What is it that I'm lucky on Google. Removal of “I’m Feeling Lucky” and a new block of search suggestions from Google

The fact that employees meditate in Google offices is something everyone is already used to. Thanks to them, a wave of meditation is now sweeping the entire Silicon Valley. In addition to meditations, Google has another amazing thing - the “I’m feeling lucky!” button. on home page under the search engine on the right. Button, by official version, is very important and shows doodles. But here’s the thing: few people know what doodles are, and therefore don’t use it. In addition, marketing company Rapt estimates that the company loses $110 million a year servicing this “lucky” button.

Why not remove it?! But Google co-founder Sergey Brin doesn’t want to hear about it. He believes this is equivalent to crossing meditation breaks off an employee's to-do list. It seems that working hours will increase, but the Google atmosphere, the spirit of the company - all this will be destroyed. The user must always and at any time have the right to press the button that will lead him to luck.

Sergey Brin ranks twenty-first in the Forbes 2013 ranking among the richest people on the planet. His fortune is estimated at almost 23 billion dollars. It would seem like a pride for Russia - the guy grew up in Moscow and went to a Soviet kindergarten until he was six years old. But where is it - in his homeland they don’t consider him as “one of their own”. First of all, he rose too high. Secondly, he is not at all like the rest of us who have achieved success abroad. Well, he has absolutely nothing in common with the usual oligarchs from London: he doesn’t buy yachts, isn’t friends with models, and doesn’t go to parties. And finally, thirdly, the press does not like to include him in the honorable legion of compatriots, because it seems like he has been an American for a long time and does not speak Russian. However, this is not true. Brin speaks Russian. He doesn’t forget his roots - in America he is a well-known member and investor of AmBAR, a non-profit organization for the Russian-speaking community.

Sergey Brin and Anna Wojcicki

Sergei met Anna Wojcicki during his student years, when, together with another Google founder, Larry Page, he rented a garage from her sister for an office. The first love turned out to be the only one - in 2007 the couple got married in the Bahamas. Now the Brin family has two children: a boy and a girl. Brin is convinced that a happy family should not only live together, but also do something socially useful. For example, she and Anna run the Brin Wojcicki Foundation. It is known that the foundation recently made donations of $5 million for research institute Parkinson's disease. By the way, Brin’s family happiness once again confirms the fact that most financially successful people have one wife. The first and the last.

Brin has long stepped beyond Silicon Valley and is now engaged in the improvement of the whole world: projects to develop alternative types of energy, animal rescue campaigns and everything else that can be studied on the website of the philanthropic organization Google.org. By the way, on the roof of the Google building in California are located, perhaps, the largest solar panels in the world. Brin is also the author of the project Google green, whose goal is to save the Earth's resources. “For me, being successful means having the opportunity to change the world for the better,” said Sergey Brin, answering the question: why should he aim so big and far.

Solar panels on the roof of Google's office.

“Every person should make their dream come true,” says Brin. And since the founder of Google does not differ from his words, his employees are truly the happiest workers in America. Google Company offers the best working conditions: the opportunity to come to the office with your dog, free breakfast and lunch, free hairdresser, gym, nap room. The company’s management is also always open to implementing interesting projects proposed by employees.

Google office interior in California.

It's not hard to guess that as the entire Google office meditates under the guidance of Chad-Meng Tan, once a Google employee and now a spiritual teacher in Silicon Valley, Brin himself is not far behind. He also regularly practices yoga with his wife and goes on regular walks. Sergei believes that you should definitely spend at least an hour every day in nature. It is good for health and prevents you from going into virtual world, completely forgetting about reality.

Western users again distinguished themselves with special attentiveness to Google work. This time, we noticed a brief absence of the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button under the search bar. And the appearance of a microphone icon, prompting you to ask a request by voice.

This is what it looks like:

In addition to this, changes were noticed on the search results pages (SERP): left navigation bar with search filters it has become completely colorless, whereas usually the font is blue and the icons are colored.

