What are smartphones and tablets? Smartphone and tablet: differences between smart devices

We would not be lying if we say that visitors website are not millionaires. We all try to save money. Therefore, we had a question: should we choose a smartphone or a tablet? If you only have enough money for one device, which one is better to buy? Let's figure it out.

Of course, it’s hard to imagine modern life without a smartphone. Therefore, in our article we are most likely talking about an additional smartphone - with a large screen, ideal for watching movies. After all, you should definitely have a compact device, since it’s impossible to take a tablet with you everywhere - it’s too big.

If you buy yourself a smartphone, you automatically get the ability to make calls. A tablet, even if it has a slot for a SIM card, can only be configured for an Internet connection. And is it necessary to mention that it is more convenient to talk on a smartphone, even if it has a 5.5-inch display?

For some reason, the cost of producing smartphones is very low. Therefore, now they are appearing with might and main, which have good characteristics. They often also have a light sensor, which makes their use quite comfortable. But they are equipped with less advanced characteristics, which is why they regularly experience slowdowns. We can conclude that you will most likely spend more money on buying a good tablet computer than on purchasing a smartphone.

If you are a gaming enthusiast, then only an expensive “tablet” will suit you. Cheap models are simply not capable of providing modern games with adequate frame rates. But smartphones cope much better with launching them - even relatively inexpensive devices. Moreover, if the device includes a gyroscope, then it can also be inserted into it! There is no way you can place a tablet in it.

Now in stores you can easily choose a smartphone with a protected case. What can I say, even the super popular Galaxy S8 is not afraid of water! In this regard, you can easily buy a device for. You can take it with you outdoors. You will be confident that falling onto rocks or into water will not have harmful consequences. As for “tablets,” they rarely get a shock-resistant and waterproof case. Of course, such models still exist. But their cost is inadequate, and their characteristics are outdated.

By the way, when traveling, your smartphone will also delight you with its navigation module. You'll open the Maps app and immediately see your location. Tablets often also have a GPS chip. But think about it: will you want to take such a bulky device out of your backpack every time?

Advantages of tablets

Whatever one may say, tablet computers have a very large screen. Even 7-inch tablets seem like real giants compared to smartphones. A number of advantages flow from this. The most important of them is comfortable viewing of videos. This, of course, is not a TV or even a computer monitor. But compared to a smartphone, it's simply amazing! Especially if you compare devices of the lowest price category - now even inexpensive tablets have an IPS display with wide viewing angles.

On a large screen, greater detail is most often achieved (unless the pixel density is reduced to some 150 PPI). Due to this, it is easier to crawl around various sites on a tablet. On a smartphone, you often have to use the mobile version of the resource, which usually turns out to be less functional. Photos also look great on a tablet computer. Especially if they were obtained using a camera with a high-resolution matrix.

Some of us once read e-books using mobile phones with tiny screens. But this does not mean that you need to continue using your smartphone to read. The fact is that even a 5-inch display is small. If you read information from such an LCD panel for a long time, your eyes may hurt, and if you do this regularly, problems may occur. Of course, this is not excluded when using a tablet. But its screen is still larger, so such devices are better suited for reading books. By the way, they are not the largest in size and have minimal weight - you can easily take them with you on the subway or to work.

Not everyone thinks about it, but the “pill” can be used by several family members at once. In the latest versions of Android, quick switching between profiles has even been introduced for this purpose. It turns out that you are buying a device for several people at once - this is profitable. A smartphone is a purely individual gadget.

Another important advantage of the tablet is its reliability. Yes, the gadget usually includes the simplest things. But if a tablet computer falls, it is extremely rare and at home with a soft floor. And the “tablet” cannot be placed in the same pocket with the keys. Therefore, such a device can serve, if not forever, then for many years. And if you think about it, the service life will increase even more - due to a suitable cover.

What's better?

