What kind of filter is this when traffic doesn’t grow? Why is my blog traffic not growing?

Many webmasters, actively working on their Internet resource, are faced with the fact that increase Website traffic still isn't working. Of course, I want to know why?! This is the question I will try to answer in this article.

Every webmaster wants the traffic to his site to grow every day. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way. Fairly frequent attendance the website’s revenue is “treading water” or, even worse, is gradually declining. Why is this happening? There may be several reasons: over-optimization, search engine filter, incorrect robots.txt, and so on. In this article we will look at the most common reasons for low website traffic.

Reasons for low website traffic

1. The website is not accessible to search engines. A site can be inaccessible to search robots only if the robots.txt file completely prohibits its indexing or if your host has serious failures in its work.

To find out how correctly your robots.txt file is compiled and whether site indexing is allowed in it, read the article “ “. Well, so that the hosting does not give out unpleasant surprises, you need to take a responsible approach to its choice. You will learn more about this from the article ““.

2 . Errors in compiling the semantic core. The semantic core is a set of keywords that characterize the main theme of the site. It is these keywords that the site will be promoted for. Mistakes in the semantic core may be one of the reasons for low site traffic.

Collection and analysis of keywords is one of the most important actions on which the future promotion of a website depends.

E if you have alreadywe have selected a semantic core, but you see that site traffic has been at a low level for a long time, which means you need expand it by adding new keywords. Next, you will need to create pages that will be optimized for new requests. If you do everything correctly, then your traffic is simply bound to increase.

3. Re-optimization of the website. In pursuit of traffic, we strive to optimize our own websites. And this is correct, but you cannot overdo it in this matter. Google and Yandex have several filters designed specifically to combat website over-optimization. Since over-optimization is the deliberate oversaturation of a resource with factors affecting search results, it is quite logical that search engines are actively fighting this. Meta tags, title tags, main word density, and so on can be over-optimized. Therefore, you need to optimize your website in moderation!
4 . Young age site. It is quite obvious that the TOP of search engines includes websites that are no longer 1 month old. In most cases, these are trust resources that over the years of their existence have gained fame and respect from visitors and search engines. It is these sites that collect the lion's share of traffic, while all the others share the remainder among themselves. Most likely, for the first time after the creation of the site (6 months - 1 year), its traffic will be low.
To promote to promote a young website, you need to do the following:
- as often as possible ;
– create a semantic core for the website
– select for articles;
– work hard on;
– gradually increase the number of incoming links.

5 . Filter for a large number of backlinks. Now Yandex and Google are actively fighting the buying and selling of links. Many webmasters have already paid with the positions of their sites for the abuse of link promotion. Search engines never tire of delighting us with new filters to combat links: Google presented the Google Penguin filter, and Yandex presented Minusinsk.
Indirect indicators of the filter are: a decline in positions in search results and a decrease in search traffic. Specific information about the presence or absence of a filter can be found in the Yandex and Google webmaster panel, in the support service or in special services, for example, PR-CY.

Remember that at the moment, promoting a website using links is a very risky business. If you still decide to purchase several links, then carefully check the quality of the donor sites.

6. Slow indexing site. The more pages of your site appear in search results, the more visitors they will bring to the site. But if pages are indexed by search engines for a very long time, then how will people find out about the super-interesting and useful content on your Internet resource? Therefore, you need to try to ensure that the site is indexed as quickly as possible. In the article “ 7. Little attention and time devoted website. Any website is in dire need of attention and constant updating. Search engines are very fond of regularly updated Internet resources that support movement and life. If you don’t develop your website and publish one article a month, then you definitely won’t have to count on high rankings in search results and large traffic.
8 . Seasonal demand. It's pretty clear that sites selling winter tires are seeing a surge popularity in autumn-winter, but in the summer they will be content with the minimum. As a rule, seasonal themes are: tourism, clothing, holidays and the like. If your site has a seasonal theme, then be prepared for the fact that in certain months there will be a decline in traffic.
These are just some of the reasons why website traffic may be low. Continue to work on your website, don’t give up, and you will definitely ensure that traffic to the Internet resource will steadily increase. Write in the comments how you were able to increase site traffic and get tons of traffic. This is where I will end this article. Thanks for your attention and bye.

The words “content is king,” said by Microsoft founder Bill Gates in 1996, have recently been repeatedly challenged by SEO industry experts.

Traffic, communications, customer service - everything influences our desires to usurp the throne of Internet marketing. The points raised are valid and true, but I would like to remind readers not to forget about content management.

