What is a one-pager? Terminology, prices and purpose

A one-page website (hereinafter referred to as a landing page) is the face of a company or a presentable business card of a product or service being sold on the Internet. It is very important that the user likes it from the very first seconds, otherwise he will simply close the page. To prevent this from happening, you need to optimize the content of the page as much as possible - understand the structure of the landing page, and also highlight the key features that the target audience should first pay attention to.

If at first glance this seems too simple a task, then in practice, implementing step-by-step tasks, even through ready-made free configurators, achieving the final conversion turns out to be much more difficult.

So that the target audience does not simply ignore contextual advertising one-pager, and after switching to it I made necessary action: subscribed, purchased a service or product, made a call or left your contact information, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the constructive tips below and examples of already working landing pages.

Remember! A conversion of even 2% is a good result, indicating the need for further improvement.

Tips for creating the best landing page with current examples

One landing page - one product

IN in this case It is important to implement some rules, which together will have the necessary effect and return on the one-page website. They look like this:

  • Only one service/product should attract the client’s attention;
  • to the above there should be one short but succinct description + a detailed one hidden in the technical characteristics or features;
  • warm up interest with a discount or additional equipment;
  • ultimately suggest leaving email to notify you of any changes.

If you implement this set of rules for a group of products or even several, then the concentration of a paying customer will be reduced to nothing, and, accordingly, the likelihood of increasing conversion.

It is the principle of selling one product/service indicating clear competitive advantages that will allow you to achieve the desired result.

Example by this advice- Goodwin landing page.

Availability of precise instructions

Despite the fact that this is a landing page, laconic instructions are guaranteed to increase the chances that the client will spend more time on the resource and also return to it in the future.

By instruction we mean not only a description of each action or “ bread crumbs» for easy navigation, but also:

  • laconic design;
  • a clear offer for thematic queries;
  • navigation around the page by searching for matches, etc.

The most accurate example, the work of which consists of performing only a few actions but guaranteeing conversion, is the proposed principle of creating such sites using the tobiz.net constructor.

Clarity of call to action

Did you know that in the first 15 seconds landing page About 80% of visitors leave. To prevent this from happening to your one-page site, target visitor must find the answer to his target question as quickly as possible. The reasons for this are:

  • lack of information responding to the key request on the first third of the page;
  • lack of a specific offer.

The latter includes numerous animations that have no meaning behind them; more than 50% of the text on the page is written Caps Lock. Even these two seemingly insignificant factors can push the buyer away from searching for the order button. Among other things, the latter should also be on the first half of the page, directly next to the product - below or to the right of it.

The size of the button should be 20-30% smaller than the offer itself in text format, or 50-70% in comparison with his own image.

A practical example on a one-page website of the VSC company

This company is engaged in visa processing, but this, in terms of creating a personal landing page, is completely unimportant. Uniqueness this example is:

  • emphasizing the exclusivity (uniqueness) of a service/product through numbers;
  • clearly and concisely emphasizing how beneficial their offer is;
  • motivational action to place an order through two red buttons, which are located immediately below the offer and at the end detailed description services.

Promotion style through “question-answer”

Who said that a one-page website is small and boring? Using the experience of the Enjoy me box company, you can interest the user at the level of ordinary leading questions, such as “Do you agree that buying cheaper is better than buying more expensive?”, followed by a question indicating the desired amount of the discount.

If the discount offered by the buyer coincides with the existing one, then the following message appears on the screen: “Everything is ready! All that remains is to pay...” If the difference is significant, then it is enough to indicate that the product will cost a little more, but by paying this extra, for example, 15%, you get this or that advantage.

The Enjoy me box company itself at one time used the provision of an additional 6 months of warranty for the product as an argument for the current price. After this, the number of purchases increased several times, and the conversion of a one-page site rose from 34% to 57%.

Advice with practical example best applied to goods whose cost starts from 3,000 rubles, and specifications or have key features from four or more argumentative points.

Selling headline - capacious Commercial offer, which must have at least one key features goods/services.

The optimal number of words in a selling headline is eight. The limit is 14. No one will read the sheet, regardless of the fonts.

In addition to such a capacious announcement at the very beginning of the page, which, by the way, must also be cross-platform - completely fit on the screen of any device, when laying it out it is better to use h1 or h2 tags. The h3 tag and beyond are simply lost against the background of the published information and the “Buy” button.

Perhaps an interesting example will be the landing page of the Tandem West company, where after each change in the selling headline (depending on the arrival of new furniture), the conversion changes by 40 and sometimes 65%.

