What does siri mean? Who is Siri? Best friend and personal assistant

Voice Siri assistant has already become a familiar part of our Everyday life. But few people wondered where this name came from. Sostav found out where the names Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant came from.

When developers come up with a name for digital assistant, they check several things. First, the name should be unique but simple so that users can easily remember it. Secondly, it should be easy to pronounce, but not merge with other words. That is, the name should stand out. And finally, the name should fit the company's brand.

Most voice assistants have common feature: they have women's voices. Many experts believe that women's voices sound more pleasant. However, some see this as an unpleasant hint: only a woman can be an assistant, this is her usual role. Be that as it may, everyone is already accustomed to the fact that digital assistants are usually female.

In 2010 Steve Jobs and Apple acquired a startup developing a digital assistant. Even then they were going to call the assistant “Siri”. However, Steve Jobs did not like the name proposed by the developers.

“When it came to the name, we wanted to come up with something that was easy to remember. Something short and easy to pronounce, but not a common name. We also needed to save money on registering the name,” explains Siri co-creator Adam Cheyer. Steve Jobs didn't like the name. But many considered it ideal.

Dig Kittlaus, one of the creators of Siri, said that the name means “a beautiful woman who leads you to victory.” Cheyer liked that it meant “secret” in Swahili. In addition, the name echoed the history of the company (SRI International began developing the service). Jobs kept the name only because the team couldn't come up with anything better.

When creating this assistant, Amazon was inspired by science fiction. The goal, according to a statement by Amazon's vice president, was to create a device that replicated the computer from the series " Star Trek" This famous computer could respond to any command.

However, the name Alexa did not come from a fantastic future, but from the ancient past. The name, says David Limp, a senior vice president at Amazon, is meant to evoke the great Library of Alexandria from Ancient Egypt.

“We had a bunch of names to choose from,” Limp said, adding that the name helps build a personality for the formless artificial intelligence.

Since Alexa is a fairly common name in some countries, some problems may arise. People may accidentally call voice assistant, and not each other. So Amazon came up with two more teams: Amazon and Echo.

Google Assistant

At first glance, the name of this assistant seems unoriginal and simple, but this is part of Google's global strategy. Google's goal is to promote its own brand, the entire package of services and technologies, and not just one assistant. The company prefers to present the voice assistant not as a separate product with its own personality, but as an extension of the search engine.

Apple's voice assistant, which is found in almost every iPhone and iPad, is bored without attention in Russia. Without knowing the Russian language, Siri, with all the breadth of its capabilities, is not of much interest to our compatriots. We expect that soon the virtual personality will learn the great and mighty. In this case, you need to get acquainted with its capabilities in advance. Colleagues from Business Insider have selected the most impressive and interesting features voice assistant that you will definitely want to try.

Siri works with . If you now tell your assistant “Wolfram planes overhead”, you can see the flights that are in the sky above you in this moment.

Siri can easily tell you how many calories are in the food you eat, all you have to do is ask.

Register on the site and want to come up with secure password? Siri will do this for you by asking “Wolfram, password.”

Give yourself a funny nickname and tell Siri it. Just say that you should now be called “mighty lord”, and communicating with the voice assistant will become noticeably more fun.

Do you know Morse code? Siri can teach you any word.

Siri will happily read you the latest incoming message and will answer for you. Time to forget about the keyboard.

Siri mispronouncing your name? Feel free to point out the mistake to her. The voice assistant will happily learn and improve.

Have you sat down at a card table and discovered that you don’t have enough knowledge to play? Siri has all the necessary knowledge.

Adding a new reminder is as easy as asking someone to remind you. Ask Siri, she definitely won't forget.

Are you driving and don’t want to search for the track you need on your smartphone yourself? Siri will find it for you and start playing.

If the search for the desired icon is on home screen device is not such a simple task, ask Siri to open the application for you. This does not work with all applications, but, for example, it will do a great job with searching for “Settings”.

Sometimes Siri misunderstands you. Especially when you have to speak a language that is not your native one. You shouldn’t try to repeat the entire phrase, just simply edit what you recognize with a simple tap voice assistant.

Finished talking to Siri and can't close the dialog box with a keystroke? Just say goodbye to Siri.

Based on materials from Business Insider

Many users have personally encountered Siri and know very well what it is. But among users Apple technology, in particular iPhone, there are many users who do not yet know the meaning this term. We'll tell you what Siri is.

