What is Windows? Windows operating system: versions, characteristics, reviews. History of Windows development

Operating Room Basics Microsoft systems Windows. History of development, types of operating systems. Basic concepts of Windows, file structure. Windows Help System. Windows operating system management. Work with documents. Universal technological operations in the Windows environment

operating system is a set of programs that provide control over the operation of the computer and its interaction with the user.

From a human perspective, the operating system serves as an intermediary between humans, the computer's electronic components, and application programs. It allows a person to run programs, transfer to them and receive all kinds of data from them, control the operation of programs, change the parameters of the computer and devices connected to it, and redistribute resources. Working on a computer is actually working with its operating system. When installed on a computer only operating system(OS) you won’t be able to do anything meaningful on the computer either. To enter and format texts, draw graphs, calculate salaries or listen to a laser disc, special application programs are needed. But even without an OS, it is impossible to run any application program.

The operating system solves problems that can be divided into two categories:

· firstly, management of all computer resources;

· secondly, the exchange of data between computer devices, between a computer and a person.

In addition, it is the OS that provides the ability to individually configure a computer: the OS determines what components the computer on which it is installed is assembled from and configures itself to work with these components.

Not so long ago, the user had to perform setup work manually, but today manufacturers of computer components have developed plug-and-play protocol(turned it on - it worked). This protocol allows the operating system, at the time of connecting a new component, to obtain information about the new device sufficient to configure the OS to work with it.

PC operating systems differ in several ways. In particular, OSs are:

· single-tasking And multitasking;

· single-user And multi-user;

· network And non-network.

In addition, the operating system may have a command interface or a graphical multi-window interface (or both).

Single-tasking operating systems allow you to solve only one task at a time. Such systems usually allow you to run one program in main mode.

Multitasking systems allow you to run several programs simultaneously that will work in parallel.

The main difference multi-user systems from single-user is the availability of means to protect each user’s information from unauthorized access by other users. It should be noted that not every multitasking system is multi-user, and not every single-user OS is single-tasking.

In recent years, a graphical multi-window interface has become the de facto standard, where the required actions and descriptions of objects are not entered in the form of text, but are selected from menus, file lists, etc.

To replace the MS DOS operating system with its graphical Windows shells 3.1 and Windows 3.11 came full-fledged operating systems Windows family(first Windows 95, then Windows 98, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7). The figure shows the stages of development of PC-class personal computers and the Windows operating system:

Operating systems family Windows is a 32-bit operating system that provides multitasking and multi-threaded application processing. They support a convenient graphical user interface, the ability to work in protected mode, and compatibility with programs real mode and networking capabilities. Windows includes Plug and Play hardware support, long filenames, and improved robustness.

32-bit means that operations on 32-bit data are faster here than on 16-bit data. 32-bit Windows applications run in their own address space, which is not accessible to other programs. This protects applications from each other's errors. If one application fails, the other continues to function normally. A failed application can be terminated.

Multitasking provides the ability to work in parallel with several applications. While one of them is busy, for example, printing a document on a printer or receiving email from Internet networks, another can recalculate a spreadsheet or do other useful work.

Multithreading allows applications designed in a specific way to simultaneously run multiple processes of their own. For example, when working with a multi-threaded spreadsheet, the user will be able to recalculate in one table while printing another and loading a third into memory. While one thread is waiting, for example, to complete a communication operation with a slow peripheral device, the other can continue to do its work.

A distinctive feature of Windows is its object-oriented approach to system design. At the user level object approach is expressed in the fact that the interface is a semblance of the real world, and working with the machine comes down to actions with familiar objects. Thus, folders can be opened, put in a briefcase, documents can be viewed, corrected, moved from one place to another, thrown into the trash, a fax or letter can be sent to the recipient, etc. The user works with tasks and applications in the same way as with documents on his desk. The object-oriented approach is implemented through the model worker table– primary Windows object. After Windows boots, it is displayed on the screen. Various objects can be located on the desktop: programs, folders with documents (texts, pictures, tables), shortcuts to programs or folders.

Shortcuts provide access to a program or document from multiple locations without creating multiple physical copies of the file. On the desktop you can place not only icons of applications and individual documents, but also folders. Folders are another name for directories.

A significant innovation in Windows was panel tasks. Despite its small functionality, it makes the multitasking mechanism clear and greatly speeds up the process of switching between applications. Externally, the taskbar is a strip, usually located at the bottom of the screen, which contains application buttons and the Start button. On the right side there is usually a clock and small icons of programs that are currently active.

