What does page footnotes mean? How to make a footnote in Word - Best options

A footnote is a number above a word that needs clarification. IN Word program it is divided into two parts. The first is the actual number above the word itself. The second is a number at the bottom of the page with a precise or brief explanation of the word.

Footnotes are often made in term papers, dissertations, scientific reports, and abstracts; they are often found in books of various genres. Therefore, in order to make a footnote in Word, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations.

How to make a classic footnote in Word 2007-2013?

To footnote a word at the end of a page, follow these steps:

  • Opens a document. We find a word or sentence that needs clarification. Place the cursor behind the word and go to the “Links” tab. Select "Insert footnote".
  • The program will automatically take you to the end of the page, where there will already be a number and a place for explanation.

  • Let's add an explanation.

  • We make the following footnotes in the same way.

How do I make a footnote and place the transcript at the end of the document?

There are times when the transcript for a word needs to be placed not at the end of the page, but at the end of the entire document. To do this we do the following:

  • Place the cursor behind the word that needs clarification and select “References”, “Insert endnote”.

  • The footnote space will appear at the end of the entire document, not the page.

How to make page footnotes?

If you want footnotes to be placed on each page, that is, page by page, follow these steps:

  • Highlight the footnote. Go to the “Links” tab, click on the arrow to get to the parameters.

  • Set the type of footnotes. We indicate “For each section” or set the page.

When we create another document in Microsoft word, we sometimes need to show where we got the written material from or make a small explanation of the written material. In order to do this, Word has an excellent tool - snoke. Making a footnote in Word is very simple, but for some reason not everyone uses it. In this article I will tell you how to quickly create a footnote in Word.

But first, a little theory. Before you start making a footnote in Word, be sure to decide what kind of footnote you need. If you would like to make a note at the bottom of the page where you are writing in this moment, then this is a regular footnote or a page footnote that is inserted at the end of the page. But, if you need to add a footnote to the end of the document (for example, when writing term papers, it is often necessary to add an explanation of the material being described to the very end of the document), then here you will need an endnote.

So, we have decided on the types of footnotes. Now let's look at how to make notes in word 2013, 2010 and 2007

How to make a regular page footnote in word

In order to make a regular footnote you need to go to the toolbar of your Microsoft editor Word ( Top Menu) and click on the “Links” tab. Did you click? Great, now you will see a little footnote submenu and it will say insert footnote and insert endnote in your word. You need a regular footnote, so move the mouse cursor after the word you want to insert a footnote to and click “Insert Footnote.”

If this is the first footnote on your page, then the number 1 will appear above the word to which you added a footnote, and at the bottom of the page you will need to write the text of the footnote.

How to make a footnote in Word

In order to make an endnote in Word, you need to again go to the footnote menu, which we have already been to, and click insert endnote. After clicking on the insert endnote button, you will be moved to the very end of the document and you will need to write the text of the footnote.

note that Microsoft program Word numbers regular footnotes with numbers 1,2, 3, and endnotes with small letters i (if you have one endnote, then i will be written at the end of the document, and if there are five endnotes, then iiiiii).

As you can see, making a footnote in Word is very simple. And, if you make a footnote at least once, you will never forget the algorithm of actions and will be able to make footnotes in any Word documents without any help.

Anyone who is studying in the last year of any educational institution, already has certain knowledge in various subjects, including computer science, and, perhaps, can easily create a document or type text. But only a few of the future graduates know how to make footnotes in Word and notes or format bibliographic references. Let's look into this.

In Word ?

Footnotes are divided into ordinary ones, which must be made on current page, and trailer, which are placed at the end of the document. In order to make a regular footnote, you need to go to the menu, find the word “Links”, click on it, and in the window that opens select the word “Footnotes”. Each of you will easily remember how to do it. It’s very simple! It should be noted that the cursor must be in the place where you want to place the footnote.

Endnotes are placed in the same way, only you will additionally have to click on “Insert endnote”.

How to properly format bibliographic references in course work, relegated to footnotes?

The rules were established by GOST 2008. It is still in effect today. In accordance with the State Standard, links are divided into interlinear, extra-text and intra-text.

EXAMPLE: (Melkina V.P., Kleykovina S.A., Petrashkova A.M. Information and ensuring its safety and protection: textbook. M., 2009).

EXAMPLE: , where 6 - serial number document that is included in the off-text references, and 13 is the page we refer to in document number 6.

EXAMPLE: Well-known lawyer A. Shilokhvost believes: “Agreements provided for in part two of the Code can be concluded on the basis of agreement of the parties.” 1


1 Economic law: textbook / under. ed.academic. F. F. Sokolenkova. M.: Yurist, 2006. - P. 40.

EXAMPLE: 1 Barentseva E.A., Kolesnikov G.I. Horticultural societies and partnerships. St. Petersburg, 2005. P. 20.

How to make notes in word?

In order to make a note in Word, you need to go to the menu, find the word “View”, click on it with the mouse, in the drop-down menu find the word “Page Layout” and also click on it. You need to place the cursor at the place where you want to insert a note by selecting the word “Insert” in the menu, and then “Note”. All that remains is to enter the text of the note itself and click on any part of the field.

If you want the notes not to be visible on print, in the “Print” window, select the word “Print”, click on it with the mouse, and then click on the word “Document”.

If you want to print the text along with the notes, select Show Notes.

I hope that now you know how to make footnotes and notes in Word, and you can also easily create bibliographic references. I wish you success and good luck in all your endeavors!

