What are h1 h5 tags. Not used at all

HTML tags h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6- these are six headings showing the relative importance of the block after the heading depending on the heading level h1, h2, h3, etc. H1 tag - first level heading, tag h2 - second, tag h3 - third, tag h6 - least meaningful title of all. Heading h1- the second most important element on the page after title tag(page title) and the most important tag of all the H tags.

Using html h1 header tag on the page is allowed no more than once and by default, the first-level H1 heading is displayed in the largest (among other H tags) bold font. The remaining H heading tags have a smaller font size depending on the level.

H1 header example

Headings h1, h2, h3,…, h6 - html tags having a required closing tag. They are block elements and are always displayed on a new line. Elements following the header H also start on a new line without using
. Also, an indent is added before and after the heading h1-h6. When using the h1 tag and other heading tags, you can use the align attribute, which determines the alignment of the heading. By default, all h1-h6 html tags are aligned to the left (h1 align left), using the align attribute you can align the h1 tag to the center (h1 align center) or to the right (h1 align right).

Also, it is undesirable to use tags inside H1, H2, H3,…,H6. Especially sharing H headings with html tags: STRONG, B, EM and A.

Tags h1,h2,h3 example:

Headings H1, H2, H3

Article title


Article title 1

Part of article 1.

Subtitle of Article 1

Point 1 of part 1.

Subtitle of Article 2

Point 2 of part 1.

Article title 2

Part of article 2.

Subtitle of Article 2

Point 1 of part 2.

Because the h1 tags,…,h6 are designed to focus the attention of search engines on certain parts of the text; they are used, for example, to display the h1 of the text title or other content. However, the use of h2-h6 headings is often not limited and goes beyond the text. As a result, headers and their properties are used to design category menus and even sidebar or footer elements. In such cases, not only the order of placing H headings on the page by level may be violated, but also extremely important principle originality headings h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 throughout all pages of the site. More on this below.

HTML h1 tag what to write and how to fill it out

From that how to write h1 tag and other H tags, the success of optimization and SEO promotion of the site for queries in the search largely depends. Before how to make h1 header there are several things to consider simple rules. Using rules like these, you can produce your own yourself. They concern what it will be like h1 header text and where the headings will be placed.

How to use h1-h6 headers:

  1. Hierarchy of headings. The h1 heading should be higher than all other h headings on the page. The remaining titles are in order of level.
  2. Font gradation. The higher the title level (h1 is the highest), the larger the title font.
  3. No more than one H1 per page. HTML h1 tag can only be used once per page. Two h1 headers will confuse the search robot, which can lead to unpredictable consequences when indexing the site.
  4. Nothing extra in H headings. Do not use anything other than text in H1-H6 headings. Avoid using other accent tags (strong, b, em) and links within H tags.
  5. Do not overuse headings h2,h3,h4,h5,h6. Too many “important” page elements can be interpreted as spam or over-optimization of the site.

Heading text h1,h2,h3,…,h6

Tags h1-h6 should contain a short description of the relevant section of text with characteristic keywords. You should not include anything unnecessary in the header content. When filling out h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 headings, as well as other attributes, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules when assessing the significance of the heading.

  1. Direct occurrence of the keyword in the title. Exact match of the keyword in the title for the corresponding request.
  2. The uniqueness of the title relative to other pages on the site. Duplicate titles on different pages sites may not be taken into account by search engines.
  3. The proximity of the title to the beginning of the document. The closer to the beginning of the html code the heading is, the greater its value relative to other elements of the page and the more significant the content of the heading is.
  4. The proximity of the keyword to the beginning of the title. Ideally, the title should begin with a keyword.
  5. Header length h1,h2,h3,…,h6. The title length should not exceed 60 characters. Search engines process a limited number of characters; long titles will not be fully understood.
  6. Literacy of headings. Grammar errors in the title reduce the relevance of the title.
  7. Keyword density in the title. All titles are evaluated for re-optimization. Therefore, you should not cram more and more keywords into the title; the title may be ignored.

H1 tag joomla, wordpress - headers in CMS

Many CMSs support the use of h1,…,h6 headers. Sometimes headings are placed automatically. However, not always taking into account the specifics of the site. Correct placement of headings in h1,2,3,4,5,6 tags on joomla, wordpress and other sites modern CMS can give amazing results for website SEO. Therefore, do not waste time setting up the site engine. Believe me, it will pay off.

H1-H6 headings are extremely important. You shouldn’t neglect them, but you shouldn’t abuse them either. Headings can make or break a site.

Let me know in the comments how you use H-headers.
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Write short, succinct and smart headlines.

In this article we will look at features of the correct placement of tags h1, h2…h6(h is an abbreviation for the English word heading - heading) and their impact on the optimization of the site as a whole. If tags are placed incorrectly, it is difficult for search engines to obtain information about the articles posted on your site and the keywords they contain. Tags make it possible to highlight headings and make your article easier to read. In addition, they provide advantages for your site in the ranking system by organizing the html code of the page.

How to determine if your site is under Google filters? Read more.

