What is Full HD and why is this format good? Difference between Full HD and HD.

Before purchasing a new monitor, laptop, TV, or even smartphone and tablet, many users ask the question of what is the difference between Full HD and HD.

For some reason, all devices with Full SD will always cost more than those with just SD. The problem is that on the Internet you can find articles that supposedly answer this question, but after reading them the question still remains open.

The reason for this is that the entire text is written absolutely incomprehensibly. There are even certain tables, but it is almost impossible for an inexperienced person to understand what is meant there.

Therefore, today we will try to answer questions as simply and easily as possible regarding what HD is, what Full HD is and how they differ.

And we will start by simply giving designations to the terms with which we will work in the future.

1. Glossary of terms

Resolution is the number of pixels in each unit of image dimension.

Scanning is a method of displaying video. In our case, only two types are used - interlaced (when using this method, next to the resolution the letter “i” is indicated, that is, for example, “1920x1080i”) and progressive (indicated by the letter “p”, for example, “1280x720p”).

Interlaced scanning is when each frame is divided into two, which are called half-frames. In this case, the image is divided into lines and transmitted to the screen through the line.

Odd lines are placed in the first half-frame, and even lines are placed in the second half-frame.

Progressive scanning is when all the lines of a frame are transmitted sequentially, one after the other. In this case, the frames are divided only into lines.

2. Differences between Full HD and HD


The very first thing worth saying is that Full HD and HD are resolution formats. HD stands for " High Definition", that is " high resolution».

Accordingly, Full HD means “full high resolution” (if translated literally). To be precise, the HD resolution is 1280x720 pixels.

In the case of Full SD and SD, the physical dimensions of the screen are taken as the unit of image dimension.

Based on the above definition, it turns out that there will be 921600 (1280 times 720) dots on the screen - the length of its horizontal side will be 1280 dots, and the length of the vertical side will be 720 dots.

It turns out that original image will be transmitted at 921600 points, so its clarity will be very high.

Clue: For marketing purposes, resolution is often referred to as the length of the vertical side of the screen. For example, to indicate HD resolution (1280x720), they often say 720p. To refer to Full HD they say 1080p or 1080p Full HD. Do not confuse this designation with the designation of the sweep!

Actually, the Full HD resolution is 1920x1080, which is as many as 2,073,600 pixels. This is the most important difference - Full HD resolution is higher than just HD.

Therefore the quality transmitted image will be significantly higher.

Today there is huge amount formats. In the figure below you can see a complete list of them and the resolution of each.


Without going into details, let's say that Full HD quality is supported interlace scanning without changing the image.

HD supports interlaced scanning with picture changes.

It is quite obvious that when an image is divided into lines and then into frames, some element may get lost somewhere and the resulting image will be distorted.

Also, the lines may not be transmitted in the same order as they were initially.

But it is important to understand that even interlaced scanning with image distortion is supported by slightly modified HD, but not the standard one with a resolution of 1280x720.

Standard HD quality supports exclusively progressive scan. Full HD supports both interlaced and progressive scan, and even some combinations of them.

Of course, there are many more differences between 1080p Full HD and regular 720p HD, but at the moment knowledge about resolution and scan will be enough to choose the right smartphone, tablet, TV or monitor.


Here are the main differences between Full HD and HD:

  • Full HD provides higher image quality due to increased detail, which is achieved by a larger number of pixels.
  • Full HD can display images in resolutions of 1920x1080, 1920x720 and 720x576. HD only works at 1280x720.
  • HD only supports progressive scanning, while Full HD supports two types – progressive and interlaced.
  • The HD standard implies very high requirements for the technology on which it is reproduced. Full HD is less demanding on devices.
  • Full HD devices usually have very powerful processors, which has a positive effect on speed and number of functions.

3. Don't fall for advertising gimmicks!

Today, most stores actively offer to buy devices with Full HD. At the same time, some consultants don’t even really know what HD and Full HD are.

But in some cases this permission It will simply not be relevant for the simple reason that the human eye will not be able to see the difference between HD and Full HD on some devices.

And in this case, paying 500-700 dollars more (in the case of TVs) for the presence of Full SD simply does not make any sense.