1. Mediocre articles– No matter how many articles I wrote on the blog, not one of them could offer the reader anything original. Then I realized that the article must have something that would make it stand out from other articles. you need to give a reason for visitors to visit your blog, and not hundreds of other blogs with similar content.

2. Lack of identity– In addition to unique content, articles should show your individual approach, your voice, which would distinguish them from other articles. I was one of the faceless bloggers among the ocean of the blogosphere, writing monotonous articles that did not have a drop of zest that distinguished them. You need to create a connection with your readers, and that starts with identifying your work in a way that they can recognize and embrace.

3. Articles without inspiration– This problem usually stems from the first two reasons, but deserves special attention. I was unable to attract the attention of potential readers due to my writing style, which was often difficult to read. Avoid this pitfall by making your articles easy to read while at the same time enticing the reader to do something.

4. Uninteresting topics– Everything is clear here, but even I must admit, I wrote articles on the most boring topics only to include popular keywords in them. Take some time to read what people are talking about on social media and make a good article on the topic. Just remember, you need to add something interesting to continue communication with readers and do not write only what has already been said a long time ago.

5. Crumpled articles– The next major mistake would be to describe multiple topics in an article, trying to fit multiple keywords into one post. I jumped from one topic to another and as a result, readers lost interest in the article. Therefore, focus on one or two topics to focus the attention of visitors on them.

6. Unreasonably long articles– Combined with the previous mistake, I tried to insert as much information as possible into one article, creating them almost always over a thousand words long. In addition to the many different topics in the article, the length of the article was extremely taxing for the readers' attention. Of course, there are topics that require detailed consideration, but not all of them.

7. Bad headlines– The headline is the first thing people see, and they won’t read the message if the headline isn’t interesting to them. I had a bad habit of making “poetic” or “clever” titles that didn’t reveal the content of the article. If the audience does not get the information they expect from the headline, the article will remain unread. A good title will also help you focus on the topic of the post and not deviate from the chosen topic.

8. Useless article– After reading all my posts, visitors did not receive anything useful for themselves. It turned out that they wasted their time. Thus, each article must be approached in such a way that after reading it the reader is left with the feeling that he has learned what he was looking for. This will give them a reason to keep coming back to your blog in the future.

9. Focus too much on SEO– All the best SEO techniques in the world will not produce any desired results if the content is of poor quality. In practice, I came across the fact that by applying all the SEO methods I had found to a mediocre article, I could temporarily improve its search results. However, it was not possible to maintain positions for a long time; low-quality content could not keep visitors on the site. After reading articles like mine about, don’t forget about the content itself.

10. Effortlessly– I started blogging because I wanted to earn extra income. After spending a little time creating the content, even I thought it could look better. For several months I was content with my rather mediocre position and hapless blog content until I realized that I was wasting my time and getting virtually nothing in return. Don't allow yourself to be mediocre, it will bring you nothing but disappointment.

On a final note, I would like to inform you that I abandoned that blog, but I learned a lot from it, and while maintaining it I gained excellent experience, now the question is “why is blog traffic not growing?” I’m not worried, I can already give advice to others.. You had the patience to read this article to the end, which means that you are ready to learn further. Don't give up and don't stop improving your work.

5 minutes to read. Published 05/16/2016

A question that torments many bloggers and novice webmasters is why site traffic is not growing and how to increase it? Today we will look at the main points that affect website promotion. First, let's look at what types of website promotion there are, so that you better understand the whole process.

Search engine promotion, website promotion in search results. Search engine promotion can be divided into two types – paid and free. Paid promotion - you create an advertising company in or and start promoting your website. Free promotion - you write a lot of posts for popular search queries.

Promotion on social networks, It can also be divided into paid and free promotion. That is, you either run your website yourself, publish posts and site content on your page or in a group, or you pay for advertising your product on social networks. It is worth noting that it is best to promote a website on social networks with an entertainment theme. Topics that move well on social networks are entertainment, recreation, music, news, films, rumors, discounts and promotions, etc.

Of course, the site can be promoted in any way you like, you can promote the site offline, post advertisements, etc. But we took the basic and most effective methods. First, you need to clearly decide how you will promote your site. This is very important, because many people chase two birds with one stone and in the end, you know what happens, that’s right - NOTHING. If you are promoting a website in search results, then you don’t need to touch social networks, they won’t help you, you will spend more of your time and effort, spend time writing articles, this is much more important. There are now two categories of people on social networks, the first are people who themselves promote their business or someone else’s business, that is, people who themselves attract traffic. The second are the passive masses, schoolchildren, freeloaders, lazy people, people who simply waste their time, waiting by the sea for weather. As mentioned above, entertainment content is suitable for this category.