Windows allows you to work with audio and video files of various formats. A significant achievement of Windows was its built-in computer communications programs. Windows communications tools are designed for ordinary users and do not require special knowledge. These tools include the ability to work in local networks and global networks, setting up modems, connecting to e-mail and much more.

In the Windows operating system, the mouse is widely used when working with windows and applications. Typically, the mouse is used to select pieces of text or graphic objects, check and uncheck boxes, select menu commands, select toolbar buttons, manipulate controls in dialogs, and “scroll” documents in windows.

In Windows, the right mouse button is also actively used. By placing the pointer over the object of interest and right-clicking, you can expand contextual menu, containing the most common commands applicable to this object.

When shutting down, you cannot simply turn off the computer without shutting down the system properly - this may lead to the loss of some unsaved data. To properly shut down, it is necessary to save data in all applications that the user was working with, shut down all previously running DOS applications, open the “Start” button menu and select the “Shut Down” command.

reference systemWindows

Modern software is highly complex, which is why both the operating system and most of its applications provide help systems. reference systemWindows is not only a set of help files, but also a powerful tool for obtaining advice and support for any problems that may arise while working with the system.

Ways to obtain help

Main menu

The main Windows directory is called from the Main Menu with the command Start Help and Support.

F1 key

Key in Windows, reserved for calling up help information on the topic of the active window. If the program window is open, then when you press the key The main help window appears with the contents of the sections, in which the section corresponding to this program is highlighted (highlighted).

If a dialog box is open, pressing the key will bring up help on the topic of the request or the current field of the dialog box.

Help in dialog boxes

When working with dialog box controls, you often need quick, short help. This opportunity is provided by a special hint button. , located in the title bar next to the close button. After clicking on the tooltip button, you need to move the mouse pointer over the control of interest and click the left button. A tooltip will appear that describes the purpose of this element.

Context hint

Explanations about the elements dialog boxes can be obtained in another way. You need to click on the element right mouse key. In this case, either a tooltip will immediately appear, or a context menu with a single item “What is this?” Left-clicking on these words will bring up context-sensitive help. Sometimes it is enough to point at an element with the mouse for a tooltip to appear.

Help in applications

In the menu bar of almost all Windows programs there is an item Reference(sometimes represented simply by a question mark). Using this item, you can call up the main help window, and also get background information About the program.

Welcome to the site. I haven’t written on the blog for a long time, but I decided it was time to say “no” to laziness and start filling out the “windows installation” section. This is an introductory article on this topic and will help you understand what Windows is and why you should reinstall it. Nowadays, when faced with the purchase of a new computer or the breakdown of an old one, you can often hear the phrase “ Windows installation" Beginners learning computers may be embarrassed to ask these two questions. I will try to clearly explain what it is and what installing Windows generally does. This post can also be considered an introductory post to the section on installing Windows. It will also be useful for those who plan to build a computer or buy a laptop without an OS. So let's go...

As for this familiar, but not entirely clear, word Windows, this is the name of the line of operating systems of Microsoft Corporation (the brainchild of Bill Gates). Windows is so called because of its windowed interface. An operating system is a set of control and processing programs and GUI, with the help of which a computer user can easily control computer devices and run programs designed for this operating system. In other words, the OS serves as an intermediary between computer devices, on the one hand, and programs launched by the user, on the other hand.

Due to the existence of several popular operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Mac, computer manufacturers have made it possible for each user to reinstall their preferred OS if desired. This is possible even if you purchased a computer with a pre-installed OS. Currently, most computers in Russia have Windows operating systems installed. Today, the most commonly used are Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. And new computers are already running Windows 8. I’ll tell you about each individually very soon.

When you buy a new computer, Windows is usually already installed. And when assembling a computer using components, you have to install it yourself, or give it to Computer service. Due to this (and other factors), in-house assembly is often cheaper. If you purchased a laptop, but at home you discovered that it turns on, but a phrase in English appears on a black screen, then it most likely does not have an operating system installed. But this is not at all a deception on the part of the seller. Some laptops are sold without an operating system and note that due to this they are cheaper than similar ones with an installed OS by 1-2 thousand rubles. If you are interested in buying a laptop without an operating system, then look for the word FreeDOS in the description of the laptop. In this case, you need to install Windows on it.

Why do you have to reinstall Windows?
There are several reasons for this. Most often, you have to reinstall Windows because the computer stops booting due to improper shutdown, virus infection, etc. Windows has a database that stores all the computer and program settings - system registry. Over time, after frequent installation and uninstalling programs windows registry increases and the computer starts to work slower. Some users find it more convenient to reinstall the system once than to work on such a computer. In addition, in rare cases, specific errors appear in Windows. It is sometimes more practical for a user to reinstall Windows rather than deal with errors.

