. With this program you will overclock a processor with any model of motherboard and clock generator.

This program is also intended only for experienced users who understand motherboard models and clock generators.

How to overclock a processor using SoftFSB:
  • Find your clock generator and motherboard model.
  • Find out which one this moment bus and processor frequency.
  • Gently move the slider until you find the desired frequency. At the same time, do not forget, as in similar programs, to monitor the processor temperature.
  • When the optimal number of clock cycles is selected, click on “SET FSB”.
This is how three work universal utilities. If you are afraid to use them, download programs from motherboard manufacturers. They are safe to use and suitable for inexperienced users who are afraid of harming the computer with their actions.

These utilities, which you met above, can be used for both personal and laptop computers. But when overclocking the processor to laptop computers You should be as careful as possible so as not to harm or damage the processor. The system clock speed should not be increased to the maximum value.

Hello dear blog readers. Nowadays, probably every second person has quad-core processors. Of course, if earlier two cores were good, today 4 cores in the system are generally excellent.

But the more cores in the processor, the worse its work with the tasks that we perform on the computer is organized, which means the optimization of the processor leaves much to be desired.

This is mainly due to the fact that not all programs are well designed for multi-core processors, that is, in some applications, programs and games, the main productive power of your processor may simply not be used and is in idle mode.

I think few people are happy with this state of affairs, especially when a demanding game or program slows down on a powerful quad-core processor.

Today we will talk about effective processor optimization using a simple but useful programCPU Control .

To optimize the processor viaCPU Control , we don’t have to overclock it as we did in the article -. By the way, I recommend reading it.

Download the programCPU Control ( ) and launch it. The program is very simple, free and in Russian.

After installation, you will see a shortcut, launch the program and see this window.

Let's start optimizing the processor withCPU Control . By default, the program is turned off. First, go to settings and select Russian language.

Next, select the second processor optimization itemCPU Control — manual .

To select a processor core for a specific task, click right click mouse over the process and select one of the processor cores.

Also, you can select several processes for one core or one process for several cores.

We configure the second (third and fourth) kernel for all other processes.

If a game or some application is slow or performance is clearly not enough.

Try to independently assign all processes except the one that is slowing down to the fourth or second core for processing. And let all the other processor cores take care of one of your tasks.

If you don’t want to dig around and understand the settings, you can simply select the modeauto and see productivity gains.

CPU optimization withCPU Control This is a vital manipulation for all multi-core computers, especially quad-core ones. Of course, after all, the performance increase due to processor optimization withCPU Control can reach one and a half times. On dual-core computers the increase will also be noticeable, but perhaps less than with 4 cores.

In the case of single-core processorsCPU Control will not be able to do anything, since the program is designed to optimize at least two processor cores.

Does your computer have a single-core processor? Then I recommend that you read this powerful article -. After completing 7 simple steps you will be able toCPU Control will make working on your computer more convenient and faster :)

Now you know how to optimize the processor withCPU Control and get a productivity boost for free, in no more than 5 minutes. By the way, to speed up your multi-core computer I recommend this one. This way you will make your computer work even faster. Also don't forget to subscribe to. This is the only way you can be the first to know about new articles on the blog. That's all for me. I wish you to smile more often and look at the world more positively 😉

If you notice that the performance of your processor has dropped significantly or it should be higher than what you have based on the characteristics of your computer, then the problem may lie in uneven load on the processor cores. For example, older programs may only see two cores and ignore the other two in quad-core processors. There are few such utilities, but they still exist. Also, even new games and programs can erroneously distribute the load between cores. Most often, the third and fourth cores are left with virtually no load, while the first and second are overloaded. This article will take a detailed look at setting up the Cpu Control utility, created specifically to stabilize processor performance.

To get started, download the program from the official website of the developer at the link: If you have other sources, then use them at your discretion. Open the archive after checking it for viruses if you downloaded the program from third-party resources.

Run the file with the extension .exe

Once the installation begins, follow the installation program instructions. In this window, click “Next”.

After that, accept the terms license agreement by checking the box next to the words “I accept the agreement” and clicking on the “Next” field.

Select the program installation directory by clicking on the “Browse...” button and clicking on the desired folder or leave this field unchanged.

The next steps will be to select a name for the location folder and agree to launch the program immediately after installation. Check the boxes in the way that is most convenient for you.

Open CPU program Control. It has two main work areas. On the right is the area for creating profiles and selecting the operating mode of the utility. There is a window on the left manual settings.

First, decide on the mode of the Cpu Control program. There are five of them in total:
  • Automatic mode involves configuring optimization by the program itself. This is an extremely undesirable point, since many applications and games on your computer are already automatically distributed across the processor cores.
  • Manual or manual mode will be used in this article, it allows you to configure each application or program separately for a particular kernel.
  • CPU 1 transfers all processes to the first core only.
  • CPU 2 – for the second.
  • Off is the point to disable the program.

