What is a notepad program? Installing and launching programs


About Notepad

About the Notepad program

In the Notepad program you create text files.
A text file is a file type that can be
identified by the file name extension TXT.

The default file name is "Untitled".

You can also use Notepad to create and edit web pages while learning the basics HTML language. Although, judging from my own experience, such difficult work as comprehending the basics of the language HTML is better V WordPad program, and in Notepad it’s easier to do work.

By default, Notepad creates, opens and saves documents with the TXT extension, but you can also open files with the INI, INF, LOG extensions.

To run files of any other type, run the command:
“File” → “Open” → in the file type field, specify “All files”
then select the desired file.

Notepad allows you to work with texts in ANSI and Unicode encodings,
and also perform conversion from one format to another. To do this, when saving the document, select the required encoding in the appropriate field.

Suppose you found something interesting on the Internet (news, story,
poems, etc.) – read it yourself and want to send it to friends – “highlighted”
liked the text, “copied” it right mouse, "inserted"
first in Notepad, and then “pasted” - either into email
to a friend, or in a message to social network(“Odnoklassniki”, “My World”
etc.), or “saved” in a folder on your computer. Very comfortably!

How to use Notepad

How to use Notepad?

Working with the Notepad program
I will describe it in an accessible way for
novice user, form.

How to find Notepad on your computer -
shown in the screenshot on the page Text editors

On top panel programs -
“File”, “Edit”, “Format”.

how to create, open, save, print documents in Notepad

How to “create”, “open”,
“save”, “print”
documents in Notepad

File - “Creates”, “Opens”, “Saves”, “Prints”
documents in Notepad.

To create new document- click "File" → select "New"
and start typing. Or you don’t have to click on “Create”. Since you've already opened Notepad, you can immediately type and then save your document.

If the document is new, then select “Save as...” to save.
In the Explorer window that opens, select the folder where you will save,
In the “File name” line, write the name of the document and click “Save”.

To open a previously saved document,
then click “File” - select “Open”.
“Explorer” will open with the “Documents” folder, find your previously saved
document and either double click open this document yourself, or click
once over this document to select it and then at the bottom of the Explorer window, click Open.

Or you can do it without “File” - find your document yourself in the “Documents” folder and double-click to open it. In all cases there will be the expected result. You will open a previously saved document and can make changes to it.

If you make any changes to a previously saved document,
then click “File” and select → “Save”.

To print your document
Click Notepad's "File" menu → select "Print."

In the “General” tab that opens, select the printer and its parameters,
and then click the "Print" button. If you want to change the type of printed
document, click the File menu and select Page Options.

My observations about the vagaries of the Notepad program

If you will be doing any large printing work, you should consider
that the Notepad program is quite capricious, therefore, in order not to make unnecessary
work - save the document at the beginning of work, i.e. typed the title of the document -
click “File” → “Save as...” and in the already saved document, typed a short text → click “Save”, typed a little more and again → “Save”.

And always watch the cursor to see if it is in the place where you need to type.

How to copy, cut, delete in Notepad

How to “Cut”, “Delete”,
“Copy”, “Paste” in Notepad


“Cuts”, “Deletes”, “Copies”, “Pastes” – already “selected” text.

“Undoes” the last action made in Notepad.

Searches and replaces characters and words in the text.

Inserts the time and date into a text document.

Before removing, cutting,
copy, paste - the text must be selected.

How to highlight text in Notepad

How to highlight text in Notepad

"Select text" (words)
can be done in two ways:

Place the cursor at the beginning (end) of the text (word) and press
left mouse button, drag across the text (word) to the right,
if you put the cursor at the beginning.
And to the left if you put the cursor at the end of the text (word).

Selected text turns blue.

Place the cursor at the beginning (end) of the text (word), press
and hold Shift key with one hand and press with the other
key to move through the text, right (→) or left (←).

With text (word) already selected – you can “Cut”, “Delete”,
"Copy", "Paste". To do this, click “Edit” and do the following:
what you were going to do: cut, delete, copy, etc.

In order to remove the “selection” - just left-click
on the white field of “Notepad” or in “Edit” and select “Cancel”.

To execute the “Paste” command, you must first copy
(or cut if you don't need the text in this place) selected text
in one place and then place the cursor where you want to paste
text, and then either “Edit” and select “Insert”, or click
right-click and select "Paste".

If you need to select all the text printed in a document, then click
“Edit”, select “Select All” and then click “Edit” again,
choose what you were going to do with this text - cut, copy
or delete.

How to undo your last action in Notepad

How to undo your last action in Notepad

If you cut something out, deleted it, etc. and immediately, without taking any action
any actions in Notepad, you change your mind, then click “Edit”
and select Cancel.