The title of your site is indicated by the h1 tag. It makes it possible to understand search engine name of the online resource. For example, a site about renting servers. This name will be displayed in the main title when searching in the system. Don't confuse h1 with tag (page title), because <title>written in the header of the page between <head></head>, while h1-h6 are indicated in the “body” of the page and enclosed between tags <body></body>. </p> <p><b><i>How to compose correctly <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/proshivka-drs-4500-rezultat-nazhatiya-knopki-budet-poyavivshiisya-ekran-s/">main heading</a> h1?</i> </b></p> <ul><li><span>mandatory use of keywords for promotion;</span></li> <li><span>h1 is used once on one page, if you place more PS it can be perceived <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/samye-izvestnye-lyudi-instagrama-instagram-v-cifrah-poleznye/">this fact</a> like re-optimization;</span></li> <li><span>A few words will be enough, no need to put it in <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/forma-dlya-zapolneniya-v-html-vvod-dannyh-polya-formy---teg-html-formy-kak-oni/">this tag</a> all page keywords;</span></li> <li><span>the title must be readable;</span></li> <li><span>The h1 meta tag should contain only text;</span></li> <li><span>h1 must correspond to the topic indicated in the title of this page;</span></li> <li><span>don't list <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/retargeting-i-podbor-auditorii-klyuchevaya-fraza-prodat-smartfon-ispolzovan/">key phrases</a> separated by commas, this exacerbates the relevance;</span></li> <li><span>make the title unique and thematic, do not make it a copy of the Title;</span></li> <li><span>Each page should contain unique h1-h6, try to avoid any repetitions as much as possible.</span></li> </ul><p>For better and more professional promotion, you will need a site audit. How to do a self-audit of your website? More about this in .</p> <p><b><i>h2 tag</i> </b><span>depending on the size and content of the site page can be used a couple of times and it shows the h1 subheading. The value of this tag is somewhat smaller than h1, but it is often used as a description of the page. The h2 tag is used as a second-level heading; it serves as subheadings for website pages. But it’s worth noting that sometimes promotion specialists strongly recommend using only one h2 tag</p> <p><b><i>h3 tag</i> </b><span>also helps the site rank higher in search engine queries. In most cases, it is used directly in the article as subheadings (3-5 pieces per article). It gives meaning to keywords.</p> <p><b><i>Tags h4, h5, h6</i> </b><span>have no significant significance or influence. In practice they are rarely used at all. Text that is formatted with these tags will rank somewhere slightly lower than text that is highlighted <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-ubrat-zhirnyi-shrift-v-odnoklassnikah-kak-uvelichit-shrift/">in bold</a>(tag strong). These tags are intended for small elements on the page. They are usually separated from the rest of the text. Compared to h1, they can be placed several times on the page.</p> <p><b><i>Rules for writing the text of headings h1, h2, h3,…, h6</i> </b></p> <p>What should the headings h1-h6 consist of:</p> <ol><li><span>direct occurrence of the keyword in the title, which will increase the relevant query in <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/mesto-v-poiskovoi-vydache-yandeksa-proverit-pozicii/">search results</a>; </span></li> <li><span>a unique title in relation to other pages of the site, since identical titles may not be taken into account by the PS;</span></li> <li><span>if the title is close to the html code, then its value relative to other page elements increases significantly;</span></li> <li><span>the keyword should be as close to the beginning of the title as possible;</span></li> <li><span>the length of the title should not exceed 60 characters, since a long title will not be accepted by the search engine;</span></li> <li><span>exclude grammatical errors from the title;</span></li> <li><span>Headings are checked for over-optimization, so you shouldn't put as many keywords as possible in one heading.</span></li> </ol><p><b><i>What to write and how to fill it out correctly. Practical advice.</i> </b></p> <p>The success of website optimization largely depends on how the tags are written. Therefore, you should adhere to the following rules for writing tags:</p> <ul><li><span>observe the hierarchy of tags, that is, h1 should be above the rest, other headings in order of levels;</span></li> <li><span>the higher the level, the larger the title font should be, that is, adhere to the gradation of fonts;</span></li> <li><span>give up everything superfluous and unnecessary in headings - accent tags and links, text only;</span></li> <li><span>no need to abuse h1,h2,h3,…,h6. <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/cms-joomla-vozmozhnosti-ustanovka-i-ispolzovanie-ogromnoe-kolichestvo-rasshirenii/">Great amount</a> important elements on the page are perceived by search robots as spam.</span></li> <li><span>the title can even be a picture, for example, with a logo, which is optimized accordingly.</span></li> </ul><p>It is important to note that the presence of all levels of headings on site pages does not <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/lg-smart-tv-prilozheniya-registraciya-zavoevanie-polzovatelskih-simpatii/">required condition</a>. In most cases, h1, h2, h3 are quite sufficient, but using the rest can be harmful if they highlight completely unimportant elements of the page text.</p> <p>We hope our tips helped you understand the features of the h1, h2, h3,..., h6 tags and their role in the correct structuring of content on the site. If you have any additional questions, please contact us! We also recommend the article ““.</p> <p>To prevent your site from looking spammy in the eyes of a search engine, stick to a few guidelines that relate to writing tags and more.</p> <p>SEO not working? What could be the reason? More on this in the next blog post. <br></p> <p>Company <b><i>Hyper Host™</i> </b>- that's all.</p> <p>20462 times <span>4 Viewed times today</p> <p>Igor</span>. Update: October 6, 2012.</p> <p>Hello, dear readers! I continue publishing in the section and today’s post will be devoted to the formation of html headers (h1-h6 tags), as well as ways <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-sdelat-otstup-pervoi-stroki-v-html-formatirovanie-html-abzaca-tegi/">html formatting</a> text by highlighting <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/russko-angliiskii-angliisko-russkii-perevodchik-dlya-android/">necessary words</a> or phrases (strong, b; em, i tags) and text fragments (blockquote, pre tags).