You need to understand that on some devices Full HD is simply not necessary.

So, Full HD resolution does not make sense in such cases:

  • When the screen diagonal is less than or equal to 32 inches (for TVs and monitors). At this resolution, the difference between HD and Full HD is not particularly noticeable, unless you look closely at each pixel with magnifying glass or binoculars. In addition, 32-inch TVs that support Full HD often use technologies that provide a very poor color gamut (specifically, 8-bit matrices).
  • When we're talking about about smartphones and tablets, even with a 5 or 10 inch screen. IN in this case Image quality is influenced by a huge number of factors. For example, if we talk about screen technology, then Super AMOLED screens are always better than IPS, even if the latter have 10 times higher resolution.

And in general, you shouldn’t hang your ears when a young and interesting seller spouts a lot of numbers and talks about how good it will be to show this or that device.

It’s better to pick it up, watch a few pictures and videos, play a video, and compare it with other devices.

If you like it, then you can buy it - this is the best best criterion choice.

There were times when users happily enjoyed movies in DVD quality. These days, televisions that display high-resolution Full HD images have become widely popular. Although models capable of displaying highly detailed images in Ultra HD resolution have already appeared on sale, they are not yet very popular due to their high prices.

Sales Consultant when listing all possibilities and technical features specific TV will probably mention that it is capable of playing video high definition. Almost all new TVs are capable of playing Full HD video, but not all users know what Full HD is. This article will help you understand this issue. I would like to explain that when we talk about high-definition video, then, first of all, we mean the image detail increased five times.

This multiple improvement in quality is ensured by the fact that the number of pixels from which the picture is formed increases. High definition video has two main resolution formats. These are 1920x1080 pixels and 1280x720 pixels. In both the first and second cases, the aspect ratio of the image is 16:9. As a reminder, standard definition video has an aspect ratio of 4:3. If we assume the pixel sizes are the same, then we can clearly compare the Full HD standard with other standards.

Advantages of the standard Full HD

Before we figure out what Full HD is, let's find out the main advantages that high-definition video offers. Talk about increased resolution and, as a result, obtaining a more detailed image is good, but to see real increase Picture characteristics When choosing a Full HD TV, you need to independently determine the characteristics of the picture. If there is a high-quality video source, panels that support Full HD display an excellent picture, which is much superior to the display result of SD TVs. What explains this superiority?

Much of the credit lies in the five-fold improvement in detail, which is easily achieved by the increased number of dots that form the image. Each Full HD frame contains an increased amount of information and, as a result, there is a deep elaboration of small details that are not lost against the general background. Now you can distinguish small veins on leaves, individual hairs on animal fur, and impressive frost patterns. Such detailing gives the picture realism and it is noticeable. Particularly well-improved detail is observed on TVs with big screen. On large display all errors and inaccuracies related to the quality of the picture are very clearly visible.

FullHDas it is

Now the time has come to decide what Full HD is. To put it correctly, Full HD (“full” HD) is a marketing name that means that the TV supports all high-definition video formats up to 1920x1080. This means that if the TV matrix has a lower resolution (1280, 1336 or 1440 pixels in width), then there can be no talk of the Full HD standard. Matrices with a lower resolution are capable of displaying video in full HD720 quality. Such models are usually present, which can be roughly deciphered as “ready for display” HD. Next, let's look at the real differences between TVs with and without Full HD or HD Ready labeling.

  • If there is no marking on the TV, then even the presence of a high-resolution matrix does not provide any guarantee of support for high-definition video. In most cases, such TVs are designed to display standard signal SD with a maximum increase in its resolution to the level supported by the matrix. In the end maximum resolution SD will be equal to the physical resolution of the matrix.
  • If a TV is labeled as HD Ready, it means it can play both high and standard definition video. That is, the HD1080 signal resolution will be reduced to the real matrix resolution, the HD720 signal will be displayed “as is” (if the TV matrix resolution is 1280×720) or its resolution will be increased (if the matrix resolution is greater than 1280×720), the SD signal resolution will also will be increased to the actual matrix resolution.
  • If a TV is labeled as Full HD, this means that it displays any signals, be it SD or HD. HD1080 quality signal is displayed as is, while other signals will be upscaled.

