What are filters in mail. How to set up mail filters so you don't miss the messages you need

Filtration Email is often not a luxury, but a necessity. If someone is harassing you, spamming you, or bombarding you with messages, you'll probably want to stop seeing messages from that person again - especially if they send the same message over and over again. Having a suitable software, can be blocked unwanted messages, put them in one file or even delete them without even seeing them.

You may have other reasons to filter your email. For example, you want to temporarily drop out of your mail list or simply ignore messages from certain people (again, temporarily or permanently) for some reason. Maybe you want to have your mail sorted, a task that some email programs that have filters do a great job of.

Email programs with filters

Message filtering - and most of all the ability to delete or return unwanted messages automatically - is a feature that all email programs would do well to have. However, in practice this is far from the case. We will look at three of the most popular programs, offering advanced filtering features, as well as special programs with filters for children.


BeyondMail is an email management program created by Banyan Systems, a well-known company in the world personal computers thanks to the creation of many popular application programs. In terms of the relative number of features it offers, BeyondMail is easier to use than its competitors (Eudora and Pegasus).

Designed to work only with specialized providers, BeyondMail offers full set mail management tools: an address book that deals with mail lists, a file accounting system where everything is necessary functions and where you can search; display elements that can be customized, spell checking and more.

Of particular interest to us are BeyondMail's filtering functions. A filter program called MailMinder's Mail system Clerk, scans only "From." fields (From:) and “Subject:” and does not allow input masks in qualifying text or search sequences.

The simplicity of the system is reflected in other elements of BeyondMail, making life easier for those new to Internet mail. You can combine all unwanted messages into one folder and delete them all at once, without reading them at all. BeyondRules gives you the ability to create more complex MailMinders that can perform tasks such as removing junk mail before you see it. BeyondMail may also send automatic replies based on the subject specified in the "Subject:" header or based on the sender.

If you - Windows user If you're still finding your way online, or if your email load is light, BeyondMail can help you learn more about email features and filters.

Email for Kids

Email for Kids is, as the name suggests, a program designed for children. With its help, parents can regulate the content of messages and entries in the address book, as well as the amount of time spent on the Internet.

Among the most interesting features of the program are “electronic stamps” that limit the amount of outgoing mail. (It would be a good idea to require all spammers to use this program.) You can also restrict information such as home address and phone number using outgoing mail filters.

Many of the activities in this program are similar to games with moving pictures thrown in for good measure.

Email for Kids also helps kids write messages with pre-written outlines for different cases. The program only works on Windows.

Eudora Pro

Working with dedicated providers (but not online services such as CompuServe or AOL today), Eudora was created entirely as an Internet mail management tool. The commercial version, Eudora Pro, offers a full email experience with tons of bells and whistles, including custom spell checking, an address book with all sorts of features, and complete system file accounting.

The powerful file accounting system features an intricate filtration system. You can instruct the filter to search for a phrase, word, or sequence of characters in any element of the message, including To:, From:, Subject, CC list, field "Reply-To:" (Reply:), the message itself and any header or all headers. You can use multiple filters and store filter settings for later use.

In addition, filters can be configured to search for sequences or words that begin or end with a specific set of characters through the use of input masks. You can use Boolean logic to include or exclude messages with certain elements.

Filters also sort messages—putting messages that match the filter criteria into appropriate folders or deleting those messages. Eudora filters work on both outgoing and incoming messages. Finally, you can set up automatic responses to filtered messages.

You can download a limited version (Eudora Light) from Qualcomm's website, but I recommend using the full commercial version, Eudora Pro. Both programs are for Windows only.


Created, developed and maintained by a New Zealand group, Pegasus is a shareware program that integrates email management across the Internet and Novell networks. He has interesting features, and in greater numbers than any of the other email management systems discussed here. In some respects, Pegasus has soared too high: it has features in a number of areas that are unlikely to be used by anyone.

First, Pegasus has every email feature that exists in nature: defining/modifying headers, a complex and powerful file accounting system, message filters (with input masks), spell checking, mail lists, message encoding, support for MIME and other encoding formats , a wide range of functions for sorting and searching stored messages, folders within folders that can be customized, and almost all the features found in other email management systems.

Pegasus filters are powerful, they use input masks and multiple elements filtering to search in any message field.