</p> <p>I must say that these tools are very often in demand in the work of a webmaster, so I considered it necessary to talk about them, especially since <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/preobrazovanie-v-chb-pravilnoe-primenenie-modulya-kak-sdelat-fotografiyu/">correct application</a> the above html tags contributes to the successful promotion of the project. Generally speaking, all the information I offer is very important, its volume is thought out, so try to familiarize yourself with it as closely as possible, I try not to give anything superfluous.</p> <p>This applies to both this section on <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/dlya-chego-ispolzuetsya-html-osnovy-html-dlya-nachinayushchih-na-ponyatnom/">html basics</a>, as well as other sections. Within the framework of this section, we have already examined the concept, as well as the definition. Let me remind you very much <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/sozdanie-novoi-stranicy-v-kontakte-vazhnyh-pravil-raskrutki-soobshchestv-vk/">important rule</a>: Block tags can contain other block elements, but placing block tags inside inline tags is strongly discouraged.</p> <h2>Heading tags h1-h6</h2> <p>I'm sure many of you have come across h1-h6 header tags many times before, but perhaps some underestimate their importance from an SEO point of view. The fact is that these tags play an important role in the matter and I will try to touch on this aspect too. The elements h1-h6 got their name from <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-sdelat-vydelennye-bukvy-zaglavnymi-v-vorde-vord/">capital letter</a> English word "Header" (title). The syntax of headers in html code is as follows:</p><p> <h1>H1 header content</h1> <h2>H2 header content</h2> <h3>H3 header content</h3> <h4>h4 header content</h4> <h5>h5 header content</h5> <h6>h6 header content</h6> </p><p>Prescribing this <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-naiti-v-kode-html-nuzhnyi-kusok-kak-posmotret-ishodnyi-kod-stranicy-i-kod/">piece of html</a> code when displayed in the browser we get:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/goldbusinessnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/zagolovki-html.jpg' align="center" height="165" width="375" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Most <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/hk-domen-kakoi-strany-spisok-nacionalnyh-domenov-verhnego-urovnya/">top level</a> 1, the lowest - 6. Thus, any text can be classified in terms of its importance. The h1-h6 tags are block tags, so the heading they define takes up all the possible width space. However, even though these elements are block elements, they should not contain other block tags, only inline tags. When it comes to optimizing articles and the entire resource as a whole, there are several recommendations:</p> <ul><li>are the most important from the point of view of ranking by search engines, therefore they are the most in demand and frequently used. It is recommended to use the h1 tag title once on the page (usually it is located on the page with the article as the title of the post, on my blog it’s a little wrong so far, but I’m going to fix the situation). Heading h2 is used for subheadings, if the material is large and needs to be divided into logical parts, h3 - for subheadings of logical fragments of these parts; in addition, h2 and h3 can be used on the main page and category pages.</li> <li>Tags h4, h5, h6 are rarely used, since they are poorly taken into account when ranking. However, if the article is large and it is necessary to highlight some fragments for the convenience of readers, then they also come to the rescue (for example, in a voluminous manual, in each of the parts defined by the h3 element, it is necessary to highlight logical pieces with the subtitle h4). In addition, h4, h5, h6 tags can be used for the names of any blocks in the sidebar, footer (footer), etc.</li> <li>It is advisable to use headings h1, h2, h3 without fail. Of course, I have not analyzed the severity of search engines when this rule is not followed, but it is logical to assume that this is taken into account when ranking.</li> <li>It is necessary to add that the content of headings, especially h1-h3, must necessarily include <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/opredelenie-intervala-chastot-klyuchevyh-slov-vysokochastotnye/">keywords</a>, determined by , since search engines attach specific importance to keywords and phrases <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/samyi-bolshoi-smailik-znachenie-smailikov-napisannye-simvolami/">great importance</a>.</li> </ul><p>Well, of course, the use of tags <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/uroki-programmirovaniya-html-dlya-nachinayushchih-zagolovki-stranicy-h1-h2-h3-parallelnoe-izuchenie-html/">html headers</a>, and this is the main thing, it makes the material more convenient for users to understand. As for the align attribute of the h1-h6 tags, I won’t talk about it now, since it is not recommended for use according to the rules of the html specification. We'll talk about how to diversify the appearance of subheadings using acceptable methods that won't break the rules when we start studying.</p> <h2>Formatting text using special HTML tags</h2> <p><i>Text formatting</i>- this is the choice of means to change it, such as editing the font or using various effects. In many cases, their correct use contributes to website promotion.</p> <h3>Logical and physical formatting - features of using each of them</h3> <p>Let me note the difference between logical and physical (visual) formatting tags. Physical is intended primarily for users, which allows them to highlight important sections of the text for them. Boolean puts emphasis on the selected text <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/poisk-informacii-v-internete-osnovnye-poiskovye-mashiny-poiskovye/">search engines</a>, which take this area into account when ranking.</p> <p>The most striking example is strong and em, which are logical formatting tags, and b and i, respectively, are physical formatting tags. When displaying text framed by the strong and b (bold), em and i (italic) tags in the browser, there is no visual difference:</p><p> <strong>Bold text for search engines</strong> <b>Bold text for users</b> <em>Italicize text for search engines</em> <i>Italicize text for users</i> </p><p>Rumor has it that the meaning of the strong and em tags is <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/sboi-kompyutera-sinii-ekran-pochemu-poyavlyaetsya-ekran-smerti-chto-vy/">Lately</a> has fallen seriously and search engines now pay little attention to them. However, I still would not recommend getting carried away with their use, marking keywords with them, especially since there is a reasonable alternative in the form of the em and i elements.</p> <h3>What other tags are there that allow you to format text content?