Siri is personal assistant and the question-answer system that takes place in the iOS operating system, which powers devices such as the iPhone or iPad. The application uses human speech processing and makes recommendations, answers user questions, and performs specified operations. Interestingly, Siri has the ability to adapt to each user, learning his preferences, as a result of which the answers to the same questions will be different for several users.

What the Siri interface looks like:

Not all users who already use the Siri application know that the name Siri was not invented just like that. This is actually an acronym for the phrase Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, which can be roughly translated as “Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface.”

If today Siri is an integral part of iOS, then at the stage of its appearance Siri app was available in App Store, and on behalf of Siri Inc. Yes, yes, as you might have guessed, Apple simply bought this company, as a result of which Siri became a component of iOS.

The company's first smartphone to integrate the Siri interface was the iPhone 4:

Almost with every new update operating system iOS innovations are being added to the Siri interface.

Siri Language Support

Initially, English, German, French and Japanese were supported.

Of course, we are most interested in the Russian language. And it appeared starting with iOS 8.3.

In total, at the time of writing, Siri supports more than 20 languages.

What is the Siri app for?

Siri can do a lot. So, if you have nothing better to do, you can ask the assistant tricky questions and often get very funny answers.

However, the application was created primarily to help the user. So, Siri can also:

  • Search for information on the Internet.
  • Enable some features, such as Bluetooth.
  • Calculate and convert various quantities.
  • Read SMS messages out loud.
  • Interact with other gadgets. For example, if you have smart House, you can say “Siri, turn off the room light” and it will turn off.
  • Set an alarm.
  • Set reminders.
  • Report the weather forecast.
  • To turn on the music.
  • Get directions.

Of course, this is only a small part of what Siri can do. But, as you can see, the application can do a lot.

IN Lately Smartphones have begun to increasingly enter our lives, becoming the main attribute. WITH portable devices Today's generation spends all their time working, playing or studying. Thanks to the telephone, customers are constantly in touch not only mobile network, but also social. It's about about VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook and so on. I would like to note that smartphones are integral assistants. They allow you to properly manage your day, set goals, and achieve them. Also, thanks to phones you can control own behavior. Of course, not without the help of applications.

One of the well-known tools for “communicating” with a smartphone is Siri. This article will talk about how the assistant works, is activated, and so on, and we will also talk in detail about what Siri is.

Siri technology

To begin with, it must be said that the technology on which Siri works was created by a huge group of developers. If you trust sources on the Internet, then 40 years ago scientists were working on creating artificial intelligence. As a result, something has appeared that is capable of analyzing and responding to all the information given by a person. Siri is a question and answer system. This is a development that is completely built on all such achievements of scientists. Thanks to the fact that Apple decided to use similar technologies as a complement to products, the era of artificial intelligence began. Thanks to the enormous efforts and work of scientists, people can now use Siri. Read more about what it is and how it works.

Siri on iPhone

From the iPhone 4S up to the sixth generation inclusive, Siri was introduced as separate application. If desired, the program could be deleted or, conversely, downloaded to your device. The main condition is that the smartphone works in the operating room iOS system. The utility was launched by simply clicking on the icon. Now Siri has become basic program. Even if the user does not yet know what exists special store With official applications for iPhones, immediately after purchase he can start using the data artificial intelligence. What is Siri and how does it work?

Siri has received the principle of speech requests, from which it selects commands for itself and carries them out. Thanks to the company's work, the utility is able to recognize large language pack. At the moment, Siri has 20 variations. In the territory Russian Federation the program is available in Russian. There is also a voice processing function.

Siri features

A person who has not yet worked with Siri, of course, thinks not only about what Siri is, but also what functions the application performs. Why is it needed, how can it help when “communicating” with the gadget. The answer is as banal and simple as possible. The utility must correctly and correctly recognize all user commands. The response is quite fast, errors are excluded. This is the main function of the utility. If we talk about more specific tasks, then, in fact, Siri is capable of executing any command that is subject to the smartphone itself. You can ask the utility to call or send a message, for example, and wait a bit until the request is completed. You can also perform application voice processing.

Features of the program

Of course, there are no technologies that would ideally understand a person’s voice and everything he says. Siri is an attempt to create a means of communication between the smartphone and the consumer. However, it also has its drawbacks. That is why you should know exactly all the features of the program and how to use it. Siri cannot be installed on Android, but there are analogues.