It's time to decide whether you should buy a smartphone or a tablet. In fact, it all depends on the tasks that the device will solve. If you want to give something to your child so that he can watch cartoons, your choice should be a tablet. And in general, tablet computers are best suited for watching all kinds of videos. But for a VR helmet and outdoor use, you should take a smartphone. But do not forget that its service life will most likely be noticeably shorter.

Tablets and smartphones are similar both in appearance and in characteristics. Let's consider what is better: a smartphone or a tablet with phone functionality.

Visually, the gadgets are similar. The characteristics are also identical. The differences are as follows:

  1. A smartphone is purchased for mobile communications, but is used as a pocket computer.
  2. The tablet performs the functions of a computer, only then a telephone.


The main differences between the devices are the dimensions of the gadget itself and the matrix. The smartphone has an average display of 5 inches. But the tablet has about 10.


The components of the gadgets are the same. There are models on the market with both basic, medium and powerful hardware. Thanks to this, you can choose something worthwhile. But there are differences regarding the processes. The following are used for smartphones:

  • Qualcomm Snapdragon;
  • MediaTek;
  • Exynos.

Tablets use:

  • Qualcomm Snapdragon;
  • MediaTek;
  • Intel.

Apple uses its own processors.

If the question is the clock frequency and number of cores, there are no differences as such.

operating system

The OS is selected based on the person's preferences. Android can be supplied to both types of gadgets, and there is no difference in the functionality of both types of devices. But when compared with Windows, there are differences.

The fact is that Windows 8 and 10 were developed for the tablet. And therefore, according to people’s reviews, it is better to work on them, since the size of the smartphone screen is not enough to carry out operations comfortably.

mobile connection

Modern tablets also have a SIM card slot, which allows you to use it for calls. But the fact is that they are inconvenient for conversations; SIM cards are more often used for the Internet. Therefore, in this regard, a smartphone is better.


Another criterion by which a gadget is chosen. Tablets that cost 15 thousand have a 4-core processor with a power above 2 GHz, and a RAM capacity of up to 3 GB. A smartphone for the same money has the same power.

If we compare the hardware, the differences between the gadgets will be as follows:

  1. The tablet has an excellent processor, so this option is suitable for gamers. It runs games with good graphics.
  2. The internal memory of a tablet is usually larger than that of a smartphone.
  3. Large memory cards are used, for example 64 or 128 gigabytes.


Since a tablet is larger than a smartphone, it requires a large battery. Thanks to this, it turns out to gain in part capacity. Therefore, it works twice as long as a smartphone on a single charge.

But in most cases, the differences in operating time are insignificant, because the larger the screen diagonal, the faster the battery drains. Therefore, by starting different batteries you can achieve identical operating times.

The smartphone has the advantage of having a removable battery. If the latter breaks, it can be replaced (just buy a new one and put it in place of the old one). The tablet has a built-in battery, and if it breaks, you will have to go to a service center and pay for the services of a technician.

Photo and video shooting

Camera performance is the main parameter that is an advantage of a smartphone. A modern smartphone has high-quality multi-lens optics, a photosensitive matrix and good software. Even cheap options often have autofocus and flash; the pictures become better quality than those taken with a camera.

The camera on the tablet is not as good. It is rather intended for video communication. It is unlikely that you will be able to find any settings in the tablet camera settings. And autofocus is missing in almost all versions of tablets.

If you compare photos taken with a tablet and a smartphone, the latter have much higher quality.


Some people buy gadgets specifically for gaming. Such people can be advised to use a device with a powerful processor and a large amount of RAM.

Good image display is important. Therefore, the device must have good resolution. Usually in such cases, medium and expensive tablets are chosen. The smartphone is also suitable for gaming. But it is inconvenient due to the size of the screen; small details are not visible on it.

Note! If you are a fan of simple games, such as arcade games, logic games or runners, you can safely choose a smartphone. The characteristics are enough to play similar games.

Video creation

If you edit video, it is better to purchase a tablet. The reason is the large display, which allows you to process every frame efficiently.

Editing apps are supported on both devices. If you need to edit videos on the way to work, it is better to choose a powerful smartphone. In the office or at home, a tablet is better suited.