The user interface is far more awe-inspiring than Eudora's, and that complexity shows in the customization of filter search terms, as well as the menu and command structure. Most users nevertheless love Pegasus because over time the interface ceases to be intimidating and begins to be liked.

You can download full package Pegasus for Windows or Macintosh, as well as some applications on the Pegasus website.

TSWs eFilter: Ready-to-use email filter for ISP users

TSWs eFilter is an email filtering tool with a strong anti-spam focus. It works against spam by reading your mail while it is on your provider's server. If somewhere it contains a typical spam phrase or keyword, such as "get rich quick", eFilter removes this message. The program keeps a log in case you want to keep track of the spam you receive. This is where your encounters with spam are limited if you use eFilter.

Messages that pass the spam test are downloaded and opened using your email program. If some spam does get through due to non-trivial word usage, you can prevent such incidents in the future by configuring eFilter so that it searches for the words you define.

You can set eFilter to remove messages coming from specific email addresses ( [email protected]) and domains (spamspreader.com). The latter is a major advantage.

TSWs eFilter is a shareware program for Windows and can only be used with standard providers. You can use it ten times on a trial basis, after which you will have to pay a nominal fee to register the program. I recommend it to anyone who wants to minimize the amount of spam in their inboxes.

Higher level filtering for ISP users

If you are a user of a standard provider, a variety of scenarios can prevent spam and other junk mail in your Mailbox. Some are quite complex to use, while others are quite simple.

Before you start choosing an email filter, make sure your ISP gives you access to the directory that contains your mail (usually through your shell access). You should also find out if you can run scripts and programs on the provider's server. This is usually not a problem on Unix systems, but you will first need to find out what the provider's policy is. (Read the network documentation on your provider's website, or just ask.)

The number of scripts available is large, so you're unlikely to have trouble finding one that can be tailored to your needs. I personally love Paul Milligans procmailrc Email filters, available on his website. One kills all automatic replies to messages and messages with some blasphemous words in the “Subject:” line, as well as mail from certain domains. In addition, as Milligan himself puts it, “It provides exceptions, so that friends who, due to an unfortunate accident, find themselves tied to spam domains, can still reach me. But the main thing is that he sends mail bombs, spam and slander back to the sender and the aggressor.” In a file called mailog, the filter also creates a log entry for each incoming message and how they treated him.

Another Milligan filter uses multiple levels of priority to allow mail to pass through, set aside, treat it as spam, or present it as not falling into any of the categories.

The following sites offer many other filters for procmail, ELM, PINE, et al., as well as information on how to use them:

  • Infinite Inks Mail Filtering and Robots.
  • Panix.coms implementation of site-wide Email filters.
  • Mail Filtering FAQ.
  • Mail Filtering FAQ (Unix).
  • The ELM Pages.
  • Lasus Mail Filters.
  • Finally, those hungry for action can check out Adcomplain, a Unix script that automates the sending of complaints to spammers and their postmasters.

If your email address is becoming increasingly famous and you would like to block spam before it even starts arriving, you need to know which addresses and sites to block. A brief look at the news.admin.net ~ abuse newsgroup will allow you to get ahead at the start by blocking the most malicious spammers.

To get a list of addresses of sites that send a large number of spam, check out Preferred Mail's list of blocked sites on AOL, which put it on the Internet, providing the public with a welcome service.

Email and file encryption

Behind last years There has been widespread coverage in both the mainstream and computer media about the possibility of email being intercepted and copied in transit. The truth is that your email can indeed be intercepted and read in transit. But will anyone do this - that is the question. At modern technologies trace the route of each packet that makes up part email, quite difficult and time consuming. (In fact, it can be much easier to whip up a bug on the sending or receiving end - if you want to know in detail how this is done, consult Clifford Stoll's excellent book, The Cuckoo's Egg.) Thus, if word has not spread If you know that you are an attacker planning a crime, it is unlikely that anyone will bother to intercept your mail.

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I am sure that everyone who has been working with any of them for a long time postal services, situations have arisen when you should receive important letter from some resource and it ends up in spam! As a result, you don’t see the email in your inbox and can’t figure out what’s wrong.

And many beginners don’t even think of looking into spam, because, most likely, the letter will be there if it’s not in the inbox. At the same time, the following may accumulate in the Spam folder every day: great amount letters that even going through all this garbage, you may not notice an important letter for you, which flew there by mistake.

