What is wifi authentication error. Ways to solve the authentication problem

In this article we will look at some of the most common examples of authentication errors when operating devices based on the operating system. Android systems with WiFi networks. At first glance, there cannot be anything complicated in this matter, because the interface of phones and tablets based on this OS is exceptionally friendly even to the most inexperienced users, but it can also surprise.

In addition, such an error is a fairly common occurrence and in order not to get into trouble, first you should familiarize yourself with the information presented below and, perhaps, the connection problem will be solved easily and unnoticed. First you need to understand what authentication is and WiFi technology generally. Understanding this will give you the opportunity without anyone’s help and extra costs resolve everyday issues related to this protocol.

Authentication. What is this and why?

Often, during authentication, instead of the treasured “Connected,” a message like “Saved, WPA/WPA2 protection,” or “Authentication problem” appears on your phone’s display.

What is she?

This is a special protection technology that does not allow access to your personal or work network uninvited users who would use your Internet channel and waste traffic. You will have to pay for it. Yes, and a large radius of action of the point WiFi access, makes it possible to connect to it not only for the people for whom it was created, but also for attackers. So, to prevent this unauthorized connection and requires high-quality data encryption and authentication technology with a low likelihood of hacking and password guessing. This is why you most often need to enter a password to connect to the network. The authentication data encryption method that suits your requirements can be selected in the settings of the router or access point to which your device is connected. The most common authentication method today is WPA-PSK/WPA2.

There are two main options here:

  • In the first case, all subscribers enter the same key when connecting to the network; in the other, each user is given a personal access key, consisting mainly of numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet.
  • The second type of encryption is used mainly in companies with a high level of network security, where a certain number of users are connected and it is actually important secure checkout authenticity.

If we have connection problems, before taking any action, it is recommended to use a proven method, which in more than half of the cases solves all problems, including authentication errors - reboot the router.

Another of the most effective ways The solution to the authentication error, since it can often be caused by a damaged firmware of the router located at your home, is to update its firmware to latest version. It is strictly recommended to update it from the official website of the manufacturer. It is also advisable to have a saved copy of the file with the router configuration, and if you do not have it, then do not be lazy to make it on your computer so that you do not have to select its settings again. In addition, it is better to make sure that your network is not hidden, that is, just check in the settings whether the “Hidden SSID” checkbox is checked and whether the name of the wireless network is written network SSID in Latin.

Authentication error. Why does it occur?

In fact, there are only two main problems due to which your phone may not connect to the WiFi network. But do not forget that in addition to the errors indicated below, similar problems may be caused by a failure of the router itself or due to conflicts in network settings. This is a separate topic for discussion.

  1. The selected encryption type does not match the one being used.
  2. Error when entering key

Most problems with connecting to wireless networks are due to errors when entering the key. In such cases, it is recommended to double-check the password entered in the connection settings of your phone, and if this does not help, use a computer to go into the router settings, replacing the access key directly on it. It is worth remembering that the key can only consist of Latin letters. If this does not help, one of the methods below should definitely help.

To solve the problem, watch the video:

Troubleshooting authentication errors

Not every user can imagine what setting up a WiFi router using a computer looks like and how to fix any connection problems, not to mention the reasons for their occurrence. Therefore, another way to solve problems is described below, but on the router side and using a computer connected to it, and not a phone.

  1. To check the settings, you need to go to the router settings. To do this, open any browser and enter the IP address or into the address bar. This depends on the model of router you are using. After this, enter your username and password in the window that appears. If you have not changed them, you can find the necessary login information on the router itself, or in the instructions.
  2. Next you should go to the mode settings wireless network and instead of “b/g/n”, which is most often the default, change to “b/g”, after which saving all the changes made.
  3. If all previous manipulations did not produce any particular result, then it makes sense to change the encryption type when checking to WPA/WPA2, if a different method was chosen, or vice versa - simplify to WEP, which, although outdated, sometimes saves the situation if other methods turn out to be ineffective. After that, try connecting to the network again from your phone and re-enter your key to pass the verification.