</h3> <p>Now a few more words about other text formatting tags, which are used extremely rarely, but are still needed since they exist. Perhaps someone will find this information useful. As usual, I will note only those tags that comply with the html 5 specification. Let's start with the physical (visual) formatting tags (the b and i tags are discussed above).</p> <ul><li>Small - serves to reduce the font size by one compared to regular text.</li> </ul> SEO <small>optimization</small> websites, blogs, portals. <li>Sub - text is displayed as a subscript</li> H <sub>2</sub> O - chemical formula of water <li>Sup - display text as a superscript</li> X <sup>2</sup>=Y - mathematical formula <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/goldbusinessnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/teg-sup.png' height="38" width="219" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Of course, these are only some of the physical formatting elements, but I have chosen only those that are valid in relation to html 5, the rest are recommended to be replaced with css styles, which I will introduce you to soon. Below are examples of logical formatting tags.</p> <ul><li>Abbr - indicates that <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/avtozapolnenie-v-excel-vidy-i-vozmozhnosti-zapolnenie-chislovymi-dannymi/">given sequence</a> characters is an abbreviation. The abbreviation is decrypted using the attribute <i>title</i> and pops up when you move the cursor over the text.</li> </ul> <abbr title="Hyper Text Transfer Protocol">HTML <abbr>- hypertext markup language <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/goldbusinessnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/teg-abbr.png' height="52" width="249" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <li>Cite - used to highlight quotes <cite>Tommy Dewar</cite> <q>Sometimes a step forward requires a step back.</q> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/goldbusinessnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/teg-cite.png' height="54" width="256" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p></li><li>Code - used to display various codes, for example, script code</li> <code>(function() ( var request, b = document.body, c = "className", cs = "customize-support", rcs =new RegExp("(^|\\s+)(no-)?"+cs+" (\\s+|$)"); request = true; b = b.replace(rcs, ""); b += (window.postMessage && request ? " " : " no-") + cs; )() );</code> <p><br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/goldbusinessnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/teg-code.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <li>Del - selects text by striking it out. Very useful when you need to mark text that has been removed from a new version of a document. Using this tag allows you to track changes that have been made to the text.</li> Still <del>there were no updates</del> blog <li>Ins - selects text by underlining it. This indicates that this piece of text was inserted after the document was published.</li> Still <del>there were no updates</del> blog, <ins>but now this flaw will be corrected</ins> <li>1 bulleted list item</li> <li>2 bulleted list item</li> <li>3 bulleted list item</li> <p>The logical and physical formatting tags presented above are often not encountered when writing html code, but knowledge about them is necessary at least to clarify their role in modern website promotion. Next, we’ll look at two more html text formatting tags that play an important role.</p> <h3>How to insert a quote using blockquote and highlight a text fragment using pre</h3> <p>The Html blockquote tag is used to format text, highlighting quotes within a document. It is quite common and is often used when writing posts on websites and blogs on certain topics. Here's an example:</p> <p><br><img src='https://i2.wp.com/goldbusinessnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/tcitata-blockquote.png' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The blockquote tag is a paired tag and can include both block (for example p paragraph tags) and inline elements.</p><p> <p>A paragraph of text enclosed in a p tag</p> <blockquote><p>A paragraph of text enclosed within a blockquote formatting tag.</p></blockquote> </p><p>It does not have a set of unique attributes, but . In each theme, the design of the quote in the text can be different, it depends on the style and design of the template, which is determined by the css styles, which I have already mentioned several times and which we will definitely get to in the near future.</p> <p>Well, and finally, about one more formatting element that is often in demand - <i>tag pre</i>. This element allows you to display a piece of text pre-formatted directly in the HTML code. The default display feature in the browser is that any number of spaces that appear in sequence are rendered as one on the web page. The pre tag helps get around this specific feature. That is, what and how you wrote will be accurately reproduced on the page if a section of text is enclosed between the opening and closing pre tags.</p><p> <pre>HTML text formatting using the pre tag pre tag - paired and block elements</pre> </p><p>The text will appear in exactly the same form in the browser:</p><p>HTML text formatting using the pre tag pre tag - paired and block elements</p><p>Well, that’s probably all I wanted to talk about today in relation to the h1-h6 heading tags, as well as the main elements of html text formatting. There will definitely be a continuation, so be sure to subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss the latest materials. Well, in conclusion, after a long difficult article, smile while watching our smaller brothers:</p> <p><span class="U2-L6_0p1w8"></span></p> <p>Would you like to receive fresh, relevant and useful articles in a timely manner? Then you can subscribe:</p> <p>More articles on this topic:</p> <h3>34 reviews</h3> <ol><li> <b>Sergey</b> <p>Thanks for the detailed article on <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/ispolzovanie-tvittera-dlya-prodvizheniya-vashego-biznesa-dlya-nachinayushchih-ya/">current topic</a>, but questions immediately arise.</p> <p>First of all, headings, or rather, their direct use. I've come across two opinions. <br>1. The code should contain the name of the site, - the title of the article, - subheadings. The tag should be the only one on the page. <br>2. - article title and site name, - subheadings.</p> <p>You use the first option, I use the second, but I can’t justify the choice on my own, since that’s what they advised.</p> <p>Another question about the strong tag - again, there are rumors that PSs are beginning to treat it not just with indifference, but with hostility, more precisely, with regard to their highlighting of a key word or phrase. An alternative is to highlight the sentence containing the key in its entirety.</p> <p>At some point I completely abandoned this tag, but it’s too early to talk about the results.