And many do not look at the spam folder at all, or look through it very briefly, and then simply empty it. This is what I do, for example, to save my time! Thus, you can delete the letter that you need, which may lead to some delays in your affairs or other consequences.

Start using special filters, which are available in any email service and the letters you need from interesting authors will always end up in your inbox!

Below we will look at examples of how to set up filters in the 4 most popular email services that most people use: GMail, Yandex, Mail, Rambler.

How to set up rules for receiving letters in the GMail mail service!

In order to set up mail filtering in GMail, go to General settings of this service by clicking on the button with the gear icon on the right and selecting “Settings”.

A window with settings on the “General” tab will open. And we need the “Filters” tab, so we go there.

Next, select below "Create a new filter." Since I have already created various filters, they are immediately displayed as a list in this window; if you have not previously created filters, yours will be empty.

A small window will open with several fields, as in the image below:

Let's start setting up the filter. In order for letters from the address info@site and [email protected] have never been mistakenly sent to spam and marked as important, fill in these addresses in the “From” field, separated by commas. Next, click on the link below “Create a filter according to this request >>”.

A new window will appear where you need to specify the actions that will be applied to letters received from the address specified in the previous window. In this window we simply mark the points "Never send to spam" And "Always mark as important", then press the button "Create filter".

Ready! Of course, you could also ask Extra options to the filter, for example, put all such letters in a separate folder (the “Apply shortcut” option) or, perhaps, mark letters immediately as read, if there is such a need. I think the filter settings in this window are clear by their names and will not cause any difficulties.

After creating the filter, you will receive the corresponding message “Filter created”, and again you will find yourself in Gmail settings on the "Filters" tab. Those. where all your created filters will be stored, because over time you will probably have a lot of them.

Remember! You can always go back to edit or delete any filter you create.

How to set up rules for receiving letters in your mailbox Yandex service!

After you log into your Yandex mail account, you need to go to the settings. Settings are indicated by a button with a gear image (located at the top right). Next, after entering the settings, you need to select a section "Rules for processing mail".

A window will open where you can create a rule and immediately configure black and white lists for certain addresses. Addresses added to the blacklist will not be sent to your mailbox, and those you add to White list, will never end up in the Spam folder by mistake.

Let's start setting up by adding the addresses info@site and [email protected] to the White list. To do this, in this window on the right, where the “White List” field is located, enter the desired address one by one and click “Add”.

As a result, the specified addresses info@site and [email protected] will appear in the white list.

And thus, you can add as many addresses as you need, which will never end up in the Spam folder. If you need to remove any addresses from this list in the future, you need to tick them and click “Remove from list” accordingly.

But sometimes it’s not enough to just add required addresses to the “white” list, because there may be a need to also mark certain letters, for example, as important, or move them to another folder. For this purpose, Yandex has a section for rules for letters.

In order to create a rule, click the corresponding button in the same window:

A window will open with many parameters, but don’t be afraid of them, everything is simple here.

First of all, we are asked to ask general parameter, to which letters to apply rule being created. I recommend selecting all emails at once, namely, the option: “to all emails, including spam.”

Also, in the adjacent list on the right, you can select only letters with attachments, without, or all at once. It’s better to leave everything at once (with or without investments)!

Next parameter– filter conditions. One, and most important, condition has already been added - “from whom” (i.e. the address from which the letter is sent). The way we want any emails from info@site and [email protected] were not sent to spam and were marked as important, then we add them.

You can add as many conditions as you like, and also set them additional conditions: “matches”, “contains”, “does not match”, “does not contain”. This way you can configure filters as flexibly as possible.

After we set the filter conditions, we proceed to the parameters that will be applied to letters that fall under the conditions we specified:

We will be redirected to the mail processing rules page, and we will see the rule we just created. Using the links we can return to editing the filter, disable it or delete it.

Ready! Congratulations, you have configured the Yandex mail filter yourself.

How to set up rules for receiving letters in your mailbox Mail service!

After you log into your account on the Mail.Ru mail service, you need to click on the small triangle under your email in the upper right corner. A small window will open in which you select the “Settings” link.

On the page that opens, among many sections, we are interested in "Filtering rules". This item is also in the column on the left.

In the new window click "Add filter".