As a rule, TVs that support the Full HD standard are equipped with more efficient and powerful processors. Modern electronic “stuffing” easily allows the TV to interpolate HD720 and even SD signals, increasing their quality. It follows from this that you should give preference to Full HD models that have great capabilities in the field of high-quality image display.


We analyzed in detail what Full HD is and found out the main advantages that high-definition video brings. In view of the emergence and gradual spread of ultra-high resolution TVs Ultra HD, Full HD on TVs is already the norm and the price of such devices is affordable to everyone. Even budget models often equipped with Full HD matrices. Now you know what Full HD is and similar markings in a TV store will not cause confusion.

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What is HD 1080?
For better understanding, you need to explain what the meaning of this abbreviation and numbers is. There is also a second name for HDTV - this is a widescreen format, video display with an extension of 1920x1080. The picture has a high projection frequency and records information on floppy disks using the MFM method with 15 or 18 sectors when displayed on 1 track, which will not give the slightest chance or possibility of being distorted during display. At the moment, there is an opportunity to watch old silent stories with the best actor of all time, Charlie Chaplin.

Additional bonuses
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Every TV or set-top box you buy today will support high-definition (HD) video. But even so, there are a lot of terms. In particular, you need to know the difference between HD Ready, Full HD, Ultra HD and Full Ultra HD?

In the most basic terms, HD Ready TVs and set-top boxes can display 720p images at a resolution of 1280×720 pixels. Full HD TVs and set-top boxes display 1080p images with a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels. Ultra HD, or "Full Ultra HD", can go up to 4320p video with a resolution of 7620 x 4320 pixels.

The higher the resolution, the sharper the images look.

But if it were that simple...

HD Ready vs HD Ready vs Full HD

Wait, why does it say HD Ready twice? Depending on where you live, the definition of HD Ready is slightly different. In particular, the US and Europe define this differently.

In the USA HD Ready for a TV means that the TV can output 720p images and has a built-in digital tuner. However, the same HD Ready logo is also printed on several projectors, computer monitors and other devices that do not have a tuner. Television is an exception.

In Europe A digital tuner is not required to receive the HD Ready logo. The output must be 720p to receive the HD Ready logo. On some older TVs you may see the HD Ready 1080p logo. This is the same as the Full HD logo.

All over the world gold logo Full HD 1080p is a standard which means the display can display 1080p images.

720 vs 1080

Logo aside, you need to know the actual difference in quality. Your TV displays video as a series of lines, both horizontal and vertical. How many horizontal lines can be displayed on your TV at one time? This magic number: 720 or 1080.

With more lines you get more pixels and therefore best quality video. That's why 4K and Ultra HD are even clearer.

Why myHDReady 720pTVShow is labeled 1080i? (Progressive and Interlace)

Things get confusing when you look at the HD Ready 720p TV specifications. There is another line that says it displays "1080i" videos. But 1080i doesn't mean it's Full HD. In fact, the seller may try to use this as one of their tricks to trick you, but don't fall for it.

"P" and "i" stand for progressive and interlace respectively. Progressive and interlace are how the TV displays each frame of video. As you know, most videos are around 25 frames per second.

With progressive scan or 1080p, the TV shows all 1080 horizontal lines simultaneously.

When scanning interlaced or 1080i, the TV displays half the lines of one frame, and then half the lines of the next frame. The idea is to trick the eye into thinking it is one image, but the human eye ends up seeing the lack of quality.

Ignore "1080i" or anything with an "i" after it. Interlaced video doesn't look very good.

Where will you see these logos?

While you will always see HD Ready or Full HD logos on TVs, they appear on some other similar devices such as projectors and monitors. The most important thing for your TV is the set-top box.

The basic rule is that the video is played at the resolution supported by the device with lowest speed. In other words, if your TV is Full HD 1080p, but your set-top box is HD Ready 720p, your TV will display a 720p picture. Some TVs will try to upscale the video, but this does not result in a better picture.

Likewise, a 720p TV with a 1080p video connector (through your set-top box or game console) will only show 720p video. So the video high quality, will only occur when the input matches the resolution of the output signal.