The golden rule is three or four words + one or two competitive advantages, + a few diversionary words.

Parallel calls to action as a self-regulating reinforcer

Since a one-page site is somewhat limited in size, dual motivation of the target client can play a good role. This is exactly how the one-page website of the Simply CASCO company works, without using the “Buy” button. The site itself is indicated as effective example the workings of this principle. In the case of implementing your own website, you just need to change the words in accordance with the existing product or service.

Looking at the website of the Simply CASCO company, you will not see anything unusual. But, if you look closely, in your field of view, without scrolling up or down the page, there are two calls to action - “Find out the cost” and “Select CASCO insurance”. This is a seemingly ordinary navigation, but it carries the main message - the price and terms of receipt. Using this information, after just one click, you are more likely to place an order.

In this case, the role of the “Buy” button is played precisely by its absence - a laconic replacement of intrusiveness with information content.

Quality content is the key to success

The text on a one-page website should be short, with a minimum number of stop words and water. Exclusively the essence and facts presented in 1,000 or 1,500 thousand characters.

Only after forming a database of articles can you move on to design. That's exactly what the Green Captain company did. It would seem, who needs land via the Internet? But, precisely in this case, using content that stimulates communication, after reading which a question arises that requires an answer, with a translation to the second part, where there is an answer and a form of communication with a real manager, more than 50% of visitors made their order.

Let them be small orders 150-700 rubles each, but the total monthly value can be obtained in quantity. The main thing that needs to be done is to fill the one-page page with succinct articles and organize an online chat. In this case, the client sees the company interested in solving his emerging need, but only pays wholesale attention to the financial component of the issue.

Online chat is inexpensive. Moreover, you or someone you know can become its operator.

Eliminate unnecessary things

All that is needed for a visitor to make a purchase is a high-quality appeal, one visual effect, contacts feedback and that same red “Buy” button. If the minimum amount of content is in doubt, then, as an example, you can familiarize yourself with the landing page of the children's school "Karate-do-Shito-ryu Seishchukan". Here, only one spectacular image of a child and the word “Healthy” will force parents to become familiar with the opportunity to send their child to the section.

In the case of a selling site, it is enough just to replace the child, for example, with an air freshener and slightly change the test call. Instead of free lesson put “When ordering, ionized water as a gift.” Such water costs a penny in any dispensing machine. Bottle and label - a matter of five minutes. Here, in fact, is the whole process of creating a landing page without all the extra stuff.

Layout of such a site, due to minimum quantity work will also cost a reasonable amount.

Proper text design is the key to visual deterrence of the target audience

The more readable the text, the higher its efficiency in the final monthly conversion.

To achieve maximum readability, regardless of design landing page, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Font - 16 point.
  • Accepted fonts: Georgia, Open Sans, PT Sans, Arial, PT Serif, Clear Sans, Garamond.
  • The maximum length of one line is up to 80 characters.
  • Paragraphs - minimum 3 sentences, maximum - 5.
  • Subheadings as dividing markers - after 2-4 paragraphs.

The subtitle must contain a key question that will be answered further. Subheadings are considered an important structural part of content.

  • Lists, tables - required condition(without limitation within the same text).
  • Lists, quotes, tables are required.

Demonstration of results is a factor of buyer confidence

It is enough at the very end of the page, before the “basement” itself, to place examples of your successful work in this area. If everything is clear with services - examples finished works, then difficulties may arise with the sale of a particular product. But, there is a solution. The most effective and proven mechanism is to post a photo of the client with the product and a purchase receipt from your company. Don’t forget a short, captivating review.

Naturally, photographs and reviews may be fictitious. The main rule is that the photos are unique, as is the text of the review itself.

For inspiration on the principle and mechanism for demonstrating the achievements of a one-page website, you can pay attention to the website of the Belarusian company “Prorabych”.

Thoughtful structure - the path to follow the visitor's gaze

Line up key positions A website for selling goods should follow the principle of following the visitor’s gaze. In the vast majority of cases, this happens from the center of the screen to the right. That is why all the photographs, better, of course, are designed in a slide show, current offers and others important points centered, no lower than 10 cm from the logo or motivational call to action. A little to the right - the “Buy” button and footnotes small print with some key parameters or order conditions.

Specifications may also be centered or offset to the right. If they are nevertheless shifted, then the font is selected several points larger than in the upper central part.

It is prohibited to use underscores when posting content.