We get to the new settings window mail filter. Add the addresses info@site and [email protected] in the from field, so that the letters are not sent to the SPAM folder, but go to the inbox. Enter the second email in the second window by clicking on the button "Add condition". We mark it so that all letters go to the inbox and are marked with a flag, and we apply this to all folders.

After specifying the rule (filter) parameters, click the “Save” button at the bottom.

This settings section is intended for setting up filtering of letters and creating forwarding to other mailboxes.

Go to the electronic settings section mail mail- click on the right top corner“Settings”, next to the “Exit” button or click the “More” button and select “Settings”.

Go to the “Filters and forwarding” section - you can select from the menu on the left or right with an icon in the form of a table stand with shelves of different colors.

This section initially has only one button - “Create a filter”. On the right side of this button there is an arrow (or a black triangle), when you click on this arrow, you can choose what to create - a filter or forwarding.

Let's consider shipping first. This is a very simple section for setting up email mail. In forwarding there is only one field for entering the email address of another mailbox to which all letters should be forwarded. Enter another email address and click “save”.

The first field is the condition field. First, the condition itself is selected, this condition is contained in the drop-down menu and by default is “Field from”. If you click on this condition, the entire list opens.

“From” field – here you enter the conditions for the section of the letter that contains the “From” information. For example, if you enter an email address in this field, you can set an action for all letters from this email address - for example, move it to the “Personal” folder, immediately delete it, or vice versa, check it. You can also specify all letters from Gmail or Yandex mail. We put the “*” icon and then add the extension or mail name, for example *@yandex.ru - means that all incoming letters from Yandex email are selected. An asterisk * means that this place will contain any word or set of letters, numbers or symbols (without a space, just one word). Additionally, you can set several values ​​in the form - “*@gmail.com|*@yandex.ru”. A vertical bar is placed instead of the meaning “or”. IN in this case the result will be performed for all letters from Gmail mail from Yandex mail.

By the way, if you click on the word “contains” (between the condition and the input field), it will change to “does not contain”, that is, the condition changes to reverse side. By clicking on “does not contain” again, we return the value to “contains”

If it is necessary to set conditions with different parameters, click the “Add condition” button. This way you can add many different conditions.

In the “To” field, you can make a condition if the letter does not contain your email address, that is, select “does not contain” and then enter your email address. Sometimes I receive spam where the recipient is not me.

The “Subject” field is for filtering out letters with specific topics. For example, you can collect all letters with the subject “ Commercial offer"in one folder or the like.

The “Copies” field is a parameter for copies of letters. That is, copies of one letter are sent to different recipients.

The “Forwarded from” field is almost the same parameter as the “From” field, with the only difference being that only those emails that are forwarded will be taken into account.

The “Forwarded to” field is an equivalent parameter for the “To” field, but regular letters are not taken into account, only forwarded ones.

“Size” accordingly determines the size of the letter, that is, its weight in kilobytes. This option can be used to filter out empty emails that are less than 1KB or redirect emails with attachments to another email. For example, in some design department, a manager can redirect letters of more than 1000 KB to the designer's or designer's email.

Under the “Add Condition” button there is another setting - apply if any condition is met, or apply only if all conditions are met. To change this parameter, simply click on it with the left mouse button.

Now we select the action for our condition. Can be placed in specific folder, by default this is the Inbox folder. If you leave this folder and do not add any actions, the filter will not be created, since this action is already performed.

To select a folder for filtered letters, click on the button with the name of the folder (by default “Inbox”). You can leave the “Inbox” folder, select “Spam” or “Trash”. If we select “Spam” or “Trash”, then the letters will automatically be sent to spam or to the trash (that is, deleted with the possibility of recovery). Since in the “Settings, folder creation” section I created additional folder, then I can also select the “Personal” folder. It is also possible to create a folder (a description of creating a folder is in the “Settings, folders” section).

In addition to sending emails to a specific folder, you can immediately mark them as read or flag them. To select these options, you need to check the corresponding boxes, which are located immediately below the folder selection.

Instead of selecting a folder and marking emails, you can choose to delete emails. Emails will be deleted without the possibility of recovery. One thing is selected - either deletion or placement in a folder.

