What is content? Graphic content for promotion.

Quite often, novice webmasters encounter this problem: how to select content for your own site. In principle, you can write the text yourself if you are well versed in the topic. If you don’t understand the topic very well, then you can hire a copywriter, since their services for writing simple informational articles are not too expensive.

When it comes to selection graphic content, many people fall into a stupor. Where can I get pictures?, which would ideally fit the theme of your site? There may be several options. Below we list the most basic ones.

1. Internet. Most often, pictures are taken from other sites and from image searches of popular search engines, for example, Yandex.Images or Google Images. The main advantage of this method is that you can find almost any image of any size. In addition, everything is done quickly (in a few clicks). The disadvantage is that the images will not be completely unique and maximally relevant to the content of your site. Additionally, many images will have watermarks that will need to be removed.

2. Photo services and photo banks . If you want to get really high-quality and unique photos on a topic that interests you, then it is best to buy them. For these purposes, special services and photo banks are created. Such photographs are not very expensive, but they are 100% unique and taken by professional photographers. The downside, besides having to spend money, is that the photos may also be irrelevant to the subject matter. But here it all depends on how carefully you choose and what services you use.

3. Graphic editor . In some cases, the site does not require photographs as such. It happens that you need some diagrams, drawings or other primitive graphics. It is much easier to create such graphics in any suitable graphics editor (especially if you are already well versed in these programs).

4. Taking your own photos . This method of creating graphic content is the most complex and expensive. However, the quality of the graphics and especially their relevance will be at their best. Most often, a photo shoot for a website is carried out when the site is commercial (you need to show visitors and potential clients photographs of products). It’s not a fact that there will be photographs of the goods you sell on the Internet. In addition, photos from the Internet can be of different sizes and different quality. Thus, graphic descriptive content to different products will not be in harmony with each other. Customers will almost always understand whether the picture shows your particular product. Let's imagine a situation where you need to post photographs of your staff and production premises on your corporate website. Here, no matter how hard you try, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to take anything from the Internet. Therefore, it is better to contact a professional photographer who will take some good pictures for you and even edit them in Photoshop (if necessary).

All the best. Nikolai.

Welcome to the site's pages. The word “content” is included in the list of the most popular, frequently used Internet terms. In this article you will get the answer to the question of what content is, what it is used for and what it is like.

What does the word content mean? The English noun “a content” is translated into Russian as “content, pleasure, feeling of satisfaction.” The verb “to content” means “to satisfy, be content.”

These are the meanings that most accurately describe this term when used on the Internet. And if you ask, content, what is it in simple words, then we are talking about any useful content on web pages that satisfies the interests and needs of users - texts, pictures, photographs, infographics, videos and audio podcasts.

However, from the point of view of Internet technologies, web content is something much more and more functional than just useful information on websites.

In 1996, Bill Gates uttered a phrase that became a motto for everyone who is in one way or another related to the Internet, websites and their content.
"Content is King"

The programmer who gave humanity an operating system with a graphical interface and thereby changed the world spoke about the marketing aspect of useful content (products and services).

Unlike literature and journalism, web content has a pronounced marketing component and, in addition to useful information itself, contains additional elements that help promote sites in search engines and involve users in interaction with brands. As a result, all this should influence the user’s decision to make a purchase.

Digital content is not just useful information on the Internet, but one of the main marketing tools that ensures the effective development of the digital economy.

  • Texts optimized for search engine algorithms help sites move into the TOP10 based on user requests and attract more visitors and potential clients.
  • Structured in a “sales funnel” format, articles literally lead the user step by step from a vague awareness of a need to a desire to make a purchase.

Useful information is only the visible part of the iceberg, and only professional marketers know about the hidden purpose of website content.

Today, web content has become the main operating element of a comprehensive Internet marketing strategy that covers the entire global network and accompanies each user at all stages of life in the digital environment.

Classification and types of web content

With the help of high-quality content, you can solve a wide range of problems and, in each case, use a specific format more effectively.

  1. Text documents (articles, posts, releases, reviews, comments, feedback).
  2. Graphics (photos, drawings, icons, favicons, logos, banners, infographics, gif animation).
  3. Media (video, audio, animation).
  4. Interactive applications (calculators, galleries, 3-D reviews, search and selection forms, interactive tests).