All requests must be as clear as possible. For example, they will be executed following commands: “Call dad”, “Open mail” and so on. All requests must be formed accurately and not in any form. This is only permitted for in English, since this package is recognized best. We should not forget about the manner of pronunciation and clarity. All phrases must be said as correctly and clearly as possible. It is these factors that determine the extent to which the request will be understood. It should also be taken into account that if the command is given in a noisy place, then most likely Siri will not understand it.

Available languages

A rather pressing question is what languages ​​are available in the program. There are many of them: Russian, English, Swedish, German, many Asian and so on. What does this give? If a language pack is installed in Siri, then you can communicate and make requests in it. In any case, the program will understand the commands. However, there is one peculiarity. Not all of the languages ​​listed are available in the operating system, which means that Siri will not function in them. If iOS versions above 8.3, then a similar problem may not arise, since this modification software half of the languages ​​described above were added.

How to work with Siri?

Another pressing question that interests many. How to work with Siri? There are two ways to enable the program. If it is preinstalled and comes immediately upon purchase, then you don’t need to do anything special. The program will launch when you long press the "Home" button. If you don’t want to use the assistant or don’t like that the key is responsible for turning it on, then you can disable the option in the settings.

The second option is that Siri is not installed on the phone. Then you will have to install the utility yourself. To do this you should go to official store"apple" and download the desired program. After installation, you can access Siri directly from your desktop. It will work like normal application. The program does not require activation or registration. This development is as clear and simple as possible. The interface is simple and understandable, anyone can use such an assistant. Let us remind you that Siri does not exist on Android.

How to use?

Using Siri is even easier than downloading it yourself. You should go to the application. There the user will notice a sound recording line. A similar panel is also available in the voice recorder. In addition, the program launch is equipped soundtrack, after which the phrase “Hi, can I help you with something?” is said in a pleasant voice. The owner of the device says what he needs.

An example of such a request would be the phrase: “Siri, show me the free parking lots nearby.” Once the speech is recorded, another signal will sound. After it, Siri will display the results of the command on the screen.

“Siri can’t hear my voice, what should I do?”

Sometimes it happens that Siri does not recognize the voice or does not hear it at all. If you don't want to take your phone to service center and pay money, then you can try to find out the reason yourself and figure out its solution.

You should immediately check the functionality of the operating system. Very often, after flashing or updating, Siri does not want to listen to the owner’s requests. This is usually cured with a hard reboot, but, unfortunately, not in 100% of cases. If it doesn’t help, then you should go to the settings and try to play around there: turn on/off the assistant, allow access to the microphone, and so on.

Another common problem is a broken microphone. To check this, you can connect a headset. If the assistant responds through it, then the problem is probably in the phone. If you don’t have headphones, you can go to any program where you can perform voice input. Again, if it does not work in other utilities, then the problem is in the microphone. In this case, you should take your phone to a service center. They will help you solve the problem. If the smartphone is still under warranty, they will do it for free.

Now anyone can answer the question “What is Siri?” The program is clear and convenient.

Siri is an important and integral part of iOS, available for use on almost all devices Apple(iPad, including all models from the third generation, iPad mini, iPhone from 4S and above, Apple Watch and iPod 5g). Previously, Siri was introduced as an iOS application from the company of the same name. Apple later acquired Siri Inc, and this application was integrated into its products as a native question-and-answer system.

What is Siri

Apple positions Siri as a personal intelligent assistant that performs various actions in response to your requests. With Siri, you can use voice commands to send messages, dial telephone numbers, planning events and meetings.

By the same token, Siri is not a simple software product. Communication does not require memorizing different keywords or phrases like in others, similar systems. Siri can recognize natural human speech quite easily. Perhaps the communication style of Russian Siri is less laconic than English - but this is a matter of time.

How to start using Siri

Before starting our experiments, you must be sure that the corresponding function is enabled in your settings and that the device is connected to the Internet.

So, go to “Settings” -> “General” -> “Siri” and see what we have there and how. If the swipe is inactive, then move it to the right and thereby turn on Siri. Here you can activate the ability to call the assistant using the phrase “Hello Siri”, make sure that the Russian language for communication is set and set your data so that Siri can contact you by name.