Below is an "All Actions" button to show additional actions

IN additional settings The first step is to send a copy to another email. To enable this parameter, you need to check the box in front of it (that is, click on the empty square). Even if you automatically delete an email, the recipient of another email will receive a copy of the email. If you click on the words “copy of message”, it will change to “notification”. When you select a notification, the recipient will receive not a letter, but a notification that a letter has arrived in your mail.

Reply automatically - like setting up an autoresponder, this section does not work (as of 08/30/2014). It can only work if you select the “No such recipient” option. In this case, the person who wrote the letter will receive a notification that the letter was not delivered because an error occurred. The same thing happens when you send a letter to a non-existent email address.

The item “After this filter is triggered, apply other filters” cannot be selected if deleting messages is selected. This item is convenient because after selecting letters that, for example, are spam, you can make exceptions for certain addresses. Let's say one filter will send all emails from a Gmail email to spam, and another filter will send all emails from [email protected] to the "personal" folder. That is, filters can contradict each other, the item “After this filter is triggered, apply other filters” makes exceptions to these contradictions. To enable, check the box in this column.

I am sure that everyone who has been working with one of the email services for a long time has encountered situations when you were supposed to receive an important letter from some resource and it ended up in spam! As a result, you don’t see the email in your inbox and can’t figure out what’s wrong. And many beginners don’t even think of looking into spam, because, most likely, the letter will be there if it’s not in the inbox. At the same time, such a huge number of letters can accumulate in the Spam folder every day that even if you go through all this garbage, you may not notice an important letter for you that has landed there by mistake. And many do not look at the spam folder at all, or look through it very briefly, and then simply empty it. This is what I do, for example, to save my time! Thus, you can delete the letter that you need, which may lead to some delays in your affairs or other consequences.

Personally, this happened to me many times and continued periodically until I started using special filters that are available in any email service. And in this article I’ll tell you how to use filters, namely, set up rules for certain addresses so that letters from them never end up in spam!

For example, my job requires me to timely moderate comments on blogs and posts on forums. Constantly logging in and checking manually is inconvenient and time-consuming, so I have notifications set up for my E-Mail. And it happened that these notification letters ended up not in the inbox, but in spam, as a result of which I was not even aware of new messages. When several of these not very pleasant situations for me arose, I began to create rules for important mailing addresses so that this problem would not arise again.

In this article I will tell you how to set up filters in the 4 most popular email services that most people use: GMail, Yandex, Mail, Rambler.

Let me immediately note that I will not consider the registration processes in each of the above services in this article. There is nothing complicated in these processes, and if beginners have difficulties with this point, then just ask questions in the comments and I will help you! 🙂

And for example, let's take the postal address " info@site", from which I receive notifications about new comments on the blog, and, most likely, you will receive notifications from the same address. Using this email address as an example, I will show the filter settings so that, as a result, letters from it never go to spam and appear in the inbox or in any other folder (at your discretion), and are also (again, at your request) marked as important.

How to set up rules for receiving letters in the GMail mail service!

And I’ll start with perhaps the most popular, convenient, stable and reliable service today – GMail. This is a service from the giant Google and all the above words about it are for a reason. The delivery rate of letters through this mail service is much higher than that of others. For example, on Mail and Rambler it leaves much to be desired. Also, mail on GMail, in my opinion, is the most convenient, it allows you to clearly structure your letters, mark important and unimportant, and much more. And not so long ago, Google released a new product “Inbox”, which is also an email service and can work simultaneously with GMail. However, for now this service is available only by invitation, and this is not convenient. But I’ve already tried it and, to be honest, I liked it more than GMail, because it’s even more convenient, in my opinion, and nicer :)

Perhaps in the future, I will write for you (more for beginners) a manual for working with by Gmail and Inbox. Now let’s start looking at the filter settings for letters.

In order to set up filtering of letters in GMail, go to the general settings of this service by clicking on the button with the gear icon on the right and selecting “Settings”:

A window with settings on the “General” tab will open. And we need the “Filters” tab, so we go there:

When you open the tab, you will see a blank window and only 2 links: “Create a new filter” and “Import filters.” Since I already have various filters created, they are immediately displayed as a list in this window. To create a new filter, we need to click on the “Create a new filter” link:

A small window will open with several fields, as in the image below:

Here we need to indicate by what criteria to filter the desired letter. You can use the address from which the letter was sent to you, you can use the recipient’s address (well, as a rule, your address will be here, so in my opinion in 99% of cases this field is useless), as well as by the subject of the letter and the words contained in the letter itself. letter.