Classifications by scope and purpose

  • Information content is useful information on any questions that interest users. Answers the questions - what is it, why, why, where, how, when?
  • News content - media publications, event reports, author's analytics, press releases.
  • Graphic content is drawings, photographs, miniatures, galleries, collages. All visual forms of information transfer.
  • Photo content is one of the most popular formats today. The general availability of digital cameras has led to a real boom - users take photographs of any noteworthy events and immediately post them on social networks.
  • Shock content is the basis of viral advertising, attracting the attention of millions of users and forcing them to spread information in their environment. Most often this is video content published on video hosting sites (YouTube). What is content on YouTube? This can include any media files, ranging from everyday filming of any notable events, staged reviews and training videos, to full-length films. What is video content in Internet marketing? This is the most promising format for presenting commercial information, as in recent years it has seen a significant increase in views. People no longer want to read texts; it is much more convenient to watch videos.
  • User-generated content is articles written and published by visitors to websites and blogs, videos shot with cell phones and posted on YouTube. Comments on articles and messaging on forums also fall into this category.

Some users have a question - what is paid content? Typically this is expert information that cannot be found in open sources, access to which is provided on a commercial basis for registered users of the service. Paid content is also known as VIP site content.

Qualitative characteristics

High quality content is a necessary condition for achieving goals in the set super-tasks - attracting attention to a brand or product, involvement in interaction with the company.

The quality of information on websites is assessed using the list of parameters presented below.

  • Relevance.
  • Credibility.
  • Uniqueness.
  • Legitimacy.
  • Professionalism.

Unique content is information that has not previously been published on the Internet.

Almost any information becomes outdated over time, which dramatically reduces its quality. In this case, you need to do an update or update. What is a content update? In essence, we are talking about updating - replacing outdated information with information that corresponds to the current state of affairs.

If we are talking specifically about the content on the site, it is necessary to monitor the uniqueness of the texts. Popular articles of your web project will stretch over time and they will lose their uniqueness, which will lead to a loss of position in search engines and a decrease in traffic. To promptly identify non-unique materials, do this once every six months.

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

Images make articles brighter and can also be useful for promoting your resource. Yoast's Michiel Hymans explains how to optimize your image for SEO.

The right graphic files will help readers understand your article better. “One picture is worth a thousand words” - this is not entirely true for search robots, but for users, images are of great importance. They give the text life, allow you to illustrate your words using diagrams, graphs, demonstrate visual examples, and simply attract the attention of the audience. I recommend adding illustrations to every article you write.

Where to find a good picture

Copyright images and photographs

When you choose a stock photo for your website's homepage, you're not saying, "Welcome to our company," but, "Welcome to some company." Therefore, if you have the opportunity to make your own illustrations and photographs, use them.

Sofia Ibragimova

Content Marketer

If you want to create minimalistic, simple thumbnails, you can use online icon maker services. Here are the popular ones:

Icons created using these generators can be placed on any background, combined with each other or with other images. More tips on how to create a custom image in the article.

Of course, the picture should not just decorate the text, but reflect its content. An image that is surrounded by related text ranks better for the keyword it is optimized for.

Alternative sources

If you can’t use original graphics, you still shouldn’t take stock images. There are good sources where the images are an order of magnitude better than stock ones. I recommend searching on Flickr.com and Freeimages.com.

Use animation as an alternative to static graphics. Inserting gifs into articles is very popular now. But you shouldn’t overuse them, as too many of them or too sharp animation can distract the reader from the text.

Preparing images

Once you have found the images, photographs, graphs or charts you need, the next step is to optimize the graphic file for use on your site. You must do the following:

Please provide the correct file name

Optimizing an image starts with its title. It must include a keyword. This will make it easier for search robots to understand what is shown in the picture. Everything is simple here: if the picture shows a sunrise in Paris, the file name should not be DSC4536.jpg, call it paris-sunrise.jpg. The main keyword is "paris" as it is the main subject of the photo, so I put it at the beginning of the title.