Advantages and disadvantages of devices

To make a choice, let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of both gadgets.

Advantages of a smartphone:

  1. Market development. Every year there are new devices with a newer processor. The size of displays is also increasing.
  2. The product is suitable for mobile communications and message transmission.
  3. Powerful gadget in use for games.
  4. Compact dimensions. You can do work outside the home.
  5. You can use any applications, watch movies, videos and photos.
  6. High-quality photos and videos. Excellent camera performance.
  7. If the battery fails, it is simply replaced. You don't have to go to a service center.


  1. Many people consider the first advantage (market development) to be a disadvantage. Every year new models appear, and old ones cease to be relevant. And changing a smartphone every 2-3 years is a serious blow to the budget.
  2. Not all modern programs are suitable for processors.
  3. The screen size is too small to work with text documents.
  4. The average price of smartphones is more expensive than tablets with identical characteristics.

Advantages of the tablet:

  1. Screen size. The 10-inch diagonal allows you to easily view any data, including text documents. Suitable for reading e-books.
  2. Powerful hardware runs all programs and most modern games.
  3. Affordable price. Cheaper than a smartphone with the same characteristics.
  4. Stable market situation. If the model is good, it will be relevant in 5 years.


  1. Inconvenient for cellular communications.
  2. Fragile screen.
  3. If the battery breaks down, you will have to go to a service center.
  4. Due to its size it cannot be put in a pocket. More suitable for working at home.

To understand whether it is better to buy a phone or tablet, we recommend watching the video:

It is impossible to say unequivocally what is better: a smartphone or a tablet. The choice of gadget depends on preferences. If the choice is made regarding games and movies, it is better to choose a tablet. If you have cellular communications and are compact – a smartphone. Before purchasing, it is recommended to pick up the gadget and familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics.

Today, many active users of modern gadgets are concerned with the question - which is better, a smartphone or a tablet with a SIM card slot? Surely you have already encountered such a version of the answer to this question as “the choice depends on the mode in which you are going to use the device.” That's right. But what selection criteria are important, and why is a smartphone clearly better in one situation, and a tablet with the ability to use it as a phone in another? Let's try to figure this out.

Like a smartphone, a tablet or laptop is designed to perform certain tasks. Any of these devices can have wide functionality, but individual operating scenarios are better implemented in the one that was originally developed and created to perform them. Let's start our choice with the fact that there are both common features and significant differences between a smartphone and a tablet. It is the differences that will be decisive when choosing the type of device, depending on the planned operating mode.

How is a tablet different from a smartphone?

To understand the difference between a tablet and a smartphone, let’s look at the key differences between these devices. The smartphone combines the functionality of a mobile phone with the options of a pocket computer. After modern operating systems were developed, it became possible to install various software on smartphones, thereby significantly expanding the functionality of the gadget.

Thus, a smartphone can be considered as a regular “dialer”, with which you can check your email, as well as use various instant messengers and a host of other useful applications, thereby turning the device into a small computer. But still, a smartphone remains, first and foremost, a phone, albeit a very advanced one, and has not yet become a full-fledged computer.

Tablets also run modern operating systems found in smartphones. There are models equipped with a SIM card slot, which allows them to be used as a cell phone. But in terms of its capabilities and functions, a tablet is still closer to a computer than a smartphone.

Which is more convenient for calls?

Considering the differences and the original purpose of the device, it is easy to conclude that a smartphone will be more convenient for making calls. Therefore, if you need the functionality of a cell phone to a greater extent than the capabilities of a computer, your choice is clear - a smartphone.

There is no doubt that most tablets on the market today can function as a cell phone. The presence of a SIM card slot allows you to make calls from the device. But how convenient is it to talk using a gadget whose diagonal is at least 7 inches? A very dubious pleasure, you will agree. And your hand will get tired. Of course, you can use a headset when talking. But another problem remains - a tablet, unlike a smartphone, will not fit into almost any pocket.