Now, having figured out what Windows is and why it sometimes has to be reinstalled, let’s move on to the next step and find out what is needed for Windows installations. The next post will appear on the blog on December 30th. Log in on the morning of the 30th or subscribe to updates and receive a letter when the article appears in your email inbox.

Story Windows development

Ahead of release I decided to remember how it all began. So I suggest you take a short excursion into history Windows.

(November 20, 1985)

The very first graphical operating system Microsoft - Windows, version 1.01 (version 1.0 was never released due to errors). Based on MS-DOS 2.0. Multi-window interface, 256 colors and the ability to use a mouse (left key only). There is not a large number of built-in programs - clock, calendar, notepad and game "Reversi".

(April 2, 1987)

Contains the same applications as , but with improved controls and mode support VGA. Now you can freely resize windows and move them to any area of ​​the screen, as well as overlap one another.

(May 22, 1990)

Support for extended memory access mode has been introduced, allowing programs to use up to 16 MB of memory. Pseudo-multitasking and the ability to execute DOS programs in each separate window. The user interface has noticeably improved - there are Program Manager And File Manager(future Conductor), redone Control Panel, system settings are centralized.

(March 18, 1992)

Originally planned as a slight improvement to version 3.0. Added support for scalable fonts TrueType and fixed a number system errors. Starting from this system version Windows support 32-bit hard disk access. An extended version with network support was also released - Windows for Workgroups 3.1

Windows 3.11 for Workgroups (December 31, 1993)

The last and most famous of the line , based on MS-DOS. It became possible to connect computers into a peer-to-peer network, and also work as network client for the server Windows NT. Version 3.11 began using 32-bit drivers virtual devices(VxD) and 32-bit file access, and support for standard mode was removed, which meant the abandonment of processors below 386.

(July 27, 1993)

Despite the fact that outwardly very similar to , it is not a continuation of it. This system opens new line operating systems designed for use on servers and high-performance workstations. IN the file system was first used NTFS. Also new is support for symmetric multiprocessing and technology OpenGL, allowing you to work with 3-dimensional objects. Improved versions appeared in 1994 Windows NTWindows NT Workstation 3.5, and in 1995 - Windows NT Workstation 3.51, more productive and less demanding on hardware resources. All versions listed Windows NT have an interface With File manager And Program Manager.

(August 24, 1995)

Replaced and was intended mainly for home use. It was in it that such graphical interface elements as the desktop with icons, the taskbar and the Start menu first appeared, as well as support for long (up to 256 characters) file names and system plug and play. Was missing in the first version Internet Explorer , it had to be installed separately from the package Microsoft Plus!

Windows NT 4.0(July 29, 1996)

Latest operating system version Microsoft Windows NT, published under this title. (the next, fifth operating system of the family NT came out under the title ). Windows NT 4.0 had a user interface in the style and was intended to be used as an operating system workstation (Windows NT Workstation) and server ( Windows NT Server).

(June 25, 1998)

This is an updated version . Improved support AGP, drivers improved USB, added support for working with multiple monitors. In May 1999, the second edition was released - Windows 98 SE (Second Edition)), which included many corrections and additions - Internet Explorer 5 , general access Internet connection ( ICS, Internet Connection Sharing), MS NetMeeting 3 and playback support DVD. The system was wildly popular, which is why Microsoft even extended its support.

(February 17, 2000)

Initially the system was called Windows NT 5.0, because it was the next version Windows NT after NT 4.0, but subsequently received proper name . Published in four editions: Professional(for workstations), Server, Advanced Server And Datacenter Server(for servers). Win2K brought with it several very important innovations, namely support for directory services Active Directory , web server IIS 5.0, NTFS version 3.0 (this version introduced quota support for the first time) and the EFS file system ( Encrypted File System ), with which you can encrypt files and folders. Compared with NT 4.0 The user interface has been updated and redesigned color scheme registration

Windows Millennium Edition (September 14, 2000)

Named in honor of the new millennium. Last (and not very successful) attempt Microsoft improve . A large number of changes have been made to it - system recovery ( System Restore), protection system files (Windows File Protection), computer sleep mode support (didn’t always work), new reference system in the form of pop-up tips. New multimedia and Internet capabilities have emerged, such as Internet Explorer 5.5, Windows Media Player 7 And Windows Movie Maker With basic functions editing digital video. Despite all the innovations (and maybe because of them) Millenium Edition was the most “buggy” and unreliable operating system from the line Windows 9x.