Determine the image scale

Page loading speed is very important for SEO. The faster the site loads, the more convenient it is for users to visit the page, and for robots to index it. Large images significantly reduce loading speed. It’s especially annoying for users if you upload a 2500 × 1500 image, but it is displayed on the screen at 250 × 150 size.

In WordPress, the admin panel offers several size options after loading. But this does not mean that the size of the file itself will be optimized. Therefore, when uploading an image, check that its size in the admin panel matches the size of the file itself.

Optimize images for mobile devices

A significant portion of your audience uses mobile devices to visit your page. Therefore, images on the site should be easily scalable and adapt to any screen format. If you ignore this point, you may increase the mobile bounce rate, which will negatively impact your rankings. A special plugin has been developed for WordPress sites – RICG Responsive Images.

It adds the srcset attribute to your images by default and optimizes it for any screen size.

Reduce file size

To make the page load faster, use special tools to compress the file. They allow you to reduce the size while maintaining the quality and clarity of the picture. I recommend using the following services:

To check if you have successfully optimized your image, use the YSlow tool.

Uploading an image to the site

Don't insert a picture anywhere just for decoration. It's important for SEO to have related text content surrounding the image. Then the search engine will consider that it is truly relevant to the text of your article.

Captions under the picture

This is the text that accompanies your image.

Why is caption important for image optimization? Users pay attention to these signatures even when skimming an article. This is as important a part of content structuring as headings, subheadings and lists. Nielsen noted in 1997 that “elements that enhance text comprehension are headings, large print, bold text, highlighted text, bulleted lists, graphics, captions, topic sentences, and tables of contents.” In 2012, KissMetric stated that “image captions are read on average 300% more often than text itself. So not using them or using them incorrectly means missing out on the opportunity to attract a huge number of users.”

Do I need to add a caption to every image? No no need. Add text if it is necessary for perception and useful to the user, and not just for the sake of optimization.

Alt and Title of the image

The Alt tag is a description of the image. The text is displayed on the page if for some reason the image does not open. Here's what Wikipedia says about it: “In situations where an image is not accessible to readers because they have disabled images in their web browser or are using a screen reader due to a visual impairment, the text ensures that the information in the image is not lost." Be sure to add alts to graphic files, include a keyword in the description and make sure that it really matches the picture.

When you hover over an image, Internet Explorer shows the alt text. If you use Google Chrome, then the Title tag should pop up. Many people simply copy the alt text and paste it into the Title. You can also include some non-essential information not related to SEO. Some do not fill out the Title at all, and do not lose anything from this.

Repost on other channels

The WordPress SEO plugin has a “Social” section. If you have the premium version, you can use the plugin to preview your post before publishing it to Facebook. If you've set it up correctly but it's not working, try clearing your Facebook cache.

Using this plugin, you can also set up cards for Twitter posts.

Center alignment

Frankly, this is my personal opinion. Perhaps some research has been done on this, but from the user’s side I can say: it’s simply ugly when the text starts to the right of the image and then jumps under it.

Of course, if you use columns of text in your layout, and the image is the same width as the column, then side alignment is acceptable. In other cases, you shouldn't do this.

XML files for sitemap

To provide search engines with information about the images on your site, you need to add image tags to your sitemap. You can add them to an existing XML file or create a new one. This will allow search robots to index your page faster and help promote the site.

Extract from the article

The image optimization process consists of several stages:

  • Selecting a picture that matches the text.
  • Selecting a file name when downloading.
  • Adjusting the size of the original and displayed images on the site.
  • Optimization for mobile devices.
  • File compression for fast downloading.
  • Adding Alt and Title tags.
  • Adding a caption to a picture.
  • Getting the opportunity to share.
  • Aligns the image to the center.
  • Adding information about a graphic file to the site map.

Search engines are improving and are becoming better at recognizing images on a website and information about them. With proper optimization of graphic files, you will not only increase the ranking of your site, but also make browsing convenient for users.

As part of this note, I will tell you what content is and what types it comes in.

Almost anywhere on the Internet you can find the word content. However, not every user understands what is meant by this word. Some people think that this is only text. Some people think that this is the entire site. And so on.