Footnotes or other references are necessary in cases where explanations are required for the material being presented that the author would not want to see in the text. The semantic load and readability of the page increases several times when using footnotes. It is enough just to indicate the number at the end of the phrase or word and give the necessary explanations at the bottom of the page. Doing this manually is inconvenient, but Word can perform this maneuver automatically. You will learn how to make footnotes (and, accordingly, how to remove them) right now.

Making footnotes in Word 2007

  • On the page with the text we find the word and phrase that need to be explained.
  • With the left mouse button, select the “Links” tab - “Insert footnote” (or top panel instruments).
  • A number appears at the bottom of the page, next to which you should enter the necessary comments.
  • We perform the same actions with the next word on the page; the link will have the appropriate numbering (that is, after 1 there will be 2, 3, etc.).

Making footnotes in Word 2003

  • In the “Insert” menu, select “Links” - “Footnotes”. We decide on the place of the future footnote - at the bottom of the page or under the text, the format (type) of the footnote.
  • Confirm “Insert”.
  • In the footnote that appears at the bottom of the page, enter information about it.

If a footnote still needs to be deleted, this is done as follows: the cursor is placed in front of the footnote sign and the “delete” key is pressed two (!) times. Or select the footnote icon and press “delete” once (!).

When making a footnote, remember that its comment must be reasoned and significant. You can supplement the footnote by indicating sources.
Conquer Word and see you again!

Footnotes in Microsoft Word are something like comments or notes that can be placed in a text document, either on any of its pages (regular footnotes) or at the very end (endnotes). Why is this necessary? First of all, for collaboration and/or checking assignments, or when writing a book, when the author or editor needs to provide an explanation of a particular word, term, phrase.

Imagine someone sent you a MS Word text document that you must view, check and, if necessary, change something. But what if you want the author of the document or some other person to change this “something”? What to do in cases when you just need to leave some note or explanation, for example, in scientific work or a book, without cluttering the contents of the entire document? This is exactly what footnotes are for, and in this article we will talk about how to insert footnotes in Word 2010 - 2016, as well as in more earlier versions product.

Note: The instructions in this article will be shown using an example Microsoft Word 2016, but it also applies to previous versions programs. Some points may differ visually, they may have a slightly different name, but the meaning and content of each step are almost identical.

Using footnotes in Word, you can not only provide clarifications and leave comments, but also add links to text in a printed document (often, endnotes are used for links).

Note: Wanting to add to text document bibliography, use the commands to create sources and links. You can find them in the tab "Links" on the toolbar, group "Links and bibliography".

Footnotes and endnotes in MS Word are numbered automatically. For the entire document you can use general scheme numbering, or you can create different schemes for each individual section.

The commands needed to add footnotes, endnotes, and edit them are located in the "Links", group "Footnotes".

The numbering of footnotes in Word changes automatically when they are added, deleted or moved. If you see that the footnotes in a document are numbered incorrectly, the document most likely contains corrections. These corrections must be accepted, after which the footnotes and endnotes will be correctly numbered again.

1. Left-click in the place where you want to add a footnote.

2. Go to the tab "Links", group "Footnotes" and add a footnote or endnote by clicking on the appropriate item. The footnote mark will be placed in the required location. The footnote itself will be at the bottom of the page if it is regular. Endnote will be located at the end of the document.

For greater convenience, use keyboard shortcuts: "Ctrl+Alt+F"- adding regular footnote, "Ctrl+Alt+D"- adding a trailer.

3. Enter the required footnote text.

4. Double-click the footnote icon (either footnote or endnote) to return to its mark in the text.

5. If you want to change the footnote location or format, open the "Footnotes" in the MS Word control panel and perform the required action:

How do I change the initial value of footnotes?

Regular footnotes are numbered automatically, starting with the number "1", terminal - starting with the letter "i", followed by "ii", then "iii" and so on. In addition, if you want to make a footnote in Word at the bottom of the page (regular) or at the end of the document (end), you can also set any other initial value, that is, set another number or letter.

1. Open the dialog box in the tab "Links", group "Footnotes".

2. Select the required initial value in the field "Begin with".

3. Apply the changes.

How to create a footnote continuation notice?

Sometimes it happens that a footnote does not fit on the page, in which case you can and should add a notice about its continuation so that the person who will read the document is aware that the footnote is not finished.

1. In the tab "View" turn on the mode "Draft".

3. In the list of footnotes areas that appears, click "Notice to continue footnote" ("Notice to Continue Endnote").

4. In the footnotes area, enter the text needed for the continuation notice.

How do I change or remove the footnote separator?

The text content of the document is separated from footnotes, both regular and endnotes, horizontal line(footnote separator). When footnotes go to another page, the line becomes longer (footnote continuation separator). In Microsoft Word, you can customize these dividers by adding pictures or text.

1. Turn on draft mode.

3. Select the separator type you want to change.

  • If you want to change the separator between footnotes and text, select Footnote Separator or Endnote Separator, depending on which one you need.
  • To change the separator for footnotes that have continued from the previous page, select either Footnote Continuation Separator or Endnote Continuation Separator.
  • 4. Select the desired separator and make the appropriate changes.

    • To remove a separator, simply click "DELETE".
    • To change the separator, select a suitable line from a collection of pictures or simply enter the desired text.
    • To restore the default separator, click "Reset".

    How to remove a footnote?

    If you no longer need a footnote and want to delete it, remember that you need to delete not the text of the footnote, but its symbol. After the footnote sign, and along with it the footnote itself and all its contents, are removed, automatic numbering change, moving to the missing point, that is, it will become correct.

    That's all, now you know how to insert a footnote in Word 2003, 2007, 2012 or 2016, as well as in any other version. We hope this article was useful to you and will help you significantly simplify your interaction with documents in a Microsoft product, be it for work, study or creativity.


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