What are WordPress Plugins and how to install them. What are plugins? How to install a plugin on WordPress

Hello, friends. Konstantin Khmelev is in touch!

Since a lot of articles on my blog will be devoted to various plugins, I decided to write an article about installing a plugin on a WordPress blog.

I will describe 3 ways how you can install plugins on your blog. They are all easy to do. You can choose the most suitable method for yourself.

In addition, I will tell you in which cases it is more important to use one method or another, which will give you complete freedom of action.

You don't need to install many plugins on your blog. Therefore, this material will help you make candy out of your blog, thanks to a couple of plugins.

Now let's move on to the installation process.

Method No. 1

The method will be very useful for beginners, as it does not require any additional programs and execution complex actions. You just need to know the name of the plugin. The installation process is done through the WordPress admin panel.

To implement this method, we go to the blog admin panel, and then to the “Plugins - Add new” item.

On the next page on the right top corner There is a plugin search form.

Knowing the name, we can enter it in this field and press the Enter key. WordPress will start searching for the plugin on its servers and give you the results. In addition to the required plugin, the engine will also provide similar results with similar plugins.

For example, I'll try to find the Invisible Captcha plugin. This is what I get as a result.

We see that it found it, but other similar plugins were also provided.

Once we have found the plugin, we can install it. Click on the “Install” button and the plugin will begin downloading and subsequent installation.

After downloading the archive, we can immediately activate the plugin.

I will not activate the plugin. You can do it yourself. I’m only showing the process of installing the plugin on the site. After installing the plugin, you can see it in the list of all plugins in the "Plugins - Installed" section.

Method No. 2

This method will be useful for those who have plugins on their computer. With this method, you no longer need to look for plugins, you have them.

Installation is also done through the WordPress admin panel. Only on the adding page do we select the “Download plugin” item at the top.

On the next page, click on the “Select file” button.

Then select the plugin archive on your computer.

After that, click on the “Install” button and the plugin will quickly install.

Important. IN this method There is no need to unzip the archive with the plugin. When installing, you must select the plugin archive. Unzipping is done by the engine during installation.

Method No. 3

This method allows you to install immediately a large number of plugins for WordPress and will be useful in the following cases:

  1. You have a ton of plugins on your computer that need to be installed;
  2. You have created a new website and want to install the same plugins as on your other site, that is, transfer all the plugins from one site to another in one fell swoop.

Imagine that you should have 10 plugins on your website and all of them need to be installed from your computer. Agree, it will not be very convenient to install each separately. It is much easier to install in one go.

The 3rd method will help us with this. It is carried out by downloading all plugins immediately to the hosting in the folder where they should be located. As an example, I will show you how to install one plugin this way.

When using this method, we must upload to the hosting not the archive with the plugin, but the folder in which the plugin files themselves are located. If we open the archive of any plugin, we will see that there is such a folder inside, and inside it are the files themselves.

Here's what's inside the archive.

And here are the plugin files inside the folder.

To install the plugin, you need to take the folder with these files and upload it to your hosting in the “your-domain/wp-content/plugins” folder.

I download the plugin folder using . This is the output.

When the plugin has been downloaded, it should appear in the blog admin panel in the list of all plugins. Initially it will not be activated.

Here is the installation process the last way. If you have a lot of plugins on your computer that need to be installed, you can quickly unzip them and upload them to your hosting. After which they will all be installed. All that remains is to activate it.

To show the plugin installation process clearly, I prepared a detailed video tutorial, which also showed all the methods.

So, the article came out very practical. Everything should be clear. But, if there are still any ambiguities, please comment. Also, please write which method you use most often.

This is where I end. remember, that knowing how to install plugins does not mean you need to install a lot of them.

Bye everyone.

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev.

Today the topic of our review is “plugins”. What these things are, where they are used and why they are needed is a task that we must consider today.

For most users, this question remains unanswered. Until an urgent need arises, no one will specifically study the question of “how to install a plugin,” where to get it and how to use it for its intended purpose. Let's talk about everything in order.

1. What is a “plugin”? In short, this is an addition to the main program that can expand its functionality. For example, the Noise Ninja plugin for Photoshop is used to remove “noise” in digital photographs. If we draw an analogy with household appliances- these allow you to use the main device (vacuum cleaner) more fully and for a wider range of tasks. Cleaning the apartment, washing soft surfaces, disinfecting or removing heavy dirt in the apartment, kitchen, car or garage.