</p></li> <li> <b>Sergey</b> <p>I'm sorry, I forgot that the engine cuts out tags:</p> <p>1. The h1 code should contain the name of the site, h2 - the title of the article, h3 - subheadings. The tag should be the only one on the page. <br>2. - h1 is the title of the article and the name of the site, h2 is the subheadings.</p></li> <li> <b>Basil</b> <p>Igor, I just can’t figure out where the H1 tag is. You and I have an image in the header. You have this tag there. When analyzing my website with one service, I was eventually told that I don’t have an H1 tag on my website at all. How to even insert it into the header of the site?</p></li> <li> <b>Igor</b> <p>Sergey, much of what concerns SEO is learned in practice through experiments. I can't answer definitively <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/na-dannyi-moment-net-v-nalichii-kak-obespechit-seo-dlya-stranic-s/">this moment</a> What is better, no one can do it. No <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/servis-pak-solyushen-onlain-driverpack-solution-online-avtomaticheskii/">universal solution</a>, it all depends on the topic of the resource and its promotion. But I understand your concern and desire to comprehend the truth. As soon as I have certain data on each item, I will immediately publish it. As for the strong tag, in my opinion, highlighting keywords or phrases once in an article should not do any harm, all this is unnecessary hype.</p></li> <li> <b>Igor</b> <p>Exactly. 🙂</p></li> <li> <b>Igor</b> <p>Vasily, I wrote the title in the theme functions directly in the admin panel. <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/yarlyki-yandeksa-kak-skachat-russkii-yandeks-brauzer-besplatno/">Appearance</a>- Topics, for my topic there are many options with which you can edit this or that area of ​​my topic, including entering a title. And you, as I understand it, changed the original heading of your topic, didn’t you? Moreover, they completely changed the image, and the image already had the name of your resource. You didn’t write h1 in the header, where does it come from? Take a closer look at the functions of your theme, maybe there is a similar function there too. Where “Theme Management” look, there should be links, something like “Customize”, “Theme Options” and already there look for a link like “Site Name and Description”. In my theme, for example, you can change a lot, even the website colors and header, by uploading a new image. Let me know in the comments how it turned out.</p></li> <li> <b>Basil</b> <p>Yes, I changed the image in the header. On the test site I returned the original image. I still couldn't find H1 anywhere. I installed a very similar twin theme, this tag is not there either, only H2. Can there be topics without an H1 tag? Then I installed a standard theme, I didn’t find this tag on the main page, but on the page there is an H1 tag in the title of the article. But I don’t know how to add it to the site header.</p></li> <li> <b>Igor</b> <p>Vasily, read my previous answer more carefully and try to enter the name of the site through the admin panel. There should be a theme control function, you have styles for the h1 header in your css, I looked.</p></li> <li> <b>Basil</b> <p>IN <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-vernut-prezhnii-vid-papok-windows-kak-vernut-standartnuyu-temu/">standard theme</a> everything is. There are no such options in the theme settings itself. Through <br>Admin panel -> Themes -> Site settings and description. There I wrote the name of the site and <br>Short description. But there is still no h1 tag. I reinstalled this on the test site <br>topic, here is the address http://komp.vellisa.ru/. You can log in through Yandex, since it is closed <br>from indexing. Previously, when I wrote the name of the site in the Admin Panel, it was added to the header, but it didn’t look nice. Now for some reason the inscriptions are not being added.</p></li> <li> <b>Igor</b> <p>Vasily, I investigated your problem. The point is that, according to <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-ubrat-neispolzuemye-stili-css-udalenie-neispolzuemyh-css/">css styles</a> Your theme's title, enclosed in h1 tags, simply does not fit in the header. Try the following. If you are working with <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/nastroiki-i-upravlenie-google-chrome-skrytye-nastroiki-v-brauzere-google-chrome/">Chrome browser</a>, move the cursor to the image in the header and click <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/peremeshchenie-paneli-zadach-v-niz-ekrana-s-pomoshchyu-myshki-shchelchok-pravoi/">right click</a> mice, from <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-dobavit-v-kontekstnom-menyu-yandeksa-parametry-yandeks/">context menu</a> select View Item Code. In the lower half of the window you will see <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/chernyi-cvet-kod-html-uchebnik-html-cveta-rgb-cveta-bezopasnoi-palitry/">html code</a> This particular image, this line will be highlighted in dark blue. This link is to the header image of your topic. On the right will be presented the styles for this particular element. Right-click on this link and select “Delete node” from the context menu. Do you see the element has been removed? I hope you understand that after restarting the browser everything will fall into place, so you can experiment as much as you like. This element is enclosed in a container<_div class="span-11">. After removing the link to the images, the link to the main page will remain. As an anchor for this link, write any word enclosed in h1 tags, for example, World. That is, it will look something like this: a link to the main page enclosed in a span-11 container<_a_href vellisa.ru_=""><_h1>World<_></_><_>. And immediately you will see this word in place of the image (which, by the way, is not necessary, since the name of the topic is there, as I understand it. Try uploading a smaller image instead of this image and try again using the admin panel to enter the name of the site. If it doesn’t work, we will act more substantively.</_></_h1></_a_href></_div></p></li> <li> <b>Basil</b> <p>Igor, thank you very much for your help. I deleted the element, but it’s not very clear how to insert it. I inserted this word at random, it didn’t quite work out, but the word was there. I can’t write changes to the name of the site, I change it, but nothing is displayed in the header. <br>Is it generally possible to make sure that on my main site I still have the image that is there now and somehow add h1 tags?</p></li> <li> <b>Igor</b> <p>Vasily, a little patience, I’m too busy now, as soon as I solve the problem, I don’t promise, but I’ll try to help, I’ll post the answer in the comments.</p></li> <li> <b>Basil</b> <p>Thanks Igor. Of course I'll wait, it's not an urgent matter.