Content is

Content is any content on a website that is intended for use by the user and can be downloaded by the user. In simple words, these are texts, pictures, videos and everything that can be found on websites.

So, on this page, the content, in the understanding of the network, is a combination of the title, text, pictures and comments (if there are any at the time of reading). In other words, everything that may be of interest to you as a user.

Note: In general, strictly speaking, the term Content does not apply only to websites. It's just the word "content". For example, the content of a book, that is, its contents. However, the variety of information on the Internet has become so great that some kind of capacious term was required (although there are no contradictions within the original definition).

Types of content

Let's look at common content classifications.

Types of content by form:

1. Text content. This is everything you can read - reviews, notes, comments, discussions, tutorials, and so on.

2. Graphic content. This category includes any images. Moreover, these are not only photographs, they are also graphs, drawings, diagrams, drawings and the like.

3. Audio content. This is any audio that can be placed on the site. Music, recordings, podcasts (Internet radio) and more.

4. Video content. These are all kinds of videos, full-length films, small cuts. A good example in this sense is YouTube, where the main part is video content, and text content is only an addition.

5. File Content. We are talking about files that can be downloaded. Moreover, this does not necessarily mean films and music. This includes programs, archives, disk images and generally any files that can be downloaded. The peculiarity of this type of content is that in order to use it, you must first download it. For example, an image gallery available for viewing on a website is a graphic type, but an archive with wallpaper is already a file one (since it must first be downloaded to the computer, then unzipped, and only then viewed).

By purpose:

1. Informational. This category includes any content whose main purpose is to provide some information. These can be either full-fledged materials or small fragments of text. For example, the first one can be called this note, and the second one is descriptions for videos on YouTube.

2. Educational. This content is intended to provide educational information on a topic. These could be videos (for example, cooking step by step), schematic images, various instructions for repairs, and so on.

3. Entertaining. The main purpose of this content is to entertain the user. These could be online games, jokes, funny stories, funny pictures, funny videos, and so on. It is worth noting that this type of content takes up a significant share of the Internet (for example, most of the content on social networks).

4. For loading. For the most part, we are talking about file content.

5. Financial. Everything related to finance, trade turnover and electronic wallets on the Internet.

There are many other purposes, but it is believed that the ones described above make up the overwhelming share of the Internet. In addition, it is important to understand that the divisions of content are often conditional; for example, content can be entertaining and informational at the same time (a review of the pros and cons of the program with frequent jokes).

By display:

1. Static. This is the type of content that is created only by the site owner. Therefore, it often remains the same for a long time. This is where the name static comes from.

2. Dynamic (custom). This type of content implies that its content can be created by website users. These are comments, uploaded videos and audios, publishing your reviews, discussions in forums and social networks, and the like.

It is worth noting that dynamic content is considered less controllable and therefore requires additional human effort. In other words, if you wrote a note and posted it, then no one can edit it. But the same comments need to be moderated (for example, cleared of swear words).

By uniqueness:

1. Unique. This is content that is unique within the Internet. It is important to note that uniqueness in no way implies quality, intelligence, or usefulness. For example, if you randomly press keyboard buttons, you can create unique content, but its quality will be appropriate. However, this type is most often associated with full-fledged author reviews.

2. Non-unique. Most often we are talking about copy-paste (copied content). This may seem like an inappropriate type of content. However, nowadays there is such a huge number of sites that sometimes it is difficult to find truly unique content.

Hi all! Friends, we have already dealt with some aspects of creating a blog (even if locally), but there are still some points without which the existence of a blog cannot exist. One of these elements is content. We'll talk about it today. A blog without content is an ordinary GS (shit website). Those. It is clear that quality content is the main mission of the blog.

What is content- this is any information located on your blog. These could be articles, photographs, music, videos, flash games, etc. Your goal as a blogger is to present it correctly and accessible. If your resource is aimed at beginners, you should not write a lot of abstruse phrases and definitions. It’s better to write everything clearly and simply. It’s the same with video lessons. It works.

