What is error 20. Setting the correct date and time

Error 20 V Play Market may be sporadic, that is, appear when trying to download a specific program, or occur constantly. If the first option is not critical, then a systematic failure can cause the gadget user a lot of problems associated with the inability to take advantage of all the benefits of the Google Play Market. Let's look at how to fix error code 20 on the Play Market.

In appearance, code 20 on the Play Market resembles a problem associated with lack of Internet access, loss of connection with HTTPS (proxy server), etc. However, the lack of connection causes this error rarely. The real reason for its appearance may be as follows:

  • Incompatibility of the installed software with your phone model or software(firmware, Android OS version, etc.);
  • System failure on a mobile device;
  • Infecting the device with malware;
  • Failure in work Play Market.

Depending on the cause of error 20, the most effective method fight her. Let's consider what to do if the owner of the smartphone does not know why code 20 appears on the Play Market.

Troubleshooting problems with Google service

A single appearance of code 20 may indicate that the program you want to install is incompatible with your device. IN in this case you should stop downloading it because it can be fixed similar problem Not sure it's going to happen. The remaining reasons can be eliminated.

The first thing to do is restart the device. It is quite possible that it is simply frozen and does not want to work with the Play Market in normal mode. If this does not help, we use other treatment methods.

Quite often the problem lies in the Play Market itself. Like any other service, it can fail. To fix code 20 in such cases, you need to do the following:

Error 20 on the Market may also appear after updating this service. In this case, it will be enough to roll back the program to its previous state:

Another method to solve a problem with a failure on the Play Market is to erase your Google account and its re-creation. This removal must be done extremely carefully, as this may adversely affect the performance of some applications associated with the Google service.

You can delete your Google account as follows:

After deleting a user profile, for the device to function fully, you will need to re-bind it Google service. To do this, in the “Accounts” section you need to select “Add”, then click on the Google icon and enter your address Email Gmail.

After completing these steps, try going to the Play Market and installing a program. If the described methods did not help fix error 20, then most likely the problem lies in the device itself or its software.

Error code 20 is one of the signs of a virus attack

Code 20 when using the Play Market may indicate that your tablet or phone is infected with malware. Some virus programs can completely block access to this service or partially reduce its functionality (for example, prohibit the user from downloading certain applications).

To fix error code 20 and remove the virus, you should check your device for potentially unwanted software using an antivirus program. It is recommended to use as such a program mobile version Dr. Web or Kaspersky IS. Malware found during an antivirus scan must be blocked.

The result of exposure to viruses may be changes in the contents of the hosts file. This document used to block access to certain Internet resources. By default, it contains only one line: localhost It is possible that the virus recorded the Play Market IP address there, thereby blocking access to it. Therefore, you will need to review the contents of hosts and, if necessary, remove unnecessary information from it.

To eliminate code 20 on the Play Market by fixing the hosts file, you need to have root access on the device. Without it, you will not be able to make changes to the Android system partition. You can obtain Superuser rights using the Kingo Root program:

The phone will reboot, after which Superuser rights will be opened on it.

Having root access, you can begin to fix the error when working with the Play Market. To do this you need to do the following:

Doing anything with system files should be done very carefully, because by changing or deleting the wrong files, you can turn your device into a useless "

20 occurs among different Play Market users, as a result of which the application cannot be installed in the default folder. Let's look at the reasons why this problem may arise, and also get acquainted with ways to solve it.

Reason for error 20

Many Android device users often have problems with the app store. Google Play

Error 20 tells us that there was a network connection failure while downloading the app, causing the app to be disabled. This problem is caused by a possible software conflict, in particular, between the installed system software and the one you are going to use. As a result of the conflict, the connection is forcibly terminated. This may also occur when using proxy servers or problems on the part of the Internet connection provider or mobile operator communications.


You can solve error 20 different ways. Let's look at the five most basic and most effective.

The simplest and at first glance banal way to solve Play Market error code 20 can be a regular reboot of the mobile device. During installation, the system may simply freeze, or the system may not function correctly due to other software. In the event of a reboot, all processes will be stopped, incorrectly running applications will be restarted in the correct mode, and temporary files causing the conflict will be deleted. In many situations, a normal reboot may be sufficient. If this doesn't help, try one of the following methods.