The same goes for search, if you are creating a website for social networks, then forget about search, you don’t need it, all this optimization, SEO, you don’t need all this and won’t be useful, don’t waste your time on it. The main thing is that your site opens and displays normally in the browser, but also, of course, good entertaining content that catches attention.

Search engine promotion. Important points to note:

Site indexing, If this is your first time hearing about such a concept, then you may already have problems with promotion. You need to constantly monitor site indexing. Indexing determines how many records of your site are found in Yandex and Google searches. You need to monitor site indexing in your Yandex webmaster and Google webmaster accounts. If you have not yet added your site to and, then be sure to do so.

When indexing a website, it is not only important that all your posts are constantly indexed, but it is also important. If you do not monitor indexing, then the search may contain many unnecessary pages for search, which complicate the process of indexing the main content.

Website optimization, In search engine optimization, it is very important to optimize your website not only for the convenience of users, but also for the convenience of search robots that crawl your site. For large blogs and portals that have a lot of content, it is important to have a map. It is important that site caching is configured correctly; it is best to do this. It is very important that yours is in the browser.

Subject of the site, For search engine promotion, it is very important to choose popular topics that are in demand in searches. The demand for this or that information in the search can be found in the Yandex Wordstat online service. There are a lot of popular topics in the search, but you should also understand that for every popular topic there is a lot of competition.

Constant update, To promote a site in search, you need to make a lot of effort. It is necessary to constantly publish new useful posts, write every day, let it become a habit. If your site has 50 entries, then you shouldn’t be surprised that traffic isn’t growing, it won’t. There is no need to wait until suddenly, somehow magically, your attendance increases or does not increase. Attendance needs to be created, don’t wait, write a lot of useful and interesting posts that are in demand on the Internet. Write at least 1,000 records first, watch the indexing, then the result will be 100%.

Why is site traffic not growing?

Let’s summarize and note the main points due to which site traffic may not grow.

The site is poorly indexed or not indexed at all.

You write on unpopular topics, for which there is very low demand in search.

There are very few posts on your site, 50-100 and you are not going to write anymore.

You copy content from other sites, you don't have unique content.

There is too little text in the entries, 30-50 words, not quality content. (affects the duration of a site visit)

Prohibited content adult content, you have been hit by search filters.

You are not positioning correctly site for adults.

Your website is hosted on free hosting. Search engines give preference to sites on paid hosting.

Your hosting is not of good quality, constant malfunctions, poor support service.

Your site is located on a third-party domain level or on a subdomain of a third-party resource, such as WIX. You must have your own domain with a unique name.

No visitors are coming to my site. Why? This is one of the most frequently asked questions of new website creators. Many expect that as soon as the site appears on the Internet, users will flock to them in droves, and in a couple of months they should already overtake their competitors. In reality, everything is not so simple. For the first month or two, the resource may receive from 5 to 50 unique visitors per day and this is normal! In general, the most difficult thing in creating a website is not to despair in the first months when you see traffic. Experienced website creators, who have dozens of created websites under their belt, are calm about such site traffic and immediately notify the customer that the first decent results should be expected no earlier than in six months. At the same time, under no circumstances should you stop working on posting unique content! Search engines need to see that the site is alive. And the first time of the resource’s existence as a whole can be considered a test of patience, determination and loyalty to your idea. Nobody said it would be easy. Friends, the main thing is not to despair!

The main reasons for low website traffic

The site is not optimized

The issue of optimization is very important when promoting your resource. You may have unique high-quality content, design and site logic, but without proper preparation, all this will not be properly indexed and, as a result, appear in search results.

Site age

The next obstacle to visiting a site is its age. Only time and your continuous work on developing content will help here. Gradually the search engine will understand that your young site not a fly-by-night resource and not a link donor, but a site for people. Yes, you will write articles for a while and look at modest traffic numbers. As I already wrote above, look at this as an exam in the subject of Patience and determination.

A website is really easy to create (for example, using a CMS), but the most difficult thing is promotion. Under no circumstances should you abandon your work after a month or two, but keep moving forward!

Frequency of new materials

Many of you most likely have work or study, and possibly a family. I understand that there may be little free time. But I strongly advise you to upload new content
as often as possible. Search engines need to see that the site is developing and doing so rapidly! It’s okay if you only manage to write 2 articles a week. However, if possible, try to improve this indicator.