Bottom line

That, in fact, is all the advice on creating and further use one-page website with maximum conversion. Of course, in the layout process you can be guided not only by the above examples, but also by your own innovative qualities, which, in any case, will bear fruit. These examples are purely informational material, which was selected based on optimal conversion rates during their existence.

Examples of one-page sites demonstrate that they help create a WOW effect among visitors and are characterized by a selling structure. If the idea and implementation are amazing, users will definitely admire the finished result. It seems that such a simple website is easy to make. However, the landing page technical requirements no different from a regular resource.

Many questions arise: how to add all the content if there is only one page, what to place on top, how to achieve a convenient and beautiful solution? First, let's figure out what such a platform is. Let's consider options with a unique concept and design that can sell and surprise.

One-pager: what is it?

Landing Page is an Internet service, the navigation of which is not carried out through links or through navigation menu, but by scrolling. Such landing pages have a specific task - to motivate a person to perform a conversion action. For example, this could be signing up for a consultation or event, collecting contact information, selling a product or offering a service. The structure and all the located elements push to perform a specific action.

What is a one-page website? Simple and effective solution to promote products/services. It combines ease of perception, simplicity, and speed of memorization of information by customers. For this reason, most businessmen in the Internet environment choose just such a tool.

Where can I do it for free?

There is no need to contact web agencies or freelancers for help. The 1C-UMI service of ready-made solutions will help you quickly and easily create a landing page yourself. You need to perform a number of simple steps: select Domain name and a template, fill the site with content. The designer will act as a generator of landing Internet pages. You no longer need to install the Landing Page plugin on your resource, as is offered in many CMSs. Everything is easy - you just need to register.

There are a number of options to choose from adaptive templates: everything is displayed correctly on both PC and mobile devices. You should opt for 1C-UMI if you agree that Landing Page development should not take a lot of money and time. With the designer, the whole process will be as comfortable as possible.

Cool one-page sites

We present to your attention cool samples that meet all the requirements. The corresponding principle, convenience, lightness - everything that makes them quite convertible.

A high-quality design studio space where you want to stay for as long as possible. The four-screen design allows you to achieve your goal - an effective impact on clients, convincing them of the unconditional benefits of cooperation. The parallax effect is so captivating that somehow, unnoticed, people begin to enter information about themselves into the aesthetic feedback form.

One-page website: example “Windows to people”

The most controversial option on the entire list. People react to it differently, but do not remain indifferent. We assume that the website’s conversion rates are quite good. The field is highly competitive, but a unique approach and ability to engage users helps you stand out.

Cool structure, corporate design, obvious work of a marketer - all this contributed to ARMA S.M.C. to our TOP. Photo and video content was selected responsibly and seriously, this can be seen from the first slide. Home screen contains a unique selling proposition, covering several needs and criteria. The most memorable and bright element without a doubt, we can call video material replacing the background. It reveals the essence of the classes and the equipment of the hall.

Interest is increased by the criteria. Professional photographs and videos add fuel to the fire. Translate ordinary person into the rank potential client succeeds with a number of advantages. When viewing the site, a desire to become a client appears. A block indicating an action is the logical conclusion of AIDA.

An ideal example of a one-page site: “Bustclub Lingerie”

This landing is a good example to inspire other developers and clients. Here the problem is revealed target audience— selection of underwear for women with large breasts. A solution is also offered through a high-quality offer.

Every next block hits the target's pain exactly. Immediately provided competent and effective solution problems based on discomfort. A bonus for the buyer and for the owner in terms of lead generation is a section with benefits and advantages. It is complemented real photos, demonstrating clearly the possible result. This method is perfect for highlighting all the benefits visually. This way the data is perceived much better.

Present and social proof thanks to a powerful marketing tool. A video is used that talks about experiences and talks about the benefits of correctly selected underwear. Another component is the image of the company director addressing the public.

Large volume traced white space, due to which attention is paid directly to the content. Its simple design exudes a stylish and modern appearance. It is possible to “hook” the concept embedded in it, which leads to the transfer of the audience to the category of customers.

It certainly deserves to be included in the list called “Beautiful One Page Websites.” At first glance, there is a desire to sign up for a trial training session. All thanks to the original picture, a stylish insert with a USP, a bright design, a navigation menu, and a title in the form of a call. This is complemented by a button with a clear call to action. The only thing missing is a navigation arrow indicating that there is also information below. Next come the benefits listed as criteria. Represented by icons containing a brief description.