Many applications (programs) use the ability additional installation plugins. This feature is provided by the developer software product for your own solutions or for third party developers. Without going into technical details and details, we can say that with the help of plugins you can expand the basic functionality of any program to suit your own needs.

Plugins can be paid or free. The user decides whether to install them or not. If you have minimal knowledge (which plugins, where to get them and how to install them), you can achieve the desired result with minimal time and resources.

2. How to install the plugin? The answer to this question is best seen through an example. Let's look at how to install a Wordpress plugin.

Brief information: Wordpress is a popular platform for implementing various web projects (website, blog, personal page). There are great amount plugins for this platform. They are built into the engine and serve either to speed up work or to change appearance, or for expansion functionality Topics.

Before installing a plugin, you need to clearly understand why it is needed, how it will work and how necessary its installation is. A feature of the plugins is a slight slowdown in the operation of the resource. In other words, the more plugins you install on your site, the longer it will take to load and the slower it will work.

The plugin can be installed directly from the admin panel, which has a search and installation function, or downloaded as an archive to your PC and then uploaded to the website directly from hard drive. The installation procedure is extremely simple: find the plugin, click “install”, after which it will appear in the list installed plugins. To start using it, installed add-on needs to be activated. That's the whole secret.

If you do not use the add-on, it is best to remove it. Some experts believe that plugins should be used only when you absolutely cannot do without them. What is better in your case - you can decide for yourself. The easiest way to check this is experimentally.

Another question that a large number of users want to hear answered: what is the plugin for and how to install it Windows Media Player. This plugin is used in Internet browsers to display digital content(audio and video files) posted on web pages on the Internet. For earlier Windows versions it has been integrated into the system for more later versions it needs to be downloaded and installed separate file.

In order to check the presence of this plugin, for example, in Mozilla Firefox, you need to find the ADD-ONS item on the TOOLS tab (optionally, the key combination Ctrl/Shift/A). There you can see a list of installed add-ons. If Windows Media Player is not installed and you still need it - download it, save it on your PC, then launch and install it. After installation, restart “Fire Fox” and observe the installed add-on.

In conclusion, I would like to summarize briefly: today we looked at what a plugin is, how to install the plugin and how to prepare it for use. If you have any questions, Google will help you.

And begins to get to know him, i.e. for newbies.

Let me remind you once again that this engine has a number of capabilities and is universal. Its functions can be constantly improved, both by yourself, having certain knowledge, and with the help of ready-made solutions.

What is a plugin?

Plugin – software module, connected to the main program and designed to expand its capabilities.

They add the necessary functionality to the site and make it more beautiful. Let me give you a comparison, for example, with a bodybuilder. If a person wants to look beautiful and have physical strength, he goes to the fitness room and builds muscle mass (pumps up). We do the same with the engine. WordPress by installing plugins on it.

An example of their work: the “up” button on the site, page navigation, pop-ups, installation social buttons, site maps, etc. Each plugin has its own task, function.

The number of their installation depends on the preferences of the site owner. But it's not that simple. Each plugin is unique and has its own weight, i.e. carries a load on the site. Which affects the page loading speed and the operation of the entire blog as a whole.

So just before installation, collect as much information as possible about the plugin. To do this, type the name into a search engine and read everything, including comments about it (what reviews visitors leave).

Installing a plugin on a blog.

Installation can be done in several ways. Let's look at them all, and choose which one is more convenient for you. Also, in addition to installation, we will decide how to remove it.

First way. This method is the easiest. Go to the WordPress admin panel in the “Plugins” section.

Then “Add new” and in the empty search engine window that opens, enter the name of the plugin we need (in in this case Rus-To-Lat) and then “Search for a plugin”.

The search engine gave us a result stating that the plugin was found and invites us to look detailed information about it or install it immediately. Click “Install” and confirm your action.

That’s it, the plugin files are installed on the hosting and now we need to put it into operation - click “Activate plugin”.

This completes the installation. Some plugins require configuration after installation. To do this, you need to find where they are (perhaps in “Tools” or in “Options”). Everyone has their own individual settings and location.

Second way. It often happens that the above method does not give results, i.e. The search engine in the admin panel does not find the plugin. Then you have to search for it through the main search engines and download the plugin archive first to your computer, then to your hosting. The procedure is almost the same.