Don't Worry About "HD Ready" in TVs and Other Displays

There's no point in worrying about the "HD Ready" tag on most devices these days. 720p resolution has become minimum value default for each display device. So if you buy a TV, monitor, projector or something like that, it will support, according to at least, 720p video.

The Full HD tag can help you determine whether it supports 1080p video or not.

HD Ready vs Full HD vs 4K vs Ultra HD

In the last few years, as technology has advanced, you now need to consider two other logos. Ultra HD logo and 4K logo.

4K is a subset of Ultra HD and denotes 2160p video with a resolution of 4096×2160 pixels.

Ultra HD, or "Full Ultra HD", can go up to 4320p video with a resolution of 7620 x 4320 pixels.

IN present moment Full Ultra HD is not available on most TVs.

And again, we're not just talking about TVs. Even to play videos at the same resolution, you'll need an Ultra HD Blu-ray player.

Permission vs. Quality

Unfortunately, marketers have turned image resolution into a measure of image quality. But this is not true at all. There are several factors that determine how video looks on your TV, and you shouldn't buy anything based on resolution alone.

The TV panel, processor, backlight technology and other details are also important.

Full HD TVs are the most popular today model range. Rapid development technology has made gadgets labeled Full HD available to the majority, and they have filled almost the entire average price segment. Simple SD and even HD Ready remain only among budget devices.

The main advantage of FHD over HD Ready is high image detail. Until devices with even higher 4K resolutions become more affordable, Full HD devices remain the best value for money.

What is Full HD – 1080p?

The Full HD standard, which is often called the “high definition standard,” means that the matrix supports a full resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels (1920x1080p). HD Ready can only play 1280 x 720 video without distortion; more detailed images are reproduced with distortion (1920x1080i).

The letter at the end indicates the scanning type: interlaced “i” or progressive “p”. Without support for progressive scan, lack of distortion and an HDMI interface, a TV cannot be called full-fledged Full HD.

Another difference is the LED sticker, which indicates the LED type of LCD display backlight. LEDs consume a minimum of electricity and emit intense white light during operation, equally bright over the entire surface of the display. Uniform illumination of liquid crystals allows you to achieve maximum image realism.

What is the difference between a regular TV, Full HD and Full HD 4000?

A TV with Full HD support differs from its predecessors not only in the detail increased by 5 times. The aspect ratio for FHD and HD Ready is 16:9 instead of 3:4 for regular TVs, so modern movies are displayed without frame cropping or distortion.

Thanks to progressive scan, not only 24-frame movies and all frequencies of conventional TVs (25, 29.97, 30) are supported, but also double frame rates: 50, 59.94, 60. In this case, fields are replaced by full frames, frames change more smoothly, and the image looks stable.

Full HD 4000 offers even more detailed images, but this option is not yet available to everyone. Limited quantity Ultra HD content for them also restrains market growth.

Is it worth buying a Full HD TV?

Purchasing Full HD doesn't mean you have to immediately switch to 1920 by 1080 resolution TV exclusively. However, the full benefits of high-definition displays will only be seen with a high-definition source, such as digital HDTV broadcasts instead of analogue programs.

FHD TVs also support additional features: USB interface for viewing downloaded movies or photos, HDMI cable allowing you to stream Full HD movies from connected devices. Purchasing such a device automatically means constant search content, but the time spent is compensated by the impressions of watching realistic films.

Full HD TV for ps4 pro games

The PS4 pro console allows you to transfer not only Full HD images to the screen, but even 4K. However, the high cost of Ultra HD models sometimes makes you think about a compromise. The PS4 Pro system will still improve the gaming experience compared to the regular PS4. Games feature higher and more stable frame rates, highly detailed characters and objects, and realistic images.

For games, the “native” Sony ones are quite suitable high frequency updates: KDL-55W808C, KDL-43W808C and others. It is advisable to choose a large diagonal to fully immerse yourself in the game world.

What is better to choose – 4K or Full HD?