It's a good idea to use a limited time discount offer. Photo content is aimed at building trust and motivation. They harmoniously complement the overall picture. Plus - the induced desire to go to the first lesson.

This landing page demonstrates conciseness, restraint, and style. But it also motivates you to perform the intended action without being distracted by unnecessary elements. There is a minimal use of colors.


Modern Internet users see a large number of sales pages that always flash before your eyes. Sameness is no longer a trend. Today, a one-page website is unique. The attention of visitors is attracted by unique, unusual and interesting solutions. With exclusive, original design you can surprise a person and please yourself. By creating pleasant emotions in the public, you will add 10% to the conversion. We wish you delicious and unique ideas with competent implementation!

A really cool landing page - what is it like? This question is asked by experienced marketers, beginning one-page developers, and online entrepreneurs who want to promote their project in this way.

Today we will answer it, show you what components a truly high-quality website should have. Read our material, see the selection right now.

What are one-page sites?

A one-page website, or landing page, is an Internet resource through which the user navigates not through links or through a navigation menu, but by scrolling. Landing pages are also called landing pages because each of them has one specific goal- convince the user to take a conversion action, for example, leave contact information, sign up for a consultation or event, purchase a product or service - and the structure of the landing page and all the elements located on it push the user to this action.

Offer and Call-to-action

When a visitor arrives at a landing page, they should immediately consider:

  • brand proposition;
  • further actions (buy, download, register, order a quote).

Therefore, a bright offer, preferably not a banal one, and a clear CTA button are mandatory components of selling pages. Examples of one-page stores with a good call to action element are right in front of you.

Product/Service Description

As they say, brevity is the sister of talent. The visitor needs to understand what he is buying and how it will solve his problem. Product descriptions should be concise and accessible. No long phrases, long lists, superlative forms of adjectives. Be honest with your clients, try to really interest them.

You should have a high-quality sales page. Examples are below. The first introduces the selfie stick, a fashionable device today.

The second is cooking courses. Pay attention also to the thematic design: this is really high-quality, memorable work.

There are examples of one-page sites that are made with internal tabs, where when clicked, the visitor is “thrown” to another page, for example. It is not right. Qualitative landing page should be characterized by “soft” scrolling, when the user does not need to “jump” through sections. You just need to scroll down, smoothly moving from one menu item to another.

All LPStore templates are made according to the agreed principle. The samples have been scaled for clarity.

This can be understood as both video presentations and colorful photo materials. Text is a mandatory addition, but a person perceives visualized arguments much better when he can see the convenience and aesthetics of the product.

We have such one-page sites in our Store. Examples of one-page stores:

Photos that clearly present the products distinguish these landing pages.

The conversion form is a “transmitter” between the brand and the visitor, so it must be, firstly, understandable, and secondly, attractive. Perhaps this element is considered one of the main ones for a landing page. Its compliance with the specified criteria helps the user take the step for which the resource was actually created.

Marketers at Gemm Learning (software service provider) conducted an interesting split test on this topic. On their page they experimented with two forms:

  • standard 6 fields (name, email address, telephone, state (territory), field for entering a comment (optional);
  • to the standard ones they added another drop-down with the text “Can we call you?”

This is what they looked like.

Version one.

Version two

The first one won: it brought 70% more applications.

LPgenerator chooses lead forms with simplified content; we are for minimalism. Here, for example, is a sample of a one-page website for cleaning and examples of one-page stores for LED lights and wardrobes.

The best motivation for potential customers is availability positive feedback about the brand from the first person, confirming certificates, expert opinions. Any high-quality web resource must contain information, and it is desirable that it is easy to verify their accuracy.

Such blocks include all our one-pagers. Let's look at examples of one-page selling sites. The first is a web resource for selling board games.

The second is the sale of eco-rubber crumbs.

The third is a musical instrument store:

Design of adjacent landing blocks different colors helps visually separate content and create the right user experience.

Here is a bright one-page website, an example of accounting services.

Additional examples of one-page stores:

We are talking not only about the main offer, but about the headings of each section. It is important to make them readable and large, since they are intended to structure the content and orient the user. By the way, it is recommended to use “poster” fonts, without “serif”.

Here are examples of one-page stores where what we are talking about is clearly visible.

Presence of “white space”

Most of the quality web resources are made with the so-called “white spots” - the presence of free space. This eliminates the impression of crumpled content and creeping blocks and elements. However, with free space it also needs to be handled correctly: some developers treat it carelessly, creating the opposite feeling - “something is missing.”

Everything is very successful here.