Third way. Installation via FTP connection to hosting. I use . This option is the most reliable if done correctly. As in the second method, the archive must be uploaded to HDD computer. Just before uploading it to your hosting, you should unzip it. Here is the path to the folder with plugin files /public_html/wp-content/plugins. Then, after installation, activate it in the admin panel.

Removing plugins.

To remove a plugin, you must first deactivate it. Go to the admin panel, go to “Plugins”, then “Installed”.

We are looking for the required “Deactivate” and “Delete”. You can get rid of an unnecessary plugin via FTP access to your hosting.

Where to download the necessary plugins.

I note that wordpress.org is the official website WordPress .

Plugins are good, but don't get carried away.

A lot has been written about blog plugins, but for some reason the subtleties are not covered. For example, if there is a situation that after installing a plugin, the admin panel stops working and your website stops being displayed in the browser.

Believe me, this happens, it happens. conflict between the plugin and itself CMS system WordPress. We will learn how to dodge and resume the work of your blog/site. Do not forget subscribe to the latest blog posts

By the way, what do these same plugins do, and why are they installed? ? Hmmm, does anyone have an answer? I answer, if anyone is not in the know, Plugins allow you to expand the functionality of a blog / website. Extensions are different, improvements are made, new functions are added, decorations are different, etc., etc. There are millions of these plugins and I don’t want to choose.

And also look at the practical management on installing plugins - We are exploring 2 ways to do this.. How Ftp connection and standard through the Admin panel. Let's get started and take action

How to install a wordpress plugin (2 methods)

1 Option Classic — installation from the WordPress admin panel, we look at all the actions, we think — we apply

Let's say you read, found information somewhere on the Internet about this plugin, about its functionality. "WP-Optimize" and want to install it on your blog. You go to the admin panel of your blog, go to the Plugins tab, enter the name of the plugin in the search bar: “WP-Optimize”, find it and then install it on your website, Activate it. Let's see what it looks like in practice, photo below

The next step is to do activation plugin, this is what it looks like

The next option for installing a plugin on WordPress is similar to the first, but slightly different. This way you can install plugins, which are not found through 1 Installation option in the search bar. We will use it, and there is an opportunity to Upload plugin files in the admin panel itself

Through the admin panel

Via ftp connection

I’ll describe in more detail the moment with ftp. First, connect to your configured ftp connection, as always, folders with files will open where the engine, templates and many other files necessary for the blog to work are located. So go to the address FTP:/yoursite.ru/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ A list of folders will open in front of you. These folders are the names of the plugins that you already have installed on your blog.

All the work is almost done. All you have to do is unpack the archive (zip, rar) of the plugin that you downloaded and copy/move the Folder with the plugin to FTP. The picture shows what this process looks like in Total program Commander

Moved, ok then go to admin. panel of your WordPress blog and select the item "Plugins" in this list, find the name of the Plugin that you copied. All you have to do is activate it and Voila - it works

I hope you understand how plugins are installed on WordPress and this matter does not require any super-specific knowledge.

More one thing to note for you , If ALL OF A SUDDEN after installing a plugin, the entire site does not work, or errors have appeared, or maybe something else.

Then I recommend that you delete the folder of the plugin that you installed last, after which this whole incomprehensible situation appeared - using the FTP method, which I wrote about above. The site will come to life and you can further experiment: install plugins, test them, see how they look

Good day, dear readers. In WordPress, even without special knowledge of code, you can create a beautiful and modern website. There is no need to overpay designers, layout designers or waste time studying books to do some little thing. There are plugins for almost everything. These are special applications that help you work with the portal.

On my blog we discuss them very often and I describe in detail the installation methods for each. Today I want to give you more freedom and teach you how to search and install applications yourself. There are a lot of them, each of them is interesting in some way. Some you already know about, some you don’t even suspect. But why limit yourself, try everything the Internet offers you. The main thing is that it is safe for the site you created. We will return to this later.

Now we will touch on the topic of the main advantages, and then we will come to grips with practice and you will understand how to install a plugin on WordPress in three different ways.

What are plugins, what are they, and why are they needed?

Plugins make a developer's life easier. It is not necessary to study and write code in order for it to appear on the site. Google map, no need to mess around with creating a sitemap manually, even ordinary pictures on a page can be transformed into a beautiful gallery by pressing a couple of buttons.