The “Undo” command can also be executed with the right mouse button -
just right click and select from contextual
"Cancel" menu.

It must be said that the “Undo” command in Notepad (unlike WordPad) -
only undoes the actual last action. If, after cancellation,
press the “Cancel” button again - the program will return the previously canceled
action. Whereas WordPad - cancels latest actions in sequential order.

To make it clearer, let's take number sequence – 1,2,3,4,5.
WordPad will cancel first 5, then 4, then 3, etc. A Notepad, with each
to the “Cancel” command – it will first cancel 5, and then return 5 and cancel 5 again.

Let me remind you once again that the same actions in Notepad
with “selected” text: “cut”, “delete”, “copy”,
“cancel”, etc. – can be done without going to “Edit”.
Click on the right mouse button and select from context menu
what they wanted to do with the text (word).

Finding and replacing characters and words in text document Notepad

Finding and replacing characters and words
in a Notepad text document

Suppose you need to find some sign or word in a document. For this -
Click on the "Edit" menu and select "Find". As a result, it will open
such a tab.

In the “What:” field, enter the text you want to find. In the "Direction" group
click "Up" to search from current position cursor to the beginning of the document
or click Down to search from the current cursor position to the end of the document.
And click the “Find Next” button. The word or character will be found and highlighted.

If you want to replace one word with another in the text -
then from the Edit menu select Replace.

A tab with two lines will open.

In the “What:” line – enter the word (or sign) that you want to replace.
In the line “With:” – enter the word you want to replace. And then
click “Replace”. Or “Replace all” if the word you want
replace – repeated several times in the text.
And as a result, the word will be replaced.

How to Format Font in Notepad

How to Format Font in Notepad


“Format” is responsible for formatting
(change) font, font style and size.

If you want to change the font,
font style or size, then click “Format”.

Select "Font".

In the new tab, in the “Font” section, you can select a font.
In the “Format” section, you can select a font style (bold, italic).
In the “Size” section you can select the font size (12, 14, 16, etc.).

You can, if you want, change the “Character set”
from Western European to Cyrillic or others.

If you are outputting your document to print, but none of the fonts
If you don’t like it in this tab, you can choose others.
To do this, click on the “Show additional fonts” link.
File Explorer will open with a variety of other fonts.

Double click on the one you like
font in Explorer and a new tab will open.

In this tab you can select the font size
and then click on the left top corner"Seal".

And one more thing about the font. If you (not for printing, but for regular work in Notepad) changed the font for only one document, then when you finish working with this document, return the font to its original position. Otherwise, the next time Notepad will exit with a changed font.

As you can see, the Notepad program is very simple.
and it’s convenient to work with!

One of the advantages of the operating room Windows systems is to provide its users with many useful and quality programs, which are installed by default. For example, if you need to perform basic editing of text files, then two programs will come to the rescue - WordPad and Notepad. Both applications belong to the category of free simple editors; those who like to work with more powerful programs will be forced to download other utilities.

But if you need software for working with text, then pay attention to Notepad - it is a fast and convenient utility that allows you to process a document in as soon as possible. It’s worth noting right away that if you download the software, you can only open documents in TXT format; the application does not work with other extensions.

Using a free editor, users will be able to process and open files small size, for example, notes, stories, messages. If desired, you can change the encoding if the text editor is not able to reproduce the text in correct form. To launch the application, you need to go to Start - Accessories - Notepad. In addition to this, there are several other ways. For example, if you install a utility, you can call it using command line where you should enter the notepad command. Free editor It opens in another way - by calling the software from the submenu of standard applications. In general, if you need to download, then even beginners will not have any problems with it.

What can please users?

If you disable the software, users will see the main window where they can enter text. The toolbar is presented different tabs, each of which performs specific functions. If you go to the File settings, you can save and open a ready-made document, and also decide on the settings for printing the file. Here the software sets page parameters.

To open document editing commands, just visit the Edit tab. To change the font, its style or size, the user needs to go to the Format settings. A very important function that can be used is word wrapping. By installing the application and selecting this option, users will be spared long paragraphs that require scrolling to read horizontal stripe scroll to the limit.

In general, the software is deservedly included in standard set operating system Windows. It's convenient free utility, which, in fact, you don’t even need to download. Discreet, convenient, simple - Notepad will come in handy for simple document editing.

The Notepad program is a simple text editor that is designed for creating and editing text files (Text Files). There are many text editors. Notepad differs from them in that it does not have a toolbar, formatting bar, or full line condition.

There is virtually no text formatting in Notepad, and there is also no way to insert pictures and tables. But the Notepad program is quickly mastered. Let's start by asking where the notepad is.

Notepad can be found

  • 1st method: in the Programs (Applications) section – Standard – Notepad,
  • 2nd method: through Search.