4K TV models are generally better than FHD. But their main drawback is their high price. Another problem is the lack of content. Today, not even all TV channels are digitized, and finding TV broadcasts in 4K resolution is generally unrealistic. When purchasing a 4K gadget, you will have to immediately focus on content from the Internet, often paid.

FHD is the optimal compromise until 4K gadgets become mainstream. Considering the speed of technology development, such a device will easily serve you for 3-5 years.

Choice of Full HD TV 2017

Every year, world leaders announce new models with higher performance for the same or slightly increased price. Ranked in the top:

  1. LG 50LB675V with a diagonal of 50 inches and a 3D function for 45 thousand rubles.
  2. Sony KDL55W955B with a 55-inch TRILUMINOS screen, 3D and 400 Hz for 70 thousand.
  3. Samsung UE55H7000AT, having a 55-inch screen, minimalistic design, 800 Hz frequency and voice control. Costs 80 thousand rubles.
  4. Sony KDL-40W705C with X-Reality PRO technology, powerful processor and surround sound, which can be purchased for 36,000 rubles.
  5. Samsung UE40J6200AU with double magnification and screen dimming function (RUB 37,000).

In addition, this rating was compiled by the specialized portal rtings.com. Perhaps it will be easier for you to navigate if the starting point in your choice is the already existing rating of models that have earned the popularity of users. But we still recommend that you approach the issue more thoughtfully, and before making a choice, familiarize yourself with all the features listed below.

What screen size is best?

The high image detail that distinguishes all types of HDTV is best appreciated with large screen diagonals. Visually, the difference between HD Ready and FHD is noticeable with a diagonal of 32 inches. All the advantages of the new standard allow you to appreciate 40-43 inch TVs. They are also recommended for medium and small living rooms.

If you decide to watch movies in a spacious room, it is better to take a TV with a diagonal of at least 55 inches. But Full HD resolution may not be enough for it; a 4K resolution option is more suitable.

Checking a Full HD TV in a store

The image quality should be determined before purchasing. Checking will help identify dead pixels, select suitable model and matrix type.

  • Check for the Full HD label, because high matrix resolution in itself does not guarantee HDTV. The Full HD sticker means that the HD1080 quality signal will be displayed "as is", while SD and HD resolution will be increased.
  • Read the processor data; a low-power one will not be able to quickly convert the image to the required resolution.
  • Make sure there is no dead pixels by filling the screen with white, black and other colors.
  • Evaluate the quality of color reproduction and the ability to play dynamic video by downloading the same videos to several devices.

Full HD TV Manufacturers

FHD TVs have become mainstream, so they are produced by most European and Far Eastern brands, and in all price categories. Among the market leaders with extensive model range LG, Sony, Samsung, and also good gadgets from Panasonic, Toshiba, Sharp.

The high price of products from Japanese and South Korean manufacturers has led to rapid development Chinese brands. Budget brands BBK , Helix , Kiwi , Romsat , Horizont , Haier , Hisense offer little worst quality at a lower cost.

Samsung (Samsung TVs)

Samsung Full HD Smart TV 3D 55″ F8000 Series 8

Samsung in 2017 offers more than 50 FHD with diagonals from 22 to 55 inches. A mini-device starts from 12 thousand rubles, budget phones of past years can be bought for 30 thousand, modern Samsungs cost 40-50 thousand. Best options available for 70-80 thousand, for example, Samsung UE55H7000AT.

The South Korean brand uses its own technologies to obtain a realistic image:

  • Micro Dimming Pro for deep blacks and whites;
  • Double resolution increase;
  • Smart TV for connecting to smartphones and simplifying management thanks to Samsung Easy Sharing;
  • Wide Color Enhancer Plus for rich colors when changing images quickly.

Sony (Sony)

The Sony brand is another leader, whose popularity is due not only to high-quality gadgets, but also to active advertising of “native” TVs for interaction with ps4 and ps4 pro consoles.

Sony's lineup is much narrower, with about 20 gadgets available in stores. The brand offers devices with diagonals from 32 to 55 inches at prices from 28 to 72 thousand rubles. The newer and higher-quality matrix is ​​installed, the higher the price of the device, even with a smaller diagonal. The average cost of Sony FHD is 35-50 thousand rubles.

2024 gtavrl.ru.