</p></li> <li> <b>Eugene</b> <p>I agree that tags are a necessary thing and ignoring them is more expensive for yourself. If H1 H2 almost automatically appear on the page (the title of the article and the site), then H3 should be written in the body of the article yourself. <br>The align attribute to these tags is a controversial option. I haven’t noticed its influence on promotion yet, it’s more likely that it doesn’t exist. There are no violations on the part of validity either. So I guess it's up to everyone's discretion.</p></li> <li> <b>Igor</b> <p>Evgeniy, there really is no influence on the promotion of the align attribute yet, but as for validity, you got carried away. It is not recommended for use not only according to the html 5 specification, but even according to html 4.01. Instead of this attribute, it is recommended to use a similar one <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/css-svoistva-text-decoration-vertical-align-text-align-text-indent-dlya-oformleniya-teksta-v-html-kak/">text-align properties</a>, which is written in css.</p></li> <li> <b>Igor</b> <p>Vasily, sorry we had to wait so long. I just unloaded a little and now I have solved your problem. Follow mine <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/aifon-pishet-podklyuchenie-k-aityuns-iphone-otklyuchen-podklyuchites-k/">further instructions</a> so that the H1 heading appears in the header. First you need to edit your header image. You can find it here: http://vellisa.ru/wp-content/themes/cooltext643525798.png, that is, in the folder with the current theme. Download it to your computer using, for example. Open it in any <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/horoshie-graficheskie-redaktory-gde-mozhno-prosmatrivat-raw/">graphic editor</a>, even <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/skachat-programmu-dlya-izmeneniya-programma-izmenyayushchaya-golos/">simple program</a> paint will do. There, erase the inscription “vellisa.ru” with a simple eraser. If this is not done, there will be a double inscription, or the inscription with h1 will overlap it and will look ugly. Then open the file header.php, which is responsible for the header, using notepad++, find the line there.</p></li></ol> <p>Absolutely everyone knows what a title is. This is a capacious, attractive title, which, despite all its brevity, contains the essence of an entire publication, article, etc. But the title on the site page is not exactly what we are used to seeing in newspapers, magazines or books. Why? Let's try to figure it out.</p> <h2>What is H1?</h2> <p>H1 is the main heading in the article, the first level heading. Each page on the Internet has its own structure. Headings H1-H6 allow you to properly structure materials, both for search engines and for users. H1 is the main heading, H2-H6 are secondary, nested subheadings. In the code, the headers look like this: <h1>the title itself</h1>, the number just indicates the header level.</p> <p>Headings on the Internet serve not only to indicate the structure and essence of what is being described, but also to optimize the site. To bring your site to visible positions in the search results, write the correct headings, observing 2 simple conditions:</p> <h2>Condition 1. Keywords in headings</h2> <p>To do this, you must have developed a high-quality semantic core - treat it extremely responsibly and remember that you cannot insert the same key on all pages of the site. Relevance is everything: you need to meet the expectations of clients and search engines. In the headlines <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/stranica-sdelat-startovoi-avtomaticheski-kak-sdelat-yandeks/">home page</a> you can take mid-frequency and <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/zaprosy-s-nizkoi-chastotnostyu-chto-takoe-vch-sch-nch-zaprosy-i-ih-rol-v/">high frequency queries</a>. And on product pages (product card), headings with low-frequency keys are quite acceptable. The key should lead to a specific position or unit, be precise, and not generalized.</p> <p>When placing keywords, do so carefully: do not overuse keywords or create spammy titles (for example, <i>buy an apartment in Moscow, buy a refrigerator bag, buy a motorcycle in Krasnoyarsk, price, mine is yours, don’t understand, etc.</i>). Keep the phrase beautiful and logical. In the great and mighty Russian language, words are conjugated and inflected, but robots now understand the meaning and understand the language no worse than you and me! And don’t be too frequent - spam is obvious to everyone, and Baden-Baden is just a stone’s throw away, and don’t forget about Panda from Google.</p> <p>An example where the number of keys is off scale, overkill.</p> <p>From the main heading it is clear what product we are talking about. Of course, you can’t do without a key in the first paragraph, but do it unobtrusively, and not so openly and aggressively.</p> <p>Well, I hope that it will never occur to anyone to cram all the keywords intended for one page into the title. Nothing good will clearly come of it. =)</p> <p>Remember that text is created not only for <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kakie-poiskovye-mashiny-vam-izvestny-poiskovye-mashiny/">search engines</a>, but also for people. And in general, robots like humane, simple and understandable texts. If in the title the keywords organically appear at the beginning of the sentence, it will work a little better. Those. from the point of view of optimizing a page for the keyword “Moscow hotels”, the heading “Moscow Hotels - official sites, reviews, photos” will work better than “Reviews, photos and official sites of Moscow hotels”.</p> <h2>Condition 2. Tags <h1>-<h6></h2> <p>When posting texts on the site, do not forget to place the tags correctly. Tags for text headings are defined by the following HTML code: <h1>-<h6>. According to our observations, two tags are quite enough - <h1>-<h2>. Nowadays people don’t read large texts, and even based on the logic of things, nesting so many headings is not necessary. An exception may be pages with a lot of videos, pictures, interactive elements, etc. But this is still the exception, not the rule.</p> <p>Search engines also take into account the size and significance of tags <h1>-<h2>. When designing, you should pay attention so that the headings visually stand out from the general text.</p> <p>Links in headings should not be used, especially in <h1>: This will lead the person off the page to other material or, if you link to the same page, you will create a circular link that does no good.</p> <p>It is acceptable to link from level headings <h2>and lower, but also if it is justified and logical.