Knowledge of the listed nuances will help you cope with the error that occurs on many devices, regardless of class and cost, when working with various wireless networks, as well as understand the principle of configuration itself wireless routers and access points.

Owners of mobile gadgets, when trying to connect to Wi-Fi-based wireless networks, sometimes encounter the problem that the device for unknown reasons says: "An authentication error occurred." Also, sometimes messages may appear about the message “Obtaining an IP address” constantly “hanging” on the screen, etc. How to fix such problems will be shown below. Looking ahead, it is worth saying that mobile devices are not always directly related to the occurrence of such troubles, and the root cause lies in incorrect set parameters routers. Next, we'll look at troubleshooting for home users, rather than for open networks that might be available in, say, cafes, restaurants or airports.

An authentication error occurred: what do you mean?

In general, the appearance of such a message indicates that when connecting to a wireless network, it was impossible to control (compare) the access key entered by the user with the one set for the network on the router. But this is far from the main reason.

Samsung devices or some other devices may also issue a message that an authentication error has occurred due to the fact that the information encoding (encryption) systems may not match in the same way. As is known, this technique is used to prevent attackers from gaining access to transmitted and received information in order to use it for their own interests.

Finally, the most common situation of a failure notifying the user that an authentication error occurred during connection may be associated with a weak signal (the capabilities of routers are limited mainly by a range of about 100-300 meters in line of sight).

Based on the above, we will take appropriate measures, but only in relation to home conditions.

What should I do if there is a WiFi authentication error in the first place?

So, the very first thing that is usually recommended to do in such situations is to produce full reboot all devices used that are somehow connected to the network (routers, phones and tablets). If observed weak signal, just move closer to the router and check the connection.

Correctly entering the password and changing it on the router

Quite often, a message indicating that a WiFi authentication error has occurred, Samsung devices or any other devices can also appear due to the usual carelessness of the user who entered the wrong password to access the network. correct password.

In this case, it is recommended to check the combination installed on the router and, if necessary, change it. To do this, log into the router interface using any web browser installed on a Windows system and go to the security password or encryption key line. After viewing, enter the correct combination on your mobile device.

If you need to change your password, first do so on your router and save the changes, then enter the changed password on your phone or tablet to connect to the network.

Note: you can find out the router address on the plate on the back of the device.

To view the password on your mobile device, use the connection settings by long pressing Wi-Fi line go to settings, select change network and check the box to show password.

Changing the encryption standard

If the mobile device again reports that an authentication error occurred, compare the encryption types installed on the router and the mobile device.

In the router settings, refer to the corresponding line and set the authentication type to WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK (Personal), and use the AES option for encryption. After this, on your mobile device, long press on the connection name, and then select delete network in the settings. After defining available networks Find your connection and try to establish the connection again.

Wi-Fi channel selection

If after this a notification appears indicating that an authentication error has occurred, you will have to move on to more drastic settings, which are made exclusively on the router.

Log in to the router’s web interface, as shown above, and go to the wireless network settings section (if the interface is not Russified, this is usually the Wireless menu). First, make sure that the region is set correctly, then from the drop-down list in the channel line (Chanel), alternately select one of the eleven present. Perhaps the connection will return to normal on one of them.

Changing Wi-Fi mode

Finally, if this doesn't help and the message that there was an authentication error appears again, take a look at set mode Wi-Fi.

To solve the problem, in the Mode selection line, set the mixed type to 11b/g or 11b/g/n with maximum speed data transfer, for example, 300 Mbit/s.

What to do if nothing helps?

Now let's see what can be done if none of the proposed solutions have a positive effect. In most cases, it all comes down to doing full reset settings.

First, perform the following actions on the router, using the appropriate section for this. After the reset, use the information you received from your ISP and configure wireless connection again.

