What does an incorrect tricolor card mean? After the update the tricolor says no card

Provider satellite broadcasting Tricolor TV is one of the leaders digital television Russian Federation. To guarantee high quality services provided by the company is constantly modernizing both the equipment used for broadcasting signals and receiving devices.

In this regard, in the process of using Tricolor TV services, errors may periodically occur, which are expressed by the appearance of standard service messages issued by receivers on the TV screen. One such error is “Error 5,” which displays a message that the smart card is not recognized by the receiver.

Why does Error 5 occur?

The receivers used by Tricolor TV are complex electronic devices, the effective functioning of which is determined by the coordinated operation of the signal reception system, its decoding, processing and display, as well as software, which controls the listed processes. System failure, which can occur in at least one executive link, can cause a service message about the 5th error to appear.

As a rule, the service message includes not only the phrase “Error 5”, but also its details, which can reveal the essence of the error. On the TV screen you will see the following message: “The smart card is not detected by the receiver (receiver-server). Make sure the smart card is installed correctly."

The main reasons that will cause this message to appear are:

  • incorrect installation of the smart card in the receiver connector;
  • mismatch between the software version loaded into the receiver and the smart card used;
  • a physical defect in the equipment that reads the smart card or the card itself.

How to fix the error?

If the user accidentally installs the card incorrectly, the error can be resolved quite simply. You must remove the card and insert it properly into the card slot so that the card contacts make good contact with the smart card reader.

If the new card refuses to work due to outdated receiver software, it can be updated using the appropriate menu in the Tricolor TV receiver. There are also cases when a new card cannot function normally on an outdated model of the receiving receiver. In this case, you should purchase new receiver or exchange it with a representative of Tricolor TV.

If physical defects occur in the receiving equipment or smart card, they can be diagnosed and corrected at a service center.

Where can I get help?

The Tricolor TV company takes care of its customers, providing them with a multifunctional technical support service. Therefore, if you have any problems with receiving channels, you can contact the support service using calls via the Internet, Skype communication, online chat, or leaving a request for technical support. To diagnose and repair equipment, you should contact Tricolor TV service centers.

More than 11 million Russians use Tricolor satellite digital television services. To ensure premium call and picture quality, you must regularly update the software and use the receiver to improve transmission processes digital signal. But the downside of such constant updates are common mistakes. For example, if you encounter a problem Tricolor error 5, what to do, we will tell you in our article.

The receiver in your home performs the function of decoding incoming and outgoing signals. The smart card acts as an identifier that contains data about the user, namely his ID, package information and parameters.

Error 5 tricolor TV indicates problems with the smart card.

If your display shows this information, then the reason for this could be:

  • incorrect installation of the card in the slot;
  • receiver failure;
  • software or firmware failure.

Correct - is the Smart Card inserted?

Incorrect installation of the smart card in the adapter is the most common reason errors 5 tricolor cards. There is an arrow on the map that indicates the direction correct installation, if an error occurs, damage may occur and this may cause pain. serious damage. In order to eliminate this reason, you must remove the card from the receiver and reinstall it, carefully following all instructions.

After reinstalling the card, restart the receiver; this may take a few minutes. If after performing these manipulations on tricolor receiver error 5 appears again, then the reason may be hidden in the software.

Errors in the Receiver software

Errors in software are most often caused by regular updates, so this can be corrected by switching to factory settings.

To do this, you need to carry out actions in the following order:

  1. Find the "system" or "settings" menu.
  2. Select in this menu position to reset or restore factory settings.
  3. Restart the receiver.
  4. After resetting the settings, you must enter the requested data.
  5. Using manual or auto mode find channels.

Try in another receiver

If after all operations on the receiver Tricolor, error 5 appears again, you can also check the cause of the malfunction by trying to install another smart card in your receiver. If another card works without problems, then that means the reason for your system errors lies precisely in the card, which can easily be replaced at the Tricolor service center.

A system failure associated with the inability to detect a Smart card occurs in the following situations:

  • The card is not installed correctly in the slot;
  • Mismatch between the software of the receiver and the card (a card is used that is not supported by this device);
  • The Smart Card itself is unusable;
  • Incorrect operation of the receiver software;
  • Card reader malfunction;
  • The appearance of dirt on the chip;
  • Chip deformation.

Resuming TV broadcasting implies eliminating the error.

Smart card not inserted correctly

First you need to check that the card is installed correctly in the device. You need to unplug the power cord from the network. Then position the card in the receiving device module correctly - the chip should be located against the desired wall, and the card itself should be inserted all the way. For convenience, there is an arrow on the map showing the direction of installation. There is an arrow on the card reader itself to help you position it correctly in the TV or receiver.