(October 25, 2001)

Name XP comes from English e XP erience(experience). Is an improved option Professional, and initially the changes affected most of the appearance and user interface. Unlike , which was released for both workstations and servers, is exclusively a client system (its server version is Windows Server 2003 ). There were 2 major versions of XP released − Home And Professional Edition, for home and corporate use. Also released in April 2005 Windows XP Professional x64 Edition- the first desktop 64-bit operating system Windows.

From 2003 to 2011 was the most popular operating system, and gave way only at the end of 2011, passing ahead . However, despite this, remains one of the company's most successful and well-known products Microsoft.

(November 30, 2006)

Sixth generation of operating systems Windows NT. Vista has a version number of 6.0, so the abbreviation “WinVI” is sometimes used to denote it, which combines the name “ Vista" and the version number written in Roman numerals. Like Windows XP, Vista- exclusively client system. Its server counterpart is Windows Server 2008. In total, as many as 6 versions of the system were released - Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Corporate And Ultimate, and each version (except Starter) in 32 and 64-bit versions.

IN contains a large number of innovations - interface Windows Aero, hibernation mode, technology Ready Boost(using flash drives for the swap file). There are a lot of changes in terms of security - a control system has appeared accounts users ( User Access Control, UAC), the EFS file encryption system has been improved, and a disk encryption system has also appeared Bitlocker, and included in the home versions function enabled parental controls, which helps limit children's computer use.

And with all the wealth of possibilities Vista is the worst operating system released Microsoft. Due to the huge number of “jambs” and clearly inflated requirements for hardware users deleted en masse from their computers and switched back to XP.

Windows 7 (October 22, 2009)

Released less than three years after and in fact is its “polished” and brought to mind version. For example, more than flexible setup User Account Control (UAC), which, unlike now has two more intermediate states, improved compatibility with old applications, changes to encryption technology BitLocker and added the function of encrypting removable media BitLocker to go, which allows you to encrypt removable media. Also slightly modified appearance, and to the interface Aero added several new features ( shake, peak And snap). New ones have appeared network technologiesDirectAccess And Branch Cache although they are only available in older versions .

Like Vista, Windows 7 published in 6 editions - Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Corporate And Ultimate, and everything except Starter Available in 64-bit version. Server version of the seven - Windows Server 2008 R2, released only in 64-bit version.

To date occupies almost 50% of the desktop operating system market and is in first place in the world in terms of use.

(year 2012)

February 29, 2012 on the website Microsoft The beta version has become available for download (“ Consumer Preview") New logo, new screensaver And new interface Metro. What else awaits us in the new operating system, we will have to find out in the near future.

Hello, today we will talk about Windows, have you ever wondered what kind of beast this is? Let's go back to basics and take a closer look.

To put it correctly Windows– this, if translated from English, is a window. But since this article is not about windows and doors, we can conclude that Windows is operating system, which is used on most computers these days. Of course, this is not the only operating system of our time; there are plenty of others, for example: Linux, Mac, Unix.

In addition, in order to manage all computer components, the operating system must also take care of the convenience of such management. All Windows operating systems differ in the date of their creation and the number of functions. Nowadays, you can distinguish about ten different Windows operating systems. What distinguishes them is the variety of interfaces and their simplicity.

For example, to ask the computer certain programs Now it is not necessary to enter combinations, unlike the first OS, on the keyboard, but you just need to make a couple of mouse clicks. Yes, the convenience of Windows is impressive, because great amount people do not know how to work on a computer and the simplicity of the system is more important to them than its performance. If you have a computer recently and you are a beginner, then best system for you, of course, Windows. This operating system is very easy to use and maintain.

In the Windows operating system, when it boots, you can observe Desktop(we talked about what it is) on which the labels are located certain applications. To launch any application, all you have to do is click on it with the mouse. It couldn't be simpler.

A lot of people say windows the worse that there is a sea of ​​viruses and other heresies written on it, but this is true. But all other systems have a very complex interface for novice users, and servicing them is not so easy, which is why Windows is used more often than other systems.

Why was the system called windows? Because all applications open on the screen in such squares similar to windows, to put it simply. You can open a large number of windows at one time to run multiple applications simultaneously.

Briefly speaking, the two most popular operating Windows systems were and are:

Now let's remember when the first Windows OS came out (you can find all articles about problems associated with Windows). In 1985, still on Intel processors 8086 Windows 1.0 was released, two years later version 2.0 was released, and in 1990 the third version was released.