In addition to fun extensions, there are also very necessary ones. Those that help optimize the portal, make it clearer for search engines. There are three ways to install plugins on your own resource. We will talk about them.

This method will allow you to search and install plugins without opening thousands of browser tabs

Let's say you know the name or are just looking for some interesting application for your own website. Let's say you're bored. Login to your wordpress admin panel.

Find here "Plugins" - "Add New".

Expansions have opened before you. If the site is new or created specifically for testing, you can play around and search among the popular ones or recommendations and install/delete as much as you like. Hosting "Timeweb" ( https://timeweb.ru ) gives you the opportunity to use their services for free for 15 days, and installing the engine will not take more than two minutes. Relax and work at the same time. Look for new features and test your own capabilities.

If you are a beginner and have already installed own topic or paid designers and layout designers, and also created several texts for a portal that has been working for more than one week, then it is better to connect only proven and required applications. I recommend doing it first backup copy, in case something goes wrong.

Some applications can mess up your settings, cause errors, and cause a lot of trouble. I already wrote about how to make backups on my blog, read this article and if something breaks, you can simply go back in time to the moment when everything was still working perfectly. It's like you didn't do anything.

There are labels at the bottom of the extensions page. You can search for them based on your own interests. For example: videos, widgets, Facebook and so on. If you don't know English, use google translate.

Before installing the program, find out a little more about it. It's very simple. Click on the image icon.

Here you will find a description, screenshots and much more useful information.

In the lower right corner there is an “Install” button. Click on it if you like the application.

If you know the name of the plugin and how you want it, simply copy this name and paste it into the appropriate field in the upper right corner, and then click Enter button on keyboard.

Found the right application? Now it needs to be installed.

Add-ons are not always loaded with ease and simplicity. They may be incompatible with an updated engine or, for example, with some tricky theme for your site. Although such incidents cannot be called frequent, but popular and useful applications very quickly adapt to new version wordpress.

Ideally, a few seconds after installation you will see a window like this. Here you need to activate the installed program.

If you want to delete, just go to “Installed”.

It is impossible to get rid of an active extension; you must first deactivate it.

The required button has appeared. You can use it.

This method will help you connect plugins in Russian, hacked versions, or applications you ordered from the Internet

On the Internet you can find many Russified and free plugins. If you want something specific, it won’t be a problem to find an artist on the weblancer website. The plugin downloaded to your computer can also be installed through the admin panel.

Go to “Plugins” - “Add new”. Find the link under the search bar. Click on it.

We were taken to this page. Select a file. Be careful, you can only paste here zip archive. In principle, on any site you will be given exactly this to download, and you will pick it up from the mail.

Find the archive on your computer and open it.

We install.

Ready. All that remains is to activate it.

An advanced way to connect and work with settings

Some applications downloaded from the Internet require work. For example, put the Russian language in separate folder or edit access. Usually instructions are sent along with the file. So that such schemes do not scare you and you do not limit yourself in your desires to use such applications, I will describe to you a standard example of adding plugins through hosting.

Go to your hosting panel, open file manager and find the site folder where the extension will be installed. As you can see, I use hosted by Timeweb (https://timeweb.ru ), so I will show all the manipulations on it.

Then public_html.

You'll have to create the folder yourself.

It’s not so important what you call it, but it will be more convenient for you if you write the same name of the plugin that was when you downloaded it.

Now you need to upload the files from the zip archive to the server. The archive will not be added. Unzip (move) the folder with the plugin somewhere. Just grab and release the mouse button in any convenient place. It's best to use it on your desktop or in a specially created folder. Find it on your computer to upload it to the server. Select all files by simultaneously holding ctrl and the Latin “A” on the keyboard. Then click “Open”.

Wait until all the files are attached and upload them to the server. Button on the left.

Now go back to your WordPress admin panel. Go to installed plugins.

Activate the one you just added.

Ready. You can see the new application.

You have done a good job and now you know all the ways to add WordPress plugins. You are well done. If you liked this article, subscribe to the newsletter and receive more useful knowledge. It’s quite difficult to collect information bit by bit: you study something in depth, but somewhere you miss important information. Mailing list will help you learn something unusual that you had never thought of before. Perhaps this knowledge will seriously help you one day.

I wish you good luck in your endeavors.

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