Today I will talk superficially about the three main types of content and give some tips. The main purpose of the article is to explain the essence and importance of the content to beginners. Don’t miss the release of other articles in this section; more details will follow. For convenience, I have also divided this article into the following sections:

I did not rank them by importance, because for each blog a certain type of content may be important. For example, for a video blog these are videos, etc. I think this is understandable. Since text content is more important for my blog, I’ll start with it.

Text content is, in principle, one of the most important components of any blog. Text has many advantages if you understand how to handle it. In terms of SEO, you can write 5 articles and promote them for certain key queries. But don't forget about the readers.

The text should be readable for people, and not just optimized for Google or Yandex. Do not forget about relevance and uniqueness (hereinafter referred to as copyright). Remember copyright is the best friend for SDL (Sites For People).

What is copyright is a unique text on a specific topic written from scratch. in other words, if you were the first to know that there is life on Mars and wrote in a blog, then this is copyright. But this is not to say that copyright cannot answer trivial questions. For example, how many books of articles and manuals are there on how to make a million? Or how to create a blog about how ;)? But there is a chance that the first entries on your blog can or will only answer trivial questions, just know how to answer them beautifully and interestingly. Remember about people who tell old jokes, but they make it sound funny. But there is another option for writing text content - rewriting.

What is rewrite- this is a normal retelling. Remember at school they asked (and maybe they still ask you) tasks to read and retell the text. So this will be useful to you. The essence of rewriting is to retell an existing text or several texts on the same topic. A rewrite, depending on its quality, can be written at the copyright level. But you will have to work hard for this. And the purpose of rewriting is to make the work of writing articles easier. Rewriting can be mixed with the total number of entries on the blog. This will not have a negative impact on site optimization. I believe that for 50 unique articles, you can add 10 rewritten articles.

The main thing is to write for people if you are making SDL, and if you are making a website to make money, rewriting is also suitable. I will talk about this in a separate article. Well, the easiest way to get content is to copy and paste, which I do not advise you to do on a fresh, green blog, otherwise you will face AGS, bans, filters, etc. Although this method also has a place to be, but only in certain cases. For example, when your blog receives high trust (trust from search engines), then you can sometimes insert some news (do not violate copyright). And don’t forget to write more often, preferably once a day. Like with the basic concepts text content sorted out.

The second most important type of website content. Graphic content includes any images. For example, photographs, pictures, animations and even all sorts of banners. As with text, it’s better for images to be unique. This will save you from plagiarism and help with SEO. Although the PS does not show any strictness, it is worth at least a little editing of the images using the same Photoshop.

From the optimization side, even the location of the image in the article plays a role. Believe it or not, this affects website conversion. The main operations that should be done with the image (I don’t always do this) are to write down the title, alt, link address to the article and title to the article. This is also quite difficult to write in a nutshell, so we will devote a separate article to this conversation.

Here's everything an image must go through: images must be unique, be SEO optimized, have the right placement, have a fixed size, have a meaningful title, be light in weight, and have good quality. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that you can leave the address of your blog in the picture. Some advertising for your blog. Don't forget JPG images are ranked higher than other formats.

The last type of content I want to consider. Video content is quite a useful thing. It is logical to assume that it is most often found on video blogs. But videos can also be used for educational lessons. I haven’t seen SEO optimizations for videos as such. But I have some advice for you.

First. Embed YouTube videos into WordPress. Why YouTube? Well, it’s enough that the videos are stored there for free, you can add links to the blog, you can mention the blog in the description. You can also make money by advertising on YouTube. Video insertion is carried out using the Video Embeded plugin.

Second. Never upload a video to your hosting so that it can be watched online. You will overload the server and degrade the channel bandwidth allocated specifically for your blog. Accordingly, the blog will begin to slow down. And neither people nor search engines like slow blogs. And also write the title of the video with the content of keywords. You should not write incomprehensible names like: vido.avi, the name of the video should indicate what it is about.

In principle, I think you have understood some basic concepts. I actually wrote this post when I was feeling very poorly and my thoughts often got lost. I wrote less than I wanted. Don’t swear too much, in the following posts I will write everything in detail and separately. Thank you for your attention. Don't forget to subscribe to RSS and follow me on Twitter. All good mood :).

P.S. Vibrocil for children under one year of age is an antiallergic medicine for the nasal mucosa.

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