Method 2: Reset settings and remove Play Store updates

If we move forward in terms of the complexity and severity of the measures taken, then the next thing in line is resetting the Play Market client settings. To complete this procedure successfully, you will need:

  1. Go to Settings - Applications - All.
  2. Find among all installed software Google software Play Market and go to the application management menu.
  3. Click the “Erase data” button and reboot the device.
  4. Log in to the Play Market again and try installing or updating the application again.
  5. If for some reason resetting the settings does not help, in the same point where you clicked “Erase data”, click “Remove update” to return the state of the Play Market client to its original state before the update.

Possibly due to the fact that the update for this application is installed in background, at some point, when you are not expecting this and continue to use other software that can affect the update procedure, the files will not be installed correctly, which may result in error code 20. By deleting these files, you can get rid of the problem. The next time you connect, the client will be updated automatically.

Method 3: Deleting your Google account

Any information on the Android device after entering your account information Google posts, by default synchronizes information with remote servers. This includes contacts, notes, calendar and many other data. Therefore, if you resort to this measure, be sure to take care of a backup copy of information important to you, in particular phone book. To back up your data and delete your account:

  1. Log in to Settings - Accounts - Google.
  2. Click on the button with your email address and check the desired items that you want to save, and by clicking the menu button, select “Sync”. After a few seconds, synchronization will be completed and you can begin deleting your account.
  3. Click on the menu button and click on the “Delete account” button.
  4. Reboot your device.
  5. Re-enter the account management menu and enter your Google account information.

A few seconds after synchronization is completed, you will be able to resume full work with the Play Market.

Method 4. Editing the hosts file

First, let's find out what the hosts file is. This is special Text Document, stored in system partition a device that can be used to block access to unwanted resources. It is most often used in various ad blockers. In order for you to change it yourself, you will need to get root rights to your mobile Android device. You can see how to do this on specialized forums in the section dedicated to your device model.

If you already have root rights, in the file manager go to system memory in /system/etc/hosts. Initially it will contain the entry localhost You need to make sure that the address is not written in it Play Store A. If you are not using any ad blockers, and the contents of the file differ from the original entry, remove the remaining third-party information, save the changes to the file, and be sure to restart your device.

Method 5: Completely reset all settings on your Android device

As a last resort, the only thing that can help you is resetting all settings of your smartphone or tablet to factory settings. In any case, it will help get rid of all errors, but you need to take care of saving important information, because all data is destroyed.

  1. Go to Settings - Backup and reset - Reset settings, after which the device will automatically reboot.
  2. Reset the device.
  3. If you did backup copy data, recover information.


As you can see, remove Play error Market with code 20 is not at all difficult if you strictly follow all the recommendations. If you have personal experience to combat this error, we suggest sharing it in the comments.

A message indicating that an application cannot be installed with an "Error code 20" usually occurs due to problems accessing the Google servers. The cause of the problem may be the installation of applications of dubious origin, incorrect update firmware or conflict between installed programs and system.

Restarting the device

A universal method that should be used when almost any error occurs. An application error may occur due to accumulated random access memory data that even special cleaning programs cannot always remove

Therefore, if error 20 occurs when downloading an application through the Play Market, try rebooting your device. If after restarting the problem appears again, move on to other ways to fix it.

Restoring Play Market

Some applications also accumulate temporary files, which can later cause errors in operation. After collecting a lot of data, the Play Market may stop functioning normally, which leads to error 20. To fix the problem:

To begin with, you can limit yourself to clearing the cache and data - often this is enough for error code 20 to no longer appear. But if after deleting the cache and Play data Market still refuses to work without failures, then be sure to erase the store updates.

Editing hosts

The hosts file is available not only on Windows and OS X, but also on Android. And it can also contain addresses that will interfere normal operation systems on the network. To check it on Android you will need file manager. If it is not there, you will have to download the APK file and install the application from your computer. Recommended to use Total Commander for Android.

After saving the hosts file, try launching the Play Market again and installing any application.

Account reset

A Google account is linked to the Play Market, with incorrect work which may also be associated with the appearance of error code 20. To resolve the problem:

After removal account Google Reboot your device and add your account again. If the described methods do not help, you can reset the device (all content will be deleted, so do not forget to make a backup copy first) or update the device firmware.