We will have a separate article about landing pages (selling landing pages), we really love this impudent format of making money. Now let’s talk about something else: what to do if you can’t do without a landing page, and it’s awkward to play according to the landing rules? How to make a one-page website and not make a mistake in the long run? Let's figure it out together with experts from.

One-page website: is one not a warrior in SEO?

A one-page website is created mainly for context. In this case, it works well, but not for long - while they advertise for it. However, not all business owners are happy with the short term; many want to secure competent search engine optimization. And then the question arises: is it possible to bring customers to a one-page website using SEO?

To start - brief educational program for those who consider a one-page page and a landing page to be equivalent concepts.

One page site(single page, single/one page website) Landing(landing page, landing page)
Not necessarily a landing page.

It is always one page, which can be navigated by scrolling or using links within the page.

It doesn't have to be a one-page site.
Landing can be like separate page, and be part of a full-fledged site. They often make mini-sites of 3-5 pages, each of which is a landing page. The main purpose of a landing page is to collect contacts of a potential client or place an order from the site.
One-page website (not landing page). Landing page (not one-page).

To the point - is it possible to promote a one-page website to the TOP?

One-page websites are created with the expectation of attracting active contextual, banner advertising, links to the site from press releases, mailings, social networks and other channels for receiving traffic that involve a provoked click on the link. SEO in this case is additional source, which can be improved in some respects, but you shouldn’t rely on it too much.

Matt Cutts when asked about regarding Google to one-page sites answered: “It all depends on the specific area, topic and type of site. But if a one-pager works for you and your users, it will work for Google.” Quite a vague answer, isn't it? Let's take a more specific look, based on the main search engine ranking factors and other indicators important for promotion.

Disadvantages of a one-page website from an SEO point of view

  • Loses to old multi-pagers

As a rule, single-page sites are young sites that over time either develop into full-fledged multi-page sites or disappear from view.

Search engines are distrustful of “young people”: a newly created resource in the future can be either good or a spam fly-by-night site. Therefore, they take a wait-and-see attitude towards newcomers and do not allow them to quickly reach the TOP, especially for high-frequency queries.

Regarding the age of the domain, Matt Cutts said that it matters, but not as much as it is given credit for. Quote: "Sites aged 6 months and 1 year are not too different for Google." But as practice shows, age still matters, not just as a fact, but in relation to the number of links, content updates and other positive ranking factors that a site can acquire over a long period of existence.

Google's "Information Search Based on Historical Data" patent states that the expiration date of a domain's registration also matters:

“Valuable domains are paid for years in advance, while useless domains are rarely used for more than a year. Therefore, the registration date of the domain term can be regarded as a factor in assessing the quality of the domain and the document posted on it.” ().

As for Yandex, many have heard about its “sandbox”, into which all young sites supposedly end up, but the search engine developers themselves do not comment on this information in any way, so you have to rely only on your own experience and stuffed cones. We can only say one thing - Yandex takes into account the age of the site as a ranking factor, considering adult resources more trustworthy. This is more of a recommendation than a law. But nevertheless it is taken into account. So, we checked 150,000 sites that are promoted using the SE Ranking service, and saw that about 93% host sites on domains more than 1.5 years old.


It is often advised to buy a domain with history, but the fact is that if search engines have not indexed a one-page website throughout its existence, such a domain will be of no use. There is one solution here - to practice preliminary site promotion: buy a domain in advance (for a period of more than a year) and place it on it good content. The site will be indexed (not only the age of the domain, but also the site will begin to increase), which means that by the time the project is launched, the one-page site will not be considered too young for search engines.

  • Covers few keywords.

It’s a big mistake to try to optimize a one-page website for a large number of queries, especially from different semantic groups. It doesn't give search engines understand which request your site is most relevant to.

For example, a company is engaged in repairs mobile phones, and also sells new ones. It will not be possible to optimize a one-page website for both services at the same time. Requests for a one-page website in this case are “phone repair”, “smartphone repair”, etc. And for sales you will have to create a separate one-page website. If you offer many different services, it is better to make a full-fledged website.


Promote your one-page website one or three at a time related requests(from one semantic group). Focus the user who visits the site on one product or service - dedicate the one-page page to a specific, albeit narrowly thematic, goal. For example, like on this Soviet poster.

On the one hand, it seems that the authority of a one-page website in the face of search engines should be very high, since all backlinks lead to one single page. And this would be so - in a world where backlinks flow like a continuous river to the same content. In reality, getting links organically without adding new content is very difficult.

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