Now that everything is set up, we can continue. We became familiar with the first way to call the assistant (the phrase “Hello Siri”) when we went to Settings. There is also a second one standard way, - for an alternative call to Siri, hold down the Home button until after several sound signals, the question “How can I help?” will not appear on the screen of your device.

When you speak, animated audio waves on the screen will let you know that Siri's question-and-answer system is hearing and processing your voice. In order to say the next line in an ongoing dialogue, wait for an answer, and then click on the microphone icon.

In addition, it is worth noting that to communicate with Siri you can use Bluetooth headset or ordinary headphones. When using headphones with a microphone or remote control, hold the center button; when using a headset, hold the call button for a few seconds.

Siri can also be used in the car. If your car has the “Without Looking” mode, you can use the program using the button for voice commands on the steering wheel.

Rules for communicating with Siri

The main rule is clear speech, do not forget to help Siri recognize it correctly if your communication takes place in a place with a high level of background noise. To do this, make clear pauses between words, and at the end of the remark, click on the radio wave icon. This way communication will be clearer, faster and more productive.

— Does intonation play a role when pronouncing voice commands?

No! Intonation plays absolutely no role. When communicating with Siri, you can use your natural speech pattern. Only if you dictate the text for a note or message, indicate punctuation marks. When you dictate the phrase “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today,” you should say “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today, comma.”

— Are they required? presets or training to get Siri to work on the device?

No, none additional settings is not required on the user's part. The longer you use the program, the more it remembers information about you, and the better it recognizes your voice. This happens because Siri remembers the features of your voice and determines its accent.

In its work, Siri uses information from your calendars, contacts list, reminders and media library. Such a wide range of possible information helps to accurately answer questions. a large number of questions related to playing music, creating appointments, reminders and calls. If you want to clear Siri’s so-called “memory” of you and your voice, you need to turn it off and turn it on again.

Your iOS device initially uses standard voice. After the first connection to a network source, a more natural voiceover is automatically downloaded and installed.

The main features of Russian Siri

Russian Siri will help you make a call, find an establishment, create an appointment or reminder, find something on the Internet, identify a song.

In order to find out more possibilities, just ask - “What can you do for me, Siri?” After this, the screen will appear detailed examples possible requests.

— What programs does Russian Siri work with after iOS updates 8.3?

Thanks to its capabilities, Siri easily determines which program should be used when processing a request. Such programs include: Phone, Calendar, Messages, Weather, Alarms, Music, Twitter, Search on Wikipedia or the Internet, World Clock, Movies, Maps, WolframAlfa, Local Search and many others.

— How does Siri remember information about me?

The quality of the program improves as a result of storing data. To make sure Siri is on your iOS devices It doesn’t really remember the data, you just need to go to Settings and click My data.

Storing data is quite easy. Once you ask Siri to dial your sister’s number, she will already be aware of one of your loved ones. By asking her for directions on the best way to get home, or what restaurants are near your work, the program will already remember where you live and what company you work for. Further, in her answers to the questions posed, she will use existing data about you and your family.

— What languages ​​does Siri support?

Siri can answer questions posed in English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin, Italian, Cantonese, and Russian (since iOS 8 update). The language can be selected regardless of the country in which you are currently located.

Features of the program

Russian Siri was a very long-awaited new product for iOS users devices. After the release of iOS 8.3 beta 2, this built-in program attracted a lot of attention.

Knowing some of the nuances, you can quickly make your work easier with this built-in assistant. The application allows you to assign appropriate names to names. Having once said “My sister is Ira,” Siri will process and save this information, and after the request, “Call my sister,” Siri will dial Ira’s number.

Example requests

Contact book

  • Call your sister.
  • What is Igor's number?
  • Which email address at the boss's.

Phone calls

  • Call Katya at Home.
  • Call Katya on Mobile.
  • Show your call history.
  • How many missed calls do I have?
  • Who did I call last?
  • Who left me a message on my answering machine?

Text messages

  • Tell Denis: “Sorry, I’ll be late.”
  • Read all new messages.
  • Read last message from Andrey.
  • Write to the first person in my contact book: “Hello!”


  • Upload a photo to Instagram.
  • Turn on the camera.
  • Launch the Application Name application.


  • Make appointments for 9am today.
  • When is my meeting?
  • Cancel the meeting with Yegor.
  • Schedule a business lunch for Monday at 1:00 p.m.

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