Then, in the wireless connection settings on your mobile device, delete the connection you are using and confirm the “Forget this network” option. Reboot your device and connect again. If this does not work, reset the settings to factory settings on this device as well. But in most cases, such actions are not required on a mobile device. If this is still the problem, remember that personal data will be destroyed along with other information, so take care of creating a backup copy in advance, saving it to removable card memory or on a computer (for a PC you can use even the simplest utilities like MyPhoneExplorer).

Instead of a total

These are the main causes and methods for eliminating failures of this kind. If a similar situation occurs when trying to access open networks not at home, there is nothing left to do but contact the network administrator. By at least, you will definitely be given the correct password to log in. Sometimes, however, it happens that when visiting the same establishment, these network accesses are mobile gadget are saved automatically. If things don't work, the same security key may have been changed. Remove existing connection, connect again and enter New Password(or use changing the password for an existing connection, as shown in the material above).

It remains to add that most often there is no need to change the router settings (only in the most extreme cases), since in most cases the root cause of such a problem is the banal inattention of the owner of the phone or tablet, who is trying to enter incorrect data. But with Samsung appliances The problem may indeed be observed, since some devices by default use a different standard type encryption, which is why there is a discrepancy.

An authentication error occurs when connecting to a WiFi network - this is a very common problem. That is why it is so important to understand why it appears and how to eliminate it. But before moving on to network settings and troubleshooting, you should understand what authentication is. This will help you understand why it appears this error and how to quickly and permanently eliminate it.

What is authentication

This is a wireless network security system that prevents outsiders from connecting to your group. Today, there are several types of authentication. You can select the most suitable option in the settings of the router or access point that is used to create home network. As a rule, nowadays the encryption type (authentication) used is WPA-PSKWPA2-PSK2 mixed.

This is the most secure type of data encryption and is very difficult to crack or bypass. However, it can also be divided into two types. For example, at home, an option with one key phrase for all subscribers is used. The user himself sets the key, which is subsequently required to connect to the network.

The second type of encryption is used in organizations that require an increased level of security. In this case, each trusted subscriber is assigned a unique passphrase. That is, you will be able to enter the group only from your computer and only after entering a unique key. In the vast majority of cases, an authentication error when connecting to a WiFi network occurs precisely when the encryption types and the entered passphrase do not match.

Why WiFi Authentication Error Occurs: Video

Why does the authentication error appear and how to fix it

As mentioned above, if when connecting to a WiFi network the system writes “Authentication error”, then first of all you should check the correct spelling key phrase, and whether it is enabled Caps Lock. , then you can check it in the router settings. But to do this you will have to connect to it using a cable.

Let's look at how to find out the password using the D-LinkDir-615 router as an example. After connecting to the device, open your favorite browser and address bar register the IP of the router. You can find it in the instructions or on the body of the device itself (carefully inspect it from all sides).

How to easily find out the IP address of a WiFi router: Video

You can also find out the router's IP using command line. Press the Windows key combination + R, type CMD and press Enter. In the window that appears, write the ipconfig command. Find the line “Main gateway” - this is the address we need.

Write it in the address bar of your browser and press “Enter”. Next, the system will ask you to enter your username and password. We write admin, admin respectively.

Now at the bottom of the screen, find and click the “Advanced Settings” button. Several will appear additional windows. We are interested in the section called “WiFi”. You need to find security settings in it. This is where you can select the type of authentication (encryption) and change the password.

Connecting to a WiFi router in Windows 8: Video

Sometimes an authentication problem when connecting a computer to WiFi appears even if the key is entered correctly. This may mean that the router has crashed or is simply frozen. This can be resolved by simply rebooting the device. This can be done in settings or simple shutdown food for 7-10 minutes.

You should also check the channel on which the router is operating. For this we return to start menu. In the WiFi section, click “Basic settings” and find the “Channel” line. It is recommended to set the value to “Automatic”.