Let's start setting up the filter. I want letters from the address " info@site» were never mistakenly sent to spam and marked as important. To do this, in the “From” field, I, accordingly, indicate this very address. According to my condition, I don’t need to specify anything else for this filter, so I immediately click on the link below “Create a filter according to this request >>”:

A new window will appear where you need to specify the actions that will be applied to letters received from the address specified in the previous window:

Let me remind you that according to my conditions, it is necessary that letters from the specified address are never mistakenly sent to spam and are marked as important. Therefore, in this window we simply mark the items “Never send to spam” and “Always mark as important”, and then click the “Create filter” button:

Ready! Of course, you could also set additional parameters for the filter, for example, place all such letters in a separate folder (the “Apply shortcut” option) or, perhaps, mark letters immediately as read, if there is such a need. I think the filter settings in this window are clear by their names and will not cause any difficulties, but if they do, please ask questions in the comments.

After creating the filter, you will receive a corresponding message “Filter created”, and you will again find yourself in the Gmail settings on the “Filters” tab. Those. where all your created filters will be stored, because over time you will probably have a lot of them :)

You can always delete filters that you no longer need by checking them in this window and clicking the “Delete” button below:

Also, any created filter can be changed, and to do this you need to click on the “change” link opposite it on the right:

And as a result, you will again be taken to the same window where you configured the address for which to apply the filter, and after that – the filter settings themselves.

Here it is not difficult to manage and create filtering of the necessary letters in the GMail mail service. You can do this absolutely for any email addresses from which letters are sent to you. For example, you can make sure that some intrusive emails that look like spam are always immediately deleted and not even stored in the Spam folder. To do this, in the filter settings you need to indicate, accordingly, the desired address (from where you receive this letter) and then enable the “Delete” option, and to be sure, also set “Skip incoming (archive):

At this point we are done with the Gmail service, and let’s move on to the Yandex mail service.

How to set up rules for receiving letters in the Yandex mail service!

Filters in the Yandex mail service are no more difficult to configure than in the GMail discussed above. I would even say that all the actions are extremely similar :) Let’s consider this process.

After you log into your Yandex mail account, you need to go to the settings. Settings are indicated by a button with a gear image (located at the top right):

After entering the settings, you need to select the “Mail Processing Rules” section:

A window will open where you can create a rule and immediately configure black and white lists for certain addresses. Addresses added to the blacklist will not be sent to your mailbox, and those you add to the whitelist will never end up in the Spam folder by mistake.

Let's start setting up by adding the desired address to the White List. In the example I use the address " info@site", from which I receive notifications about new comments in blog articles of the Popov&Partners company. So I will add it to the white list. To do this, in this window on the right, where the “White List” field is located, enter the desired address and click “Add”:

As a result specified address will appear in the white list:

And thus, you can add as many addresses as you need, which will never end up in the Spam folder. If you need to remove any addresses from this list in the future, you need to tick them and click “Remove from list” accordingly.

But it is sometimes not enough to simply add the necessary addresses to the “white” list, because there may be a need to also mark certain letters, for example, as important or move them to another folder. For this purpose, Yandex has a section for rules for letters.

In order to create a rule, click the corresponding button in the same window:

A window will open with many options:

Don’t be afraid of them, because everything is simple here and now I’ll show you everything! 🙂

First of all, we are asked to set a general parameter to which emails the created rule should be applied to. I recommend selecting all emails at once, namely, the option: “to all emails, including spam”:

Also, in the adjacent list on the right, you can select only letters with attachments, without, or all at once. It’s better to leave everything at once (with or without investments)!

The next parameter is the filter conditions. One, and most important, condition has already been added - “from whom” (i.e. the address from which the letter is sent). Since my task is to ensure that any letters from the address " info@site” were not sent to spam and marked as important, then this single condition (at the address) is enough for me:

You can also add additional conditions by clicking the “Add condition” button. And then select another condition, for example: “Topic” (i.e. topic incoming letter) and indicate the meaning of the subject of the letter. As a result, letters from the addressee specified in the 1st condition and with the subject specified in the second condition will be filtered as you configure below!