Select manual operating mode. After that, click on the right bottom button"Options".

Select Russian program language if you require it.

Configure basic settings. Whether or not to check the box next to “Autorun with Windows” is a personal matter for each user, since this add-on will open the Cpu Control program every time you turn on your computer.
Check the box next to the word “minimize”.
Leave the update frequency at 1.
If your processor is quad-core, then check the “4 cores” box at the bottom.

Now configure programs and games. In the list on the left, find an application, program or game that requires high performance of your processor. Right-click on it. You will see a list pop up, look at what each item in it means:

The first four items CPU 1, CPU 2, CPU 3, CPU 4 are needed to select only one core in the processor. By choosing one of these options, you transfer the entire load of the game or application to only one core, which will not have a positive effect on the performance of the computer. These points are only effective with small applications.

Lines CPU 1+2 and CPU 3+4 distribute the load evenly between the two processor cores.

For high-quality manual configuration, you need the “All CPU” item. Click on it.

will appear new list and, it would seem, the same lines in it take on new meanings:
  • 1 CPU allows you to select the load on only one processor core;
  • accordingly, 2 CPU opens all combinations of two processor cores that will be used in the work;
  • 3 CPU will allow you to choose a combination of three cores to distribute the load of this application between them;
  • 4 CPU uses all four cores evenly.

You need exactly the fourth point, since the application load must be distributed evenly among all cores. This paragraph has only one subparagraph “1+2+3+4”. If you don't have time for detailed setup, then select the “4 CPU” item and the “1+2+3+4” sub-item on all programs with high performance.

Processor frequency and performance may be higher than specified in standard specifications. Also, over time the system is used, the performance of all main PC components (RAM, CPU, etc.) may gradually decrease. To avoid this, you need to regularly “optimize” your computer.

It is necessary to understand that all manipulations with the central processor (especially overclocking) should be carried out only if you are convinced that it will be able to “survive” them. This may require you to perform system testing.

All manipulations to improve the quality of CPU operation can be divided into two groups:

  • Optimization. The main emphasis is on the proper distribution of already available core and system resources in order to achieve maximum performance. It is difficult to cause serious damage to the CPU during optimization, but the performance gain is usually not very high.
  • Overclocking Manipulation directly with the processor itself through special software or BIOS to increase its clock frequency. The performance gain in this case is quite noticeable, but the risk of damaging the processor and other computer components during unsuccessful overclocking also increases.

Finding out if the processor is suitable for overclocking

Before overclocking, be sure to review the characteristics of your processor using a special program (for example). The latter is shareware, with its help you can find out detailed information about all the components of the computer, and paid version even carry out some manipulations with them. Instructions for use:

Method 1: Optimization using CPU Control

To safely optimize your processor, you will need to download CPU Control. This program has a simple interface for ordinary users PC, supports Russian language and is distributed free of charge. The essence this method consists in evenly distributing the load on the processor cores, because on modern multi-core processors, some cores may not participate in the work, resulting in a loss of performance.

Instructions for using this program:

Method 2: Overclocking with ClockGen

- This free program, suitable for accelerating processors of any brand and series (with the exception of some Intel processors, where overclocking is not possible on its own). Before overclocking, make sure that all CPU temperatures are normal. How to use ClockGen:

Method 3: Overclocking the CPU in BIOS

Quite a complex and “dangerous” method, especially for inexperienced PC users. Before overclocking a processor, it is recommended to study its characteristics, first of all, the temperature when operating in normal mode (without heavy loads). To do this, use special utilities or programs (AIDA64 described above is quite suitable for these purposes).

If all parameters are normal, then you can start overclocking. Overclocking for each processor may be different, so below is presented universal instructions performing this operation through the BIOS:

Method 4: OS optimization

This is the most safe method increasing CPU performance by cleaning startup from unnecessary applications and disk defragmentation. Autoload is automatic switching on of a particular program/process when loading operating system. When too many processes and programs accumulate in this section, then when you turn on the OS and continue working in it, too much pressure may be exerted on the central processor. high load, which will disrupt performance.

Cleaning Startup

Applications can be added to startup automatically, or applications/processes can be added themselves. To avoid the second case, it is recommended to carefully read all the items that are ticked during the installation of this or that software. How to remove existing items from Startup:

Carrying out defragmentation

Disk defragmentation not only increases the speed of programs running on this disk, but also slightly optimizes the processor. This happens because the CPU processes less data because... During defragmentation, the logical structure of volumes is updated and optimized, and file processing is accelerated. Instructions for defragmentation:

Optimizing CPU performance is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. However, if the optimization did not produce any noticeable results, then in this case the central processor will need to be overclocked yourself. In some cases, overclocking does not have to be done through the BIOS. Sometimes the processor manufacturer can provide special program to increase the frequency of a particular model.