There are also cases when such an error does not appear due to problems in the router or due to an incorrectly entered key. In this case, you should check the settings in the operating system.

OS check when authentication fails

To connect to a wireless network, the computer uses a Wi-Fi adapter. It is because of its incorrect operation that problems with WiFi network authentication may appear. First of all, you should check the presence and correct operation of drivers. This is done in the device manager, which can be launched as follows. Find the “My Computer” shortcut and click on it right click mice.

Select “Properties” and open “Device Manager”. You can also simultaneously press two keys – Windows + R, in the window that appears, write mmc devmgmt.msc and press “Enter”. In the window that appears, we are interested in “ Network adapters" Open the thread and see if yours is on the list WiFi module. As a rule, the title has Wireless Network Adapter If the device is marked exclamation mark, then the drivers are not working correctly.

Possibilities modern phones go far beyond voice communication. With no less success, they can be used to store and edit files and, of course, to connect to global network. Because the mobile standards most often limited by providers, to connect to the Internet, owners of gadgets on Android based and iOS are most often used Wi-Fi technology. But the mere presence of a Wi-Fi module in a mobile device does not guarantee a connection to the network.

It happens that the phone does not connect to Wi-Fi, displaying errors or notifying the user that the connection is impossible. Most often this occurs due to a failure or incorrect settings the device itself, but can lead to the same results incorrect configuration router modification system files, installation of custom firmware, non-compliance with communication standards, virus infection and, in rare cases, failure Wi-Fi module. So, let's try to look in more detail at why the phone doesn't connect to Wi-Fi and how it can be fixed.

Incorrect password entry, temporary failure

This error usually occurs when the Wi-Fi network cannot recognize the device connected to it. The reason is most often trivial - the user makes a mistake when entering the password and, as a result, receives a corresponding message.

Check that the password you entered is correct and try to connect again. Also pay attention to the name of the network. The Wi-Fi module on your phone detects not only your network, but also other access points, which may have similar names, for example, mydoms and mydons. Make sure you are connecting to your network and not your neighbor's.

If up to this point there have been no problems with authentication, first try rebooting your smartphone and the router itself; perhaps there was some kind of temporary glitch. Is your phone still unable to connect to your Wi-Fi network? Delete in WLAN settings saved network and try to reconnect.

The example discussed above is the simplest, but more often everything is a little more complicated, being associated with incorrect settings the router itself.

Router settings

You connect to the network, but the phone does not connect to Wi-Fi, it says saved WPA2 or WPA. After a few seconds, the “Authentication Error” message appears. If the password is correct, there is most likely something wrong with the router's security settings. It may also be that the phone says “Saved,” but the connection is still not established. It’s easy to get into the router settings; you just need to go to the internal address in the browser or . It is more difficult to understand its interface, since different models routers, it can differ significantly.

By default, the login and password are used to log in admin/admin(look at the bottom of the case). Before making any changes to your router settings, remove the network from your phone, or at least disconnect. It is also advisable to create a backup copy of your router settings - if you suddenly get confused or do something wrong, you can always restore. After making changes to the router settings, it also requires a reboot.


Now a little more about setting up an access point. First, try changing the region.

In the settings this option is located in the section Wi-Fi - Advanced Settings, c – on the “Wireless” tab. In other models it may be located in a different location. In short, you need to first study the interface of your router. In the regional settings, the country in which you live should be selected, although this is not critical. Save your settings and reconnect.

Network mode

Much more important setting, which may prevent the gadget from connecting to Wi-Fi is the wireless network operating mode. This is perhaps the main reason for authentication errors when connecting to Wi-Fi on a phone that may not support the current mode. There can be several modes: B, G, N, etc. If you have B/G/N mixed, install it, and you can try experimenting, choosing one or the other mode. Pay attention also to the channel. It should be auto.