You can add as many conditions as you like, and also set additional conditions for them: “matches”, “contains”, “does not match”, “does not contain”. This way you can configure filters as flexibly as possible.

After we set the filter conditions, we proceed to the parameters that will be applied to letters that fall under the conditions we specified:

I need the email to always end up in my inbox and be marked as important, so I checked these 2 items.

You can also specify another folder in which you will place the letter that falls under your filter, and you can always create a folder. In order to create your own folder for storing the necessary letters, open the list opposite the inscription “Put in folder” and select the “New folder” item there:

In the window that appears, indicate the name folder being created and click “Create folder”:

The folder you created will now appear in the selection list!

And finally, when we have assigned actions for the given filter conditions, all that remains is to apply the rule by clicking the “Create rule” button at the very bottom of the page:

We will be redirected to the mail processing rules page, and we will see the rule we just created:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated! 🙂 You can create any rules for yourself, as well as add the necessary addresses to the black and white lists.

Let's move on to the Mail mail service.

How to set up rules for receiving letters in the Mail mail service!

In the Mail service, the process of setting up filters for incoming letters is very little different from the Gmail and Yandex services discussed above. Rather, I would even say that it is no different :)

After you log into your account on the Mail email service, you need to go to settings. The Settings link is located in the upper right corner. Click on it:

On the page that opens, among many sections, we are interested in “Filtering Rules”:

This item is also in the column on the left.

In the new window, click “Add filter”:

And finally, we get to the new filter settings window:

The settings here are very similar to those in the Yandex service, so if I don’t say something now, so as not to repeat it many times, you can additionally read where we talked about filter settings in the Yandex service.

We begin the setup by specifying the conditions (section “If”) by which this filter will work. I'm using the same example with postal address « info@site", emails from which I need to mark as important and not let them go to Spam.

One condition has already been added and in most cases it is enough. This is the “From” field condition (i.e. the filter will be triggered when the sender’s address matches the one you specified). In the field I indicate the address " info@site", and you can specify any one you need.

If desired, you can add more conditions (as many as you like) using the corresponding button to configure the filter more flexibly. For example, you can specify the subject value of an incoming letter and the filter will be triggered when a letter appears with the subject you specified.

Having set the condition, we move on to the “That” section below, i.e. to the actions that will be performed on letters that fall under specified conditions. I specify “Place the letter in the Inbox”, which no longer allows the letter to go into the spam folder by mistake, as well as “Mark with a flag”, which marks the letter as important:

After specifying the rule (filter) parameters, click the “Save” button at the bottom.

You can also set your own parameters for the filter, customizing it as you need! Everything for this is available necessary settings, which are intuitive by their names. For example, enabling the “Delete forever” option will lead to the fact that all letters that fall under the filter conditions you specify will be automatically deleted! Or you can immediately automatically mark emails as read by checking the “Mark as read” box. Those. there is nothing complicated here, everything is intuitive.

Well, if anything is unclear, ask in the comments and get my advice!

Now let’s move on to analyzing the settings of filters for incoming letters in the Rambler service.

How to set up rules for receiving letters in the Rambler mail service!

Rambler, today, I think, is the least popular of all 4 email services that I consider in this guide. In fact, I recommend switching to GMail from this service in order to have more convenience, features, and most importantly, stability.

To create incoming email rules (filters), go to settings. To do this, click on the gear icon on the left under the list of folders and select “Settings” in the drop-down menu:

In the next window, in right column select the “Filters” section and then click the “Add filter” button on the right:

The filter settings window will open:

Unfortunately, in this service the filters are not configured as conveniently as in the 3 services that I talked about earlier in this guide.

First, specify the condition by which the filter will be triggered. For example, matching the sender's address. I indicate the address there " info@site»:

You can also set more conditions if necessary by clicking the “+” button. Then, select another condition from the list, for example, “Subject”, and indicate the subject of the letter by which you want to further filter:

In general, you can set multiple conditions, making filtering more flexible. For my example, one will be enough (for most users one will also be enough) - “Sender Address”.

If, for example, a stream of various letters constantly poured in from the sender address I needed, different topics, then it would make sense to add another condition, for example, “Subject”, to filter emails more specifically!