Let's see where Notepad is located, specifically for the Windows 10, 8, 7 and XP operating systems.

Where is Notepad in Windows 10

As noted above, Notepad can be searched:

  1. using Search,
  2. in Standard programs.

Search is in the Panel Windows tasks 10, it is hidden under the magnifying glass icon.

Rice. 1. Find Notepad through Search in Windows 10

1 in Fig. 1 – open Search,
2 – in the search bar, type on the keyboard: notepad, press Enter,
3 in Fig. 1 – click on the found Notepad.

The second option to find Notepad is to open Accessories.

Rice. 2. Find Notepad in Standard Windows programs 10

1 in Fig. 2 – click Start,
2 – scroll to the end of the opened programs, click “Standard – WIndows”,
3 in Fig. 2 – in Standard we look for Notepad.

In the video you can see where to find Notepad in Windows 10:

Notepad in Windows 8

1st method through Programs

Open to display all applications. Among them we find the section “Standard - Windows” (number 2 in Fig. 3), in which we select Notepad (number 3 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Find Notepad for Windows 8 in Applications – Standard Windows

2nd method via Search

To open the panel containing Search in Windows 8:

  • at touch control– quickly swipe your finger from the right edge of the screen,
  • and when controlling the mouse, in the top right corner we move the mouse from right to left. After this, a small panel will appear, on which the “Search” button will be the very first one at the top.

In the Search line (number 2 in Fig. 4) we type the word Notepad, after which the Notepad program icon will appear on the left (number 3 in Fig. 4):

Rice. 4. Find the Notepad application in Windows 8 via Search

To open it, click on the Notepad icon (number 3 in Fig. 4) and work in Notepad.

Notepad for Windows 7

1st method through Programs

Click on the button. At the end of the list that opens, find the “All programs” link (number 1 in Fig. 5) and click on it.

Rice. 5. Looking for Notepad for Windows 7 via Start – All Programs

Appears big list programs. Using the scroll bar on the right (number 1 in Fig. 5), scroll through this list until the “Standard” folder appears (number 2 in Fig. 6). Click to open this folder.

Rice. 6. Find Standard Programs for Windows 7

The folder will open, after which all that remains is to click on the Notepad link (Fig. 7) and start working with a text editor.

Rice. 7. Looking for Notepad in Standard Programs of Windows 7

2nd method via Search

For Windows 7, the Search option is the simplest, from my point of view.

Click the Start button.

In the Search line (number 2 in Fig. 5) enter the word Notepad, as shown in Fig. 8, number 1. The Notepad program instantly appears at the top (number 2 in Fig. 8), all you have to do is click on it and you can work with the text.

Rice. 8. Looking for Notepad for Windows 7 via Start – Search

Notepad in Windows XP

1st method through Programs

I think this method is the most convenient for. Click the Start button. In the menu that opens, click on the Programs option, then click on Standard, the last click on the Notepad option (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Where is Notepad in Windows XP

2nd method via Search

By clicking on the Start button, a menu will appear as in Fig. 7.

Click on the magnifying glass icon that says “Find”, then on “Files and Folders”.

In the “Search Results” window, click on the “Files and Folders” option again.

The “Part of the file name or the entire file name” field will appear, in which we enter the word Notepad and click on the “Find” button.

A search will start, as a result of which a shortcut to the Notepad program should appear, after which you can click on the “Stop” search button. And then click on the found shortcut to the Notepad program.

Two reasons power users love Notepad

Despite the simplicity of Notepad, this editor is often used by experienced users, for example, when working with a modem. This is due to the fact that in Notepad you can create, or open and edit files with the following (extensions, formats):

  • .txt
  • .bat
  • .ini
  • .sys,
  • .wri,
  • .dat.

Another reason why confident users like to use Notepad is that the file created and saved in this program will be “clean”. In other words, such a file will not be loaded with additional code, unlike a file passed through the MS Word text editor.

Many beginners face this problem when creating their first website. They prepare articles for the site in the Word editor, and then copy them directly to their site, along with a bunch of unnecessary things, additional code from Word. Therefore, it is better to insert articles onto the site from Notepad, then there will be no unnecessary code.

How to open Windows Accessories

In the operating systems Windows XP, 7, 8 there are standard programs; in Windows 8 they are called “ standard applications" They are built into the Windows operating system just like pockets are sewn into a dress, that is, they are always there, you just need to find them, open them and use them!

How to find standard programs for Windows is described in detail in this article using Notepad as an example.