At the beginning young site falls into the so-called sandbox. During your stay in it, the site’s rating is significantly lowered and its activity is monitored (creation of materials, changes). By being active you can significantly reduce the time you spend in it.

New articles also stir up the interest of visitors who have already come to the site. Service Google Analytics like Google in general, they really love and value users who return to the site. It doesn’t matter - for new materials or just one you like -
Most importantly, he liked the resource! Don't forget to offer them new useful and interesting information.

The quality of the material published on the site.

Firstly, quality material- this is an article of at least 1500 characters, and the rest is a description. Why so much? The more quality material, the higher the page weight.
Secondly, unique content should be at least 90%, otherwise, in the best case, you will not be in the top for the same queries that already exist in the search results; in the worst case, the site’s rating will be underestimated, or the resource will even fall under the filter.

How to increase website traffic without spending money

Low frequency queries

Low frequency request- this is, as a rule, a request whose frequency per month is up to 1000 times per month. I attach a link to determine the frequency of a request in a specific search engine below.

I suggest starting with them. For many projects whose keywords are common, traffic never grows, since many other sites have already taken their places on them. For this purpose, SEO (promoters) use low-frequency queries that few people will visit, but will still receive traffic. Request to create a site for free is already being worked on on many sites, but how to connect a slider to the site will be low-frequency and visitors will click on it almost immediately.


Relinking(from the English link - link) is the placement of links from one page of the site to others. This is a very important free promotion tool. With each link, the weight of the promoted page increases, which has a positive effect on its ranking in search queries.

Dear friends! I sincerely wish you more patience and good luck in your endeavors!
Thank you for your attention!

Traffic on the site has dropped noticeably and has not increased for several days, what should you do? First of all, don’t rush to conclusions. Of course, low website traffic is a reason to think about it, find a flaw and eliminate it. This is what we will do now.

In order for site traffic to return to its previous levels and begin to grow, the webmaster will need to make sure that:

— the correct promotion strategy was chosen;

— the site is not oversaturated with keywords;

— the articles on the site are unique.

These and other reasons why there are fewer people on the site will be discussed in the article.

How does seasonality affect website traffic?

If site traffic drops during the holidays or New Year, this is quite normal. The reason for low website traffic may be seasonality, especially if the content on the site is tied to the time of year. Personally, it seems to me that people spend more time online at work, rather than during vacations or weekends (at least, this is the trend on my website - the most visitors are on weekdays).

Also, site traffic may depend on EURO 2016 and other public events. I think the male audience is now puzzled by whether their favorite teams will make it out of the group, and not by whether. Consequently, my guys go to watch football, but don’t go to my website to look for a job (this is temporary and they will be back soon, I’m sure :).

I’ll tell you a little secret: seasonality can help a site gain a large number of views if you write articles correctly and analyze the information received from Yandex Metrica (tested - it works for me).

Can updating the site or plugins affect site traffic?

Undoubtedly, low website traffic may be the result of updating the design on the site, downloading new add-ons or plugins. You have updated the All in One SEO Pack plugin or some other, and it would seem like a common procedure, but even this can cause a slight drop in traffic. Are you doing something? Do it with your head.

If we talk about changing the design of the site, then the result will have more negative consequences. It is advisable to make any large-scale change in the structure of a web resource before filling it with content (experienced webmasters know this), so that later they do not have to look for an answer to a request: site traffic has dropped sharply.

Search engine filters

If site traffic has dropped, and somewhere on an intuitive level you feel that you have sinned (stolen an article from some site, went too far using key queries, drove bots onto the site), then, quite possibly, the site is under a filter.

At the moment, Google and Yandex have made significant progress in identifying such sites, so it is very difficult to deceive them. Since 2015, Google introduced another filter - sites without a mobile version are automatically lowered in search results (I felt it myself - one of these days I will correct it).

Don't panic. Maybe this has nothing to do with your site, and the reasons are described below?..

How content can affect website traffic

Website traffic not growing? Maybe because you add new articles less often? Are you hacking? PS will eventually figure out such a site, and it will receive much less traffic. Even old articles that were high in search results will be lowered in search results due to the fact that one day you forgot about your web resource for a couple of weeks.

Of course, site traffic largely depends on the content and frequency of its addition.

The influence of topics on site traffic

It happens that site traffic may be small due to the fact that it chooses the maximum in its niche and the topic is not so popular.

I hope you have learned what website traffic depends on and have determined why your website traffic is not growing.

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