Receivers of the GS 83xx series assume that the card is placed with the chip facing up.

Software failure

If the actions taken did not lead to changes, it is necessary to exclude a malfunction of the software. You can perform a factory reset. But please note that the list of channels will disappear. Action plan:

  • Enter the receiver menu;
  • In the “Settings” section, select the “Reset” option;
  • Confirm the “Reset settings” operation by entering the PIN code (code 0000);
  • In the “Setup Wizard” window that appears, specify the language, operator, region;
  • After completing the channel search, save the new list.

Contaminated chip

Another way to fix the problem yourself is to clear the card. This option is possible when the chip is covered with a layer of dust that interferes with the reading process. After removing the card from the card reader, you need to carefully wipe it with an alcohol solution. After weathering, place it correctly in the module.

After cleaning the chip, reinsert the card.

Outdated equipment

It happens that the card cannot function in an old type receiver. The company regularly updates its equipment to improve TV viewing and increase protection against unauthorized actions of fraudsters. Customer purchasing and inserting new map, cannot watch TV because his equipment is outdated. The problem is solved by replacing the receiver.

If after applying the described methods the problem is not solved, there may be a physical defect in the electronic circuit of the equipment or board. It is also possible that the card reader may malfunction due to manufacturing defects. It is necessary to contact a service center to diagnose the equipment.

How to replace a non-working Smart card

In the case of a non-working card, the user can replace it with a new one. Usually new receiver Comes with a smart card.

But nowadays it is common to sell a CAM module along with a card. The module is inserted into the TV socket, which has a built-in digital tuner. As a result, the user does not need to use two remote controls.

Buying a used card can lead to the following consequences:

  • Incompatibility with existing equipment;
  • Chip failure;
  • The card may have been stolen, which suggests it was blocked by the actual owner.

As a result, it will not be possible to resume television broadcasts of Tricolor channels.

Official reissue of a smart card - instructions

If you want to officially reissue the card, you must contact the representative office or store where all the equipment was purchased. The application procedure includes the following steps:

  • Filling out an application for reissue;
  • Attach to the completed application a copy of the agreement for the use of services, the user’s passport;
  • Make payment for the service provided;
  • After reviewing the application and registration, go to the office or store to get a new card.

The period for consideration and production of a smart card is one month from the date of application.

The reissued card will match the model of the receiver you are using. Existing subscriptions are transferred completely.

Careful handling of the Smart card will prevent many subscribers from repairing equipment or replacing it. It will also save the owner from a month-long wait in case of re-issuance of the card.

In the work of the largest satellite operator Russian Tricolor TV uses complex technical equipment consisting of several components. To receive, decrypt and transmit the signal to the satellite, a special receiver connected to satellite dish. The smart card acts as a user identifier - special device, containing current information about the subscriber for further reading by the system. Request to support service “The smart card is not detected by the receiver, error 5 Tricolor, what should I do?” associated with the inability to read such a device.

In this material we will look at the reasons for error number 5 and how to fix it yourself in 2019.

What does error 5 mean?

The Tricolor TV company produces its own line of equipment that uses unique technology. The smart card can be either built into the receiver or supplied separately, depending on the model of the technical device. Such a device has unique number, consisting of a combination of 12 or 14 digital characters. This allows the chip to be used for user identification, work with personal account and storage detailed information about the account.

Each time the receiver is turned on, it initiates a process of communication with the satellite and transmission of the corresponding electronic signal, which initiates a check for the presence of everything necessary equipment and its functioning. If the smart card functionality check is unsuccessful, the message “Error 5” is displayed on the screen, which limits access to watching television and makes further self-diagnosis necessary.


Incorrect operation of the device may be due to the following factors:

  • the smart card is missing, which makes it impossible to read and further use;
  • the device was incorrectly inserted into the appropriate connector;
  • software or technical problem does not allow the receiver to obtain the necessary information.

Incorrect operation of the software is also common among Tricolor TV users and can be fixed standard methods. To do this, you must follow specific instructions, failure to comply with which may result in failure. technical components out of service.

How to fix error 5: methods and instructions

When considering the question “Error 5 Tricolor, how to fix it?”, you should initially check that the smart card is installed correctly in the appropriate connector of the receiver or TV. Some modern devices come with a built-in receiver where you can install a card through a special CAM module. The card must be installed level and right side. Complex technical device should not be subjected to physical impact and may fail. If you have made sure that you installed the module correctly, but it does not function, try inserting it into the receiver of another Tricolor TV user. If it does not work there either, contact the nearest operator service center, where the equipment will be diagnosed. If the case is under warranty, the replacement is free of charge, otherwise an additional fee will be required. This also applies to the receivers themselves.