What is more convenient for surfing the Internet?

To work with the Internet browser, you can use both a smartphone and a tablet. At the same time, when choosing a tablet, be sure to pay attention to whether it supports 4G networks. The absence of this feature will significantly reduce the comfort when using the mobile Internet. It is important to understand that for surfing the Internet, screen size is of no small importance. This is precisely one of the main differences between a smartphone and a tablet. The tablet has a diagonal size of at least 7 inches.

However, today the mobile device market includes so-called phablets - smartphones with a diagonal of 5.5 to 7 inches. This name (phablet) appeared as a result of the merger of two English words PHone and tABLET. Sometimes you can find names for these devices such as lampshade, flanchette, or tablet phone. We can say that phablets are an alternative for those who cannot finally decide what to buy - a smartphone, a tablet, or both devices at the same time?

Thanks to the large screen, the tablet allows you to simultaneously see more information than a smartphone. In addition, it is worth considering that the touch screen is also a control element for the gadget. Therefore, the size of the displayed keyboard and other control buttons also directly depends on the size of the display. Reading and entering text is much more convenient on a larger screen.

Based on this, we conclude: if you need a device whose screen can accommodate as much information as possible, on which it will be convenient to read and type text, and work a lot with applications, your choice is a tablet or phablet.

The best way to take pictures

Most active users are accustomed to taking pictures or shooting videos using their mobile device. And if this option is important to you, then the choice will be clear - a smartphone or a phablet. The fact is that tablets traditionally have camera modules of poorer quality. This is not the strong point of this type of device.

Which is better for gaming?

You can install many games on both your tablet and smartphone that will help you have a good time. Depending on the operating system, Android, iOS, or Windows Phone, there are many applications, both paid and free. The widest selection of free games is offered to users of Android devices. The advantage of tablets with Windows 8 OS is that you can install a regular computer game on them.

In addition to the operating system, the screen size is also of great importance for the game. The larger it is, the more convenient it is to play. Especially if the gameplay format of the game provides for the presence of a large number of small elements. In general, if you prefer simple games that lack small elements, then any smartphone, even one with a diagonal of 3.5 inches, will handle this perfectly. But for those who prefer strategy games and other games with a lot of small details, it is better to opt for a tablet or phablet with a diagonal of at least 6 inches.

Working with documents and texts

You can start by connecting an external keyboard to both your smartphone and tablet. But we understand that the larger the screen, the more convenient it will be to type text. In addition, many tablets have special docking stations equipped with a QWERTY keyboard, an external battery and additional ports. This allows you to turn your tablet into a netbook (with some caveats). And if you have to work a lot with text, then the choice is definitely in favor of a tablet.

The situation is exactly the same if you need to not only print a lot, but also open documents created in office applications. In this case, the best choice would be a tablet running Windows OS. These devices allow you to use the usual set of office programs installed on computers.

Almost universal solution

If you are still tormented by the question of what to choose, a smartphone or a tablet, if you need to make calls, work with the Internet, and view documents, we will try to give universal advice. You can buy a productive, powerful, modern, and inexpensive smartphone. It is important that it has excellent technical characteristics, and that the screen size is as convenient as possible, both for calls and for reading texts or working with applications. Conducted research and sociological surveys have shown that the majority of users believe that the gadget size of 5.2 inches is the most convenient and comfortable, both for working with the device and when using it as a cell phone.

So, we are looking for a 5.2-inch smartphone with powerful hardware, and preferably at an affordable price. You may be surprised, but such devices are on the market. Pay attention to the line of smartphones from the young promising British brand Wileyfox. This company appeared on the market in the fall of 2015, and its products immediately attracted the attention of both ordinary users and experts. It should be noted that all models of the brand received the most popular options and functions on the market today. Thus, each smartphone with a cute fox face on the back panel (Wileyfox brand logo) has two slots for SIM cards, supports 4G LTE data networks, has a stylish modern design, powerful technical characteristics and an affordable price.

An excellent example of a universal smartphone would be the company's flagship, the Wileyfox Swift 2 X.