In Windows 7, the standard programs are:

  • graphic editor Paint for creating and editing drawings,
  • text editor Word Pad for text files with complex formatting,
  • Notepad for text files with simple formatting,
  • Run to open a program, folder, document, or website
  • Notes for creating short notes,
  • Sound Recorder to record sound on your PC,
  • for calculations as on a hand calculator,
  • to take screenshots,
  • Command line for executing keyboard commands
  • Math Input Panel,
  • Explorer – displays files and folders on the PC,
  • Utilities folder
  • and etc.

The Windows 10 operating system has an integrated Notepad application that allows you to take notes and save notes. important information. We offer to download a notepad for Windows 10 with a large number of functions, which can be called a worthy replacement standard version applications. This, of course, is not yet a full-fledged Word, with its hundreds of functions, but the product is easier to use and works faster.

In addition to various functions related to typing, editing existing files, with this program you can conveniently work with various programming languages, including javascript, HTML, PHP, XML, C/C++, Python, VBS. Naturally, the syntax of these languages ​​will be highlighted in different colors, and individual lines of code can be collapsed into small blocks.

Interestingly, if a project with unknown code is launched, then using the program, the user can automatic mode determine the programming language that is used in the working window. The user can customize the highlighting of commands and blocks in a special way to make it convenient to work with them.

The application can do a lot, it can even read the programming language used in Microsoft.NET. However, the widest functionality does not prevent the notepad from being very “light” and not demanding system resources personal computer. After installation, the program will take very little time free space on your hard drive.

A user can download Notepad for Windows 10 and work on different projects at the same time. They will be displayed in different work areas, which allows you to change their content and carry out other necessary operations without confusion.

Main features of the utility

  • Built-in own manager of running projects;
  • Code and command highlighting various languages programming;
  • Ability to compress code into small blocks;
  • Setting up automatic closing of tags and brackets;
  • Ability to install various plugins;
  • Possibility of cloud service support.

Of course, these are not all the features, but only the main ones that you should know about before downloading notepad for Windows 10. To download the application, you can use one of the suggested methods. All download options are safe and tested to work.

Note 1

Since $1985, the set of standard programs of the Windows operating system has included a simple text editor Notebook(NotePad), which has minimal means input and editing of texts, but sometimes the minimality of these tools is its advantage.

To run the program you need to run the commands Start - All Programs - Accessories - Notepad. The composition of the program window is minimal: a work area and a small menu bar.

Figure 1. Notepad window

The program's capabilities are quite limited. You can enter text in capitals and lowercase letters, set automatic transition on new line when the right border of the window is reached ( Edit - Word Wrap), set the indent from the left edge (key Tab), also using tabulation to format the text in the form of a table, search the text (Search - Find). Notepad only supports insert mode (the character you enter expands the previously entered characters). Files created in Notepad have the extension .txt.

Menu item File

Menu item File contains several subparagraphs:

  • Create– using this function creates new file program, and, basically, the last created file remains open.
  • Open– allows you to open files with the extension .txt, opens other text files with a changed encoding (various characters are displayed instead of the content).
  • Save– used to save a file for the first time or changes made into the already created one.
  • Save as…– used to change the document saving folder.
  • Page settings…– Allows you to customize paper size, orientation, page margins, and header and footer. Contains a document page view window.
  • Seal…– contains standard settings printing the document.
  • Exit– closing the program.

Figure 2.

Menu item Edit

Figure 4.

Menu item Format

  • Word wrapping– turns on the mode of placing text within the program window frames that goes beyond these frames.
  • Font…– allows you to select the font type from the proposed ones, its style and size. It is also possible to use additional fonts that are downloaded to your computer. It is necessary to take into account that when changing the font, all the text in the document will change, because Certain parts of text in Notepad are not formatted.

Figure 5.

Menu item View

Contains only one sub-item that allows you to enable or disable the status bar in the document.

Figure 6.

Program Notebook supports the possibility different ways(via a menu or a key combination, i.e. “hot keys”) to execute the same command is an element of a flexible interface, and the ability to receive a tooltip is an element of a user-friendly interface.

Other program features

By using Notepad You can also create and edit web pages using HTML.

By default, Notepad creates, opens, and saves documents with the extension .txt, but you can use it to open files with the extensions .ini, .inf, .log. To open files of other types, use the command File – Open – File type field – All files – desired file.

Notepad allows you to work with texts in ANSI and Unicode encodings, as well as convert from one format to another. To do this, when saving the document, you need to select the required encoding in the appropriate field.

Note 2

A special feature of the program is also that if you change the font of one document before closing, then the next time the Notepad program will use the last font that was used in it.

Alternatives to Notepad

An alternative to Notepad is the MS-DOS text editor (edit.com), which can be called from the command line with the “edit” command. Among the many free more functional programs, which can replace standard program Notebook, text editors Bred, AkelPad, PSPad, Notepad++.

The new document in Notepad is called Nameless.

2024 gtavrl.ru.