Now you need to specify what will happen to the letter that meets the above conditions. Those. set necessary actions. Unfortunately, in Rambler you can only set one single action at a time and therefore, if you, for example, want a letter to go to the Inbox and be marked as important, then you will have to create 2 similar rules (filters)! In my example I will do just that.

First, I will indicate the first action - “Move to Inbox”, so that the letter does not go to Spam by mistake. Then I click “Save” at the bottom:

We will be redirected to home page filters, where the newly created filter will be visible. But, as I mentioned above, in Rambler you cannot set 2 or more conditions at once, so I set only one and saved it. Now I just need to create a similar filter (by clicking on “Add filter”), where I will mark another condition I need:

In the filter settings window, I specify exactly the same condition that I specified the previous time, but now I change the action. I check “Mark email as important” and click “Save”:

As a result, on the filters page I had 2 filters instead of one (as is usually the case in the email services discussed above):

But these filters, let’s say, simply complement each other and we had to create 2, because 1 filter cannot include more than one parameter. I hope this point from my words is clear to you :)

So we figured out how to set up filters for 4 main email services: GMail, Yandex, Mail and Rambler.

I hope that my explanations will be clear to you, and that the material will be useful to someone :) After all, filters are really very useful to use in your work, and sometimes they are simply necessary!

Let me remind you that if you have any questions about this topic or simply can’t do something according to my given guide, then feel free to ask your questions in the comments! I will try to answer everyone and everything :)

See you in following instructions! Bye 😉

For convenient sorting of incoming mail and getting rid of unnecessary messages, in standard mail client Mail in OS X and were invented Filters. They will allow you to automatically move your email to specified folders or add to cart, based on the parameters you specify. In this article we will tell you how to set up filters in the application. Mail for OS X or via the website iCloud.com.

In contact with

To set up mail filters iCloud(your address must end in @me.com, @icloud.com or @mac.com) it is best to use the web version of the iCloud service. This way, the filters will automatically work on all devices using your account iCloud.

For others e-mail addresses filters can be configured using the program Mail For Mac OS X. But please note that these filters will only work on this computer at running program Mail.

When setting up filters, you can use several types of senders and, accordingly, folders. Below is a list of the most used email sender types:

  • Promos - messages from establishments, websites, stores that you often use. These messages may contain interesting information about discounts and special offers.
  • Spam - messages from organizations that are not at all interesting to you.
  • “Favorite interlocutor” is a person from whom you would like to keep messages in separate folder for easy access.

In any case, you can create several folders and set up as many filters as you like, depending on your needs. I would like to immediately note that it is much more effective to create not “universal filters”, but several different ones.

Create a new mailbox in your mail account to configure the filter

If you set up using the iCloud website, this step is not necessary because when you create a new filter, a new folder is automatically created.

On Mac in Mail app, create new box using the key Box in the menu bar. To do this, select the option New box.

Then in the window, select the account to host the mailbox and enter a name. These boxes are simply folders that will appear along with those in your account. The quantity will also be displayed there. unread messages located in this folder.

Creating a filter for a new mailbox

Using iCloud:

  • Go to the iCloud website and sign in using your . Then open Mail and select the message based on which you will create a new mail filter.
  • Click on the icon settings in the lower left corner of the screen and select the option Filters.

  • In the window that opens, click on the button create new Filter . At the same time, in the field received from The sender's address from the selected letter will already appear.

  • Now you need to select a folder to move messages or enter a name to create a new one. After this, press the key Ready.
  • Your mail filter should now appear in the list.

  • IN iCloud You can also create a filter based on the recipient's address, the sender's address, the recipient's copy, or based on the subject of the letter.

Using Mail in OS X

  • Click on the example message, then on the button Mail in the menu bar. And go to settings programs.

  • Go to the tab Filters and press Add.

  • Enter a name for the filter, then click the button Any recipient and change it to sender.

  • Select the desired box in the field Do the following.

  • After this, a message will appear on the screen prompting you to apply a filter to messages already received.

  • When creating a filter for a specific site, such as eBay, remove all characters from the address to the site name. This way you can direct all messages from this site to a separate mailbox. It will be convenient to do this with the addresses of your work colleagues.

  • In the application Mail for Mac there are a large number of options for creating filters. This can make your email experience more productive.

  • As we already said, filters configured on Mac only work when running application Mail. Therefore, you can run it on home computer and leave it on. Then the filters will work on all devices.

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