The problem with reading the smart card may be software related. The receiver and module require the installation of separate software components that are compatible with each other. If you updated the software incorrectly, or other errors occurred in the system, the message “Error 5” may appear. To correct this problem, reset the hardware settings to factory settings.

This can be done in standard ways using a standard control panel:

  1. Go to the “System” or “Settings” menu;
  2. Find the item " System Settings" and select "Reset settings";
  3. Confirm the actions and enter the confirmation code “0000”;
  4. Re-tune and search for channels.

The names of functions and their location may vary depending on the model of technical equipment used. If the above methods do not help resolve the problem, contact technical support by any of the available methods.

You can do this:

  • by calling a toll-free mobile or landline number;
  • using the messaging system in the user control panel;
  • by writing a message or calling in a free text or voice chat, available for use on the operator’s official website;
  • by contacting a consultant on Skype.

Formulate your request by providing personal information, error number and actions taken to resolve it. The operator will promptly review your requests and tell you what error 5 means and how to fix it.

Advanced users satellite television usually know how to deal with software errors. It’s much more difficult if the receiver reports some kind of hardware failure. For example, a message from Tricolor: “Smart card not detected, error 5” can cause real panic. Should you call a technician if you see such an inscription on the screen, or can you handle it on your own? Let's try to figure it out.

What does the error mean?

If Tricolor displays error 5, it means the set-top box cannot read the smart card installed in it. Accordingly, the equipment cannot gain access to broadcasting either, since this card acts as a kind of analogue of a SIM card in a phone.

This failure can be caused by:

  • hardware problems;
  • failure of the smart card;
  • Receiver settings failure.

Important! The cause of the failure can also be a falsified smart card. If the subscriber purchased the card not from an official representative of the company, but from hand, it is quite natural that the equipment cannot interact with it.

How long does a smart card last?

Satellite TV operator cards have their own expiration dates. In our case it is three years. After this period, the card may continue to work, but there is a high probability of it failing. Most often, after the end of the three-year period of operation of the Tricolor card, error 5 appears, which means that the card must be replaced with a new one.

If the equipment was purchased relatively recently, it is worth conducting more serious diagnostics. Most likely, the problem is a failure in the settings of the set-top box or its breakdown.

Diagnostics and troubleshooting

So, the subscriber gets error 5 in Tricolor. What to do first? Check the card connection. Perhaps it simply does not fit tightly enough to the connector.

  • disconnect the equipment from the power supply;
  • remove the card from the slot;
  • wipe the surface of the chipset with technical alcohol or any alcohol solution;
  • Insert the card back, making sure that the chip fits tightly to the contacts of the slot.

If as a result of these manipulations the failure does not disappear, we proceed further.

Resetting hardware settings

The lack of communication between the set-top box and the card may simply occur due to a settings failure. This is especially likely if the error appeared after a voltage drop or power outage.

  • go to the equipment menu;
  • go to the “Settings/Applications” section;
  • find the item “Factory settings/settings”;
  • Enter the PIN code to confirm the settings rollback.

Important! If the user has not set his own PIN code, the standard one should be used - 0000.

Next, you need to wait for the console to reboot. After it, a setup menu will appear on the screen, where you should set the operating parameters in the same way as was done when connecting television. Then they search for channels and save the found list. Usually after this error 5 in Tricolor disappears.

Tip: after rolling back the settings, it is also worth updating the set-top box software to current version, if this has not been done previously.

Checking devices

If problem number 5 occurs, you should also not exclude hardware failure, that is, a breakdown of the receiver. If the subscriber has skills to work with electronic equipment, it can check the functionality of the smart card slot using special testers. If you don’t have the skills or the necessary equipment in your home, we offer another testing option.

The smart card should be removed from the set-top box that is giving the error and connected to another receiver that works without failures. To do this, you can use one of the devices, installed at home, or ask one of your neighbors for a console. Only one thing is important - that the second receiver also belongs to the Tricolor company.

If the new device broadcasts in normal mode, the problem lies in the console. There are two options here:

  • contact the service center to replace the equipment;
  • try to upload the firmware from the working receiver to the faulty one.

Perhaps the set-top box does not see the card precisely because of a software failure, but it is more serious than can be fixed simple rollback parameters. In this case, flashing the firmware will help revive the device.

If the second receiver also displays the message “error 5 Tricolor,” how to correct the situation? In this case, the problem clearly lies in the smart card. It needs to be replaced, regardless of the expiration date.

If the measures taken do not help get rid of the failure, there is only one way out - contact the Tricolor support service or one of service centers operator. Most likely, you will have to change the receiver, but if the device is under warranty, perhaps the service technicians will be able to fix it.

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