Wileyfox Swift 2 X

Powerful, productive, visually appealing and affordable - all this is true of the Wileyfox Swift 2 X. The body of the device is made of high-quality aluminum alloy, which creates a pleasant tactile experience thanks to its metallic coolness. The brand logo, the frame of the fingerprint scanner and the 16-megapixel camera module are made using laser engraving technology. Thanks to its small thickness (only 8.2 mm) and slightly rounded 2.5D display edges, the device looks very stylish and original.

The 5.2-inch Full HD IPS display provides high image quality even at wide viewing angles. This is the optimal screen size for both working with applications, viewing various content, and for using the device as a phone.

The powerful 8-core Qualcomm 430 processor provides the ability to load the most resource-intensive applications. For this, the user also has 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal memory. The ability to expand memory using a 128GB microSDXC card will certainly be appreciated by users who like to take a lot of photos and shoot videos. Thanks to the 16-megapixel camera with phase detection autofocus and dual LED flash, the quality of your images will be impeccable.

A fingerprint scanner and an NFC module - almost mandatory options for modern smartphones - are present in this model. Also useful for users will be support for fast battery charging technology and the implementation of the modern USB connection standard TYPE-C 2.0.

And the most important thing is the price. You can order Wileyfox Swift 2 X on the official website for only 12,990 rubles.


So, we looked at the main differences between a tablet and a smartphone. Now you can make the right choice, depending on the purpose for which you are going to buy the device. Of course, if the model we recommend does not suit you, it is an excellent option for those who want to save money without losing quality, reliability and functionality.

Naturally, after dreaming a little, we can conclude that there is no need to choose between a tablet and a smartphone at all: it is better to buy both devices. But material resources do not always allow this dream to come true. And if you had to choose one device, you need to determine its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of a tablet

Even though tablets weigh more than smartphones, they are still lighter than laptops. Such devices are an ideal travel companion, as they can easily fit into any bag and do not take up much space. These devices are easy to hold in the palm of your hand for a long time.

Most often, devices are manufactured with 7 and 10-inch screens. They are used for reading e-books, viewing email and browsing the web. You can watch movies on a large screen with good resolution.

The touch screen means great possibilities in games. The devices are also great for demonstrating, taking notes, and adding comments to pictures. Many applications have been developed for gadgets, this significantly increases their capabilities.

Battery charge is considered one of the main factors for each device; many of these devices have a fairly long operating time, they work offline for 6-10 hours.

Finally, the cost of gadgets is relatively inexpensive; a high-end tablet costs less than a high-end phone.

But such devices have certain disadvantages. It is easier to type text on them, unlike phones, but still more difficult than on a keyboard; for this, you can separately purchase a special Bluetooth keyboard.

Reference! Tablet computer screens are thin and easily damaged without a protective case. If the display is damaged, the repair will cost much more, unlike the phone.

Pros of a smartphone

Today, tablets are in great demand, but this does not mean that they have completely replaced smartphones. The latter, on the contrary, are only getting better. Today there are smartphones with a display size of 5 inches. This screen provides plenty of options for work and play, and typing text on the on-screen QWERTY keyboard is much easier.

Modern phones can support multitasking applications, and chipmakers are adding more power with 4-core processors that handle multiple tasks simultaneously. The only drawback is that not all applications support multi-core chips. Powerful processors allow you to shoot high-resolution videos.

Another advantage of smartphones compared to tablet computers is the camera optics. Pictures with the 8 MP camera come out great.

Smartphones are naturally great multimedia devices, but they also have disadvantages. So, a 5-inch screen is smaller, unlike a tablet, and is not suitable for printing long texts or demonstrations. But if you still make phones larger, they will be inconvenient as the main means of communication.

Reference! Smartphones actually have excellent multimedia capabilities, but a gadget with a high-quality screen, camera and powerful processor costs a lot of money, and budget models always lack something.

Tablet or smartphone: which is better?