Security Settings

Find the security section in your router settings and try playing with the settings. It is advisable that the network authentication be set to WPA/WPA or WPA-PSK (if there is mixed, enable it), encryption is AES, the key contains only latin characters, only numbers or both.

After changing the router settings, reboot it and re-establish the connection on the phone. Unfortunately, the two methods described above can cause problems with connecting other devices, such as a laptop or TV, if they do not support the changed parameters, so everything is not so simple here. If the password has changed, in any case it will also have to be changed on other devices.

Channel width

It's highly unlikely that this will solve the problem, but just in case you can try changing the width Wi-Fi channel networks. In routers D-Link setup look in the subsection Wi-Fi Additional settings , in TP-Link – Wireless Settings – Channel Width. Available options usually several: 20MHz, 40MHz, Auto and others.

Filtering by MAC address

Each electronic device has its own unique identifier - MAC address. Find the MAC filter subsection in the router settings and make sure filtering is disabled.

If it is enabled, determine the MAC address of your smartphone, check the settings in the router and, if necessary, remove the phone from the “black” list or, conversely, add it to the “white” list.

Phone stuck on getting IP address

Another common problem is the device getting stuck at the stage of obtaining an IP address. The phone does not connect to Wi-Fi, it says “Obtaining an IP address,” and this message can appear for hours. The cause of the problem, again, may be hidden either in the settings of the mobile device or router. The latter is indicated by problems connecting to Wi-Fi and other devices. Responsible for distributing IP addresses to devices, changing the pool of addresses and the router itself in the router DHCP server. If it is disabled, your device will never receive an IP address.

Is DHCP enabled?

Let's check the operation of DHCP. The location of this setting differs in different router models. In TP-Link you need to look for it in the section The local network or LAN, in D-Link it is usually located in the subsection Network – LAN.

The mode must be selected "Allow". Instead of a drop-down menu, the “Enable” and “Disable” radio buttons can be used in the router settings. Here, we believe, everything is clear too.

Static IP

You can solve the problem of “eternally” obtaining an IP address by setting a static IP in the advanced connection settings of your device.

To do this, click on your connection in the list of networks, select Change network – Advanced settings – DHCP – Custom(in earlier Android versions you will need to check the “Static” box).

In the panel that opens, enter the IP address 192.168.X.YYY in the appropriate fields, where X is 1 or 0, this depends on the address at which you access the router settings (you can try both options), and YYY is any number from 0 up to 255.

The gateway must match the address of your router, leave the prefix length at default, do not touch DNS 1 ( and DNS 2 ( If you have other data instead of those indicated in brackets, do not change them either - they are given by your provider. The exception is DNS 2, which can be left blank. If something is unclear or you doubt the correctness of the data entry, it is better to contact your provider’s support service - it is their direct responsibility to connect their clients’ devices to the network.

Automatic error correction tools

If you encounter an authentication error when connecting to Wi-Fi on Android, but it works for you Mobile Internet, install from Google Store Play app Android WiFi Fixer. This utility is an analogue of the connection troubleshooting tool in Windows and is designed to find and automatically correct Wi-Fi connection errors on mobile devices under Android control. Once launched, the application checks everything network settings and tries to connect to Wi-Fi bypassing it.

Other reasons

The above examples of problems and how to fix them are the most common. In reality there may be more reasons. Why doesn't my smartphone connect to Wi-Fi? Perhaps you installed a proxy server program that was not fully developed, caught some kind of virus, rooted the device, changed the firmware, etc. Here you need to look at the circumstances. There have been examples where the wireless connection was blocked by antivirus programs.

In general, if the connection is lost after making some changes, most likely this is the reason. If all else fails, reset the device to factory settings, remembering to first create backups important applications and data.

Well, the most unpleasant thing that can happen is failure Wi-Fi adapter. In this case, not only yours, but also other wireless networks will not be detected. There is nothing to do here; you will have to take your gadget to the service center.

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