Then there were Windows 95, 98, Me, the NT family: 2000, XP, Vista and many others.

“” was released in 2009, was already in 2012, and appeared in 2015.

Operating system (OS) is a set of interrelated programs that are loaded when the PC is turned on and:

Ø control the operation of all PC devices, ensure the integrity of their functioning;

Ø provide the user with access to hardware capabilities;

Ø control loading into memory and execution of all programs;

Ø provide an interface (organize interaction) between the user and the computer.

When you turn on your PC, the OS is read from the disk (where it is stored) and placed in RAM - this is The OS is always the first to load into the OP and completes its work only when the PC is turned off.

OS features include:

· carrying out a dialogue with the user;

· input/output and data management;

· planning and organizing the program processing process;

resource distribution ( random access memory and cache, processor, external devices);

· launching programs for execution;

· various auxiliary maintenance operations;

transfer of information between different internal devices;

· software support for the operation of peripheral devices (display, keyboard, etc.).

Main OS components:

· I/O control programs;

programs that control file system and scheduling tasks for the computer;

processor command language, which executes commands addressed to the OS.

OS WINDOWS(English: "windows")

WINDOWS – a graphical OS that has greater capabilities compared to DOS (disk operating system).

Most PCs in the world run an OS environment Windows companies Microsoft.

Windows 7 – the final version was released in 2009. The OS is in the Windows NT family, following Windows Vista. The option to return to the Start menu has disappeared. classic menu and automatic docking of browser and email client.

Windows Vista Home Premium is an OS introduced to users at the end of January 2007.

Windows XP continues the line Windows NT. The advantages of this OS are increased reliability and security. Crash separate program does not cause any consequences for the system as a whole and for all other programs. The system implements full-fledged network security measures. In OS Windows XP Home Edition A number of functions implemented in the OS are not supported Windows XP Professional :

Ø remote control computer;

Ø support for dual-processor system;

Ø file encryption, etc.

Windows NT (NT– English N ew T echnology – new technologies) takes advantage of opportunities the latest models PC and works without DOS. The OS is convenient for users working within local network, for groups working on big projects and exchanging data.

Windows 2000 – OS for business use on a wide variety of PCs, from laptops to servers. The OS is the best for conducting business on the Internet.

Windows CE – OS for mobile computing devices ( pocket computers, digital information pagers, Cell Phones, multimedia and entertainment consoles, DVD players and etc.). The OS allows devices to “talk” and exchange information with each other, communicate with corporate networks and the Internet, and use E-mail.

Windows 98 – OS integrated with browser Internet Explorer, Improved compatibility with new computer hardware.

Windows 95 - an integrated environment that ensures the exchange of information between programs and provides the ability to work with multimedia, ensures the work online, opportunity sharing printers, faxes and others shared resources. The OS allows you to send E-mail, faxes, supports remote access. User interface simple and convenient. After turning on the PC and running test programs BIOS The OS boots automatically from the hard drive. After loading and initializing the OS, the screen appears Desktop, on which various graphic objects.

Windows 3.1 graphical shell for MS-DOS.

Main distinctive features WINDOWS OS are:

T Multitasking

T Flexibility, i.e. you can get the same result different ways

T Unified hardware-software graphical user interface

Main network operating systems:

Ø OS options Windows 2000:

§ Windows 2000 Professional OS for PC and workstations

§ Windows 2000 Server OS for small and medium servers

§ Windows 2000 Advanced Server OS for large servers

§ Windows 2000 DataCenter Server OS for particularly large companies or for maintaining very large Internet sites

Ø Windows NT OS includes server (Windows NT Server) and client (Windows NT Workstation) parts and ensures operation in client/server networks. Windows NT is used in medium-sized networks.

Ø OS UNIX used mainly in large corporate networks, the system is characterized by high reliability and the ability to scale the network.

Ø Novell Netware OS consists of a server part and shells Shell, hosted on client nodes. This OS is more often used in small networks.

Network OS functions:

Ø directory and file management– physically located in other network nodes;

Ø resource management– servicing requests for the provision of resources over the network;

Ø communication functions provide a choice of the direction of data movement, etc.;

Ø protection against unauthorized access. Access to data only from some terminals, at specified times, certain number times, etc. The user may have his own access rights with restrictions on the available directories or list of actions;

Ø fault tolerance– use of autonomous power supplies for servers, duplication of information;

Ø network management using control protocols.

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