</p> <p>Search engine crawlers place a lot of importance on titles because they are used to indicate important information. This will make it easier for machines to read the text and understand its structure and logic; see what is most significant. Don't try to cheat and use tags <h1>-<h6>for all the text on the page, because it won’t do any good. Robots are not fools, and in general they are very vulnerable - they can take revenge for this with something unpleasant for your site. Therefore, think seven times in advance, the consequences are terrible. When writing headings in the text, adhere to the following rules:</p> <ol><p>Let's put things in order. Tags <h1>-<h6>arranged according to the principle of hierarchy: tag <h1>more important than the tag <h2>. In reality it looks like this:</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/1ps.ru/files/blog/2018/technical-side-of-headings-02-mini.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Search engines are perfectionists: they love the correct sequence, so that everything is in its place, on its shelves. Therefore, we follow the logic: the youngest son cannot be born before the eldest. This is not acceptable - here is an example with a broken hierarchy:</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/1ps.ru/files/blog/2018/technical-side-of-headings-03-mini.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In addition, the tag <h1>plays an important role in the formation of quick links in Yandex search results.</p> <p>If everything works out, the effect of such seemingly insignificant and easy work will not be long in coming.</p> <p>And if you have any difficulties, contact our specialists, we are ready to check whether the headings on your site are written correctly, write them correctly in case of errors and answer any questions. Drawing up headings for 1 page (+ selection of 3 relevant keys) - from 450 rubles.</p></ol> <p><b>Tags h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6</b> are headings from the first to the sixth level. They determine the importance of the segment they title. The gradation starts from h1 - the highest priority, and ends with h6, which has the lowest priority of all.</p> <p>In this case, a page can have no more than one h1 heading, since this tag describes the entire content of the page.</p> <p>There can be as many headings h2…h6 in a document as you like.</p> <p>They all have extremely simple syntax. The title begins with a tag <h1>, followed by a text description, which is framed by a closing tag</h1>.</p> <p>Like this: <b><h1>Header text here</h1> </b></p> <p>The figure below shows the header inside an HTML page.</p> <p>Headings at any level are, in HTML terms, block elements and are always displayed on a new line. This allows you to visually divide the text into semantic blocks.</p> <p>An example of an h1 header can be seen directly on the page with this article. It looks like this.</p> <p>Its syntax is extremely simple: <b><h1>Page headings h1, h2, h3 … h6</h1> </b></p> <p>The title contains a brief description of the material, as well as the most common keywords. There are no additional styles or layers inside h1.</p> <h3>Example of headings h2…h6</h3> <p>A visual example of nested h2 and h3 headings can be seen on the page <i>(For convenience, we have removed the text of the article in the figure)</i></p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/dh-agency.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/primery-zagolovkov-h2-h3.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Heading <h2></h2>has a larger size and contains a description of the section, including summarizing subheadings <h3></h3>. Keywords have been added to all tags. Moreover, h2 has a higher frequency keyword than h3.</p> <h2>The role of h1…h6 tags in SEO</h2> <p>In SEO promotion <b>first level heading h1</b> occupies a special role. It describes the contents of the entire document and, unlike <title>displayed on the page. In fact, it is the second most important tag for a search engine after title. It is in h1 that the most frequent request is contained, which headlines the contents of the entire promoted page. This tag is written taking into account, which are extremely important for SEO.</p> <p>Subheadings <b>h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6</b> structure the document by breaking it into blocks of varying degrees of nesting. Based on these tags, the search engine determines the importance of a particular passage of text. You shouldn’t title all the material with the h1 or h2 tag. This will not make it “more significant”. You will simply lose the ability to “prioritize” within an article. In this case, the robot will independently determine priority and secondary passages, which ultimately may not coincide with your vision of the situation.</p> <h2>We write h1 correctly</h2> <p>Qualitative <b>h1 header</b> must meet a number of serious requirements.</p> <ol><p>Briefly and clearly describe the contents of the entire page;</p> <p>Be written in the same language as all the material on the page;</p> <p>Be no more than 60 characters long, and be located on one line on the page;</p> <p><i>(Long titles are difficult to read and are poorly understood by search engines.)</i></p> <p>Do not mislead users;</p> <p>Have unique content;</p> <p>Be alone on the page;</p> <p>Inside <h1></h1>there should be no third party markup and formatting tags such as <i>, <b>, <strong>, <span>, <div>and others.</p> </ol><h3>Errors when writing h1</h3> <p>Mistakes in writing first-level h1 headings can have disastrous consequences for the promotion of a particular page. Let's look at the most common ones so that you never allow them on your sites.</p> <ol><p>The title is too long;</p> <p>Headings longer than 70-100 characters are difficult to read, and it is more difficult for a search engine to glean the essence of the article from them.</p> <p>Headings consisting of keywords;</p> <p>The presence of SEO SPAM may result in exclusion from search results. You should not transform the contents of tags <h1></h1>into the semantic core.</p> <p>Availability of a brand;</p> <p>If your company is not well known, having its name in h1 will result in the loss of precious space.</p> <p>Headings that do not describe the essence of the article.</p> <p>First of all, h1 should describe the essence of the page, and only then be attractive and selling.</p> <p>The presence of the h1 set in the article.</p> <p>If there are multiple h1s on your page, this will enter <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/poiskovyi-robot-kotoryi-skachivaet-veb-stranicu-chasto-zadavaemye/">search robot</a> misleading.</p> </ol><h2>We write h2…h6 correctly</h2> <p>For <b>headings h2…h6</b> the requirements are a little looser. All of the above is true for them, but at the same time:</p> <ol><p>There can be several tags of the same level on a page; <i>(For example, you can have 3 h2 tags in one document)</i></p> <p>They should describe only the block they title;</p> <p>Can be up to 80 characters long;</p> <li>Should contain less frequent keywords; <i>(Compared to h1 tag)</i></li> </ol><p>The mistakes when writing h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6 tags are very similar to those made when creating h1. Therefore, we will not pay attention to them. <br></p> <h2>Headings h1, h2,…h6 for WordPress</h2> <p>In WordPress, there are no difficulties in creating a first-level header, since it is automatically displayed on the page. Just add the main title of the article and it will immediately appear in the tags <h1></h1>. An example of a header is shown in the figure below.