Google has not yet commented on these changes, but most likely these are regular experiments for the benefit of the user. Let us remember that last week the search engine sparingly commented on testing in AdWords, which was also noticed by Western users.

New block of search tips from Google

Once again Google pleased all lovers of searching for information on the Internet. Now, for example, when writing a paper on the topic “Philosophers of Greece,” the user does not need to sit in front of Google and painfully remember which names to type into the search.

Not long ago, the company presented on its official blog new section search tips:lists of links. Now, if the user enters the same philosophers into the search bar, in addition to the search results, in the block below Google will offer him links to Plato, Democritus, Aristotle, Socrates, etc. By clicking, for example, on the link “Plato”, the user will see search results For of this request. In this case, the block with links will remain at the top of the search results, which will allow the user to see the results for other tips. Similar blocks are available for a wide variety of topics: “American writers”, “famous basketball players”, “cruciferous plants”, etc.

When searching for famous artists, such as Van Gogh, the search engine will show a selection of his famous paintings.

And by entering the name of a famous movie or TV show, the user will see photos of the cast.

For now this feature is only available on google.com for English-language queries.

As you can see, Google is trying its best to please users, creating already 3 blocks of search suggestions. We already had Related Searches, From the Same Area, and now List. Of course, all blocks make it easier for users to find information. However, isn’t the search giant afraid that one day, among all the blocks of hints and assumptions, users will not be able to find the search results?

The main difference (and advantage of e-mail) from other messaging systems (for example, services instant messages) previously there was the possibility of delayed message delivery, as well as a developed (and confusing, due to the long development time) system of interaction between independent mail servers(the failure of one server did not lead to the inoperability of the entire system).
Currently, any novice user can register a mailbox; just register on one of the Internet portals (see services).

Many of you have probably seen the “I’m feeling lucky” button on the search engine start page. Google systems. But few people know what this button is and why it is needed. And some had no idea about its existence at all.

This button first appeared in 1998; in English it sounds like I’m Feeling Lucky. Its function was to instantly transfer the user to the first site in the search results for the query of interest, bypassing the display of the search results itself. There are three versions of her appearance:

  • The first one is the most romantic. It shows the “humanity” of the company, which allows the user to immediately get results without displaying advertising materials.
  • The second, the most pragmatic. This version is also stated by Google creators Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The button symbolizes the perfection of the search from the company and the confidence that in the first position of the search results, where the button leads, there will be a page that fully answers the request.
  • The third, the most practical. In 1998, the Internet was quite slow and expensive, so the company took a step towards the user so that he could save time and money when searching for an answer to a query.

We will not know which of them is more correct, so we will assume that the reason for the appearance of the button was all three versions together.

Reduced profit due to button

Much later, already in 2007, Google calculated that the company’s annual losses due to the presence of this button were about $110 million. The thing is that using the button misses the search results, where the most expensive paid ads are located, which 1% of users who use the “I’m feeling lucky” button will never click on.

Remove button from home page It would be too radical a step that users would not like. And leaving her meant suffering further losses. But everything was decided very unexpectedly.

Loss of original button function

With the advent of “live search results”, the button completely lost its functionality. Instant Search appeared in 2011 and displayed the results already in the process of writing search query. Now there was no need to click on the “Find” or “I’ll be lucky” button. At one time, these buttons were displayed in search suggestions, but they were soon removed because clicking them would search for an unfinished search phrase.

Display of the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button in search suggestions in 2011.

The further fate of the button

With the loss of its original function, I'm Feeling Lucky needed a new one. And she was found. At the same time Google time was actively launching and promoting its services, so the button randomly redirected to one of them.

The functionality included:

  • I’m Feeling Playful - a portal of simple flash games;
  • I’m Feeling Artistic - a project to digitize art objects and create virtual galleries;
  • I’m Feeling Hungry - a list of restaurants and food establishments depending on the user’s geolocation. In the Russian-language segment, this type of button was not available.
  • I’m Feeling Stellar - part of the project Google Earth, which displayed images from the Hubble telescope.
  • I’m Feeling Trendy - allowed the user to find out last news and keep abreast of events.
  • I’m Feeling Doodly is a collection of doodles - Google logos dedicated to some event.