If we globally understand the differences between a tablet and a smartphone, then in terms of functionality we can distinguish:

  1. A tablet is a portable computer where the communication function is in the background.
  2. A smartphone is a multifunctional phone, similar to a computer. It combines a communication device, an Internet access point, entertainment, a library, and an audio and video player.

What to choose between these two devices? There is no exact answer to this question, since a lot depends on individual preferences. Some people don't like bulky devices like a smartphone. And some, on the contrary, need the display to be large. Experts say that the most effective way to determine which is better is to hold both gadgets in your hands. Since “your” technique is felt immediately, you won’t be able to make a mistake.

A thoughtful choice of a mobile device is the prerogative of those who clearly understand what tasks the device should perform. What is the difference between a smartphone and a tablet? Is there a significant difference between them in terms of operation? Both representatives of the mobile market have become a part of our lives. But so far none of them have received the “palm of championship”.

Researchers note growing demand for both smartphones and tablets. Moreover, there is no competition between these devices. These are different equipment to perform different tasks. Although it immediately seems that the devices will cope with most functions in the same way. And some buyers mistakenly believe that a tablet is just a larger version of a smartphone. Let's analyze the differences between them.

The screen is the determining factor when purchasing

The first thing that catches your eye is the diagonal of the screen. A tablet is physically larger than a smartphone. Therefore, the first device has wider scope for work and entertainment:

  • with a seven-inch diagonal (and higher) it is more convenient to view web pages, scale them, group them, “collect” them into a feed;
  • on the big screen you get more pleasure from watching movies, cartoons and other videos;
  • edit photos, presentations, messages easier;
  • The larger on-screen keyboard is easier to use.

Although it is still better to work fully on other devices. What is the difference between a tablet and a laptop, for example.

Smartphone manufacturers are trying to increase the size of screens. The latest models come in five inches. But it's less than 7, 8 or 9 inches. But the smartphone fits easily into your pocket and looks more natural on your face during a mobile conversation.

Screen size is not the main difference between a smartphone and a tablet. The difference is also in resolution:

  • Android-based smart phones support a maximum of 800x480 pixels;
  • the same Asus Transformer Pad Infinity has a resolution of 2560x1600 (and for tablets this is not the limit).

What gives high resolution?

Firstly, the picture is more pleasant - the eyes get less tired when looking at the screen for a long time.

Secondly, more information fits on the tablet screen. You can use it more rationally by creating shortcuts, widgets, and bookmarks.

Thirdly, small details are displayed more clearly at high resolution. This indicator is important when playing the same strategic games.

Some consumers joke: “Big screen means big problems.” With regard to tablets, this statement is partly true:

  • they are heavier than smartphones;
  • they are inconvenient to use as a cell phone;
  • the screen gets dirty quickly and is easily damaged;
  • You will have to pay a considerable amount to repair the front part of the device.

The principle of functional differences

Smart people buy a mobile device, focusing not on its appearance, but on its internal capabilities. Functions that are available thanks to the equipment filling.


Mobile phone function


Possibility of connecting to a cellular network


Built-in 3G module

Most modern models

Additional rare option

Number and quality of applications

Not all options support multitasking programs; applications are, as a rule, elementary, their number is limited.

A huge number of different applications have been developed for the operating systems of all tablets, which increases the gaming and working capabilities of the devices.

Optics quality

Built-in cameras from 8 MP. The photos come out great.

Most models have entry-level cameras.

Hardware component

Options with quad-core processors are very expensive and do not support many applications.

A powerful platform, a powerful graphics processor, a central one with 2 or 4 cores, a decent amount of RAM and storage.


They have a small capacity, therefore they are more energy efficient.

The battery is solid, because high performance and large diagonal require a lot of energy.

    A tablet is larger and heavier than a smartphone.

    Tablets have higher screen resolutions than smart phones.

    Smart is widely used as a mobile phone.

    Tablets boast powerful hardware and high performance. Therefore they require more energy.

    Smartphones have a built-in higher-quality camera and a 3G module.

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