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/dh-agency.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/zagolovok-h1-wordpress.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Please note what to add <h1>it is not necessary in the text of the article, as this will lead to duplication of the tag. Which can have negative consequences for SEO.</p> <p>There is no character limit for this field in WordPress, so stick to the basic writing requirements.</p> <p>Headings of the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth levels - h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6 are written in the body of the article directly in HTML markup or using a visual editor.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/dh-agency.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/sozdanie-h2-h3-h4-h5-h6-redaktorom.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Headings h1, h2,…h6 for Joomla!</h2> <p>Just like in WordPress, Joomla! The title is derived from the title of the article. This field has no restrictions on the number of characters, so be guided by the allowed heading sizes.</p> <p>When creating your first article, be sure to check whether the title is displayed correctly and whether it is located in the tags <h1></h1>. Depending on your settings, the title may not be displayed.</p> <p>The principle of creating nested headings using h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6 tags is similar to. They can also be added via <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/tekstovyi-redaktor-dlya-redaktirovaniya-koda-kakoi-luchshii-redaktor-html-php/">HTML editor</a> code or through visual design.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/dh-agency.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/sozdanie-vlojennih-zagolovkov-joomla.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><i>(Editor appearance may differ depending on <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-obnovit-versiyu-php-na-servere-kak-obnovit-versiyu-php-joomla-kak-obnovit/">Joomla versions</a>! or <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-sozdat-menyu-v-joomla-vyvod-modulya-menyu-v-nuzhnuyu-poziciyu-shablona-dzhumly-kak/">installed modules</a> and settings.)</i></p> <h2>Headings h1, h2,…h6 for Opencart</h2> <p>In Opencart, a separate field is allocated for the title, which is called the “HTML H1 tag”. This is quite convenient, since the name may differ from the actual h1 displayed.</p> <p>As in other CMSs, there are no restrictions within the field.</p> <p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/dh-agency.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/teg-h1-dlya-opencart.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Headings of the second, third, etc. levels (h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6) are prescribed in the article independently. This is done in the same way as in other control systems when <a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/kak-sozdat-veb-stranicu-s-pomoshchyu-bloknota-vvedenie-v-html-opisanie-html-tegov-iz/">HTML help</a> markup or editor.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/dh-agency.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/zagolovki-v-opencart.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div><div class="clear"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('hc_full_comments').innerHTML = ''; </script><br /><br /><noindex><p align="center"><center> <div id="meta_news_block1111" style="text-align: center;"></div></center> </p> <br /><br /> <p align="center"> </p> </noindex> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="clear"></div><br /> <h2 class="front" style="margin:15px 0 5px 0">Popular articles</h2> <div class="tabcont"> <ol> <li><a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/skolko-vesit-ustanovochnyi-fail-windows-10-kakoi-obem-ssd-nuzhen/">What size ssd is needed for Windows</a></li> <li><a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/noutbuk---kak-polzovatsya-klaviaturoi-naznachenie-klavish-klaviatury/">Assignment of computer keyboard keys</a></li> <li><a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/poryadok-provedeniya-klassifikacii-informacionnyh-sistem-personalnyh/">BukvaPrava - free legal consultations On approval of the procedure for classifying personal data information systems</a></li> <li><a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/shablon-bloga-kategorii-joomla-3-tip-menyu-shablon-bloga-kategorii-alternativnyi/">Menu Type: Category Blog Template</a></li> <li><a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/sbros-uchetnoi-zapisi-windows-10-kak-legko-sbrosit-zabytyi-parol-v/">How to easily reset a forgotten password on any version of Windows</a></li> </ol> </div> <h2 class="front" style="margin:15px 0 5px 0">Latest articles</h2> <div class="tabcont"> <ol> <li><a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/socialnaya-set-dlya-rasprostraneniya-opyta-pedagogov-nsportal/">NSPortal - Social network of educators Network of educators registration</a></li> <li><a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/principy-programmnogo-upravleniya-fon-neimana-poyavlenie-evm-principy-fon/">The advent of computers, von Neumann's principles</a></li> <li><a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/proekt-sozdanie-plastilinovogo-multfilma-fioletovyi/">Presentation "project" plasticine cartoon Competition design work plasticine cartoon</a></li> <li><a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/blok-pitaniya-atx-450pnr-shema-shemy-ris-4-blok-pitaniya-s-sbmodulem/">Power supply atx 450pnr circuit diagram</a></li> <li><a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/izuchaem-rabotu-stabilitrona-stabilitrony-stabilitron-parallelnoe/">Zener diodes Zener diode parallel connection</a></li> <li><a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/sposoby-ustanovki-shriftov-v-windows-sposoby-ustanovki-shriftov-v-windows-kak/">Methods for installing fonts in Windows How to remove or hide a font</a></li> <li><a href="https://gtavrl.ru/en/ustanovka-proshivki-android-5-0-lollipop-obnovlenie-android-kak-obnovitsya-do/">Installing android 5 firmware</a></li> </ol> </div> <div class="widget" id="ajdg_grpwidgets-3"> <div class="g g-9"> <div class="g-single a-27"> <script> jQuery(function() { window.onscroll = function() { height_scroll = jQuery(document).scrollTop(); 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