There is a lot to do with Play Market system errors, which systematically spoil our mood and interfere with our plans. If you have such a problem, then there is no time to panic, because you can fix it in about 10 minutes. Now we will tell you how to quickly fix Play Market error code 20 and why this error occurs.

Post navigation:

Reasons for Play Market error 20

There are many reasons for system errors, but basically error 20 in the Play Market indicates that there was a failure in connecting to the market servers, which we will need to fix. There may also be a problem with compatibility with our device, which may also experience system errors.

How to easily fix Play Store error code 20?

If you are unable to install the application, then initially you can use some easy ways, which will not take much time and will not harm the system. Start by rebooting your smartphone and checking the date and time; if this is a one-time “clouding of the mind” of your device, then it should help and you will forget about the problem.

Uninstalling Play Store updates

Very often, the error occurs due to a new Play Store update, which may conflict with the system of the smartphone itself. you will find out in our article of the same name. If the problem does not go away, then move on.

Clearing the application cache

One of simple ways to get rid of the error - delete the cache. In general, systematically deleting the cache helps keep your gadget in good shape, because in this case the device’s memory does not become clogged. This article will help you clear your cache. Error code 20 Play Store still persists and installation of the application is still impossible? Let's try another way.

Correcting the hosts file

Some malware have a habit of getting into system files, so our task will be to fix everything if this is indeed the case. First, we will need to download a file manager that will give us access to system files, if you could not "pass" to them earlier, for example, ES Explorer.

  1. Go to the file manager
  2. Tap on the stripes in the upper left corner
  3. Check "Show hidden files"
  4. Tap on “Local storage”
  5. Select the “etc” folder
  6. Find and open the “hosts” file
  7. We check for the presence of garbage in the file. It is acceptable to have localhost or, as in the screenshot below, localhost::1 localhost . We remove everything unnecessary. If it doesn’t work, connect the computer and clean the file.

If the problem still does not go away, then try the next method.

Removing Google account

I hope our tips helped you and Play Market error 20 has been fixed, and if you have any questions, write in the comments below.

Smartphones and tablets running the Android operating system out of the box have enough applications to everyday use devices. Browser, clock, calendar, notes - these and many other programs are initially installed on devices controlled by the “green robot”.

However, every user wants more, and millions of applications are available on the Play Market. It's not always possible to just go to the store Android applications and download everything you need, sometimes an error code 20 appears, indicating that the application could not be installed. Its appearance is associated with improper network operation on the smartphone when connecting to Google servers, from where applications are downloaded. Most often, this error appears after installing “dubious” applications, the next firmware update, or due to various conflicts between installed programs and operating system. Below we will give effective ways to get rid of error code 20 in the Play Market.

Restarting the device

A sure way to solve many problems in the operating room Android systems is to reboot the device. Users often forget the obvious: an error can occur due to a cache that has accumulated in the device’s RAM over a long period of operation. Even if you regularly close applications and use specialized programs to “clean the device”, it will not be possible to unload all temporary files, so once a week the owners must Android smartphones and tablets must reboot their devices.

If you turn off and restart device did not help get rid of the “Error code: 20” message when trying to download or update the program from the Play Market, proceed to the next method.

Restoring the Play Market store

Some programs independently accumulate temporary files in order to work faster on the device, save custom settings, accounts and more. Having accumulated a lot of data, the Play Market may crash, causing error 20 to appear when you try to update or download an application.

Recommendation: After clearing the cache and data, try going to the Play Market and checking if error code 20 is still there. Often these two actions are enough, and there is no need to delete the store update.

Editing the hosts file

Many operating room users Windows systems know that malicious applications can change information in the hosts file. The same file is available in Android, and through it you can also block access to certain IP addresses. If virus software was installed on your smartphone, it could make changes to the Hosts file, causing it to stop working correctly.

To check if the "Error Code 20" in Play Market is really due to the hosts file, do the following:

If the file contains any other data, delete it and save it in a new iteration, this should help get rid of error code 20 that occurs when working with the Play Market.

Account reset

Another way to get rid of conflicts between the device software and the application store on Android is to reset your Google account. As you know, when you first set up a smartphone or tablet on Android user links it to your Google account. It is possible that error 20 in the Play Market appears due to incorrect transmission of user data by the device to the store servers.

Make sure that the problem with downloading applications is not related to Google account, you can do this as follows:

After that you can try to download from Play store Market application, resetting your account information often helps get rid of error 20.

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