"I'm feeling lucky" button today

In 2013, a global purge of services that the company considered irrelevant or unprofitable began. Therefore, most of the functions of the button were lost again. Today, when you click on it, you can only get to a gallery of doodles, including logos with interactive capabilities, and just pictures that are dedicated to some historical event. Only time can tell whether “I’m Feeling Lucky” has a future.

- I'll be lucky!

The soldier says, leaving for the front.

“I’ll be lucky,” the card player consoles himself, mortgaging his house.

“I’ll be lucky,” you say, abandoning the binary system of mental analysis of variable events!

OK. Let it not be you, but someone else. But those who refuse the system rely on chance. And that this case will happen in his favor. Absurd?

Well, let's do an experiment.

What is the probability of lightning hitting you if you go out into an open field during a thunderstorm? Not tall. But since it is there, you won't take risks.

What is the probability of a gas explosion? Not high, but you will double check, just in case, that you did not leave the gas stove on.

But when it comes to gambling or playing on the stock exchange, most people think that they will be lucky. However…

This is why casinos and exchanges make very good money on this majority!

Do you want to be a source of income for them?

But there is another category of people. These are the so-called “holy men” who are confident that they will never be affected by a negative situation at all. After all, they lead a righteous life. That’s why they have a special place in Heaven and angels wipe away the dust and remove the smallest obstacles on their way.

This means that they will never have an extreme situation in life when they need to take risks to save their loved ones or themselves!

I personally know such “saints” who buy plugs so as not to wear a seat belt. What are they hoping for? Just luck. They believe that they drive a car just awesome, and their guardian angel protects them from fools on the road. Those. they completely eliminate the possibility of their own mistakes and the presence of unpredictable events on the road. And they believe that they will be the ones who will be spared everything.

Only such people forget where they are. It's time to feel your physical body and understand that you are on Earth. This means you are studying at the school of life!

This is a cruel school where the fittest survive. This is necessary in order to educate a person: a warrior, a master, an enlightened one! Only then does the soul gain full consciousness and can no longer return to this school of cruelty.

I am often asked: “Why is it very rare to find magicians above the 3rd level and almost impossible to find above the 5th?”

To which I usually answer that the state of a warrior is already enough to get out of the chain of earthly rebirths and move on to more high level. And “Warrior Mage” is the third level.

The fourth level is the “Master Magician”, and the fifth is the “Enlightened Magician”. Above level 5 there is no point in staying on Earth. And rarely does anyone stay on purpose, moving on.

It makes sense to stay only for those who have a special mission on Earth, or simply have some kind of sporting interest. Those. I want to test the limits of my capabilities without going beyond earthly existence. But this is a completely different story, which we can talk about later if you say that this topic is interesting to you.

Today I am saying that only materialists cannot control chance. And hoping for constant luck just because you are handsome... Well, you understand: I don’t want to offend anyone.

In fact, you need to learn to manage probabilistic events, and for this I offer a very effective simulator in the form of a gaming system, and a platform in the form of a casino or stock exchange. It will allow you to most often be on the crest of a wave of luck and learn real luck, and not the illusion that we see around us.

Tomorrow is the last day of enrollment for the webinar and course “Binary system of mental analysis of variable events in gambling and on the stock exchange." Also, in about a year the price will increase to $800, because... at that time it will already be: a printed book has been published, the topic has been popularized, student feedback has been received, the system itself has been finalized, a webinar has been held, etc.

Today, you still have the opportunity to get the course at a comparatively low price of $40. If you are interested in this, then write about it using the link:

Or write to the support service by email.

I advise you to hurry up, because... Tomorrow is the last day to recruit participants.

Vladimir Iosipenko, owner

"International School of High Magic"

2024 gtavrl.ru.